II Kings ~ 4:8 to 4:44

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to we're gonna pick it up today second Kings chapter 4 verse 8 and things are going very badly in the ten tribes to the north commonly referred to as Israel from the time of Jeroboam the first king after the nations split yet Israel in one house and Judah the other the nations split down the middle and you had Jeroboam who made the golden calves and said to the people of Israel you don't have to go down to Jerusalem to worship worship these two golden calves you see he was afraid that the people would stay in Judah if they went to Jerusalem because things were going so badly in the ten tribes to the north and then you had a hab with his bail worship closed down the house of God the temple and basically forbade the people from worshipping Yahweh the God of heaven and earth worship this hedonistic God Bale well God sent prophet after prophet trying to get the people's attention to to raise their conscience to realize that there was a God in Israel and his name wasn't bail so with that introduction we're gonna pick it up today we ask that word of wisdom and your shoe's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day we pick it up second kings chapter four verse eight and it reads and it fell on a day that Elijah passed us unum where there was a great woman this means that she was a woman of substance a wealthy woman and she constrained him to eat bread and so it was that as oft as he passed by he turned in thither to eat bread they they developed a relationship and evidently he liked her and she liked him and she sensed something about Elijah as well verse 9 and she said unto her husband behold now I perceived that this is an holy man of God which passeth bias continually she felt the presence of the Holy Spirit the Spirit of God and that was something that you wouldn't feel from very many people in Israel at this time you see all the priests had moved out of the allotments of land the cities that they were assigned to when Israel first went into the promised land when they saw Jeroboam making the golden calves and creating his own priesthood promoting or consecrating his own priests they all headed for Judah they knew things were not going well with the ten northern tribes this woman perceived something very righteous about Elijah verse 10 let us make a little chamber a little room if you will she continues to her husband I pray thee on the wall and let us set for him there a bed and a table and a stool and a candlestick and it shall be when he cometh to us that he shall turn in the other and the says you know pretty merciful or this woman is really showing a lot of care for Elijah I couldn't help when I read this verse my mind racing back to 1991 and my wife and I had the good fortune of visiting her family in Germany and in 1991 that's the year the wall came down we were there three months after the wall came down and we visited a little town the first time that we went from West Germany to East Germany there was a little town in East Germany called Ison Ock which means iron axe and it's quite quite a thing to see if you ever have the opportunity but the first thing that struck me about this castle and it was an old castle was that there was a cross built in to the building itself and most of the facility had been remodeled over the years and and made into her tourist attraction but there was one little room that I'll never forget and it was in its original form as it was in the fifteen hundred's that room belonged to Martin Luther a man who did many religious writings was very qualified in translating their original languages but that room was what struck me about this verse was that's all that was in there was a bed a table a stool and a candlestick that he would work late in the night translating so it was quite quite an exciting trip verse 11 and it fell on a day that he came thither and he turned in to the chamber and lay there shooting him by the way and the Hebrew is so lamb of today it means double resting-place Shiloh is a form of the word which means single resting place so unum became a resting place for Elijah as he journeyed about on his business very gracious of this wealthy woman to take care of him so he's going to try and return the favor verse 12 and he this being Elijah said to gauzy his servant called the Shunammite and when he had called her he she stood before him and he's going to send a message you know how can I repay you for your graciousness and I think rather than he going himself he sent gauzy in that she might be a little more free to say to gauzy what that Elijah could do for her verse 13 and he said unto Him this is Elijah to gauzy his servant behold thou has been very careful for us with all this care what is to be done for the question wouldest thou be spoken for to the king do you have any wishes or petitions that I could present to the king for you or to the captain of the host the the general of the military and she answered I dwell among mine own people in other words I have no need of anything I dwell peacefully among my own people and believe me Elijah could have called in a favor or two from the king not only the king of Israel but the king of Judah and the deputy king of Edom you remember in our last lecture where they found themselves in a pickle they were out in the middle of the desert making their a right way around Edom to fight against them or bites and they had no water and they called on Eli Shaw and Elijah made the I should say the Lord through Elijah made the water flow to where the people and their animals had water to drink not only the Kings but also the military as well so believe me Elijah could have called in a favor to have the woman had a request but she doesn't need anything she's happy no thanks thanks but no thanks verse 14 and he said what then is to be done for her question and gauzy answered verily she has no child and her husband is old I noticed that they don't have a child and they're very wealthy people we've already established that in verse 8 when it said that she was a great woman but there is no heir to their fortune and gauzy noticed this anytime I think about an elderly couple that don't have children I can't help but think about Abram and sorry I in Genesis chapter 18 who Abram was almost a hundred years old sorry I 90 years old when the Lord told her that she was going to have a son verse 15 and he said this is Elijah call her and when he had called her she stood in the door she's about to learn that the God of Abraham still rules in reins in Israel although these miracles performed by the prophets were meant and intended to raise the consciousness of the people to make them realize that there was a God in Israel and his name was not Bale verse 16 and he said this to the the Shunammite woman about this season another about this time next year according to the time of life thou shalt embrace a son and she said nay my lord thou man of God do not lie unto thine handmaid don't don't tease me probably would be a better way to translate this or or don't deceive me and you know when when the Lord told Sarah that she was going to have a son she laughed within herself and thus the name of her firstborn son Isaac which if you translate it rather than transliterated it means laughter number 17 and the woman conceived the Shunammite s and Barry son at that season at the time of year in other words that Elijah had said unto her according to the time of life according to the time of gestation nine months that the child would take to develop and be ready to be birthed verse 18 and when the child was grown it fell on a day that he went out to his father to to the Reapers he went out to to help with the harvest the woman's faith in the Lord the God of Israel is about to be tested and confirmed verse 19 and he said unto his father this is the the lad her son my head my head and he said to the lad carry him to his mother and he said to one of the other helpers take him back to the house to his mother it's thought that he likely had a heat stroke heat stroke causes a very severe headache and in this case that's going to cause death as well verse 20 and when he had taken him he brought him to his mother he sat on her knees till noon then died heatstroke causes inflammation in the brain and likely what took the lads life 21 and she the shunammite woman went up and laid him on a bed the bed of the man of God in Elijah's room that she had built for him and shut the door upon him and went out she realizes that her son is dead but she also knows that it was Elijah who are she perceives that it was Elijah who had the power to give her a son it wasn't Elijah's power it was the power of the God of Israel yah-ha they but she's thinking well Elijah gave me the son perhaps he can bring him back to life 22 and she called into her husband and said send me I pray thee one of the young men and one of the asses that I may run to the man of God and come again no she didn't say anything about our son being dead why verse 23 and he said wherefore wilt thou go to him today it is neither new moon nor Sabbath and she said it shall be well in other words it's not the days that you would normally go and worship with Elijah why today and with this word it shall be well when she responded the Hebrew word for well is Shalom a word that many of you are familiar with most often translated and from the Hebrew into English as peace it can also mean never mind and that's what it means in this case she's she she doesn't have time to explain to her husband why she wants to go to Elijah don't delay me let me go first 24 then she saddled an ass and said to her servant drive and go forward slack not by riding for me except I bid thee don't hold back and slow down because of me this is urgent when we need to press on and unless I ask you to slow down go as fast as you can verse 25 so she went and came into the man of God to Mount Carmel and it came to pass when the man of God saw her afar off that he said to go see his servant behold yonder is that Shunammite he recognized her and he realized that she is in her servant or riding very hard he realizes probably that something is amiss verse 26 run now Elijah to Gaza instruction run now I pray thee to meet her and saying to her is it well with thee is it well with thy husband is it well with the child and she answered it is well again this word well means Shalom in other words don't don't delay me never mind she didn't want to tell AHA see she's insisting on seeing Elijah and telling him that her son is dead verse 27 and when she came to the man of God to the hill she caught him by the feet but gauzy came near to thrust her away to throw her away or pull her away Gazi as his servant is protecting his master and the man of God Elijah said let her alone for her soul is vexed within her in the Hebrew this word vexed means it's bitter within her and the Lord hath hid it from me and hath not told me think about this the the woman had been blessed with a child in their old age and now the child had been taken away Elijah doesn't know this God did not tell him for some reason the woman's not going to tell him either but he can tell by the questions that the lad is dead verse 28 then she said did I desire a son of my lord did I not say do not deceive me this is the woman - Elijah did I ask for a son didn't I say don't tease me or don't deceive me she again she didn't say what the matter was but the questions that she's asking Elijah make him realize that the son is dead 29 then he said to Gaza gird up thy loins and take my staff in thine hand and go thy way if thou meet any man salute him not don't stop to even talk and if any man salute thee answer him not again don't waste any time and lay my staff upon the face of the child you hurry there Gazi and when you arrive you lay my staff on the child's corpse verse 30 and the mother of the child said as the Lord liveth this is an oath and as thy soul liveth very sincere oath I will not leave thee and he this being Elijah arose and followed her Elijah was just going to send Ghazi to the the deceased son the woman is insisting that you know she's thinking back that Elijah asked if there was anything he could do for her and she basically said no I'm happy now she has something that she wants Elijah to do and she's insisting that it be Elijah that come not just Ghazi probably a good thing verse 31 and gauzy passed on before them and laid the staff upon the face of the child but there was neither voice nor hearing in the Hebrew this is there was no attention there was no response in other words wherefore he went again to meet him referring to Elijah and told him saying the child is not awake and of course you and I know that it was only God that could make this child come to life again it wasn't Ghazis power it wasn't the staff of Elijah it wasn't Elijah's power that could bring this child back to life it was the power of God Almighty of course and again this is going to happen so that the people of Israel who really not they've they've forgotten God they've turned their back on God and the purpose of these miracles to raise their conscience to where they would realize that there is a God of Israel verse 32 and when Elijah was coming to the house behold the child was dead and laid upon his bed there was a similar situation with Elijah you may recall back in first Kings chapter 17 when we were first introduced to the prophet Elijah and you remember he was sent to to dwell with a widow in Zeidan and there wasn't enough to eat and he told her there'll be sufficient of the oil and the meal to last and there was a terrible drought and famine in the land at the time but her son passed away you recall an Elijah through the power of God brought him back to life verse 33 he went in therefore heal I should going into the deceased son and shut the door upon them Twain on the two of them only the two the dead child and Elijah were in there and prayed unto the Lord Elijah a new whose power it was to revive this child and he went up and lay upon the child and put his mouth upon his mouth and his eyes upon his eyes and his hands upon his hands and he stretched himself upon the child and the flesh of the child waxed warm it became warm he he's coming back to life verse 35 then he returned and walked in the house to and fro and went up and stretched himself upon him and the child sneezed seven times and the child opened his eyes God had brought the child back to life this was the seventh miracle performed by Elijah and you know there there are several people who brought people back from the dead in the New Testament Peter brought a child back from death Paul was long preaching one night Paul got kind of long-winded sometimes when he was preaching and it was so one night that a young man who fell asleep while Paul was preaching in the window of the third floor fell out and died from the fall and Paul brought him to life and of course Jesus Christ brought a child in Lazarus back to life when he said Lazarus come forth verse 36 and he called Gavazzi and said called this Shunammite so he called her and when she was come in and to him he said take up thy son in other words your son lives again then she went in and fell at his feet and bowed herself to the ground and took up her son and went out again the miracles were intended to make the people of Israel realize that there was a God of Israel it wasn't a golden calf and his name was not Bale verse 38 and Elijah came again to Gilgal as being one of the locations where Elijah had established a school for the prophets and there was a dearth there was a famine in the land and the sons of the prophets were sitting before him and he said unto his servant sat out sat on the great pot and see there boil pottage for the sons of the prophets he's got a hundred prophets we're going to find out there in the next few verses and Elisha he's an optimist he's saying get the big pot and and get some water boiling we're getting ready to eat and we're gonna eat and have plenty this verse I couldn't help but remember my one of my my father's friends he was a rugged man he'd spent weeks at a time camped out in Alaska you've heard pastor Arlen Murray tell the story about finding buttercups in an ox's mouth a Bison's mouth from when the freeze came on so quickly that was bill McQuarrie who told him about that bill McQuarrie was sitting in our living room my father Arnold and myself I must have been a teenager at the time but bill McQuarrie I'll never forget he said Arnold you are an optimist and Arnold said well how so and he said well you know you're never worried about where your next can the food is coming from because you got a can opener and that's what he'll I she is doing here he's saying get the big pot fill it with water and get some water boiling we're going to eat excuse me verse 39 and one this is one of the students or sons of the prophets disciples of the prophets one went out into the field to gather herbs remember there's nothing to eat and found a wild vine and gathered there of wild gourds his lap full you see men wore skirts at this time and this is saying he he formed like a basket with his skirt and filled it up and that's what this his lap full means excuse me and came and shred them into the pot of pottage where they knew them not they weren't familiar with these gourd like looking fruit the reason they weren't familiar was because they were awful they were probably cola cents which is a wild cucumber and that they are very very bitter verse 14 so they poured out for the men to eat the sons of the prophets at Gilgal the prophets cool and it came to pass as they were eating of the pottage that they cried out and said o thou man of God there is death in this pot and they could not eat thereof it was so terrible that they could not and they were probably hungry but it still was so terrible that they could not bear to eat it this that there is death in this pot you could think of for that which causes death such as poison 41 another miracle about to happen but he said then bring meal this is Elijah and he cast it into the pot and he said pour out for the people that they may eat and there was no harm in the pot there was no evil thing in the pot what is meal well meal is the substance from which the bread of life comes the bread of life of course spiritually speaking is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the lesson that we can learn from this if you put the bread of life in something that is evil the evil leaves it and is gone verse 42 and there came a man from bail shall Aishah and brought to the man of God bread of the firstfruits the bread of the firstfruits belongs to the priests 20 loaves of barley and full ears of corn in the husk thereof one man realized carried all this and he said Elijah given to the people that they may eat now you know this seems like a lot 20 loaves of barley full years of corn in the husk but they got a hundred people there and they're hungry and Elijah is saying give to the people so the hundreds so that they can eat verse 43 and his servant or probably gauzy his servant said what should I set this before and hundred men there isn't it enough Elijah he said again give the people that they may eat for thus saith the Lord they shall eat and shall leave there of couldn't help but think about Christ feeding the multitudes with five loaves and two fishes he fed 5000 with five loaves and two fishes that was the men only that doesn't include the women and the children and do you remember what was left they picked up twelve baskets of fragments and they shall eat and shall leave thereof and certainly they did verse 44 so he said it before them and they did eat and left thereof according to the word of the Lord enough for all and that's what we can learn from this the the bread of life spiritually speaking there's enough for all you know this pottage that was mended by elijah i think what we can learn from that is that you know we can partake of spirit when we partake of spiritual food we need to make sure and guard against partaking of the traditions of men and you see and today in many churches instead of getting the bread of life instead of getting the Word of God taught chapter by chapter verse by verse people are filled with a bunch of traditions of men you know that just won't get it when you're spiritually hungry the traditions of men will not satisfy you at any time I think about spiritual starvation my mind races to Ezekiel chapter 37 and you remember there in the valley of dry bones and the Lord asked to zekiel said what seus what do you see there Ezekiel and he said or I see a bunch of dry bones people are spiritually starved to death and the Lord asked as Eko said well can can these bones live and Ezekiel said you know I don't know Lord you do and then then what happened the Lord told Eli Ezekiel you prophesy to those bones prophesy one of the meanings of the word is to teach you teach those dry bones the Word of God and he began to prophesy he began to teach the Word of God to those who were the skeletons there was all that was left they were spiritually starved to death and when Ezekiel started speaking and teaching the Word of God what happened bone upon bone and sinew upon sinew they began to come back to life the Word of God is life we've got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step-by-step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel peel bucks for 16 gravid Arkansas 77-36 don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that 800 number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others by name serves no purpose especially our brothers and sisters in Christ and we just won't do it well let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's unable to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in got a prayer request we can do it with the telephone number you don't need to call anyone talk with your Heavenly Father I encourage you to do that make time each day I know everyone's busy running here running they're making a living but make time for your father I'll tell you he can he can kick the rocks out of your path you know if you think you don't have time to talk to your father well you're wasting time walking around all those rocks that are in your path I'm talking about the storms that come our way in life God can smooth all that out for you if you have the right kind of relationship with him tell him that you love him let him help you make important decisions in your life he's the best counsel you can have we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ father we ask you to look upon these you know their problems marital problems financial difficulties you know if it is your will a special blessing on each of these we also lift up our military troops who are in harm's way around the world father watch over guide protect touch heal in Jesus precious name amen and thank you Father all right and before I get started into questions I'm going to announce one more time that beginning at the first of the year if you're watching the live program we're going 24/7 24 hours a day seven days a week on Dish Network we had a little snafu on getting some of the channel names changed over due to the holidays but I understand that that will be corrected very shortly we've changed the name of the channel to the bi ble the Bible Channel and again we're on 24/7 beginning at the first of the year we thank God for the platform that he's given us mark in New York has our first question is there a payday in the afterlife yes but you know you really don't have to wait until the afterlife for a payday if you do things God's Way as I said just a moment ago he can kick rocks out of the path for you he can smooth your way through the life he can bless you if he chooses to do so and that's a payday in itself you know when we pass away you mentioned the afterlife there's a form of judgment immediately why do I say that because there are two sides to the Gulf there's a side where righteous people go such as Lazarus of Luke chapter 16 there's a not-so-good side where the unrighteous people go like the rich man of Luke chapter 16 then of course the we have the great white throne judgment of Revelation chapter 20 that's when we really get our rewards hopefully entrance into the kingdom of God that's to say the Eternity Rufus in Georgia did Paul have a brother named Rufus and he mentions ro in chapter 16 verse 13 and Rufus of Romans 1613 was not a brother to Paul of the same womb in chapter 16 Paul is recognizing all that we're helping in the ministry and he calls many of them kinsmen but he doesn't mean that their blood relatives he means that their brothers such as we say today members of our congregation our brothers and sisters in Christ Florence in New York Jesus is God's Son so we wondered since Jesus is a Jew if everyone should be using the Jewish religion please answer this on TV thank you so very much we enjoy your TV program very much here in New York well we're glad that you enjoy the teaching you know Jesus first of all let me say was born of Mary that's where we would have to look then to determine what his genealogy was Mary's mother as we can prove from Luke chapter 1 was of the daughters of Aaron meaning she was a direct descendant of the house of Aaron the priesthood another woods Levite and on her father's side we can prove that genealogy in Luke chapter 3 Mary's father's name was he lie and he was of the tribe of Judah this is where the misunderstanding that Jesus was a Jew comes from it's a bad translation he was of Judah he was he lived and resided in the lane of Judea and that's where this comes from Judah in the Greek languages I you'd us Veronica in Florida and know the religion you should be practicing is Christianity if you call yourself a follower of Christ Veronica in Florida what does it mean when Jesus says to deny oneself and to pick up your cross daily and follow him well the Lord means by that to be prepared to deny your carnal or your flesh desires and be willing to pick up a cross such as he picked up a cross to be crucified on for our sins did he ask us to be crucified on the cross no but we should be willing to do so Mabel in South Carolina someone told me that Jesus name was to be Michael before he was born is this true no and that is nigh unto blasphemy you see Michael is an arc angel we don't worship angels and as an angel told John in the book of Revelation John fell down at the Angels feet and started to worship him and the angel said get up from there see thou do it not I'm but a fellow servant we don't worship fellow servants of the Lord we worship the Lord Michael is an archangel completely separate entity from Jesus Christ Jose in Georgia what does the number 22 mean while in biblical numerix which I'm sure is what Jose means 22 is the number of disintegration and disorganization 22 is the number associated with the reigns of King Ahab of Israel and Manasseh another king of Israel arguably the two worst kings of Israel and disintegration and disorganization abounded during their reigns of Israel we're reading about some of the after-effects of their reigns a hab in particular you know as we study the book of second Kings Manasseh is coming up Linda in New Jersey where are the Ten Commandments found in the Bible I always remember that because there are how many Ten Commandments well there are 10 of them well you'll find the Ten Commandments in the second book of the Bible and there are if you multiply it times 2 the Ten Commandments it's chapter 20 again it's the second book Exodus there are Ten Commandments it's in the second look you multiply that by their 20 chapter 20 is where you will find the Ten Commandments the first five of the Ten Commandments deal with man's relationship with God the second five deal with man's relationship with other people Robert in Arizona numbers chapter 20 please explain why wasn't Moses following the pillar of the cloud numbers chapter 20 is where the water of miraba is comes up the people once again of Israel were belly aching and murmuring against Moses and God for that matter and they were saying you brought us out here in this wilderness this was after they came out of Egypt to die there's no water there's no food and God told instructed Moses you go out and you speak to the rock to sanctify me and I will bring water out of the rock well what did Moses do well Moses took the rock out and he said hear me you rebels must we referring to himself and Aaron and God bring water forth from this rock I don't think God would have needed Moses's help or Aaron's help to bring water forth from that rock and then Moses struck the rock twice he didn't follow God's instructions and make God very angry it cost Moses and Aaron the journey into the Promised Land because of what they did you know there's a very valuable lesson in that I think for God's election and that is that when you delivered up before the synagogues of Satan you're going to be called upon to witness against the Antichrist and for the true Christ it's not you who actually speaks though it's the Holy Spirit that speaks and when God says speak speak if he doesn't say speak keep your mouth shut it could be the unpardonable sin for God's elect Judy in California is there a fourth arc angel by the name of Arielle no not in the King James Version Bible you will find the the word the Hebrew word Arielle and the name in Isaiah chapter 29 verses 1 through 7 Arielle if you translate it means lion or hearth of God there in Isaiah chapter 29 the first several verses it's referring to the city of Jerusalem now as far as other Archangels the only two Archangels that you'll find mentioned by name in the King James Version Bible are 1 Michael and 2 Gabriel if you have an Apocrypha there a book of the Bible book of the Apocrypha which was part of the original King James Version 1611 Bible the Apocrypha the powers of the church did not canonize those books therefore you won't find them in your Bible today again there are some other Archangels named in the Apocrypha Kathy and Florida thank you for your study on floods and and you're welcome I have a question for you I have a friend who is a new Christian and I tried explaining to her that Eve was seduced by Satan and that Cain was not Adams son but Satan's son I told her she could find it in st. John I just wasn't sure which chapter and verse but I thought it was the first chapter and well it's actually John chapter 8 verse 44 is the scripture that you're looking for where Christ is speaking to the Kenites which are descendants of Cain and he tells them there you are of your father the devil he was a murderer from the beginning who was the first murder Cain slew Abel also in the first epistle of John that may be what you were talking about the first chapter the first epistle of John chapter 3 verse 12 it reads there not as Cain who was of that wicked one and those are both New Testament references that state that Cain was not of Adam it's easy to prove that Cain was not of Adam go to Adams genealogy in Genesis chapter 5 you won't find Cain there why because Cain was not Adam son you'll find Cain's genealogy in Genesis chapter 4 and II from California I've been studying with you since mm it was coming across you that reeled me in you were and are calm and have a great sense of humor well thank you for that your dad said many times people without good works will be naked as a jaybird these are people on the right side of the Gulf truly to believe father would not make someone be embarrassed and humiliated once they get to the right side what do you say to this well I would tend to agree with you that if you make it to the right side of the Gulf you're not going to be naked you had some righteous works and of course the biblical scriptures that we come to that conclusion from our Revelation chapter 13 verse 14 where we learn that the only thing that you can take with you when you die are your works whether good bad or ugly then in Revelation chapter 12 we learn that your righteous acts are what make up the the robe of which revelation 19 excuse me that your robe is made up of if you don't have righteous acts no robe in other words Arthur and Tennessee I live in in a mention as a town I would like to I would like the answer these two questions God knows all and sees all why did he make the angels and one of them was the devil well originally you see Satan wasn't evil God didn't create Satan to be evil he became that way we learned that in Ezekiel chapter 27 where Satan is called the king of tyre he was a pretty good old boy too coming out to shoot in fact is he earned right to be one of the cherubs that protects the mercy seat we learned there in Ezekiel 27 what happened though well they got all puffed up in himself he got off on an ego trip and he wanted to set on the mercy seat rather than protect the mercy seat and that's where God sentenced him to be turned to ashes from with him that will happen in the lake of fire Theresa from Michigan I am so very grateful for your teachings and I tell it so on Facebook so that more of my friends and family can hopefully get turned on and tuned in my question is why is it that I think this is farmers leave a single tree in the center of their fields I think it has something biblical but I don't know the specifics of it if you could read it on the air in the mornings when I study with you I'd greatly appreciate it thank you and God bless you your family and your staff and thanks for remembering us in your prayer you are in our prayers as well well in Arkansas farmers and ranchers leave a few trees in the pasture to provide some shade it gets awfully hot and humid in Arkansas in the summertime and you want to provide a little bit of shade for your livestock in that case I think maybe what you're thinking about is that it is biblical that when it was time to harvest the the fruit of the trees such as the olive trees that the farmers weren't to glean is what the word is in the Bible that means to take everything get get the the last little olive on the highest limb and take it for yourself but you don't do that according to God's Word you leave a little bit what's left over on the trees for the poor and that may be what you're thinking about Rosalie in South Dakota why do I cry so often when spiritual songs are sung I cry when something nice happens to me or someone else I cry when anyone has transgressions I cry I cry very easily and almost anything at the drop at almost anything at the drop of a hat but I do not know why can you tell me why I cry and thank you for explaining God's Word the Bible and you're welcome for that well it sounds to me rosalie like you're a very compassionate sensitive person and you know that is one characteristic of God's elect that I've noticed over the years is that they are very compassionate people they care about their brothers and sisters who are lost in this world of darkness and we work very hard through this ministry trying to pull every one of them that we can out of the fire Cathy in Oregon I understand that when we die we go to into an intermediate body I've been told this and I can't find it in a scripture please give me some insight this is an intermediate physical body that we are given before we go to be with Jesus there's no such thing as an intermediate physical body as it's written in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verses 7 & 8 to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord and you do so in a spiritual body includes the ass T's chapter 12 verses 6 & 7 when we die the spirit the flesh returns to the earth from which it came your spirit returns to the Father in a spiritual body not a physical I'm out of time I want you all to know that I love you a great deal why because you enjoy studying your father's word in depth and you know what it makes Father's Day when he looks down and he sees you reading the letter he wrote to you the Bible blessings always follow we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing most important is this you stay in his word every day every day and your father's word is a good day even with troubled you know why because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD a monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravett Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,344
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2 Kings, Book of 2 Kings, Arnold, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherds, II Kings, Chapel, Book of II Kings, Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor, Shepherd's
Id: 72U1yX9J9yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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