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what's up guys this video is going to be about making faces so um I'm just gonna go through these individually just to highlight some of the things that you need to look out for when you're making a more gonna do a face using photogrammetry but I've made all these up using a program called Zephyr and it's a free version and I haven't used any filters or anything like that I've actually spent the time myself in zedbrush just cleaning them up like smoothing out all the bumps and drawing their hair myself just in case you wondered how the hair's done so um yeah you're gonna have to do that and you're gonna have to do the eyeballs as well yourself all right so I'm just gonna do a couple of close-ups now but one thing you can do is you can arrange the kind of the hair sometimes just to help the model stand up which is what I've done in this case here I do leave some of the clothes on as well if it comes out nicely on the program but let's say if it doesn't work out then I just chop it off on the head add quite a lot more of this one in fact so um I just cut this one down because it was the maximum size of the build plate on the Mars Pro 2. but that one came out really well this one was done with the note 4. as most of them were this one was done with a Galaxy S8 plus and um this one was actually done with a Canon um Mark III I think this one was done with the S8 plus curly hair I hate curly hair but whatever you're gonna have to learn how to be like a digital hairdresser like this stubble here as well this was just like left in scan stubble I haven't actually touched it as opposed to let's say this guy's stubble which I have kind of manually drawn a little bit this one I kind of made him pull a funny face it kind of came out all right I made him into a Terminator in one of my other videos but this is with him without the Terminator look again um I improved his hair and stuff like that this was with the Note 4 as well yeah this one came out really well so this one yeah this is probably the one that came out one of the best this is where this got such a good lightness to him as well so I'm really happy with the way this one came out and last but not least we've got the classic what do you do with guys with glasses well I did try and do someone with glasses here and it's all printed in one so it's printed completely glasses included and I've got to be honest with you I broke the glasses there and I broke the glasses when it connects to his eyes because this is like hyper realistic style in the fact that it is literally just supported by those two little Holdings onto the kind of nose kind of rest on the glasses and this stuff just tends to be just really fragile do not even attempt to kind of clean this edge up all the like pliers after it's cured he's just going to split it immediately no matter what you think it's you have to sand it off if you've already cured it otherwise do it all before you cure it otherwise it would just break I've decided to leave the little bits of imperfection on the glasses because um I don't really want to print it again but I'm super happy with it now I mean it adds so much kind of likeness if you know someone with glasses and you model them without glasses then they tend not to look like them so um you may want to do the glasses I scan the glasses separately by the way and then I put the glasses back on and said brush all 3D Studio or what whatever is Blend or whatever you want to use and then Boolean it all together in zedbrush and print it out right I don't have screen recording software but just go to the Zephyr website and download The Zephyr free um I don't think it's available for Mac um so choose any one of those mirrors and download it alright so this is the video I've done I might do a full screen version because um it's probably irritating you watching me doing something on the screen but I can talk over it quite happily this time so essentially what I'm doing is I've chosen a nice white day clear sky no sunshine and I'm literally going around in sections now the reason I do these little stops is so that the camera has a time to kind of focus much sharply then kind of just casually because otherwise you might get a little bit of motion blur and ideally you want razor sharp images you cannot have any blur it's just going to ruin your photos you want super Sharp Images and I'm only using a phone because let's say let's say if you want to scan someone on your on a random day out you're not going to have your SLR with you or something like that so um this you can do this anytime you want I've shot this in 4k because my S8 plus does not go higher than 4K but I'd hit 8K on new cameras and I'd also do this kind of stuttering kind of filming because if you kind of film and then kind of go back a bit your camera kind of refocuses and you get that one kind of super sharp frame and then now essentially I'm going to show you the frames I'm taking out from it and um if I just kind of zoom in hopefully you can see it on that camera but I'm just looking for no motion blur on the hair if you look around and you see motion blur on the hair you know there's going to be motion blow in other places but if you look at like stubble and stuff and you've got sharp stubble then you're all right so I've basically gone through all of it kind of um double checking that everything's cool so yeah these are the photos I took just to show you this is the Stills as you can see the exposure does change and the lightness does change like there goes a lot darker whatever just you know I find the you know worrying about white balance and stuff like that I don't even bother I just film it make sure it's all in focus and try and make sure the tops of heads don't wait out and you don't have super white edges like backlighting and stuff like that you don't want any backlighting and try not to make the um the dark areas like pure black I mean if there's a bit of detail that'd be all right but it was pure black there's obviously not going to be any detail so um there you go all of that and again the head is quite light but it it's done all right in this sense but there you go I just thought I'd show you all the photos all right so you would just go to workflow new project and you come up with this window and then you can say compute after whatever I don't bother I just click on mask images now this is very important because you're gonna have to mask your people out of the backgrounds to not confuse the tracker so click on that mask images check for precon pre-calibrated camera data online whatever blah blah then what you do is this is where you select all your images so you've got to come in here and then here they are so we're just going to take these stills mm-hmm turn that off turn that off turn that off and turn that off then you click open so you're loading them all up then you click next now because I have masked them all the masks come up but for this just to show you what you need to do I'm going to launch some masquerade which is quite cool it's an internal masking program so this is basically what I've got so um I can go through it all and I can show you you know every frame has been masked off and as you can see the the mask and what you want is in red and what you don't want is in blue and it's super easy so I'm just gonna for the sake of this tutorial I'm just going to go over this one here and um zoom in so what I'm going to do is just clear it all yep so that's all cleared now literally it's literally you just go like that and the program sorts it all out for you done and then you might have to clear up these edges around here but that's the kind of manual labor you have to do so it's not too bad and then you need to go bit by bit patch a bit take a bit away and anyway you go through all the photos like that with the pro version you can use Photoshop to do it with the free version you have to do it inside but I've got no problem with that so anyway once you've all done all that close the Masquerade down discard all that and then click next and then you've got all of this kind of calibration It'll ask you online yeah yeah we found this camera blah blah blah next and now on this section I always put on human body and I put it on deep and then the next one you just click run and now I've already run this so I'm just going to load up what it comes up with so file I've been recent then Sprint cloud so this is what it come up with which is um a sparse Point Cloud you can probably barely see it on the screen to be honest with you I can barely see it on my laptop because but whatever I'm not going to get into that now so I'm going to tell you what you need to do now is essentially you'll see an image composed of thousands of dots and essentially if you click on this it will it will take you to that image and then you'll see essentially what your images in dots over the image or your kind of 3D model here it's kind of it's I don't know it's hard to describe okay you know zooming it out you can see it more clearly but it does tend to chop the top of the head of light as well but anyway there you go so you go around and you kind of I'll probably draw it and pick on paper easier because I can't show you on the screen it's too tiny dots and you delete the dots let's say if you've got a line and you've got dots outside of that line of dots get rid of the ones that don't look like they belong to the kind of object basically and after that you just click um workflow and then kind of next the or here Advanced dense Point crowd generation but I've already done that as well so here's my dense Point cloud which is here click so that's my dense Point Cloud let me just move that so as you can see it's already pretty much there and then once it's done that you just click mesh creation which I think is this button here and that's textured mesh export and then export it as then you can click whatever you want I always do as an obj and then export so after that we're going to go into zbrush so let's say this as the um pure render isn't actually that bad you might think it was horrible but it's not that bad all I kind of do to this one is as I kind of kind of show you here if I click on this button you can see I'm progressively taking off little bits that I don't like of deliberately not altered the the model or load another version up so um load this one up here see so essentially that's my first one then let's show the last one all I've gone is gone over the model deleting [Applause] and raising bits that I didn't like as you can see before after before after essentially all I've done is gone over it deleting books that I don't like which is mainly the kind of let's see the ears let's see before after before after just essentially cleaning up so before after before after and um that's pretty much it it's um you know you can clean it up as much as you want and then the final ones here this is what I've done for the final popped in some eyes which um always helps otherwise things look weird Without Eyes didn't have to do any hair which is great so there you go and that's it so if you can do that you can make anything you want so you can scan anyone you want so for the sake of this tutorial you're probably wondering I haven't showed you how to do anything yet so um essentially take your brushes I generally use the um okay build up brush for pretty much everything and I use a smaller size here and we're literally just going to go over the model looking at bits gonna add them like that knock it down knock it down knock it down smooth it out knock it down whoops undo that and that's it knock it down a bit knock it down mash it down mash it down mash it down mash it down raise it a bit smooth it a bit um raise it a bit there go like that maybe go around knock that one down knock that one down knock that one down try and work quick otherwise it's going to take you all day just move it down down down down blur it a bit down down below it don't don't just go through it learn to work fast because um otherwise this stuff was going to take you all day now I can do them pretty quickly so um just go around like that you look at it from a distance look at it close up oh well obviously the nose you generally go in here and just um draw the nostrils in we'll root apologize it later and fill up the nose because we don't have enough um polygons for that as you can see the polygons on the bottom are very sparse as well so um there you go anyway um yeah the eyesores are always a bit tricky but this one actually came out really good so just kind of you have to blur your eyes a bit and think right what what what does that actually look like and what I tend to do is I kind of minimize this window and have my picture panel next to it so I can see one frame of it and then I have it as a frame of reference and I kind of just go over it here so generally smooth that out because the eyelashes tend to stick out a bit fill up that hole in there a bit fill it up a bit more done then we'll kind of go out here patch that patch that patch that smooth that draw that round kind of draw lines around got we don't want that weird lump there go around if you kind of you can catch my drift it as a width lump there which I don't know what that is either so I'll just knock that all down and come down there come down there come down there blow that a bit done all right um what else have we got we got some now if you look from the sides you'll have a loads of this spiky ones just like here as well you have all of that stuff you just want to smooth all that out really it's nothing it's not the end of the world frame as you can see here you've got all these weird bits and Bobs around here you can what I tend to do is a neat trick that I've got I don't know if I actually copied of someone on the internet is I use high PT close holes and delete Hidden a lot so um if you've got loads of areas that you just want to pick like here let's say I want to just get rid of that whole area there what I'll do is I'll just hold on where's the most one whoops I will just mask it off like that then I'll reverse the mask hide PT that will get rid of it then I'll Del hidden and close holes and that just kind of gets rid of that whole kind of area and I don't need to worry about it because it's got weird stuff so wherever you've got a little geometry poking out like here for example just get rid of it delete it all and um there you go that's how you kind of make a face obviously if you use a better camera a nice Focus you know like a one of these super 50 megapixel or 800 whatever like I don't know R5 or something can go perfect for lighting conditions you you really need to do much less of this than I do but again you know there's always a little bit to do the eyes are always a problem area kind of the lips come under the nose but the my main reason the nose didn't come out was because I didn't actually take any um underneath photos because my camera ran out of batteries so I only had literally one I think one minute 30 of video of filming him and uh the first half was rubbish anyway so I only used the second half and I didn't have enough so uh I was pretty happy that it came out as it as good as it did anyway but there you go that's pretty much what I do and there we have the finished print so they can see that's what it looks like kind of left all that fragmented stuff on there so here's a close-up just thought I'd do some closer up stuff and um show you all the angles and there you go so in a nutshell that's it that's what you get this with an S8 Plus and Zephyr free 45 photos I think here's a fun thing I'm a scanned a friend's face and I kind of gave a manga ears and stuff like that she wanted she loves her anime and stuff like that and they're just a hint for other people if you find your skin tones of resins to be really off then just add some gray to it this is the same as this one with just some gray to it and it already looks way more realistic this one that's actually printed glowing the hair dark with this one so this one is glow in the glow in the dark glow in the hair dark glow in the dark hair I did a PIV Morgan as you can see there's Pez Morgan and that's again scanned using the same methods I did before and then Hollow again so uh there you go this method works it's pretty easy um yeah even the shirt was all scanned all of this is pure you know Zephyr data as well so so there you go it's how you do it you want some scanning faces get your S8 this was done with the um the 5D Mark five three four whatever something like that anyway that's it for me peace hope you enjoyed the video I'll do it I'll do a better one later I'm sorry I haven't done a video in ages and uh I just thought I wanted to get something done just to get my juices going again so um hope you've liked that and yeah let me know in the comments and what you think any questions on what you'd want the other video to be like I'll do more in-depth Z brushing and more of that zephe stuff because the menus are probably going to be different to when you're doing it um or whatever but essentially just follow the menus well once you click new and zip it just click on the highest settings for everything so like there's a there's a human body then Ultra or human deep whatever the top settings is do it and then that's it all right so yeah if you want to take the hair off I just figured it out it's quite easy just rub it off just so there you go this was modeled over a cylinder which means it has to be purely vertical because obviously anything that sticks out isn't going to go in so model a cylinder over this that just goes outside to ever so slightly and obviously the ears have been chopped down so it's completely vertical like that and then take that cylinder and subtract it from the center of your hair and that way you'll be able to just Chuck it on top super easy hope that helps if not I'll do another tutorial another time thanks for watching and peace
Channel: Cloakfiend
Views: 184,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hFyuZsr0olU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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