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hello everyone welcome to the stream or video depending when you're watching this how's it going today we are starting our first ever episode on daily MC I am so hyped to do this last two days since the server's been out has been unreal and everyone in the chat is saying hello hello chat is going absolutely crazy I'm gonna let everyone just kind of get into the chat and then again to the stream we're just gonna chill for a second I am starting up the first episode live cuz I thought I'd be the best one to start with and also I would like to livestream sky blocks a bit more because I have the opportunity to now do that which I'm very very excited to hopefully everything's good in the stream you could hear me everything's good right yo hello do you know the way do you know I love that skin so much but other guys if you didn't know daily MC is my service my new Skyblock server and I'm just so excited to get started I really really am so freaking excited hello guys how's it going chat is going absolutely mental but only if you do it you're as good a blow slap that like what it'd be greatly appreciated and I guess we'll start getting today's episode once everyone is actually here so oh my god see people are giving me stuff when I super duper appreciate it but I want to grind out myself a little bit so I'm just gonna drop a crophopper right there there you go there's a bit of lapis there's some shears and then I have D for stuff so I'm good I'm gonna run away from everyone I don't want anything I don't want anything alright guys let's do this into full-screen we go we good can you hear me wee wee super good yeah we good all right I think we're good because I think you know chat would be saying a lot worse you know me like we can hear you yeah you guys can hear me alright anyway so welcome guys this is my server daily MC that I must let you know the server I don't know is capped it might be capped at a certain amount of players because obviously if we have thousands and thousands of players on the server it will just go boom boom and it will be bad bad news but let's do this so let's go and create our island because this is episode 1 and that's what we got to do real estate agent what can we go with ok so we do have the second-ranked so we have chief so we might be able to get and over Island I might just go Joe I'm just gonna go with the begin around that's what we're gonna go with for now and here we go our journey begins there this is gonna be absolutely epic and I probably will be inviting people onto my Island but I think today it's going to be solo most of it I think so anyway and maybe who knows maybe some of you guys could be joining my and as I get to know you on the server I just I'm just blown away with all the support on this server and how well it's actually doing now we're gonna get grind so we need to make some money because we only have seven hundred and eighty-nine dollars that's not a lot of money to be honest not at all there's someone with like a hundred and sixteen million already or something I think or two thousand like stars that's that's completely insane so someone sent me and someone Twitter sent me like it's a little cool thing that he made and he pretty much just kept pushing out the oars as they gende and obviously then when he was mining he wasn't losing any ores to the lava which is obviously a very very good thing right so let's go G shop let's do this so I get this because I have a rank at the moment I was advised to have a rank and I just want to thank you very much for the 0.79 pins I appreciate I didn't even know you could donate that much but thank you very much to you for the first super chat of the stream I appreciate that and you made the survey yes this is this is my server this is made by the cycle people that's why it's kind of like similar to cycle and right so I want to buy and a piston one hundred percent and a button there we go right so if we put the piston down here and the button here uh-huh alright so obviously this is a really good way I think anyway just to get start we're gonna make some money we're gonna name get some crops going and we're just gonna make money today that's all we're gonna do we're gonna get our island prop and I'm gonna try challenge myself this season also to build a bit that's what I want to do because I never build I always have the most like ugly island going I have to build put our hopper below to block your mining then it won't go into lava that's a good idea as well but this works as well this does does the job maybe I should like extend it like Mars but I don't really want to grief the aisle too much gum might use the base of it a little bit okay right we can mine all this up but let me know who you think that I should get like John metallic would you like raven leaf raven plays i don't know if he is but I or I could like join TG and sword and all them I don't know I think I definitely want my own Island and mix em X misty I can't say your name thank you very much dude for subscribing I appreciate that thank you very much to you for sponsoring this is such an easy thing to ever say meet us on Twitter thank you so much like this is this is very smart no get squad thanks dude now I can see you the chat a lot easier make yeah I probably someone say like make a bigger generator I probably will once I have the money I'll make obviously fancy fancy stuff footwork we start now simple and no one could pay me this time I logged into the service day and I was probably on the server for like what two minutes and someone paid me $100,000 for no reason at all just paid me that and I was like oh thanks but I kind of gave the money away to a random fellow because I didn't want to keep the money because what's the point of keeping the money because then you know I mean there's no point of plane if I'm getting free money you're on I mean no point at all hello Cooper how you dude I'm good I've achieved very very good happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there if any mothers are watching happy Mother's Day to my mother who I should be with but I'm not but don't worry we already spent time play fortnight you wanna know an interesting thing I have actually ordered a capture card because I know some of you might not like this but I play for a night on the PlayStation 4 and I'm a PC gamer you all know that for for some reason I just play for it on the play session with my two brothers so yeah I'm waiting for the capture card to come and then I'm gonna be recording it and I think I will put it off on the main channel as well but what should we do guys should we should I mine here make a bit of money you know start smelting some of the stuff down and then I guess we should get like a just a normal farm going should we I don't know how much crophopper cost you sharp I think they're kind of expensive maybe not let me check misc note special items my bad they are 14 million holy smokes ok right and thank you exactly do for sponsoring and Thomas Benson and thank you very much what happened to h5m pretty much when I came back from my Christmas break it was kind of all over from there on so I think no I didn't think it was any point going back for that legend to you thank you very much for the super chat can I join your island or a faction at the moment the faction is not up to me to invite anymore it's up to TG and I see your head they kind of dictate what goes on and the Isles at the moment I'm just going solo for now but thank you very much dude dude we're getting lucky we want to get all the lapis we want to get we only get diamonds we're gonna get everything this is what we want I actually need Joe up maybe investing in a good decent pickaxe might be one of the best things to do hook up the hook up hook up the restaurant clot to a piston now that is pretty smart the only thing is I don't really know how to properly do that yeah Barry brood Zach thank you very much with the 3.49 lovely face bro you're awesome keep it up thank you very much dude I appreciate it and who knows if you stick around maybe we might do a bit of a giveaway you know I mean we gotta celebrate you know it's not often that I release my own servants and stuff so I think we definitely have to give away a few ranks you know so I'll do that in a bit I don't know how I'm gonna do it yeah how am I gonna give away a rank I still need to give away a ranks for the video that I made the other day but how could I do on stream never done that did you see Donny Bowles video I shouted you out no I but thank you very much Dean for super chat I'll have to have a look at it oh we got emeralds that's a smart idea though hooking that up to a piston or a redstone timer oh we got that's that's different we've got quartz which i think so for a little bit extra replace the bottom of a lever it wouldn't really be any quicker it's having the same but the redstone time right now that's a smart idea that is definitely a I think I could definitely do that you know what if we make enough money I might buy the redstone we need oh well I have redstone anyway get some more hopefully I'd we could just then keep mining yo that's a smart idea let's do that I just need to learn how to do it is this a crack server no sadly you do need to have a proper account dude did it to do okay right I think okay I'm gonna make a little bit more money and then we're gonna do the idea because that would probably make it better there anything humming the 750 players and server holy smokes is one server only please say server you can handle it stay up be okay stay cab by the way if you didn't know the IP is down below and the store and everything like that and there is a 25% sale on I think as well I have no idea when it's ending no so no rush no rush oh my god that was dreadful look at this old stone absolutely dreadful right don't build a farm the jobs a way to the jobs ah their jobs that's what we should be looking at yes yes yes I understand now let me get you jobs yes that will obviously give us rewards and stuff we might actually go take a look at those in a second Oh server calm down sober okay I think it'd be fun see like if we had a redstone timer I bet since more people keep joining we'll have to kind of keep changing the time every so often as the server gets busier that's about it so really guys how is all your day is it going good hope it's going good I've actually streaming a little bit earlier here just to see like how many people are active because I usually stream about 8 p.m. GMT if I was gonna stream but like it's one quarter past four that's kind of random for me to stream right now hopefully yeah I mean I didn't wake anyone up are you streaming this every day I'm gonna be recording and streaming I don't offer it be daily but it definitely will be coming out regularly put it that way 100% mine is good ok right I want to go spawn and actually check what missions we have to do cuz we could actively know what we need to do them alright I think we might have to put a cap on a server soon because if so many people join I don't know if this pours ever be able to handle it and goes for money quickly and check what jobs we have by the way I'm gonna show you so if you don't know if you go to the right hand side we do such spawn there is a guy called job in Leicester and this is who you want to look at because you will get some decent rewards from this guy I believe and it'll also give you star bundles which we need to be saving up but right now we're not investing so easy jobs mine 640 blocks while we're doing that anyway so we'll get 5,000 won commission qiyam 1 iron pickaxe trade in 96 oak saplings to harvest 640 logs okie dokie Baker trading 64 bread ok I think we should definitely get a farm going because then we can do that one easily we get cash for it though do we get like a lot of cash or one 7500 5,000 okay it's all pretty much 5000 but these are the easy jobs and I'm assuming the jobs get a lot harder oh my god oh my god I'd better get back to mine before everyone swerves me it likes to server out Steve diamonds do you thank you for Stevie to Steve dies for a good cobble gen idea okay I might TP in a second I cheat you know what yeah I'll take a look don't kill me cat I stole jon's cookies thank you very much doing for the super chat damn for damn okay except that I'm TP and let me check this out once you've got going oh yeah see like yeah this is super events can I afford to do this right now no no I can't but like this is what I definitely want nice um you know everything code you got a bit of a sugar cane up here melon oh you missed these crops okay right thank you for watching I'll take a look at what I need I can't afford to make that but I could see some blue mild is there not been trolling me okay right we're gonna make a bit of money and then I think we might try the redstone clock thing and crops oh can I do such jobs lovely stuff lovely stuff so once we get I think once we we need to unlock jumps okay when you do 12 missions that we lock those I think well we're actively gonna do that one that's easy like we're gonna grind that way as we do that one will have to grow some trees which we can definitely do I'm probably actually start making a platform soon I actually need cobble so this is good can you do more livestreams I am definitely more like Sheamus guys I'm not gonna be I'm gonna be honest with you guys lie she's are new to me I feel like as a youtuber I feel like when I stop talking I feel like all of you like it just it just feels awkward but I'll get used to it as I do it more so rice como Jake Paul and neither no I just want thank you very much deeper super chat but yeah no live streaming is it's very new to me in that sense like I don't do it that often so I need to get used to it more and more and once I get used to it I'm good to go alright okay I think what I might do is I might mine down all this side and just expand out of a flat platform for now I don't want to mess up my own too much cuz I I do want to plan it out properly you know I mean 700 seats for players and all these folks every Sunday livestream could do could do it depends if I'm around on Sunday it's a really smart idea though oh look at look at that oh we're getting super lucky now we just need diamonds I don't think I've got if I got a diamond yet nope nope I haven't Kat don't you dare to my cables hey great GT cat can you mine from me I am cats gonna play minecraft here we go can can you just chill and not chew my cables please don't shoot my headset you want to go out hang on cat once I'll be gone all right there we go cat tried to play Minecraft didn't do it at stag screen time - thank you very much for the superjet alright we've done this yet do you think it would be easy to hook up a restaurant timer I think I know how to do it yeah we should give it a shot because then we can just sit here and just Oh diamonds let's go right we should have enough money now to buy everything we need for the redstone timer do I want you diamond okay I'm gonna do one more round of this then we're making a redstone timer I'm gonna give it a shot I probably fail but I'll give it a shot I'll let you guys have me how to do it love your cat be a nuisance when she's in my office because she's just I don't know what it is about my cable but she just loves tuna I won't be surprised one day I just headset broken but look what can you do cat just likes headsets I mean maybe I should just buy your headsets to chew up okay right one more and we're good to go right let's grab that diamonds and grab the blocks okay I need to make a chest so I need to get some wood do we have a tree on around no we'll have to buy that I probably can just buy a sapling and let it grow in its own time or we just buy the wood probably could just buy the wood but we're gonna hook this up to redstone for a so we're gonna do okay right and I see I I don't know what to sell I might want to keep some stuff like I might keep the redstone g-sharp let sell the emeralds sell those let's sell any of that let's sell the diamond let's sell the coal for now and it's a lapis right hopefully it's enough money so what we'll need will need repeaters and redstone and a redstone torch right and then we just hook it up to a signal believe this right yeah I think as I do it Thomas Benton kitty catty thank you very much deeper superjet that's what you need right repeaters redstone and a race on that race on torch if so you need right let's mine at the back here and skills all hooked up damn doing skybox is still kind of new to me but like I never gave it a proper chance and now I'm like freaking in love of it honestly it's such a good game mode and I just never gave it a proper chance I don't know why I'm like that as a human being I never give stuff a proper chance I never give life even a proper chance maybe I should live see more it's different I guess it's nice having that audience like you know I mean I get that feedback straight away from you guys I like it right we're just making a bit of a platform here so we have a bit of room to work with if we put the cable them please disable whitelist I think why this might be on for a second I can't disable it cuz I'm not off but it's the managers and stuff that aside and now after the stream after my stream I would say white this will probably be disabled from there on but I will let you know that we are looking to get another realm out to spread the playerbase about you know what I mean so that it's not all on one server okay right so we need to show up let's see how much money we have with 2.8 K right and redstone let me how much do you please be cheap whoo there $500 okay right I get I'll get as many as I need I definitely need these right how many could buy okay this is how you do it right I hope so just let me know if I'm doing it wrong is there a space in-between it let me just do it out of three theory okay geez shop let me get a I'm gonna definitely need a redstone torch I'm sorry I don't really use all OHS like this okay we for two dollars we need a little bit more money okay I saw some red some we're good we're good we're good I keep doing look look how use I am to fashions I keep doing red shop okay right there we go buy you $400 dude I love being a noob like I I love learning new stuff okay dead dead dead so this is how you do right so let's say we have this hooked up over here right we can destroy you but for now alright I'll probably make it clean in a second but then like the way you enable it is like this oh hey I'm to put time runner we probably will need a longer timer I know that I just can't afford the actual redstone or the red sir appears so put you on there no somehow you do it you start off like that give it a bit of time do I need a longer guys does it need to be longer or does it need to like right place to dust two repeaters didn't you dust oh hang on I can get me so do you mean like this bum and I like like that would that do it and then Bob could that do it oh wait do I need to put them the opposite way there we go I think I got it now yeah I know it's alright I'll get it eventually if not I'd get someone to come and help oh wait did it it's too is it too fast oh oh my god all the Redstone wizard not really Jennison dude thank you very much for the super chat is this the real creepers edge no I'm fake hang on did a stop no don't stop did it is because I left a chunk I think it's cuz I left the chunk okay if I stay here I'll do it for me maybe I should make it closer to me then or again all online maybe I can pay someone oh no it stops what I see I see I see what happens goes out a little bit if I yeah okay right if I get more appears I think that might make it a bit better the only thing is I can't afford it right now it does stop and I don't know why it does that did I put let me see if I can put so I helped I think that helps a bit does that one oh that one's wrong I think okay that's helping it's doing it I'm proud I actually don't saw them there's a white list because apart like there's 700 players I'm right now we kind of got a limit to slots of how many people can join we can't have thousands of people on one single server so that's why there's a white it's not at the moment but the whiteness will most likely be disabled when the live stream is over okay it's not too fast and you see I think we definitely okay right it's a it's working but it is definitely too fast and the only way to slow it down is that we need more appears right I believe so it stops out to push their blocks out yet but I think we need more money for more appears I have one extra could probably add that still going yeah that is like if it stayed like that that's perfect timing now there we go come on I didn't get lucky I need to get the diamonds I need to get all that kind of stuff thank you very much whoever suggested to do this smart ideas be honest very very smart I should just make it a lot longer right now it's gonna stop after this one okay there we go all right let's go back over here this old down I think then we just stop it again stop it can we go later Jen stick it back up ah okay right there we go figuring it out now no Han we just have to get the right timing the IP is down below four servers that working now yeah okay there we go working sweet dude forget multiple he's lined out I bet you really awesome add it to outer circuit if you want I think if I get more it'll be better how'd you guys replant the crops automatically and I I don't know that's a dev question oh dude it's working it's working oh my god let's go this is what I want yes just don't hopefully it just keeps up now there will be some issues we were probably but if we can just stay working like this we can go all day dude share boy gaming thank you very much dude for the super chatter hey Ryan hey dude are you doing if you use an observer it will detect a time it by itself hmm okay see look it just randomly breaks like that okay right you working now iam Justin I know I'm a sky above new but I'm learning I'm learning how to do this we should definitely get a farm setup see like this was where I guess it would be handy to have like a player on your Island because one person could be doing this the other person getting the farm setup foot we're getting places we're getting places maybe I will be accepting some of you guys into the island very soon I don't know I'll just see what happens I'm just gonna go with the flow I am but a oh I'm also bit a oh don't worry see look it's just arriving your brakes see if I can buy more up here soon even if we can do the 64 bread will get a bit of money from naturally no you still broke want to pick yourself all right you gende now yeah okay right I got up it's working kind of just need to make a bit more money we definitely to get a crop for himself because we can make a lot of money from that I can't so it's someone watching but they could be mighty for me candy okay crazy candy is watching me I took his $1 cuz why not you know I mean free money you know I mean but Candy's watching me he could at least be helping me Jeremy he could be doing a spot of mining right put down their peers with no tics before the piston ah yeah yeah like that does that help I hope so I'm gonna keep mine away for a second hope it helps thank you if you just fix it I don't know if you did what about I put a bear timing on it just getting it right Porcha game with you thank you very much hello what is your shoe size I think 9 but like it's different sizes everywhere different countries that's a go buddy more banknotes what is this candies now give me free money you're ruining my experience dude so okay right so we're if the server cat had lay on your player so it's white list at 700 which to respect to the server I'm impressed that you can handle 700 on one single server I'm impressed by that alright anyway let's go g-sharp let's sell some of this stuff let's get a crop going crop farm go and I think so I'm gonna sell all this redstone for now cuz I'll probably get more when I need it can you do like my psycho I would love to lie shame on psycho but as you guys know and factions is not live stream friendly you know you can trade someone on stream you can do anything secret on stream because the faction that you're doing something on will know exactly what you're doing so factions just really isn't a live stream but gamer like I can't really go to war PvP because everyone will just jump me you know it just it doesn't doesn't really work out really like even I'll keep doing like right shop right and let's buy I think so I want to get a crop I want to get a farm going definitely I need to get smelting as well I need to get some wood if I can can I get a sapling there can you buy wood just wondering I don't really want to waste too much money but definitely buy wood ok spy someone out by some that good stuff ok craft a bench I love this stuff let's go plop that down make a furnace apparently with instance but we're gonna need to smell up one like a few will make make three furnaces I have to get a bit more coal potentially down here for now don't worry I will clean up the island but it's it's episode 1 we've got to be messy ok right so I'm gonna mind on this side here as well we're gonna have to farm over here let's do this we're gonna make one layer we're gonna just let you layer it here cuz I'm we're gonna have to put a fire over the top of anyway hopefully I should have enough blocks should we go down one yeah we should we don't have to put dirt over anyway don't worry guys it's not like the fact it is white listed forever it's just white listen till the streams over otherwise we'll have too many people right trust me guys I'm about to show you one of the best things on the server and how it's gonna make us so much money it honestly is ok you're still not working come here buddy come on what's what's wrong dude you need you need to never repeat would that help would that help the situation would I help maybe that might help let me just let me just mess with this cuz I can get this right we have this done and dusted and I'm gonna invest in one more repeater I'm gonna take you away alright I'm going to did you get any redstone there no we didn't okay I'm gonna break the signal but I was still going okay there we go okay right let's take you up don't lose it - loser no I didn't okay good good good good hey I just lost one let's break you up a bit okay right so let's do Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and then I am I am I am let's just see if this helps a bit cuz I think it might be too fast it can't keep up with it pretty much and let's just placed on these blocks here we need to extend this a bit I feel like I'm gonna fall off I don't know why it's because it's big yeah I like you know I've got completely shocked with the amount of support I'm not gonna lie it's absolutely crazy all right we doing stuff I'll do my pickaxe is gonna break it's gonna be another issue like an aura issue okay right let's see if this helps a bit just put a bit of do we need more redstone you serious okay where's my button gun you should generate some redstone ourselves yeah come on all weed is redstone please we just have to get lucky it's a lot game now right you Isis why I don't know twin if you just joined is invite twin plays like I don't know I would like company I guess there you go it would nice it would be nice to have a partner but I don't want too many partners you don't I mean I don't let me see if I can get to it yeah one second guys to do okay right and where's twenties young discord when come on my discord join my chat if you're here okay right hello come on my discord em twin place come on my discord creepers edge one yes he's mining for me this is a good team I think I didn't want to accept help but I think it's good to have a teammate cause you can go faster you know I mean diamonds do you know we need this restaurant right now how we can combine our chief money together job we do thank you for watching for the super chat thanks again no problem for whatever I did come on red stone we need you you are so cool no dude you're so cool didn't den didn't do red stone let's say go dude okay right I need this right there we go all right we can hook it up let's put a bit of timing on it just hopefully that it should keep it slow and just should keep it going it gives it enough time for the for the cobble or whatever to Jen that's all we to happen okay I don't have another repeater to put here but look we'll just see what happens okay right let's start you off will you work from now on still working seems to be but it probably break again because I just have terrible look hang on twin money to move in where's twin there is yeah what's up dude I didn't want to anyone but like I think you need a friend of the sky blocks you know I mean like it just makes sense yeah we can grind out together but don't go and fight too many people cuz like you know we want to take things slow it's your cheer is you know we want to actually record our content if you get what I mean no or do we live in this one Island together we live in this one Island alright you know no disputes you know we gotta we gotta get along together okay right so that set up so you that seems to be working with no issues now because it's a lot slower which means that it can keep up with it yeah I should probably let this grow so I don't lose it well yeah let it go like factor like somewhere about here and then boom you can go for it I are you recording right now you should like cuz I don't want to just talk to my subscribers and yeah I do don't even worry but I'm not record on now all right have fun Oh javi alright I get what you mean no problem Jaffe no problem no problem okay I'm gonna make the farm over here I we will make our own nice but we'll just get started today I don't know if we'd be investing in star bundles by the way apparently I get settled so I I probably should be using that but yeah can you show like there we go I'm just telling everything I'm just letting everything sell right that's got me up to angel 31 let me keep the coal we need the cars yeah we definitely need to go you're good at well you're gonna need to smell everything down and I'm gonna buy cobble unless actually I could you could just keep dispensed out cover for now that would probably be good because we would probably need them the money for dirt and stuff yeah dude I'm so excited to get started I actually am this this skywalk server does look pretty fun it's just my own mind so we just said the chat if you got either friend like quote me and then he just has an alt missile and that's all he has yeah if I had an old then it'd be easier is that working fine by the way yeah it's it's perfect oh and a more cobble despicable piece of garbage dude what a name thank you very much Dean from super chat hey love your videos so much much love thank you very much dude appreciate it at a bar combo maybe there's nothing I'm trying to keep up make a cactus farm yep that is definitely definitely gonna be a thing just not today I don't think unless I love we'll see how things go it's just that will be a grind a half and will we have the money to make it yeah I think so I think we're I think we're just about have enough money to add tips make a crop farm I have seven hundred and fifty dollars yes good money I'm agent 34 but trust me you'll go through it I'm pretty old sell all that boost no it's not it comes with my rank dude it's not a Balu in Emeril I'll tell you that yeah I'll send that I'll buy some cobble with it Oh boom there you go easy $94 that's what I'm talking about how'd you get blindness ever I am from what I know you definitely get it through buying the mayor rank and it might be a way of getting it for free I'm not a hundred 100 percent sure but you definitely get for mayor rank I need more cobble I'm trying to keep up by some I'll just bring some a little platform here I keep going drap there's six enough how much is Kabul it's four dollars I'll buy a bit just a little bit just a little bit just hey we got another green one emerald yeah sweet all right I'm gonna buy the dirt now I keep doing raid shop dude that's really bad I need to get that out of my head okay is grass or dirt cheaper dirt is cheaper okay good well we need one grass oh we don't mind no we're not growing up we're not we don't have animals yeah I don't think we're gonna be informed today Simon M crafter you thank you very much for it d super chat dig down on one and put water so all the items will flow to you so you can stay in one spot well the thing is we'll probably have em a proper soon so that will we won't need anything like that we'll have a mop mop hoppers and crumpets and stuff so once we get that holds up we'll be good but thank you and I think you spoke about the mine as well but like yeah we'll have everything sorted soon we'll probably make like a much bigger version of this like an actual proper one because yeah I mean that was not gonna make you a lot of money possibly could invest in a pickaxe twin like a good one should I use the time is that we get you can no but I mean like you know see if we can get fortune and stuff going oh okay okay I feel you but we won't begin that today I think it's gonna be very expensive oh yeah probably is there a way to buy us back oh thank you probably right clicking maybe no it's fine we're done I'll get yourself for now cuz then you know you know do you know what we can do do you know the coolest feature the server no no we can just do this the girl plants go dance pretty much it grows it faster what what yep that's actually kind of cool you know people pay like if you guys don't know people pay money for people to come onto the island and do that for like 10 minutes they paper like minute no joke I got one dollar but it's worth it you know that right thank you we could go do jobs in other people's Island to get paid for it right now and then come back to our island they're working a half if you really wanted to go down that route you could is so cool look I ain't workers 5k for five minutes team you do you wanna go make 5k I shouldn't like I mean I'm down oh well I I don't know like hey let's go make let's go make a well you could and I could just keep doing this so he could get over yourself but maybe I'll get you to take over for me I want to make some money hey dude I'm gonna go make somebody I'll be right back you do me proud all right all right here we go 5k all right I'm starting I'm sorry at a time or five minutes I don't reduce fragments will you take over me in a minute like in like one minute yes I will all right hey let me start timer probably go about mmm five minutes five minutes five minutes I'm just making their money but they're giving me money so I need money all right there we go right guys we're making some money but we're also making money at the same time here we go buddy dude I need the money okay we got four minutes of this I'm gonna do if like one minute guys and then I'm gonna let twin take over and I'll keep going on the farm while you make us money okay I don't know if the stream would like you know I mean like me doing this you know ten minutes again 5k for five minutes leave my money no this is actually genuine the end they calling me on the server people actually pay for this just to pretty much shift up and down no joke I'm not messing with you how many people 1,500 jeez hello guys just going up down dad dad dad I'm making money while making their money let's go he's already paid me my first about dude I have a job mom's gonna be so proud wait sighs hello I love that feature on a serious note I'm doing five trucks per second forbidden combo it's my bday happy birthday dude let's put a happy birthday in chat four forbidden combo dude happy birthday dude have a good day have a fantastic day I got a decent amount of sexiness and give me a shout-out I did just forbidden combo I did okay I got I don't forgot paid the full amount I did I can leave no that would be breaking the law contract you done I mean yeah I paid again oh just no wait wait so I'm gonna give me 15,000 okay I don't accept 15,000 I I'm gonna get paid for what I do I want to actually earn my way earn your money yeah exactly all right you want to come there's two most after this maybe I should just I could be the rest no I can continue it's fine you know I mean we're making money this is good fire hard worker I like that 5k then we can we can get other people to come oh no wait we'll need money too for people to come and do this on around this is amazing this is actually I don't know if you need water do they have water on TV they do get it do okay cuz it's gonna say if you just place it down just do this you need water you know yeah and I'm not gonna lie I'm just gonna might have to say this as a just by law if you come on the server and break your shift key we are not liable for that so apologies so do take it easy on the shift key if you go what I mean two minutes left all right maybe you can come finish the rest here to being here at winning place just just turn for two minutes and then I can just redeem them money so he's just taking over they might give you some money as well for doing a bit of work do you know what we're good why did you test them on the old oh no no I accepted it in the thing kept pushing me right there yeah right you finish up I'll let you know when your daughter right you do is proud okay I'll money for a second actually I can my pickaxe is about to break no joke I'll finish at the farm are deemed a 5k I'll buy some water with it I could up to six twerks per second invite me to your faction do you think you've received shot I can it's not up to me it's a go pester I steal your head or TG value they have they're the ones who have the power 1500 watching he too accurate thought thank you very much jumping for the super chat it's a B but that is a genuine economy okay it really is water there I'm gonna buy two buckets we're gonna make an infinite water source cuz if I make if I just keep buying buckets it's so bad so bad yo sheriff boy gaming I don't know what currency that is but thank you very much for the super chat I don't know what currency that is but anyway please explain to me crop pumpers and mop hoppers if well if you go warp tutorial on the server it'll have it all explained there but pretty much the crophopper it will pick up anything moving the chunk and it will just suck it all into the crop up or you don't have to do anything same with the mop upper it'll just take them up straight to the hopper and kill it for you that's what it will do that's why that's so freakin Gucci okay G shop thank you very much what currency can anyone what currency is that I don't know but thank you very much dude I appreciate it so I have a big timer left you have 21 seconds dude just just okay don't mean well maybe we could work our way to the top right let me buy some water by to hopefully not really expensive I said aramis knie oh that's a big of 1,000 I'll buy two this guy trying to take my money I'll buy two that's a big of all right here you got it there we go I get it you're done you're done you don't you don't need to go I start time again you are good to point like I think we're doing pretty good for the first episode you might need to hook up the redstone again or is it oh no it's just full that's why it's just full okay and let me smell some more of this gold if you can just top up the cold air in a second where I make the implement war sauce yo tengo Fleming go dude thank you very much a super chat where I put the water so it's for now I'll place it down here this would be a cool spot break the glass oh yeah oh my God if I fall in it's not my fault oh yeah Oh cert breaking this is what it is okay ah any plans okay so right now it's only me and you in this island any plans of how you want to let Makemake around like what you want to make do you know what I want I want to do pixel art of the happy nugget above my eyelid up above so every time you look up you see you happy nugget for a future like that's what I want to do that would be cool that's definitely what I want to do like I could see that that would be at it for like build wiser than old guys what should we make it our island any ideas any like maybe like Oh Joe be epic what about we made like a floating ship like as in like you know like a steampunk kind of ship yeah yeah and then we've made that like our home base then we like branched out from there like it's like a we made like a deck come out that could be epic yeah I'm trying to I'm trying to think that yeah hey do you have a hole I could probably make one we just don't yeah I can make ones you haven't yarn alright there's some I I got something somewhere inside here I know we should be selling this but look it's an investment piece yeah there we go lovely so you're gonna do the one you're gonna be one working over there right yeah unless you pay people like yeah for now right I need to invest in some seeds I don't know how much they're gonna be g-sharp seeds they are a 150 okay well what I can do is we can just grow and break them and and just expand from there cuz we can grow it really fast you know I mean yeah I have 780 if you need it like just pop it in your inventory we have to break it no you have to break it that would be pretty Opie but it's what see if someone has the reason why people have you doing that in their eye on them because when you're doing that it breaks automatically with the crophopper if you get what I mean yeah oh so you just keep re growing and regrowing and regrowing how much is a Crocker oh I'm gonna save the wheat by the way cuz I'm we get 54 or we get 5,000 and possibly we can well we complete a mission for it which we will need to do croppers have a check out how much are they again I think I checked earlier just do I don't have G shop go shop and check okay that would be great how did you get the symbols chicken nugget oh if basically if you sponsor if you're a sponsor you get that little symbol that comes up next your name I will twerk for zero pay no we're gonna pay you kind of have no one but we well maybe one day we'll get people on the island working for us let's see here where is I'm really I'm honestly guys I'm really enjoying this era I'm so happy like how it like the support and everything it's just it's just unreal it's really is putting blog look we're expanding our farm so quickly we're doing it buddy Ryan yeah well in special items pro yeah especially I'm told you've been a cropper is 40,000 in a mob grinder as a hundred thousand alright I thought I said forty million air and I can't read yeah forty thousand okay well we can buy that soon enough well hopefully it's a good like it's an investment piece by the way do you see the star bundles there or whatever they call ya the star bundle yeah you know that's how like them the server works yeah like how you get effed up and stuff yeah that's what yeah I heard something like that yes so you're basically trading your money for and just buy them which i think is absolutely awesome because it gives you a reason to spend your money all the time and like gamble money and try to get rich and stuff dude there are thoughts were thinking grow seeds it's a really good feature it really is like it though does it have a radio sir is it just like in this tires yeah has a bit of radius like look if I do it here it was like around here oh okay I guess I got 4x4 anything oh yeah that could be pretty ope just don't do it you could get banned for it look at look at chat people are saying like we need shifters I'm gonna call them shifters from now on but like yeah yeah hiring shifter is like the economy lychee runs are people doing this like but that's cool because it gives new players at a job for a second to make some cash then comment around and grind it out which is awesome oh I have a pic give a pic yeah here you go buddy it's not to break a tit you could make it up no we can come you make a bamboo oh how much more do you have no I have there's a repair shop it's at spawn but that's like 5k hang on let me check this g-sharp let me check I could buy you a diamond peak or well I just buy a number iron pick for nine hundred we could just buy another iron pick I mean I have three diamonds we don't really need up oh whoops already done it'll make money with you about printing on a new server no I don't think would be allowing printer because you know you get benefits like the crop rose up like that so you know I mean maybe do a little bit of work Marylyn the gamer cat what a name and thank you for making such a great video never quit thank you very much dude I don't see that kind of stuff like just really motivates me and thank you to everyone watching and supporting my videos and stuff now I appreciate it I really do you're welcome no problem hey I got a lot of stuff here if you want this my know like TG and sort of be like they're gonna be like can I join your eyelid please I want to join a actually got a couple messages I want to keep it quiet though you know if you have too many youtubers on the one Island I'll come online and you'll have done everything and I'd be like what am I gonna do you know I mean we should play together twin that's how we should do it or would you now you know that's how Joe mean then we know what we're doing if you visit too many people all we need is people doing this around that's the only people when you join around oh we're gonna have to come up with a gambling thing is all we're gonna have to make a cap of casino in the near future only we can charge this server I think it's 1.8 but I believe you can join on 1.9 as well which is interesting look at it the farms expire Absalon oppress no we are we are definitely we want to get the farms up get a bit of money going we're good bet all dude thank you very much through for super chat appreciate it buddy like didn't you start out with like four seeds yeah but like drawer like yeah and look at you go now I know I feel so proud just expand as much as I can cuz I then if I get this all filled then when I break it all this should be enough seeds to replant it right that's how it works honestly half of it is thank you very much dude for the super chat it's Indian currency and what about making creeper statues or Akif memorial dude wait didn't you kill Keith no that shadows shadows yeah dude that is your good idea I think I definitely definitely definitely want the holy nugget thing like you look up you just see that yeah I think that I think we should do that one every person for sure I think that we also about where that seemed pretty pretty cool I'm not gonna lie it's refreshing to be using a different type of farm to make a bit of money than just cactus are you sugar cane like yeah you don't really see a lot of like this kind of farms and stuff yeah I mean I also suggested to the server owners like they should add in like rare crops that you can grow like custom crops that'll be amazing that like maybe like reward with custom drops and stuff that would be epic kind of like how like you don't get just cobble from this you can get like a different order but like it'd be a lot higher chancing I don't know like like you'd grow this and you'd break the crop and you might like get diamonds in return like yeah very rare crops that you get back or something that'd be awesome yeah that would be kind of nice actually dude I hope my Skyblock series its successful I hope we have like 900 episodes just like the faction series I really hope yeah I actually like this it's like just like psycho it's like played out well well yeah come in and it's basically we haven't even like we have so many updates but I want to share all the updates with everyone including you well like I can't say it's too early but this is a mega cool updates planned I'm so excited I was watching this even though his life oh really yes this is live I wonder probably done that before because I'm you to be kind of like um look like a thumbnail so you just don't actually know if it's really live the whole time yeah okay right I think I have this fully grown you do yeah like I have it like fully covered like should I put a bit of a bear around this so we don't new stuff off the edge when I go to break a hole yeah and you want me give you some car looks I have like yeah you could just put a couple or maybe even a fence for now nah we don't we don't have the luxury of a fence woods too much you know I could you said like you see over there with that grass we could put like three trees off right there schematic a loud schematic is allowed but printer isn't allowed what sorry what switch say over there on that grass we could put three trees like separate them we could put like three so that's probably exactly what they're for is that water here oh look is there water is there yeah it's it's for a farm like did you pick up the the green thing no did you that's okay cuz that was really giving me OCD that it wasn't back there okay yeah right and will I complete one of the missions is up selling this we will I complete one of the missions and try and make 64 bread I think you can make 64 bread with all that your head drive well like I can't yeah I don't think but look what's out three stacks I can but like we get five I well I think I get five thousand cash I think we might get a star bundle maybe but like we complete the missions and we need to get those missions done and why not get the mission done within the first episode like yeah okay how many sexy okay I've got me two stacks this is awesome we can grow everything we just save it for a crophopper and then we just continuously make money why you do that's so pretty yeah it's really Hardy because if we make a mess of aisle we'll never fix it ever again is there's never worlds in the war zone by the way is it okay not sure okay I hope we have enough seats to replace all this I should have gone yeah I did okay I just need a little bit more and I can make this the bread now I'm just gonna go and make sure that that is definitely less this job jobs I'm just gonna make sure a baker one yeah trading sixty-four bread and you'll be get all we get one Commission key we get two oh I get to open my first key let's go Oh give me some good stuff good okay right that should be enough right all right replace this all before I go just so I don't lose it I bet I have II worked right ewp I do do you bench all right I'll grow this in a bit or if you want to grow up just keep well keep in mind that's more valuable okay e WV let's make six you get a free five K for this I'll do it I want to get I want to open the key so bad that'd be a good thing to end it off by the way each stream would be about an hour or maybe an hour and a half mostly an hour may go over it but each team would be about hour each time I do it it's a shop just so that if you miss a stream if I do a lot of these kind of things it's easy to catch up you know you're not sitting down to watch a five hour episode you know I mean that would be absolutely nuts okay let's go over here okay how do I trade you in do I have to go to this guy my feet I can't okay I need to be careful cuz I was advised not to go to swarm because if everyone comes to me I might crash the server oh oh I did it I trailer in let's go dude coming back to y'all I got pumpkins as well so we can turn those into seeds we need to chest I'll make one let's make a single one for now okay okay I have seven diamonds diamonds I thought I'd have a lot more but I don't dare a bit they're quite rare I think emeralds are at you better get everybody's in here yeah you just take everything inside there I'll just take the whole inside there's okay okay right I'm gonna go open the Commission key there's pumpkins I actually let me check g-sharp I was gonna say how much they sell for I could check myself pumpkins sell for 125 oh no sell for 11 it's all right wheat sells for 750 seats out for six won't really be selling those you'd be replanting those on you you sure Kane sells for nine what does character sell folks that's what oh yeah yeah yeah tak this sells for 11 so you can see why saplings up for 37 but there's no way you can really grind those out properly could you um if you cuz they're not hundred it's not really the most the best investment ever because they're not a hundred percent drop you know me now yeah and I don't know if the crophopper will pick them up I think if you let them break on their earn though you have a higher chance of actually getting a sapling I'd you know what could be decent huh never Awards when we combined together they both sell for 750 yeah we could get that like under Dave they definitely go into the crophopper one hundred percent is a concert right allowed yeah you can have a concert client I don't see any problem I can't get over the I would I want to have the farm completely grown because it just really knows my OCD gotta grow it all you know I mean but if you find yourself this is money now like you can just keep reselling this now you know I mean so we got a lot of progress done when we made 5k we did a job today we did two jobs technically if we make bread for someone and then we shipped it up and down for something okay right I'm gonna go up and commission key here we go what grapes it's a simple key so we'll see we get from it but look we need everything and anything so hopefully whatever we get from this will be fairly decent let me have a look and see what we can get so we can get hunch oh wait you hear this a hundred and twenty-eight glass okay okay thirty-two thirty-two see ladders glowstone 32 logs at you wouldn't mind that $5,000 16 obsidian $10,000 we can get seeds we can get carrots we can get potatoes 15,000 20,000 we can get three Harper's and blocks like yeah you can get oh but that's fairly decent I didn't know that you can get kit chief I have kids but I haven't done them yet I'm gonna do next episode like you can actually get something really good out of these free keys which is really nice I've just froze Oh No what's going on okay right here we go guys this open our key there's so many people here okay right let's do this roll come on I'll tell you what it is I wouldn't mind the pickaxe the pickaxe could be nice the sword with no one likes to carrots or potatoes how much they sell for can you check oh no you can well we got the 32 locks we need those in fairness so I'll take that obviously in a future episode to come we won't need that at all here we go and it's okay nope nope oh okay okay what'd you get no we got 16 obsidian I don't really know what we could use that for unless we go to the end way unless we build a fashion base and maybe it might sells maybe guys what could I do with obsidian I think amazing besides an ender portal and like an achievement table oh yeah if you can go to never yeah that's such a good idea I think well I'll keep I would have liked to get money but still it was pretty fun opening now we have 30 logs so we can make all the chests and stuff we need and anything like that because we have to buy all before we will probably need to get some saplings gone we surprise it place it down here I'm just gonna play a few for now because we will need more wood probably in future hazeedayzee thank you very much for the super chat right now enjoy your videos so much you inspired me thank you very much dude for the nice comment obviously you guys are so nice today and Oakes happens yeah when I buy like one of it oh you could do one of everything like whatever I'll just climb it here and it should grow in some time wait like that okay I just realized we don't have enough room well maybe it might work you could grow it like this just a little longer no I think it doesn't have enough room to grow oh there we go there we don't okay can we get this with the growth here come on for me I'd I'd get it to grow they might need more room I definitely know it can grow straight up because you can make like forts out of these things yeah like the Spruce ones oh yeah really you can hey Sheriff boy David thank you very much dude for the super chat hey can you write a sign with my name on your Island and I will actually set one up those properly sure no problem I'll do it for now will you will you make sure to put a sign down for now i teed you up we'll let you make a proper board just put em put a name down and just remember him look break that sign and put that name down there just so we're moving so when we make it and Sheriff underscore boy gaming but I'll do that for everyone in the next coming but since you asked I'll do it alright no this is not growing yeah Sheriff underscore boy space gaming yeah I think so yeah tada right I can't grow this after I'm sorry but there we go here's some trees but any guys I am going to end up this first episode here I just want to ask you a question would you prefer videos or live streams or a mix of both naturally I think that'd be a mix just I just want to get your feedback before I end this episode so just even say live shames recordings or mix of both just want to see what the general feedback is I know I can't please everyone but what can you do hey you going to working let me just see I'm by the way the white this should be disabled now once I've done streaming here mm-hmm okay right here we go I'm getting ready for the flood of answers okay mix live streams both videos no mix mix mix no videos mix okay I think mix one okay mix it is a mix it is but there we go guys first episode done done and dusted g-gee look the resources we got yeah I know we actually don't mother they we did I thought it was going slow but we picked up the pace and now we need to find water we just need to start making money that's what we need to do we just need to make God farms and everything that and start trading our money straight away for start bonds everything at that but every guys I am going to in this year thank you very much for watching have a good rest of the day if you guys don't know factions will also be out later at its normal time and I shall see you then thank you for watching everyone
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 95,057
Rating: 4.8695245 out of 5
Id: KlBbQsFo6G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 27sec (3987 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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