10 HOLY SH*T In-game Moments In Recent Video Games

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it's been an eventful year for games there's been a lot of shocking twists and even more shocking moments hi folks it's Falcon and today on game ranks 10 holy [ __ ] gaming moments of the last one year fair warning we're talking about some of the most surprising stuff in the past year so their spoilers starting off at number 10 from second row shadows die twice rope man taking you to the fountainhead palace second row is for most of the game fairly straightforward compared to their whacked-out monstrosities you end up fighting another from software game so it's pretty damn shocking when this happens so to reach the fountainhead palace you've got to get this pound Quinn and pray that's when this giant rope guy there's really no other term for him he grabs you and he just takes you up to the palace remember the weirdest thing we've seen so far in this game is a ghost so giant rope man appearing out of nowhere to help you out it's pretty shocking [Music] from this point on the game gets a lot stranger but nothing really beats the holy [ __ ] of this particular moment what's extra weird about it is that you don't fight it you never see it again and it never speaks or does anything else for you or to you it's just one crazy moment near the end of the game leaving you scratching your head and total confusion oh and apparently it's supposed to be a shimmy Gnawa or sacred rope using the Shinto shrines but you know those are just ropes not like Giants who pick you up so mystery solved I guess not really moving on to number nine call of duty modern warfare hometown level the reboot of modern warfare is a game that's sold itself on shocking moments and yeah there's a lot of them no denying that between storming a home filled with terrorists watching gas attacks and seeing people be mercilessly executed the game really just never lets up probably the most shocking moment of them all is when you play as a young Farah reliving the day when she became a freedom fighter after escaping a gas attack Farah who's a very small child in this section watches a soldier kill her father then attempt to abduct her and her brother from that point it's a nerve-wracking game of cat-and-mouse as you fight off this big burly monster is a little girl using sharp objects that you find around the house the sequence we bad enough but after fighting them off you have to hide among dead bodies and you even pick up a gun you can barely hold to kill in cold blood in order to steal a truck it is a roller coaster of shocking stuff basically the whole level is this big holy [ __ ] moment at number 8 the end at fortnight it feels a little strange putting a battle royale shooter on this list but the end event in fortnight was so big and so surprising that we really couldn't in good conscience leave it off fortnight had toyed with some timed events before this one like that marshmallow concert of the volcano exploding but this time they wanted to do something big not just change the map around a little but do something extremely drastic and poof they did on October 13th at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time the rocket in dusty Depot launched and flew into a rift in the sky that's when the Rockets went crazy flying around the map and creating rifts all over the place then a giant explosion launched everyone into the sky stuck in a floating state before the final meteor came crashing down creating a black hole and sucking up the entire map the game was just a black screen until October 15th several days when the black hole exploded and revealed an entirely new map you are not able to play the game between October 13th and 15th with his absolutely wild for a live services game to do you just get a blank screen though if you tried to log in the whole thing was nuts probably the most impressive and surprising get a persistent storytelling in an online game that doesn't really attempt storytelling for the most part and was a huge holy [ __ ] moment of last year at number seven here's five when you get to control the swarm here's five was kind of a game full of small surprises but surprises nonetheless these open-world sections the return to mount Kedar from Gears 2 but probably the most shocking moment in the game is where you playing this Kate suddenly find yourself controlling the swarm forces have to getting captured by a snatcher a voice tells you to kill the colonists you're trying to protect but thankfully you can have the swarm fight each other rather than your buddies bros before bugs right it's awesome you get some control of the monster you've been basically fighting for six games even if it ends with the death of another one of Kate's friends even crazier nothing like this happens again in Gears five there's more visions but this is the only part in the entire series you get direct control of the swarm and it is a hell of a surprise when you do and number six actually not terribly different in plague tale which is granted an extremely different game but controlling the rats because the rats are basically their own kind of swarm the game itself actually does have a very large number of surprising twists and turns it does seem like a pretty straightforward story at the beginning you know about the plague and then it turns into a hellish story with infinitely spawning monster rats swarms the game is just chock-full of violence and death and these rats are the cause of most of it but a certain point in the story you find the Hugo the kid you're protecting who has a mysterious illness isn't just immune to the plague he can actually control the rats worms this completely changes the nature of the game instead of being afraid of the rats you can just use them against the inquisitors who spend the entire game hunting you you go from being incredibly weak and almost defenseless to being basically unstoppable just watching these rats swarm one of these poor bastards is enough to elicit a holy [ __ ] on its own but it's also one of the craziest and coolest twists in a narrative driven game this year let's go and at number five in the Resident Evil 2 remake escaping from the orphanage is sherry in an entirely new section created for the remake you're putting sherry shoes and you have to escape the psychotic chief irons who's got you locked up in this creepy abandoned orphanage this whole section is tense as hell as you narrowly avoid getting grabbed by this greasy creeper in some pretty tight escape sequences seriously no one's getting through this part without getting caught at least once and it's not fun when you do manage to get down to the office and you'll see another of the Chiefs victims before he meets his end by the hands to surprise william birkin i don't even mention the part where irons gets splashed in the face with acid the whole part is one of the creepiest elements of the game and its new is chock full of holy [ __ ] moments are you serious moving on to number 4 it's control that fake-out ending is a holy [ __ ] moment okay so in control your final mission is to reach the hedron chamber in free Polaris this otherworldly being has been guiding you throughout the game doing this is supposed to free everyone from the hiss another otherworldly thing that's infecting people and making them crazy killers a normal day right this is all super truncated because control is wild and complicated and that's basically what's going on so you fight your way through wave after wave of his to free Polaris when you open the containment chamber you find out the Polaris is actually already dead I was wrong there wasn't ever anything there the bizarre cutscene happens where I guess you get infected happens and then credits that's it I mean that would be holy [ __ ] worthy enough because what the hell really there's more though the text of the credits starts smearing and blending together and you wake up and you find yourself in an office job where you're doing menial tasks and to say the least something is off about the whole thing of course it's a vision or something that you eventually break out of but that whole sequence of events is so crazy it's got to go on this list and at number 3 the last two hours of death stranding I don't even know how to sum it up quickly so let's go death stranding is a kind of slow game and it really takes its time to dole out the usual Kojima crazy stuff it's weird but man the entire ending is such a long sequence of holy [ __ ] moments ready Sam strand make your choice wait I don't know what to do from the confrontation with Amelie at the end of the world to the bizarre end credits sequence where you blue for some reason you wander around for a very long time all the way down to die Hardman's emotional breakdown followed by that cliff flashback where he dies but also talks to sam because he's actually your father my bridge to the future and the ultimate resolution where BB comes back to life it's just absolutely insane and also awesome I don't know how they managed to make something that is so brazenly incoherent be so emotionally satisfying but they did even if you're a long time Kojima Fanning you know there's gonna be some surprising a lot of this stuff will have you shouting holy [ __ ] of the screen if only because of the sheer audacity of the weirdness and yet sincerity of this game [Music] [Music] moving on a number to a couple of moments from Devil May Cry 5 we can't talk about shocking moments without bringing this up from Devil May Cry 5 the moment where Dante is giving the doctor Faust devil arm by niko end well it just has to be seen to be believed [Music] yeah he takes the hat and does a Michael Jackson dance in the scene that goes on just long enough to be absolutely hilarious it's not exactly shocking in a like frightening surprising way it's just like a lot of other moments in the series totally hilarious and it's and probably the most memorable moment in the game with a lot of very memorable moments to be frank and a quick mention of the secret ending which gives a nice little epilogue where they reach a standstill team up to fight some demons and Dante gets to burst out his goofy catchphrase jackpot one more time it's goofy it's awesome and it's just cool to see and finally at number one is Star Wars Jedi fallen order you know what I'm gonna say if you played the game when Darth Vader shows up I mean you kind of knew it was gonna happen but they just pulled it off so well here just like yep that's what I came here for like this is one of those things is not that surprising but totally is because Jedi fallen order took their sweet time to reveal Darth Vader you play the entire game expecting a cameo from this guy at some point but only after defeating the second sister to start fader make his surprise appearance I failed you I'm so very sorry I've carried so much hate for you they do it with a slow close up on your defeated enemy as she suddenly realizes she's being forced choked good and it's just this really cool escape sequence you barely escaped with your life from the Dark Lord of the Sith I mean the dude just completely owns you the entire time it almost plays out like a horror movie sequence you're so outmatched [Music] it's basically luck you managed to escape and it's an altogether just awesome sequence that maybe doesn't shock or surprise you directly but does definitely cause the jaw to drop and maybe a holy [ __ ] to come out of your mouth couple of quick bonus points to you from Kingdom Hearts 3 Sully this part in Kingdom Hearts 3 is just hilarious the brooding bad guys completely undercut by the monsters incorporated silly little cartoon antics and it's probably the most hilarious moment the game if only because of how sudden it is if you like us so you're getting tired of the reborn organization 13s constant monologue about hearts and darkness and you loved this part it's nice to know they're not taking this stuff too seriously next is Borderlands 3 Lilith getting her powers stolen just as you're about to launch sanctuary 3 and leave Pandora something pretty major happens Lilith the leader of the Crimson Raiders and a character that's been in the game since the beginning gets her powers brutally stolen by the Calypso twins before being humiliated on their live broadcasts it's a pretty dark moment for what's usually a pretty silly series and unless you know that the bad guys of the game are not pushed over is their real [ __ ] finally and this is a good one and des is gone we mentioned this on a previous list but when you found that guy who's been wearing a biohazard suit the entire time when you find out he wasn't just looking for a cure to the zombie plague but actually some kind of super zombie himself remember I told you the infected we're evolving right yeah freaks of break what the hell do I hear [Music] it's a pretty huge shock for what's a pretty grounded game up to that point and let me just go ahead and say got all of us here very curious for a sequel what was your favorite absolutely holy [ __ ] moment from 2019 leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe and don't forget to enable all notifications as always we thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter at Falcon the hero and we will see you next time right here on game rings
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,308,419
Rating: 4.9209371 out of 5
Keywords: video game moments, gaming moments, crazy in-game moments, video game culture, gaming culture, crazy in-game cutscenes, best gaming cutscenes, best gaming twists, best gaming surprises, gameranx, falcon
Id: 1FaocL8_Kko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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