10 Insanely Dark Moments Batman Movies Won't Show You

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[Music] with Batman's rogues gallery containing all the most gross and grotty villains as well as some of the most genuinely unhinged you have all the necessary ingredients for some well and truly dark moments in the characters comics there's a good chance that Joker's popularity means that mainly on his worst moments would see the big screen anyways as we've seen with the animated version The Killing Joke but there are still many other various edged lords and villains who can be held responsible for some serious levels of gross everything from the torture of childrens about himself being made into a fleshy human door monster features in the weird and wonderful pages of DC's most brooding hero and they all manages to having lost all feeling feasible within the sordid streets of Gotham well that is unless you count all-star bout and I'm Robin of course so I'm um this is what culture comics here are ten insanely dark Batman moments the movies won't show you number 10 Warren White's Arkham experience Warren wife is a Batman villain who is currently under used as his backstory with Arkham Asylum living hell as one of most interesting villain origins of DC's entire collective roster despite this the great white sharks beginnings are sure to never feature on the big screen even if the characters as Warren's fall to villainy is anything but family-friendly white is sent to Arkham after pretending to be mentally disturbed to avoid a longer jail sentence with a grifter totally unaware of the hellscape Easter's trapped himself in the asylum and its various occupants mistreat the man in every way possible culminating in Jane Doe stealing his identity and leaving him in a freezer to die while Warren doesn't actually die the harsh temperatures freeze off his various extremities leaving white both physically and mentally traumatized it's a Breughel chain of events that really justifies what the great white shark is the way he is which makes it a real shame that it's gross our factor means that those who haven't seen the comic may never know the sordid tale of the supervillains past number 9 Batman leaves KGB's to die for the storyline of Batman 4/20 Q dank air horn sirens now the tale of balan fight in the KGB's is surprisingly serious not only just the pair's initial confrontation result in the villain cutting off his own hand but that second sees Batman trap and are totally in an underground sewer chamber sealing the Russian assassin away in an old abandoned subway tunnel with the implication being the dark is going to leave kg beast there to die though Batman does eventually call the police to recover the villain this is only actively addressed in another comic meaning that Brutus decision to leave him there was actively retcons when writer suddenly became aware of how much that would make Batman more jigsaw than vigilante outlaw number 8 Professor Pig circus of Horrors professor pig is the Batman what carnage is the spider-man both exist as some of the most frightening characters and their respective rosters not even because of the damage they can do but rather because of how unpredictable and callous they can be case in point our first time seeing pig and Damian Wayne fight one another involves Damian being overwhelmed by double trongs while trying to rescue one of their kind now this doesn't sound too bad until you learn that these dollar Tron's are in fact brainwashed people who have been horrifically surgically altered to all appear the exact same which coincidentally happens to be absolutely terrifying Pig only gets one moment a dialogue and the whole thing and it's somehow even worse in the dollar Tron's themselves he launches into a monologue that is as confusing as it is likely to put the fear of God into the reader trust me it's seriously messed up oh and it's also heavily implied that the dollar Tron's have had their Jets also moved to so hey enjoy that little nugget of Nightmare fuel tonight don't say I didn't warn you number 7 Lord death man in any logical sensible format you'd never in a million years expect a villain named Lord death man to have anything near a dark moment and yet in the magical world of comics this is exactly the case with the skull-faced immortal man having a surprising share of dark moments was such a goofy looking guy death man's return in the 2011 Batman Incorporated for comic highlighted this nightmarish potential best when they seemingly Deadpool and it's cut open during an autopsy and then burr seeks to brutalize her surgeons carrying out the operation with his pierced open neck wound seemingly having no effect on him whatsoever add in the fact that Batman left the bizarre villain trapped in space for years as punishment for his crimes which is troubling in its own special way now that we think about it and you've got a villain whose timing clients is without a doubt on some list of antagonists bound from featuring on the big screen number 6 scarecrow mentally tortures a child while the rest of the story cycle of violence is unnerving enough containing every awful phobia from disembowelment to spiders the worst part is actually also the least gruesome this is because Jonathan crane has also kidnapped a small girl and is holding her hostage to extract a more potent fear toxin from her how well by bottling her tears a huge traumatized from scarecrows fear sir with the poor child all the while trying to understand and comfort her disturbed captor which makes her exactly as troubling a scene as you'd expect with cranes own childhood trauma being shown to us in painful detail we aren't even allowed to fully demonize the villain either as it's made readily apparent he himself it's a creature made of his own trauma which only makes the whole thing all the much more darker number 5 batman makes robin eat rats all-star Batman and Robin has been roasted many times over the years for how jarringly different it made Batman's The Dark Knight we know and love of all these moments though none were as transparently out of character as when Bruce basically torches a young dick greater than 2 becoming the Boy Wonder leaving him in the dark of the Batcave unforeseen him to eat Raths to survive this is by no means the most cringe inducing moment of the series as moment slip the dynamic duo painting themselves yellow to try and kill Green Lantern are equally bad but the distorting of the bond between Batman and Robin does feel much much worse than other moments due to the needless edginess it tries to offer out o Frank Miller how the mighty have fallen it doesn't really make sense that Batman would mystery is sidekick like this in the first place as precisely no part of balanced own training involved eating disease-riddled vermin or maybe it did did it oh god this makes it all so much worse with all-star Batman and Robin sacrificing crucial character dynamics of pointless dramatization it seems a safe bet to say it's one comment that will remain squarely tucked away from any potential future movie scripts and good riddance to number 4 Dark Knight's metal Dark Knight's metal and its various but not in front of something that many comics audiences hadn't experienced in a long time a feeling the genuine anticipation and shock as many of the most dramatic moments of the series are the ones that you just couldn't predict even if you tried because anyone who predicted that in the third issue a huge bat arm would force its way out of Bruce in the middle of a family picnic is either lying or desperately needs to start guessing lottery numbers it's considerably more gruesome than anyone would have anticipated but Barbados ripping itself out of Bruce's body despite being roughly 20 times bigger between demonic children tragic sacrifices and gory deaths the series only gets darker and darker from here and it's all the delightful orphan someone craving a more brutal DC comic would once number-three Batman a long slow death anyone who started the Batman storyline titled a long slow death and didn't expect stuff to get really dark really fast maybe deserves the awful surprise they have in store for them because the events that take place within it aren't even worse than you'd expect the comic details Walt a man Batman encounters tried to kill himself and goes into exactly what led him to this point namely the fact he seems to be the single most unfortunate person in existence while playing with this son he accidentally drops him paralyzing the boy for life an action that gains in the hate of the rest of his family at work he's attacked by crooks because of course he is and then kiss Pie's young colleague which his wife also finds out about looking to even more stress and his already busy schedule of absolute misery just when it seems like things are about to go his way as his son begins to regain the ability to talk and Walt fixes his relationship with his wife there is an earthquake which sends all of his family bar him tumbling to their doom and that's the end of the comic gee fingers crossed nobody got that one for their birthday number 2 Arkham Asylum family truth be told there are incredibly few moments in a serious house in a serious era that wouldn't qualify as insanely dark busy stripping villains electrotherapy and a bloody fight with Killer Croc however all managed to be outweighed in terms of grim tone by one small section towards the end of the comic throughout the comic we are shown the ever and stable amadeus arkham owner of arkham asylum but is only towards the closing of the story that we get an understanding as to what made him that way in a scene that feels more like a deeply disturbing fevered dream than a series of clients pages we're shown Arkham discovering that one of his patients has broken into his home killed and assaulted his wife and child and dismembered them later finding his daughter's head in the dollhouse she used to play with the event is understandably responsible for a total and immediate breakdown on the owner of Arkham Asylum and sets the tone for the rest of the comic which then gets even darker despite the fact that should probably be impossible number one Damien scenes in the death of the family in terms of darker button comics the entirety of death of the family would qualify all too well as until Dark Knight's metal it's that for some considerable time as the darkest thing put out in DC's recent history however there is still a chance however small that some parts of death of the family will see conversion for big screens with the story being so undenied the iconic there's real potential for a savvy film studio to capitalize on this with an adaptation that carefully skirts around the comics versus parts which means that Damien's portion of the series is without a doubt scrubbed from any potential script where every other Candice interacts from the Joker isn't totally comprised of complete horror the youngest problem has a bug and fasted Gore field nightmare complete with the Joker telling a skinned face upside down to create a problem that may genuinely make you nauseous if you see at the wrong time times someone get me a bucket hello youtube we're turning things up to 11 with the launch of what caught your music it's our brand new channel featuring all those lists you just can't get enough of including creepy hidden messages in your favorite pop songs as well as radio friendly songs that detail literal murder that's as well as chatty faces where we get personal with you on our sordid musical tastes in depth discussion podcasts and we're even doing quality fun stuff like tournaments and quizzes too there's gonna be something for everybody so come on over and make some sweet sweet music with us or just watch the videos that works too like share and subscribe at the link below and we will see you there bye and that was our list on the most traumatizing Baatar moments the movies will hopefully never use have a more gruesome story to share let us know in the comments below and if you enjoyed the video please be sure to LIKE and subscribe if you haven't already I've been you in torments me with more disturbing Batman sequences on Twitter at you moons things and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 852,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PTrerEPbZwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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