10 Horrifying Comic Implications

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[Music] hello all of you beautiful people jules here for whatculture.com and you know what usually the worst things that happen in a comics book plot they're usually impossible to miss likely because their fact they're brutal murders savage injuries or sometimes even the world just simply flat out ending these events well they're iconic they're unforgettable and they're arguably the moments that stay with fans the longest only narrowly beat in this regard by some of maybe the more heartwarming stuff you know what the focus on these epic occasions means that you sometimes don't notice smaller moments or things that aren't outright explicitly stated in the issue itself but rather left for you to dwell on when the idea pops into your head in the middle of the night and you know what we comic fans are on the large a pretty inquisitive bunch meaning that if there is a nightmarish way to interpret something someone will bring it up at some point so let's take a look at them as i'm jules this is whatculture.com and these are 10 horrifying comic implications 10. superheroes have no licensing control anyone who's seen the canon gotham restaurant that burger has likely laughed their asses off about it especially when you see none other than bruce wayne visit it with his motley crew of sidekicks however it does raise one very clear point superheroes have little to no control over how their likeness is used or the dark knight definitely wouldn't have a mcdonald's-esque restaurant created in his image this also raises some legitimately awful but also legitimately hilarious questions about how seriously the people of gotham take figures like the joker and the rest of the city's rogue gallery sure they all know not to mess with them but the fact that they'll all eat jokerized fries or riddle me fish while doing so suggests that the civilians of gotham have become possibly a little too adjusted to the whole living in a city teeming with terrifying murderous supervillains thing 9. santa is real and quite possibly awful as much as we all had our tiny hearts broken by the discovery that father christmas isn't real spoiler alert at some point in our lives there is actually some good news santa in comic books is very real with appearances from the figure in both marvel and dc it seems clear that he exists in the vast majority of comic universes which raises some potentially worrying concepts because that might make him a superhuman presuming that he can travel as fast as he'd have to in order to drop off every single christmas present or at the very least he'd be some sort of magical figure of some kind and this means that he could have been a superhero but opted to simply not help people and instead give them presents once a year now this is all well and good not everyone has to be a hero just because they could be but it does mean that every time there's been a world ending threat father christmas hasn't even bothered to help given that christmas can't happen if the world is destroyed or the universe for that matter you'd really think that this speedster would help out his fellow man but it seems that he'd rather kick back and let us all die if it came to it number eight there may have been more than one harley quinn death of the family is full of mind games as the joker fresh off the block and psyched up after having just cut off his own face tortures not only the assorted bat clan but also his former sidekick and girlfriend harley quinn only it's revealed that she may have not been the only one in an especially nasty twist the clown prince of crime reveals the bodies of several skeletons all wearing costumes that look like different revamps of harley's own to confirm what this makes us suspect joker tells her that she wasn't the first harley and that she won't be the last raising the very real possibility that he has killed a series of other women that have had the moniker too number seven mentally ill people are exiled in space rocket raccoon while being a precious fluffy creature that you just want to pet and feed blueberries to is at the same time a dangerous entity who deserves to be treated with respect and maybe a little bit of fear since you definitely don't want to get on his bad side he's gruff angry and knows how to use more weaponry than hopefully will ever exist in the real world yeah you see the planet that rocket originates from the half world was actually populated by a race of humanoid aliens who sought to treat those with mental illness among them by making them robotic butlers and cutesy talking animal carers and then ditching them on said planet it's undeniably an unusual choice because here on earth if you saw a talking animal you wouldn't feel especially secure in your sanity similarly if you're dealing with mental health troubles being left alone on a planet isn't exactly a solid method to help you the implications of this as you may have guessed are deeply deeply worrying number six the lizard is maybe better off uncured the story of kirk connors is a tragic one to say the least a genius scientific mind kurt would see his life ruined by his own technical ability as the serum that he developed to heal the human body would ultimately heal him and then turn him into a huge bloodthirsty creature henceforth known as the lizard and while folk have wanted to cure the lizard and free him from his suffering it's a wide consensus among spidey fans that this actually would now only be worse for poor dr connors but why is that well it's partially because of what we've been shown in the comics in that when fault cure kurt's condition he's shown to be absolutely broken with the lizard persona having totally taken over even when his body itself is cured on another level though there's reason to believe that it would go poorly even if you could bring him back around this is namely because of his son billy who died by being eaten by his monstrous old man and these memories are likely to be decidedly unpleasant for connors to recall even now when it wouldn't suck so much because the jackal brought billy back it did only mean that he had to process that he ate his son and then when his son was brought back to him saw him infected with the same thing that made the poor guy into the lizard in the first place number five that joker knows that batman is bruce wayne this one is perhaps the most well known in terms of strange comic facts as many comics suggest or downright just out and out say that the clown prince of crime is aware of the fact that bruce wayne and batman are one and the same interestingly some of these comics try to imply that there's no danger from the joker knowing this information as the villain is just not interested in bruce wayne or his kevlar cloud counterpart which for the record is complete hogwash by the way especially since we see him use a knowledge of all of the bat kids different pasts in the death of the family series now forget the fact that the joker is a psychopath and relentlessly capable of providing unique tortures to people he also clearly knows how to use batman's secret identity to make people around him hurt and yet this is kind of glossed over for the majority of time why bats hasn't let every single person he knows in on this particular piece of gossip since it very much applies to them and could equal the difference between life and death no one knows maybe he's embarrassed it's actually unclear completely number four the tales doll it might seem a little unusual that the sonic comic series has a nightmarish implication behind it but it's worth considering two things one the comic series is way darker and two the idea of turning sweet animals into robots is pretty hellish whatever way you cut it but there's a special hellish spot reserved for the tails doll which is infamous amongst basically anyone who's ever seen it because it is every nightmare ever just please stop looking at it but of course in its regular form it just looks like a plush of sonic's best friend and constant sidekick and this is where things get really concerning because there's little other reason for this murderous robot to look innocent other than it being intended as a sleeper agent picked up by some innocent kid or person who thought it looked sweet only for it to either kill them and their friends and family or capture them to be painfully turned into robots there's really no good option either way number three thanos chose regular humans to pick on now it's not exactly a secret that thanos hates most living creatures for reasons varying between pragmatic but awful to absolutely surreal does seem though that he has a special corner of his heart reserved for hating humans as we all learn in thanos annual number one that the mad titan appears to pick random people and then just pick on them from the moment they're born to the moment that they die we see this through david an unfortunate victim of the circumstances who was constantly sabotaged by thanos at every waking turn with the villain appearing on his birthday every year to just do something nasty and mean this ranges from well pretty weird stuff like ruining david's relationship with his girlfriend by sending her a nasty text and stealing his blanket when he's asleep to burning down the grad school that he got into and poisoning all of his friends at his 21st birthday party and the most messed up part about this is that it doesn't seem to be for any reason he's just a really really awful guy even by regular marvel villain standards number two batman is an unkillable spirit of justice now we all know that batman is more or less impervious to death in the comics because he's simply too good and too beloved a character for dc to ever let him go let alone the fact that the man simply plans for way too many scenarios that he ever might be killed in to actually ever be killed from but it's suggested that it's actually a bit more serious in neil gaiman's whatever happened to the cape crusader here the implication is is that while bruce wayne himself is capable of passing away the figure of batman will be reborn and not in a metaphorical sense either in a very literal sense i'm talking about reincarnation baby now this is cool as hell because on one hand infinite batman but on the other hand there is a striking suggestion that bruce did not opt in to be batman but was rather chosen by fate to do a job that would ruin his entire life and eventually lead to his death it's definitely a little less fun to be batman this way it would seem and number one killer crocs genitals right okay you might have known this was coming based on the thumbnail let's talk about killer crocs genitals now as you know from either reading the comics watching the suicide squad film or just reading his name and guessing killer croc is a man who has a disease that slowly makes him more and more like a crocodile now since this has given him a crocodile tail razor sharp crocodile teeth and scales it's fair to say that it's been a full body transformation which implies heavily that wayland's junk has also seen the effects of this unusual almost sci-fi condition and this is where you have to unfortunately learn these two facts that an alligator has a permanently erect penis and a crocodile has a setup that can retract inside itself look i didn't want to know this either but there we go either way jones is in for a kind of weird ride in terms of his changing circumstances and after you receive this information you can probably understand why he seems to be quite angry and there we go my friends those were 10 horrifying comic implications i hope you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comments section below if you want to chat to me further you can do so over on twitter at retroj with a zero or you can swing by live and let's dice is my personal gaming channel where i stream every single wednesday and sunday be great to see you over there as always i've been jules you have been awesome never forget that and i'll speak to you soon bye
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 504,582
Rating: 4.9071031 out of 5
Id: fyT_I48xQyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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