1 Samuel ~ 20:11 to 21:4

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we're gonna pick it up today First Samuel chapter 20 verse 11 we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you'd care to we in our last lecture we came to the fact that David had thrown out a fleece to the Lord there was a feast that was coming and David planned on hiding himself and that the fleece that David threw out was that if Saul inquired about David that that then Jonathan was to say oh yes I forgot to tell you David asked me if he could go take leave and go to Bethlehem to celebrate the feast with his own family the Bethlehem being David's home and then if Saul's reaction was peaceful then there was a reconciliation in the works and that David could stay in in Jerusalem and serve in court and the the army for Saul but if Saul became angry the the deal was that then David would have to flee and that's where we left off David asked Jonathan one final time that's a Jonathan being Saul's son of course and and David said you know what is my crime what have I done that soul is trying to kill me remember three times we tried to rent paint him to the wall with the javelin he sent three groups men to kill David Remo the home of Samuel and then finally saw went himself and what happened the three groups and Saul all started prophesying at neh auth which is one of the schools of the prophets but Jonathan said you haven't done anything wrong there you have no sin against soul my father and if he planned to do evil towards you remember Saul and John excuse me Jonathan and David were really really close they were like Blood Brothers they loved each other as they love themself and that's that's tight but Jonathan said you know if my dad soul plans on doing anything to you I would let you know and that's where we pick it up today let's ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open years this day first samuel chapter 20 verse 11 and it reads and Jonathan said unto David come and let us go out into the field and they went out both of them into the field Jonathan has a plan and I think the reason they're going out out away from the city is that the walls of Jerusalem had ears by that I mean the servants of soul were keeping a very close eye on David for sure Jonathan as well because Saul was beginning to suspicion that the close relationship between David and his son Jonathan was interfering with Jonathan's better judgment so they're getting away from soul spies is the reason they're going out into the field verse 12 and Jonathan said unto David O Lord God of Israel this is a solemn invocation of God and he's calling God to witness what he's about to say when I have sounded or searched in the Hebrew my father in other words I've searched my father's intentions about tomorrow anytime Ward the third day this is a three-day feast that was coming up and behold if there be good toward David and I then send not unto thee and show it thee as soon as I know what my father's intentions are I will get word to you so that you know whether it's good or whether it's bad verse 13 the Lord do so and much more to Jonathan in other words to myself but if it please my father to do the evil then I will show it thee I'm going to tell you either way if it's good news I'm going to tell you if it's bad news I'm going to tell you and send the away that thou may us go in peace and the Lord be with thee as he hath been with my father and the Holy Spirit was upon Saul at one point in time but God rejected Saul why because he didn't follow God's commandments not once but on two different occasions the Spirit of God was no longer on Saul but the Spirit of God was on David verse 14 and thou shalt not only while yet I live show me the kindness of the Lord that I die not and this is a little hard to understand what Jonathan is saying is this covenant is going to be applicable to more than just our lifetimes and indeed this covenant endured past the death of Jonathan verse 15 but also thou shalt not cut off thy kindness from my house for ever my family in other words forever no not when the Lord have cut off the enemies of David everyone from the face of the earth and we see confidence that Jonathan has in David's abilities here he's not saying if and you conquer all of your enemies he's saying when you conquer all of your enemies and no matter what they were going to be friends no matter what Souls reaction was when he learned that David was absent from this feast verse 16 so Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David saying let the Lord even require it at the hand of David's enemies and this indeed this covenant would endure for many many years Jonathan dies toward the end of 1st Samuel but as we get into 2nd Samuel when David is finally not on the run for his life from soul and his King first over Judah for 7 years and then becomes the king of Israel David continued to show favor to the house of Jonathan honoring this very covenant that we're reading about here Jonathan had a son who was crippled from a very young age when they were fleeing from the enemy at one point one of the nurses dropped Mephibosheth and he was crippled in his legs for life and David took a ship from afib acheté by name into his own house and he ate at the same table that David ate at in other words what whatever David had for dinner my Felicia had for dinner it was a covenant that endured verse 17 and Jonathan caused David to swear again because he loved him for he loved him as he loved his own soul he loved him as he loved himself that's pretty strong love the Septuagint reads that and Jonathan caused David or actually it says again Jonathan swear unto David and I don't think that's the case I think Jonathan cause David to swear again in other words to swear his love for Jonathan again to - more or less put this covenant in concrete in other words verse 18 then Jonathan said to David tomorrow is the new moon that's the feast that we talked about in our last lecture and thou shall be missed because thy seed will be empty Saul is going to miss you for sure and he's going to inquire about where you are and if he's at peace with that then it's gonna be safe for David to stay in Jerusalem if Saul becomes angry then that's the sign for David to flee to run for his life verse 19 and when thou has stayed three days that was the length of the feast after the new moon remember then thou shalt go down quickly or diligently and come to the place where thou didst hide thyself when the business was in hand and shall remain by the stone Ezell and this the business was in hand in other words when we were making these plans go to that place which is by the stone Ezell and again this is all out away from Jerusalem because Saul has so many spies continually watching David and they're trying you know it would be very dangerous for Jonathan if Saul knew that Jonathan was conspiring with David Saul once David dead he's made that clear on many occasions and if he found out that his own son was doing it it would probably be off with Jonathan's head so they're being very covert in in their actions verse 20 and I will shoot three arrows on the side thereof as though I shot at a mark I'm gonna launched three arrows by the stone ezel as though I was shooting at a target the Benjamites were always known to be excellent marksmen with a bow very accomplished with the bow 21 so of course my point Jonathan being the son of Saul is a Benjamite 21 and behold I will send a lad a young boy saying go find out the arrows in other words go get the arrows or go and look where the arrows landed if I expressly say unto the lad behold the arrows are on this side of the take them then come thou and he's speaking to David here not the lad for there is peace to thee and no hurt as the Lord liveth if if Jonathan Steitz to the boy no the arrows are on this side toward Jonathan and if that's the case then it's okay for you David to come toward Jonathan and to return to Jerusalem verse 22 but if Jonathan continues I say thus unto the young man behold the arrows are beyond thee there on the other side farther away go thy way for the Lord hath sent thee away if the arrows are on if I say to the young boy no go further the arrows our way then David you go further away as well that's the sign 23 and is touching the matter which thou and I have spoken of behold the Lord be between thee and me forever may the Lord be between us as Judge and witness and this also could be this is our covenant and this is an eternal secret another word you see even this boy that's being involved unknowingly in this conspiracy the one that Jonathan is going to utilize to get the message to David would be in danger if Saul knew that he was participating willingly in helping David this is a an eternal secret between Jonathan and David verse 24 so David hid himself in the field and when the new moon was come the feast day the King sat him down to eat meat King Saul sat down to eat of the sacrificial meal which would be prepared for to celebrate the feast David is not in attendance and the King sat upon his seat as at other times even upon a seat by the wall in the Hebrew this is he sat in his seat at the top in other words the king obviously would be at the seat the the highest place of honor and Jonathan arose and Abner sat by soul side and David's place was empty Abner of course his soul's general and he's more than just a general he's a relative he's the first cousin of Saul now Jonathan probably was sitting next to his father Saul and when he saw Abner coming he yielded his seat being the seat next to the King was another place of honor obviously so that Abner could take that seat 26 nevertheless Saul Specht not anything that day he didn't say anything concerning David not being present for the feast for he thought something have to befallen him he is not clean surely he is not clean and if someone were in an unclean State at one of the feast they were not able or allowed to partake of the sacrificial meal because they were in an unclean State so Saul was just thinking well perhaps David defiled himself in some way and he won't be here today but surely David will be here tomorrow and it came to pass on the morrow which was the second day of the month that David's place was empty the seat was vacant and Saul said unto Jonathan his son wherefore cometh not the son of Jesse to meet neither yesterday nor today and he knows Jonathan and David are very very close they have a very brotherly relationship he knew that if anyone knew where David was that it would be Jonathan so that's the reason he's asking Jonathan and Jonathan answered Saul David earnestly asked leave of me to go to Bethlehem he asked for my permission to take leave and to go to Bethlehem and spend the feast day with his family and he said David and Jonathan speaking for David and David said in other words let me go I pray thee for our family half a sacrifice in the city and my brother this probably being Eli AB the eldest of his brothers this indicates that that David's father probably was getting quite up in years and he lie Abed assumed the head of the household and calling the family together for this feast he hath commanded me to be there and now if I have found favor in thine eyes let me get away let me go I pray thee and see my brother and therefore he cometh not unto the Kings table I let him go to spend the the feast day with his family in Bethlehem Jonathan's walking a fine line here as far as making his father angry verse 30 then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan and he said unto Him thou son of the perverse rebellious woman do not I know that thou has chosen the son of Jesse to thine own confusion and into the confusion of thy mother's nakedness now this is really a low blow to Jonathan he's not only attacking David he's not only attacking Jonathan he's attacking Jonathan's mother this that he's the son of a perverse and rebellious woman means that you are a perverse and rebellious son verse 31 and as long as the son of Jesse liveth upon the ground thou shalt not be established nor thy kingdom where for now send and fetch him unto me for he shall surely die now this indicates that Saul is finally aware of who Samuel anointed to be his replacement he said in this verse the son of Jesse that's David as long as David is alive you're not going to have your kingdom established assuming that he was the heir apparent but that wasn't going to happen anyway why because that wasn't in God's plan David had been anointed the king of Israel Jonathan remembered when Saul was supposed to meet Samuel at Gilgal he was supposed to wait seven days until Samuel came and then they would make sacrifice and then Samuel would tell Saul what to do well David's excuse me Saul's army was dwindling fast he had a lot of desertions and he decided that he better go ahead and make sacrifice himself which he did and for that Samuel Samuel said that's a very foolish thing that you've done and as a result your family your sons will not inherit the king of Israel and that is the way it was verse 32 and Jonathan answered saw his father and said unto him wherefore shall he be slain questioned what hath he done Jonathan being the voice of reason over and over with soul what did David do that you that he angered you he served you well when he played the harp to calm that evil spirit that was in you he served you well as his your armor bearer when not one of the army of Israel would stand up and fight against the giant Goliath David being just sixteen or seventeen at the time took the giant on and killed him giving Israel a great victory and he served Saul well as a captain of thousands and had tremendous success over the armies of the Philistines Saul killed us thousands David killed his tens of thousands the ladies would sing what his David done Saul continues to ask and Saul cast a javelin at him to smite him he cast a javelin at his own son whereby Jonathan knew that it was determined of his father to slay David he realized that Saul wasn't going to change his mind all that remained for him to do at this point was to communicate to David that Saul's anger was kindled and therefore he needs to flee for his life I mentioned earlier that the Benjamites were known for their skill with a bow and arrow they certainly weren't very good with the javelin because three times all tried to pin David against the wall here he tried to smite his own son Jonathan against the wall and he failed on all four counts either the Benjamites were not good with javelin or at least this one Benjamite was not good with a javelin verse 34 so jonathan arose from the table and fierce anger and righteous indignation was up and did eat no meat the second day of the month for he was grieved for David because his father had done him shamed had shamed not only Jonathan he had also shamed Jonathan's mother and he had also shamed his best friend David and it came to pass in the morning that Jonathan went out into the field at the time appointed with David and a little lad with him as to going to the near the rock or stone Ezell which had been agreed upon beforehand verse 36 and he said unto his lad run find out now the arrows which I shoot and as the lad ran he shot an arrow beyond him no doubt Saul spies were keeping a close eye on what was going on at this point again Saul's suspicion that Jonathan was in conspiracy with David and when the lad was come to the place of the arrow which Jonathan had shot Jonathan cried after the lad and said is not the arrow beyond you beyond thee that's the signal the arrow is further away from me David you go further away from me as well flee run for your life Saul is not going to reconcile Saul is not going to change his mind and Jonathan cried after the lad makes speed haste stay not and this is being said to the lad for the sake of Jonathan for souls spies this is the message to from Jonathan to David make speed haste stay not and Jonathan's lad gathered up the arrows and came to his master again Jonathan was talking to David not the lad when he said make speed haste stay not it's time for you to flee David run for your life but the lad knew not anything only Jonathan and David knew the matter it was a covenant of secrecy again it would have been very dangerous for this lad this boy to be know what was going on because then he would have been part of the conspiracy in Saul's eyes and Jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad and said unto him go carry them to the city and the artillery of course being his bow and arrows and the quiver his his weapons in other words and Jonathan here is protecting the lad he doesn't want the lad to know anything about what's going on in this conspiracy he has with David Jonathan was probably absolutely heartbroken at this point he sent the lad away so that he might have a few last words with David before he starts his journey fleeing from Saul again Jonathan of course Jonathan thinks that this is the last time he will see David it will not be the last time that he sees and speaks with David verse 41 and as soon as the lad was gone David arose out of a place toward the south and fell on his face to the ground and bowed himself three times and they kissed one another Jonathan and David and wept one with another until David exceeded words and tape till David lost control of his emotions considered David a young man still at this point in time what is he lost well he's lost his family he's gonna be fleeing from that he's lost his king he's lost Saul he lost his wife Michal he's lost his country because he's going to be fleeing and sometimes even outside of the geographical area of Israel lastly he lost his best friend Jonathan 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 we learned there that there's nothing that's going to happen to us that's not common to man in other words there's nothing going to happen to you that hasn't happened to someone else before and it's going to happen to someone else after it happens to you but the Lord will never tempt you above what you're able to handle without providing you with a way out well evidently God thought that David could handle quite a bit because that's what's been placed on David's plate verse 42 and Jonathan said to David go in peace for as much as we have sworn both of us in the name of the Lord the Lord being our witness to our covenant saying the Lord be between me and thee the Lord be our witness and our judge and between my seed between my family and thy seed forever between your family and my family and Jonathan went into the city returned to Jerusalem and David has begun a long long journey and think about this he has nothing he has basically the shirt on his back as he begins this journey he does have one thing though with him other than the shirt on his back the Lord is with and that's what I want you to remember is that the Lord will provide for his anointed he watches out for his anointed he watches out for his elect chapter 21 verse 1 David this kind of begins the second phase in David's life on the run from Sol chapter 21 verse 1 then came David to Nob - ahem alack the priest the high priest to be exact and ahem alack was afraid at the meeting of David and said unto him why art thou alone and no man with thee he undoubtedly recognized David he knew he was the King's son-in-law he knew he was a captain of thousands and he thinks it's suspicious that David is showing up with no servants with him where are your men is what a hymn elec is asking now important to realize - ahem elec is of the house of Levi excuse me Eli Levi as well but Eli more importantly and the point I want to make you remember in chapter 2 of this book first Samuel Eli was high priest he was of the house of if the Mar which ahem elec is as well what did he do well he was undisciplined as the high priest he had two sons hophni and Phinehas and he allowed them to steal portions of the sacrifices that belonged to the offeror to the people he allowed them to steal portions that belong to God the fat belonged to God they wanted some for themselves they went so far that they had intercourse sexual intercourse with the women who came to serve at the tabernacle God was very angry he sent a prophet a man of God to heal I in chapter 2 of this same book and he said there's not going to be a priest of your family line they get gray-headed in other words you're not going to have anyone that can serve as in the high priest ahem elec what happens to he and his family is the judgment on the house of Eli coming to pass verse 2 and David said unto ahem alack the priest the King hath commanded me a business and hath said unto me let no man know anything of the business where about I send thee and what I have commanded thee and I have appointed my servants to such in such a place I've told my servants the men who you are asking about where are your men I assigned them to meet me and wait for me at such-and-such a place at a specified location now David's stretching the truth there in fact is that's an out-and-out lie I'm on the King's business and he told me not to tell any man what that business is but let's go a couple more verses and we'll stop for today verse 3 now therefore what is under thine hand David asks ahem elec give me five loaves of bread in my hand or what there is present or whatever you have that you can spare and David has absolutely nothing five loaves of bread would probably get him you know suffice him for two or three days he doesn't have enough therefore men who are waiting to meet him at such and such a place and it's possible that David had a follower or two with him because as we see that he is on the run from Saul men gathered to him that no David that respect David for the courageous warrior that he was and also the fact that God had left Saul and soul was not a righteous King any longer verse five and the priest answered David and said there is no common bread there no common bread opposed to holy bread under mine hand but there is hallowed bread there show bread if the young men have kept themselves at least from women if the men who are with you waiting at the designated point haven't been with women in other words they're in an unclean State then I'll give you the showbread the showbread was replaced once a week it was placed on a table just outside the Holy of Holies when there was a tabernacle but then each week every seventh day the priests replaced the showbread and then the priests were to eat the showbread but in this case ahem elec is giving the the showbread to david this is going to cost a hem elec dearly it's gonna cost a good number of the priests and his family dearly and you know David expressed regret at what happened to him elec and and that he basically was the cause of it but remember this is all in God's control that judgment on Eli's house that there's not going to be a man old enough to serve as the high priest is about to be carried out I've got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it's getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived christ said in mark 1323 behold i afore told you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the telephone call is free the CD is free no shipping and handling just call 864 340 645 to request your one time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also mail your request to shepherd's chapel peel bucks for sixteen grab in Arkansas seven to seven thirty six don't be deceived by Satan welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please 800 six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we teach God's Word and positive format throwing out negative about others by name serves no purpose we simply won't do it we'll let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing fully capable of all three if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world and not able to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in being the point got a prayer request we can do away with the telephone number you don't need a telephone you don't need a mailing address your heavenly Father is there for you 24 hours a day seven days a week any time that you want to talk with him you can do so in prayer and you know I kind of get tickled when they say well kids you can't pray in school you youngsters when you are in school and you want to pray you go right ahead and pray you don't have to close your eyes you don't have to get out on your knees talk to your father you want a little help on that test that you're taking in geography ask God he'll be there for you and if you trust and have confidence in him we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ father we ask you to look down upon these you know their needs father problem marriages financial difficulties you know father if it is your will a special blessing on each of these we also lift up our military troops or in harm's way around the world father we ask you to watch over guide direct touch heal in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father all right let's get to some questions first up today we have Jeannette from Georgia can Satan read minds and the answer to that is no he can't read your mind pastor Arnall Marie did a message some years back entitled heart nor heart in the the languages you could also translate as mind and God is a mind knower a mind reader if you will Satan does not have that capability pastor Murray takes you on almost an hour Bible study concerning that subject that's CD three zero nine to seven entitled heart no where Diane from Arkansas how do i rid this hate in my heart for certain politicians and other people who seem to want to do great harm to America well understand Diane that there is no power that is not ordained of God in other words God wanted that person in that position or they wouldn't be in that position you can read that in Romans chapter 13 verse one let every soul be subject to higher powers for there is no power but of God the powers be that be are ordained of God he puts people where he wants them and that's the reason that they're there Charles in Idaho where in the bible is it that says he who digs a pit will fall in it well proverbs chapter 26 verse 27 gets that said and you kind of paraphrase that but again proverbs 26 27 in other words if you go causing trouble then it's going to fall back on you Bob in Iowa I have a mental issue that I take medication for and in the past I ask Satan to come into my life but now I have asked God to forgive me will God forgive me yes absolutely if you repent which means to have a sincere change of heart you can't con God he knows your heart and your mind he knows when you're trying to con him in other words but all you any and you'd a few book already you said I ask God to forgive me you've probably already been forgiven Bob but Acts chapter 3 verse 19 states repent that your sins can be blotted out that word blotted out in the Greek is ex Holly foo and it means to erase in other words just like they never existed before and of course it's impossible that anyone has committed the unforgivable sin at this point in time so anything can be forgiven with that one exception of murder as we learn in the first epistles of John chapter 3 verse 15 that a murderer can't be forgiven while they're in the flesh why because capital punishment they're to be sent to the Father which is where the real trial judgment will be made Jim in Ohio I'm asking a question in regards to organ transplant is it a sin in God's eyes to receive a transplant if so how does one ask for forgiveness it is my understanding that it's a sin to consume the blood of a man so in doing a transplant you must have blood blood transfusions I feel I have sinned against the Lord please advise it is a sin to eat anything in its blood not particularly that a man of Bloods and is also in the Old Testament a murderer is what that's talking about so organ transplants and blood transfusions transfusions are not committing sin in God's eyes what what a gift that someone can give that you know eyes that you're not going to ever need again once you are clinically or biologically dead you don't need your flesh anymore you've already stepped out into your spiritual body and if some part of that flesh that you're leaving behind can be used by someone else that might possibly save their life in the case of a heart transplant or kidney transplant or give someone sight who is blind through the the donation of cornea what a great gift blood transfusions have saved a lot of lives in combat situations and you know someone who is wounded in war that most of the deaths are caused by people bleeding out and without blood transfusions they would die Tammy and Georgia my daughter was 30 years old when she died then two years later her husband died now my two grandkids are asking questions as to why did God take their parents well I wish you had stated how old the children are but I would explain that God needed their help in heaven God's building an army to return with Jesus Christ revelation chapter 19 start along about verse 11 and the following verses and and let them know that they will see their parents again that this is not a a permanent separation that that once we step out of these flesh bodies were in spiritual bodies and the spiritual bodies are very much alive we don't have a god of the dead we have a God of the living Vernie in Virginia Revelation chapter 20 verse 12 how many books are there besides the book of life does every individual have their own book or is it just one big book and in Revelation twenty twelve it states that the books plural were opened and then there was another book that was open entitled the book of life it doesn't say how many of the other books they were but what are these books well when we die our works go with this Revelation chapter 14 verse 13 and that's all you can take with you I don't care if you're a billionaire you're not going to take your billion dollars with you when you die you are going to take your works whether good bad or ugly your works do go with you and all those works are written down in these books and what's going on there in Revelation chapter 20 the great white throne judgment and the books are opened in other words what each individual did in the flesh and then we're judged by those works not our faith but those works hope that helps the book of life you want to make sure your name is in that book because those are the ones who go into the Eternity others you've got a possibility of going into the lake of fire which is the second death the death of the soul God's the judge Robert in Louisiana what verses in the Bible can be used for seed planting and please explain well I like to plant a seed by making a comment such as isn't it interesting that there is no apple tree in the Garden of Eden in the book of Genesis and then just leave it at that and the people probably have been taught falsely incorrectly in all their life that Eve took a bite out of the Apple and that's the reason for all the problems and then they'll get to thinkin about that they'll pull out their hopefully pull out their King James Version Bible and look in the Garden of Eden and say whoa it was right there there is no apple tree in the Garden of Eden and then they'll come back and start asking questions that's when you have a chance to follow up and make sure that that seed with God's watering the former and latter rain germinates and grows into a plant capable of producing fruit of its own Oliver in Georgia and says I'm seven years old it's summertime for me when it's summertime I go to my Mimi's house when I'm at my Mimi's house I watched shepherd's chapel I have a question how did the burning bush get on fire what's a good question Oliver and then Oliver's talking about in Exodus chapter 3 verse 2 where Moses passed by the Lord and the Lord appeared or manifested himself that means the Lord made it to where Moses could see him in the burning bush and that shouldn't surprise us though that excuse me that God would appear as a burning bush because we learned in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 29 that God is a consuming fire that fire has always been and it always will be nobody had to set that bush on fire Lizzy in Georgia and she says I'm 8 years old I bet Lizzy and Oliver or brother and sister I go to my grandma's house over the summer I have one sister and two brothers we always watch shepherd's chapel I appreciate all you do in teaching well I appreciate you liking the teaching I have a question when heaven comes down to earth will we get to hug Jesus yes we will get to hug Jesus when he returns to earth and I'm glad you know that Jesus comes to earth and that we're not flying away in the false rapture you you kids keep studying I'm proud of you patty and Kentucky please tell me where it is in the Bible that a woman can divorce her husband if he prevents her from worshipping God I know it's somewhere well it doesn't really say divorce but I think that what you're thinking about if you take a look at first Corinthians chapter 7 verse 15 I think that's the scripture you're looking for that's first Corinthians chapter 7 verse 15 and the 1st Corinthians chapter 7 the whole chapter deals with relationships and that starting in verse 15 it's talking about a relationship where one of the couple is a believer and the other is not Missy and Idaho how can we be sure the Christian Bible is truth and the way to God and not another religion and their manuscript wow that's called faith Missy and you know faith how do I increase my faith well God's Word tells you how to increase your faith you read about it in Romans chapter 10 verse 17 faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God you say how can we be sure the Bible is truth well can read Psalm 22 which is the death psalm my God my God why hast thou forsaken me is how verse 1 of Psalm 22 begins that's what Jesus said on the cross when they were crucifying him and what Jesus was teaching from the cross was look back look back to Psalm 22 you'll find that it's prophecy of the the crucifixion even down to the Roman soldiers casting Lots gambling for the raiment the clothing of Jesus that was written almost a thousand years before the actual crucifixion man cannot write something a thousand years before it happens and it come to pass God can Rufus in Missouri do you have to be baptized to go to heaven many preachers teacher reverence incorrectly teach that John 3:15 which states that you have to be born of water to enter the kingdom of God they teach that that means that you have to be baptized incorrectly what that's talking about in John chapter 3 verse 5 is that you have to be born in the flesh what's the first thing happens when a woman is getting ready to birth the child her water breaks so being born of water means being born into the flesh as opposed to the Nephilim the fallen angels who refused to be born of woman Genesis chapter 6 Jude chapter 1 verse 6 they left their habitation heaven and came to earth and they went in to the daughters of Adam and freq Giants were the result deburr that's what the lieth was was a descendent of them another point on baptism Luke 23 39 and the following verses there were two male factors who were crucified at the same time Christ was crucified one of them believed on Christ and Jesus said to him this day I will see you in paradise do you think that criminal had been down to the Jordan and John the Baptist baptized him I rather doubt it jazz in New Jersey cool name jazz in New Jersey is the pastor suggesting that when Cain took a wife in the Land of Nod that there were other people on earth in the Land of Nod besides Adam and Eve's family well he isn't suggesting he's making a statement or better yet God's Word states in Genesis chapter 4 verse 16 that Cain left the Garden of Eden he went east to the Land of Nod he took a wife there wait a minute how can Cain go to the Land of Nod who was not and who was the woman that he took the wife they certainly wasn't of Adam and Eve's family because you see Adams genealogy in Genesis chapter 5 Cain's genealogy which is mixed with the six-day creation you'll find in Genesis chapter 4 next up Sandra from Oklahoma does a person need to be rebaptised if they were baptized at the age of 12 the decision was mine the church no longer exists and I have been attending another church and they want me to be baptized again he feeds five states there's one faith one Lord and one baptism absolutely correct is there any place in the Bible that states what church if believing in the Lord and his son following the Bible does this account for anything well I would ask those who of the church that you're attending that want you to be rebaptised what you just asked there at the end I would also point out Ephesians 5 I would also point out Hebrews chapter 6 verses 4 5 and 6 which is the teaching of Paul and Paul said you know once you're saved and and you come up short you fall short repent you don't need to be baptized again to do so is like being is like recruit fiying Jesus on the cross once on the cross was enough so you know that's your decision Sandra as to whether how badly do you want to join that church if that church is teaching what you're saying they're teaching I I don't think I'd want to join it personal opinion leave from Illinois what are the steps for the people on the wrong side of the Gulf those that didn't repent before death do they go to the Millennium and so on and yes I think those who did not have a chance to hear the truth and the flesh will be in the Millennium it's going to be a great time of teaching I'm out of time I do love you all a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word and you know when the Lord looks down and he sees you reading the letter that he wrote to you the Bible it makes his day you make his day he's gonna make yours we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness one thing most important though it's this you stay in his word every day every day in your father's word is a good day even with trouble you know why it's because Jesus Yeshua he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,013
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 1 Samuel, Arnold Murray, Book of, Pastor, Pastor Murray, Arnold, Shepherds, Book of 1 Samuel, Shepherd's, Shepherd's Chapel, I Samuel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of I Samuel, Shepherds Chapel, Murray, Chapel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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