10 Disturbing Times Superheroes Lost It

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[Music] hello all of your beautiful people it's Jules here for what culture calm and you know what let's talk about some superheroes better Oh Superman do you do to do what do you want to put down the bus to stop throwing it to me oh oh okay ow okay right so this is the thing superheroes we entrust them a lot in our day-to-day we want them to save our lives to make the world better but there's a lot of trust being placed on them I mean after all these people can destroy buildings with just by looking at them they can throw bricks with their mind they can even make your pants fall down just by using their stupid telekinetic powers so what's to say that they're actually using their powers for good or if they absolutely lost it well unfortunately that's what we're going to be detailing today as I'm Jules that's what culture calm and these are ten disturbing times the superheroes completely lost it number ten the Justice League tried to kill Batman Batman endgame now as we've said many times before on this channel Batman isn't exactly the most trustworthy of people in fact he has a plan to kill pretty much all of his air quotes friends should they ever turn against him but what if the tables were turned and the Justice League were filled with the unstoppable urge to murder the Caped Crusader well thanks to the Joker and his nasty Joker toxin this is exactly what goes down in Batman endgame a Batman may be a tactical genius and the world's greatest detective but even he is physically outmatched against a teammate of Superman Wonder Woman the flash and Aquaman all hopped up on the murder gas now thankfully Bruce Wayne has learned a thing or two from his Frank Miller years and made sure to join the fight in a big bulky mecha suit although he manages to subdue the other three Superman proves to be more than a challenge and you never want to be at the mercy of the Man of Steel especially not a Man of Steel who has completely lost the plot and won't rest until you've been utterly demolished so how does Batman save himself this time with one of the most old-school deus ex machina ever he spits chewing gum in Superman's eyes chewing gum that is of course laced with kryptonite because that's just something that Batman happened to have in his mouth at the time because Batman lemon I'm Peter Parker breaks down and then makes out with a corpse spider-man rain now rain is a real curio of a comic book an old spider-man storylines set in the not too distant future with almost well next to no original ideas the basic concept is a carbon copy of Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns with an elderly Peter Parker coming out of retirement to fight a new breed of criminal and the villains are just a marvelous version of The Suicide Squad the sinister six but with bombs implanted into their necks this time spider-man gives up the superhero life after his wife Mary Jane dies of radiation poisoning from exposure to his won't spider semen the scene in which this is revealed to us is one of the strangest sequences in spider-man history which is genuinely saying something after Doctor Octopus so at this point is just a corpse attached to four sentient robot limbs exhumed the long dead Mary Jane and tips her body out of her coffin Peter has a complete breakdown he mourns her loss aloud shouting for all to hear that it's his fault that she died he then pulls her rotting body close for one last hot and heavy makeout session it's very weird and very disgusting although it is also slightly implied that Peter imagined the whole thing but still we had to see it and I wish we didn't number eight named oz war flashbacks Marvel's snapshots Submariner although Namor is no stranger to attempting to destroy entire civil Asians himself at different points in his life he's completely submerged New York Wakanda and even an entire alternate earth even he was shocked beyond reproach by the Nazi war crimes of world war ii like many soldiers returning from the war Namor is plagued with memories of the atrocities he witnessed while working with the invaders in Europe and this caused him to snap at the most unexpected of moments when a date to the funfairs interrupted by Verrill shark leymah is enraged at the site at the former Nazi accomplice the site of a swastika on shark stolen mecha-suit only irritates the Submariner even further and he flies into a blind rage attacking shark with no concern for the safety of hundreds of innocent carnival goers around him and when this happens to Namor there is no calming him down even the sight of his former teammate the Human Torch just induces flashback to the ovens they discovered at Nazi concentration camps it doesn't help the refuses to see a doctor claiming that a prince of the realm does not seek help we're telling you now Prince of the realm you need some help and that is completely fine number seven Vanya plays in the apocalypse the Umbrella Academy well most of the characters on this list have established careers as superheroes before they lost the plot Vanya Hargreaves of the Umbrella Academy is a different story although she grew up as part of a team of super siblings she was usually left out of any and all crime fighting proceedings and that was a very simple reason for this aside from being quite good at playing the violin young Vanya just didn't seem to have any superpowers so unlike everyone else we're talking about Vanya's very first act as a super-powered being is the one that marks her inclusion here allowing herself to be manipulated by the conductor of the orchestra ver Danton Vanya discovers that she always had incredibly dangerous latent powers the only catch is though in order to access these powers she essentially goes through a full lobotomy now completely detached from reality Vanya aka the white violin uses her musical powers to bring forth a high scale apocalypse event if not for the efforts at the very siblings whose contempt drove her towards the orchestra for Danton she could have very well destroyed the entire world another difference between Vanya and other superheroes though is that she never fully recovers from these events as far as we know she spends the rest of her life confined to her bed being taken care of by the people she sought to annihilate number six Captain Marvel caves in stars chest Captain Marvel when Ripley Ryan is fused with the reality stone she begins a career as star a villain posing as a new and improved version of Captain Marvel thanks to a creep our psyphon installed in stars chests by dr. min over Captain Marvel can't get close to her without being drained of all energy after peaceful negotiations failed Carole only has one solution at her disposal she reaches inside stars chest like she's performing a mortal combat finisher and pulls the bloody siphon right out of there now this is a huge risk with Captain Marvel having no way of knowing whether or not star could have survived such a gruesome attack but the good captain just shrugs this off simply stating if she's alive she's dangerous number 5 Sun star kills an innocent man thanks to a typo Second Coming mark Russell and Rick Hart paces Second Coming was almost never released as its concept was deemed too controversial and the idea was act by the publisher almost a year later the comic was finally released by ahoy comics and the result was not what anyone expected a fun buddy comedy with a surprisingly nuanced take on both religion and superheroes the basic premise is that while Sun star teaches Jesus about super heroics Jesus teaches Sun star about forgiveness and mercy and the to learn from each other unfortunately they don't always listen in one issue Sun star uses his heat vision to straight-up murder a man who's been bothering his girlfriend journalist Sheila sharp as if this isn't unheroic enough it turns out that this was the wrong man after accidentally writing down the incorrect address he ends up obliterating his totally innocent and defenseless neighbor instead and before the x-men murder every blue mutant Marvel mangaverse the Marvel mangaverse was an experiment let's just say mixed results that this version of the x-men team is headed up by Wolverine and Cyclops the group dynamics along with almost everything else in this one-shot comic are very unclear what is also unclear is why we should be rooting for this version of the x-men while the x-men we know and love fight as peacefully as they can for mutant rights these manga fight mutants murder every other mutant they meet without a second thought when fighting the Azur a group of exclusively blue skinned mutants made almost entirely of X x-men members our brave and virtuous heroes show no mercy whatsoever the first chance that they get storm uses a lightning blast to burn mystique down to a charred skeleton Cyclops explodes beast with a massive optic blast and Wolverine stabs Nightcrawler through the head with his laser infused claws all in all the manga verse is not a good place to be a blue mutant number 3 John fertilizes the office plant sex criminals it's a well-known fact that nobody has ever enjoyed working in a bank and John a character from sex criminals who has the power to stop time whenever he orgasms has a unique coping mechanism sick and tired of slaving away at the legitimately evil bank court company John decides to use this very specific power in a way that was clearly always meant to be for petty revenge taking a break from crunching numbers and slowly having the Wills sapped away from him by the corporate lifestyle John takes a bathroom break after treating himself to a little activity that is decidedly not suitable for work he frees his time giving him the opportunity to leave a little present for his legitimately evil boss Cooper Bedell that's right John squats down on Bedales office plant and lets his bowels do their business it's a fantasy that many of us have had but not one that many of us have ever expected to see in a comic book number two the Fantastic Four bash Galactus is head in Fantastic Four grand design Fantastic Four grand design is basically a reimagining of Marvel's first family however as the comic continues Fantastic Four fans may notice that there's be more than a few creative liberties being taken here for example this version of events sees the Invisible Woman becoming the queen of Atlantis after she leaves mr. Fantastic Four Prince Namor we also see the thing gaining possession of the thing ring previously only seen in Fred and Barney meet the thing which allows him to switch between his human form and his rocky yourself after Reed Richards is transformed into Azure Reed and forced to work as Galactus Herald he betrays the devourer of worlds and an attempt to save earth for his efforts he's burned to a crisp and Galactus promises to destroy his home planet this is where we see the difference between the original Fantastic Four and this version while the classic team used their brains to defeat the almighty alien Grand Designs thing and Human Torch defeat him by while violently bashing his brain in in a splash of bloody and firey violence that gleefully comes out of nowhere Galactus is ultimately beaten by a good old-fashioned clobbering and number one Big Daddy made it all up kick-ass in a shocking and many ways downright nasty twist we discovered that none of Big Daddy's origin story is actually true he was never a good cop in a bad City he refused bribes from the mob and paid the ultimate price his wife was never murdered by underworld crooks and he never saved his daughter's life and plotted his revenge he was just an accountant an average comic book fan who hated his life and wanted some excitement selling his valuable comic collection to pay for weapons super suits and martial art training he kidnapped his daughter from his estranged wife and raised her to believe that she was a crime-fighting superhero on a mission for vengeance so how did they choose their targets if he had never done anything to them well the answer as Big Daddy put set is distressingly simple we just needed a villain it is really crazy what some people will do to entertain themselves isn't it I never get my friends those were ten disturbing times that superheroes absolutely lost it I hope that you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comment section below if you want to chat to me further you can do so over on Twitter at retro J with a zero or you can swing by live and let's die so is just my personal gaming channel rice stream every Wednesday and Sunday as always I've been tools you have been awesome never forget that and I'll speak to you soon
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 586,053
Rating: 4.9173117 out of 5
Id: auCtfHNDBZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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