How to store a years supply of food Wendy DeWitt Part 1 of 9

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your plan is each or neighbors food that's a really bad plan number nine I pay tithing for twenty five years the church can give me a little food there are members of the church who truly believe in their hearts that when the bad times come the church is going to be come through like Joseph in Egypt and they're going to bring food to everyone and save us all absolutely not true houses all the storehouses all of their silos so the church has would feed four percent of the members of the church not the nation but the members of the church now I live in Arizona so I do not plan to be part of that four percent maybe some of you had the connections and you might be but I'm not planning on it so here's another if you're planning on eating someone else's food the church is not going to be doing that number eight I'm going to move in with my parents or my children really point be you're planning on eating someone else's food and you're planning on going somewhere I could give you half a dozen scenarios that would prevent you from banding together I always hear this when bad times come we're all going to band together at the steak center and we're going to share our food which not work because nobody has food and that we'll all help each other there are so many scenarios that would prevent you from banding together academics pandemics all kinds of things that will require isolation not banding together so what you have in your home is all there's going to be you need to be prepared in your own homes number can you hear me back there is everything you can all hear I can do that is that better oh supply and the beds together where was my son-in-law he likes that one generally it's the kind of gentleman that will come up and say I just don't get it it doesn't make sense to me to go to all the effort and the money to get your supply and then have some guy with a gun come and threaten my family or even kill my family to get that food and I respawn back and I say are you afraid of the guy with the gun or are you more afraid of becoming the guy with the gun those are some sisters what would you do if you were watching your children starve to death you would lie you would cheat you would steal and I promise you you will become the guy with the gun your spiritual salvation will depend on whether or not you have your food storage this is not just a physical law it's a spiritual law I promise you there's nothing you would not do to save your child's life don't let it happen everything up for now has invited has has embed eating somebody else's food that's just not nice guys you're planning on meeting someone else's food the government is not storing food your neighbors are not storing food for your family and the church is not storing food for your family they're asking you to store food it behooves all of us to follow up the council get your own food and I should say get your own food sounds are taking up a storage space two letters and a number but the point is you think it's not gonna happen no it's not gonna happen I remember y2k nothing happened my husband got every toy in the world you got generators and guns and all kinds of great stuff you loved y2k every prophecy that's ever been given is going to be fulfilled we just don't know when don't plan on it's better to be prepared and have it not happen and then and have it happen and not be prepared because it's going to rush in and save us all if anything happens I'll spin you back I mean I can't approach that cooking and food storage okay about women get it we live in the richest society in the history of the earth the standard of living that we have is amazing and even if you think you're poor you are wealthy compared to most of the world that's a matter of priorities you have to make food storage important you've got to want to get it and then you will and then I asked how many of you had a cell phone I did it so that you would turn them off but I also wanted to show you that everybody here has a cell phone but not everybody here has a food storage amount of food storage with the system that I'm going to show you can cost as little as a dollar a day per person you're spending it all a day on your cell phone please don't let your cell phone be more important than your family's temporal salvation I'm waiting for the candidates at Papa John's dehydrated pizza moving it on I think it will happen we have a stigma with food storage and we think if it isn't involving you wheat and beans and powdered milk but it's not so storage and I'm going to show you tonight that you can think outside the box and the step tiny little booklet that you have is putting the foods you love into your food storage chocolates nuts raisins sweet and sour chicken taco pie tamale pie chicken Creole shepherd's pie all kinds of foods that you would never think could be in your food storage can be in your food storage you're going to get excited you're gonna think wow I'm gonna eat better in the bad times than I do now so it's just a matter of your imagination in your pocketbook about the only thing that are just going to keep you from going all out and one reason well I don't have a year's supply of food a year I thought it was 72 hours I remember as a girl that they wanted us to get a two-year supply and then it was a one-year supply and now they're saying just get three months get three months of food the things that you're wrongly eat and then get some basics and a lot of people think if they've got a 72-hour kit they're good we need to be obedient it's a bit slow obedience is why we're here to learn obedience and whether you ever eat this food or not you have been obedient and by obeying they're going to teach your children that this is important and they'll teach their children and at some point you will have saved your family's temporal and spiritual life by teaching them this is important
Channel: Jellyf0x
Views: 8,062
Rating: 4.8688526 out of 5
Keywords: WROL, TEOTWAWKI, Prepper, food storage, SHTF, LDS, Emergency preparedness, Wendy Dewitt, Canning, pressure canning, preserving, solar cooking, solar oven, survival, Shelf life, Vacuum sealing, Disaster, 2012, EMP, peak oil, End the Fed, Ron Paul, bugging in, Nibiru, Family security, Off grid, self sufficient, Mason Jars, Jellyf0x, FEMA CAMPS, Alex Jones, Constitution, UK prepping, Doomsday preppers, Latter Day Saints, Mormon, self reliance
Id: BBOyg3t6zdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2012
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