1 Samuel ~ 22:17 to 23:23

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to we're gonna pick it up today First Samuel chapter 22 verse 17 and David is now officially on the run from Saul and his armies in the first place he went to Nob where he found the high priest ahem elec at the time and understand the tabernacle is in total disarray at this time the Ark of the Covenant is not where the mosaic Tabernacle is so it's at kerja theorem at this particular point in time but David is seeking advice from our Heavenly Father and what better place than going to the priests of Nob David basically left with the shirt on his back was all that he had when he left Israel and being on the run he was desperate he and when he went to a him elect the high priest he asked do you have any bread here and he said don't have any common bread everyday bread but we've got the showbread but that's holy and he gave that to David which was kind of stretching the law a bit there was a gentleman there I asked all used the term lightly Doeg the Edomite and he was observing all of this him elect helping David by giving him bread helping David by giving him the sword of Goliath and Doeg returned to Saul and told him that ahem Oh lacked had helped David well Saul considered that treason against himself against his kingship he summons him elec and said why were you in conspiracy with David David's trying to kill me which nothing could be further from the truth and ahem elect gave a very reasonable answer to him when verse 14 of chapter 22 he said who is more faithful among all thy servants than David which is the King's son-in-law and goeth at thy bidding and in other words ahem elect was saying you know I thought I was helping you by helping David who is more faithful among all your servants well that didn't satisfy Saul Saul told him elec not only you are gonna die but your entire your father's house is going to die as well and that's where we pick it up with today's lesson we ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask it open eyes open ears this day as we pick it up first samuel chapter 22 bore 17 and it reads and the king's being soul said unto the footmen that stood about him turn and slay the priests of the lord because their hand also is with david again that's a lie and because they knew when he fled that's a lie they had no idea and because they knew and he fled and did not show it me they didn't tell me what was going on but the servants of the King would not put forth their hand to fall upon the priests of the Lord they were Israelites and they refused the king's order to slay the priests I think the people of Israel were beginning to realize that Saul was mad the jealousy over David's successes the evil spirit that was upon him and there comes a point when there's time to say to the man in charge no I'm not going to do that and that's the way God's elect should be as well we're not going to worship the Antichrist that's it period I don't care who orders us to we're gonna serve God not man now these footmen that are mentioned here if you have a reference Bible you have a note that in the Hebrew that is runners and we're talking about the Kirra thights and the Pella thights which were from the time of David they were royal bodyguards one of them was called even an executioner that they got that name because their their job was to hear the Kings judgment and then as a messenger they were to go and communicate the Kings judgment but also to execute the judgment so that's what we're talking about here very close people to the king being his royal bodyguards but they refused to kill the priest of the Lord well there's one there that's willing to do it he's looking for a promotion he's looking for some of those vineyards that Saul was promising the Benjamites in our last lecture verse 18 and the King said to Doeg turned thou and fall upon the priests and Doeg the Edomite turned and he fell upon the priest and slew on that day four score and five persons that did wear the linen ephod 85 priests of God murdered by Doeg the Edomite now this is in kind of in God's plan there was a judgment passed on the house of Eli in 1st Samuel chapter 2 and followed up on in chapter 3 due to Eli's lack of discipline and his uncontrollable sons who were priests hophni and Phinehas who were going so far as they were stealing the people of the portions that should belong to the offers of sacrifices they were stealing God's portion of the sacrifices and they were laying carnally with the women who came to serve at the tabernacle so again that's partially fulfilling and because of what Eli had allowed to come about in the priesthood god said and sent a prophet to him that said there's not a man in your house that's going to be old enough gray-headed to be a priest the high priest anymore and this is kind of setting things right as well according to God's Word as far as the priesthood was concerned you see it was the house of Eleazar who was supposed to be the high priesthood of Israel that was because of the zealousness of Eleazar son finis Hass not to be confused with Eli son by the same name but when the Moabites seduced Israel into idolatry there was a israelite man that brought a Moabite tes into his tent and they were lying carnally together finis Haas was so zealous for the Lord that he took a spear a javelin into the sleeping quarters of that tent and pegged the pin them both to the ground while they were in the very act and it was for that reason that Finney houses family was chosen to be the priesthood Eli is not of Eleazar but rather of etham are Aaron's fourth sons so things are kind of there's going to be one of a Himmel X family that escapes and he a by Authority name will be the high priest under David for a period of time while he's the king over Hebron only but then there's a king excuse me a high priest by the name of doc at Gibeon and he will that priest as the doc we'll end up with the high priesthood of Israel under Solomon verse 19 and knob is is a Saul going to be satisfied with 85 priests killed hardly verse 19 and knob the city of the priests smote he with the edge of the sword both men and women children and sucklings that means infants and oxen and asses and sheep with the edge of the sword this is as though the city knob had a band placed upon it the penalty for treason to God was a total ban you can read about that in Deuteronomy chapter 13 in which women children men their livestock everything was to be exterminated and we have here saw acting like treason against him which is what he was accusing a Himalayan the entire city of knob of doing being treasonous to him he's enforcing the law that where treason against God would be a total ban and what I think is ironic about this is it was Saul's failure to carry out a total ban on the Amalekites that caused him to be rejected by our Heavenly Father verse 20 and one of the sons of ahem alack the son of a high tub named abaya thar fled after David and we have it ironic I think that by what Saul did he's going to be placing the Urim and Thummim by which man can consult God in the camp of David because a by authority one and a buyeth are so devoted David that Saul had slain the lords priests David would have to know at this point in time that Saul's time on earth was very short as it was a dastardly act on the part of Seoul to murder 85 of God's priests and David said unto abaya thar I knew it that day when Doeg the Edomite was there that he would surely tell Saul I have occasioned or I have caused the death of all the persons of thy father's house I should have killed Doeg when I saw him there I knew when he saw him alack helping me with by giving me the showbread to eat and Goliath sword that he was going to go and tell Saul and David's feeling somewhat responsible he's definitely feeling some guilt for what happened to a him elects family verse 23 abide thou with me fear not for he that seeketh my life seeketh thy life but with me thou shalt be in safe guard and David saying here Saul wants me dead Saul wants you dead as well you stay here because I will take care of you and I am under the divine protection of the Lord so you'll be safe with me now chapter 23 we're gonna see David starting to take actions that are steps toward him becoming the king of first of all just Judah for the first seven years of his reign and then for the final 33 years of his reign David will be the king of all Israel chapter 23 verse 1 then they told David saying behold the Philistines fight against key Ilah and they robbed the threshing floors key isla located in the lowlands of Judah this would just be just across the border from the land of the Philistines in southern Judah and of course what are they robbing from the threshing floors the fruit of the land they're stealing the grain is what they're after verse 2 therefore David inquired of the Lord already he's learning to use that Urim and Thummim to inquire of the Lord you see the priests carried a little ephod and by drawing out the Urim and Thummim they could obtain the God's answer to a question and that's what's happening David is inquiring with the human and Thummim of with though by a buyeth are being the high priests or the priests anyway saying shall I go and smite these Philistines and the Lord said unto David go and smite the Philistines and save key ila again preparing David to be the king the king would be a deliverer if you will and that's what David is planning on doing is delivering the people of Judah who reside in key ila from the attacks of the Philistines verse 3 and David's men said unto Him behold we be afraid here in Judah how much more then if we come to Keala against the armies of the Philistine Saul's army is still a ragtag army of between 400 and 600 men and they're saying you know we're afraid of Saul's thousands of soldiers here in Judah do we really need any more enemies by taking on the Philistines at key ila verse 4 then David inquired of the Lord yet again and the Lord answered him and said arise go down to Keala for I will deliver the Philistines into thine hand and we learn from this that it's okay to ask the Lord twice and I don't think this indicates a lack of faith on David's part David did not lack faith concerning the Jehovah and I think he did this simply to appease his troops you know some of these folks that came to David were not the highest class of people some of them were that some of them were very classy people as heroes the 30 mighty men that served David valiantly over their careers but it didn't anger God for David to ask twice and I think God knew that David was simply doing this to appease his army yes the Lord did say for us to go twice and he will deliver the Philistines into our hand verse five so David and his men went to kee ila and fought with the Philistines and brought away their cattle and they would have had to have had some livestock with them you see there wasn't a fast-food restaurant on every corner back then if you wanted something to eat you had to bring it with you and that's what this is talking about it's not only their cattle but their booty as well and smote them with the great slaughter so David saved the inhabitants of ki Ilah God keeps his word and you know when God is fighting with you there's absolutely nothing to fear there's absolutely nothing to doubt you can put your total trust in the Lord now how will the people of ki ila show their appreciation to David for delivering them from the Philistines let's find out verse 6 and it came to pass when a buyeth are the son of ahem alack fled to David to ki Ilah that he came down with an ephod in his hand this is not to be understood that this is the first time that a buyeth are came to David was very clear that abaya thar was that knob when the massacre occurred he went to David and communed with David spoke about what happened and cetera David then left for key Isla leaving a buyeth are behind now a bio Thor is joining David in key isla and he brought the Urim and the Thummim with them in the ephod it's a good thing David's going to learn to depend on the inquiring of the Lord as a tool verse 7 and it was told Saul that David was come to key isla and Saul said God hath delivered him into mine hand for he is shut in by entering into a town that hath gates and bars a little bit ironic that key isla if you translate it from the Hebrew language means enclosed and that's what Saul is saying here David is enclosed in a city with walls and and gates and he's trapped he won't be able to slide away as he is as he has done time and time again when he's out in the field verse 8 and Saul called all the people together to war to go down to key Isla to besieged David and his men gathering the troops God has delivered David into my hand Saul's delusional at this point in time he is so eaten up with jealousy David being successful time and time again he's jealous of David that evil spirit is upon him he is delusional at this point in time verse 9 and David knew that Saul secretly or practice which means to contrived mischief against him and he said to a buyeth are the priests bring hither the ephod always a good idea to consult the Lord when major decisions are made in your life you can consult the Lord you can you don't need a priest with an ephod with Urim and Thummim in it talk to your heavenly father go to him in prayer ask him for a sign or throw out a fleece to him when you have major decisions verse 10 then said David O Lord God of Israel thy servant have certainly heard that Saul seeketh to come to ki Ilah to destroy the city for my sake Saul is planning to attack kee ila and at this point do you think it would bother Saul at all if a few innocent people of Judah the residents of kee ila happened to get killed as long as he could get to David and kill him of course not Saul and that's you know the the sign of a good king a good leader to me is someone who's concerned about his people Saul is not concerned about the people of ki ila he's willing to sacrifice them as long as he can get to David verse 11 will the men of ki Ilah deliver me up into his hand David is inquiring of the Lord will Saul come down as thy servant hath heard o Lord God of Israel I beseech thee tell thy servant and the Lord said he will come down David kind of messed up there a little bit how many questions did David ask he asked two questions will the men of ki Ilah deliver me up unto the hand of Saul and will soul come down the answer to both questions is yes but there was only one answer given from that inquiry he will come down now we see in this a real type being delivered up into the hands we see a real type here I think for God's election being delivered up there will come a time when your family will deliver you up to the Antichrist are you ready for that are you are you spiritually and mentally prepared for that because if you're one of God's elect it is going to come to pass but after saving the people of ki Ilah from the Philistines what are they doing they're betraying David there they're gonna give him up to Seoul to save their own skin verse 12 then said David will the men of ki Ilah deliver me and my men into the hand of Saul they was clarifying the answer to both questions was yes and the Lord said they will deliver the up again after saving the them from the Philistines but they are loyal to soul you see the Saul's got literally thousands of people in his armies whereas David has four to six hundred at this time and they're going with the numbers and sticking with soul verse 13 then David and his men which were about six hundred they've grown from the four hundred of two chapters previous arose and departed out of ki ila and went whithersoever they could go they escaped before the people of ki ila had the opportunity to betray them and to go where whithersoever they could go is where they could go to avoid the armies of Seoul and it was told Saul that David was escaped from ki ila and he forbear to go forth intelligence obtained from our Heavenly Father is invaluable intelligence you can take it to the bank it is going to come to pass every time and David abode in the wilderness and strongholds and remained in a mountain in the wilderness of Ziff and Saul sought him every day every day for the rest of souls life he would be chasing David but God delivered him not into his hand God is protecting that seed line through which Messiah would come you see the first prophecy of God's Word you'll find in Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 where God is addressing the Serpent and the woman Eve and he tells them that I'm gonna put him natee to the serpent between thy seed the seed of the serpent and the woman's seed which would be lead us to Jesus Christ and you will bruise his heel the seed of the serpent which they certainly did when they nailed him to the cross but he the seed line of the woman Messiah will bruise thy head you see Satan knows that that bruising is future from this point in time and he knows that if he can cut off the seed line at David that leads to Messiah Satan would win well he wasn't successful in God as been making sure that that doesn't happen by protecting David now this is if a little further south then Saul was it's about one and a half to two hours southeast of Hebron which is really close to the border with the Philistines verse 15 and David saw that Saul was come out to seek his life and David was in the wilderness of Ziff in the wood David's about to meet up with Saul's son Jonathan one final time verse 16 and Jonathan Saul's son arose and went to David into the wood and strengthened his hand in God a lot of people think that this verse means that he went there to strengthen his own hand in God he didn't he went there to strengthen David's hand in the Lord he is going to express confidence to David that David's right the Samuel did anoint you to be the king of Israel and David's enduring some hard times here the Psalms reveal David's inward thoughts his emotions and his anxieties during this period of time and David is learning from his experiences to take refuge in the Lord not in a cave such as the cave of a deulim and you can learn from that as well and I don't care how tough the going gets you can take refuge in your Heavenly Father and I'm not talking about a physical place you can go I'm talking spiritually you can go in and and and rest with that your heavenly Father and take refuge in him verse 17 and he this is Jonathan the son of Saul remember the son of the King said unto Him fear not for the hand of Saul my father shall not find these he's trying but he's not going to be successful and thou shalt be king over Israel and I Jonathan speaking shall be next unto thee I'll be the second in command and that also saw my father knoweth Saul knows that you're going to be the next king of Israel things are not going to work out entirely as Jonathan imagined verse 18 Jonathan will be killed in battle with Saul fighting the Philistines verse 18 and they - this is Jonathan and David made a covenant or actually excuse me renewed the Covenant before the Lord and David abode in the wood and Jonathan went to his house he returned home and verse 19 then came up the Zipp fights - Saul - Gibeah saying death not david Hyde himself with us or near us in strongholds in the wood in the hill of Hakala which is on the south or on the right as what the Hebrew is of jessamine jessamine means desolation and it's pretty desolated there it's the wilderness the the desert if you will portion of Judah now the ZIF i'ts are mentioned in the title of Psalm 54 as zip Femmes as if you have to understand was a hill a small mount if you will that had a really good view a panoramic view of the entire area surrounding it they could see for literally miles and miles and these zip fights were keeping an eye on David and they're betraying David to soul verse 20 now therefore o King come down according to all the desire of thy soul to come down and our part shall be to deliver him into the Kings hand they're going to betray David kind of reminded me of the thirty pieces of silver that Judas Iscariot collected to betray Jesus Christ verse 21 and Saul said blessed be e of the Lord for ye have compassion on me again Saul is completely off his rocker at this point he thinks everybody is against him then he turns around and Oh blessed be the Lord you're trying to help me finally somebody that's going to deliver David my enemy into my hands the Saul still thinks that David is trying to kill him well we'll see one of two occasions in our next lecture where David had the opportunity to kill Saul had he chosen to do so he'll pass and and he would not touch God's anointed verse 22 Saul continues go I pray you prepare yet and know and see his place where his haunt is in the Hebrew this is where his foot shall be and who have seen him there for it has told me that he deal it very subtly that David is a tricky little rascal he's very subtle now I want you to go to he says and make sure who have seen him there they do reconnaissance make absolutely sure that David is there we need some reconnaissance verify what's been reported Saul's getting excited verse 23 see therefore and take knowledge or spy out of all the lurking places where he hide it himself and come you again to me with the certainty and I will go with you and it shall come to pass if he be in the land that I will search him out throughout all the thousands of Judah I will find that slippery little guy David and I will take care of him well it's not going to happen why because God's protecting hand is over David and those who are with David will come back in our next lecture and see how just how close the armies of Saul came to realizing Saul's plans to kill David but once again God intercedes and make sure that that seed - Messiah is not cut off we got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 t 645 to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel peel bucks for sixteen grab in Arkansas seven to seven thirty six don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive format throwing out negative about others by name serves no purpose we simply won't do it well that God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world other than the places that can use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in and or just drop us a note and let us know how things are going in your part of the world we'd love to hear from you got a prayer request well we can do away with the telephone number you don't need a telephone you don't need a mailing address talk to your heavenly father go to him in prayer we mentioned in the lesson today that when you have major decisions in your life throw out a fleece ask God for his counsel if you're loving and serving yummy wants what for you he will make sure what happens to you is what's best for you if you'll do things his way we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs financial difficulties illness and Families father you know if it is your will a special blessing on each of these and we also lift up our military troops or in harm's way around the world father watch over God protect touch heal and Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father let's get to some questions and see what's on the mind of folks first up today and we had Rick yesterday Rick as I promised yesterday your first up today Rick's from Illinois somewhere in the New Testament Jesus started reading scripture to either his disciples or the church congregation but Jesus only read half way through and closed the book Pastor Arnold Murray showed us where in the Old Testament that scripture is completed that Jesus began but I can't find it where in the Bible can I find these scriptures it's called the gap verse and where you're talking about in the New Testament that that occurred Jesus was reading Luke chapter 4 verses 18 and 19 and he stopped where Isaiah chapter 61 verse 2 speaks of the day of vengeance why did Jesus stop concerning the day of vengeance because he was there in the first Advent the day of vengeance occurs that the second Advent and therefore didn't apply at that period of time that's Luke chapter 4 verses 18 and 19 and Isaiah chapter 61 verse 2 the gap verse Rene in Kentucky in Genesis 10 - where it states that J path had a son named me Scheck is this the same me Shaq that Nebuchadnezzar cast into the fiery furnace no it's not the was actually was not me check that was in the fiery furnace it was me Shaq and his name was originally Michelle the Babylonians during the captivity renamed him me Shaq and it means guest of the King captivity would hardly be counted as being a guest Benton and Benton be I nto in is what I have in California I hope I got that correct why are all the giant Nations eliminated by God and if you're talking about the giant peoples the giver which were descendants of the Nephilim the fallen angels the reason that God always got rid of them was because that was Satan's plan to destroy the seed line through which Messiah would come if that if no Messiah then Satan wins but Messiah defeated death and therefore Satan loses the the first batch of the giver were destroyed by the flood of Noah's time the second batch of gibber which that second influx occurred in as early as Genesis chapter 12 where they're called Canaanites that's what the see they were eliminated by the sword of Israel and it's important for you to realize that there's going to be a third influx of the Nephilim that's when Michael and his angels boots Satan and his angels out on to earth woe unto you on earth if you don't have the seal of God in your mind Gale and Georgia is second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 2 & 3 talking about the Antichrist when it refers to the son of perdition and yes that is perdition means perish there is only one who is sentenced to death by name then it's Satan and you can read about that in Ezekiel chapter 28 where one of his name's is the king of Tyrus and 2nd Thessalonians 2 verse 4 it goes on to say that he exalteth himself and this is Satan and his role as Antichrist above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that He is God that's the reason that he's sentenced to die is pride he thinks he's that good Dale in Virginia will the Holy Spirit speak through us as though our mouths were a bullhorn or will he tell us what to say and then within that hour we will repeat his words intentionally and under our own volition with the Holy Spirit transforming our voice into the Pentecostal tongue and the Pentecostal tongue you can read about in Acts chapter 2 and it's very important though to realize the difference between what some people call the Pentecostal tongue where that someone speaks an unintelligible gibber gibberish and then someone else has to interpret what that person just said that's not the Pentecostal tongue that's not evidence of the Holy Spirit what happened in Acts chapter 2 was that there were people there from all over the world in other words they spoke multiple E different languages but they all understood what the disciples were saying as they spoke that cloven tongues that went out in every language down to the the dialect of which everyone there born that is evidence of the holy spirit that is what the elect will speak when the Holy Spirit speaks through them I believe that the Holy Spirit will speak through the elect I don't believe he will tell us what to say and then somehow transform our English or whatever language you speak into the Pentecostal tongue you okay I'll leave it at that Tony in California and thank you for your kind comments we have a question about the tribulation of Antichrist in Matthew 24:22 Christ said for the elects sake those days meaning the tribulation shall be shortened you're right then in regular revelation nine five it says men should be tormented five months based on this I believe you and pastor Arnold teach the tribulation of the Antichrist is five months which makes sense to me however in revelation 11 it says the two witnesses will arrive on earth and prophesy three and a half years actually 1260 days is what it says in revelation 11 pastor Arnold interpreted revelation 11 that the two witnesses would arrive a few days before the Antichrist 10 days to be exact why because in Revelation 13 it states that Antichrist will be here 42 months the two witnesses will testify one thousand one thousand two hundred and sixty days prophecy is what I meant to say ten days longer than 42 months then you continue then at the end of the three and a half years the Antichrist would kill the two witnesses that sounds like the Antichrist will be here three and a half years rather than five months what am I missing nothing you stated you started out by quoting Matthew 24:22 which states the tribulation will be shortened for the elects sake you answered in question really it's been shortened from 42 months to five months in Revelation 9 verse 5 and the following verses I think the time that the two witnesses will be prophesying will be shortened proportionally as well in other words the two witnesses will be here two three days before the five month period begins Arthur from Maryland my question excuse me that I would like to ask is this where do you come up with the twelve tribes excuse me crossed over the caucus mountains I have searched and searched and I can't find that at all but I did find that the Caucasus Mountains is in euro-asia and that is mixed with euro-asian and Asian origin peoples and it is related to Europe and Asia can you give me some insight into this well we teach that not the all 12 tribes went north but actually in the ten northern tribes of Israel went north over the Caucasus Mountains after the Assyrian captivity which pride was prior to the captivity of Judah to the Babylonians and it's not biblical but we offer two books that historically document that this happened the one is called Abrahamic covenant it's book number 8 which we offer for an $8 donation I prefer actually the book missing links discovered in Assyrian tablets it's by ear Amon cap a biblical historian and that book is item 1 4.01 for a 15 dollar donation Abrahamic covenant and missing links discovered in Assyrian tablets those peoples went north over the Caucasus Mountains they didn't stay there as you said that euro-asia now they tried traveled through though and went into Europe and many of them later migrated on to the United States and Canada Herald and Pennsylvania was Eve the first woman no God created male and female in Genesis chapter 1 verse 27 we refer to those people here in our teachings at the chapel as the sixth day creation why because they were created before God rested on the seventh day in Genesis chapter 2 verse 2 Eve was formed from Adam's rib in Genesis chapter 2 21 verse 21 in the following verses which we refer to that creation Adam F Haddam in the Hebrew and Eve as the eighth day creation why because it was after the seventh day when God rested Leroy in Virginia I have a question in the book of Judges chapter 13 verse 18 this description of the angel of the Lord named was also the description of Jesus Christ in Isaiah 9:6 his name shall be called wonderful and that's exactly right on both counts can we safely suggest that this was Jesus operating in the title position of the angel of the Lord in most of the Old Testament thank you for shepherd's chapel broadcast because I have learned a lot that haven't learned in church that I had not learned in church locally 99.9% of the time Leroy when the angel of the Lord is mentioned in the Old Testament it's the Lord Himself manifesting himself to where man in the flesh can seem you see he's in a different dimension we can't see into that and our flesh eyes can't unless God wants us to on a couple of occasions in the Bible Elijah's armor-bearer comes to mind but Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 states that a virgin will conceive you know who that was it was Mary the mother of Jesus and shall call his name Emmanuel Emmanuel if you translate it means God with us you have to understand the Trinity the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and they're just different offices that our Father holds you see Satan has different offices he was the serpent in the garden he's that old dragon he's Lucifer he's Antichrist he has different offices God has different offices Daniel in Washington you might consider ordering pastor Arlen Murray's work nature of God El Shaddai believe that see d30 then I shouldn't have started on it anyway it's El Shaddai if you'll just write in and ask for nature of God El Shaddai and it's 305 7 for it came to me as the CD number good study on the Trinity Daniel in Washington at what point in time did early Christians use the symbol of the fish and why well why first because it was dangerous to be a Christian Christians were persecuted Paul himself was part of gangs that would drag people out of their homes put him in Chains and put him in prison that's what the penalty for being a Christian was in different parts of the world the fish became a it's a cipher if you will you see in the Greek language the word fish is ik thee and if you take that word ik then you spell it out in Greek but do it vertically and then you let the first each letter be the first letter of the cipher the cypher is Jesus Christ son of God Savior and that was the symbol of the fish came to be a sign to other Christians if they hung a fish out on the side of the house or the door there's going to be a church meeting tonight as what that meant Karen from South Dakota thank you for your kind comments I was ok question how will a person's reputation on earth affect our outcome in heaven are there scriptures on this well sure our Revelation chapter 14 verse 13 your works go with you when you die can't take your your gold or your silver but your works whether good bad or ugly do go with you also in Revelation 19 verse 8 we learned that the fine linen that our robes are made of in heaven are made up of the righteous acts of the saints Galatians chapter 6 verse 5 just came to mind to and that states that whatever you God will not be mocked whatever you reap is what you sow you follow it the second question the Antichrist time on earth has been shortened when will the two witnesses be here and for how long we spoke of that a little bit ago I think proportionally shortened as the length of time of Antichrist when the Antichrist appears what earthly signals will happen well Matthew 24 verse 15 the abomination of desolation spoken by Daniel prop the prophet will be standing in the holy place that's when as we said in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 4 he's going to be exalting himself above God and everything that's worshipped claiming to be God that's what happens when the Antichrist is here Anthony from South Carolina could you tell me what happened to people who kill rape and take their own life question mark well the penalty for the first to murder and rape is capital punishment if you lie in wait and premeditatedly murder someone homicide in other words or if you force a woman and raper the penalty is death deuteronomy chapter 19 verse 11 and the following verses concerning murder Deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 25 concerning rape now in all cases understand God is the judge always remember he is fair and impartial he shows no favoritism it's not written in God's Word what happens when someone takes their own life and then understand I have to be very careful about what I say concerning suicide because a lot of people will take that and say well that means it's okay well let me tell you something if you take your own life the first thing that you're going to see after doing so is a very angry father why is that because you've just taken the life of one of his children yourself but again he's the judge and he's the one who decides thank goodness Hector from Indiana is there laughter in Paradise I know there are all kinds of wonderful love and everyone is happy but I can not remember you or your dad ever saying that laughter is written or is laughter just for the living well I can tell you God certainly has a sense of humor he would have to to be sitting up there looking down upon us and seeing the folly that we're able to bring about on our own heads but Elijah and the 850 prophets of Jezebel and Ahab come to mind you remember Elijah said okay get two oxen year 850 priests of bale and of the grow you prepare your oxen I'll prepare my oxen and whoever God comes down and consumes the offering with fire that's who really is God and the prophets of bale took off in for half a day they jumped up and down they cut themselves they just it was ridiculous what they did and Elijah said hey maybe your God is on vacation or maybe your God is on a potty break now if you don't think God has a sense of humor that is an example that our Father has a sense of humor also in Luke chapter 15 verse 7 it states that joy will be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth Brenda in Georgia what Trump are we in we are in the fifth Trump Troy and Oklahoma in the Bible is a cubit length 25 inches well if you have a companion Bible make a note of appendix 51 3 2 1 and it states that this measure of length is still in dispute estimates put the measure between 21 inches and 25 inches in fact for a long period of time it was whatever the distance was between the Kings elbow and the tip of his middle finger I'm out of time I love you all a great deal why because you enjoy studying his word in depth you study his word you read the letter that your father wrote to you it makes his day you make his day he's going to make your day with blessings we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing that's most important though and it's this you stay in his word every day every day in your father's word is a good day even with trouble do you know why it's because Jesus Yeshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that's shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 680
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, 1 Samuel, I Samuel, Arnold, Shepherds Chapel, Murray, Shepherds, Pastor, Book of, Book of I Samuel, Pastor Murray, Chapel, Shepherd's, Book of 1 Samuel
Id: nUeAeidjClw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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