10 Most Heartbreaking Deadpool Moments

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[Music] yo what's going on this is ori styler from what culture comics and today i'm going to talk to you about the merc with a big mouth and that is of course deadpool now in the world full of angst deadpool is probably just about the most upbeat hero in the marvel roster which basically also means the major superhero universe given marvel was essentially dc's most cheery younger brother with the vast majority of heroes having apparently never left their cynical teenage phase assassin almost psychopathically cheerful character is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise brooding landscape however deadpool is also a three-dimensional character and as such has his fair share of misery and misfortune the beauty of a character like deadpool isn't that there's no sad moment but more that there tend to be more funny and happy moments making room for a comic audience who don't want to feel miserable after reading that said having an almost permanently jolly hero also makes sad moments feel all the worse when they happen because deadpool isn't the type to throw himself into moping and brooding at the drop of a hat from being betrayed by the people he loved most to being kicked out of his own christmas party there are a whole leap of comics that prove even light-hearted stories can provide their emotional equivalent to a kick in the balls and with that imagery in mind you might want to sit back and relax because we at what culture comics have put together the 10 most heartbreaking deadpool moments number 10 getting kicked out of his own christmas party if superheroes were graded on general kindness shown deadpool would probably be the first to get an f minus that's why it's so surprising that he plans a christmas party for more or less the whole marvel hero roster and even more surprising that he gets immediately kicked out of it given that deadpool is hardly at boy scout levels of morality it seems strange that nobody thanks him once for what is a genuinely selfless deed and instead exiles him the minute he makes a joke while deadpool spends the rest of the comic pummeling of roman god which is an infinitely better way to spend the holiday season there's something quite sad about seeing his moments of kindness and generosity totally rejected in such spectacular fashion number nine being betrayed by the mercs for money the point of making a superhero team is on its most basic level so you all can have each other's back that's why it's so sad that deadpool's attempt to creating one ends with them completely turning on him although this is slightly less tragic when you remember it's mainly because the merc had been siphoning funds out of his members earnings that said all of them were doing better for themselves within the team they earned more money than they would have riding solo for starters and them helping full killer get his diploma is a surreal but solid show of the fact that they do take care of each other this is why the decision to take down their eccentric but well-meaning leader is kind of a shock to the system because although deadpool is by no means a saint he had actually helped the team by bringing them together in short although deadpool does screw the mercs out of money it's a misty that should have gotten him kicked off a christmas card list instead of eviscerated but you know what they say you don't mess around with people's paper number eight killing peter parker being close friends with people can be hard especially in a theoretical situation where your pal believes you are a super villain and attempts to murder you to help out your costumed alter identity the idea of wade accidentally killing one of his closest friends and idol is tragic enough but combine this with the slow several issues long build up to the murder and the whole thing becomes downright unbearable as it becomes clear that the only reason deadpool wants to kill parker in the first place is to be more like his web slinging bestie number seven copycat dying for him although totally tragic having a love interest sacrificed himself to die in your arms is the vanilla ice cream of comics good but not all that exciting there are however ways this overused trope can be made a thousand times worse the very best example of this hiding in a 1993 comic known as deadpool the circle chase while copycat makes the sacrifice it's made worse in basically every available manner firstly seeing both deadpool and copycat emotional is pretty brutal on its own as both characters are incredibly emotionally hardy folk on top of that copycat's later admission that she no longer loves him but did it because they had once both loved each other is a beautiful if completely sadistic twist on this exact scenario number six sacrificing himself return of the night of the living deadpool can be seen to beat its predecessors in two ways firstly in somehow managing to have an even more ridiculous name the night of the living deadpool but also in managing to have an even more heart rendering ending too given night of the living deadpool ends with wade dying to an endless swarm of zombies while searching for the cure managing to one-up this is fairly impressive there's something about combining deadpool and zombies that makes for some uniquely serious moments in an otherwise lighthearted series made all the worse when in the last couple pages it becomes clear a happy ending is possible for everyone but our superhero it seems almost impossible to have deadpool of all heroes manage a noble heroic sacrifice without it seeming out of character yet seeing wade willingly forfeit his life with nobody making him in spite of being told how much he'll suffer to save the whole damn world is equal parts believable and emotional number five finding out he killed his wife as a rule deadpool comics generally contains some pretty hectic shenanigans everything from fighting ghost presidents to befriending sentinel plants are fair game and some it comes as a complete curveball when something happens it still manages to be shocking in all the general madness the 1997 deadpool run contains perhaps the most effective of these as in a plot twist that proves a wild ride even for deadpool's standards the woman who we believe to be wilson's reanimated wife is revealed to actually have been one of his victims making the romance that had been building between them not only stone cold dead but also very tragic this also more or less totally evaporates all of what wade thought was his life prior to his time as a mercenary which is a solid chunk of history to have to throw into the trash number four torturing his closest friends between the kind deeds and witty comments it can be easy to forget that deadpool is an anti-hero and an often unstable one at that there are moments however that make it impossible to forget such as finding out that before freeing her deadpool used to keep blind owl in a torture room called the box when he was angry at her although trapping a supposed friend in a dungeon is alone universally regarded as a dick move the box is actually worse as the room had randomly placed glass and weapons that the blind old lady would be unable to avoid where she trying to move perhaps the most heartbreaking part of this is that al has several opportunities to flee from deadpool during this time and doesn't because in spite of all this mistreatment she still wants to help him get better number three his divorce with shikla although the love subplot between an unkillable mercenary and a bloodthirsty demon queen was unmistakably done for laughs its inevitable end and soap opera style aftermath surprisingly emotional the fact the pair lasted countless issues and had some genuinely touching moments made their eventual separation towards the end of the 2017 run one of the sadder romances of deadpool's sordid history because for a while you get the impression that claw might actually be a permanent part of his life in particular one of the pair's last scenes together contains what is possibly some of the saddest and most heartfelt dialogue to have ever come from a comic romance let alone from a superhero founded on being crass number two finding out his daughter and her mother died when wolverine starts feeling bad for deadpool you know this shit's gotten real an easy way to tell how emotional a comic scene will be is generally to check the emotional reaction of the grizzled veteran of the group in this case it's wolverine and his genuine sympathy for deadpool makes it clear that things are pretty dire this is exactly the case for a particularly sad moment at the close of deadpool the good the bad and the ugly wherein the ever upbeat merc has a full-scale breakdown upon finding the corpse of the woman who had his child the fact that he can't even find his daughter's body due to the sheer scale of corpses is chillingly brutal watching deadpool's hopes to have a family be ripped from him in the same place he was initially experimented on is a whole new world of sad and number one being hunted for killing coulson while no loved ones die in the chase that ensues between deadpool and the avengers after the events of secret empire it is in many ways a much sadder moment despite this whey doesn't kill coulson out of bloodlust but because as far as he knows captain america needs him to in order to save the world to have this thrown back in his face and to have his two personal idols spider-man and captain america try to arrest him for it completely destroys the usually cheerful mercenary having everyone he ever cared about including his own daughter outright turned their backs on him for something he thought he had to do is absolutely heartbreaking especially since these are the same people deadpool was trying to protect by killing coulson in the first place watching him having to turn on them is upsetting for the same reasons as wade is forced to do a series of terrible things to the people he cares most about to keep himself safe as hard as some of those were you've made it through the list of the 10 most heartbreaking deadpool moments were there any that you can think of that we haven't mentioned let us know in the comments below and also don't forget to like share and subscribe to whatculture comics for more great content like this and also you can check us on whatculture.com to read up on some great articles too my name is ori with an a and until next time take it easy
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
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Rating: 4.9339585 out of 5
Id: djAuoBjGbUQ
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Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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