10 Easter Eggs That Were Never Found - Part IV

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This video made me remember the Sega stream, i truly cannot think of a bigger disaster of a stream. Now THAT was spooky.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Ephemiel 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2022 đź—«︎ replies

I love this guy's videos.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/315retro 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2022 đź—«︎ replies

Let’s go gears of war thumbnail

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Ronald12Q 📅︎︎ Jan 29 2022 đź—«︎ replies
Sometimes you find something in a video game you're certain is an easter egg that you just can't seem to crack. This is why today we're diving into 10 more easter eggs that still haven't been found, part four. Brought to you by NordVPN. Go to nordvpn.com/oddheader to get a two-year plan plus a bonus gift with a huge discount, risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee. Deathloop. Thanks to Hop for submitting this discovery on oddheader.com. Deathloop is Bethesda’s newest slick first-person shooter released less than six months ago in 2021, which follows an assassin stuck in a time loop on a mission to kill eight targets on an island before midnight or else keep repeating this day infinitely. Hop was very appropriately hopping around this manor that only appears at the beginning of the game... ...when unexpectedly in this random corner of the environment they heard a strange sound... [Humming sound] What the … was that a child humming a song? Hop further explored the area and found a strange narrow hole in the rocks that goes down pretty far, which definitely seems suspicious, leading hop to believe the hole could lead to whatever's humming the strange song behind the mountain. But unfortunately, squeezing in there doesn't appear to be a possibility. It's unclear what this hole could be hiding, though if hop and I had to guess these weird noises do seem to indicate there may likely be something hiding behind this wall that still hasn't been found. [Indecipherable talking] Huh? What was that? Hop managed to find some grenades and tried throwing them in the hole just to see what would happen. And, well... [grenade explodes] ...after that he didn't hear any more noises. So I guess whatever was over there isn't over there anymore. Maybe that wasn't the best idea. Yooka-Laylee. Thanks to Daniel Copeland for submitting this on oddheader.com. 2017’s Yooka-Laylee is a spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie, developed by a group of former employees from Rare who made the original Banjo-Kazooie 19 years prior. Daniel says he remembered that when playing a pre-release demo of the game, a friendly robot character Inept revealed there would be a surprise in the final game near a pirate ship if players ground smash a lone rock underneath a nearby tree. And in the complete game, by going to the expanded version of world five... ...you can indeed find an island behind a pirate ship with a tree and a rock. And by buddy slamming the rock, a UFO drops off Inept on the pirate ship. However, it seems Inept’s special surprise is, well, kind of inept... ...as when Daniel interacted with it, it simply said, “still loading exposition... 50.1%” To add to the mystery, in all subsequent updates to the game the developers made a point to further Inept’s progress. In the first initial update, it changed from 50.1 to 75%, then in its final update in 2020 ended on 98%... ...but never to full completion. Come on! That patience doesn't seem to have paid off yet as Inept still hasn't finished loading that massive easter egg to this day, going on now five years since the game's release. The only thing is, is I'm not sure if I'm really supposed to believe any of this, considering my experience with Rare. Next time we think the developers updated the game, if they ever do it this point, it's probably gonna be at 99.999999999999% just to toy with us. Sonic Mania. Thanks to Bob Billans for submitting this through on oddheader.com. 2017’s Sonic Mania is a homage to everything great about the original Sonic games, which was first announced at the Sonic 25th anniversary party at San Diego ComicCon the year before the game released. And to say that the event didn't exactly go smoothly would be putting it lightly, which pretty much nailed the definition of a [bleep]show. The party included many memeable moments, including technical mishaps, long intermissions… “You understand what I'm doing here, we’re stalling.” Sound dropping out during important game announcements… “So much information we want to…” [buzzing] Whatever this is… [Yell singing] This… “World debut of the Totino's Stuffed Nachos” And this really loud, annoying ass buzzing sound that ran through the entire event. “Hey buddy, you calm down for just, just one second, all right? Let me finish.” However, near the end of the event, Sonic developer Takashi Iizuka came out and asked the crowd to help him recreate the famous Sega sound that opens up at the beginning of all the Sonic games [Sega sound] telling them that he would include the recording of their yell as an easter egg in the game. [crowd yelling Sega] To this day, the easter egg has never been found... ...though maybe that's because the recording wasn't exactly what they hoped it'd be considering that awful noise. In an unexpected move, however, it turns out Sega may have had the last laugh as they did implement another easter egg from the anniversary show that has been found, as after beating the second boss in Studiopolis, a giant TV screen that looks very similar to the one used in the 25th anniversary party loses signal at the end of the fight and if you listen very closely, you can hear that obnoxious buzzing sound that overtook the event. [obnoxious buzzing sound] My only hope is the original easter egg still remains in the game waiting somewhere to be found. But if anyone does wanna go poking around, turning up the volume at any corner that they can looking for somewhere this easter egg may have been hidden, just prepare to brace your ears. [obnoxious buzzing sound] SSX Tricky. Thanks to hacker and YouTuber SlyCooperReloadCoded for submitting this through the oddheader discord. SSX Tricky is the second title of one of my favorite series of all time, which you may have noticed from my Every SSX Game Ranked video. Tricky came in second for being a more energetic and vibrant take of the original SSX, taking the courses and turning them into more seemingly drug-induced concoctions, such as the classic Aloha Ice Jam, which takes place on an iceberg dragged to the shores of Hawaii so you can race down it while it melts, which hilariously had these super animated penguins scattered across the shortcuts. SSX Tricky remixed the track by adding lots of new stunts and shortcuts, meaning even more penguins, yet one possible super-secret shortcut on the map has never been found that ReloadCoded learned of after he posted his SSX iceberg of interesting tidbits to the SSX reddit. A “TBTSyncro” suggested another tidbit, revealing, “there's a shortcut on Aloha Ice Jam that I don't think anyone has found,” and said he wasn't gonna give it away because he hoped someone would find it on their own one day. SlyCooperReloadCoded, aka goody_fyre11 on reddit looked the map up and down and asked around the speedrunning community and found nothing... ...leading him to express extreme doubt on TBTSyncro’s claims. TBT, however, revealed he actually worked on the game and as proof he pointed in the direction of an unlisted video he posted before that showcased exclusive outtakes of Mix Master Mike and Rahzel in the studio, who both made exclusive tracks for the game and voiced characters, which also contains some moments that EA would likely never officially release. “I ain't got time for your punk [bleep]. Step the [bleep] back.” “No, I can’t say [bleep].” [laughing] "I'm sorry." Talking with them further, ReloadCoded gathered that TBT has scoured every YouTube video about the course, even speedruns and glitch videos, and no one has ever come close to finding the secret shortcut. At the time of this video's release, no one has ever managed to get a no-clip or camera hack of the game, or apparently has ever fully devoured the map in some way that we haven't already. So we really don't have any way of knowing for sure this shortcut is really here. Unless, of course, we find it. For all we know it could be a whole secret stash of these really animated penguins. And if that's the case, we're totally missing out as I'd love to go snowbowling with more of these guys. Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Thanks to Andrew for submitting this through oddheader.com. Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance is the fifth installment in the main line of the long-running fighting series with the largest amount of numbered titles and possibly even easter eggs. In fact, this isn't even the first time Mortal Kombat has shown up in one of my easter eggs that haven't been found videos. In a now-archived IRC chat from 2002 with the game’s developers, hosted by the website mortalkombatonline, previously known as MK5.org, assistant producer Paulo Garcia randomly let it slip during the Q&A, “There is at least one secret that is not known yet on all the platforms. As far as I know, no one has found it yet.” What really sparked Andrew's curiosity was nearly 30 minutes later, Paulo said completely abruptly, “The secret is in the coupons?” ...complete with the question and quotation marks and never further elaborated, leaving Andrew to wonder if he maybe meant it for a different private chat window. Later, when a user asked for a hint in unlocking the secret, the game’s software programmer, Rachel Blum, said, “Keep trying all sorts of places for button combos...” And now, here we are nearly 20 years from this chat and the Mortal Kombat community still doesn't seem to have any clue what this final secret might be or where to input a button combo, if it does exist. Game director Ed Boon also spoke a little later of a version code cheat that would display the version number of the game on the screen if entered correctly that's also apparently never been found, although Ed Boon later clarified the version code cheat is not the same as the final remaining secret that was originally spoken about. Andrew believes most people forgot this easter egg reveal ever even happened and hopes with this exposure, either these easter eggs could possibly put to bed this childhood mystery he's had for so long, especially considering the game's 20-year anniversary is coming right around the corner this November. So if anyone has any idea what the final secret may be or how to find it, please, what does this all have to do with coupons? BioShock 2. Thanks to Saudzaddy for submitting this through the oddheader Twitter. 2010’s BioShock 2 is the second installment in the popular series, exploring the attempted utopian underwater city Rapture that quickly devolved into a dystopian nightmare. Although now released over 10 years ago, the game’s audio director, Michael Kamper, only just revealed in 2021 on Twitter that in the game’s location Pauper’s Drop, he created a secret musical exchange where if the player stands between two tall buildings, a saxophone melody will play from the top of a building followed by another melody in response by a clarinet from another building. The exchange would then repeat four or five times followed by the saxophone player chuckling, which sounds cool and all, but whether or not the easter egg actually remained in the game and wasn't removed before it shipped is a mystery even to Michael, and unfortunately, in an attempt to make the easter egg so convoluted that no one would find it, he can't even remember what the steps are in making the easter egg work himself. For now, all we have to go off is the fact that Michael says he thinks the main quest of the level had to be completed and the player had to trek back through the level a certain way before unlocking the egg. Not sure what way that is, but hopefully this easter egg did make it into the final game. For now, we can only imagine what that easter egg would sound like... [Epic saxophone melody plays] [Short clarinet melody plays] [Odd chuckle] Rare: GameBoy titles. Thanks to Lerako at raregamer.co.uk for submitting this on the oddheader discord. As mentioned earlier in the video, Rare is an iconic and rather trollish British game developer known for many classic titles, such as Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong Country, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, and It’s Mr. Pants. However, in a move that’s stranger than naming a game It's Mr. Pants, turns out something I totally didn't know until Lerako told me, Rare developers have apparently been hiding secret cows as an inside joke in many years’ worth of GameBoy releases, beginning with Rare’s first GameBoy Color release, Conker’s Pocket Tales. Some cows they've really gone out of their way to include in the game, such as this one in a bonus room in Donkey Kong Country GameBoy Color, this cow etched in the sand in Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty’s Revenge, or the cow in Mickey's Racing Adventure that would be missed unless the player skirted around the edge of the track. So far cows have also been found in Mickey's Speedway USA, Perfect Dark, Sabre Wulf, and our favorite, It's Mr. Pants. With the secret cows hidden so well in many of Rare’s titles beginning with their first release on the GameBoy Color, Lerako says it's safe to assume the secret cows are also hidden and still waiting to be found in the rest of Rare’s GameBoy Color and Advance library. Who's a pretty trusted source on all things Rare. As of now, no secret cows have been found yet in Banjo-Pilot or Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, and 3 on the GameBoy Advance. Certainly, with all these titles missing cows, someone soon could assuredly solve at least one of these cow easter eggs sometime soon. Otherwise these easter eggs may just end up forever a moo-stery. Yeah, I'll leave. Gears of War 3. Thanks to Luke Hillman for submitting to me what I believe is the first submission I've covered through the oddheader Instagram. Feel free to follow me on there, but before you do, please subscribe here as it's really the best way to support more content. Gears of War 3 is the third installment in Epic Games’ highly popular Xbox staple, going on to be one of the most popular Xbox 360 games of all time when it was released in 2011. Despite the enormous player base one easter egg remains in the game that still has hardcore fans of the series still scratching their heads to this day. As on the game’s map, The Slab, a multiplayer map in a prison included as part of the DLC Fenix Rising, players can find a ball for thrashball, a sport in the Gears universe, that they can kick or shoot across the map and eventually manage to slip inside this little hole in a gate obstructing someone in an electric chair, which triggers some intense music while a rat scurries out of the hole. And if you shoot the little guy, the screen covers in blood followed by an especially creepy laugh... [loud creepy laugh plays] Right. Some believe it could have possibly been a reference to a moment in the first game where a boomer enemy stepped on a rat. However, if you weren't to shoot the rat, in addition to the creepy laugh, you would hear a studio audience laugh track. [creepy laugh and studio audience laugh track play] The hell does that mean? It also doesn't help there's a number of odd details around the map that seem to defy explanation. For instance, there's yelling behind two cells with Xs on the doors, [indecipherable voices] with many believing the Xs are there to point in the direction of something, perhaps opening these doors... ...but any attempt to do so has proven futile. There's also graffiti around the map that says, “Evil lurks in the X.. Inner city,” ...seeming to imply something, but what? Something else I noticed that I thought was interesting is the Xs are actually a separate object from the environment and actually disappear when far enough away, whereas the rest of the graffiti is actually rendered into the environment and stays where it is. Why the Xs are separate from the environment definitely is suspicious. You can also slip the camera out of bounds in spectator mode, but interestingly, there's a one-way barrier surrounding the environment out of bounds that makes it pretty hard to get a closer look at anything. And while there's been lots of unsubstantiated speculation about the easter egg, one person on reddit claims series director Cliffy B supposedly said on Twitter the egg eventually leads to a wretch enemy with another character Prescott's head on it, which may explain the otherwise inexplicable bloody wretch footprints scattered across the map. The only problem with this though is while I did find some references to the wretch head easter egg on Twitter, Cliffy B suspiciously appears to have deleted any tweet about the easter egg that he made throughout the years. However, a thread he originally replied to on December 14, 2020 appears to be the most revealing of all as brandon mac asked Cliffy if there was more to the egg and from context clues said he wasn't the one to ask. When Brandon asked who he should ask, it appears he tagged lead level designer, Jim Brown, who's never given any answers in the years that he's been asked about the egg, except this time he finally revealed, “To be honest, I don't recall the extent of that particular easter egg or how far people got. Keep that dream alive.” Well, we pretty much have to, cause after all these years of searching, I really hope there's more to this than just blowing up some stupid rat. [loud creepy laugh] Noita. Thanks to Lukas, Claire, KyMeRa, deez, iohbkjum, and extol for submitting these mysteries through the oddheader website, discord and reddit with additional information from YouTuber FuryForged. Noita is an unusual, procedurally generated sandbox game released on PC in 2020 with its main attraction being that every pixel is physically simulated, which means every tiny grain of sand or microscopic debris on screen is a projectile ready to obliterate you. The game is notorious for its not-very-straightforward nature and its refusal to hold the player's hand as it immediately drops you in front of a cave as sorcerer Noita, with nothing else to do than climb deep into the game's randomly generated caverns and with your spells, destroy the [bleep] out of everything. Because of a general lack of explanation and Noita’s cryptic atmosphere, the game hides a number of secrets that's hard to make much of, such as the fact on any map if you manage to dig far enough out of bounds in either direction on the left or right side of the screen and made your way past some extremely dense rock, you could find a parallel world of the same map with lots of subtle changes that goes without explanation through the rest of the game. Two mysteries in the game, however, have managed to completely stump the player base, the first being strange eye glyphs the player base have been trying to solve since the game first released in 2020, these eye glyphs being a sequence of eyes that only show up randomly in the aforementioned parallel worlds, only accessed by digging far enough out of bounds, with two appearing at the same time in corresponding spots in both the left and right parallel worlds, though in four different spots on the left side and five different spots on the right side, leading many to believe the fifth missing spot will reveal itself once the cipher is solved. Unfortunately, solving the cipher is made all the more difficult by the fact that they can't be ripped out of the game as they're actually generated in the game on the fly and appear to change often, although a fruitful bunch have managed to record most of the ciphers in a Google doc I’ve included below. The second mystery involves a mysterious location that can be found when the player reaches the Hiisi Base in the game, heading to the most eastern side of the base and digging somewhere in the middle through some extremely dense rock for an inordinate amount of time, you can eventually come across a room filled with sand. Inside is a unique cauldron in the middle of the room with strangely detailed ruins towering around the center platform, all of which, once again, can't be datamined from the game because it's generated on the spot in real time by the game’s procedural engine, though it was determined in the data of the game the cauldron is manually set to fill with void liquid every few days, which leaves it in a destroyed state the moment you find it on those specific days. To add further suspicion, if the player were to install any mods, both the eye glyphs and the cauldron room are actually programmed to not appear at all, seemingly implying that the creators really don't want anyone modding or hacking so they can get the solution that easily. Fortunately, the Noita developers drool and hackers rule, as hackers wondered what would happen if they got the mods to work if they were already inside the cauldron room, only to find out that the only thing that changed was the rock slab behind the cauldron suddenly disappeared. What that means we're supposed to do is not clear. What is clear is we have incredibly hard-to-crack mysteries that appear in incredibly hard places in an already incredibly hard game, which the developers have made all the more incredibly hard by making it impossibly hard to datamine the game. Yeah, we're not solving this one anytime soon. The Button Witch. 2020’s The Button Witch, available on Steam, is a cute-as-a-button point-and-click adventure by indie developer DDreams Games. And this game may just hold the ultimate easter egg, as developer J reached out to me to let me know that this little guy exists somewhere in the game. This is rather surreal. Now I'm an easter egg that hasn't been found for years. And I couldn't be more honored. Though some may say this isn't the first time I've been featured as an easter egg, but truthfully, I do need your help as not even I have any idea how to activate the egg myself. All I’ve got is the animated character and this flyer J sent me that he says holds some sort of clue to finding the easter egg. Whoever finds it will certainly be lucky as they'll definitely hold the title in my book for finding the oddest easter egg of all time. Well, I guess now I know how it feels for someone to take my identity and use it for mysterious purposes, which if that's a feeling you don't want to feel yourself, you might want to check out NordVPN. NordVPN masks your identity so that you can surf the internet safely and securely using next generation AES-256 encryption, recommended by the NSA to secure top-secret data. And if you're ever blocked from watching your favorite content when traveling abroad, NordVPN has got you covered. Stream securely and change your virtual location with a click at more amazing speeds than ever, thanks to NordLynx. Can't get a game in your country? No problem. Just change your virtual location and unblock your favorite games in geo-restricted servers. Plus, game securely by avoiding DDOS attacks, block malware-ridden websites, and secure browser traffic without affecting latency. Nord links uses optimized servers confirmed by the latest speed test, with next-generation encryption and zero-click security. Use it to stay secure on public WiFis, skip annoying ads, and be safe from botnet control. Go to nordvpn.com/oddheader to get a two-year plan plus a bonus gift with a huge discount. It's risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee. That's Nordvpn.com/oddheader, risk-free with Nord's 30-day money-back guarantee. If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe. And if you know of any more easter eggs that haven't been found, submit through oddheader.com, come join the discord, or even send me a shout through Twitter or reddit. [Patron names]
Channel: oddheader
Views: 907,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic mania, yooka laylee, ssx, ssx tricky, mortal kombat, mortal kombat deadly alliance, bioshock 2, gears of war 3, noita, the button witch, easter eggs, easter eggs never found
Id: qKZb7zeAGfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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