1 Samuel ~ 19:1 to 20:10

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you'd care to we're getting ready to have an old-fashioned Bible study here at the chapel we're gonna pick it up today First Samuel chapter 19 verse 1 and in our last lesson we left off with things continually getting worse and worse for Soul his jealousy of David's successes militarily in the wars against the Philistines of course it's all started with when David killed the Philistine champion of Gath Goliath but the salt kind of kept his promise that he was going to give one of his daughters to whoever killed the lieth and he did this though with an ulterior motive with David and he's going to make it to where and they sent messengers to David then the king wants to give you his daughter and he said well you know what do you are you crazy I'm a poor man I can't come up with the kind of dowry that it would take to to to have the king's daughter to wife and they said they took word back to Saul and Saul was trying to set David up and he said I don't want a dowry for my daughter I want the foreskins of 100 of the Philistines thinking that in obtaining those 100 foreskins of the Philistines David would surely get killed in his well David didn't bring 100 foreskins of the Philistines he brought 200 and as we ended our last lecture in verse 30 of the previous chapter xviii has said that his name was much set by and that word set by in the Hebrew means that it was precious and that kind of sets the stage for the continual decline of Saul over the next several chapters the jealousy becomes worse the evil spirit that was upon him becomes worse it finally drives sol mad so with that introduction let's ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua Jesus precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day we pick it up first Samuel chapter 19 verse 1 and it reads and soul spake to Jonathan his son and to all his servants that they should kill David now this would not set well with Jonathan Jonathan and David were like blood brothers they loved each other as they loved their own self this again would this is ever putting Jonathan between a rock and a hard place Saul is certainly not covering up his intentions any longer he said I'm gonna call my servants that they should kill David there's no blanket over that intention at all but you say Saul's problem is he's fighting against God's plan anytime that you fight against God's plan you are going to lose and this is all Satan at work as well at the end of our last lecture I spoke a bit about the fact that the seed line through which Messiah would come was through King David and if Satan had been successful in cutting David off the killing David before he had any children that seed line to Messiah be destroyed and no Messiah the Satan wins the Messiah came and Satan loses verse 2 but Jonathan Saul's son delighted much in David they were really tight and Jonathan told David saying saw my father seeketh to kill thee now therefore I pray thee take heed to thyself until the morning and abide in a secret place and hide thyself don't sleep in your own bed tonight David if you do you will be slain tomorrow verse 3 and I will go out and stand beside my father in the field where thou art and I will commune with my father of thee and what I see that I will tell thee now what he's going to do is feel his father saw out and and then let David know what Saul is what his intentions are although he made his intentions pretty clear there in verse 1 now David's not close enough that Jonathan can speak with him but what he's doing here is hiding from Saul but close enough to where that conversation is taking place that Jonathan can get to David quickly following the conversation and that accomplishes two things he lets David know what Saul is intending to do and when also it would reduce the amount of suspicion that Saul would have towards his son Jonathan in that he's close by he would not be unaccounted for but a very short period of time verse 4 and Jonathan SPECT good excuse me good of David unto Saul his father and said unto him let not the King sin against his servant against David because he hath not sinned against thee and because his works have been to the word very good David's been are useful to you from the time that that evil spirit came upon us all and they sought someone who was skillful in playing the harp david was therefore soul soul appointed david to be his armor-bearer that's a very trusted position then of course there was the matter of Goliath when not any of the brave courageous soldiers of the the armies of Israel would fight against Goliath David being a lad at the time was willing to take his life into his own hands risk his life and limb to fight for the God of the armies of Israel who Goliath had defied and then of course you had the successes that David is a captain of thousands against the military you remember the ladies the women of Israel would come out after the wars and say Saul has killed his thousands of Philistines David has killed his tens of thousands so we have a very much a voice of reason from Jonathan he's he's trying to talk some sense into soul it just goes to show though you can't talk sense into someone who is irrational verse five for he did put his life in his hand he risked his neck and slew the Philistine in reference to Goliath and the Lord brought a great salvation for all Israel thou sawest it if you witnessed it yourself soul and didst rejoice well he Saul did rejoice until he heard the women of Israel singing Saul has killed as thousands David has killed his tens of thousands wherefore then wilt thou sin against innocent blood to slay David without a cause david has done nothing to deserve the way that you're treating him and Saul hearken unto the voice of Jonathan and Saul swear as the Lord liveth he shall not be explained and slain excuse me now remember the Spirit of God is not with Saul at this point in time he has an evil spirit now do you think that you think you could trust Saul anything that he said at this point probably a better way to put that question do you think David should trust Saul in any way shape or form you know it's important to utilize spiritual discernment the more mature you become as a Christian the more astute your spiritual discernment is you know you should be able to be in a room and if something if an evil spirit comes in piggybacking on someone you should immediately recognize it you can you can feel it in the air sometimes and that's what the importance of discernment David certainly should not drop his guard against Saul at this point in time you see Saul has already tried to pin David to the wall twice with a javelin verse seven and Jonathan called David and Jonathan showed him or told him all those things and Jonathan brought David to Saul and he was in his presence in his immediate presence as in times past this reconciliation will be for a very short period of time again if you were David would you trust Saul any further than you could throw him I think not verse eight and there was war again and David went out and fought with the Philistines and slew them with a great slaughter and they fled from him David did not have a cowardly bone in his body he was quite a warrior in his time and you know all of this fighting was necessary to deliver Israel from the oppression of the Philistines that that oppression was from the time of Samson Sampson a judge of Israel began delivering Israel from the oppression of the Philistines samuel was a part of that as well on a religious front then then David completed the act of delivering Israel from the Philistines but it costs David David very much wanted to build a house for God in Jerusalem once all the battles were over God wouldn't have it why because David was a man of war a man that had shed much blood verse 9 and the evil spirit from the Lord the Lord allowed it was upon Saul as he sat in his house with his javelin in his hand and David played with his hand David again playing the harp trying to pacify the evil spirit that was on Saul and the jealousy these victories that David was bringing to Israel over the Philistines and the evil spirit were growing and growing causing again it will eventually Drive Saul mad verse 10 and Saul sought to smite David even to the wall with the javelin here we go again but he slipped away out of Saul's presence and he smote the javelin into the wall and David fled and escaped that night David knew Saul's intentions you know someone doesn't throw a javelin at you and then you wonder what their intentions are David's getting tired of dodging javelins a javelin is a spear if you're not familiar now this was the third attempt on Sol's part to kill David in all there will be nine temps on David's life by the remaining six will be by Saul's servants or his soldiers if you will but nine times Saul or his men will try and kill David I couldn't help but think about a cat has nine lives maybe it doesn't really apply here because the cat's nine lives I think are somewhat dependent on luck David's repeated escape from the soul and his servants wasn't luck it was God directly protecting that seed line to Messiah verse eleven Saul also sent messengers unto David's house to watch him in other words so he wouldn't escape and to slay him in the morning and we call David's wife that Saul's daughter told him saying if thou saved not thy life tonight tomorrow thou shalt be slain McCall is encouraging David to run and you know that would not be David's style to run I remember one time David did something that displeased the Lord he decided and took it upon himself actually Satan provoked him to number Israel and God expressed his displeasure through a prophet one of the three choices that David had of his punishment was to be pursued by his enemies for three months again that would not be David's style running from the enemy he ran towards Goliath the champion of Gath running from anyone was not his cup of tea verse twelve so McCall let David down through a window and he went and fled and escaped this David would spend a great deal of the next several years escaping time and time again from Saul and his armies I like this way this verse is written here really illustrate classic or typical Hebrew writings the result is stated David fled McCall let David down through the window he fled and he escaped now in more detail are we is it going to be explained to us how these events come to pass again this is classic Hebrew writing verse 13 and McCall took an image this is teraphim in the hebrew and laid it in the bed and put a pillow of goats hair for his bolster and covered it with the cloth it was typical at this time for people to sleep with their face covered and a bolster nothing more than a pillow so what McCall is doing is making it look like David is still in bed sleeping this tariff um probably a life-size human image of some household god small G that and further illustrates how far Saul had grown from Yaakov a 14 and when Saul sent messengers to take David she said he is sick she's covering for her husband David and you know hurt her hasn't her father is a very powerful man this could cost her her life if her father found out that she was being disloyal to him Saul but loyal to David verse 15 and Saul sent the messengers again to see David saying bring up to bring him up to me in the bed that I may slay him I don't care if he is sick you picked the bed up and physically bring the bed and David and all to me I'm gonna kill him anyway it doesn't matter if he's sick verse 16 and when the messengers were come in behold there was an image in the bed with the pillow of goats hair for his boat bolster David would later write of this and how fearful he was probably more so for me called than himself but the danger that he felt he expresses very well in Psalm 59 and Saul servants are probably anxious for David to be out of the picture as well you see they are all interested in promotion and catching the eye of the king and here David is kicking Philistine and over and over and over success after success why because God's Spirit is upon him but I think some of Saul servants would be just as anxious for David to be gone as Saul and Saul said unto me call why hast thou deceived me so and sent away mine enemy referring to David that he is escaped and Michal answered Saul he said unto me let me go why should I kill thee daddy he threatened me he said that if I didn't let him go he was going to kill me I'm sure Saul that said okay that's all right sugar III should have never distrusted you verse 18 so David fled and escaped and came to Samuel to Remo Remo being the home of Samuel Samuels kind of backed out of the picture since Saul became King and told him all that Saul had done to him and he and Samuel went and dwelt in nay auth nay auth there was a school or a university for the priests and the prophets I think Samuel probably started that school you have contact with some prophets later years such as Elijah and Elisha both were involved with the school for the prophets no I think David is probably seeking something from Samuel Samuel anoint to david king over israel and now he's on the run for his life for his very life and i'm sure he's saying to samuel are you sure that that God wanted me to be king of Israel I mean somebody hadn't let's all know that because he's throwing javelins at me verse 19 and it was told Saul saying behold David is that neigh off in Ramah I'm sure Saul thought AHA now we've got him cornered and Saul sent messengers to take David to kill David and when they saw the company of the prophets prophesying and Samuel standing is appointed over them as the head of the school the Spirit of God was upon the messengers of Saul and they all prophesied this shows that God is in control here Saul who's a powerful man the king of Israel sends his messengers to kill David what does God do he sends his spirit the holy spirit upon these that were sent to kill David and they're totally changed that they're not interested now in killing David they're prophesying right along with the prophets the students at the school and when it was told Saul he sent other messengers he sent another second group of people to kill David and they prophesied likewise and Saul sent messengers again the third time and they prefaced prophesied also well Saul has now sent three groups of people to kill David what do you think Saul will do next then when he in other words Saul went himself also to Rhema and came to a great well that is in Saku Saku this is the only place in the King James Version Bible that this place appears and nothing is known about it other than that there must have been a great well or a sister in there and he asked and said where are Samuel and David and one said Behold they be at nay auth in Ramah verse 23 and he went thither to nay auth in Ramah and the Spirit of God was upon him also and he went on and prophesied until he came to nya in Ramah miraculous deliverance from not only Saul himself but the three groups that Saul sent all began to prophesy along with the prophets God can change people's minds he can change people verse 24 and he referring to soul stripped off his clothes also and prophesied before Samuel in like manner and lay down naked all that day and all that night wherefore they say is Saul also among the Prophet questioned now this word naked does not indicate the it's not always used of complete nudity it can mean that the upper garment such as his cloak his coat it was what could be me not and what is that important I think probably not but now this is Saul also among the prophets you might think back on chapter 10 verse 11 of the same book you remember when Samuel first told Saul that he would be the first man king of Israel he sent a list of things that were going to come to pass and one of those things was that he was going to run into a group of students of the prophets and that he himself would begin prophesying to indicate to the people of that community his home Gibeah where he was raised that he was a changed man and something was different about him and that's when they first said his soul also among the prophets in other words could this be this is this is amazing this became a proverb among the people is soul also among the prophets and again what we can learn from that chapter is that God is in total control I don't care how bad the situation gets when the Antichrist is here God's in control he's gonna be with his elect he's not going to leave you hanging out to dry with the Antichrist you're gonna have exactly what you need exactly when you need it to accomplish his will he will make sure of it chapter 20 we're going to see Jonathan's final attempt to reconcile the problems between his father Saul and his blood brother David first one chapter 20 verse 1 and it reads and David fled from naio than Rhema and came and said before Jonathan what have I done question what is mine iniquity and what is my sin before thy father that he seeketh my life what what is my crime what have I done that he's trying to continually pin me to the wall with his javelin verse 2 and he this is Jonathan said unto him god forbid thou shalt not die behold my father will do nothing either great or small this means my father won't do the smallest thing without my knowing about it but he will show it me and why should my father hide this thing from me it it is not so and my father will tell me what his intentions are and I will community take those to you he tells me I tell you verse three and David swear moreover and said thy father certainly knoweth that I have found grace in thine eyes your father knows that that you and I are close that were tight and he saith let not Jonathan know this keep this secret from Jonathan because if you tell him he will go and tell David and as thy soul liveth there is but a step between me and death your father tried to pin me to the wall with the javelin three times and I'm getting tired of dodging javelins then said Jonathan and to David whatsoever thy soul desireth I will even do it for thee well whatever you want me to do David you just say it and and and it consider it done the next few verses are David's request to Jonathan and David said unto Jonathan behold tomorrow is the new moon tomorrow's a Sabbath in other words and I should not fail to sit with the king that's all at meet a feast day in other words but let me go that I may hide myself in the field unto the third day at even a lot of scholars wrestle with this verse as far as what feast day could we be talking about well in my opinion and there was only one new moon or actually better said the first of a month that was a feast it was the feast of trumps it occurred on the first day of the seventh month on the Hebrew calendar which was called Tishri then this first goes on to say David says I'll hide myself unto the third day well the the feast of trumps was not a four-day feast it was a one-day feast I think that there was probably Saul had a civil feast in conjunction with this and that's the explanation of why we're talking about four days or six if thy father at all missed me David continues to Jonathan then say David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Bethlehem his City for there is a yearly sacrifice there for all my family you you tell your father if he misses me that you that I asked you for permission to return to my family in Bethlehem to attend the feast what David's doing here is setting up a fleece fleece that he's seeking knowledge or counsel from God and he's gonna set it up to where whatever Saul's reaction is to when he discovers that David is absent from this feast will be his signal whether he can stay or whether he should leave now the fact that David's family was sacrificing in Bethlehem at this time Israelites were to make sacrifice at the tabernacle but I'll remind you that at this time the tabernacle is totally and is dysfunctional it's in disarray you got the Ark of the Covenant it occurred at the rim you got the mosaic Tabernacle the tent at another location there is no altar of burnt-offering so it was quite alright for families to set up their own sacrifice that was the only way to offer a sacrifice to the Lord if you chose two or seven if he if Saul say thus it is well thy servant shall have peace but if he be very Roth then be sure that evil is determined by him again the fleece that David's throwing out if Saul is at peace with David having gone to Bethlehem to celebrate the feast with his family then all is well for David if not if he becomes Roth if he becomes angry then be sure that evil is determined in other words Saul still wants David dead verse 8 therefore thou shalt deal kindly with thy servant for thou has brought thy servant into a covenant of the lord and there is none higher with thee notwithstanding or but if they're being me iniquity slay me thyself for why should us now bring me to thy father if if you think that Jonathan that I have done anything that's deserving of death I would prefer that you fall upon me yourself and slay me rather than taking me to soul to kill me verse 9 and Jonathan said far be it from thee I'm not going to kill you or turn you over to Saul to kill you for if I knew certainly that evil were determined by my father to come upon thee then would not I tell it thee as soon as I knew of what my father's intentions were and when and how I want to let you know Saul's suspicious suspicions might lead him to believe that there was a conspiracy going on and that's what David is fearful of here he's saying okay Jonathan you're saying that if you know about it you're gonna come and tell me what if you don't know about it though verse 10 then said David to Jonathan and who shall tell me or what if thy father answer thee roughly what if you don't know to come and tell me then who is going to tell me David again is very apprehensive and rightly so I mean how many times should someone try to pin you to the wall with the javelin that you don't watch them very very carefully you know it's one thing to forgive but when somebody throws a javelin at you you better not be soon to forget well how will all this turn out it will will David be on the run or will he be staying to serve Saul I think you know the answer already David goes on the lam in our next lecture don't miss it we got a short message won't you listen in a moment please Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realise there was a world age before this one same old world different age the creation itself when were the races created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular CDs how and what was the sin in the garden it will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never understand the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you have always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're going to enjoy this series welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please eight hundred six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that 800 number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others my name serves no purpose we simply won't do it we'll let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world and not able to use that 800-number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in being the point got a prayer request well you can do away with the telephone number you don't need a telephone you don't need a mailing address your heavenly Father is there for you 24/7 you can go to him anytime I don't care where you're at if you're driving down the road you can talk to your Heavenly Father you can approach him since Jesus paid the price on the cross what is the first thing that he did when when when he expired on the cross that veil was rent from top to bottom that veil that separated man from God we can walk right on in now and I encourage you to do that there was an awesome price paid that that allows you to do that so talk to your heavenly father I really don't think you have a lot of competition these days your brothers and sisters are so busy in the ways of the world they don't have time for God that's why you are so special to him when you make time to talk with him we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ father I ask you to look upon these you know their needs father we have illnesses families that are sick father addictions to alcohol drugs you know father if it is your will a special blessing on these well so lift up our military troops who are in harm's way around the world father we ask you to watch over guide direct touch protect and heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions and see what's on the mind of folks first up we have dawn in Virginia was Joseph's wife a Sanath of the children of Israel thanks for all that you and your staff do to feed us the word and you're sure welcome we're glad you enjoy partaking of his table the word Pharaoh gave Joseph Egyptian obviously being Pharaoh gave a Sanath to wife to Joseph and it states in in the book of Genesis that she was the daughter of Potiphar eeeh a priest of on now what you probably don't realize that is that at this time that Joseph was working for Pharaoh there were in Lower Egypt Adamic peoples who were called the Shepherd Kings they're also called the Hyksos the mother of ephraim and manasseh you can bet that she was Adamic not Egyptian guy in California where does it have the genealogy of the other children of Mary and Joseph had after Christ's well of course Joseph was not the father of Jesus so let me clarify Jesus was not the Son of Mary and Joseph Jesus was the son of Mary and our Heavenly Father his only begotten Son now the Joseph and Mary did go on to have other children that's written in God's Word Matthew chapter 13 verse 55 and 56 you have his brothers named by name James Joseph Simon and Judas and then it states that he had sisters plural however not how many but nothing is said about genealogy other than that of their other children James and Arkansas when God asked Jeremiah what he saw Jeremiah said a bunch of bones was that at the time or here in the future and did he see spiritual people okay we've got who said that mixed up a bit it wasn't Jeremiah and I don't know if someone wrote your question down wrong or if you were confused but obviously it was Ezekiel that that God asked him what he saw this real find in Ezekiel chapter 37 verse 1 and the following verses and a zekiel states there the hand of the Lord carried Ezekiel out of the spirit and the bones were of course of the spiritually dead and well we have a bunch of bones today people who are spiritually debtor than a doornail you see them walking down every street in our country today people just totally lost it people have turned things upside down they take what is right and make it wrong they take what is wrong and say it's right but God asked Ezekiel Ezekiel can these bones live and as he keel said lord I don't I don't know you know and the Lord said to Ezekiel prophesy to these bones you see that's how you bring the spiritually dead back to spiritual life you prophesy that's to teach the Word of God the Word of God brings spirituality back to the spiritually dead Sandra and California what does I four and I mean well and thank you for your kind comments after that bless you as well you'll find that several places in God's Word Leviticus chapter 24 verse 19 and the following verses states if a man caused a blemish to another another person in other words so shall it be done to him and then in verse 20 of Leviticus 24 breech for breech I for eye tooth for tooth it simply means what you put out is what you're going to receive Alma from Alabama we know what our flesh bodies look like but pastor Dennis what will our spiritual bodies look like when we go to be with our Father in heaven well in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 what did God say God said let us referring to the angels that were there with him make man in our image so if they made man in our image and we know what we look like we know what the Angels look like they look pretty much like we do today and we have Jay believe or joy joy I think it is in Maryland I love your show please tell me where did God come from who made him also why does God let all these little kids and hospitals suffer from cancer well God didn't need anyone to make him he has been from the very beginning he always will be so in the book of Exodus when God appeared to Moses and said okay Moses you're gonna lead Israel out of Egypt and I want you to go and talk to Pharaoh and tell him let my people go and Moses said well now wait a minute I'm gonna go back down there and the people are gonna ask me who sent you and what did God say God said I am that I am iya iya iya in the Hebrew language will be what I want to be when and always will be your follow-up question why does God allow children to suffer God doesn't cause cancer or suffering he provides Christian doctors nurses and technicians that care for those who do become ill but you know to be in the flesh God didn't promise us that it would be a Rose Garden he didn't say that man will never get sick or children will never get sick he didn't promise that and if you think he did in the word you're not familiar with the word but he also did promise us in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 that there's nothing going to happen to you that's not common to me and that means that there's nothing going to happen to you that hasn't happened to somebody else and that God will never allow you to be tempted above what you're able to handle without providing you a way out I'll tell you some of these little troopers and in the hospitals that are sick with cancer and I'm talking about children that could probably teach us a lot of us adults about faith and about belief in God and how to take the negative of life with the grain of salt and and to make the best of the situation that you can Clarence in California First Epistle of John 2:18 there'll be many Antichrist in the world and then in Jude 1 verse 6 angels which left their own place of habitation and one in the world today I'm not sure firstly are we talking about the same people here it would appear that Antichrist are born of women but the angels that left their place of habitation and came into this world are not born of women okay well the those of Jude 1:6 who left their habitation you're right we're not born of woman they are the Nephilim of Genesis chapter 6 they're called the sons of God they're the fallen angels though Nephilim in the Hebrew the prime NAFA which means fall and they refused to be born a woman and for that they've already been judged to death and I'm not talking about death of the flesh I'm talking about death of the soul now when when we're talking about the even now there are many Antichrist in the world what it's talking about is there are many who not necessarily the Antichrist but those who claim to be Christians what we were being warned about in those scriptures Jeannette from Missouri and thank you for your kind comments there is a scripture that I've wondered about for decades decades and no one has ever been able to explain it Matthew 24 28 for wheresoever the carcase is there will the eagle's be gathered together and that Eagles is a bad translation it should have been translated the vultures wherever the carcasses are that's where you'll find the vultures Luke chapter 17 37 Luke's account of the same event I take this to mean where the bodies of the two witnesses are revelation 11:8 you will find the vultures gathered to watch and see what happens next remember the people are going to be celebrating and when the two witnesses are killed and lying in the open area and are they going to bury him no they're not going to bury him you say they put Jesus in a Sepulchre and when they came back he was gone a lot of people don't believe he was resurrected so they're not going to bury the two witnesses because they're gonna be resurrected as well and why I say I look forward to when that happens because you know what happens immediately after that as they're ascending Jesus Christ is descending back to us the second Advent begins the Lord's Day begins Cathy in Texas and you're welcome Funt and question he said God's in parentheses Jesus died on the cross let's say Jesus died on the cross and took the stripe so that people and animals could be healed has God already healed us we need to believe that he has the power to heal us and claim his promise of healing or do we pray for God's healing in each end of jewel signal that you for making this clear the scripture you're talking to Isaiah 30 53 and I'll repeat Isaiah 53 verse 5 which states with his stripes with prophecy of Christ on the cross we are healed and I'll think spiritual not so much physical our sins are cured because he endured the cross we are all in the flesh the flesh as I mentioned a month ago when the question about why does God allow children to suffer sickness is part of being in the flesh much of that sickness is brought upon us because we don't follow his health laws we don't eat according to Leviticus chapter 11 what do you do when you are sick well James chapter 5 verse 14 tells us that to gather the elders and anoint well well what are we anoint with we anoint with the oil of our people anointing oil olive oil tawny and Kentucky I'm starting to go bald on the front of my head is there anything wrong with people shaving their head there's nothing that I know of in God's Word concerning shaving of the head now that brought to mind Leviticus chapter 19 verse 27 where it states that you shall not round the corners of your head now at that time there were Canaanite Eze priests and there were some Arabic peoples who cut their hair from Temple to Temple in other words in a circle look like they put a bowl over their head and cut off anything that came out below the bowl but God said don't cut your hair like that because I don't want you looking like these heathen people Michael from Texas what does the word Bible me and then you give like a cipher basic instruction before leaving earth I like that have you ever heard this and what do you think my brother told me this all words means something the word Bible is not in the King James Version Bible and by the way I like your your cypher basic instruction before leaving Earth but the the word Bible if you just look it up in a Webster's dictionary you'll learn that the Greek plural of the word bibley on in the Greek means book and it is a book it's the book the good book also Biblos is an ancient Phoenician city from which papper us game which was the writing material that the scrolls were made out of of the original manuscripts for the most part Samara in Florida and Samara is nine years old I live in Florida I have a question what does it mean that six-six-six is marked so satan can't get in our house and i love your teaching well i'm glad you love studying the Word of God well let's talk about the 666 first and we learned in Revelation chapter 13 verse 18 that the mark of the beast that's the Antichrist for those of you who know what was talking about that his number is six six six and he comes in the sixth seal the sixth Trump and the sixth vial and you're talking about to keep Satan out of your house what you do what we do to keep Satan out of our house is we order him out and we don't ask him we order him out in the name of Jesus Christ you know if you ask Satan to leave your house what he's gonna do he's gonna laugh at you but if you order him in the name of Jesus Christ that you're exercising the power that Jesus gave you in Luke chapter 10 verses 17 and 18 power over all of our enemies that includes Satan Isabelle in New York why did the anger of the Lord burn against Israel and incite David against them to say go number Israel and Judah this is amazing we were talking about this and in the lecture where I mentioned that God gave David three choices because he did this and you're right it does say God was that well and then continued David then had to choose from the three things the Prophet gad spoke of seven years of famine flee for three years from the face of your enemies or three days of pestilence may God bless you and thank you for that now make a note of second Samuel chapter 24 verse one states that the Lord moved David but in chronicles first chronicles 21:1 it states that Satan provoked David I think it was the latter and there's a second witness to that in James chapter 1 verses 13 and 14 and that is there it states that God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man is just not the nature of God to tempt people with evil Satan will tempt Maria in Oregon I give my tithe and money but people tell me that it's not necessary to give money they tell me my tithe could also be time to help other people but I was taught that to give 10% in money well tithes the very word in the Old Testament if you take it back to the original language means 10% that's what a tithe is what is the purpose of a tithe the purpose is to make sure ensure that God's Word continues to be and therefore you tithe 10% of your income where you are taught God's Word now I think what you're thinking about it what the other person is telling you about doing good deeds for other people I think that would be more considered an all ALM and as Jesus taught in in Matthew chapter 6 and an all can be something that is to benefit someone who is less fortunate than yourself Bob in Louisiana please explain Revelation chapter 11 verse 7 well the Beast is the Antichrist after the two witnesses have finished their testimony the Antichrist makes war against them and kills them and they lie in the street or the PATA wide open area then verse 11 after three and a half days the spirit of life from God enters them and they ascend again I look forward to that time because what happens immediately after that Jesus descends the Lord's Day the Millennium begins I'm out of time I want you all to know that I love you a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word in depth when your father looks down from heaven and he sees you reading the letter he wrote to you he makes it makes his day you make his day he's going to make yours we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing most important though and it's this you stay in your father's word every day every day and his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,231
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Shepherds, Chapel, Book of 1 Samuel, Shepherd's Chapel, 1 Samuel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold, Book of I Samuel, Book of, I Samuel, Pastor, Murray, Shepherd's
Id: -CHp94Cs-MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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