Gravity Falls - A Tale of Two Stans

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[Music] wait up yeah you should keep it hi i can keep up whoa [Music] neato thing you've got your smarts poindexter i've got the other thing right bro wherever we go we go together don't forget to leave our names so they know who owns the place finally after all these long years of waiting you're actually here [Music] brother oh that's about maybe a thanks for saving you from what appears to be i don't know some kind of sci-fi sideburn dimension thank you you really think i'm gonna thank you after what you did 30 years ago hi mabel here quick question what the heck is going on here stan you didn't tell me there were children down here and some sort of large greetings do kids still say greetings i haven't been in this dimension for a really long time whoa a six-fingered handshake it's a full finger friendlier than normal i've lived them i've been waiting for so long to meet you i i don't know what to say i have so many questions i uh i think i'm gonna throw up no no no just us also maybe the entire us government the what fan out we're not going anywhere till we find stan pines and those kids who wants to tell us their entire mysterious backstory yes i have some questions about all this myself stanley stanley but your name is stanford and what happened between you and your brother i'm hoping all this aligns exactly with my fanfic stan if not i will be very disappointed okay okay okay i know i have a lot of explaining to do i'm in the lead paint district of the family pod shop dad was a strict man tough as a cinderblock and not easily impressed i'm not impressed mom was a pathological liar as if his abnormally high iq wasn't enough he also had a rare birth defect six fingers on each hand which might have explained his obsession with sci-fi mystery weirdness say we'd wander the beach looking for adventure [Music] a shipwreck sailboat you know what this thing's missing flags kings of new jersey kingdom new jersey kings of new jersey you would know cram pelter get lost listen dorks and listen good you're a six-fingered freak and you're just a dumber sweatier version of him don't let those idiots get to you but i am a freak i just wonder if there's anywhere in the world where weirdos like me fit in team of adventurers you really mean it high six high sex those were the good times those bullies may have been right about us not making many brains seem to get more impressive every year so did our pet project sure i got more than my fair share of trouble but when your brother's the smartest kid in school you've always got a leg up on the competition to the principal's office ah great what is it this time not you him nah you have two sons one of them is incredibly gifted the other one is standing outside this room and his name's stanley what are you saying i'm saying your son stanford is a genius the admissions team is visiting tomorrow to check out stanford's experiment your son may be a future millionaire mr pines i'm impressed but what about our little free spirit stanley but hey look on the bright side at least you'll have one son here in new jersey forever joke's on them if they think you want to go to some stuffy college on the other side of the country it's programs and multi-dimensional paradigm theory beep boop i am a nerd robot that's you that's what you sound like without ford i was just half of a dynamic duo i couldn't make it out there without him and now thanks to that dumb college there all right good as new probably [Music] but it was stable yesterday a fuse must have blown or something kid a perpetual motion machine has one job to not stop one paddle paddle paddle two paddle paddle man that jackie o what a fox hey what's the word sixer can you explain what this was doing next to my broken project look it was a mistake although if you think about it maybe there's a silver lining huh treasure hunting are you kidding me why would i want to do anything with lane it was a mistake you ignoramus your brother was gonna be our ticket out of this dump all you ever do is lie and cheat and write on your brother's coattails [Music] stanford don't leave me hanging high six no brother no home no nothing but i had a plan to fix everything [Music] oh this story's so sad 000. huddlepalooza will you knock that off i'm trying to tell my life story here i had decided i wasn't gonna show my face at home till i proved i could make something of myself i'm stan pines of stanco enterprises are you sick of this always happening to you then you need the chamois of the future unfortunately so did the chamois apparently the cheap dye i used to color them only made stains worse customers weren't crazy about that luckily they were chasing me with stanco brand pitchfork are you sick of bandages that are hard to remove then what you need is the rip-off the rip-off won't give you rashes i repeat it won't give you rashes would be my big break whoa so that explains all the fake ids but wait what about you did you end up going to your dream school i'm sure your families are proud more or less in a place like that i had to work twice as hard luckily that's what i do best i went from undergrad to phds for my six fingers but that got me thinking about anomalies things that were odd unusual statistically improbable and according to my investigations meanwhile your old uncle stan was doing great i'd come up with a sophisticated new business strategy come on i all need help from nobody hello this is stanford pines but what would i find here bingo i began to investigate at once i knew i'd have to record the journals sorry sorry you just got excited there about the journals keep keep talking i began to keep a journal [Music] only a place where i felt at home but something nagged at me where did it all come from it seemed to me the answer must lie outside of our world a dimension of weirdness leaking into our fiddleford mcgucket a young but brilliant mechanic who was wasting his talent trying to make personal computers in some garage in palo alto in the machine it would be the crowning achievement of my studies an answer to the source of this town's anomalies when gravity falls and earth becomes sky fear the beast with just one eye fiddleford get a hold of yourself you're not making any sense this machine is dangerous you'll bring about the end of the world with this fine i'll do it without you i don't need you i don't need anyone what who said that just give me a few more days rico i'll pay your goons back i swear [Music] you haven't seen your brother in over 10 years it's okay he's family he won't bite stanley did anyone follow you anyone at all uh hello to you too pal ah hey you're acting like mom after a tenth cup of coffee listen there isn't much time i've made huge mistakes and i don't know who i can trust anymore hey easy there let's talk this through okay it's a trans-universal gateway a punched hole through a weak spot in our dimension i created it to unlock the mysteries of the universe but it could just as easily be harnessed for terrible destruction remember our plans to sail around the world on a boat take this book get on a boat and sail as far away as you can it's to tell me to get as far away from you as possible stanley you don't understand what i'm up against what i've been through no no you don't understand what i've been through i've been to prison in three different countries selfishly hoarding your college money because you only care about yourself i'm selfish i'm selfish stanley how can you say that after costing me my dream school you don't understand you said you wanted me to have it so i'll do what i want with it my research [Music] stanley give it back you ruined your own life [Music] stanley oh my gosh i'm so sorry are you on now whoa oh hey what's going on hey hey stanford stanley stanley help me oh no what do i do stanley finley do something i just got him back i can't lose him again ah come on [Music] i didn't get much sleep that night or the night after that i had no choice but to go into town just the bread then there stranger that'll be 99 cents the wrong guy i've heard strange stories about that old shack yeah mysterious lights and spooky experiments gosh i'd pay anything to see what kind of shenanigans you get up to in there no no 15 bucks a person [Music] [Applause] sir what did you say your name was you man of mystery behold the um nerdy science box ah my eye uh i can assure you right so i came up with a plan i couldn't leave my brother's house until i figured out how to save him who the murder hut was born later renamed the mystery shack finally i found something i was good at for once being a liar and a cheat paid off night i was down in the basement trying to bring the real stanford back i couldn't risk anyone learning the truth and sabotaging my mission so i lied to everyone that's okay kid i probably wouldn't have believed me either i heard talking it was coming from downstairs oh no it's too late the agents are coming for us what do we do oh man i was so spellbound by your dramatic tail i don't know how you got a hold of one of these but this is perfect if i can just amplify the signal to a radio headset frequency i've been practicing making sounds of excitement for this very occasion hey do you hear that i've been sent with the latest intel from washington according to this very real report the power surges in gravity falls were actually due to radiation from an unreported meteor shower uh everything about this case is contained on this drive well what are you waiting for a kiss on the cheek get out of here before i have your butts court [Music] great uncle mark that was amazing um well i uh all right kids it's been a long day and me and my brother have a lot to talk about so why don't you hit the hay huh but it's the author i've been waiting so long to ask questions about i said look at us when did we become old men you look like dad don't say that you give me my house back you give me my name back and this mystery shack junk is over forever you got it you really aren't gonna thank me are you did you hear what they said i think uncle ford said they're gonna buy us puppies made of ice cream dan and the occasional goblin monster well i'm sure they'll work things out dipper you don't think we'll turn out like stan and ford do you good night stupid good night stupid [Music]
Channel: Dipper and Mabel
Views: 7,774,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gravity falls, disney, cartoons, cartoon for kids, cartoon for children, cartoon, dipper, mabel, disney channel, best scenes, moments, scenes
Id: o60yGL_-jNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2018
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