Vacuum Sealing Food Storage

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hello everyone and welcome to sutton's days i posted on instagram and uh the sutton's days facebook page uh some crackers that i had vacuum sealed into jars and the purpose for that was to say hey one sleeve of crackers fits in a quart jar so that's a nice measurement to know and to reference i don't have extra half gallon jars and honestly that's kind of a waste for us here there's only two of us phil does like a little bit of soup with his crackers so one quart jar is manageable if we don't eat them all we can seal it up it's not a big deal but a half gallon probably i would have to vacuum seal again which is not a big deal but you know it's one more thing i don't need to do so since i cannot get my hands on half gallon jars right now i tried um we're doing quart jars so i got a lot of uh response from it and thought that a video uh might be helpful for some folks that might be interested now if you can see in the background there it's not just crackers we're not just doing crackers you guys because having comfort food like i mentioned um in your pantry is a really important part of your pantry even if you never get into it it's there so just in case and if nothing else the grandkids you know enjoy it so today it's crackers and some chocolate hello so let me show you how this works okay to start off with we are going to be using the handheld foodsaver fresh saver these are still available randomly on amazon and they have a new model that's out now but the price on that one uh was really kind of up there i'll put a link to both in the in the description box and they're both kind of catch as catch can on whether they're available or not super handy to have though if you're doing small projects like this when i vacuum seal our bulk purchases of meat that we keep um you know in the freezer that i don't can up i do those in bags and legitimately you could do the chocolate and bags with no issues i've done it before but i like the idea of having them in jars it's portion controlled the jars are reusable the bags are not so it just makes more sense to me now you can use if you're an avid canner you might have some used lid sitting around and you can use those with your vacuum sealing um nothing is going to kill you you know if they don't stay sealed but you want to keep track of them you want to keep an eye on them make sure that they're still sealed over time it should be a regular thing that you check up on you know every few months to make sure that they are do you remember let's see well some of you may or may not but pre-covered when it was just really starting to ramp up i vacuum sealed and pint jars some vanilla wafers and when i went back i don't know four or five months later two of them had unsealed so you do have to keep an eye just in case your seal didn't get right but let me see if you can see this i don't know if you can you see the indention yes see how it's indented that to me tells me it's vacuum sealed and i can't tell you off the top my hand whether or not um that indention occurred with the vanilla wafers so okay now we're going to see there's one more thing okay so the other thing that you need to be able to do this are these bad boys right here now i'm not going to be using the smallmouth mouth because these are all wide mouth jars that i'm working with um the last time i looked and again i'll put links to the whole thing down below the wide mouth was still available but the small mouth was not and the set was not so again this is catch's catch can if you happen to have wide mouth jars that you can do this with then you are really ahead of the game so for crackers let me get these open here because i'm so prepared what i do is i open let me get some of this out of the way i open the sleeve of crackers let me move you back hi okay so i open the sleeve of crackers and why do i do this well i do this because we don't go through these very quickly at all but i purchased them when i can on sale and these ones are whole wheat crackers don't tell phil so in order to keep them from getting stale which they will in their original packaging okay i vacuum seal them that way we've got them for months or longer now i have seen people say that their crackers are good after a few years so at the very least you're good for short-term storage okay and it may take a little finagling a little shaking to get them to kind of settle so that you can squeeze them in here and there but see that's a whole package and sorry about the noise and that's a core jar so what we're gonna do now is i'm gonna bring you in close again okay there we go now we're gonna take a lid and put it right on top then we're going to take this and we're going to push it over the top you want to make sure it goes all the way down okay then you take your thing and you want to make sure that that's centered and then just push down on it and push the button [Laughter] okay did you hear how it changed and then you got a suction now i did not get the suction that i like and that just went down okay so it went down so that means it's done i'm going to check on that one in a little while because i didn't get that suction that i like when i pull the uh the vacuum sealer away from the top but you kind of learn how it sounds you kind of learn how it likes to act up or not act up and uh and go from there and there are times when you're like this just doesn't sound like it's taking and what do you know it doesn't now there is a trick that some people have run into um especially with the smallmouth one where when you pull it off it pulls off this band not a big deal as long as the lid is sealed okay and some people also use two lids the bottom one seals the second one doesn't and it helps get things to seal where you might be having trouble this is really really great for things like crackers but not your flavored crackers not the ones that have a lot of oil in them okay saltines oyster crackers rich crackers um be kind of careful about what kind of crackers you put in there but it works because you know oil 10 it can go rancid so you just want to be careful of anything that has a lot of oil in it okay put it down you hear that okay pull it straight up and it is indented see okay so i'm gonna finish doing up the crackers and i'll be back to show you a little experiment for you if you will this is an old mayo jar a glass mayo jar okay um and wide mouth lids fit on it so i was told by the lovely woman who gave me the jars that this works and i'm thinking she might be right yep look at that so there's a use for those glass mayo jars you guys okay now comes the fun stuff if you're like me and you have these really great older jars look at these atlas special mason jars are these just gorgeous i love them and i have an old care wide mouth mason jar i mean these are just beautiful and i just adore these jars and i don't want to put them in the pressure canner okay so i use them for dry goods because that way i know they'll be good they'll be safe okay so we are going to put our chocolate stash in these now why why lisa are you doing this you're not supposed to be doing this lisa come on yes you are okay because like i mentioned [Music] like i mentioned um in the food storage video having some kind of comfort food put up is a great thing okay and these will last us forever i mean really forever so i'll put these up i had hershey kisses i've still got some that are over three years old sitting in the pantry and i know that they are still good okay can we get three jars can we get three jars so for just a few bucks might have to eat these ones okay so for just a few bucks let's see a walmart that big bag ran like nine dollars okay nine dollars and some jars that i won't pressure cannon anyway i am going to vacuum seal some comfort food to put up in the pantry number one it looks really pretty in the jars [Music] right oh let go oh wow let go there we go sometimes you have to really pull it off so doesn't that look that just looks so pretty so these will be put up honestly if it's anything like the hershey kisses we'll just flat out forget about them you want to make sure that gets on there okay here we go oop see that one came right off in my hand and it's indented so that's why you really need to double check these okay [Applause] [Music] there we go okay and we'll put them up on the shelf and we'll forget about them they'll be in the back of our mind but they won't be out on the table where we will eat them [Music] okay oh there we go okay so that's the start of our chocolate collection so next was that big bag of hershey kisses and that almost fills two quart jars okay so [Music] there we go see it doesn't take about a hot minute and poof you have stuff that shelf stable now crackers the crackers i have seen people have them for two three four five years and they're still perfectly good to eat so once you take the air out and keep them out of the light you know that's the whole purpose of this so vacuum sealing products like this vacuum sealing um your rice vacuum sealing your crackers your chocolates you can also vacuum seal your sugar but you run a risk of it getting hard it's not really necessary flour you can do but you're going to want to put it in something else inside the jar to do that because otherwise it will suck up the powder you know the flour while it's pulling out the air and that just clogs everything up and doesn't work and gets it in between the the rim and the seal so when you do that you want to have it in something else in the jar okay and i mean i've seen people put say fill this with flour and put a coffee filter over the top and then do that and it seems to work okay so anything where you're preventing the vacuum sealer from pulling it up now i'm going to show you the small mouth one and it'll probably do what i told you about so this is not totally full but you know it is what it is so i put the lid on put this on and then do this [Music] there we go oh i didn't do it of course it didn't do it so and the orchard roads don't have the dent in there for you to see but you know do just like you do when you're canning you know can you pull it off no okay great it is sealed and you are good to go okay so this is what i have managed to accomplish so far we've got a bunch of crackers some hershey kisses some m m's some peanut m ms and then phil found a really great deal on some peanut butter reese's peanut butter chips okay for cookies and whatnot and literally that's enough for a lifetime for us okay so i may be making the grandkids a whole bunch of cookies this winter but i vacuum sealed those because those will also last in there beautifully um mini marshmallows or your if you're a dehydrator and you dehydrate the marshmallows a little the little marshmallows vacuum sealing them is a great way to keep them preserved for longer they stay nice and crunchy and wonderful they're ready for you whenever you want having the ability to put the dry goods up in an airtight fashion um where you're not going to run into anything trying to get into them um you know there's no critters there's no no critters period there's no critters um the most that you have to do is find room on a shelf and you're good to go and it's really great for things like crackers because you keep the integrity of the cracker okay uh if they don't get mashed they don't get mushed and you've got a really great product when you go and you're ready to use it so i hope this was helpful um i hope that you check out the links below remember if you like what we do here please hit that like subscribe and share check us out on instagram facebook and until next time everybody please be safe
Channel: Suttons Daze
Views: 64,302
Rating: 4.9363542 out of 5
Keywords: #getphiladonkey, #suttonsdaze, #projectpantry, #Suttonsdazejanuarypantrychallenge, #thrivelifefoods, #canning, #pressurecanning, #pantrypreparedness, food in jars, home food preservation, home canning, home preserving, putting food up, stocking the pantry, 52 weeks of canning, fiesta ranch, january pantry challenge, Canninglife, food storage, vacuum sealing, vacuum sealing food storage
Id: StDjwYrW2-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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