“As Long as the World Shall Stand” | David A. Bednar | 2021

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I am grateful to gather with you today in this  Brigham Young University devotional. Susan   and I love you and have looked forward to this  occasion with great anticipation for many weeks. I am pleased to bring to you the love and  blessings of President Russell M. Nelson,   President Dallin H. Oaks, President Henry  B. Eyring, and all of my associates in the   Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. We love and pray  for you, and we appreciate your prayers for us. I do not know the exact number  of devotionals like this one   that I attended during my years as a  student on the BYU campus. But I do know   and am grateful for the lasting impact that  the messages I heard have had upon my life.   I encourage you to take advantage of every  opportunity to receive spiritual nourishment   from the faithful men and women who are  invited to speak in your campus devotionals. I pray for the companionship, help,   and edifying power of the Holy Ghost for  all of us as I share my thoughts with you. Today is January 19, 2021. Almost exactly 175  years ago, on February 4, 1846, Charles Shumway   ferried across the Mississippi River and started  the westward migration of Latter-day Saints from   Nauvoo, Illinois. For three weeks in frigid  temperatures, wagons ferried across the river,   often steering clear of large ice chunks. After  Charles C. Rich walked across the Mississippi   on February 25, scores of additional  refugees crossed the river on solid ice.   The winter phase of this mass exodus was  directed by President Brigham Young—the   well-known Camp of Israel trek across  Iowa involving approximately 3,000 Saints. The spring phase of the exodus included three  large waves of refugees departing Nauvoo   and involved more than 10,000 Saints—triple  the ­number in the winter departure. The fall phase of the exodus included about 700  Saints who were forced from Nauvoo at gunpoint. The winter withdrawal from Nauvoo in particular  caused unimaginable hardship for these faithful   Latter-day Saints, and many sought shelter  in camps along the Mississippi River.   When word reached Brigham Young at Winter  Quarters about the condition of these exiles,   he immediately sent a letter across the river  to Council Point encouraging the brethren to   help—reminding them of the covenant made in the  Nauvoo Temple. He counseled: “Now is the time   for labor. Let the fire of the covenant which you  made in the house of the Lord burn in your hearts,   like flame unquenchable.” Within days, wagons were  rolling eastward to rescue the struggling Saints. What was it that gave those early Church members  such strength? What fueled their devotion   and enabled them to press forward in  overwhelmingly adverse conditions?   It was the fire of the temple covenants and  ordinances that burned in their hearts. It was   their commitment to “worship, and honorably hold  a name and standing” in the house of the Lord. President M. Russell Ballard explained: Sometimes we are tempted to let our  lives be governed more by convenience   than by covenant. It is not always convenient  to live gospel standards and stand up for truth   and testify of the Restoration. It usually is  not convenient to share the gospel with others.   It isn’t always convenient to respond to a calling  in the Church, especially one that stretches our   abilities. Opportunities to serve others in  meaningful ways, as we have covenanted to do,   rarely come at convenient times. But there is  no spiritual power in living by convenience.   The power comes as we keep our covenants. As  we look at the lives of these early Saints,   we see that their covenants were  the primary force in their lives. In their extremity, these devoted disciples  were keenly aware of their dependence upon God   and trusted in Him for deliverance.  And I believe they understood that   sacred covenants and priesthood ordinances  received worthily and remembered continually   open the heavenly channels through which  we have access to the power of godliness   and all of the blessings made available  through the Savior’s Atonement. And this greater priesthood  administereth the gospel   and holdeth the key of the mysteries of the  kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God. Therefore, in the ordinances thereof,  the power of godliness is manifest. And without the ordinances thereof,  and the authority of the priesthood,   the power of godliness is not  manifest unto men in the flesh. Through their faithfulness, those stalwart  Saints invited “the fire of the covenant”   and “the power of godliness” into their lives.  Strengthened and enabled by that fire and power,   they were blessed to trek westward  “with faith in every footstep.” Please note that the eternal importance of temple  covenants and ordinances anchored both ends   of the Latter-day Saint movement west. In Nauvoo, Brigham Young labored diligently  and encouraged the people to finish the temple.   He personally worked night and day with members  of the Twelve and other temple workers so that   worthy Saints could receive their temple blessings  in Nauvoo before beginning their westward journey. President Young explained: Such has been the anxiety manifested by the  saints to receive the ordinances [of the Temple],   and such the anxiety on our  part to administer to them,   that I have given myself up entirely to the  work of the Lord in the Temple night and day,   not taking more than four hours sleep, upon an  average, per day, and going home but once a week. And please remember that one of  the first things President Young   did upon entering the Salt Lake Valley  was to select a site for another temple. Early members like Sarah Rich were blessed to  recognize and understand the supernal blessings   available in the Lord’s holy house. She  described her experiences in Iowa in 1846: But many were the blessings we had  received in the House of the Lord   which has caused us joy and comfort in the midst  of all our sorrows and enabled us to have faith   in God knowing he would guide us and sustain  us in the unknown journey that lay before us,   for if it had not been for the faith and knowledge  that was bestowed upon us in that temple by the   influence and help of the Spirit of the Lord our  journey would have been like one taking a leap in   the dark. To start out on such a journey in  the winter as it were, and in our state of   poverty it would seem like walking into the jaws  of death but we had faith in our heavenly father   and we put our trust in him feeling that we were  his chosen people and had embraced his gospel   and instead of sorrow we felt to rejoice  that the day of our deliverance had come. My dear brothers and sisters, sacred covenants,  priesthood ordinances, the fire of the covenant,   and the power of godliness are central to  understanding the breadth, depth, and reach of the   migration of Latter-day Saints from Nauvoo to the  Great Salt Lake Valley. And the lessons learned in   Nauvoo and along the trails as the Saints traveled  west continue to bless us to this very day. To provide a frame of reference for what I am  about to describe, I invite you to do your best   to remember where you were and what you were  doing between Tuesday, November 10, and Friday,   November 13, 2020. Important episodes in Church  history were occurring on those four days   as the fire of the covenant and  the power of godliness were evident   in miraculous ways in several  temples located in North America. On November 10, 2020, government  officials in a large jurisdiction   announced that religious organizations should  suspend all public gatherings and meetings.   These restrictions were intended to  help reduce the spread of COVID-19   and would be in effect for a minimum of three  weeks—and likely longer. The announcement included   a three-day warning that all operations should  cease by midnight on Friday, November 13. Because the temples had been closed for a period  of time earlier in 2020, temple patrons, leaders,   and workers were especially disappointed  that ordinance work again would be halted.   And given that only living  ordinances were being performed   by individual appointment and with reduced  capacity resulting from physical distancing   and other safety protocols, scores of members  had been waiting patiently for their turn to   enter the temple to make sacred covenants through  priesthood ordinances. The new restrictions would   cause Church members to face yet another  heart-aching delay of uncertain duration. Temple leaders and workers in one  temple prayed earnestly for direction,   counseled together, and sought inspiration  from heaven. Answers came. The decision was   made to keep the temple open around  the clock on Wednesday, Thursday,   and Friday to accommodate as many patrons as  possible. The doors of the temple would remain   open, and the lights would not be turned off  until midnight on Friday, the 13th of November. The tasks that needed to be completed seemed  overwhelming. Some patrons would have to be   contacted to confirm existing appointments. Other  patrons with appointments scheduled after Friday   the 13th would need to be informed about the  temple closure and offered the opportunity to   reschedule. Availability of temple workers  would have to be evaluated so the extended   hours of operation could be covered adequately.  Crews to clean and sanitize the temple interior   would need to be arranged. So many things  to do and so little time to get them done! The work began. Phone calls were made. Emails were  sent. Text messages were delivered and answered.   Volunteers were requested, and they responded  by the dozens. The temple doors opened early   Wednesday morning, and the lights were  not turned off until midnight on Friday. I now want to share with you quotes from eight  individuals who were involved in these remarkable   experiences. Please excuse the lengthy quotations,   but only firsthand descriptions can do  justice to the events that occurred. Quote #1: “When I started calling patrons Tuesday  afternoon, . . . I completely expected to leave   messages. Almost everyone answered their  phone. To me, [this was] a miracle. Almost   all available time slots were filled  in less than a day and a half.” Quote #2: “Office clerks and secretaries spent  countless hours calling patrons affected by the   closure to see if they would like  to reschedule their appointments.   Every time I walked by their  desks, they were on the phone.   When they hung up, they would have smiles on  their faces as they filled the schedule with   new appointments for ordinances to be performed  throughout the night. I have never seen such   dedication as these sisters worked so hard to  accommodate patrons in the work of the Lord.” Quote #3: “In every aspect of this experience,  the Lord’s hand was evident. There was miracle   after miracle—miracles in scheduling, miracles in  obtaining necessary paperwork to have ordinances   completed, miracles in having one available  appointment time precisely at the only time   a patron was able to come. I am convinced  that we are only aware of a small portion of   that which the Lord did to allow His children  the opportunity to receive temple blessings.” Quote #4: “As I arrived at the temple  on Thursday morning around 5:00 a.m.,   I saw ordinance workers who had served all  night long still smiling as they served.   The most common theme that I heard from the  workers was that this felt like Nauvoo when   the Saints needed to leave but kept coming to  the temple to receive their temple ordinances. “And just like Nauvoo, I saw sacrifices made  by people who love the Lord and who love the   temple. One brother stayed at the temple day  and night, not going home for three days.   His service was invaluable and needed in so many  ways. I saw sisters who serve in the office spend   countless hours on the phone to reschedule the  people desirous to receive their ordinances.   I saw older adults walk the halls of the  temple after receiving their endowment—with   huge smiles on their faces. I saw the happy  faces of couples sealed in the house of the Lord,   grateful they didn’t need to wait for the  temple to reopen. I saw missionaries come   to the temple with their families, ready to be  endowed with power from on high before embarking   on their missions. I saw guests who had driven  all night to attend the temple with their family.   I witnessed a beautiful two-year-old  girl surrounded by parents, grandparents,   and other family members as they prepared  to have her sealed to them for all eternity.   I saw temple staff and ordinance workers  spend countless hours sanitizing the temple,   keeping everyone safe during the pandemic. There  were ordinance workers who had served all morning   who volunteered to come back and work all night.   I will never forget the dedication and  kindness shown this week in the Lord’s house.” Quote #5: “What is inspiring to me  are all the ordinance workers who   came in droves at all hours of the  day and night to make this happen,   along with the engineers, assistant recorders,  and especially the housecleaning crew (which   I believe deserves the greatest praise.  What a challenge they must have had!).” Quote #6: “One sister, a convert of  one year, received her endowment.   She was so full of joy that the warmth  and love she brought was felt by everyone.   She was accompanied in the temple by her bishop,  her Relief Society president, her stake president,   a few other friends, and the two  sister missionaries who taught her,   both of whom had since been  released from their missions.   One of the very few ordinance workers  serving in the temple for this session   was someone close to this sister but who did not  know of the appointment. When the sister receiving   her endowment saw this ordinance worker, she  said, ‘I prayed you would be here today.’” Quote #7: “There are many challenges  and experiences we face in life   and sometimes wonder if we are or ever  do ‘enough.’ Some of them are once in a   lifetime that we read about or hear  that someone else has experienced.   Serving in the temple during the middle of  the night, as did the Nauvoo pioneers of old,   was one of those treasured once-in-a-lifetime  opportunities. Our entire shift was in awe of   the light that shone in the eyes of the patrons  that came and their gratitude, and were touched   by the sacrifice and the privilege it was  for us as workers to serve them in this way.” Quote #8: “I have compared my feelings toward  receiving my endowment to the early Saints who   refused to just let the Nauvoo Temple close down  before they fled west. They knew and understood   the importance of the sacred ordinances that took  place inside. I have felt how these pioneers felt.   I knew that if I were a Saint then, I would have  stood outside of the temple, waiting to make those   eternal covenants. I understood how they felt.  I understood the feeling of longing and urgency. “I got to be one of those pioneers. I not only  had the opportunity to make sacred covenants   and receive sacred knowledge and blessings, but  I got to be a part of history. I am extremely   grateful for the Lord and the miracles and  tender mercies He has blessed me with.” The Day of Miracles Has Not Ceased The prophet Mormon posed the  following ­powerful questions: Has the day of miracles ceased? Or have angels ceased to appear  unto the children of men?   Or has he withheld the power of the Holy Ghost  from them? Or will he, so long as time shall last,   or the earth shall stand, or there shall be  one man upon the face thereof to be saved? Behold I say unto you, Nay; for it is  by faith that miracles are wrought;   and it is by faith that angels  appear and minister unto men. Occasionally I am asked by Church members  why we do not have mighty miracles today   like those that occurred in the early days of  the Restoration. My answer always is the same:   “We do!” The faith-filled events  in Nauvoo in February 1846   and in North America in November  2020 are stunningly similar. Perhaps such a mighty miracle occurred for the  temple secretary and the Church member who were   able to schedule an appointment—in an almost  completely filled schedule—for the precise and   only time that patron was able to come to the  temple. The day of miracles has not ceased. Perhaps such a mighty miracle occurred for the  recent convert who was delighted to discover in   her live endowment session an ordinance worker  who was very close to her but who did not know   about the appointment. “I prayed you would be  here today.” The day of miracles has not ceased. The mighty miracles in our  lives are exactly the same today   as they always have been for devoted  disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ:   ­making sacred covenants with God and  receiving worthily priesthood ordinances,   the fire of those holy covenants working on and  within us, and receiving the power of godliness   in our lives as we honor those covenants and  “walk in all the ordinances of the Lord.”   The identical spirit that drew  Latter-day Saints to the temple in Nauvoo   clearly was at work in November of  last year. And it is operating today   and will continue into the future.  The day of miracles has not ceased. And I would exhort you, my beloved brethren, that  ye remember that every good gift cometh of Christ. And I would exhort you, my beloved brethren,  that ye remember that he is the same yesterday,   today, and forever, and that all these gifts  of which I have spoken, which are spiritual,   never will be done away, even as  long as the world shall stand. We are blessed to live and  serve in a most remarkable   season of the dispensation of the fulness  of times. With all the energy of my soul,   I testify that no unhallowed hand and no pandemic  can keep the Lord’s holy work from progressing.   And I promise that as you honor your covenants  and strive to discern “with an eye of faith,”   your spiritual vision will be magnified  and refined to help you learn that the   seemingly small miracles in your life will  be the mightiest and most impactful of all. I joyfully witness the divinity and living  reality of the Eternal Father and of His   Only Begotten and Beloved Son, and I do so in  the sacred name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.
Channel: BYU Speeches
Views: 451,484
Rating: 4.8824611 out of 5
Keywords: BYU Speeches, BYU Devotionals, Temples, Miracles
Id: Az6-7yzZOLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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