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hey guys welcome back to the podcast how's it going this is insanely chill episode [ __ ] Jesus Christ well that's not the episode it's episode 52 or something I realized before that I just completely just ignored the fact that episode 50 happened just didn't even say anything about it that's and that's a big deal that's like that's a lot of podcasters don't even get to episode 50 orange is the new County for example [ __ ] our IP it's not dead though it might be coming back might be I don't know just saying so yeah so this is a belated thank you for 50 episodes I appreciate you guys thanks for listening to me just [ __ ] ramble to myself every single week I know actually it's been a second how many is it like been two weeks as I didn't have a soul by myself but so this is good you know we're back it's it's a little bit different this time it's in the evening it's 503 it's wise a little bit dark in here if you're watching and you don't want to show up at the Sun man you'll focus are you an autofocus oh no oh you weren't oh here we go that was close so it's a little bit dark and the reason why is because so I went to Noelle's place today because I'm going home on Thursday or as you guys probably know then I talked about this I got an acting gig finally again I'm I'm acting small role but it's really cool it's in a show and the two leads are like super dope one is one of them is from one of my favorite shows in the past like five years he's the lead and so and the you know all this stuff is with him so that's really cool like just being able to actually kind of a funny story my my friend who turned me on to this show she was a co-worker a couple years ago was just a close friend but I met her through my previous job one day it was just like you know we are working and she comes up and she's like you have to watch this new show up in watching the lead character reminds me of you and so being the vein person that I am I was oh hell yeah I'm checking this [ __ ] out for sure I hadn't watched TV and like you know oh yeah a year hadn't even watched a new show I didn't even started one but because this guy reminded her of me I jumped on that [ __ ] I wanna I was like I want to see what this guy's all about and he didn't remind me of me but I ended up loving the show and I love that guy's character for sure fast forward what has it been now two and a half years I'm like that and um the scenes that I'm doing are basically me like as a younger him sort of like I'm the younger version of him which is really really bizarre isn't it life's crazy right the way just goes full circle like that and that's what this podcast is all about you know just revelations like that so it's amazing no it's been fun though to actually like being something again and being front of the camera and work with a real director and stuff you know again it's a small role it's just cool to actually you know at least pretend to be a working actor once again so I hope I'm I'm gonna keep going with the acting stuff and I hope I get more [ __ ] in the future but you know it's it's this is just cool and so that's been going on so that's I'm shooting again tomorrow and then I'm leaving on Thursday so we had to do this week's episode and next week's episode of the podcast or the tiny meet gang podcast and so we we recorded today for three and a half [ __ ] hours we recorded straight we took like a little break we did an hour and a half for the first episode and then we took a little break and then we did like another hour and a half and then we were like well basically for one of the awards on earth for one of the rewards on patreon we said we were gonna for 10,000 bucks a month I think we said we were gonna do a two-hour episode so then we turned around we saw the clock at an hour 30 and we're like you know what let's just [ __ ] let's just do it let's tough it out and let's just let's just give them another half an hour give the people another 30 minutes of just dry ass conversation cuz it that boy I mean you guys know what happens to me after 45 minutes of this [ __ ] I start just you know my brain starts just melting a little bit into like a nice cheesy fondue sort of and so you know at the end of like an hour and a half I was like there's nothing left in here dude there's no you know you could tell me what do you think I know because there's there's just no thoughts how do you um you know what uh what's you what do you feel about you know Bitcoin cash just getting listed on crypto yeah I don't know okay um what's your favorite color I don't know honestly I don't I wish I knew but I just there's no thoughts going on up here right now there's nothing just a big empty room it's like what purgatory looks like in most movies just a big white room and I'm just little my brain which is this little me is standing in the middle just looking around no you're just looking for something to think about but there's nothing in there so it's a big white room and that was at an hour and a half then we did two more hours after that so went out when I was done and now I'm doing this now I'm doing another hour so [ __ ] sorry if this [ __ ] is just if this goes off the rails a little bit I'm gonna I'm gonna be grasping at straws grasp that's a phrase right yeah [ __ ] it we'll go with that one I'm gonna be grasping at pubes this episode of trying to think think of some [ __ ] to talk about here's some [ __ ] I stopped by the PIO box on the way back and I like to basically just go through the [ __ ] real quick on the podcast here the videos I feel like get kind of boring the only person that does you know the PIO box video is good or like idubbbz and I think like Liza did one that was kind of funny so and I did it I did what one and that was already like I had to like go in on the editing to make that funny so what I like to do is just talk about the [ __ ] that I got very briefly here on the podcast because you know this is just a more flexible medium to do that kind of stuff so here we got this shirt someone sent me a shirt it's a Cal Poly San Luis Obispo shirt and it says dad on it so it's like a dad shirt so thank you this is from a girl named Kayla so Kayla thank you for fuelling the old jokes appreciate that it's come a nice shirt though good quality you know I mean this is this type of [ __ ] that a dad would actually buy in a Student Center you know dad walks in there he's like a golf polo from your school you know both my parents walking God oh wow wow I just [ __ ] that was just a rocket of snot that came out of my nose I bet you if you're watching on YouTube and you slow that down you can see it oh that was unpleasant I'm getting sick just today yesterday and today I woke up I had really hard time waking up you know not because I'm sad that's most days but just because I felt shitty I couldn't really I don't know I was someone about this morning I did I'd you should I'm a morning person I mop right away as soon as I open my eyes and I'm like oh [ __ ] you know dreams not happening anymore and this is the thing my mind starts going and it's like well now you got to do this you gotta do this you gotta do this today and I can't go back and sleep there's just no way so usually I'm up drinking coffee whatever and I just like the morning in general and but they'll pass two mornings I've like you know kind of like sort of open my eyes and just I feel like a you know bear I'm like no I'm going right back this is gonna be another two months of this [ __ ] that I should be sleeping there's no way I'm getting up today in general so and I'm like yesterday I was like why is this happening this is very out of character for me um and turns out I'm sick so [ __ ] crazy right crazy yeah this sucks it's like I was just thinking other day I'm like I haven't been sick in a while and I think as soon as I thought that my body's like well I'm here you go be careful what you wish for even though I wasn't wishing for it but um I don't know it's just not fun and wide why the [ __ ] do I sneeze why look why sneezing a thing when you're when you're when you get cold when you get a cold why is that a thing sneezing it's this like a weird symptom because it's not like everything that comes with sickness is is somewhat miserable right like running nose [ __ ] annoying you're blowing it all the time and you get the dry ass nose you get the crusty dry-ass knows you know and then it hurts to blow your nose or your disfigured you got some sort of stomach illness and you're got diarrhea and then your ass holes all is all dry from you know wiping your ass all the time and you're like man I wish you know now is the time I that was actually one of the good things about when I got sick in Southeast Asia was they have those butthole guns which basically just water guns you spray your ass when you're done [ __ ] and you say you never get a dry [ __ ] which is great it's just very very convenient for that scenario whereas you know the toilet paper not ideal for when you're sick because your base you can rubbing the skin off right this is just gross but um you have the dry so I would say he's you know you got the runny nose you get the dry nose your coughing which is annoying sometimes it's painful but sneezing is just it's not even really that inconvenient it's like unless you're driving that's a little bit weird you know you sneeze when you're driving you're like oh [ __ ] for two seconds you're like think you're gonna die cuz it's a little bit [ __ ] up you're going however fast 40 miles per hour maybe and you have your eyes fully closed for like a second and a half right but you maybe not that one like half a second probably so maybe it's not that dangerous but who knows man but yeah that's so sneezing when you're sick is just a little bit we it's just like why is this it's not like it's miserable right I'm just like it's not even not gonna inconvenient doesn't last that long I'm just now I'm just like look like the weird guy that people will ask you you okay are you allergic to the dog or whatever you're like no you but usually I am and I still am but this sneezing is from the fact that I'm sick right now you sure I can put the dog away no don't put him away it's just the don't punish your dog because I'm sick you know an opinion you've heard before for sure so yeah very weird that I've just been sneezing but I'm sick and it sucks and cuz I'm now I'm going home for the holidays and it's like supposed to be a happy time I'm gonna be sick I was gonna try and make like tons of videos too while I was home because there's nothing really else to do there so I was gonna just go hard and try and make like a like a video everyday or some [ __ ] that's a that's when that crossed my mind I don't know if I'm gonna do it I just hit 600,000 subscribers on YouTube so thank you if you follow me if you subscribe to me you watch my videos I appreciate you that's crazy I went from like 30000 I think is when I started the year out at 2 600 a year which I think that's pretty [ __ ] good right right I don't know I went to about 52 million views now on my channel plus like whatever however many million on this one couple I think and you know on my other two channels I got a bunch too so I think make a progress you know we're working the grind never stops my friends crazy so I think basically I filmed the video you know for every 600 I usually do something where I roast myself or maybe I'll roast you or whatever the [ __ ] and so I thought okie know what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go on Facebook and I'm gonna go left it's what it's known as where you click your most recent tag picture and you click left instead of right so then it takes you to the first tag pictures and you can see whatever the [ __ ] phase you were in when you started Facebook and for me it's not pretty not pretty at all it was junior year in high school is when I made a Facebook and it's you know Facebook I don't know I don't even use Facebook anymore no one does I feel like I think now we're at the point where even your parents my night might not even use Facebook right it's just feel like the only people that are actively using Facebook are like either some random like high school acquaintance that you used to know that's now posting super Republican [ __ ] about guns or something right or pro Trump [ __ ] or it's like a great uncle that you've met probably once when you were 4 years old and they you know comment on your profile picture randomly hey Merry Christmas and you're like who the [ __ ] are you also I haven't changed my profile picture now forever so you're just why wouldn't you write that on my wall why would you click on my profile picture and say Merry Christmas do you still not know how to use Facebook you know those are the two types of people that use Facebook and so going on there is just weird enough as it is right cuz you just see stuff from people you just didn't even know you were gonna see stuff from ever your names you don't even remember you're like oh god I remember that time I went to you know I went I don't know that guy that I smoked a cigarette at a school dance or something and now he's you know hunting so but it's all I tried filming this video I went on Facebook and I went left and it's it oh god it's just not I I eventually got so embarrassed that I had to stop filming the video and I was like I don't know if this is gonna go up on the channel I don't know I'm still got to take a look at the footage but I now have another idea for what I want to do for 600,000 but and I have another idea for a video too so I got two coming up that I think are good but this one I don't think this will ever see the light of day and and and I know a lot of you were like no do it right now come on No well we won't make fun of you that much it's not even about that at all it's about me like I just in the video I was like so much of me was just like there was just so much shame normally I can look back at minor to yourself and been like hey you know everyone was a nerd by the way if you want to see [ __ ] weird a weird like a before picture go check out gez his before pictures like him in college and [ __ ] like that he's got like this emo ass haircut and it's just like not not a good look for him so that was similar you know me I don't know I just what a lot of pictures I was just like it was just too much too much cringe almost no I'm like normally you guys know I'm pretty [ __ ] good at making fun of myself but something about I don't know I got to a point where I was like this is not this is too bad I didn't even have any funny or insightful things to say about the pictures every single one is just like oh my god what are you doing saumensch house i guard this video just isn't funny I don't think it's gonna see the light of day but we'll see um I still got a look at the footage and maybe I will post it on my nose god damn it god damn it all right let's take a pause real quick and then we're gonna go through the other [ __ ] I got in the PIO box there's a couple more things all right guys what's good Chi Gucci gang I'm back Gucci gained y'all heard that song now you should get on that boy that's a dinger if I've ever heard one that's an absolute Bopper and a half that's a that's a bop it pull it pass it you know pop it yeah it is all right so what else we got here we got this water bottle this is uh I think a guy who maybe works for this company or started this company send me this it's an aqua water bottle kind of looks like a a thermos or something it's good good shape I like it seems like a pretty sturdy thing you know it's getting cold me I'll put some soup in this thing and um and drink it hell I might not even I might not only put soup in this I might also drink it out of this in the cold you know Kelsey's been getting hot and sour soup recently for certain Chinese places man that [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what I mean where am i where my hot and sour soup fans at where my hot and sour supers shout out to you guys hot and sour soup gang right that's the next big hit well that was bad what else we get here we got some some chicks on me um hey so so okay so like you know we talk about Jesus all the time and then we got those vegan cheez-its and I went on that rant about Vee I'm not even see [ __ ] now I said vegan I'm gonna be attacked but um I you know was making fun of the vegan cheese squares well this someone said I saw these as a I saw an ad for these before one of your videos so I sing you a box brand bliss okay first their brand lists cheese cracker squares but I gotta be honest guys when I first read the the and brand --less I read it as Brandel sire I read it as Brandon's cheese cracker squares organic no artificial flavors no artificial preservatives Randall's that's funny dude this is like this is the plainest [ __ ] box that there has ever been it's just well it's like the most just the orange eeeh Storen JH just the color of the picture cheese that's the color of orange it is / yellow there's just nothing on the box besides like three Brandel cheese squares and it's just it's so plain the fonts are plain there's like nothing on the back just the ingredients best if used by May 31st 2018 alright I'm good I'm gonna try one I'm gonna try some of these Brandel cheese squares and I'm gonna do a live review which is basically podcast is now is just tasting cheez-its okay bag okay you know so far I'm not impressed okay the box was easy enough to open but what is this bag what is this [ __ ] astronauts shiny ass bow it's actually pretty easy to open they're much just weak alright first impressions No okay can definitely smell the cheddar mmm definitely smells organic as well yep sort of getting like a so I'm getting cheddar for sure the cheddar is right up front but in the back there in the back of mmm I'm definitely getting some jack cheese maybe or maybe that's a Havarti perhaps in the middle there just the undertones okay here let me taste one you know what sucks ass I hate it I hate it that tastes like nothing this is a cardboard yeah cardboard cheesy cardboard mm-hmm so Randall's cheese crackers no circle brainless cheese cracker squares cheese cracker squares you couldn't just said cheese crackers why is this shape cheese cracker squares somes like are we we're making a knockoff cheese it what should we call it like well would would have cheese it's what are they where they look like what are they you know what are their qualities well they're Mew no cheese right and crackers good good what else are they well they're squares okay write that down write that down so what do we got so far well we got under qualities we have cheese cracker and squares that's it what I mean that's it put them together cheese cracker squares yeah it's one word even [ __ ] look at this inside of the box it's like one word there's not any spaces between that cheese cracker squares brand goals cheese cracker squares I didn't pronounce that she's she's cracker squares yeah Randall's not a fan 4 to 10 mm 3 maybe mmm sorry try Randall's appreciate the effort but it's just it's gonna be a no for me duck I'm sayin this episodes just filled with bad memes this is what happens when you're a record for three and a half hours and then try to keep going but anyways shout out to you I also got two paintings this guy painted some some space sort of like a like a that gets like planets and [ __ ] and so that was by I believe at creations by Vince or creations yeah by Vince I think so thank you for those what God knows we need some [ __ ] art in this place so shout out to you guys I appreciate appreciate everyone sending me [ __ ] and if you want to send me [ __ ] my peel box link is in the description or it's in the description for my main channel I forget okay so let's talk about [ __ ] the EP so the EP is out now it's five songs on Spotify and Apple music and it - we've got some really really good comments on that [ __ ] um a lot of really positive [ __ ] I got in fact I can't like I got hundreds and hundreds of tweets about the EP and I think one of them was negative so [ __ ] appreciate the fact that you guys are messing with it um seriously thank you for checking it out and enjoying it and you know bump that [ __ ] show it to people if you think it's cool it's hard to get you know music out there and I don't even know what we want to do with this whole thing we're just having fun with it so we want people to see it so uh you know if you like it show it to your sister show it to your hamster you know maybe your hamster likes that sort of thing and he'll pop to it you know there's some pounders on there there's some dingers for sure so bump it in your whip when people are in there for something to listen to it yeah and what is he what I want I wanted to get I think on Spotify now the whole album is close to 70 thousand streams each song so like you know whatever that is total and I want to get every song up to a hundred thousand by the end of the week if that's possible because that would be the fastest that we've ever seen our music getting streams so that's coherent this is the first like Siri actually actually you know serious music that we put out serious in the sense where the production is serious besides supers in so I think supernet is an now is that like over 400,000 streams on Spotify which I'm guessing is probably similar on Apple music because it's perfect it's probably a split right I don't know what do you guys use Apple music or Spotify let me know in the comments down below thanks but I'm guessing it's around half maybe a little less on Apple music so maybe we're getting close to a million streams total and actually you know what there's 700,000 views now in the Super's and video on YouTube so we're way over a million streams for that song hell yeah [ __ ] how's that hell yeah put that in your damn pipe and smoke it huh well I'm just getting older by the minute here so yeah it's [ __ ] cool man it's cool I know I said this before but it's cool working on a project for like a long period of time and then finally releasing it and seeing you know people's reception of it and I'm proud of it just everything I do on YouTube is so fast it's like you know I'll do I'll come up with a concept I'll write it I'll shoot it I'll edit it with an end it will be out within a week right but this is this for the first time we actually had multiple sessions we worked on one song for more than just a day and the whole thing took about three months so it's cool or two yeah three or two three so it's cool now that it's out in the wild and then people are just [ __ ] with it now so that's dope who knows maybe we'll do a worldwide tour we will open for [ __ ] post Malone or some [ __ ] one day you know you never know you never know look at out what could other [ __ ] ended up with me in this and this acting thing you know keep working towards [ __ ] maybe it'll have nothing I'm gonna be a you know rap superstar but him music school and it's fun to work on so I've been producing actually which is dope keep your dick fat was the first my first you know venture into actually making music from scratch and you can [ __ ] tell you can you go back and listen to that beat it's just awful I thought it was like decent when I first listened to it but damn it's bad and so that was my first time I you know I bought fruity loops I think or FL Studio it's called it's [ __ ] around production and you know just learning the basics basically it's really just the learning curve of the software at that point figuring out and and I mean also composing a song to figuring out what the [ __ ] you need but now basically I ditched FL studio I bought Ableton instead and I've been using that because that's what our producer Christian used for it uses it for everything but you know in the production of our EP I just saw him using Ableton a lot and I have a bunch of friends who use Ableton so I thought you know what [ __ ] I'm gonna buy this instead because it seems like it's better and it really is like the learning curve now has been way I don't I'm not sure if it's been easier but it's been more fun of a ride like it's it's my brain just understands that you know you I better and the way it works for sure and so now I'm at a point I've watched a ton of production videos on YouTube I'm at the point where I'm actually like making I'm trying to make like a you know at least a beat a day and they're not they're not good at all but you know they're better than they used to be and I'm like learning the software and the effects and everything so by the way I know I'm kind of regurgitating all the [ __ ] from the tiny mute game podcast but um you know maybe now we'll get maybe now I'll talk more in depth about this or other things I'm sorry I'm just you know like I said I'm grasping at pubes um but no it's cool I don't know I yesterday I wanted to sample something so I sampled September by Earth Wind & Fire and made this kind of like I don't know pretty ecology rap beat out of that but it was fun you know sampling [ __ ] is a lot of fun I can see myself doing that in the future just gonna find some [ __ ] obscure ass you know go go to the Venice Boardwalk and grab one of those CDs from the dude selling in the sample them funny um yeah so I don't know maybe I think in the future like I'm gonna release some of my beats for sure so that you guys can make fun of them and then maybe I'll even do YouTube videos about the fact about you making fun of my beats who knows I'm eventually hoping my goal is that I can create some slap-happy dingers out of those sort of you know I can create my own slap-happy dingers I mean I can be the one that produces the [ __ ] so that I can do you know we can do things you know we don't the booked a studio session or whatever we can just make a song if we have an idea right that's one thing you know all my life it's kind of been like you know there's a saying he wants something done right you do yourself I think there's definitely some truth to that I'm not saying you know I used to think that was absolutely true I used to think like there's no way it's working with people as the hardest [ __ ] ever and I'm just gonna do everything myself but they're absolutely especially in creative endeavors there's absolutely is a benefit to working with somebody who has experienced be knows what the [ __ ] they're doing and see is also creative because then you get their you know creative input and it just I don't know like there's been a couple times I've worked with artists where I'm like alright I want something and they don't quite get the vision and that might just be because I'm you know I'm talking about like Commission work right when I need some design done for whatever it's like you know maybe it's because I'm bad at describing what I'm looking for you know or maybe because they thought they you know they thought well this would be better in a different direction that's totally fine but it's just moments like that where it's like man I've you know I should just learn how to do this so I could just do it myself because then it just removes that whole process of like well this isn't really what I wanted I wanted more and blah blah blah but I think I don't think that's you know I'm not I'm not I'm not saying I'm trying to like do everything so that like I know whatever I do is gonna be great because I think other people are better at things so I'm just saying like you know I've learned to be more open with that kind of stuff more I guess yeah just like open to other interpretations and other ways of doing things I mean working with Christian is a perfect example of that this dude is a the producer [ __ ] the mega producer the guy can just crank out Tunes bops do can just crank out crank errs slap-happy crank jobs this guy can produce and so you know working with him whereas before would keep you defiled I can just [ __ ] do this but then working with him it's like oh my god I wasn't even scratching the surface of what you can do when you really know what the [ __ ] you're doing when it comes to music and whatever but I'm slowly learning and that's my goal this year you know part of me it's like well you're too [ __ ] old what are you doing you're 27 and you're just starting to make music right now but um to that I say to that thought I say well Cody it's fun and that's what [ __ ] matters is that you're having fun you know I mean cause I made a song last night and it was fun it was a [ __ ] shitty ass song but it was fun so you know as long as I'm having fun hmm you know who knows who knows what I should be working on but um yeah so what's up what else is up [ __ ] IDE the reason why I brought a Bitcoin cache before is because that [ __ ] coinbase just added that they had a Bitcoin cache and they said they were going to when the fork happened I don't know if you guys are up to your crypto whatever I don't know I'm not really following it that close anymore I'm just still you know I'm still invested but it's like I'm not you know last week or something or the week before that I was like reading the subreddits everything getting into the old coins and stuff like that but I don't know a little bit tiring I think my my energy is best spent focused elsewhere but coin based I think when the when the Bitcoin fork happened sometime you know but like five months ago or something Bitcoin or coinbase said that they were going to start supporting the new coin which is Bitcoin cash and they said they were just gonna give people the same amounts that they had in Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash so just now literally half an hour before I press subscribe press record Jesus they started they announced their support for Bitcoin cash and I logged on and sure enough I have just money out of nowhere it's appeared there's no [ __ ] dough out of nowhere what the [ __ ] that never happens what that's like finding the equivalent of like you know doing laundry and finding 50 bucks in your pocket except it's it's you know I'm not gonna say how much but it's way more money than that is that uh no we're [ __ ] what nuts that if that [ __ ] never happens it's cool as [ __ ] man I'm sure there's some technical explanation as to why I got an equal amount of Bitcoin cash as I had in Bitcoin but it you know I don't know it right now I'm sure is [ __ ] a look it up after this but for me right now this is just money that came out of nowhere all of a sudden it's a blessed day and in Jesus God whoever the [ __ ] you're talking about up there whoever the [ __ ] you think is up there just just looking down smiling right now going enjoy that dude buy your Christmas gifts with that so maybe that's what I did I'll do I haven't gone Christmas shopping yet um so I got to do that down I do got to do that I don't know what what the [ __ ] do you get I don't know what to get my sister you know actually I do know what I'm gonna get her I'm not gonna stay on here because you're watching Chrissa I don't know I never think people watch this [ __ ] and then um like last episode we Kelsey and I were talking about my parents and then my talk about my sister a little bit because basically she's coming back to she's coming home to my hometown she's meeting my parents and then we're going to whitefish and whatever so we were talking about my parents and she's like I'm scared to meet your sister and blah blah blah and you know we're just talking I'm like no one's gonna [ __ ] watch this it's not like they do anyways and literally half an hour later all three of them texted us about it so we're like yeah dammit not that it no it's not bad it's just funny man like I even the episode the first episode ever I did with her her parents watch it like right away didn't even know me they just like watched it all of her friends watched it which is kind of funny no as I'm saying this I'm now I'm like getting scared and intimidated by people actually watching this so yeah I'm looking forward to the holidays um I that's gonna be good it's gonna be real good I'm pumped to go back to Calgary it's gonna be cold as a [ __ ] but um it's always good going back there and the city [ __ ] grows so much every time I'm back there there's new buildings all over the place new restaurants sir I'm in Paris like oh yeah I love that Joey let's go there and it's like what that when did this even happen you know so you'll love to see it back in my day there was one restaurant in Calgary just one you know it's called Joey tomatoes we used to go there all the time and then eventually there was Earl's and then I'm kidding by the way these are real restaurants but there wasn't just one restaurant to me there was I used to love or else dude Earl's and I still do or else [ __ ] rule shout out to all my Canadians that know what Earl's is because that place [ __ ] that [ __ ] it for sure [ __ ] hardcore dude and shout out to people that know Joey tomatoes that might be closed now things called Joey's we're also used to go um hell oh god to him I forget what that place was called but this is boring anyways for anyone that's not from Calgary so dude I just even and also before I started this someone tweeted me about TJ Miller I've said time and time again that TJ Miller is my biggest um not even influence but inspiration I think he's just the funniest comedian to me I love his style I love is acting everything and now now this sexual harassment stuff has come out against him too someone was like wow even TJ Miller is not safe and they tagged me in it and I read the article and it's basically I think it was um God what was the news I'll let that put it out I forget but the article is about he basically was accused of sexual assault in college it's like really violent he like choked a girl or something and punched her in the face or something like that now I I even you know I don't know like he's denying it and his wife are both denying it and they say that there's ulterior ulterior motives they're like you know that I think they claim that the girl who's accusing them is what if like was always trying to break up their relationship or something but the girl you know and there's other people that came out and were like now like we think it's true also we've heard some things and it's just crazy one that when the I don't know what to think I don't know it sucks you know it's [ __ ] if it's true [ __ ] sucks straight up like it's just like you know I don't know son obviously that shit's not not okay and obviously like if you know if it's true it's great that she's using the time now and the platform that she has to come out and and talk about it it's just [ __ ] shitty you know loot the Louie CK thing it was like damn that was shitty - but this is just like you know to a person who is such a big inspiration for me it's just like if it's it's true it's super shitty you know it's [ __ ] bad and dudes suck but if it's not true it's also shitty because now this is gonna affect his career for sure and so and if it's true it should and I don't know I'm just sad but you know crazy time right now in Hollywood and whatnot unless I want to about someone someone said Kelsey a someone said Kelsey like a car mount for her car for her vlogs which was great great little gift by the way whoever sent that I we both appreciate that it's just cool that like you know we can talk about some [ __ ] on the podcast and she's like I don't know where put her I guess like in her vlogs the camera was falling down or whatever someone just sent her a car mount that's [ __ ] great someone send me a food processor in the mail because I talked about in one of my videos someone send me Randall's cheese cracker squares which suck so sorry supposed to me a Cal Poly San Luis Obispo dad shirt oh it's Kenny's a champion shirt some good quality [ __ ] I like how champions kind of making a big old comeback right now they got all their [ __ ] in Urban Outfitters you know those cool colored sweaters and whatnot good forget for you champs jamming champion champion yeah good for you I want one of those [ __ ] things is that all I have to do is just kind of say that just talk about something and then it'll show up in my PIL box is that the way this works that would be [ __ ] sick I want million bucks so let's talk about things yeah I want for Christmas maybe and then people can just like send to me [ __ ] it beats headphones would love a pair of those or just producer headphones I need something to like really hear the mix and the master you know what I mean as Russ would say let's see what else [ __ ] oh and you know I need a shotgun mic from my camera so that I can film video standing up like I used to I want to do that because I feel like it gets me you just say it's easier to get into it you know it's easier to be higher energy let's see what else I want oh you know what would be cool III want a microphone because I want to start recording myself doing music here so I need like got it like a good microphone maybe even sound like a like an interface oh we have one no but its USB doesn't matter I don't know you know I don't know let's see um [ __ ] hell what else do I need again that I mentioned million bucks yeah I think I said that million bucks cash yeah that's basically oboe t' it'd be great it doesn't have to be like a giant boat it can just be like a small yacht or you know I would even go I would even be fine with like a wakeboard boat you know something I can wake surf behind even never wake surfs you got to try that [ __ ] that's the best water sport by far it's been at which I want speaking of water sports and they do water sports but the birds scooter would love one of those so you won't caught me one of those would be great every single switch game that'd be great let's see here what else okay look at maybe a new like MPC for me for my production stuff a podcast studio if you want to just buy me some sort of prefab house you know I mean one of the small houses that you can just buy fully fabricated and you just set them down somewhere let me just put it on the beach you know so then I'm gonna also need some beachfront property if you guys want to buy me that as well it'd be great um I think that's it I did a hood from when I'm surfing in the winter and my might as well call me a noob or two if you want ooh what else what else now I'm loosening up I'm feeling good we're getting the you know the wish lists ideas are flowing [Music] boosted board KC if you're watching call me one of those send me in one of your old ones that's cool too I just got a new camera but you mean you can give some lenses if you want yeah I think that's about it oh man oh my nose is all ehe being six socks clothes give me a bunch of clothes I got to tell you man I got a shout-out ASOS ASOS you know you know that website it's a clothing website when people buy [ __ ] online from it I think you can only buy online from ASOS but anyways I got I got to shut them out because they gave me a whole bunch of free clothes basically I went to one of their parties and my man Jemmy open shoes like you can they said you can pick some off some stuff off the website and they'll send it to you and I was like hell yeah that's dope that's the only reason I've ever done anything online is to just get free clothes and so I I picked out some [ __ ] and I sent it to them and they sent me a box of stuff and everything fits perfectly pants shirts jackets everything well how [ __ ] rare is that [ __ ] so I guess if you're any taller than me or fatter or whatever it might not work for skinny or it might not work but for me for some reason all the clothes fit beautifully so I'm gonna shop at ASIS for the rest of my [ __ ] life how how rare is it that you get pants and they fit right off the bat I don't even get that in stores that's why I wear like one pair of pants because it's the only pair and it doesn't even fit me that well so big shout out a sews big mood I gotta shut they're more you know I'm not going he sews right now drop a couple racks no I'm kidding I'm joking I don't have money for that anymore my [ __ ] accountant called me and told me how much I have to pay in taxes and I was I talked about this too on the tiny meet gang podcast but you know when I even before I had a salary the tax was deducted from my for my paycheck automatically so that at the end of the year and they would deduct too much a lot of the time so at the end of the year you'd get a refund so doing taxes meant you get money back from the government you know if that was your only form of income and depending on other things too but most people got a refund right now it's like the money you have is in tax so you just think you have way too much way more money than you have all the time and then the end of the year comes and it's like well actually you you have like you have less than half of what you thought you had so the other nice slap in the face for me nice end to the year yeah he sauce is [ __ ] cool as [ __ ] I didn't this is not like a paid advertisement or anything I just let you think it's cool I've gotten more compliments on the clothes that I've gotten from them than anything people are like guy huge you dress better now that you're with Kelsey but I think it's just these it might mean that's probably true I asked her about everything but it's also these uh ASOS is just [ __ ] cool yeah I might buy some more [ __ ] from them who knows all right guys have a wrap this up thank you to everyone who sends me [ __ ] to the PO Box appreciate it this has now been the 4th four and a half hours basically almost four and a half hours of podcasting that I've done today so I'm just mentally exhausted I'm gonna go to beat be dub dub tonight which is Buffalo Wild Wings and I'm late I'm gonna get a bunch of wings and really light [ __ ] before the holiday starts and I'm like [ __ ] you know I'm saying I'm gonna go home and drink some [ __ ] eggnog who's just that it's gotta be the worst thing ever for you I'm just eat holiday cookies and just really pack on the L B's before the new year you know started off right come back for the my final day of shooting for this series and just just look like the Michelin Man but thank you for listening and I'll see you guys next time Oh [ __ ] I recorded a podcast with Emma Chamberlain this weekend and so that'll be live this weekend so keep your eyes out for that it's really funny she's great and it'll be a good one so I think it'll be on Sunday alright alright guys love you do I [Music]
Channel: Insanely Chill
Views: 50,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast, me, cody ko, long form, conversations, thoughts, cheese, bitcoin, bitcoin cash
Id: oT1VRnfR0HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 59sec (2699 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2017
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