087 ZBrush Twisted Wire Bundle Creation Techniques

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let's say you have a cylinder make polymesh3d and you go in here to initialize and you make it whatever you want so we'll say like 12 and 4 and then we'll say make polymesh3d and we'll go ahead and scale this down because I'm gonna make a very long one here and then we're gonna go in here to insert multiple edge loops and we're gonna give this nice even geometry and also let's go ahead and turn off interactive elevation specified elevation at zero we'll keep it regular actually you know what let's make this a little bit smaller so we can see it on our screen a little better so I hit W we can go into our deformers here and again like I did the summit you can make this at whatever axis you want let's say your gizmos like this it doesn't matter this hit hold down alt and tap and it'll reset the gizmo pivot and then go to unmask my Center and then go in here and you can say I you can do a pen dark and you can do like it's Bend listen to an arc or I like Bend curve and Biden curve by default you got to go through here and you get a set the axis we're gonna go end to end and they're gonna raise that resolution and now you can go through here and every single one of these things you can grab so and you can kind of do this and kind of bend it around exactly how you want you can also have the opportunity to go through here and every single one of these has a twist so you can go through here and you can kind of twist these things up you can also scale them out if you want to you can go through your yearning twists and you can scale however you'd like and so now I'll let you have this let's go ahead and say we're good so let us hit W or if you want more informal information on this type of stuff there's n terms on my youtube channel enter what's new and ZBrush for our 8 goes over the beginner ones that kind of just started with for our 8th and then ZBrush 2018 what's new I go over all the rest of them so that'll give you more information on the gizmo functionality and our eight and then 2018 expounding on that so let's go ahead and do our usual group by normals well isolate this let's go to a select rectangle area delete hidden so now let's say we want to create a bundle of wires it's going to go through here hover over this edge will say polygroup poly loop so here and then I'm just tapping and then tapping alt to inherit a new polygroup every time I think so and then now if we go to stroke and then frame our mesh and grab that brush that we made then we tap here I'll go ahead and create our bundles again change your depth however if you'd like if you can't tap off to get rid of these curves go in here to delete curve and now we've got this now we do still have that mesh sitting in there and it's masked out by default because of course when you're using these the auto mask mesh insert is still pertinent to your curves so we're gonna go down here we're gonna split unmask points so if you want to keep this thing around you certainly can I don't need to see it so I'm going to turn it off and then now we've got our bundle here so now with this bundle a lot of cool things we can do like if we want to try to think of the order of operations here I want to do let's do this I'm gonna duplicate this off I'm going to go ahead and say dynamesh this and it doesn't if the resolution is kind of this way you make it probably a lower is better there you go so if I want to say you know what this the core needs to be wrapped around here and around here just keep these bundles together and let's say one of the things popped open so I started to spread a little bit so I'm gonna go through here you can go into slice let's say ctrl W make it all in polygroup you go through here and you can slice and slice or like we did before be radius this will be your brush radius so now when you slice it will give you a little brush radius and then I'll keep things consistent as well so we want to consistent let's do that better follow that curve a little bit more and then we'll put a slice here you're in a slice here so it'll be our bundles so hold on ctrl shift and let's isolate this one and then this one and then this one and then this one ctrl shift drag to invert that will delete hidden I'm gonna do in Auto groups because there was an interior space on these I'm gonna grab all these exterior ones here invert that delete hidden and now we can simply do a rematch that's a size down to 0 half and just simplify these I mean a ctrl W make them all in poly group so when we go in here we can do qmesh polygroup all thanks so and you can do fancier things too if you want to like we can queue mesh all these and then pull these out to give it a little bit of a Ridge or you can do an inset follow your ball and you can inset these and then you can do qmesh polygroup ball you can pull it in or you can pull it out now when you're doing cue mesh be careful because it's one I'm gonna want to snap through which is a feature you know if you want those shapes boom you're done but if you don't extrude is probably your best bet so and also if you want to make these thicker on the inside extrude or qmesh polygroup ball hold on shift just pull along those and they'll all follow all at the same time and then extrude Poligrip fall or we can do another inset and then we can do cue mesh hold down shift and then now those will be inset and we'll go ahead and do like a crease dynamic crease a level-3 some soda before you know you got our bundle of wires here we can hit D for dynamic preview
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 36,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush tubes, zbrush wires, zbrush zmodeler, zmodeler, zmodeler tutorial, zbrush zmodeler tubes, zbrush zmodeler wires, zbrush gizmo, zbrush gizmo deformers, zbrush twist, zbrush twist deformer, zbrush curve deformer, zbrush wire bundle
Id: t9RmxbKZ-mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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