Gravity Falls Funny Moments | Season 2 (reupload)

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thirty long years and it's all led up to this my greatest achievement probably should award pants smile your cameras a cinder block Toby I just want to be a part of things wait you're just gonna give it to me just like that what else do you want a kiss on the cheek I I gotta go Wow all right wouldn't mind a curse on the tree not gonna happen what history ham is on the case I played by my old rules watch what I don't know why I tell you things Perry mr. Barnes what's that code word I'm supposed to yell when I see a government vehicle wait what government vehicle everybody out I will not hesitate to use the hose on the elderly now if you'll excuse us we're conducting an investigation investigation boop-boop swag I'm confiscating this for evidence smart move I said carry you say okay Carrie Carrie Carrie I could do this all day Uncle Sam karaoke isn't about sounding good it's about sounding terrible together man I can't wait to smash these Daniella's stinks brains delicious won't do anything for your approval oh come on I promise I won't send it to anyone you pretending I never saw that agent powers hi this is dipper the kid from the mystery shack the one with the sweating problem what's the one thing I asked you not to do tonight raise the dead and what did you do raise the dead sorry what sucker here you got to admit this is pretty cool rising Lee good weapon the only wrinkly monster who harasses my family is me be part harmony how can we create that I have a naturally high-pitched scream I can make noises with my body sometimes intentionally drop your weapon drop your weapon oh is that very ugly man what do we do Charlie I thought they were dead for worst trick Sondra they're nearly almost dead but not quite they're slow just power walk away from them a lot of course I am meet my new boyfriend dude dude you're laying on my bra keep the change I'm winking under my eye patch works for me I've been wanting to go adventuring with you guys surely it's picking up after my dad at home Oh allow me to put on my skeptical whoop I've moved on Mabel you should too skeptical oh my gosh a smells dispenser I remember these things watch that yes I will have some of your old timey face food girl dusty oh yeah this room is very creepy not as creepy as different internet history sous-sous that is hilarious dipper you've got to check out this weird metal closet I am a robot I am a metal closet Mabel's just been eating raw sugar packets again nah that's besides the point shapeshifter ah dude didn't differ say there was a monster in there with them you know dippers jokes are terrible although there's no electric clothing kind of like a fire hazard no it's a fun hazard maybe I am Mabel I suspect my shape do that again even better the second time it's definitely them dude I think I'm kind of adventured out for a little while my face hurts from doing this all day what are you here everything all the time I'm not here is it just me or does gravity falls TV only have the worst movies you're watching the gravity falls bargain movies showcase coming up next the Whittle is to Empire the planet people of Planet planet help my mummys a werewolf attack of the exclamation points man with no taste gross turtle help my mommy's a werewolf too this again you want to never watch this channel again what Stan cakes they're like pancakes but they probably have some of my hair in them pass is it legal for a child to wear that much makeup I need something to get my mind off this looking for a distraction from your horrible life why yes what kicking all our butts at minigolf cheer you up maybe a little and the pig can look after the house hey those are lewd hand gestures soos would it be wrong to punch a child I'll be here they're in my mouth what go to the golf course after dark you say I don't know we'd have to break in and just kidding let's break in [Music] we good we good all right then shut your mouths you silvertongue pirates everyone knows the Eiffel Tower hole is the best in Issaquah sacre bleu Oh wha don't control the Bulls better than the Knights of Weiner castle wrote this thanks man I will not be insulted by a man with no depth perception wearing earrings unless you've got something up your sleeve oh good say we've got a little something right right there may be another way to win the huge Lynx favor knock on wood I can't wait to see the look on Pacifica's face when we win I'm thinking it'll be like ah now she does that what did I miss I mean why can't you just get along because we hate each other that's kind of how rivalries Park class don't freak out man the waters shallow there's literally no way to drown seriously what's 10 minus 6 10 Mahan you do know what sharing is right showering just take it [Applause] can I go now never you ready oh I'm ready baby not even gonna ask did you miss me admit it you missed me you deserve a prize here have a head that's always screaming oh hey want to hear my impression of you in about three seconds I own puppets down no ignoring this whoa bag check for dippers eyes nobody here it's like if coffee and nightmares had a baby you know Gabe you look pretty sweaty you should really take your shirt off right are we all thinking that I mom says look at you you look like a vampire and not the hot guys what crazy thing do you want anyway to eat my soul to rip out my teeth are you gonna replace my eyes with baby heads or something this can't be happening this can't be happening man it has been so long since I've inhabited a body whoa whoa pain is hilarious race you to the bottom of the stairs humans Noda I'm gonna drink it like a person Marga journal de uses the prop on the show I hope you don't mind I'm gonna go before you process the sentence okay hey soos wanna hear the exact time and date of your death haha okay are you kidding me I would never miss whatever this is but hold your horses oh I'll hold my horses I'll hold them you monster I'm sorry Mabel but I have to go fight in the war [Music] wait what we're so much more of a sock than usual sorry it looks funny with your bad whoa children fighting I can sell this yes I'm in my own body and it's just as underwhelming as I remember Oh everything hurts [Music] did he just make out with his puppets I might have dodged a bullet there mystery twins mystery twins aah oh wait bill do to my hand come on bro bro let's go home seriously I need to go to the hospital nice night soos dodo walking to my car I would like to see you settled before I ascend to heaven and live with the angels and with Grandpa no he is not there you could do this just use your mouth to say words that makes romance happen your face is good eye masseuse don't listen to Stan dude you're a sweet guy with a steady job and a pickup truck would you date him Oh would you I'm gonna go find a replacement for old Goldie babysit soos while I'm gone huh but what if I embarrass myself again it can't be any worse a distant Dipper yeah wait hey there I'm not scared of your eyes at all I'm gonna look at them oh you know I've uh actually been in a pig's body there's your old pair just have a hard time walking backwards huh not you though that's what I'm calling you a peg where you're going so hey there what's your deal like to take our chances man I can't wait for the year 2000 when the cherry petals of magic romance Academy are in bloom and see Dinkin had bling that is so true would you like to talk about rather just put your face this animatronic badger sings it dances it's the perfect money taking attraction but he won't sell it to me this is literally too dumb for me to care about yeah my motivational sweater and everything I mess up that part I'm about to meet her parents Oh dad is an octopus man Oh No undo undo you can't undo who you are so what do you want to do now anything you want soos total sometimes a man has to steal an animatronic badger to stay in this crazy game called life no one tells deadlines he's out of the game no one tells I'll get your orthopedic back pillow thank you one time I was so hungry I ate the decorational bamboo in a Chinese restaurant like Quebec Golf Panda all fixed it's me that she wants I'll distract her while dipper and Mabel keep you safe it's the only way soos these are children Oh relationship with a girl that I can only see through my computer sounds perfect yes yes I am so happy have you been following us all day so says life is my soap opera but be warned if you enter you may be subjected to my tales tales designed to sell my merchandise sorry I was thinking of some funny I heard earlier why is it so expensive well that's quite a tale and it's called no seriously hands off that's not for sale professor glasses they make me look like a genius hmm hey anyone want to buy a wet blanket we got a wet blanket for sale I can't survive in this market hey mr. pine should we play toss me a dozen eggs like we always do no Jimmy wait not today I just can't find the words how about here's your hands back oh right you're all right sister no never girl are those space pants because your butt looks out of this world wow thanks for noticing yes this magic peg Cherie doesn't look magic but there's a very interesting story I'm about to make up about him what happened to you we could solve every problem of mankind and bring me many potatoes delicious potatoes yummy yummy for my fat little pig tummy the origin of life the meaning of existence why dudes have nipples I'm sorry Dipper in my last eight seconds of consciousness I want you to know that science is a horizon to search for not a prize to hold in your hand also I miss getting my tummy tickled movies are great you watch the movie you scare the girl the girl snuggles up next to you next thing you know you got to raise a kid your life falls apart forget that last part this is bad well that just put me 90 minutes closer to death get ready for references we don't understand and we can't repeat man wants his privacy I can respect that well everyone over the fence what do you really believe someone moves these figures one frame at a time I'm not a masochist I used black magic to make them animate themselves yes I'm sorry I doubted you you are right stop motion is pure evil I'm probably really expensive incredibly expensive oh we're safe now kids we're safe come along everyone ride up that's right I'm a jerk let me be axes trust me just let her be exes I changed my mind I'll be OHS [Music] dreadknight tiny'mon stealing my pie if i go one more hour without eating i'm gonna resort to cannibalism ma'am well back to pie I was this close to eating you Steve dear Mabel so far so good it is with a heavy heart so far so good arranged wedding queen of the manatees and she's so beautiful rappers are visionaries one day they told me to eat my own pants I would do it what about work kids why is so seating his own pants wagon mix suck it they got me good you're just in time for my hourly turf war with the hillbilly what lives in my mirror quit staring at me when I bathe Mabel are you okay you just walked by a cat without petting it well kettle my corn hey Vanessa fied a secret passageway we don't have to be stealthy Oh hambone a message if there's trouble I have no idea what that means oh my gosh they erased lazy susans memory [Music] honey Fogle in Salt Lake and skullduggery man you have got to teach me some of those old man swear words lucky fellers it's those words what people call me oh you've really torn it up now fiddleford this is all your fault hey why does my beard have a bandage does that even make sense why is no one pointed that out okay I think we're safe the plane goes to do it I know it's rude upper such big strong hands creepy dude who married a woodpecker you too how's that marriage going by the way oh great great not great formed many years ago by our founder our founder does anyone remember who he was Mabel for half the summer I thought your name was maple like the syrup no one corrected me sometimes I use big words and I don't actually know what they mean I mean I'm supposed to be the smart guy if I'm not the smart guy Who am I Oh nobody better mess give it up boy you're no match for the unstoppable power of that's right I don't wear nothing under my robe not gonna apologize for that maybe y'all should apologize for being a bunch of prudes hey wanna draw on their faces what your name is - Tillamook bumber snazzle you're travelling banjo minstrel with a song in your heart and funny tattoos on your head yes I am toot toot mcbomb bus nozzle cheers hey you want to help me vandalize this picture of my jerky ex crush you know what going on this big adventure actually made me get that stupid song out of my head nice he's either the bravest time convict I've ever seen or the dumbest definitely the dumbest Stern weather stations are calling for us do anything for the pines family oh I need to scratch myself in two places at once and I mean anything coming mr. Barnes and look emergency salami soos my respect for you is blown I can relate I've been waiting for a surprise party my whole life surprise too little too late shoo oh we got everything you love cake flavored Pizza Pizza flavored cake and one more tree [Music] um are these walls just mattresses Bree painted purple I think this place used to be a mattress store there's only one way out of here and that's what it would've been like if I just gotten it right the very first chance but it's still as effective a time-traveler guy what did you say your name was again window Blondin blah blah there it is it's blendin blimp in blendin blandin [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay yeah neon green is good this is a good color for me it's fierce oh no you can't let them escape how could you I'm gonna keep stammering until you find them yeah come let the club not begin prepare for hey turns out I can mute him morning laser tag seriously oh I know it doesn't seem that challenging now but just wait until they turn on that fog machine you'll be done for you just wait until you good man what fate do you decide for the news oh geez sorry got carried away okay as long as you keep an eye on him we'd like to set blendin free and restore his position at the time anomaly correction unit and give him pretty hair so weird I got my job back I feel like hugging somebody I can kill you in eight different ways yes sir oh that's not all dudes I also wished for this slice of infinite pizza watch oh I don't can do that for like infinity that's a good time but man time to move on of what I've totally moved on I've never had an unhappy customer like Zeus and melody watch this walking down some actual stairs that look cool and then of course there's waddles and Gompers match made putting a rainbow wig on a big white gorilla what done Oh No hot air balloons fixed-gear bikes my sandals are so open-toe who remember me I'm like girl tipper oh go away I heard a comment he's just a heartbroken soul - meets love and gloves with fingers hey but your scrubs look awesome no they don't okay lazy susan told Brenda - young multi-bear I'm putting you in the maybe pile they're gonna make a snatcher but I'm gonna need your help also you are not pulling off that v-neck I know burn it kid I tried to tell you this stuff is way too dangerous on my oath is a god I cannot let you oh hey what just go oh we must - you'll to move [Applause] [Music] everything [Applause] sure you can all marry me Oh guy from the $10 bill I forgot I had a crush on you all right let her rip oh no a let er rip what the H [Music] my kids we're kids its heavens punishment for our terrible taste in everything guys in case you've already forgotten Pacifica Northwest is the worst and that's not just jealousy talking I'd say that to her face I need your help you're the worst it's like this collar is strangling me she's gotta splash this sucker with some anointed water and he should be out of your probably fake blonde hair what was that about my hair tonight we will enjoy only the finest of tastes and only the snootiest of laughter oh that's the ticket watch out for peacock we did [Music] um can I pay you to pretend that never happened wait leaving already you're at the world's best party dummy I'd love to stay but I'm gonna category ten goes to dispose of I think we can all say this party was a rousing success I guess you could say it was a slam-dunk Presta yes yes I guess I've been wondering when you would have that is messed up okay there you are the ghost is turning everyone to wood and he just started rhyming for some reason now coming to the panic room there's enough mini sandwiches and oxygen to last you being at a butler full week okay so I was just opening random doors because I'm a creep bro we're both thinking it not so fast kids there is no way on earth you're setting off those dangerous illegal fireworks without me here you go sweetie that's something on fire for your grunkle Stan [Music] hold on a minute do you have a permit for those do you have a permit for being totally lame well I can't argue with that carry on but seriously though we should probably clean this mess up with water balloons I don't see why not take secure we have secured a pig I thought you got eaten by zombies we survived barely I used trigger as a human shield he cried like a baby hey I'm from the Special Ops guys how do you plead to these charges uh Gil tusen I mean in a guilty um can I have my phone call okay give me whatever you got that comes with a free tour mr. pines is this some sort of possession situation sir your junior young young baby time kiddo meal just put one in my mouth the entire world just hiccup I'm sure it's just a baby-sized earthquake baby-sized so was it a rock or is it a face I think it's a metaphor [Music] don't you mean Jackalope that can't be right that's him all right maybe we're getting her pranked Justin her prank is gonna jump up from behind one of these plants any minute now any minute Justin all right soos remember the plan protect the machine earn Stan's trust legally got adopted by Stan change name to Stan Junior I'm sorry at glitter it's pretty but it hurts it's the final countdown just like they always thought about this the part where one of us faints I am so honored I've got the other thing what is it called oh right punching cool splinters brother oh wow what the heck was that for hey hi Mabel here quick question what the heck is going on here Stan you didn't tell me there were children down here and some sort of large hairless gopher I get that a lot greetings to kids still say greetings I haven't been in this dimension for a really long time I think I'm gonna throw up no no no false alarm hmm just got to write it out does anyone else know about this part no just us also maybe the entire US government Oh what I'm hoping all this aligns exactly what my fanfic Stan if not I will be very disappointed 1960-something glass shards Beach New Jersey [Music] story so sad I know what you two little broken teacups need to hug it out hug it out hug trains come on in the station are you sick of this always happening to you I began to keep a journal sorry sorry just got excited there about the journals keep keep talking I began to keep a journal just going to ignore that hello fiddleford computer makes you say you're trying to build a trans Universal Polly dimensional meta vortex well that's mathematically feasible I reckon but his family he won't fight who is it I mean it comes just few my eyes well I can always count on you for a warm welcome I have something to show you something you won't believe look I've been around the world okay whatever it is I'll understand there is nothing about this I understand excellent get me Washington on line 1 I've been practicing making sounds of excitement for this very occasion but I'll need all of your floppy disks and eight tracks right well what are you waiting for a kiss on the cheek get out of here before I have your butts court-martialed I'll just let myself out Wendy I've got something amazing to tell you clear the next 14 hours did you hear what they said I think I'll go for it so they're gonna buy us puppies made of ice cream might be wishful thinking though okay okay so it turns out that the second stand is a stand that we know was actually Stanley but the first stand was Stanford but we didn't know until that Stanford came out of the portal which was built by Stanford but then Stanley pretending to be Stanford he did the portal cuz he's Stan but he's not Stan soos it's 3:00 in the morning okay okay I understand anyway act 2 Stan start the dark weird road I travel I'm afraid you cannot follow well call me for dinner you'll never guess what I found at the store today dogs dogs with hats first we make a graph ah this is like homework the game let's go and preach this go elf mage never paladin rap master oh I'm a fortress say is this that game that's mostly math and writing and isn't anything like the picture on the box yes it is check this out when facing your adversaries shield thyself under an elfin buttress buttress well I'm off to lay siege to a goblin fortress to my grandma's backyard my work is far too dangerous for a single living soul to spend even one second it wait is that a 38 sided die from dungeons dungeons and more dungeons we must stop everything I've been working on at once and why that's going to leave a mark you know his weakness right kneel before me end so the rooms free now who else watch detective nobody more couch for granda and possibly if you've got anything to do with this if he was to pass he must complete seven unworldly quests each more difficult bender now there's no cops in the forest we take this to our graves what my butt isn't part of this particular equation oh my ears they're so pointy or better be something protective under this tunic come on give us a lot of fun I had my mom packed me a lunch apple slices I'll eat you last Mabel I am so confused and so proud right now the impossibie hey I thought they banned this character think again I'm playing the controversial 1991-1992 edition or however old you guys are guys you ever think maybe we're doing this because our lives aren't special enough that we use fantasy is an escape to avoid the self-improvement we all need that maybe we should just go out and grow as people fortune says can't speak darling I'm a fortress does anyone want to rescue him I'm sorry it's just been so long since we've had real news gel that was a good day I don't know dude it's not like we have a lot of good mayor options everyone in this town is a tad strange except ironically tad strange hi guys Tad's the name and being normals my game love you dad and I love bread and your head is more ears than face oh yeah well your face is more fat then not fat oh snap welcome Stan what are you doing running for mayor did I did I not make that clear grunkle Stan it's not that we think you can't do it it's just no no it's okay Mabel we don't think you can do it I know Stan isn't the best candidate heck he's committing voter fraud right now the Wednesday stump speech held on an actual stump and the Friday debate we're in towns folks throw birdseed at the candidate they like most at the end they release a freedom Eagle who will fly to the candidate covered in more seed and bestow a birdly kiss upon him anointing him mayor I couldn't make this up if I wanted to your memeing fast and none of them are good but I believe in things America freedom Ameri freedom good he's saying all the right things now watch me break it down what does that sound why are people jamming their hands together looking at me okay Stanford okay so much coming from you no just the ladies my age Stan wolf never mind an empty piece of clay we can mold to our whims hey a little help dudes I accidentally got my head stuck in my shirt sleeve I guess this is my life now oh but I have a widow twitch got my sweetie weaves you're making me very uncomfortable right now I don't know much about taxes but I can promise you a kitten in every pot that doesn't make sense Mabel you don't make sense Dipper election officials had to disqualify him due to discovery of an extensive criminal record oh boy Stan what did you do what didn't I do blue mysterious scrolls and potions are you going to tell us we're finally of age to go to wizard school dippers been pretty paranoid since bill turned him into a living sock puppet we defeated him twice once with kittens and once with pickles it was a lot more heroic than it sounds I once made my own unicorn by taping a traffic cone to a horse's head and this oh I haven't been in this dimension for a while it's okay to give children weapons right come on dogs no way huh so let's develop at the Bell we have journeyed far and wide about an hour exit is that way shoes shoes shoes shoes [Music] hey Mabel don't let her get to you yeah I wouldn't trust a horse that wears makeup well there's a number of ways I personally had a metal plate installed in my head good one now if you'll excuse me I have a city park posing in front of a rainbow oh I wish I had to travel but it's just not feasible in this economy kid unicorns can't see into your heart all are dumb horns can do is glow point towards the nearest rainbow and play rave music oh man indeed now we have no way to protect the shack no actually oh that would have been perfect every year my tourist trap competitors pranks a mystery shack last year those hooligans duct-taped Zeus to the ceiling that was a fun 78 hours oh nothing just Wendy stuff from old times I can't believe we're sitting at a table I'm going in girls Wow my name is dapper upside down town the nausea capital of the state whatever you do don't use the bathrooms okay everyone on board okay it begins with a D and ends with an e / [Music] three two one man coyotes sound a lot worse than I remember five times the size of the mystery shack and what's worse she has real attractions if I had a baby I would name it grandma - sassy cool you would make such a good mother big ears orange nose a real no at all flame retardant rack who says don't hug forest fires the good news is I've solved the mystery of where Oregon's mummies come from the bad news is I'm about to become one all right I'm gonna find you stay put you got it look I'm so sorry about everything but Stan's in trouble you can totally kill me later but right now he needs us ride like a wind sky trap [Music] welcome to try bein the world's slowest treetop tram ride the only weakness a giant boot a giant newspaper a giant cup would also have been pretty bad Plus after seeing you flee despite alike a baby I kind of lost the interest I don't understand I completely don't deserve this okay soos remember what your grandma taught you and you get lost stay exactly where you are and don't move don't move you know I would make a really good scarecrow in one week my grandma is finally letting me eat crackers on my bed the future is coming for us all dudes pepper my face is on fire I'll just be a sec great-uncle Ford are you okay oh yes I'm fine I just said that to make sure you come in here quickly but your face is on fire yes it's much faster than shaving okay Dipper it's your first big mission with Ford a chance to prove yourself don't mess this up [Music] you i'm words not working from mouth don't worry I've been down here countless times all the aliens have been dead for millions of years probably turn on go ahead flip any switch they've all been busted for millions of years Clara did you eat my farm have you thought much about your future no not really I mean beyond graduating high school with a high GPA so I can get accepted to a good technical college with a photography and media production minor to start my own ghost hunting show but just because you're growing up doesn't mean you have to grow up you know I mean look at me I'm pushing 70 and I still eat ice cream for dinner names bill but you can call me your new Lord and Master for all of eternity now meet the gang of interdimensional criminals and nightmares I call my friends that of course there's also Keith keyhole hexagon amorphous shape Veronica pacifier and these guys oh wow that's a great offer how about instead I shuffle the functions of every hole in your face so this is how the world ends not with a bang but with a it's time I threw you off this property for good on second thought I'm gonna run like a coward now the last nachos on earth we have each other now an Toby determined who I accidentally mistook for a monster this just in they sell in my shoulder the eyeballs frozen ate we tambry and Thompson Robbie almost got away but had to pause to take a selfie Toby you watch the camp don't call me Toby anymore homie bodacious T no one will ever call you that whoa end of the world man those death metal album covers got it shockingly right whoa is that like twin ESP no we don't have that but we do have this thing more allergies totally act up at the same time hey Mable needs us Oh an air freshener finally I'll smell like a person Steely Stevie huh it's gonna take more than one guard to keep me oh no Tony was it Tony I can never remember his name y'all fellers wait get it under the authority of bill cipher I place you two under arrest oh hi Wendy have we formally met my sweet precious Mabel's trapped inside and I had the only cage wrapped around that well I wouldn't call it neck exactly wrap around this little pocket of fat under my hand good question did you ever get your driver's license definitely not [Applause] [Music] [Music] I've been wandering the plains like a desperado helping strangers I guess there's some folk songs about me now fighting children is boring fighting a chaos God sounds 5-10 times I hear folks only way to salvation is to embrace the triangular ways of our overlord any object with more than three sides assists full that's it that's probably what Bill Watts reckon I've been living a lot ladies gentleman that creature was like 87 different faces different Isis oh sorry touchy subject don't worry they're not conscious anymore probably they have friendly faces whoops back back you go there welcome to Mabel land and this is worse than the apocalypse now who wants to go on the Grand Tour do we have a choice born I'm so hungry yeah I ever need nothing except for part of my hat for the last three days there's no way to get past them someone hand me some syrup and I don't want to be saved sorry Mabel no worries bubble bear oh don't mind if I I'm sorry I can't leave him hanging yes you're dead to me soos hey take a chill pill those grow on trees here Who am I kidding maybe Mabel's right it's a horror show out there at least the air here is breathable dude you're talking to a river of fantasy versus reality hey seriously oh hey I didn't make the rules enable and yes you did there's a tapestry of you making the rules Philippa diptych I hate him so much hand me a microphone Zeiler totally righteous bro are we brothers I don't know [Music] see then kids just so everyone knows we're out of toilet paper did I miss something John Paul Sartre postulated that every existing thing is born without reason prolongs itself out of weakness and dies by chance totally righteous bro I know I thought I lost you to four Pines it's really you I've been hugging strangers to practice for this moment so I was hammering signs out back when the sky started vomiting nightmares I wasn't do a lot of a.m. radio so I knew what this meant the end of the world the plans to stay in here and eat brown meat until we run out then I vote we eat the gnomes hey I'm short not deaf stress will make you chewy my brother's had some stupid plans but going up against an all-powerful space demon was his worst one yet I'm Shandra Jimenez and I'm being turned into stone by a flying eyes if we combine all of our strength our smarts our whatever Toby has various rashes sorry sorry got a little excited let me go you insane pre-sighted well what is this place you're insane if you think I'll help you I'm insane either way Brainiac question does it have any gun swords I watch a lot of anime and trust me you're gonna want some gun swords what's an anime where you have much to discuss these cripples are a bunch of cockamamie balderdash excuse my french soon as he crosses the blue of wha after all I've done for everyone sure maybe a lock yeah exactly it's a total Lotus mAb you lie help leader Mabel I keep accidentally flexing through my sweater ah it happened again Oh the weird cow monsters are delightful what do you think pals another 500 volts a tea I just fixed that door Oh this experience will forever scar tad strange the world's most confusing game of hopscotch no a prophecy although it would be a pretty fun game of hopscotch what are you doing you're gonna Billy ever held hands this long and I am very uncomfortable oh no it's right isn't that what you're all thinking hey Gideon why aren't you dancing also don't you toy with me sometimes Mike buckle Stan always says when one door closes choose a nearby wall and bashing in the growth force [Music] hey busting a move on this skateboard more like busting your pants looser if I had only one wish it would be the shrink all of you at the shrink ray and bring you home with us in my pocket but since that's impossible is that impossible since that's probably impossible [Music]
Channel: MixerMixey
Views: 2,720,608
Rating: 4.8145924 out of 5
Keywords: Gravity Falls, Funny Moments
Id: 958ks91XQXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 8sec (3308 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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