Freya's Singing Tips: Advanced Warm Up Routine (Exercises)

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hi this is friar with your next singing tip last week's video was about a basic warm-up routine and today I want to show you something more advanced this is if you are more advanced singer or you want to really take the challenge and take it up a notch now if this exercise seemed a little bit difficult for you in the beginning don't sweat it you will see they get easier as you do them over and over again first of all you need to get them in your ear because they're not that easy so let's get started with the first exercise so after you've warmed up to your voice with the basic exercises you can do these let's do the first one with this exercise you can practice the transition between your high and low voice it goes like this that's totally fine or for the guys in falsetto it's fine just do the transition between the registered whoo as you can now however high you can go is just fine but it's important to really go to the limit the next exercise is for practicing your support which is a really important element the faster you do the notes the more support you need now what's really important with this exercise is that you don't do an H in between the notes like don't go like this don't do an H go very legato but yet fast like this Oh you Oh now again however high or low you can sing just use your own range the way to do this exercise correctly is to really use your support and also your dynamics which means you sing the bottom notes a little bit softer and then as you go up you do a crescendo the next exercise is a scale down again it's really important not to do any hahahahaha but to stay pretty much legato Oh ah just however high you can go is fine the next exercise we will do on e what's important here is the higher the e gets the more open you get that way you're doing it really flat inside of your mouth there's still room for resonance you again just go as high or low as you can the next exercise is really great for preparing some ad-libs this pattern you find a lot in pop music it goes like this the next exercise is really good to prepare for some ad-libs this pattern happens a lot in pop music um let me show you really slowly and then we'll speed it up okay do a little faster I hope these exercises helped you and you got motivated to do a really thorough warm-up for your voice next time you start singing because your voice will be very thankful also we will really get better if you do this exercises again and again and just keep practicing because let's face it there is no quick way it just does take practice but the cool thing is the practice is fun I think it is so hope you have a wonderful day and check back next time I would really appreciate it if you help me out loaded by giving it a thumbs up if you liked my video by leaving a comment and of course if you have not already subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos that I have I have the singing tips that come out every Friday and then also I upload performance videos frequently so I have a wonderful day and always keep a song in your heart always keep on singing bye you
Channel: undefined
Views: 93,400
Rating: 4.9562669 out of 5
Keywords: warm up routine, vocal warm up routine, warm up your voice, warm up exercises, vocal warm up exercises, singing, how to sing, singing tutorial, Music (TV Genre), Tips, Training, Tutorial, How-to (Website Category), Karaoke, Tricks, Help
Id: ZLWHNKtnlms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2015
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