10 Games That Prove PS5 Is The Best Console This Generation

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when beautiful Graphics fun gameplay and engaging stories come together you know you're in for something special hey guys it's Andy and today on super jump reviews 10 most impressive PS5 games right now starting off with number 10 is Hell divers 2 I've been hearing a lot of good things about this game but the one thing I never hear anyone mention is that it's only $40 maybe even lower if you shop around in a time where games are reaching the $70 price point it's actually a breath of fresh air and not having to break the bank in order to play games and given how much content is included with hell divers 2 you're definitely getting your money's worth unlike the original which played like a top- down shooter hell divers 2 is now a third person shooter however you're still able to do a lot of the same things you did before for example calling on strategems to help you in battle and for those unfamiliar strategems are like airdrops you can call on they can range anywhere from sentry guns Shield generators and even Supply pods that contain special weapons and being that it's heavy on multiplayer you really got to have a good squad with you if you want to succeed especially when some of the mission objectives require such coordination they can vary from collecting data from a crash Escape pod to evacuating civilians to safety but the one thing you'll always have to do is defend against a hord of enemies while waiting at the extraction Point these moments can get so intense there were times when I didn't even know what was going on if you enjoyed the original on PS VA like I did then you'll definitely like this one it basically feels and looks like a nextg version of that game and number nine is Ghost of tsushima director's cut I think if you ever wanted to experience the life of a samurai living in Japan this would be it not only does it look great on PlayStation 5 but I feel like it's one of the few games that does sword combat right there's four stances you can choose from and they all provide unique ways to fight enemies of course you'll tend to stick to the one you find more appealing I mean I tended to use water St dance more than anything even when I wasn't supposed to there's also a Parry system which has to be one of the best Parry mechanics ever in a video game not only does it work well but boy is it satisfying when you do it as an open world action adventure game I have to admit it's one of the few that doesn't stress me out and I think it's because of its simplistic approach there's hardly anything on the screen and what's there is kept to a minimum I purposely held off playing this on PS4 because I heard it was going to get ported to PS5 with visual enhancements as a director's cut you can expect a full bump to 4K resolution with more refined detail in the backgrounds other improvements include faster load times hatic feedback support and additional costume oh and the entire eky Island DLC expansion doesn't hurt either and number eight is Eternal here you play as a space pilot who's stranded on an alien planet the game was developed by house Marquee and if that sounds familiar then it shouldn't cuz they made a little game called Resogun which was a launch title for the PlayStation 4 I guess if you really looked at the two games together you can see a little similarities mostly in the sound Department I think now R returnal is what you call a third person shooter with Rog likee elements it also falls under the psychological horror genre H interesting if you're unfamiliar with the term Rog likee then what it basically means is that regardless of how far you progress in the game once you die you start back from the very beginning and I don't mean the beginning of the stage I mean the absolute beginning after the title screen I know it's a tough pill to swallow but it's just that kind of game and if you're that kind of gamer that wants a challenge then you'll love returnal so don't say I didn't warn you this game is effing brutal to the point where I question even my own gaming [Music] abilities aside from that returnal looks beautiful and it really shows off what the PS5 can do the real time raid tracing looks great low times are short and the game makes great use of the hatic feedback controller it's an awesome game but man does it desperately need a checkpoint system if only there was some sort of exploit I could use and number seven is Ratchet and Clank Rift apart it's the 16th installment in the Ratchet and Clank series wow guys have we been playing these games for that long I wouldn't say I'm a DieHard ratchet fan but I have played a majority of them across various platforms and I have to say the quality is always topnotch this time Dr nefarious has stolen the dimension Ator and it's up to you to get it back if you're curious It's a device that can open Rifts to other dimensions basically you're at a parade the place gets attacked and you're off to hunt down Dr nefarious across different dimensions there you go that's the whole story aside from being fun to play the game is one of the few titles I think fully demonstrates how far computer animation has come in video games I mean just take a look at this this is actual [Music] gameplay if you're famili Amil with Ratchet and Clank you'll know the game is filled with cool weapons to use even after several hours I'm still amazed at the creativity that was put into them it's like playing a cartoon if you're a new PS5 owner and need something to show off to your friends this is definitely the game to get it's bright it's colorful it's great to play with your kids and it'll convince your wife why you needed that new PS5 and number six is God of War Ragnarok now I've been with the series from the very beginning on PlayStation 2 I've seen its progression its highs and lows and I can cannot tell you how happy I was when I found out they were giving the franchise a complete reboot SC of War 2018 came out and I was completely blown away the opening fight left my jaw on the floor I'm not kidding when he gave Kratos that German suplex I literally fell out of my chair you could say I pretty much fell in love with the series all over again so with my excitement at an all-time high I eagerly waited for God of War Ragnarok and again I was not disappointed it's basically everything I loved about God of War 2018 except there's more of it the story continues where the last game left off combat feels tighter than ever and the graphics still impress even if they do look a little similar to the first game but then again the first game already looked amazing Ragnarok just improves upon what we already had there's more moves to discover more enemies to fight and more characters to meet ready wor tremble B one thing I have to mention is the unbelievable writing you could pretty much take what was written here and just make a featurelength film the story is funny epic heartwarming hits you in all the right places shame on those who call this game a walking simulator because you have no idea what you're missing and number five is lies of PE all right so I got to be honest with you guys I'm not the biggest Souls fan I actually despise them really I think they're slow repetitive and just flat out boring but for some reason this particular game speaks to me and I think it has to do with the world it takes place in the environments and characters have so much personality you really do get lost in them most other Souls games I've played felt like the environments were nothing more than a giant box for you to fight enemies in but here it's different it's part of the actual story now for the people here who like to read lies of PE is Loosely based on the 1883 Italian novel The The Adventures of Pinocchio no not the one from Disney this particular story has you playing as a humanoid Pinocchio where you fight through the streets of crack searching for japedo the combat feels like any other Souls game where you equip weapons and armor except here you also get something called the legion arm you can equip various gadgets to it that allow you to do specific things for example a grappling hook that can lure in enemies a magnetic shock to knock them back and even a flamethrower it's pretty cool and of course like any other Souls game you're going to die a lot actually the difficult y wasn't too bad early on it wasn't until I got to the Archbishop fight where I was reminded of what kind of game I was playing for many this will be the point where you decide if you want to keep playing or realize you've had enough and number four is Final Fantasy 16 it's been a long time coming and I think at one point I even forgot about it until a friend reminded me forget what you know about Final Fantasy because this one completely rewrites the book for one thing it's the first m-rated game in the mainline series it's a darker more adult take on the franchise than we've been accustomed to there's a lot of hot and heavy stuff here if you know what I mean the game is set in the Twin continents of valisa divided between six nations with tension arising from a magical drought called the B you play as a guy named named Clive rossfield who becomes involved in the nation's conflict along the way you fight monsters rescue cute girls and ultimately end up saving the kingdom aside from being darker the game is more accessible you get the option to equip ability Rings which can Aid you in combat making gameplay a lot easier in my opinion you don't have to use it but it's there if you need it you know what to do boy if I had to compare the combat to something I'd say it feels like a toned down version of Devil May Cry with a little hint of the QuickTime events from God of War it's not the deepest combat system I've played but it does the job it's fun simple and after a while still manages to keep me entertained cuz I think after a few hours that's what matters most right graphically I think it looks great the performance mode was a little unstable so I just stuck with 30 FPS I'm a stickler for 60 FPS but here I thought it ran just fine with the standard 30 and number three is dead space boy what an awesome remake this was I think if you played the original and want to experience this horror Masterpiece all over again and this is the perfect way to do it they went back and basically rebuilt from the ground up for nextg consoles there's new geometry in the backgrounds new shaders and higher resolution textures and don't quote me on this cuz it's been a while since I played the original but I I think they also added more areas to the ship can anyone verify this the game felt familiar at first when I played it until I realized there was a new animation system applied to the combat it's a new peeling system that allows you to not only sever limbs from enemies but also tear away flesh I honestly don't know how much it Alters gameplay but it sure does look pretty cool I think the one area that really shines has to be the sound design you can now hear Isaac's heartbeat corresponding to what's happening around him I have anxiety and this new feature definitely does not help it probably also doesn't help that I played this game with the lights off and my surround sound cranked all the way up let me know if you guys do the same thing engine power failure replace power cell to begin ignition although the game felt familiar to me at first the developers really did go out of their way to make this remake feel fresh and new new graphics more levels Better Sound and quality of life changes the gameplay make this one of my favorite remakes ever bring on Dead Space 2 and number two is Horizon forbidden West this action role playing game is set in a post-apocalyptic version of the western United States everything is overrun by machines and you get a sense that not everything is all that it appears one thing for sure however is that is one pretty looking game by far the prettiest on PS5 and one that makes the best use of HDR in my opinion the sky looks amazing the water looks amazing like I can't think of any part of this game that doesn't look good another thing I like to touch upon is the sound design I'm not sure what it is but I'm just so taken away by games with good sound as you can tell from earlier when I was talking about dead space forbidden West gets me in the same way the mechanical screeching from the robot animals remind me so much of the Transformer movies you know that sound they make when they transform How's It Go my one complaint about this game is that it leans so heavily towards exploration that if you were to stop playing for a week and came back you'd be kind of lost I know I was personally I think there's too much information on the map and the combat wheel can be a little cluttered sometimes still I think the gameplay is cool enough where you're willing to overlook some of the issues another one down go one less machine if you like the first game then you should definitely check out forbidden West and once you're done download The Burning Shore DLC it takes full advantage of the PS5 Hardware I guess it takes a lot of horsepower to render all those clouds and finally at number one is Spider-Man 2 like do I even need to say anything here anybody who has a PS5 probably already bought this game heck I wouldn't be surprised if they bought a PS5 just for this game as of this recording 10 million copies have been sold in under 4 months I really really didn't think Insomniac could top the original but they managed to prove me wrong a lot of the game play is the same except this time you've got two characters control as well as supporting characters switching between Peter and miles is quick and the game does a good job at balancing the amount of time you spend with each that's too close now I wonder if I can get my suit to identify their visual frequencies bring him down I don't see your boss around where's he hiding I want to talk to him about his lifestyle choices you are not worthy of his attention but scorpion is okay they share some of the same Moves In addition to their own skill tree I think what the game does well is that it offers just the right amount of moves to be unlocked at any given time I think the main difference I noticed in the sequel is that there are more of those cinematic moments now I'm not talking about those big epic QuickTime events [Applause] I'm talking about those slower quieter moments for example sitting in the ferris wheel with MJ or riding a bike with Harry and reminiscing about high school it's the heartfelt moments you often only see in Uncharted games it really does add that extra movie quality feel to the game I have to say so the game play is great the graphics are amazing but what about the big elephant in the room in short he definitely delivers Venom is freaking amazing the way he looks right down to his move set is just so well executed if you're a Venom fan then you'd have to play Spider-Man 2 for that alone here's an honorable mention I'd like to share there's a game that comes free with your PlayStation 5 called Astros playroom think of it as the PlayStation version of Mario Galaxy it's not as long but it is equally as fun it makes great use of the new dual sense controller and it demonstrates why the PlayStation brand is synonymous with video games playing through the game I couldn't help but shed a tear of nostalgia as I came across all the past PlayStation icons [Music] it really didn't make me feel old seeing all the Retro Sony consoles see this is why I'm a PlayStation Fanboy because I feel like these systems were made by people who actually cared about console gaming unlike some other company which I will not name and that's all for today guys leave me a comment if you like this video give it a like subscribing to the channel is free don't forget to enable notifications and of course thanks for watching or leaving the video on while you're in the kitchen cuz I know some of you guys like to do that I'm Andy you can follow me on Twitter at Andy talk games later
Channel: SuperJumpReviews
Views: 138,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best ps5 games, 10 ps5 games, ps5 games to play right now, best action games ps5, top 10 ps5 games
Id: 0k5RUgv_iDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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