Creating and controlling curve brushes in general and also when making straps in ZBrush

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so any object can become a curved brush in ZBrush here I have a star which I'm going to convert into an insert mesh brush which is the start point for creating a curved brush so I'm going to just going to go to Bush create and say great insert mesh it's gonna have to I want to append it to the current brush or new I'm gonna say new we now have a new brush you'll notice that the name polymesh3d which was here whatever name I had written here is what will be adopted in the actual name over here so now that we have that we're ready to start sculpting on something and if we try and sculpt on a primitive it's going to tell us that we can't do that we can only use an insert mesh brush or a curved brush on a polymesh3d so I'm gonna make this a polymesh3d in order to be able to do that once I've done that you'll see that it now just draws it open it doesn't actually create curves from this so we need to convert this into a curved brush so to do that we go to the stroke menu and underneath curve we turn on curve mode so as you can see all the that'll do is actually create curve for us and the size of the brush is going to determine how big the objects are on this so if I make the bushing off a lot smaller and I click on it again we're gonna get small stars if I make it bigger we're going to get bigger stars the amount that you get is purely determined by the size that you have here to control this brush you'll see that my brush size is red but when I hover over it it becomes blue so when it becomes blue that's basically saying you can now modify the actual curve itself so the size of the cursor is actually going to determine what is affected if I make this really small I'm going to be just affecting a very small area if I make it really large I'm gonna be affecting a much larger area so if I take the end of this with a large brush and move it I'm gonna take everything if I make it really small I have the option of actually making a curl a little bit more but you can see that there's limited how much Carl we can actually have on this to change that I can go to brush I can go down to modifiers and I can change the max Bend angle so if I increase this back smack there and angle we can now put a lot more curve on this than we could before because it's allowing it to band up to 90 degrees as you see here I'll just don't do that if you want to extend the brush you'll see that as you get closer to it I'll zoom in a little bit as you get closer to it you'll see a red line extending from it so what I'm going to do just to accentuate that is to go to stroke menu curve modifiers and choose the curve snap distance and increase that once I've done that I'd no longer have to get quite so close to this for the red line to appear but once that red line is on and the cursor is blue then that means I basically if I continue to draw out the stroke it's going to extend the stroke that we had to and where I've drawn out too so this is a great way to extend it but this doesn't allow us to shorten a curve and we can remove a curve by holding down alt and just clicking through it just anywhere you don't have to hide the red line just to alternate click through it that will remove it but we can't actually shorten a curve so to do that we go back to the stroke menu and under curve we can turn on elastic or liquid if we take elastic first lastic will we could just grab the end of the curve and it pulls out in a very angular way so that creates very limited uses for this whereas if we change it to the stroke liquid type and this is a lot more fluid and allows us to do more with it we can also pull back on this making the curve smaller but it will actually distort the original shape so you'd be careful how much you use this you can take the middle of a curve and pull this out and this will add in extra detail along the middle of a curve so if you decide you want lots of extra stuff in the middle we can do that we just pulling this stuff out and if you pull it back you can shorten it again as well so you can actually it's a little bit more difficult to control although all curves can be smooth it so you can see that this curve has quite a sharp angle on it we can go to this stroke and underneath the curve functions we can hit smooth that will smooth out that curve so the next time we click on it it will rotate to the new smoother shape the more times we click on this the smoother it gets and if you wanted something really smooth you can use that as you're hovering over a curve if you decide you want to spin that curve all right twist that curve you can make your courser larger pressing yes and increasing the scale and then clicking on the curve holding down control and that will spin that then on an angle so this is our long axis this is very useful for belts and stuff like that we have a flat surface that you want to just control that that edge of the curve a little bit more and then curve if we turn on as line when we do that same thing we hit we click it and then hit control sorry if we turn our eyes line we turn off Bend and when you click it and you hit control it'll it'll snap the whole thing you'll see that it's actually snapping it'll twist the whole thing will you'll see it's actually snapping an awful lot so to fix that just turn off snapping and always turn off snapping actually when you're using the twist and you'll find you get a better result so this was the whole thing and if I don't do that and I just turn off as line and leave the bend on instead this you'll see will also work better with snap turned off when we turn snapping on you get unpredictable results so just be sure to turn that off when you're doing it when you're using the twist functionality with control if you want to create a loop around an object simply hope I have click go out into the canvas somewhere hold down shift and that will create a loop so when you let go that loop will go around the entire object so this is useful for when you're on a character and you'd want to do a belt so I'm going to take a an IMM belt brush here which I've one which I've loaded earlier on which is IMM straps which somebody can't you put up onto the Internet I can't remember the name of who and what you can find this easily enough by just searching for IMM straps so with this and the one thing that is important to remember is that the geometry cannot have subdivisions if we had divided this character and then tried to draw this out it's gonna say that we can't do that so make sure you have no subdivisions my dynamesh object or a dynamically subdivided object will do fine so I'm just gonna draw out that curve I have snap turned on source is conforming to the surface but I also have liquid turned on so I'm going to turn that off if I have liquid turned on and I try and go around the surface here by grabbing the end just this last point you'll see as I get around to certain size certain angles I try and grab that because it's trying to conform to the surface so much it's actually quite difficult to control so a much better solution for this is to turn liquid off while you're coming around the corner like this all around the body zoom in close enough to be able to get that red line of to appear and draw it out yourself snap this still on so it's kind of still snap to the surface but it seems to do a much better job and when we're just doing it by extending it this way so I'm gonna bring it up like that and now now that a broader open I do want to shorten this I'm gonna go to stroke and I'm going to turn on liquid just to shorten the length of this a little bit and I'm gonna try that one more time and this time with the larger brush and sometimes if this is still happening you're better off turning off snap while you're doing this just to try and shorten this brush a little bit knowing that we can always just push it out after the fact it maintains the last location of the loved thing of the piece so that's fine and I could pull this out from the side or I could just use a move brush after this has been done but I'll pull it up for the moment just to see and if at this stage something wasn't quite working out for you you'd literally click it here hold down control and then twist that area depending on the size of of your blue cursor so that's how to draw a belt draw a belt out and you can modify the curve you can smooth the curve as I said if you do smooth the curve using the current functions here let's move it a couple of times you probably get a slightly more relaxed look that which may work for the curve but we'll probably go inside your model so you may have to push it back out again so just tap anywhere on your model to get rid of your curve and then choose your next brush so if you have something like this and you want to put the next part on you can just drag that out and then move this as I said you have the option to move it as a line where we can turn on line laughs band turn off liquid and basically just move this entire object conflicting on control will allow you to spin it and once you're happy with the general location of it like that I'm gonna spin that one more time by just holding down control click first and then hold control I'm just going to tap somewhere on my object this is masked so I can now place this as I see fit on three when you're placing something like this holding down alt and just tapping on your object will set your favorite point so now I'm gonna be pivoting from this point so and we can hold down all to just move the pivot point to the center so it pivots from the center so we could just push this bit down and rotate it around these all have separate polygroups so and if I wanted to select the first strap all I have to do is hold down control while I'm in move mode and tap on that to isolate that or to mask out and the the little extra strap in here so once I have this we can just all tap on other pieces change back to a move to move them into place and set this the final part of our strap you can all tap on any given strap to come back to it make sure you have no mass turned on and just use your move brush if you're doing this and you're moving the strap and your body underneath because there's still one object you or two options either separate this out we're going to sub tool and split so two and group split that will split them into separate objects or change to move topological so be m/t and that that way we'll just move the area that you select not the body underneath so if you want to get that little a little bit closer to his body you can do that too be careful to not be selecting his body though and I'll pull this stuff out and also because these are separate pieces of topology you'll be moving this out rather than the brush so in this instance my perfectly honest you'd be better off doing a group split which will create new polygroups for this so now we can select this and not have to worry about to move topological we could just use the normal move bmv which will move them all over together so hope this helps on making straps and obviously you can go in now and start grading stitching and extra details and leather texture not that kind of stuff on the actual strap itself alright thanks bye
Channel: Sean Forsyth
Views: 17,935
Rating: 4.9567232 out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, zbrush tutorial, zbrush curve brush, imm straps, imm brush, imm brush tutorial, imm curve strap, imm strap brush, imm tutorial, create curve brush, control curves in zbrush, control curve brush, zbrush tutorials, zbrush straps, zbrush curve strap, zbrush strap brush, learning zbrush, zbrush for beginners 2020, zbrush for beginners tutorial, zbrush for beginners, 3d, tutorial, zbrush strap tutorial, making of, how to, control curve brush, curve
Id: HOJq5cyuxB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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