10 WORST AAA Games of All Time

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AAA is one of those nebulous terms that means something different to everybody who says it but the agreed upon stuff is that it's a major publisher game with a high development cost and a huge marketing budget with all that in place you'd think it'd be easy to make a good game but often it isn't in fact what we're interested in today is what are the Duds hi folks it's Falcon and today on game ranks 10 of the worst AAA games of all time now a quick disclaimer going forward there's course room for debate here if a game counts as AAA or not and that's fine that's what the comment section is for we love seeing the discussions without any further Ado starting off at number 10 it's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part one this game has a 4.5 user score and a 38 on Metacritic it's bizarre it's it's Harry Potter but Gears of War or is a Gears of War but Harry Potter I don't know you would definitely call it one of those things though that's what the kids want right the gear War but with Harry Popper okay president and Chief Operating Officer grandpa but the thing is it's not even a good cover shooter it's awkward it's stiff to control it's way too heavily scripted SL automated so there's like very very little room for strategy there's a few spells to choose from that are basically just different guns but it's kind of just easier to use Stupify and Blitz through everything the cover mechanics are terrible often you'll find yourself taking cover behind thin air or your cover just won't do anything at least it doesn't actually matter a whole lot cuz the game is so easy that taking cover is kind of pointless stup you won't escape this time I don't know you keep casting there's a Half Baked RPG mechanic where you can put points into stats and unlock new spells but it's like I said not baked all the way the game is so easy you can just ignore all of that and it really doesn't seem to make a difference there's also stealth missions um yes and they're as bad as you would imagine enemies are at the same time too dumb to live while having x-ray vision and can spot you through walls these parts of the game are the worst kinds of trial and error and if you really want to torture yourself there are some exclusive game play modes too really a Mor Board of all the worst parts of 2010 games Harry Potter as a cover shooter killing machine is a funny concept but it doesn't work at number nine is alone in the dark from 2008 sitting at a 58 Metacritic with a 4.6 user score it was meant to be Atari interactive big step into the AAA Market it was going to be the next big franchise right beside Resident Evil and they marketed this game hard big cover stories and gaming magazines flashy commercials a trailer that barely shows any actual gameplay they did it all it did not help that the game was immediately torn apart by critics for its numerous bugs and bizarre gameplay decisions uh one thing I'll say is that usually people criticize the AAA space for its lack of innovation but if anything alone in the dark went too far in the other direction nothing about this game is what you would call traditional it's got a weird inventory system the melee combat is strange and honestly it's got surprisingly in depth physics simulations there's a lot of ambition for this game but as they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions and oh ho ho the road to hell is a dark and lonely one so to speak alone in the dark 2008 is a janky mess that feels like it could collapse in on itself at any moment most of the ambition feels pretty misplaced like the healing system uh you can spray different parts of your body that are injured supposed to make the game feel more immersive but all you can really do is laugh at the skin textures that are clearly just sitting on top of the jacket very very very goofy game takes itself very seriously but it's funny honestly every time I boot it up I can't help but laugh that max pain himself James mcaffrey spouts some of the worst dialogue you've ever heard while this actually pretty great orchestral scorer that makes no sense as to why it's there it has no place in this mess doesn't fit the feel doesn't sound anything like this looks sounds very good but it doesn't make sense and I'm listing like the positives in terms of the game play it's miserable like the best I could call it is a miserable failure like it's saying like a that was so much ambition it's just like putting a gold star on it like you tried old meme from the ERA this game came from you tried at number eight is APB with a meta score that matches alone in the dark 58 but a user score that's worse 4.4 APB was a game that got a lot of hype I remember people just being absolute rabid for this it was meant to be huge made by real time world the guys who made Crackdown of all games it was made up of former Rockstar Gam guys including the co-founder of the studio David Jones this was a massively multiplayer crime game it was meant to be the ultimate GTA style playground but uh it's hard to really nail down a true style for it it was barely a game looking back on it now you'd assume it was some small developer thing and you might be a little more forgiving based on that but you shouldn't be this had a $100 million budget now like I said in the intro we don't have a hard number but that's the estimation and it also had an EA publishing deal to call it a small deal would be a big mistake it was a big big deal many people are saying and everyone who jumped into the pre-release Beta had the exact same question this is it of course the devs quickly responded that they were just showing a fraction of what the game would end up being in the final release but uh no they weren't that was it that interaction should have gone as such this is it question mark this is it period the game was lacking in content from the start barely just a selection of random missions you'd get and replay endlessly in a few small zones there really wasn't enough to keep people playing for even an afternoon and it was meant to be an MMO the only universally praised part of the game was its customization Suite which actually was really impressive for the time and it it seriously actually holds up today you go back to this in terms of the customization Suite man lots of cool stuff here everything else Half Baked and undercooked and it had a monthly fee and number seven is redfall woe redfall when this game came out I said something about how I thought the developers were probably not excited to make a live Services game and this is the result and there was an article in Bloomberg not long after that confirmed this exact thing this was a game nobody wanted and the Arcane staff probably wanted it less than players did because I can remember a time thinking oh Arcane and vampires yeah I'm there you know why cuz that's a sound concept an open world Co-op shooter with the Arcane Special Sauce but apparently by the time time they were done developing this game 75% of the Arcane Austin staff the developers of this specific game developers that had worked on illustrious titles such as Dishonored prey Etc critically acclaimed brilliant people about 70% of their staff up and left cuz they didn't want to work on redfall and I'm not making that up I'm quoting Bloomberg and it shows like Arcane was under staffed to make games is a service game as it was they started off with 100 employees and losing that many out of 100 employees even if you're hiring people to compensate there's just too much to do like there's a lot of areas in the game that look nice from far away but they're lacking in detail the combat which by the way is aran's bread and freaking butter they are geniuses when it comes to making a certain kind of combat that works so great and it's just it's not there it's neither satisfying or fun and you can just see that the people involved with this didn't want to be involved with this it's not the kind of game anybody who wanted to work at Arcane and had for years wanted to make and shows and number six is driver three or drive three R driveth dri 3er driver 3 56 on metac cretic 3.3 user score may be hard to believe but the PlayStation 1 era driver series was actually a big deal the first two driver games huge sold millions of copies they cemented the series as one of the biggest franchises on the PlayStation that all Came Crashing Down with dri 3r one of the most disast ously bad sequels of all time the only reason why this game has a 56 on Metacritic is cuz aaa's are just graded on a curve separate from everything else we would never give dri3 r a 56 we would never contribute to that kind of an average this game is so bad Atari wanted it to be a GTA killer so they marketed it like crazy but like it's dri3 r [Music] I bought this game because I wanted more Grand Theft Auto honestly I couldn't get enough of that kind of game I love GTA 3 Vice City was great that same year San Andreas was awesome I was ready for more this was a promising new genre and driver had always been a great franchise sadly it seems like it really went through a bad Dev cycle too so like it was a ton of hard work and misery for nothing cuz dri 3r sucks and number five is Lair a highly anticipated game meant to be a PS3 launch title but it got pushed back over a year and much like the world that year was not enough I don't know why I brought that up um developed by Factor 5 and published by Sony this game was meant to demonstrate the power of the PS3 console but instead it just revealed the many limitations of the hardware yeah we've all heard about the forc motion controls but it can't be understated how misguided this was and it's not that it was that hard to control it's actually about the movements that called for precision everyone calls out these motion controls specifically but the real issue is just the dull and outdated uh game design you know that that Old Chestnut there's just not much here that's interesting uh the campaigns either dull or actively terrible on an alternating basis and yeah some of the backgrounds look nice for a PS3 game but the frame rate is it's up and down let's say it's a half bake game from a developer people rightfully expected much better from Factor 5 made the Star Wars Rogue Squadron games uh so they clearly knew how to make a flying game but lir is it ain't Rogue Squadron let's just say that's a very nice way of saying it too it's it's much much worse than Rogue Squadron if this game had come out as a launch title it probably would have gotten bad reviews but at least it would have gotten swallowed up in the whole PS3 launch hype cycle but delaying it and being like you know what we're going to make sure that this one's good and then not having anything to show for it o it got eviscerated in the Press yeah we all uh can remember it I don't think we would have if they just launched at launch and it would have been terrible to be fair but it was terrible [Music] anyway [Music] and number four is Metal of Honor war fighter remember EA's desperate attempt to capture the Call of Duty audience the original Medal of Honor games up to Allied assault are the classics but when the team moved over to Activision to make the First Call of Duty the series was just never quite the same EA tried to revive the Series in 2010 with the moderately successful Medal of Honor but whatever gains they made with that game they just completely ruined with 2012's war fighter it it was a bug riddled mess it was hopelessly uninspired it was dull the story mode is mostly remembered for its grotesque uncanny valley crap it can be best described as unremarkable it felt quite sloppy was not finished to say the very least didn't hold up to the middle of the road Call of Duties even and then there were a big string of random controversies that don't make sense to go into here cuz it take too long I it was just bad and it didn't do well and number three is umbrella core with a 38 on Metacritic and a 2.4 user score for a while Capcom was in kind of a dark place before Resident Evil 7 revitalized the franchise we were getting crap like umbrella core a teamb based shooter set in the Resident Evil Universe I mean it's it's not like they're not making bad multiplayer spin-offs to this day but they're making really good games at the same time so seriously how many fans of the resi franchise are just dying to play a first-person multiplayer shooter that vaguely resembles something from the series you know a series that's primarily a single player horror experience I mean I guess it makes at least a little bit more sense than the Metal Gear Solid version W these companies have made some pretty weird decisions over the years but honestly like it's a generic military shooter a lot of the time you really wouldn't be able to tell this is supposed to be a Resident Evil game but that's hardly the worst thing about it if it was incorrectly labeled but a hell of a lot of fun I don't know if it would have received the savaging that it did but uh yeah that's that's uh not how this went balance was a mess from the start melee weapons were really overpowered and a team that relied on them would pretty much win every [Music] time there was only two modes the weirdly hardcore one lifee match which is a three on three where if you died you were out and then the multi- mission mode which is a lot like capcom's recent EXO Primal where you run through a series of short missions with different objectives usually racing the enemy team to complete the objective first there was single player content but it was pretty weak it's basically a collection of multiplayer maps and an extended tutorial for the multiplayer stuff the controls are not Terri terrible and there are some interesting ideas like a zombie Jammer that can take out and cause zombies to swarm the enemy team but it's otherwise a pretty lame shooter and does not have a lot of content not enough after Resident Evil 6 the series really needed a win uh but umbrella core wasn't it thankfully Capcom came to their senses and put out Resident Evil 7 a year after this and honestly they've been on the right track ever since even if there are lame multiplayer add-ons to these games eh it's kind of whatever maybe they'll eventually get an a multiplayer game right and it'll come as a pack in with one of these great single player games that people actually want from them and number two is Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 maybe you don't think of Sega as one of the major Publishers but if you spent any time with this game and Beyond if you lived it I don't know why you would I certainly wouldn't go back to it but Sega put a lot of money into this thing it was meant to be a really massive Adventure a soft reboot of the entire Sonic franchise and a celebration of Sonic's 15year history in a game I've talked about some games of bugs on this list before but uh no matter how high the expectations were for this game or how low I don't know maybe some people realized what it was ahead of time uh but regardless of the expectations they were not met this was probably one of the buggiest games that has ever been released to a mass audience in the way that this game has the controls are so so bad especially in the mock speed sections nothing about this is fun the Havoc physics bug out constantly and everything looks cheap as hell I mean probably the worst thing is that the Sonic gameplay is the best thing in the game and it's bad like there's areas of it that are all right but it's generally pretty bad it's Sonic Adventure but like worse but Shadow and Silver they're so much so much so much worse silver has a gameplay gimmick of using telekinesis and it ain't good it it's frankly shocking that this game was released in the state it was it's very funny like it's provided a ton of very very good content for the internet what's interesting is that there are people going back and quote unquote fixing this game like there's a lot of fan remakes that make the game not horrifyingly bad but the actual game itself is it deserves the 46 Metacritic and frankly it deserves a lower user score than 5.3 I think a lot of people just enjoy how bad it is and that's why it's no use T it's no use this will end it no and at number one it's babylon's fall with a 41 Metacritic and a 2.1 user score I think the user score is a little more accurate for this one Square Enix and Platinum Games combined forces and that sounds like it would be a good thing because they did that once before and we got near automa Talon's fallo is not a near a autom level game and a lot of the time games get like a big debate like oh here's the redeeming qualities of this game it's not that it should be Savaged in the way that all of you are savaging it and this one did not Babylon fall came out a bunch of people said it was bad and a bunch of other people went yep it sold really really bad too only about 1,000 players had it on Steam and only about 3,000 copies sold in Japan the first week it was declared dead almost immediately and and it wasn't long before it was shut down it took less than a year came out in Early Access February 28 2022 and the servers completely closed February 27th the following year so not a full year one day shot it was meant to be the first Salvo in a big games as a service push from square but if that's the case they should have tried a lot harder cuz this game was pathetic it was subpar in terms of Graphics environments were Samy and dull and the presentation was bad the game play was repetitive and also bad and that's a running theme with games as a service it seems like they're trying to play a game of chicken with the consumer to see what they can get away with the idea is that they're going to constantly update the game to keep everybody engaged and having fun but it seems like devs forget about the engagement and the fun these games are just Bare Bones they're repetitive and usually really dull but they do have a lot of microtransactions and then when everybody's like I don't really like this game and I don't want to buy any of the anything that is in it the whole constant update part of the strategy just kind of goes away and and that's assuming that they were even going to update it in the first place I don't know I don't think that it really would have mattered with this game the writing was on the wall day one nobody bought it fans didn't want it and Casual players just didn't care and it wasn't just that it was forgettable it was terrible it filled with confusing systems and repetitive boring gameplay just a bad game all around you have to wonder if Platinum Games kind of had a contractual obligation to it that put it in the same situation as Arcane Austin and redfall and that's all for today leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is of course of subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter at Falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 1,237,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WORST AAA games of all time, games that suck, worst games, worst ps4 games, worst pc games, worst xbox one games, worst ps3 games, worst xbox 360 games, worst nintendo games, gameranx, falcon, Disappointing games, Disappointing games playstation, Disappointing pc games, Disappointing xbox one games, Disappointing ps4 games, Disappointing ps5 games, Disappointing xbox series x games, Disappointing ps3 games, video game risks
Id: E8jDgkikylY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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