The Best One Piece Theory You'll Ever Watch, I Guess

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title of the story, suddenly it becomes a new word? Coincidence, you may say now, BUT: When you take the same D initial and put it in front of Enies lobby that otherwise makes no fucking sense, it suddenly becomes another English word. Denies. Yeah, I know. Blew my mind as well. So now that I know you're gonna watch this video till the end, let me tell you the crazy story of how the Japanese one piece community convinced me that the ancient kingdom was part of Jaya, that it's now at the bottom of the sea under enies lobby and that Skypea and Dressrosa tell us what happened during the void century. At the end of this, I promise you you will laugh as maniacally as I did when I found out how in your face this all was all along. No wonder that Roger laughed. Here we go. I'm so excited to share this. In chapter 253 we learn that upper yard in Skypea, actually used to be part of the island Jaya down on sea level. When you put both maps together, they form a giant skull shaped island, with modern Jaya being the teeth, and the legendary golden city of shandora as the right eye. Oh yeah, and there is a giant perfectly round gaping hole, where the other eye is. Why is no-one mentioning this. There is an ancient city in the one eye and the second eye looks like someone ripped out the one piece of the island that made the second eye of the skull. Wait, one piece. Are you telling me... Yes! This is also about the true nature of the one piece and why Skypea was actually not the least important, but THE most fucking important arc in the story. And we all didn't see it. I stumbled across the center piece for this theory, when doing research for my Enel video. I came across this new Japanese one piece Youtuber, called Yude Ron, who absolutely rocks this draft punk mask here and who had this crazy video about the true essence of the one piece. Since I luckily speak Japanese, I watched it all and it blew my mind so damn hard I think I just sat there for 5 minutes staring at my pc. For whatever reason this theory does just not exist in the English speaking community, so I asked him on twitter if he would be willing to share his thought, and--got completely ghosted. He followed me back though. Thanks [grin thumbs up]! So, in good old pirate spirit I decided to share with the people what belongs with the people. As a result, a big chunk of this video is thanks to Yude Ron, but I of course also added a lot of my own thoughts and ideas to this. The first thing that absolutely caught me by surprise, is how much more Oda seems to play with words, numbers and letters than we English speaking fans seem to realize. Best example, that is also relevant for this video, is one piece itself. In Japanese One Piece, is written in the katakana alphabet as Wanpiisu, but this is only on top of an Japanese word:“hito-tsunagi daihiho”. This usually is read as Hito Tsunagi, the great treasure of the one piece, as in the one piece of a whole. Hito as in one. However, this could also be read as Hito-tsunagi, Hita as in humans, making it the treasure that connects people, which of course one piece is all about. So, as I was saying, the core idea of this theory, is that Jaya did not only lose a chunk of its land once, when the upper yard was catapulted into the sky by the knock up stream 400 years ago, but also 800 years ago, when the city, located in the left eye was ripped out in the war with the world government. Which, when we look at the map, would theoretically work right? A city as the right eye and a city as the left eye, making this island one ancient kingdom. So what's my proof for this? Oh, there is a lot. First of all, the name of the series. One Piece? And there is exactly one piece missing in this map? If laugh tale itself was the one piece, missing from the former ancient kingdom, That would fit right? No pun intended. Then there is also a ton of small hints regarding the left eye being hidden or destroyed. In the cover of volume 27, Luffy has his left eye closed, and I noticed that the same is true for Robin in volume 24. We also have Pedros missing left eye, shanks' scary, luffy's scar, zoro's scar, and the Jolly Roger of Doflamingo, a former celestial dragon, where the skull's left eye is literally stoked out. At this point I was like, 'yeah okay that's nice and all, but if that's all--, Oh, but there is so much more. We're just getting started here. The volumes surrounding the Sykpea arc are actually some of the most critical in the entire story. Tons of important characters get introduced here. We meet Blackbeard, and learn about the importance of dreams. We meet Bellamy and Doflamingo, who are also extremely relevant to this Theory. And we see the meetings of shanks and whitebeaerd as well as ace and buggy, all of which are closely connected to Roger, who by the way decides to leave a little message on the poneglyph in shandora out of all places. But the person most connected to Roger in a way, that we meet in this arc is Mont Blanc Noland. He is a direct parallel to Roger, and their connection is a big hint that jaya was the ancient kingdom and that laugh tale is the missing part. Think about it! Noland is basically, over, but inverted. Both of them were powerful free-spirited adventures. This panel here, where only Nolan can hear the voice of the bell, strongly suggest that just like luffy and Roger, he had the voices of all things. Both of them found legendary places, shandora and laugh tale. Both came back with no evidence and Both were sentenced to death and executed. However, here the things start to invert each other. While Nolan was deemed a liar for his speech, Roger sparked a new era of piracy. Noland didn't know the way back to shandora, but Roger did know the way to laugh tale. Noland cried, while Roger laughed. And Nolan told the truth, as the city of gold was real, while Roger lied, as the core of the one piece is not gold and silver. Given all these parallels, wouldn't it make a lot of sense that Nolan found the city of the right eye, while Roger found the one of the left? In Mock town, at the beginning of the arc, Bellamy makes fun of dreamers and says that the era of dreams is over. He explicitly names the golden city and the one piece as two such delusions. And yet, the arc ends with Luffy ringing the golden bell, proving that the golden city was there all along. Well wouldn't it be extremely fitting, even ironic, if the one piece, in other words, the lost city, used to be in the very same spot, that Bellamy used to make fun of both? Further, Robin explicitly states that there is no doubt that this city, Sandra, fought against the enemy. Well, if shandora was part of the kingdom, that would only be logical then wouldn't it? Not only as an ally, but as part of the whole. Also, we can't ignore the fact, that SHandora, is the only place we know of, where the ancient script found on the poneglyphs is used as the regular writing system found on the buildings there. Since we now know that the Kozuki clan were the ones who created the poneglyphs for the ancient kingdom, and that this script is used very casually here, wouldn't the easiest explanation be, that shandora was part of the ancient kingdom? Wouldn't that also explain why the sun god, who we know know as Nika is heavily referenced here by the people? We even see luffy in the exact same pose as him. And doesn't Nika also remind you a bit of the shandies soldiers? And since both Nika and joy boy, names associated with laughter, quite possibly describe the very same person from 800 years ago, wouldn't it make sense, that these traditions live on Jaya when it was once one big kingdom? Oh, I thought, but the sun isn't the only majorly important symbol in the story. One of the most consistently returning themes in one piece is also the moon. It's everywhere, and I can't even begin to count all the significant things that have happened under a full moon in the story. The Sun and the moon, obviously go hand in hand in pretty much any mythology. On Zou, another ally of the ancient kingdom, we even have guardians of the night and day with nekomamushi and inuarashi. So wouldn't it make sense for the right city to be the city of the sun and the left the city of the moon? Which by the way is part of the Kozuki heritage, and whose crest is pretty much the same as the shandians. And while I was thinking this, I found this color spread of chapter 269, where we see the Straw hats in a place looking suspicious like Wano, surrounded by the birds from the Kozuki crest. Oh and by the way, the Kozuki crest also has cross bones, but no skull. This is 269. The last panel of chapter 268 is this. Yeah. Coincidence? The inscription on the pillar that robin reads in the ruins says: We are the ones who weave history with the reverberations of the great bell. C'mon. We are the ones wbo Weave history? Clearly the Kozuki. And it also reminds me of the verse from binks sake that says: Sayonara minato, Tsumugi no sato yo. Goodbye harbor of the spinning village. On top of that I then remembered, that the shandians came down from the moon to jaya with very advanced technology, making them the perfect candidates to be part of an ancient Next up, is a part that I completely got from Yuderon, that changed my perspective on Oda's writing completely. According to him, Oda absolutely loves playing with the numbers of the chapters to either describe what happens in the chapter or hide a message. One really interesting and way to specific date that Oda gives us in the story is the 12th of MAY 1122, the day Noland discovers Jaya. Oda never gives us dates for anything, so why now. The date in japanese is written as, year, month ,day, so 1122, 5 , 12. Now, if you take the individual numbers and their pronunciation from both Japanese and English you get this. Hi to tsu ni ko ko ni iru. One is here. Interestingly the volume title of 31, is also kokoniiru. I am right here. Is this the one piece literally telling us it's right here? The next date we get is the 16th of November 1127, when sahndora gets knocked into the sky. Same game. This time we get: Hitotsunagi ininto rodoroku. Do you remember? Hitotsunagi, is the one piece. And inin is the sound of a bell. Thus this date reads: The one piece roars with the reverberation of a bell. The bell coincidentally being part of the unfulfilled promised to Noland to ring the bell, that was then inherited over generations until luffy fulfilled it. Another promise that was unfulfilled and inherited to future generations was that of joy boy 800 years ago. So when you subtract another 400 years back to the void century from Nolan's two dates 400 years ago, 1122 and 1127 minus 400, you get the years 722 and 727. The first possibly marking the promise by joy boy to the princess and the second the year of the destruction of the ancient kingdom. I know we'Re really deep into this all right now, but stay with me, because what came next blew my mind. When you take these two numbers 722 and 727 and look at the corresponding chapters, you don't get some random stuff happening. No. 722 is the reveal that Doflamingo is a celestial dragon. In this chapter, he tells law about how the twenty kings created the World Government. Nineteen of the twenty families decided to move to Mary Geoise, the Nefertari family being the only one who did not go. The descendants of the kings, the World Nobles, still live there today. This meant nineteen countries had to elect new royalty and new families were established. He says that the new ruling family in Dressrosa was the Riku Family, while the family that left for Mary Geoise was the Donquixote Family. Anything else that might be interesting happening in this chapter? Oh yeah, we have a literal golden bell ringing in closeup. You think that was all? Huh. Remember Giolla and her great art skills? Yeah me neither, but look at this abstract master piece of hers. A giant gate with two eyes, the left, bright like the sun is open, the other dark like the night is crying. I think I don't have to spell this one out for you right? This might well represent the ancient kingdom being destroyed and ripped out of jaya. All while brook is playing music on top of it. And after defeating Giolla he even says this: - Meanwhile, the straw hats and tontata start the battle to restore the honor of the fallen king and remain their freedom. Chapter 727 meanwhile, where the fight in block D!! Continues. Hemhem, we hear the story of Doflamingo taking over the country by staging king Riku and his men going against their own people. The wordplay for this chapter number is chi ni ochiru. Falling to the ground. Not only how dressrosa fell, but also how the ancient kingdom fell? giolla even says that her cryptic art represents the tragedy of dressroas. So also the tragedy of the ancient kingdom? Now, you might say, if Dressrosa is a representation of the fall of the ancient kingdom, what connection is there between, shandora and dressrosa? - Oh right, this is rhetorical question. The connection is this: - [Noland Statue] The chapter where noalnd find out that shandora has vanished, while Kalgara waits for Nolands promised return is chapter 292, titled 'like the half moon hidden by the clouds'. Again the symbol of the moon, that we can also find on Nolands ship in the chapter. And the wordplay for this one is tsuki ni, two moons. In other words, two half moons making a whole? Making it the sun? Wouldnt it also make a lot of sense that the D is actually a half moon? 800 years ago the people of the sun were overthrown and the done piece became the one piece. A circle became half a circle and eventually a letter. The will of D then, being to be made one whole again? Becoming the sun? Becoming the sun? Okay, I thought to myself at this point, this already makes way to much sense. But now on to the biggest mystery of it all: Why do I think that the one piece and or laugh tale is at Enies Lobby? That Enies Lobby by the way, who's main villain is called Rob Lucci, the one who steals the light. Just saying. So, we have one piece, that when adding the D to it gives us a done piece. The first thing that connects enies lobby to this, is that it also takes a d. Huh. Suddenly Enies becomes Denies. Denies what? It's probably more of a who. Enies Lobby is one of the most freakish places we have ever visited. It is one of the central government facilities, but it makes no sense that they would hold their mock trials on an extra island instead of at impel down. It never gets dark there. We have the enormous gate of justice, that no-one ever seems to bother to explain. Oh and what the fuck is with the giant hole in the middle of the ocean? The moment I looked at ENies Lobby's Map, it just made a lot of sense that this might have been the missing piece in the jaya map, that we are looking for. Shape wise it absolutely fits. I also wondered, if these weird ancient structures on top of the island had any meaning, but it doesn't seem like they do. Could it be that this is the actual ancient kingdom? The missing link that we were looking for? And the government just built it's own stuff o the island? Is that why they parade all pirates they capture over this island? As a forgotten tradition to remember their victory over the pirate kingdom they fought against? It's called the island of justice after all. Shihou no Shima in Japanese. And here I'm a little proud of myself, because I wondered that if there were multiple meaning to the word for one piece, there might be more to this as well. Here is what the dictionary told me: Shihou, obviously with different kanji combinations, can also mean: 1. 4 directions, 2. Secret information and 3 greatest treasure. [Rubs face and eyes] So we have the island of 4 directions, just like the 4 road poneglyphs you need to find laugh tale. The island of secret information, just as the true history located on Laugh tale. And finally the island of the greatest treasure, the one piece itself. Thus, the government has made this one of the most guarded places in the world, where no one can sneak in during darkness, no-one can escape from without opening the gates of justice and that is directly connected to impel down and marijoe itself. Entering the island for Luffy means declaring war on the world government itself. It's an island that D-enies entrance to the D, the sworn enemies of the gods. And since enies lobby is the arc directly after skypea, wouldn't it be a classic Oda move for the missing piece to be right there. And the straw hats literally come to save the one person that can figure out the true nature of this place. It's all about Robin and her unique ability to read the ancient script and her search for the truth. And how the government is covering it all up. Hell, don't forget it's here that we first learn about the ancient kingdom itself. However, clearly the one piece is not in a town full of marines. So where is it? Only one way to go. Down. Remember the inverted stories of Roger and Noland? Nolands city of dreams was pushed into the sky. Well, what if Rogers island got dropped to the bottom of the sea? Is there any indication that something might be at the bottom of pennies lobby? - WHAT? The wordplay from chapter 727 was falling to the ground. Did Laugh tale literally fall to the ground? I believe so. I believe that Enies lobby itself is the missing city from jaya and that under the floating island is the island of laugh tale and the one piece. Just like the hidden world under dressrosa. No wonder that Roger laughed when he reached laugh tale. He had literally been to the ancient kingdom before and passed by laugh tale many times, right in front of everyones noses. And the ultimate piece of proof I have for this are Rogers last words at his execution. - Again the secret lies in the Japanese version. A word play in true Oda fashion. He says 'kono you no subete wo soko ni oite kita'. I left everything in this world Soko. Soko in Japanese meaning there. However it also has a second meaning. Soko means bottom. In other words,The second meaning of rogers last words is: I left everything in this world at the bottom.
Channel: Ohara
Views: 4,576,748
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Keywords: what is the one piece, where is the one piece, where is laugh tale, how does one piece end, one piece theory, one piece discussion, one piece, theory, one piece nika, enies lobby, one piece jaya, what is the will of d
Id: qYzqDJBeI9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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