10 Gravity Falls Editing Mistakes No One Noticed

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remember in gravity falls there is no one you can trust no one you can trust gravity falls is one of Disney's most brilliant and entertaining cartoons of all time but like any animation there are some huge mistakes especially on some of the freeze frames hey we're no animators but if we were you'd all be watching pitch meetings the animated series right now but seeing some of these mistakes doesn't take anything away from the classic show watch to see how eyeballs disappear unfinished animation made it on air and how weirdmageddon just got a whole lot weirder now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car yay wait what most animations are completed at 30 frames a second so with thousands and thousands of frames in each episode of gravity falls there's a ton of frames to keep track of in some cases objects or characters turn into duplicates are you ready to play along and spot the mistakes the first one comes from weirdmageddon part one watch us the town's folk Eve aid bill cipher's attack look closely and you'll spot a duplicate character in the scene see him let's slow things down right there it's Nate either this was a mistake or he got a hold of the same coffee machine dipper used to clone himself with okay duplicate number two Mabel and her pals are attending a fancy party and waiting for the boys to show up just a little casual conversation until someone transforms spot the error well if you look closely at grenda's pony tail it suddenly splits into two separate pony tails another character and another duplicate part this one comes from the love God when the love God first makes his big entrance check him out in close detail all of a sudden he has two chins nope not a double chin literally - chin nubs right there on his face sometimes the layers in an animated scene don't go exactly as planned case in point the episode saw Cabra during a scene we see Mabel play with the collection of sock puppets as she's crooning puppet boy puppet boy see if you can spot the mistake no not the sock puppet not Mabel's sweater either look down at her legs right behind the piano as she plays with sock puppets her legs just happened to disappear under the floor once you see the mistake you can't unsee it the whole layering feels strange and the whole scene makes the keyboard look out of place as well the benefit of gravity falls and their animation mistakes is that so much weird stuff goes on in the town that everything could be explained with the strange events when characters talk on cartoons their mouths go through a whole lot of bizarre movements no human is known for on gravity falls sometimes their mouths disappear completely the small errors are a little hard to see with the human eye but we'll freeze-frame them for you to see how they look first up it's the opening scene to little gift Shop of Horrors as Stan invites us to hear his tales of Terror his mouth disappears and seemingly goes behind his nose sure he has a big nose but not big enough to hide a whole mouth next up the episode Gulf War as dipper gets ready to hit the ball his focus and concentration causes him to lose his mouth along the way all these blank faces get otter to look at the more you see them and now we will enter the bottomless pit another gravity falls episode split into multiple shorts when dipper changes his voice the first idea he has is to make some epic prank phone calls as he grabs the phone and says hello there's a single frame where his mouth just disappears who knew the serum would change his voice and causes mouth to disappear we covered the missing mouths but now let's check out some scenes where characterized just disappear first up try to spot the blink and you miss it moment from the episode sock opera dipper Wendy and soos all head to the car right before Wendy asks the Dipper if he needs a ride check out how his eyes turned completely blank for a moment the freeze-frame even looks creepier knowing it's bill cipher behind those empty eyes Wendy may have seen dippers empty eyes but she had her own eyeless moment in the season 1 episode double dipper watch closely in real-time what's your favorite type of snack food oh man I can't just pick one no way mine too did you spot it yeah it's literally only a single frame and stop there you're spooking us out Wendy she has clearly spent too much time in gravity falls and back to sock opera we go with the second eye disappearance this one on dipper and the moment couldn't be more ironic when bill cipher says I'm keeping an eye on you and transforms into a hideous Beast dippers pupils and eyebrows both disappear it almost seems intentional only it wasn't one of the more iconic parts of grunkle Stan's look is his hand bandaged he always has the bandage on his right hand but there are a few instances where the bandage disappears or changes in ways we never expected the first moment appears in the season 2 episode the love God when the woodstick festival comes to gravity falls the whole invasion turns out to be Stan's worse than nightmare how bad is it he decides to take a crossbow and shoot at the hot air balloons floating into the tale look closely at the bandage on his hand when he lifts up the crossbow suddenly the whole bandage is colored completely black instead of white the color mix-up must have happened when the animators colored the crossbow as the bandage matches the weapon design the next time we see a major bandage mistake is in the episode a tale of two stands this infamous episode reunited stan and his twin brother ford but things don't go smoothly at first as stan raises his fist to slap ford take a look at his hand for several seconds the hand appears without a bandage on it in the episode double dipper dipper tries to get closer to Wendy and he does this by revealing the source of his nickname dipper he got the nickname as a child due to a birthmark on his forehead in the shape of the Big Dipper hence the hole first then birthmark you would always expect differ to have the constellation shape on his forehead but this wasn't always the case in weirdmageddon part to escape from reality we watch multiple flashbacks of when dipper and Mabel were younger in one of them dipper shaves right up to the center of his forehead but there's no birthmark underneath the sea lasts for several seconds and there's never any glimpse of the birthmark the show is pretty great at keeping up with storylines and characters so we are pretty surprised they decided to omit the Big Dipper design for the flashback it was the whole reason he got the nickname as a kid after all okay here's a mistake that's just a little frustrating once you notice first let's take a quick look at the opening scene of the season 2 episode dungeons dungeons and more dungeons so did just spot the problem well look closely no not a grunkle Stan we're still focused on Mabel check out all her fingers the classic cheesy puffs dilemma but how in the world would she have the neon-colored cheese dust all over her hands if she claimed to eat the whole bag without using any hands she either had a second bag or maybe the lines were dubbed over after the fact or the animators just had a little extra fun after seeing the cheese boodles bag in the scene okay on second thought it's not the animators fault Mabel is just an attention-seeking liar grunkle Stan is too busy to pay attention at the moment and she desperately wanted his admiration okay yeah we are really over analyzing this there's animation mistakes and then there are some huge blunders check out some of these quick screenshots from the season 1 episode boys crazy as Mabel and her pals try to get backstage at a boy band concert they run into some major animation problems see anything there or there okay here's the big giveaway check out the crate in the bottom right corner of the screen one side of the crate is completely unfinished it looks like the side was drawn using Microsoft Paint clearly the animation reference was used by some sort of rough sketch or storyboard but it made it all the way through to the final production in live-action the clip is on screen for like two seconds but you can't miss the moment once you know it's there and hey we can't blame them or anything they did have special guest Lance Bass on set to voice all five members of the boyband several times so with so much budget put on the in sync legend we can only imagine a few other mistakes got ignored along the way time for some major animated body morphs and a majority of them have to do with dipper again first the opening scene of the season 2 episode into the bunker dipper and Wendy get some alone time together as they watch the fictional black and white zombie film nearly almost dead but not quite as the two chat watch at the moment just before he says the word how this mouth suddenly moves off his face and to the right of the screen probably fitting considering the two are watching a zombie movie flash forward to later in season 2 for the episode our universe is doomed as differ uses a nightlight to uncover the secret messages hidden in journals one through three take a close look at dippers face spot anything strange okay a hint take a look at his tongue instead of the usual pinkish red coloring the tongue is the same color as his skin tone you can even compare the colors to Mabel's tongue right next to him to see how the error stands out even more and now we go from tongues and mouths to a whole missing hand as bill cipher interacts with dipper he gets pretty animated with his arms and hands in a quick flash you can actually see one of Bill's hands just disappear that moment goes by quickly but is clearly an animation flub in the world of animation it's all about the details there are some elements that go over our heads unless we really process the scenes when switching from various angles it's surprising how much can actually change in a scene see if you can spot the animation mistake from the episode not what he seems here's the front view as dipper and Mabel discover a closet full of fireworks and now the next angle what do you notice yep Mabel and dipper actually switch positions Mabel is now on the right while dippers on the left the positions were the opposite on the front angle and there was not enough time for the characters to switch positions it's really a minor detail but one you will notice every time Yuri watched the episode in the future there are a lot of little moments like this in any cartoon but this scene stood out because of the close-up view we have to the back of dipper and Mabel's heads want to see what else is on TV okay and there you have it missing eyes missing mouths and some funky animation mistakes anything we missed which one was the most obvious let us know in the comments below thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to Screen Rant for more great content
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 982,682
Rating: 4.758882 out of 5
Keywords: Screen Rant, ScreenRant, Gravity Falls, Disney Cartoons, Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Gravity Falls full episodes, Gravity Falls mysteries, Disney XD shows, Jason Ritter, Mystery shack, animation mistakes, Dipper funniest scenes, Grunkle Stan, children’s cartoons, goofs, Journal 3, Bill Cipher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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