Stop blowing up my spot!!

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what up showed stir pod bass how's everyone doing welcome back to insanely chill a happy Taco Tuesday to to you and yours of course you probably listening to this on Wednesday but for me it's talk I got I got by the way I got [ __ ] I got an update about Taco Tuesday I got an update I don't know if you listened to the last episode but maybe I'll just do a quick recap with a story basically we started using Taco Tuesday with a bunch of friends right it was it was my turn to host last week I took it very seriously and I killed it because my friend texted me and said he didn't believe in my hosting abilities actually nobody said this is the quote he said he said the girls don't believe in your hosting abilities that's what he said and I thought he was I thought he was taking the piss right I thought he was just talking [ __ ] to me making some [ __ ] up about how the girls don't believe in me basically right so I took it very seriously we hosted a great Taco Tuesday right and then this [ __ ] last week last Tuesday hold on and take us to my coffee real quick ah Oh delicious last Tuesday this [ __ ] text in the morning and cancels okay that's the story so I blow up I'm recording my podcast I freaked the [ __ ] out I accidentally said his name which was not the right move because of course [ __ ] people found his account and like started commenting on all this [ __ ] and so he ended up hitting me up and he was like yo dude oh did you give me like a shout-out on your podcast or something and I was like uh sort of not probably not the type of shout-out you want but yeah yeah let's just say that I gave you a shout-out sure and everyone was like [ __ ] you Adam how dare you ruin Taco Tuesday from lucky who like being super mean to him and so he watched the last episode of the podcast and I know you're watching this one too and he was like he was like imma kill you this isn't like this isn't a [ __ ] Jesus Tazz the Wi-Fi on someone told me last time that the reason why my recordings get [ __ ] up because the Wi-Fi did the Wi-Fi like [ __ ] with it so I just turned it off anyways he watched the last episode he was like dude this isn't fair all I was doing was relaying the message from the girls and I was like no dude you were you made it up you made it up you made it up that they didn't believe in my hosting abilities so he sent me a screenshot of the conversation with the girls and where they said I don't know I really don't think Cody can cook so now now I'm like an [ __ ] I'm a total [ __ ] I mean I I know I'm an [ __ ] anyways but now I'm like a total [ __ ] because I was the one that was I literally talk [ __ ] about Adam for 10 minutes and he watched the whole thing and he was like dude this wasn't even me I was just relaying the message and it's just so happened that it that's exactly what he was doing I was in the wrong I shouldn't have talked [ __ ] about Adam for 10 minutes I'm sorry dude if you're watching this I was in the wrong I was in the wrong and you know but it happens anyways I killed it so I you know smashed anyone's doubts completely out of the water that's not a real phrase but [ __ ] it however now okay so this now-now-now it of course is Tuesday right so you're probably wondering well what's what's going on today who's hosting Taco Tuesday today I'll tell you what Adam since he cancelled last week piece of [ __ ] for canceling still he's - yeah he's still a piece of [ __ ] for canceling last week even though he doesn't deserve all the [ __ ] I gave him for giving me [ __ ] he still gets a little bit of [ __ ] for canceling he does so he's he's supposed to host today and yesterday he tries to cancel again I kid you not how [ __ ] is that it's [ __ ] up man you can't cancel Taco Tuesday two weeks in a row especially after all the [ __ ] I gave you should be [ __ ] buckling down making you know some crazy but I think it's going I think it's gonna go down I think it's gonna happen I'll let you guys know maybe perhaps on on perhaps on next week's episode I'll let you guys know or on the Twitter I'll let you know on the Twitter fall followed Twitter for the podcast it's at insanely underscore chill and I'll give you a little update and then we'll talk about it again we'll do weekly updates on Taco Tuesday and I want to know how yours is too because I last time I challenged you I said you get together with all your friends and do a Taco Tuesday and I got a lot of DMS of people being like we're gonna do it we're gonna do it so I want to know how are your guys's hit me up god it's [ __ ] hot in here I closed the windows because I'm self-conscious about like my neighbors hearing me do this podcast because it's gotta be [ __ ] weird to hear this [ __ ] like just act like just if you didn't know what was going on just me I would sound like I'm [ __ ] schizophrenic ah it was actually here's a funny story it's one time in my old apartment the place where I lived before this one it was like this place in Santa Monica super super shitty apartment you might have seen it in one of my vlogs I did like a tour of it one time it looked like it looked like an Olive Garden took a [ __ ] and that's that's what our apartment looked like it was like it had like [ __ ] fake ivy lining the cabinets and like quotes painted on the wall quotes painted on the wall [ __ ] like like like you know this stupid [ __ ] like dance like nobody's watching [ __ ] you know that like that's [ __ ] painted on the wall for whatever [ __ ] reason who like wakes up in the morning and like looks at their wall for inspiration you know Lee you know I I was I was gonna dance like people were watching today but now that I've read this quote on my wall that says dance like nobody's watching I'm gonna do that instead because I'm [ __ ] inspired by my wall so the other thing that the other the other weird-ass painting that they had was it was like an owl oh this is in my vlog you should go back and find this old vlog because if somebody had painted this owl on the wall and they basically painted a window to make it look like the owl was like sitting in this like little window to the outside that was like open to the outside but they painted the perspective all wrong so that you know like when you're young and you try to paint like a [ __ ] like a draw like a like a door or something and you and you angle the lines wrong so the perspective is all [ __ ] cuz you're just a dumb kid and you don't know anything about physics that's what it's someone had painted it like that on the [ __ ] wall and then kept it like I feel like if you're a real friend and your friend paid some dumb [ __ ] like that on your on your wall you gotta tell you got to say something right where where there the landlord's friends she must have had friends over at some point who saw that owl and and bit their tongue because it's it's nobody would look at that and go oh good cool cool owl I like how it [ __ ] looks like what are those stairs you know those like crazy stairs that are like an optical illusion I know all you [ __ ] are sitting there right now being like just you know the name and you want to scream it at me but I don't know what it is but you know what I'm talking about that's what the window looked like in this place whose friend friends don't let friends paint [ __ ] owls on the wall or quotes for that for that matter um I don't know if you're watching this on YouTube or not but I've just been holding like holding my coffee cup up like a like an angry boss I know I want I want those reports on my desk by Tuesday Jared how high can I [ __ ] hold this thing oh by the way in the last episode I know I said but like what was I even [ __ ] talking about I don't know I'm a little bit hungover right now in the last episode we were talking about how Marcus really loves mugs and this is the one I brought up it's got a it's got a little sloth on it and it says to do he's looking at like a piece of paper and so you can see what's written on is to do hang from tree branch and relax this is the one that showed up broken on a Monday but we got a refund we got a we got a replacement so that's why I'm sipping sweet nectar from this morning okay what the [ __ ] was I even saying about the house oh yeah okay so funny story so we're living in that old apartment right I think it was how God like a weekend or something I I forget what happened but I woke up I was I thought I was all by myself in the apartment the problem was weird it was two floors and there was like four it was a four bedroom place and so I was like an upstairs bedroom or something I woke up came down didn't hear anyone and this is when I was you know doing vine [ __ ] so I thought I was alone in the apartment I had an idea so I just arted making a vine and if you've ever tried to make a vine or seen the behind-the-scenes process of that it's not it's not pretty I mean it's like filming anything right like I would just stand there talk to the camera I'd watch myself on a go I know I'm not good enough and I do it again so to any to any unsuspecting bystander bystander to any person that didn't know what was going on it would sound like I had multiple personality disorder literally it would sound like I'm the dude from split just talking to myself and I didn't know this but my roommates girlfriend was was in the room and she was the only one home besides me and I had no [ __ ] idea so I'm like sitting in the living room screaming at my phone basically like doing something that was like some stupid-ass vine where I was like just making an absolute fool of myself and she was sitting in the room just like listening to me be [ __ ] crazy outside what would you do would you would you come out and be like hey Dee are you good what are you doing I bet she was like [ __ ] scared like it literally sounded like I was going insane outside just saying the same thing over and over to myself the same stupid punchline it was something about like snapback hats or something I don't know I don't know what what would you do would you confront crazy person like that I'd be scared that they'd [ __ ] chop my nuts off or something you know what the [ __ ] was that what the yeah so I'm a little bit I'm a little bit hungover I had a couple few too many wobbly pops last night you know few too many dizzy pops there's this place by my by there's this bar by our place that has this alcoholic kombucha Oh which I realize now man I keep like out douching myself that's a-- douching myself douching myself no I seriously I I you know like in the last episode talking about the DOOL yacht parties like I just accidentally said I went to to yacht parties and I was like that was the douchiest thing I've ever said I think I just topped it by saying they have this really good alcoholic kombucha I don't I don't know if you guys [ __ ] can boot or not I do I personally I do very much [ __ ] with cam bucho kombucha [ __ ] and I [ __ ] with Cambodia it's super good it tastes like [ __ ] tastes like spoiled yogurt in liquid form but I love that you know I've always loved like really tart things like when I go to the frozen yogurt place I get the plain flavor because I like the tartness of it so cam bucho bucks for me personally and so when I found out this bar by our place has alcoholic Ambuja I was on that [ __ ] like like white on rice you know and it's seven percent alcohol so the [ __ ] gets you pretty dizzy oh pretty dizzy this [ __ ] gets you let me just let me just say that so we had a few and then we went to and this is after we ate [ __ ] we had ramen last night I was drinking sake it was just bad I just you know I was in Montana for for like five days or something with my parents last week and that's where I that's where I flew like right after I recorded the last episode of the podcast I'm pretty sure I flew to Montana and I I did a cleanse know detox I was arguing with my uncle about what the difference is I was doing a detox I wasn't clan I think when you deep when you cleanse you inherently detox but when you're detoxing you're not necessarily cleansing right cleansing is when you go like is when you just go balls to the wall and you're like [ __ ] I'm just not gonna eat anything for six days or whatever you know we're like just drink pickle juice or whatever I'm just gonna just gonna milk a cucumber and drink that for five days and that's it that's a cleanse right I was just detoxing so I was just getting rid of the toxins just not drinking alcohol basically for five days but I was still like you know and I was like working out a lot but I was still like you know still eatin like chocolate drank a coffee so I guess I wasn't really dude I just didn't drink basically I just didn't drink that's all I did really not that big of a Dejima at all but I felt [ __ ] great actually no I didn't I wish I could say that I felt great I wish I thought I could sit here right now talking to you and I wish I could say yeah I didn't drink for five days and I felt absolutely amazing felt like a new person but it's not true at all it's not true I felt like [ __ ] honestly but I think it was a combination of things I think it was because I was in Montana the elevation is a lot higher the air is thinner it's harder to sleep it's harder to catch her breath so I wasn't really sleeping so I would wake up every morning feeling like [ __ ] and I'll be like yeah man I thought this no drinking thing would would work but it just wasn't really working I felt like just I felt like a pile of dog [ __ ] I did feel like more energy and [ __ ] though I did for the I mean I could feel the difference you know and so when I got back here I was like I was just kind of kind of ready to drink again every time I talked about drinking it makes you sound like a total alcoholic I'm really not I just it's just you know it's as a mid 20 year old person 26 it's a it's a big part of my social life people you you go out people are drinking all you know you go up everything you good let me try to put together full sentence here every time you go like for a business meeting or whatever it's you know over drinks over beers it's a big part of the social scene here in Los Angeles and so when I don't drink for a little while it's a little bit abnormal right and you get back and then I was like okay well better get better get on the drink train again better better start that up a little nice little nice little break but it's time to crush some dizzy pops once again so yeah cleanse so I eat oxd detox a little bit um and I don't know why I started talking about that what was I talking about could someone could something help me out yeah I forget that you guys can't yeah Montana was fun that dude it was just I just a lot of hiking you know does anyone who's any okay here this is something I wanted to bring up does anyone have active parents you know what I'm talking about you know like active parents parents that do a lot of would that work out a lot triathlete parents I know some of you right now are like yep and you know exactly what I'm about to say probably it's just it's tough it's tough having active parents it is tough because you know people are always like well you got big shoes to fill the shoes that I have to fill are running a marathon like right now probably you know that's what happens when I [ __ ] hang out with my parents I sign up for marathons I signed up for a marathon last week I kid I got back my or my friends are texting me and they're like hey dude what's up how's Montana how's it hanging with your parents and I'm like it it's good I I signed up for a marathon and they're like well I mean I guess that's what happens when you hang out with your parents and I'm like yeah I guess how often do you [ __ ] sign up for marathons after you hang out with your parents I know some of you right now with active parents are like every time how [ __ ] is that man I signed up for a [ __ ] Marathon in October I got to start training I did start training while I was there I had no of what I didn't really have any plans of doing that hanging all my parents for two days and all of a sudden [ __ ] signing up for a marathon dude you want to know what my [ __ ] parents did for their anniversary this year I don't know what I think was 30th or something no that's too much some some some they've been married for a lot of years and for their wedding anniversary this year this is what they did they biked five hours to this town called BAMF which is a beautiful beautiful town by the place I grew up they had dinner stayed overnight and then they biked five hours back the next day 10 10 10 hours they for their end wedding anniversary they worked out for 10 hours for their wedding anniversary that's how they celebrated it by working out for 10 hours 10 10 hours I haven't worked out for 10 hours in the past month and they worked out for 10 hours in 24 hours for their wedding anniversary to celebrate it what do what do what did what did normal couples do I don't know have sex maybe this is gross I'm sorry parents if you're watching this I didn't I don't really want to talk about that I'm just saying I bet they were even I bet they were too tired to even do it you know do you want to know you want to know what my mom they don't so after I got when I got my first job they just started like after I graduated college right that I've been supporting myself ever since then and they've the only thing my mom has ever paid for was my phone bill and this is for about two years after I graduated she basically just didn't notice that she was paying for my phone bill and I didn't tell her because I'm a piece of [ __ ] and and so that was the only thing that she was paying for for like in terms of my life I was I was making my own money and paying for and I have been ever since right about two years after two years she figured out okay I'm not gonna pay for your phone bill anymore so now she doesn't pay for anything except for marathons show pit she'll do it she'll do it she'll be like yeah I'll pay for it it's like so I you know my phone I use it for my job a lot right like I'm very especially like for the reason why I am where I am today the reason why I have people listen them listen to me talk to my [ __ ] self for for an hour every week the reason why I have people watching my YouTube is is because my phone I started on vine started doing social media that's why I got involved in comedy in the first place right that's where I am that's why I am where I am today so it's just funny to thank my mom for her to be like oh your your phone bill [ __ ] now not paying for that [ __ ] wait but you want to go be in pain for four hours straight sure I'll write the [ __ ] check here you go here you go hunter fifty bucks there you go go suffer for four hours for no reason that's what a marathon is just suffering for four hours that's what it is you can watch I have an old youtube video about what my first marathon was like and I swore I would never do another one and now I'm [ __ ] doing another one in two months uh-huh I got a dude I got a train today I paid for this one though she didn't even offer messed up I'm kidding I don't give a [ __ ] it's just kind of funny that she has paid for my past actually no you know what yeah marathons and she's paid for a few of my acting classes too I guess so Big Ups to you mom thank you I love you appreciate you anyways active parents man dude wait oh just think I've enough one time one time she sent out she for some reason she figured out or my dad or someone figured out that you can there was a gift code for the LA Marathon and you could you could sign up for it and it would waive the fee so you could sign up for the LA Marathon for free and she sent me the gift code and I sent it to all my friends that live in LA and we all signed up for the marathon what my parents somehow got me and all my friends to sign up for a marathon even though none of us had ever done one before and like some of the people just didn't even work out there was like yeah sure [ __ ] it let's do it what the [ __ ] my mom my mom got like six dudes to sign up for a marathon with a gift code how that's some sorcery that's some active parents [ __ ] that's what that is that is some active parents [ __ ] right there dude my parents don't even run normal marathons they run ultra marathons my dad's run like a bunch my dad's run a hundred mile marathon before hundred miles a hundred miles a hundred 100 miles how [ __ ] crazy is that I also feel like ultra naming a naming a marathon ultra marathon is the douchiest [ __ ] way you can name up name a marathon ever there it's out douchey they're outdoing themselves by naming it ultra marathon it's so it's like couldn't he just name it double marathon why they have to say ultra that's how you name like razors you know like ultra Schick Hydro for this time with 76 blades you know what I mean ultra marathon it's just do sheets mean to all the people that are doing the normal marathon what are you doing I was gonna run a marathon you know it's 26 miles very very big achievement oh yeah no that's cool no that's great no you go do you go do your little marathon you could do your little marathon I'm gonna do the ultra marathon because I'm an ultra human being ultra it like just [ __ ] let the festival have that name ultra just leave that to the festival in Miami there that makes sense for that to be called ultra because they're just douchey you know like I've been to altar in Miami it's [ __ ] douchey it's it's like it's like I bet you the people that were making that were like first first putting together ultra the festival they were like what should we call this and they were like well man I don't know we wanted to be like a like a festival but like on drugs you know so I was like a festival is a festival on drugs let's call it ultra [ __ ] yeah perfect it's like a festival but way more ultra I don't know where I'm going I'm just saying altar is a very douchey douchey thing to name a race they do altar marathons hundred miles they worked out for 10 hours to celebrate their anniversary and they run a hundred mile marathon and my mom's I'm one of the two I think my mom's definitely I'm 50 and I think she's 100 as well they've done Iron Man's both of them I'm talking I'm telling I'm telling you man add there's some active parents [ __ ] it reached every vacation every vacation I've been on with them in the past I mean even ten years has been an active vacation like we go on bike trips and a hike trips like we like when I went to Hawaii with them in February every night we would walk 45 minutes to the to the restaurant because my parents like one it's like work up an appetite before we got there I love it though I love it I love Hey I love when I spend time with him because I just feel healthier and I feel good you know my mom like whips up some [ __ ] we ate like some crazy like just had what do we have the second night I was there we had [ __ ] like these tacos that were just really healthy there was peppers with like cumin cumin cumin cumin how you browser cumin sounds like I'm saying human human tacos no humans some curry [ __ ] I don't know just peppers just [ __ ] peppers no meat just peppers but it was awesome peppers and guacamole pepper tacos it was pepper tacos sounds boring it was good little cumin in there super good yeah but I decided I like hanging out with him I feel healthier I feel good I like taking active vacations it's cool because you know by the time you walk the 45 minutes of the restaurant you do have a crazy appetite and you feel like you're like I [ __ ] earned this [ __ ] I earned this dinner I'm gonna go all out I'm gonna get a you know and get some bread pudding it's gonna be a theme I love bread pudding oh this is what I wanted to say last night so last night we went to we went to this bar we had a few kombuchas we had a few alcoholic kombucha 'he's feeling a little bit dizzy and we decided to hit salt & straw which is this [ __ ] ice cream place on a bikini and it's it's got its you know it's it's the I've talked about it before probably but it's the place that has all the quirky flavors you know they're like oh you know we do sweet and savory flavors like the one I got one time was goat cheese and olive that's the flavor of ice cream that I got one time and like I said I'm a fan of that that [ __ ] like I buy into it I'm like yeah yeah that's cool it's cool they do they do savory flavors right cuz they're a trendy [ __ ] ice cream place costs 28 bucks for one scoop of this fig ice cream or whatever the [ __ ] and I'm like I buy into it I'm like I like I like I just like buying into that [ __ ] I don't know I'm a I like hip Street places like that so we went there last night and they had a whole batch of new flavors one of the was carrot cake that's the one Colby god I went ahead and I got cream cheese and Tapatio flavored ice cream now Tapatio was a hot sauce so you can imagine probably how this tasted or maybe not I couldn't really that's why I got it I was like cream cheese love cream cheese big fan of cream cheese eated by the tub I'd love some ice cream that tastes like cream cheese and it was [ __ ] disgusting yeah I kind of pretended to like it and then after a while I was like this is this is rancid it did cream cheese part did wasn't that bad the cream cheese part wasn't that bad at all it was it was I liked I liked the fact that the ice cream tastes like cream cheese it was these [ __ ] balls of tap they Tapatio like the hot sauce they had like rubbery balls of Tapatio in this ice cream and so you'd eat it and it was just [ __ ] man gross and I still got half a pint of this [ __ ] I'm gonna eat it but I'm not gonna not gonna enjoy it that much the carrot cake one was way better I'm telling you if you go to solid straw try to this this for the next month because I think the flavors are monthly try and avoid the cream cheese and Tapatio flavored or just take a sample so you know how [ __ ] rain said it is funny I went from active parents right into ready to [ __ ] ice cream okay here's something I wanted to bring up yo stop blowing my [ __ ] up stop blowing up my [ __ ] spot you guys I I talk about [ __ ] on here because it's you and me and I want it I want you know it's us we're in a room and we're chatting this is what I'm talking about last time I talked the last episode I talked about my ex-girlfriend who now has like an Instagram account with her boyfriend where they're traveling whatever so some of you [ __ ] went out there and found it and like we're commenting that's not cool that's not [ __ ] cool just let it be if I talk about some [ __ ] in here it's me and you we're in a room I'm talking to you about my ex-girlfriend because I feel feel safe you know I trust you and for you to leave and go look up that [ __ ] account and blow up my spot that's not cool right come on have a little bit of common sense don't go don't go digging up my ex-girlfriends page and and tweeting it someone tweeted it they were like this is what this is the this is the page you was talking about this is the Instagram account just if you want if you're curious go look it up don't [ __ ] tweet it don't blow up my diet don't blow my damn spot I'm sorry it's a little tough love right now but you need it makes me not want to open up on here this is so sad I'm like I'm getting like really emotional it for no reason no I'm serious you know it pissed me off a little bit I was like to have a little bit of common sense what do you think that feels like for me I don't want her knowing that I'm talking about her on my podcast right she's off doing her thing I'm off doing my thing why you got a [ __ ] blow on my spot you know and even the Adam thing oh you guys were commenting on his pictures and he was a what the [ __ ] happened man you can be a shout out I thought it was funny that people were like commenting on his [ __ ] because I was actually really pissed but you still born up in my you still blowing up my spot a little bit don't blow my spot it's you and me I trust you you know we're talking about we're talking about the life and I want to continue doing that but you're blowing up my damn spot stop blowing up my spot stop exposing me don't go look at my ex-girlfriends Instagram page with her boyfriend and then tweet it what good is gonna come of that what's gonna happen she's gonna go look like it's just weird right it's weird it's it's weird for her too for her to know that I was talking you know stop blowing up a spit I'm sorry little tough love love you guys well I don't know do I yeah I'm just saying you know stop blowing on my [ __ ] spot love you guys but blow my [ __ ] spot listen listen love you trust you glad we had this conversation but stop load on my [ __ ] spot um yeah man Montana was fun I [ __ ] so sick of airports now though so sick of airports I'm ready to not [ __ ] fly anywhere for at least a week just man I told this story on the on the last the last week in addition with Marcus and Noel so I'm not gonna tell it again it's just [ __ ] TSA screaming at you every single time shoes off please take your laptops out of the bag but dude I know I know who raised your hand if you haven't flown before I bet you [ __ ] one person would raise her hand it would be like an eight-year-old kid like we know we know the [ __ ] weight we know how to do this dude everyone's been doing this for years now we know how to take the laptop out of the [ __ ] bag the liquids are gels and the shoes and no water and I know I know I know I know I know and they're always like just yelling it for no reason like thinking that they're just doing their a good job man it's [ __ ] annoying and so I'm ready does not end there my flight back from Montana for some reason I don't know why he was 80% babies and 20% people that were sick no 19% and then 1% me 80% babies at kid you not there was more babies than there were parents somehow no idea how and I just got in the way in the waiting room for the plane while waiting to board I just saw all these babies and I'm just like it's a time bomb well not a bomb I mean that's nothing not the best analogy to make when we're talking about airplanes here but I just knew I was like god this flight is gonna suck one of these babies is gonna explode into crying nests and just explode one of these babies just good is just a little emotional explosion about to go off on this plane and every other baby is a cat domino effect you know once one baby explodes and starts crying every other [ __ ] baby's gonna be like well that baby's crying maybe I should start crying and they're all gonna cry I just knew it luckily I had a few episodes of Ozark downloader to my phone which if you're not watching that show right now get on that [ __ ] what are you doing if you're not watching that show having a productive life forget about it watch that show Ozark on Netflix [ __ ] money show absolutely money and so I had a couple episodes of Ozark downloaded to the old phone and so I was just you know tuned out the exploding babies and was just very into my Ozark and then so like I said 80% exploding babies and then 19% sick people ice the guy beside me had SARS or something I swear just was like just cough like in my direction it's like dude if you're gonna like [ __ ] coughing your shirt or some [ __ ] you're gonna get all these babies and me sick and then these babies are gonna be exploding in diarrhea and I'm gonna [ __ ] have SARS I swear dude this dude had swine flu and SARS mixed together the way he was coughing I was so bad I was just like hot I'm gonna get I'm just so ready not to fly anywhere ever again for a week at least anyway so yeah I'm training for his marathon i'm back on my [ __ ] fitness grind like my dicks getting too fat you know my dick was getting too fat a little bit you need to tell just drink and eat and a lot you tell I mean I know I've talked about this on my oh my but I just fell out of it a little bit fell out of the fitness my dick was getting a little bit too fat it's important to keep the dick fat you eat a lot of food keep the dick fat but you know you come to a point sometimes where it's like oh maybe it's a little bit too fat and so maybe I need to slim down the dick a little bit so I've been trying to trying to eat less I've been intermittent fasting which if you guys don't know what that is it's basically you [ __ ] eat for eight hours a day and then you don't eat any calories outside of those eight hours so for sixteen hours or whatever the [ __ ] is 24 minus eight is so I eat from noon to 8:00 basically and then I just and then I just don't eat anything outside those hours and every time I do this dude the weight just [ __ ] falls off it's crazy it's crab a lot like two pounds or something already nuts and so and I think it's just because I'm eating you know like I feel like diets in general or just everyone's got a different diet right people like well you got to knows you got to do the no carb thing or you got a deuce low carb thing or you got to do the [ __ ] just the high fat low sugar you know you got to eat legumes and [ __ ] I don't know you know everyone's got a different technique I think just no matter what like if you're just trying to lose weight every diet is basically just like you cutting out one thing that that was that oh it was what am I trying to say here you're just eating less calories that's what it is every diet is like you're cutting out one thing that pushed you over the edge before of like over your maintenance you know like you were eating too many because I don't eat from from eight till twelve like I'm just naturally eating less calories now it's not because people Co intermittent fasting is really good for your body because you know biologically we're built too fast right we went through periods of time where we couldn't you know we're we're hunter-gatherers whatever went through periods of time where we weren't eating at all until the next hunt right and so like we that's how biologically we're wired too fast and our bodies like it or whatever sure [ __ ] sure probably I don't know but that's not what I'm worried about I'm worried about losing a couple lbs I'm looking more you know worried about looking good on the beach I'm gonna [ __ ] about a hunter-gatherer you know I don't give a [ __ ] about that right and and people talk about like it's really good for you you know when you're like trying to lose that like 1% of fat it's like I'm not there I'm not I'm not I don't look like the people at Gold's Gym I'm not trying to lose that last percentage of body fat so that I can be 0% body fat I'm just trying to lose a couple lbs here I've been holding my mug up the whole episode this is insane I'm getting your arm workout so yeah I feel like it's just just me I've just eating less calories now because you know and that's what that's what diets are if you like you're cutting out carbs great that just means you're gonna eat less [ __ ] croissants and you're eating less calories then and you probably will probably lose weight so you know it when it comes to diets just [ __ ] pick one that works pick one that you can pick one that you can stick to that you don't mind stick it to cut out soda there you go not that I'm really anyone to give fitness advice honestly I go I get back in and keep it get back out of shape so often it's just like a [ __ ] sine wave [ __ ] [ __ ] what was I talking about I had some [ __ ] I wanted to say I'm in a weird mental state right now I just what guys said I woke up a little bit hungover had a few too many dizzy pops last night and then I immediately woke up and was like I was like okay I wanna be I just was like groggy when I woke up so I went surfing and surf was really good today if we weirdly good what's like like fun fun not that good but fun crystal-clear water today Sun was shining everyone was out there on their long boards I brought my short board because I'm a [ __ ] idiot but I caught a few I caught this one just unreal wave which is just that just makes everything worth it you know you could have five bad sessions and then you catch that one that one just buttery wave you just take all the way in and it's just [ __ ] makes up for everything you know so I Chi had one like that today and then I came back and now I'm just like got water pouring out my nose I'm like sort of tired but sort of still like have that surf and hi you know I don't know oh [ __ ] I was gonna you know what I was gonna do I was uh okay here let me talk about this first and then cuz I'm [ __ ] I'm enjoying myself I'm not really this is usually the time where I'm like my mind starts to starts to I start to go crazy a little bit but I'm you know what I'm feeling good right now go still hold my mug up still holding this thing high in the air I was thinking about this because I went I went kayaking when I was in Montana which not really a fan of kayaking never really have been and my one of my my aunt will really wanted to go kayaking so we're like sure let's go I mean I wasn't like totally opposed I just like you know it's never been a thing where i'm like kayaking yeah [ __ ] sweet like who said kayaking I am down never really been a thing like that for me I'm always kinda like I mean sure I'll [ __ ] go kayaking I guess but I'm not gonna be excited for it and so we went out for an hour and I realized an hour is the perfect amount of time to do something that you don't like it really is because you just by the time I was we paddled out for half an hour and by the time I was by the time I thought oh I don't really like this I was already half done and then I just paddled back and got out and I was like that wasn't really that I kind of had fun even though I didn't I don't like kayaking I kind of have fun because I only did it for an hour it's like the perfect amount of time to do some [ __ ] that you don't like is an hour two hours would've been a different ballgame two hours would have been I would have been would have been MS but an hour perfect half an hour in I was like oh gee I'm not really having that much fun oh look at the watch I'm already half done all I have to do is go back so now I can like now I can relax and actually have fun with it and I did I ended up having fun got a good arm workout in a little bit better than me holding up this mug right now honestly I can [ __ ] this [ __ ] hard I respect anyone who does that [ __ ] regularly I don't know who the [ __ ] that would be you kayak regularly why but I respect you because you must have pretty [ __ ] beefy ass arms a couple a couple cannons on you you know so I talked in the last episode about sex kind of funny I talked in the last episode about wanting an intern because I want to start vlogging again and I want someone to be around all the time to [ __ ] film us and potentially edit too if they want and then I was thinking like I'll split the I don't know split I'll come up with something like percentage of the revenue generated by the channel that we would run together basically with you and this is a serious offer so if you actually want to inquire you can email my manager actually - she [ __ ] texted me yesterday or she called me yesterday my manager and she goes hey uh did you say some [ __ ] on your podcast about like being an intern or something and I was like yeah and she was like I've gotten so many emails in the past like hour of people wanting to be your intern she was just like it she was like I just can't believe that people will actually want to do this for you I was like first of all [ __ ] you second of all I know me neither so if you want to do that if you if you I think like be around maybe three days a week hang out with us if we go on trips I'll pay for you to go on trips and stuff but you got to film us you got to have a good eye for like camera you have the same sense of humor as us and you got to be able to add it to and make a funny video so and then and then we can split the channel revenue and it's a third channel so it would be starting from scratch but I'm sure we'd be generating like a decent amount of money I don't know that's the thing with this with this channel this channel actually makes this channel on YouTube my podcast channel sorry makes almost almost as much money as my main channel which is [ __ ] crazy but that's how much my main channel is broken in terms of like revenue stuff in terms of like ads and [ __ ] because they don't show ads on my content because YouTube likes to just [ __ ] me so that's why I'm gonna start a third channel for my vlogs and I feel like it it I feel like we could potentially generate some decent money and you know you deserve half of it if you're [ __ ] doing the shooting in the editing so let me know if you're you got those are the requirements and send me some of you send me some videos you've made - shoot him - shoot him to me you can DM it to me or you can email and shall for them all to me but but be careful be careful if your I want serious inquiries I want people that will actually like you know I I yeah people that will actually like you know it's a third I feel like we're co-founding this third channel two together and we're gonna we're gonna start this new [ __ ] content adventure together and I want someone who's serious and it's funny and who's gonna hang around all the time and we can also like just like can go get me coffee and [ __ ] no I'm kidding but maybe I don't know your intern you know I mean it's a [ __ ] to anything you got to do it sometimes I just lost everybody that was thinking about seriously inquiring fat but anyways yeah let's do it let's do it it's [ __ ] make some vlogs anyways I got a look at the I told you guys last time I would look at the know I got a turn on my [ __ ] I told you I would look at the Twitter account and go through some dams and [ __ ] so let's do that shall we should have left more time for this oh wait I got a snapchat for my roommate i'ma check it out so make sure he's not coming home you know because then I would have to end it maybe this would be a perpetual thing where I just keep delaying checking the hashtag oh okay sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry dude this guy goes dude I will absolutely help you film vlogs if you start a third channel I can edit the vids to the style your vlogs have been [ __ ] ya see I'm getting some serious inquiries here and it's great I've gotten some comments on the last video I'm looking at all of them so I'm gonna actually like spend some time like emailing people and [ __ ] and damning people back where do you watch love island trying to find out okay so there's this [ __ ] website I forgot my friend sent it to me it's like one of those free TV websites you know suck shitty but you like the stealing TV basically but uh which I feel a little bit bad about but you can't watch it elsewhere in America so I've been using that I don't know what it is though actually you know what adults no I shouldn't I shouldn't should I say what yeah forget it's watch - series Co watch - series Co that's what it is and you can watch all the episodes there for free so there you go what else we got here um some more inquiries for the intern your podcast [ __ ] thank you very much appreciate that you know Alice Fox Kombucha Fox sitcom butcher kombucha let me know in the comments below oh [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] I forgot me undies [ __ ] tweeted me dude it's always been my life goal to have me undies sponsor this [ __ ] podcast and they tweeted at me and they're like email us and we'll see if we can make it happen dude if that [ __ ] happens I'm gonna be reading I'm gonna be reading the undies ads and you guys all have to [ __ ] enjoy those things because it's a special moment it's not just a normal ad it's a me undies ad that's you know you've reached a sweep reached a crazy level in the podcast world if you're reading me on DS ads so I'm gonna email them back today cross cross you're damn you know cross your fingers cross your nuts whatever you got to do so let's hope that happens when will you come to New York and do a stand-up show it'd be great so I think what basically I think my tentative plan is potentially is me and awhile are gonna work on the show that we're gonna do in LA next month and we're already talking about what its gonna be and I think I think we have a pretty good idea and so if it works out then I'd love to go on tour with it potentially so that's like my tentative plan for next year that's what I want to do that's what I'm working on um and so if so then definitely New York let's see what else we got here hey man what happened to your latest video on your main channel okay so so when Marcus and Noel and I filmed that last episode of the podcast I had this idea for this video basically Jake Paul keeps coming out with songs and they keep getting worse somehow I don't know how he keeps making songs he's out he's out douching himself but like I guess that's not really he just he just I don't know he's outdoing himself every time with how bad his songs are it's [ __ ] crazy every time you think it can't get worse he's like think again [ __ ] now his most latest song is about the media or some [ __ ] and about all the hate and it's just so bad dude he [ __ ] like he talks one of the lines is where were you when I was when I was in the email discouraging kids from killing themselves or something and then right afterwards he does the Milly rock have a little bit of common sense like what are you doing and so basically I was like whatever I've hated on the hated on this kid enough and everyone is hating on him and the song is almost too easy to hate on so my idea for the video is basically just like do like a really big title it like reacting to Jake Paul or whatever so ever everyone's expecting me to hate on this song and then we just watch the song and like Bob our heads to it at the end goes that's pretty good and then it ends so that's exactly what we did and I thought it was really funny but nobody understood the joke at all and people were like dude this isn't fair use man you can't just take his video like this and play it unedited for three minutes god damn it this is just clearly did not work I just I just totally [ __ ] this up but nobody understands the joke maybe I just didn't execute it properly and so I just put it on private so it's still up but it's just on private maybe I'll put it unlisted and you guys and watch it if you have the link or something I don't know but that's that's where I went if you're wondering where the video went that's where it went sometimes it happens you know sometimes jokes don't land just this the way the world works I've said some [ __ ] on stage before that I said I swore to God was gonna make people laugh and it just crickets just people just staring at me and I'm like oh my god well I don't know what humor is I guess I thought I had a sense of humor but that's clearly not the case at all what's the website where I pay you to send me videos to make me feel special well Vanessa I'm wearing a shirt right now with that company's name on it it's called cameo the website is booked cameo comm and I'm on there so you can go you know if you want me to if we if you want me to roast your grandma I'll do that for you for the low low price of $50 book cameo calm / Cody Co its Devin's company by the way has anyone found your dj name yet I think someone did I think someone found it but I'm not gonna again don't blow my [ __ ] spot I don't want to bring [ __ ] up like that anymore because I know the last time I did that someone [ __ ] I think that DM do one of my friends or something and was like boots Cody's DJ's aim don't you don't blow my spot love you guys trust you but don't blow my spot why are your cameos $50 who the [ __ ] do you think you are so they used to be 25 or something that I upped it to 30 and I kept getting booked so I opted to 50 and I'm still getting people booking them and so now it's like it's a real it's like real money for me now which is amazing you know I'm using it to [ __ ] pay my rent basically which is which is sick that's why they're $50 hey Cody are you interested in visiting Dubai we can help out that sounds super sketchy that sounds so sketchy thank you for the offer and I am interested in Dubai but I'm I don't know what that means we can help you out this guy's Stewie from Family Guy as is his icon so sketchy super sketchy how long did it take you to learn how to surf man um so I it took me probably a year to learn how to like actually like hold my own out there now I think I'm I'm decent I'm fine I mean I don't know there's some sessions where you some sessions where you go out and you just it just makes you doubt your entire [ __ ] all the time you've put in just learning how to surf like last week on Tuesday I think it was pretty big in Venice I must have been like five six feet and like that and and I can't I was still like recovering from the Chicago weekend and I paddled out and with Marcus and he was just charging dude he was like every way if he was paddling in and I was just like the two big I just sat out there and then like I was out there and you just gets scared that he was gonna get stuck out there because you're like I'm too much of a [ __ ] to [ __ ] try and catch any of these waves and so that just like a session like that just makes you [ __ ] doubt everything you've learned and everything all the time you've put in and then the next day I went out and it was like around the same size and I was like all right I'm I'm gonna [ __ ] I'm gonna make myself do this and I did and I had a couple I had a couple great waves but yeah it took me about I first learned for the first time in Bali in Kuta Beach that's why I learned apparently was one of the best beach breaks in the entire world I don't really know that but that's where we first learned and I was just an absolute kook which is just a word for a bad surfer and it just was I've fallen off my boards being stupid and then then we moved to Australia and I I did it for I think in Y Amba is the town I've talked about this before is like one of my favorite places I've ever been but that's where I like actually learned for a couple weeks and then you know just you can start you know you can start as a mid 20 year old you'll probably never be as good as the guys I've been doing it for their whole lives but if you just do it consistently you can hold your own out there hey Cody do you think you can go a whole episode without mentioning that you live in Venice nope next question does a shower does taking a shower count as washing your hands uh yeah yes 100% if you take a [ __ ] like if you do one of those naked shits you know before you get in the shower what kind of psycho washes their hands before they get in the shower after that that's that's so redundant you don't need to do that at all taking a shower absolutely counts as as washing your hands but also by the way if you wash your legs in the shower that's weird I know I don't I've never washed my legs I had a moment when I was like there's probably many people being like you dirty [ __ ] I think I got a point when I was like twelve where I was like wait I don't really need to wash my legs is that weird let me know in the comments below Cody whenever you do a podcast please tell us what the weather is like we need the context you old [ __ ] well it's um I know this isn't necessarily the start this is more of the end but it's pretty sick [ __ ] sunny and it's really hot out right now in honor of Taco Tuesday I have an important question softer hard soft all the way hard taco shells [ __ ] blow does just make no sense you take one bite and everything [ __ ] falls apart it's like it's the least functional thing ever the point of a taco shell is to hold my [ __ ] in it's exactly what hard taco shells don't do you take one bite cracks in half and all the [ __ ] falls out what who invented these now soft all the way absolutely all the way let's see you know I answer a couple more and then uh why do you say caramel like a virgin caramel how do you say caramel caramel are you supposed to say it the OC podcast is back how do you feel about being left out yeah so [ __ ] Sam and Devon when did it episode of the oranges the new county without me I didn't I didn't I didn't really care honestly I was like it's better that the podcast is [ __ ] lives you know I'll be part of it again eventually probably is TJ Miller actually your favorite comedian yes yes he is my favorite comedian by far I [ __ ] idolize that dude I love everything he does and I just the guys love his style he's just [ __ ] I think he's just a funny [ __ ] dude man and if you haven't seen his special on HBO definitely watch that it's hilarious I thought it was so funny Noel is so funny that it actually makes me upset to listen to him and so I want to be at that bomb I want to be at that point one day where people are people come to see my stand-up shows and they just cry because they're so upset at how funny I am you know that's think any comedians dream I think are your podcasts eventually going to get longer well [ __ ] check it out I'm almost at an hour this is meh this might be the longest individual episode so far maybe we're gonna do it we're gonna work in a bus an hour that's crazy man maybe I should be hungover more often for this um Adam better [ __ ] kill it this Taco Tuesday I'm expecting big things I know dude I know I'm curious and I'm curious if you don't even happen honestly I think it'll go down man and it's coming up seven hours roughly I got to go [ __ ] train for this goddamn marathon and then hopefully Taco Tuesday happens and I'll follow up next week and let you know Oh people have been telling me to have girls on the podcast because it's kind of a sausage fest right now so I've got a couple coming over on Thursday you probably know them and it should be a good should be a good episode so look out for that this weekend I'm gonna wrap this up because I'm [ __ ] hungry it's 12:00 and I've haven't eaten in whatever 16 hours except for that goat cheese I screwed that cream cheese ice cream but you can't read can't really count that just rancid you know I'm gonna wrap it up go eat some food so you know the drill people slash kotico if you want to support the podcast if you like what I'm doing follow me on Instagram Twitter kotico and then the Twitter for this podcast is at insanely underscore chill by the way we broke the thousand reviews on iTunes thank you I'm never gonna ask for you to review it ever again except I will still every single episode so go review it if you liked it and and you know most of all keep it real you know have a good rest of your week hope you guys had a good Taco Tuesday let me know if how if and how it went and we'll see you guys next time love you guys bye do it now [Music]
Channel: Insanely Chill
Views: 82,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody ko, podcast, insanely chill, chill, long form, travel, taco tuesday, active, running
Id: Qy2DqzF24kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 19sec (3679 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2017
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