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grand theft auto is a series that gives you tons of options some are great and do great things for you some not so much hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 horrible choices you can make in grand theft auto games starting off at number 10 in grand theft auto 4 taking out dwayne for playboy x one of those memorable characters you can do missions for is dwayne and grand theft auto iv he's a former drug kingpin who's trying to put his life back together and basically an old man who's lived a hard life so not unlike nico basically they do quickly become friends but after some of dwayne's actions offend his boss an obnoxious [ __ ] named playboy x things get a little more complicated basically you get the option to kill dwayne or playboy x for most players the choice is obvious playboy x has been nothing but a condescending little turd the entire time you work for him where dwayne is friendly and nice and you actually kinda care about him plus killing playboy x unlocks his luxury apartment as a safe house while killing dwayne only gets you 25 000 bucks so knowing that going in it's a no-brainer kill playboy x still for some reason if you want to be a cold-blooded backstabber you can kill dwayne in this grim scene where nico shoots him in the back of the head after he puts up no resistance like if you want to feel like a real traitor a real bastard this is the option to take at number nine is helping out beverly felton the paparazzi and not killing him in the end a lot of the strangers and freaks you meet during the events at grand theft auto 5 are pretty horrible they all have their own little quirks but yeah most are bad take this guy beverly felton for instance he's a celebrity chasing paparazzi and he fits all of the worst stereotypes you would associate with a character like that and he basically orders franklin around to do his dirty work which involves stalking celebrities and stirring up scandals he is just a crappy person he's a piece of work and the only reason anyone puts up with him is because they get a decent payday out of it so of course he totally stiffs you on the payment at the end of his string of missions duh this is where you get the choice walk away or take the money by force walking away is a horrible choice this dude has been incredibly annoying the whole time and he doesn't even pay you for it like it's possible to get your money back without even killing him you can just knock him out if you want to so there's literally no reason not to get your money as well as a little revenge for having to deal with this twerp and yes twerp is absolutely the best word there isn't a better word at number eight is grand theft auto 4 taking dimitri's deal at the end of grand theft auto 4 the game gives you a choice you either get revenge on dimitri the russian mobster who has been giving nico trouble the entire game or take his deal now taking the deal means that nico just rolls over for the many many things dimitri has done to nikko and his cousin roman and it makes nika look like a chump partially because dimitri changes the job mid mission forcing you to get into a shootout with an entire warehouse filled with goons but also because dimitri betrays you anyway everything seems okay after you get a decent amount of money for your trouble but then a hitman attempts to kill niko at his cousin roman's wedding and it leads roman to get shot with a stray bullet regardless if you think roman is an amusing presence in the game or is just an annoying loudmouth it's still pretty messed up that he gets killed because of your dumb decision of course dimitri would betray you that's all he ever does sure you get your revenge but at that point it is pretty hollow choosing the revenge path leads to another character nico's girlfriend kate dying instead so you're basically damned if you do damned if you don't but at least nico isn't a chump who loses the only family he has at number seven is letting yourself get really fat in grand theft auto san andreas like in real life if you eat too many hamburgers in gta sa you're gonna get fat as hell eating food restores your health but if you eat too much you'll just start to get fatter outside of certain characters making fun of cj for putting on the pounds it can also have a negative effect on your stats when you get fat it'll limit your sprinting ability your climbing ability and your driving ability so basically overeating it's a net negative it is funny to turn cj into a simpson-zest big fat dynamo but you're really kind of just turning cj into paul blart mall cop overeating it's just a horrible choice in this game i'm not saying it's right i'm not saying it's completely reflective of real life because it's not but they made a fat dynamic you gotta try to avoid it and number six taking a dive in the fight in grand theft auto 4 the ballad of gay tony in this mission lewis is forced to work with his shady dude named mr santo who lent his mother some money after she lost her job to pay off the debt lewis has to fight in a series of cage matches before getting to the final fight where santo wants you to take a dive so basically this [ __ ] is threatening your mother and now is asking you to fight against a hobo you'd have to be a total chump to go along with that after all he has done so it's way better to just knock the dude out and deal with santo personally the guy even threatens to burn down your mother's house and he pulls a knife on you okay don't say that about a man's mother taking mr santo's deal is horrible simply because the guy deserves to be taken down a peck actually more than a peg at number 5 is grand theft auto 4's killing of darko one of the main plot lines running through grand theft auto 4 is nico hunting for the man responsible for selling out his squad during the yugoslav wars the main reason he ends up in liberty city is because he was tipped off that the guy responsible was there and it's one of the main reasons he gets into a life of crime in the first place after a few false leads nico finally discovers the identity of a guy who got most of his former squad killed it's this pathetic dude named darko brevik when you finally meet him he's basically delivered to nikko on a silver planner there's a no action-packed mission where you corner him and take him out or anything he's just a tied up loser that you get the option of executing or not killing him at this point is pretty cold-blooded actually if you go through that nico shoots him 12 times one for each comrade who died because of him uh it's fairly grim it is a serious scene and it's kind of out of place for what's generally a pretty silly series there's no denying this dude was bad though meaning this is far from the most horrible choice you can make in these games but still you are shooting an unarmed man who is really no danger to you and it's pretty nasty no matter how bad the guy actually was and number four killing al di napoli after kidnapping him for a pair of insane stalkers there's another gta 5 one and just a ridiculously cruel thing you can do you can kidnap an innocent man for a pair of insane stalkers and then kill him when they're done with him it's multiple layers of messed up it's another strangers and freaks mission and again one that can only be accessed by trevor in it you help a pair of british creeps named nigel and mrs thornhill steal stuff from various celebrities before taking things way too far and chasing a former action star named aldi napoli causing him to crash then kidnapping him for their final mission they request that you either let their captive go somewhere in the county or kill him obviously killing him is pretty messed up as he's literally just a victim of these stalkers who held him captive for days against his will and serves no purpose at all like why would you kill this guy like you never see either of them again after this mission so there's no reason it's just there if you want to be a real bastard and that's it at number three in grand theft auto 4 you can help a serial killer like one of the random people you meet in the game is this dude named eddie lope the first time you encounter him there's obviously something wrong with him and it seems to take nico a shockingly long time to realize he's a dangerous crazy person considering he's muttering stuff like a madman every single second you spend with him this is an entirely optional situation by the way and even after listening to the dude ramble about people he's killed niko still doesn't seem like he wants to kill this creep you're free to just go along with him for whatever reason eventually even the game gets sick of him though having the dude randomly get enraged and attack niko during your second encounter with him funny thing is even here you don't have to kill him you can just run away if you want these games can get really dark but literally aiding and abetting a serial killer who's bragging to you about his many crimes is horrible and weird but it's entirely your choice and you can go along with it or hey you could kill the guy too and number two you can kidnap people in grand theft auto 5 for the altruist cult i mean it's totally optional but you can do it it's also just really really terrible like yeah kidnap people and deliver them to a group of crazy backwards cannibals like it's seriously something you can just do in the game it only works with a few random event characters and most of them barely get you any reward and the ones that do reward you something tend to be people who normally would give you something a lot better so it's almost even just a waste of time and energy to do this the only reason to do it is basically to be horrible the only guy who even gets the option to do stuff is trevor of course but even for him this is a bit much and finally at number one in grand theft auto 5 choosing to kill trevor or michael you're given a choice in the final mission of gta 5 you either kill michael or you kill trevor or you go on a suicide mission at first you might think the suicide mission is exactly that if you take it basically all three characters end up dead but no that's actually how you get the best ending making it so that you can go into the post game with all three characters playable it's the other two options that are horrible choices though not just because it's pretty low to betray your crew but because killing one of them makes it so they're permanently unplayable if you wanted to mess around as them in the open world or try to get 100 completion you are screwed regardless if you have franklin betray michael or trevor the ending is short it's fairly grim and it's yeah just unsatisfying all the dudes who gave you problems throughout the game never get their comeuppance and one of the main characters you spend the entire game playing as dies pretty pointlessly it's a horrible choice story wise and a horrible choice to the player because it can lock you out of content and that's kind of the last thing you want in open wall game like this i also have this bonus point for you choosing to torture this random guy in grand theft auto 5 you know that whole sequence about just torturing a dude what was that about this game gives you some choices on how to hurt this poor sap all of them horrible and all are choices you can make for some reason i don't know that's all for today though leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now it's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is of course the subscription so click subscribe do not forget to enable all notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 305,730
Rating: 4.8977203 out of 5
Keywords: gta choices, grand theft auto choices, gta 4 choices, gta san andreas choices, gta 5 choices, gta 4 dlc choices, gta 4 plot twist, gta plot twists, gta 5 plot twist, gta san andreas plot twist, ps4, ps5, xbox one, pc, xbox series x, gameranx, falcon
Id: KSx8_2TRtiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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