Best of Elmore! | Gumball 1-Hour Compilation | Cartoon Network

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freeze you Huds what for jay walking oh give us a break man we just wanted an ice cream I don't care you're getting a ticket man really I'm sorry but that's law kid crime is a slippery slope if I turn a blind eye on the smallest misdemeanor before you know it the whole society falls apart especially in this heat well I understand your cop I mean it's obviously not your job to be cool what do you mean not cool all kids think cops are cool m really yeah we're more into privileged rap stars to pretend to be hardcore that is ridiculous cops are cold that's what I wanted to be when I was a kid okay get in the car I'll show you hold on what are you doing we're just pretending to be handcuffed sorry I just don't want anyone to think we're friends with you I want my phone call do you mind pushing my hand down there's no jail that can hold me just get in mother think it's you the heat that drove those two po RS to climb no dear it's Public School dude can you scratch my nose you're not handcuffed and he doesn't have a nose oh yeah right uh so what's so cool about being a cop well I file a lot of reports I write parking tickets I stop for lunch I give some people directions I file some more reports I write some parking tickets I make a report on all the reports I filed sorry you were so boring and we thought the car was moving and uh didn't expect to have to explain it uh uh please continue help me out here guys what do I have to do to prove to you that cops are [Applause] [Music] cool see it's not that hard to have a good time all you have to do is a shoot they're coming back down let's bail oh wait you forgot to drive through the boxes oh yeah I always wanted to do that so what other cool stuff can you do I can Commander any vehicle I want any vehicle anything I guess I can't complain it is a spaceship I can make it more interesting [Music] how it Hur it [Music] hurt wishes wow I forgot you guys had those what else can you do with them [Music] wow [Music] [Music] ha look Billy elmore's finest risking their lives to protect our freedom that's a of law enforcement that's T of law enforcement oh man I take it all back cops are cool yeah that was really fun was what do you mean was we're just getting started did you say that dude look at your car what are we going to do oh that's not a problem for a cop stop I come and dare this vehicle and that sir is exactly why you need to wear a seat belt come on guys get in the car uh this doesn't feel right name it get in the car help please false alarm [Music] uh hello I think this thing is broken hey stop help okay you win this one next up Joe's mom in the reflex challenge I think you should give her a warning this feels kind of unfair heads up okay what you probably want to try is shouting before you throw the can good idea heads up dude you should have called from where the can is coming let's just give her a point for surviving this next up tobi's Mom [Music] strength [Music] that's one to me what where' you think I got my muscles from go on kiss it okay I'll kiss you all right Mom they've gone now you can put it [Laughter] [Music] down ah cheating round four agility ring up like a queen of the Empire nothing's ever going to bring it down leave the rest in a Mess by way side she's never going to be pushed around some kind of mystery she's making history the world round 32 tolerance she's the best and your best believe bring ity wonder she's the best and best secur round 143 [Music] intelligence round 100 dude what's up with the leg strting I'm just putting the show in The Showdown am I wrong yeah this is how you leg Str round 199 resilience fight the fight the walls will coordination compassion [Applause] bre [Applause] sensitivity diplomacy reading skills accountancy bra okay this is the de the hot sauce challenge Mrs Wilson's up first can she stomach a spoonful oh and it's a refusal what the and Mrs Wilson wins wait a minute did you just wink at your mom Tobias no what did you just cheat and swap the hot sauce with ketchup no have you guys seriously been cheating all this time no do you still think it's necessary to deny it no oh hot [Music] sauce you know without these glasses you're beautiful when did you know you were going to ask me to the Brom from the moment our eyes man I what was that I never thought they get together they were so different they were literally the same guy five stars hey one star dude you can't review Tobias he's not of business Larry we need you to design us a website but this is a shoe store a shoe store with a very poor web design service Larry raise my eyebrow for me right away it's online perfect I got reviewed one star too small and round one star hey has a dress sense of a fever dream and is easily confused hey I died this time myself or is it tied this di the s too hot one star would not recommend to a nearby Solar System rate me one star I am one star Principal Brown what happened I got a terrible review online one star no it was three stars but the student made so many spelling errors the school board sucked me anyway want to buy a pirate DVD absolutely not this is bad Gumball other people are using our website to review everything n what could go wrong I guess the reviewer has become the review terrible line two stars oh no what's wrong with you why won't you help me I'm sorry but we can't risk it our last review was all emergency response times this medical ethics that so I'm supposed to just lie here H patient very pushy one star boring accident scene one star dude come on do something about these termites they're eaing my house sorry I can't afford any more bad reviews turns out termites have a strong online presence well at least we can sleep in the car huh well at least I still got my loving wife no come on what's going on Dad what's happening the people in the store said bald guys don't need comms so I gave them one star so they gave me one star what if I lose that star too what will people I don't know with the internet think about me dad other people's opinions don't matter only our opinions matter that's why we made the website terrible logic one star he's got a point Gumball not supporting your brother one star just do nothing if you don't do anything you can't do anything wrong and you can't get a bad review well I guess if nobody's moving nothing bad can happen right terrible driver too fast far too slow too jerky trading voice one star typing while driving one star officer do something uh-uh I'm on two stars here one bad review and I could be busted down a traffic and then I'd have to do something I've got it we made the website to give everything bad reviews but now that stopped everyone maybe if we give the website a bad review that will stop the website clunky overw wordy Exposition zero Interruption one star terrible after shame stinks of banana one star Larry what now you're the only one with a high enough of rating you've got to give the website zero Stars sure right away wait a minute I'll do it on one condition anything someone has to admit he's bald of course I understand Darwin just tell him you're bald what I'm not bald I have a healthy head of scals oh come on you're right Gumball just you you it's you you are a b you want a copy huh well copy this H I just made you eat Cowboy Caviar dude he's standing next to the lies wait so stop it it makes me want to r with other people so we were in the exotic food aisle and they were copying everything we did exotic food they were like us but fake like margarine to our butter margarine and butter seriously it was like looking at a mirror made of meat mirror are you even listening to what we're saying oh honey everyone has a doppelganger remember that sunburnt guy's belly that looked like anaise you don't understand they were literally cupping everything we they they are what the what the look at this click translate oh here's my doppelganger Chi-Chi this goat is attention of the center he is serious don't you trust him a heavy party love hero with powerful personality defectives that makes no sense look at mine Ribbit this frog is a frog but why he is so green and mighty you wouldn't trust him with lunch what's that yes he is determined apparently I'm a tired lazy belly male luring inside sofa watch him obnoxious laugh and spoil yourself I think I just spoiled myself a little look at mine wowe what a mother who cares if she's annoying you what's my toppel ganger like deleted what why because women no right to celebrate in Republic of people it's funny cuz I don't understand wait this isn't funny at all exactly I'm not part of it because I'm a girl no I mean these guys have their own TV show and they're ripping us off look at this the kids you decided to have these guys are making money out of our Lives while we're broke come on we're not that broke mom we're so broke that we give you oh me to charity yeah you're right we should sue them guys a lawyer would cost way too much dough how much dough like thousands of dollars I mean how much in cookie dough millions of tons [Music] wait a minute how could they copy that it literally just happened it literally just happened what what the what what the what a all [Music] right let's settle this in a civilized manner hi my name is Gumball hi my name is CH stop repeating everything I say but when someone says hi you say hi to F you coward [Music] sorry are we done here yeah I think she is oh uh yes we're going to call the cops and tell them we won't release you until our demands are met make the call Mr rainbow I thought we were going to disguise my voice um all right hello police we have taken control of the school bus and you better do what we say or there'll be consequences oh sorry or that'll be consequences oh come on Alan you're telling me you don't even recognize the balloon wait I do recognize him yeah I saw him in our house last night yeah on TV elmore's Most Wanted it's just our parents trying to teach us a lesson like when my dad tried to teach us the dangers of texting while walking help me I falled down this manhole because I was texted while walking Darwin you can't seriously be scared of these guys of course I am they're good masterminds I just think it would be fun I've never been in a hovercraft no we should ask for a private jet they always ask for a private jet could it be a private hovercraft we need to ask for money how much it doesn't matter the police know this is all fake see they're not scary you're right we just need a leader to reason with someone Brave someone who's not afraid to look the enemy in the eye someone who laughs in the face of danger I would say you Gumball but you're obviously sick maybe L's no me I'll do it oh but hoc uh Dad it's Mr Pink fine Mr Pink I know it's you Dad uh I've never heard of this Dad of whom you speak I'm just a criminal how did I become a criminal you asked I didn't ask I suppose it all started when I was 11 years old and skipped a math class and for this crime the punishment was harsh and Swift I spent 12 years in juvie then 5 years inside then 24 years on the run then 30 years back in the big house did up further seven in solitary that makes you 89 it doesn't add up well I wouldn't know cuz I skipped that math class sure so I assume you all ended up in a life of crime through skipping school yeah well uh my tragic story starts on the right side of the tracks but boy it sure doesn't stay there yeah yeah we get it but I learned the whole thing don't I get to oh see I told you it's a load of hooy take the wheel and get me closer closer closer closer we are willing okay too close we are willing to meet your demands I'll throw the money over in 3 2 [Applause] 1 that one's going to hurt the taxpayer control we need another million dollars they double their demand yeah they double their demands wow really they going big on this If Only They responded this fast to real crimes where do you want the money leave the million dollars of unmasked Bulls on the cold desert toad what oh sorry auto correct leave the million dollars of unmarked bills on the old desert road our units fall back ahead of second drop off any sign of him Chief I'm cooking out here they're on their way make the drop okay you hold on to me and I'll reach out and grab the briefcase maybe we should [Music] switch did you get it mhm okay we have the money now we don't want to see any red lights between here and the airport they're heading for the airport we got to take them down look Darwin we waited more than seven months for this I know we waited so long I had time to grow hair huh wao may I touch it you may nice thanks come on put the game on come on come on oh there you are oh there's something wrong with it try the other way around come on can't you see I'm practically flipping my flipper what is that supposed to mean it means py game I can't it's not working I think we got stiff I'm sorry kids but it's store policy I can't give you a refund what you have to we asked you a ton of questions before we bought it remember what's bigger a lion or a tiger a tiger why is the sky blue defraction of light two nitrogen can anything escape from a black hole not unless it's a superheated quazar what is 2352 * 135 2,434 if you know all this stuff how come you're a store clerk look you want this game or not we'll take it actually you never asked me anything about the game oh you're right but whatever you have to give us a refund it's been less than 24 hours look guys if it was up to me I'd totally give you a refund but the manager won't allow it I'm I'm sorry but that's the way it is thank you for shopping at Ripley 2000 this is not the end of it Larry needl me mark my words we will get a refund [Music] hi Larry can we have a refund please get out of here Ripley 2000 more like ripoff 2000 why is it 2000 anyway it's not like it's the future anymore hi yes Mr manager no sir I certainly didn't give a refund to those kids yes I brought your suit to the dry cleaners and walked your dogs actually the big one bit me oh yes he he can be playful this is why I was 7 minutes late oh yes Mr manager sir was entirely my fault it won't happen again sir have a nice day this is the police you're surrounded put your hands where I can see them now put your hands on the cash register and take out $20 now come outside and swap it for this computer game hey what kind of police are you the super real police the rund Department of Justice nice try kids darn look kids I'm not going to give you a refund we're not here to ask for a refund we just want you to look at my new shiny watch I it's kind of hard when you swing it like that did it work is he hypnotized Let's test it okay you're the world's most amazing [Music] dancer okay now now you're an ostrich no a gorilla a gorilla ostrich now you have roller skates on and your butt's on fire and now you're a store clerk giving us a refund sorry it's against store policy now your butt's on fire again oh come on I told you no refund oh no no no no no we're not going to ask you for a refund we just want 2 minutes of your time every year hundreds of children buy faulty computer games and don't get refunds this is [Music] Jimmy can we be of assistance in helping you to your vehicle so what does your car look like it's made of metal right I thought it would be okay what else it has a steering wheel okay it's quite long good good that's useful could you be more precise it smells like damp laundry and despair confusing oh it's got a lady on the side selling shampoo and it's usually parked right there it's the bus isn't it sure is and I'll Serge you into giving me a lift all right enough with the parking lot let's just find a space any [Music] space [Music] [Music] come [Music] on and when finished there'll be more [Music] than honey come home from the surgery quick I got [Music] to my hot and buttered please [Music] y oh no look not this [Applause] [Music] time mom slow down you're going to miss the spot hold on to your [Music] hands my friends we have achieved total parking in your face we got in your [Music] face good job everybody and here we are in the natural habitat of the mubis gelatinous spending today as he does every day Sheltering himself from responsibility but what's this it seems a nearby kick butus hystericus is returning from a successful hunt the mubis will be Keen to scavenge it is essential key of A's Discovery he knows that despite his size he's no match for the physical prowess of the elegant Ki buts he's not here for the small pickings he knows that it may be up to an hour before he's allowed to eat again his timing must be perfect so he waits and he strikes the buts will give Chase back Richard things are looking bad for the Movis however nature gave him a silent but deadly defense mechanism that triggers itself when he feels threatened no Richard the Movis seizes his chance and Retreats to his den come back here the kick buttus defends our territory but in doing so commits another mistake in this ruthless ecosystem an unguarded kill is quickly claimed by the vultures okay prepare yourself 3D without glasses what I want you to do is just focus on my eyes until your vision adjusts now it takes a little time and you might need to get a little closer to the screen the best distance is normally about 3 in es now keep watching until the 3d effect kicks in keep looking almost there almost there why are we hiding shh just look at him what is he doing looks like he's got worms B A what the what wait up I'm going to get some too you may now start your tests zoom in zoom in I need to see how he does this dude he's using cheat codes in real life I need to learn that code man look he's doing it again b a all right dude film this up up down down left right left right b hey what is this cheat for it's for call it UL [Applause] ambul hi I'm Tobias Wilson and a lot of people ask me can you teach me to be as cool as you and I say no you'll never be as cool as me but I can teach you to be cooler than you and just maybe you'll be a hit with the ladies like me what up sunshine oh yeah if you want to get dates you got to pump weights cuz girls can't deny a guy who's this fly so let's get some muscles and score some girls from like Brussels or something let's do this yeah that's what I'm talking talking about if there's one thing girls love it's cash so you got to make it rain that's right CH my tooth now I've got the look and the fliff all I need is the Leer hey beautiful do you have a quarter cuz I told my mom I'd call her when I fell in love uh no I'm sorry I don't but you can use my cell what's the point of cleaning under the bed it's like cleaning a dumpster it's designed to be filthy because this room smells like dog BP what is this oh that's a glass of milk cheese that that's a glass of cheese Stone that's a glass of stone are you kidding me that milk had to be at least 10 years old well at least there's nothing alive under there a Darwin the first so that's where you were hiding wait I thought you said that darn the first left to live a happier life on a farm with other fishes you did he did hey look what I found the game you made hang on I'm not three anymore you're not going to distract me with what the what Dodge or Dare it's calling us no we swore we'd never play that game [Music] again just ignore the calls we have to destroy that game it's gone wait don't throw the you don't know what you're doing yeah cuz you didn't write any instructions and what you did write is spelled wrong dods are Dar sounds like an alien choosing a baby name let's just pack it away no you can't stop once you start Dodger dare it has to be finished okay so the rules are pretty simple you roll the dice then take a dare card if you do the Dare then you move forward that many spaces if you don't then you have to take a Dodge card and move half the spaces okay and how do you win you don't win you survive okay but how do you actually win oh you have to roll an exact number to land on the last Square dad you're up I feel sorry for whoever's going to do this [Music] one officer please I need to report a theft yes finally what did the thief look like well he was wearing a monacle uhhuh okay uh anything else yes he had a big furry mustache uh-huh big furry mustache okay any other distinguishing features yes he was dressed as a yodler aren't you going to write that down just testing something and what did that man steal a kiss you actually did it oh yeah that's how it always starts with the laughing and the dares and then later the horror and fear hi go H order a prank pizza uhhuh and what's the address 420 Grove Street oh and could you add some turkey gizzards as well as the ice cream pigs footed oysters yes it's an old family recipe invented by my grandfather old Joe windy pets oh man I wish I could be there to see that pacher arriv okay 420 Grove Street here we go pizza guy what are you talking about I sell pizzas why would I buy one well someone's got to pay for this I'm not paying for something I didn't order what am I supposed to do with this now give it to me I'll show you yeah I think all these jobs are messing with my head mom instead of milk can we have chocolate milk no instead of eggs can we have chocolate eggs no instead of bread can we have chocolate bread no Richard can I get a little help here please sure here kids stop bothering your mother and eat this chocolate what the well what's the point in dragging us here if we're not getting some kind of treat because we're having a nice family outing and that should be reward [Music] enough don't you dare [Music] I oh Mommy I want some chocolate I'm sorry little sausage but you've had too much candy this week now all the little sausages are punished and going to have to wait in the car this is the face she's going to get when she comes back pretty good but this is how you do a sulky face it's all in the detail it would be better if it dropped no [Applause] problem I can't believe we wasted a day at the mall without getting anything you know what we should do we should make fullsize paper models of ourselves set the car on fire and push it off a cliff to teach mom a lesson uh I think I have a better less horrific idea customer announcement as part of our campaign Huggy bites are offering a lifetime supply of jelly beans to the first man to hug the blue lady in aisle 3 huh Huggy bites more love than you can chew no get your head off her that's my wife if anyone should win those Huggy bites it's me hey what is going on here please don't tell you should be ashamed of yourselves what would your poor mother think about this kind of behavior what would it take to make all this go away 820 and throw in some Huggy bites as well for tricking me and those poor customers that's it I'm telling Mrs mom we came up with this really clever idea to get candy behind your back then Mr dad CAU us and now he wants C of it and it's back to the car your children deserve a better example you need to grow up don't forget your appointment at the cardiologist boring huh discipline I'm not a Punisher I'm a fun sure and she's not the boss of me have you ever told her this yeah lots of of times in my head what about to her face n kid she snaap me like a twig okay I think we need to work on this let's go through it one last time who are you I'm the man and what does man do whatever the heck he wants and why because I'm a beautiful powerful animal then let me he you roar Now suck that gun in tin those pecks and how do you feel fantastic good now go and get us some candy I what coming you're going to listen to me and you're going to listen good I'm calling a shot now hey you listen to the man when he's [Music] talking welcome to joyful Burger can I take your order yes I'd like a secret burger please uh could you repeat your order sir yes I would like the secret burger please uh excuse me listen little man I'm the customer here and I don't want to have to repeat my order I'm sorry sir but that's not an intercom can I take your order please one Burger uh for real was I not clear enough uh have it your way [Music] sir he meant the secret Burger I see and what is the name of the aforementioned secret Burger ah I got it it's called the bin thickener the Deep right thrombosis the meure maker the heartbreaker The Undertaker the commander and beef the bowel Buster no more mysterious maybe the Aluma Patty the area beef1 the bilder bger come on man you know what we're talking about maybe but I can't serve you something you don't even know the name of there's only so many names it could be we just need to figure out which one you mean figure out sand which one dude stop with the puns I can't I've fallen down the pun hole I've gone so deep on P ground what a pun fortunate turn of events I under mind any respect you had for me I don't understand why I ow dude I know it was annoying but it didn't warrant a punch ow that wasn't even a pun that's just what that word is So the plan is you guys get hired at joyful Burger why don't you get hired I can't why uh because of my medical condition really well I get this allergic reaction to effort the symptoms are dangling arms constant eye rolls and the breathing problem that makes me sigh a lot being lazy is not a disease Dad no it's true I really am oh I can't be bothered to finish that sentence I'll give you 20 bucks if you do it wow you reached a whole new level of laziness you've invented the reverse job but okay so what we get hired and then we look for the name of the secret Burger they won't just tell anyone they'll need to trust you so first you have to be the best employees [Music] ever [Music] H [Music] oh I don't know what that secret ingredient is but the customers just love your Burgers the secret ingredient is [Music] love great job the board wants you two as managers there's only one problem you need to have our labor costs great job the board wants you as senior members there's only one problem you need to double production great job the board wants you is our new CEOs there's only one problem you still have hearts ah and in other news business Moguls Gumball and Darwin Waterson have sold their joyful Burger shares for a whopping 4.6 billion dollar our reporter has an exclusive interview from their lavish new mansion so how do you feel about your success it's cool I mean I like the beig house but it's kind of hard to communicate with each othering Poli see I AC M last week oh one [Music] moment [Music] look sun look H look Road look ball look door look cloud look bird you're not looking bird bird bird bird bird bird bird bird it's a red red red red red red red [Music] dude I need you to grab an emergency Hammer I'm not breaking a window no I need you to knock me out how about you just ask sussy to come down a little I can't what the you're embarrassed aren't you just use the hammer Darwin Waton the fish who grew legs at the expense of his gut shut up hey Darwin which those do you prefer or excuse me suy but can you be a little bit quieter please certainly young Gumble I'd be more than happy to oblige thank you what was that that was me taking my hat off to you hats I still don't understand how you can be so direct with people oh it's really hard you have to think the words and then move your lips at the same time so it makes the right sound teach me what yeah it's what I thought [Music] that whole argument I just won only went on in my head didn't it well nothing happened in reality so I'm going to have to say yes what's that now that's me beating myself for being such a dormant if you want me to teach you how to be direct I can we have to promise to do exactly as I say no questions asked I promise I want you to walk like a dog with an itchy butt I shouldn't have promised hi guys I think I actually understand the purpose of this exercise you're read me of my inhibitions by destroying the little dignity I had no dude I was just messing with you what was it really necessary to take me over the sand box I'm sorry just tell me who you want to be direct with and I'll show you how it's done calm down honey you're being over grammatic this guy too shellfish and he's being like a total control Greek do you mind I was in the middle of a condensation why see what you mean now come on tell him how annoying he is okay you know Leslie when we try and sound intelligent sometimes you just you just come on man speak your mind you're so bottled up you're choking on your own frustration say what you think when you try and sound smart and mix up your words you sound like a fool [Music] I I don't know what to say thank you thank you for telling me I'll be forever graceful for your honesty it's grateful yes I'll be forever grapefruit for your [Music] honesty what tobi's just posted a photo I'll send it over oh for goodness sake this is another thing that bugs me he's always pulling that stupid pose it's so annoying well it's not really that annoying it's just photos buddy it's not though is it it's all the time dude FYI you look thunderline when you pull that pose what does it even mean it's chunking the deuce man and what does that mean you don't understand from my whole walk in life I've had to keep my mouth shut having to deal with everyone's annoying little habits but now I can say what I like Bill overdue Final Notice noise complaint traffic violation cease and desist restraining order dad what are we supposed to do with all this well paper can be used in many creative ways and turned into a lot of interesting things like a duck or fashion inventions and other things come on there's got to be at least one good letter actually yeah we've got an invitation huh we never never had one of those before that's not true I've been invited to court several times no it's from the mayor he wants us to go to the town hall for a surprise maybe they'll reveal a statue of me why would they be making a statue of you I said a lot which makes me a pretty reliable life model and I'm a great example to people they're more likely to make some kind of example of you maybe they cleared up that legal gr area about whether I'm a pharoh animal or your child oh honey you're the same as all my kids a combination of both I guess we'll just have to go and find out go go I don't want to say I told you so because I wouldn't be heard over all this cheering so I'll shout it instead I told you so welcome our social services have decided to offer you a new house impossible what's the catch there's always a catch there's only a few compulsory additional terms conditions an hypothecation or catches for short what do you mean well the people of Elmore thought you deserved a brand new house a brand new state with brand new neighbors who can put up with you a brand new police force to deal with you and a brand new court system to prosecute you that sounds more like a punishment than a reward no one said it was a reward they said it's what you deserve but that's like banishing us think of it more like witness protection we're just protecting people from witnessing you ever again go go go go kind of feels less encouraging when you can see their faces they want us to move to Ohio the home state of eight people who became present just so they did didn't have to stay living there I never realized our neighbors hated us so much a few Rotten Tomatoes in the face sure a few no dogs or Waton signs in store windows fair enough the occasional light-hearted arson attack harsh but fair but get rid of us let's be honest we're the only family in town to have somehow committed a crime in every category of misdemeanor go wers it's not a good thing Dad if you're going to do something wrong do it right just look at this crime map all of this is us public nudity [Music] wasting 911 resources 911 dispatch how can I help I've got a pain in my chest it's my heart ah for the last time kid being heartbroken because elephants can't jump is not a medical emergency parking [Applause] violations [Music] vandalism h a bit obvious don't you think the handcrafted effortful creation of each individual porcelain seed queries the modern phenomena of mass production and replication am I right you're right if only people would get to know the real us take that son I don't think Mom meant the real real us obviously more like the ELR super filtered Avatar that requires 45 takes to get it as flattering as possible so our fake selves then yes if people could only get to know the fake real us let's show our neighbors how nice we are when we're not being ourselves thank you for your help but please be careful if I get a good price for this cabinet it's hello two we luxury Cruise hey oh thanks for coming Gumball you look uh Dressed I guess you should come in oh well that's one way to get in the house right so what do you want to do today today is the funeral oh for Mr Cuddles my pet oh thank goodness I thought it might be a real funeral I mean pets pets are great like part of the family so what happened to him my dad flushed him down the toilet by mistake that's terrible did it go rounder rounder straight down straight down I'm Penny's father blocked right come to the backyard the service is about to start penny I'm sorry I thought this was a date why didn't you tell me it was a funeral I did in the corridor at school do you want to come to my house it's Mr cuddle funeral I could use some support from a friend Gumball are you even listening uh this Saturday 400 p.m. it's it's a date oh oh oh yeah don't worry I'm still here for you Penny thanks Gumball awesome day for remembering those who have left us shall we go Gumball perhaps you'd like to say a few words about Mr Cuddles um of of course well Mr Cuddles was Penny's Pet even though I never met him Penny's pretty hot so I'm sure he was pretty hot too thank you Gumball that was really special my picture huh my sister made a photo tribute so we can all remember remember Mr Cuddles a how thoughtful want to [Music] see spider knock his block off that's awful I hate spiders who would want something that creepy in their [Music] house listen son I think it's best you leave I'll uh let myself out play on dear oh Dan boy the the pipes the pipes uh sorry it's me again can I use your bathroom car it's kind of it's a second in the left upstairs thanks from Glen to Glen have a nice just get out of here oh man what is wrong with me she's never going to forgive me for that I'll spend the rest of my life alone and never find happiness spider knock his block off no wait but come me back found he's on the toilet is he trying to say something on the toilet look the toilet just ignore him and I guess I'll have to show them come here little fella oh good boy Mr get get get off get off get off get off [Music] don't look you'll just encourage [Music] him [Music] ow Mr Cuddles you're back I thought you were gone forever where did you find him in the toilet somewhere Gumball this is amazing oh yeah yeah it's great son I stand corrected I thought you were a good for nothing young Troublemaker but no see he's got legs of Steel I'm not sure that's what he meant so what gives you the right to the side oh okay so heating the copper should oxidize you know what your problem is Carmen you're not even doing an experiment you're just following orders where's the Innovation how can we be expected to discover new elements if you're so concerned with playing by the rules uh I'm pretty sure there are no more ele left to be discovered Gumball you're forgetting the element of surprise wait what did you put in your Beaker a dash of the unexpected a drop of the unforeseen and a pinch of the unpredictable come on I take back everything I said you're a Genus thank you giant melted poodle meatball thing you're right my disgusting friend this warrants A celebratory Boogie [Music] uh what's going on here uh he asked me to plug him into Rambler Rambler what is that a website it's more like a bare knuckle fight to see who's the most tolerant person on the internet why isn't tolerance about being philanthropic what just thinking about wiener dogs but yeah I know Tolerance on the internet these days is more about destroying people in an argument I know Tong fu show me have you ever tried whole grain bread it's far better for you not everyone can afford organic stores Carmen maybe you should check your privilege I just meant that eating too much processed food is a big factor in weight gain and and what big people shouldn't be proud of who they are no of course not I mean ask your doctor and he will tell you he why would you assume the doctor is a he is it because you assume a woman can't be a doctor what is this I have studied the martial ways of the social justice Warrior fight me in an argument if you dare perish under the sword of my self-righteousness a gumbal exploiting those powers to win some petty argument will just hurt the cause of the people who really need our help wait no my Powers instead of fighting why don't we just hug it out wait stop what are you doing I forgive you no the sh my cast it's all coming back at me and I can't even be angry about [Music] [Music] it [Music] ninja why are you even doing this I owe it to our classmates to expose Carmen as a hypocrite she is and humiliate her in front of everyone at school then we'll see who's the best person okay first you're the only person who's exposed right now oh yeah sorry I'm exposed as the bad person in this scenario and secondly you're wasting your time you won't find any dirt on her I thought you came here to help me yeah to help you realize you're wrong you need to stop hearing only what you want to hear you're right Victory is near no way what Carmen used to lead quite the thug life look at this truancy fights cheating
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 2,623,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrbeast gumball machine, gumball factory tycoon, gumball machine, baby anais, gumball, the amazing world of gumball, gumball and darwin, the amazing world of elmore, darwin singing, sing with darwin, amazing world of gumball, cartoon network, gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball full episodes, gumball cartoon network, gumball the night, gumball copycats, gumball movie, amazing world of gumball clown is everywhere, the amazing world of gumball movie, Gumball reboot
Id: Ahar0pFIA84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 47sec (3467 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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