10 Superman Fates Worse Than Death

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since snuffing out a bulletproof kryptonian is quite a tall order most supervillains find other ways to torment superman throughout his adventures villains have tricked him into committing atrocities used his body to beat the hell out of his friends and well basically been very mean with that in mind i'm will for what culture and here are 10 superman fates worse than death 10. red kryptonite even though kryptonite usually takes on a green hue there are actually many variants one of the strangest is red kryptonite since its effects on kryptonians are completely random like literally anything could happen the worst experience superman has had with this form of kryptonite was during the jla tower of babel storyline after talia al-ghul forced the spandex sporting superhero to make contact with the rock soups became hypersensitive to solar energy this caused the sun's rays to incinerate superman's organs and muscles from the inside out in talia's own words it may not kill you but you will wish you were dead 9. mind control for all the good superman has done there are some like lex luthor who fear the big blue will turn against humanity and despite superman's best intentions lex kinda has a point even though the boy scout superhero can bench-press a planet and crush a diamond with his eyelid his mind can be corrupted poison ivy used her pheromones to brainwash superman forcing him to attack batman but one of the most terrifying moments in superman's life was when his body was possessed by eclipso the embodiment of god's wrath intending to use the man of tomorrow's body to cause untold levels of destruction shazam was forced to intervene and tried to rip eclipso from his friend's body unable to defeat the ancient demon shazam's mentor summoned the embodiment of god's vengeance the spectre who had eclipso imprisoned if it wasn't for the specter's appearance super eclipso could have theoretically leveled the planet in a matter of minutes eight poisoned by kryptonites for 200 years after william matthews falsely believed superman intentionally chose not to save his parents he vowed to destroy the superhero after being endowed with the life force of the old gods matthews now calling himself gog developed many powers including time travel even though gog's newfound abilities allowed him to go toe-to-toe with superman he was ultimately defeated but refusing to give up he went back in time to try again and was defeated again so he kept going back and kept on trying after battling kal-el for two centuries gog finally emerged victorious in action comics 8-2-5 gog believed death was too good for superman and so decided to break his mind and spirit instead since it took him 200 years to defeat his enemy gog thought it was only fitting to torture him for the same length of time shackling him to a harness and dousing him in kryptonite gog forced his prisoner to endure pure agony for centuries fortunately superman was rescued by doomsday yeah that doomsday allowing him to undo gog's actions and return to his original timeline 7. losing krypton all over again brainiac is a super intelligent alien who shrinks sections of planets and stores them on his ship to study when superman discovered that the extraterrestrial despot had shrunken the kryptonian city of kandor he was thrilled to see thousands of his species had survived krypton's destruction including his aunt and uncle when superman removed kandor from brainiac's ship the city automatically grew to its original size and became known as new krypton however unfamiliar with earth's customs and laws several kryptonians killed multiple cops creating a rift between earth and new krypton lex luthor fanned the flames of mistrust and eventually had new krypton destroyed with a missile killing most of the population when the surviving kryptonians declared war on earth superman had no choice but to have his people banished to the phantom zone it was heartbreaking to watch superman fulfill his greatest wish only to have it ripped away from him a single year later 6. depowered and exposed when a sinister organization called hordor root discovered superman and clark kent were one and the same they blackmailed the man of steel to work for them or else they would expose his identity believing his loved ones would be targeted if his identity became known superman reluctantly agreed believing the wicked corporation would make superman commit atrocities for their benefits lois lane deliberately exposed his identity to the world freeing him from their influence sadly this revelation turned superman's life upside down he was fired sued and had all his assets frozen anyone connected to clark kent became a target for super villains forcing his civilian friends to cut ties with him to make matters worse he lost most of his powers shortly after he did still have a little bit of super strength but it was difficult to read about superman nearly getting killed by a group of thugs lois lane may have had nothing but good intentions but there is no questions her actions ruined superman's life 5. being corrupted by the anti-life equation one of the most dangerous artifacts in the multiverse is the anti-life equation anti-life is a mathematical formula that allows the wielder to control all forms of sentient life darkseid has coveted this formula for millennia hoping to use it to bend all living things to his will because superman has stopped darkseid claiming his grand prize time and time again the new god dreams of using anti-life to control the kryptonian transforming him into his right hand man the concept of superman being turned into darkseid's servant has actually been explored in the elseworld story superman dark side and it didn't go well for anyone superman is terrified of the possibility that darkseid could use the anti-life equation to force him to kill his friends enslaved planets and exterminate entire civilizations because of superman's ideals it's safe to say he would take his own life in a heartbeat to avoid becoming a pawn of darkseid 4. trapped in the phantom zone superman is not the only kryptonian to have a no kill rule his father jorel despised the concept of murder and conceived an alternate punishment for criminals instead of executing the worst that krypton had to offer jor-el had them transported to a pocket universe called the phantom zone what makes this otherworldly prison so terrifying is that it exists outside of the space-time continuum meaning time does not flow normally there one second in our universe may feel like a million years have passed to anyone residing in the phantom zone with nothing to mark the passing of time it's no surprise that most of the residents go completely insane ironically many incarcerated prisoners on krypton preferred to be executed believing it to be more humane than being banished to another universe forever 3. living in a universe run by the joker after the joker stole the reality warping powers of mr mixie spidlik the clown prince of crime reshaped the universe to his liking crowning himself as emperor joker batman's nemesis performed all sorts of deranged acts with his god-like power including eating the entire population of china he also made everyone else forget about their past lives meaning they believed the joker had always been the top dog but there was one person who still remembered the original world superman as terrifying as it is to live in a society where an omnipotent psychotic clown runs the show it was extra frustrating for superman since he knew the way things used to be superman eventually returned reality to normal which is lucky since it's a safe assumption no one in their right mind would ever live in a world where the joker was calling the shots 2. becoming a supervillain in the injustice video game and comic series the joker administers a kryptonite laced fear toxin in superman's bloodstream forcing him to kill lois and their unborn baby because lois's heartbeat was linked to a nuclear bomb in metropolis placed by the joker her death detonated it destroying the city after losing his wife his child and his home in one swoop superman snapped and punched a hole through the joker's chest to ensure no one suffered like the way he did superman elected himself as the highest authority on earth when his old teammates questioned his extreme measures superman had them imprisoned or killed because he could never undo all the damage he's caused this version of superman seems forever beyond redemption 1. outliving everyone on earth under a red sun kryptonians like superman are indistinguishable from humans but under a yellow sun the solar cells charge superman's body giving him powers like flight super strength freeze breath and optic lasers even if superman is heavily injured he will heal at super speed as long as he's in the proximity of a yellow star not only does the solar energy repair superman cells but it also stops them from aging allowing him to live far beyond a regular kryptonian's lifespan so how long can superman live while exposed to a yellow sun well depending on what comic you're referring to it could be a century millennia or millions of years in mark miller's superman red sun superman lived to be over a billion there may be no conclusive answer but there is one thing that is for certain superman will outlive anyone he's ever cared about even if he brings world peace hangs up the cape and retires with lois lane he is still going to outlive her and all his childhood friends family work colleagues and teammates for such an inspirational superhero superman is ironically set for a cripplingly depressing experience and there you have it folks 10 superman fates worse than death feel free to drop this video a like if you enjoyed it and drop me a follow on twitter at you slide down you i'm will for what culture thanks for hanging out and i'll see you next time
Channel: WhatCulture Comics
Views: 3,274,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SFbqKkGgKHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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