7 Easter Eggs That Were Never Found

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Would love to see a followup in the series covering Woody's Workshop from TS2. A video looking into it in the "psn version" is here, but I think the PC version could use the oddheader touch :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGr-HIHxv3I

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/KentAshfield ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 18 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
Sometimes we know for sure of an easter egg in a game, but it can take days, months, or even years trying to find it... ...if it ever ends up solved at all! As a little bit of a changeup from the regular format, today we're going to be diving into easter eggs that we still haven't found and rating how likely we are to actually find them. And hey, if anyone manages to solve one of these... ...they may just be deserving of their own special Oddie! Futurama. Hey, wait! That's not Oddheader! No, (laughing) actually it's me James, The Easter Egg Hunter! Oddheader asked me to come on today to discuss a literal, giant, unsolved easter egg I personally confirmed the existence of in Futurama for PS2 and Xbox that we still don't know how to properly activate! And thanks to the help of Odd and youtuber, Slippy Slides, the three of us have come together today to discover even more involving this strange, unsolved easter egg. I first became aware of this egg when I noticed there was a request on The Cutting Room Floor to get a screenshot of a giant Easter Egg behind a wall between the employee lounge and the conference room of the Planet Express level. Strangely, this was the only reference I could find anywhere on the Internet and I spent so much time trying to figure out where this thing was and how I could look at it, that I was beginning to think someone maybe had put together a rather strange and elaborate troll. Fortunately, I finally managed to get a look at this thing by positioning myself in one of the corners of this spot and then getting the camera as close to the wall as possible. By holding up on the analog stick, I found the camera would eventually break through the ceiling where I was able to find a strange pattern of moving dots sitting beyond the bounds of the level. Underneath this moving texture is where I found a giant Easter Egg! At the time I couldn't manage to get the camera in there for a really good look at the egg, so Oddheader contacted youtuber Slippy Slides, known for his many cool camera mods, one of which led him to the discovery of the out of bounds mystery man in Resident Evil 4. Now, let's hand it off to Slippy, as he details us new finds he's made on this still very much unsolved very confusing Easter Egg. Thank you, James, EGGcellent find! As soon as Odd contacted me about this mystery, I was instantly compelled to mod the camera on Futurama to try and get a better look at this egg! To my surprise I noticed there were a few things that definitely confirmed to me something is going on here we still haven't fully figured out. The first thing I noticed was the star animation around the Easter Egg seems to be scripted to animate from any angle whilst looking at it from the wall's side. From the back of the egg, it only animates from certain angles. I believe this is telling us there's a designated way that the player is supposed to find and view the egg. Strangely, now that I can get a good view inside the Easter Egg we can see it has a hole in the center of the texture that runs through it like it could be representing the yolk of an egg! It almost appears as though you're able to shoot through it but it doesn't appear as though we ever obtain a gun on this level... except I did manage to find one just out of bounds of the map. You could say this is pretty odd. "Hey, come on! I want to see what happens next!" Additional information that I found to back this case up, is that easter_egg is listed in the script very near to objects that we can find throughout the level, such as the fan and shower buttons and the letters PE can be found possibly standing for Planet Express. This seems to confirm there is a sequence involving these objects that we're supposed to trigger that will unveil this Easter Egg without modding or glitching. Unfortunately, after spending sometime on it, I still can't seem to figure out what this sequence would be! Perhaps most interestingly of all was noticing that a value near the words easterdoor appears to change only when our character is standing next to this wall with the camera looking at it, perhaps suggesting there's something going on behind the scenes here that we're not seeing. Who knows could there be a doorway or window to the egg when the mystery is finally solved? Unfortunately, our efforts have been pretty much exhausted from here and we're handing it off to the rest of the community to hopefully get to the bottom of this very large, very much still unsolved easter egg! I wish you luck egg hunters and hope one of you gets that highly coveted Oddie. Thank you again guys I cannot wait to see this one solved. We are so close with this one! Fallout 4. The existence of a still unfound easter egg in Fallout 4 was confirmed when comedian Pete Holmes at the Dice Summit in 2016 conducted one of the most awkward interviews I've ever seen in my life with game director Todd Howard. "Feel I should take the ring to Mordor sitting next to you or something" (laughing) "Wait, are you calling yourself Gollum?" "No." "'Cause sauron's tall?" "No, I look like Frodo.." "Oooohhhh..." "Why did I go to gollum?" "I don't know.." "I feel like that's an insult. I feel bad, we've started on a bad foot, I called you a Smeagol type character." Anyway to the easter egg part... "Have you run into anything yet where you're like 'God, I really wanted someone to do this, but nobody's found this or this or this, or nobody's - " "There's a couple things but I don't want to say them now. They eventually will find them." -"You guys" -"There's one, really good one, that no one has really talked about." -"Is that right?" -"Yeah." -"Give us a hint, you have a pool going? Is there money involved or people gambling?" "It's in a terminal somewhere but.. yeah" - (laughing) "That must be so fun!" After this implication of an easter egg hidden in one of the game's 1,364 terminals, players scoured the game for the supposed hidden easter egg, including Fallout avid documenter Lavonicus, who ripped all the terminal data out of the game but even then through the thousands and thousands of pages of information no one had any clue what the terminal easter egg was, as really it could be anything at this point. In fact, we could have already found it and it just went totally unnoticed. Eventually, a secret terminal WAS found in the search by performing a jet boost through this window in the ceiling of the Boston Library. By crawling over to the edge of the library, the player could see a terminal floating just out of bounds of the environment. By activating the terminal at just the right time, the console provides you with the single command to 'Compress Data to Holotape'... ...Even giving it to you as an object that can't be acquired anywhere else in the game. Unfortunately, the data doesn't appear to do anything and when the player boots back out of the computer.. Well... can't say this isn't the first time Todd Howard led players into disappointment. Halo 2. This one begins with an easter egg we've known since release, where players found if they zoomed into this exact spot on the bridge of Metropolis IOHBOY would suddenly appear in the distance. Although to date we still have no idea what IOHBOY means or what its purpose is, a reference to IOHBOY can be found in the credits of the game, and a number of players have claimed that when dying randomly on the bridge on extremely rare occasion they would see the IOHBOY message as well. Last month, prominent Halo 2 glitcher DrBizz found a way to recreate the hidden IOHBOY camera every time, by putting so many dead bodies into the map that the game starts to load incorrectly, which eventually causes one of the players death cameras to do this! Of course the mystery only further unraveled from there, as Spowl on my discord server decided to dive into the game code and see if there was a proper way to activate this camera and while he certainly began to find some very unusual things, spowl wasn't able to find anything coded in the game that related to the IOHBOY of any kind at all; but here's where things get especially odd: spowl was able to source every IOHBOY in Halo 2 and found that one other IOHBOY was referenced on the level Regret, but was baked into the environment and not spawned as a separate object or attached to any script, giving us no way to pinpoint its exact location. Initially we thought maybe the IOHBOY on this level could have been the already known HI BEN that shows up in this spot, however, when Spowl replaced the IOHBOY asset with something else, HI BEN still remained, confirming another IOHBOY that still remains somewhere on Regret that hasn't been found since release 15 years ago! Spowl was only able to pinpoint that the IOHBOY is somewhere in the very first load zone before boarding the elevator, but... where? Given we have confirmation that the IOHBOY definitely exists in the level and we have a small idea of what area to look in, we have to find this! As to whether or not we're gonna know what IOHBOY means and what's actual purpose is, only Bungie themselves could probably be able to tell us, who despite my efforts so far have been unable to be reached for comment. Bungie, you're killing me here. Super Mario Brothers. A couple years ago, Faygo soda sent out an Instagram post that said what would you say if we told you there's a Faygo easter egg in the game that no one has found to this day. I think I would say 'I didn't know any Juggalos worked on Super Mario Brothers.' That said, DillyDylan on my Discord server had an interview with Super Mario programmer Brian Greenstone, who told him there's an undiscovered easter egg in the US version of Mario's Early Years: Fun With Numbers. According to Greenstone, clicking on an exact pixel on this screen would trigger 'pictures of each of our heads popping up behind a bed, with the added audio of 'Hello! Hello! Hello!'' Despite anyone's efforts so far we've been completely unable to uncover this thing, Greenstone said the cursor has got to be pixel perfect, which considering it's a Super Nintendo there's only got to be a couple or a few hundred pixels to possibly go through on screen, right? - "One..." I mean, let's hope. - "Two.. Three..." "Four... Five..." Destiny. During a live Bungie Bounty stream in 2016, Bungie developer Derek Mantis casually out of nowhere said this: "Have they broken the code in Last Exit, yet?" "Uhhh... What?" - "What!? Nothing, never mind, I've said too much." "Anyway." "Is this really a thing?" - "What? Of course." - "There's a code in Last Exit?" -"Sure." Now, that's subtlety! Players immediately started combing the environment of The Last Exit for a possible code, including a sequence of lights inside this train with strange letter encryptions, messages on a suspicious LCD screen, possibly on the train maps with more symbols and curious numbers, and perhaps most convincing, a string of gibberish text on the train terminal above the subway. Redditor ginogunn for the last year has spent every few months posting updates of his attempts to decipher the terminal code, with every plausible cipher technique that he can think of, but he's never gotten anywhere close to a solution. With so many people quick to solve the cipher in the last video, I'm rating this one a high probability it will be solved one day, but given people have already dedicated a few years of effort into the discovery, this may be another Bungie mystery that takes us another 15 years of us trying to solve. Advent Rising. As discussed on this channel before Advent Rising was an ambitious third-person action game now infamous for its canceled easter egg contest, where players had a chance at a million dollars for finding all of the game secrets, and though, obviously the chance at that money is long gone, it still would be cool to find this still unsolved Easter egg developer Mike Rice once described in a forum post. Rice first described a miniature enemy soldier room which CAN be found in Advent Rising by sequence-breaking and getting into a room where enemies spawn from that the player isn't supposed to get into. Once again I got a hold of Slippy Slides who used his mods to warp into the room that Rice described which was there without question... well, actually with a lot of questions, but it was definitely there nevertheless. However, Rice went on to describe another unusual detail here that anyone's yet to find: "There is a HUGE soldier down there! There may be other scripting. It's been so long! I might be wrong with that description to get in there. A few triggers are placed high in the hallway for the secret, jumping into them maybe the only way to trigger them. The exact locations in order here however have been lost to time. Sad face. The huge soldier might have been removed, he would have been in the other room here. I don't remember if I removed the secret from the last part of the outside seeker ship. We hid a LOT of places for the contest." Hmm... well, once again thanks to Slippy's amazing work, he unlocked the camera so we can get a better look around the environment to see if we can find this room anywhere in sight, but unfortunately we found nothing, nor could we figure out what the sequence was with the triggers. While we didn't find the enemy room anywhere in this area, Rice seemed faded on where and how exactly to trigger the easter egg, though definitely remembers making it and doesn't recall removing it. It is possible that the Easter Egg does still exist but under a completely different set of triggers and maybe in a completely different area altogether. I give this one a rating of: maybe? It could be there, but unfortunately, nothing at this point seems to confirm or disprove it, so, who knows on this one! It would be really cool to find but, unfortunately, I can't promise a million dollars to whoever finds it. If you enjoyed this video and want to see more content like this, please subscribe! And if you know of any other easter eggs that we still haven't found, which I certainly know there's still a lot more of, let me know in the comments down below, come join the discord, hit me up on Twitter or even submit to oddheader.com! Thanks again to James and Slippy Slides for taking the time out to guest on this video I know the three of us all have busy schedules so it was much appreciated can't wait to do it again [patrons] Stay tuned!
Channel: oddheader
Views: 1,761,368
Rating: 4.9081874 out of 5
Keywords: easter eggs, easter eggs that were never found, haven't been found, video games, oddheader, easter egg hunter, easter eggs 2019, out of bounds, wtf easter eggs, Mario, Nintendo, Super Mario, Halo, Destiny, out of bounds easter eggs, unsolved, unsolved easter eggs, mysteries
Id: bgcHH4v0DjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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