059 ZBrush Hard Surface Techniques

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would you say the more organic the mesh is less likely to use the model ARF I myself not using it all that much for example animal necks no I still use the modeler very much for organic stuff what I'll do is I'll organically create an organic shape and then I'll use zremesher to figure out how the topology needs to work and then I'll use the modeler and zei billions on top of that achieving that is really good at that type of workflow so yeah all this hard surface this is all done in ZBrush you know making these organic shapes and then using live billions to create that this was all for the beta for ZBrush for our 8 so all of this stuff here is very similar it's a lot of zmodeler but it's also you know dynamesh and then zremesher as well to arrive at stuff like this so very organic but also super hard surface and you're using zremesher and you're using live boolean to make organic mech stuff and you can and it's still a lot of zmodeler work and of course stuff like mesh fusion stuff like that because ZBrush does have mesh fusion functionality here so if we go into our cylinder again make polymesh3d and then up here let's say we're going to go in set flat island region and we can into an inset here and you know what let's just for fun let's go to inset polygroup all region and then I'm gonna grab qmesh polygroup ball I'm gonna pop this up and then we'll do like will do a crease and then crease polygroup will hit D for dynamic so divisions will say crease level of 3 smooth side of a 4 and then we have this object so let's say I want to put something complicated in here so I'm gonna say I'm gonna give myself a little border so again we'll do an insert inset polygroup all here and then I'm going to go out of edit mode hit ctrl N and we're gonna steal a brush I'm going to grab this poly star here I'm gonna go into my brush bi brush insert boolean's here I'm gonna hit em and I'm gonna say I like this little shape that whoever did this so I'm gonna take this shape here and then hit W and then as I cycle through these it'll cycle through these shapes I like you so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to steal this one you can also there's a Z plug-in you can say I mmm extractor you can I mmm brush the subtools it'll take all of these and extract all of those measures to subtools but you can also just steal this one here so I'm gonna take this piece here yeah that'll work and I'm gonna go ahead and say delete hidden so this piece here it has a hole in the back so I'm gonna hit brush create insert mesh new I'm gonna go back to my cylinder here and as long as I don't have dynamesh turned on I can drag on this poly group here so this one right here is this poly group I can drag right on that and then I can control drag control drag again and it'll go ahead and fuse those together it'll figure out what edge loops need to be added and now this is one solid piece so now if I go through here and run another crease tolerance I'm gonna hit D for dynamic so divisions it's all like this alternatively if you want to flip it you can hold down alt when you drag it out it'll flip it underneath let's do it again like so control drag control drag again and then again mesh fusion will figure out the hard stuff for you and then you're good to go so all of that's been modeled together for you you can do that on curved surfaces if you're gonna do it on a curved surface obviously when you're insert meshing a brush number one you're gonna need a poly group so however you do shifty if you ever working in ZBrush and it's like will my performance just tanked do shift D that's gonna turn off dynamics of addition we'll get to that in a second you can hit control W and now when you drag this out you can have it resolved that but it's gonna do that kind of thing you can even move it further away and it'll resolve as well but also if you want it to conform to your surface of your object you're gonna want to in this one go to modifiers and we're gonna do a projection strength up to 100 so as I drag this out it's going to wrap to the surface of my object there and then also if you go in here and you go to geometry turn off the smooth modifier then it will you can go through here and then you can looks like smooth these transitions out let's turn off sculptors Pro like so now if you want a nicer cut through this geometry you can you can try doing stuff like let me hover over this let's do see rise polygroup border know what it is and you can kind of try and sphere eyes into a circle but of course it's on a curved surface oh that might work well in this case here which you can try to do also you can slice a circle through here you'd have to go through here and collapse and clean this up to make it optimal for sure but in a pinch you can also just kind of use that gross geometry and then have mesh fusion kind of fix it for you so it's not ideal it's not perfect but you can kind of get that to work a little bit for you and then we'll turn on dynamic and we'll run a crease polygroup so again it's not perfect you'll have to do a little bit of cleanup for this type of complex operation it'll probably work better on a sphere honestly but you get the idea so anyway mesh fusion functionality dynamic subdivisions the organic stuff would be stuff like if I want to do organic sculpting if I have like a sphere here and I go to make polymesh3d and I go ramp and I turn the next symmetry and I'm like right you can use panel loops for this kind of stuff and I'm like oh let's do some organic neck like this shape here and I'm gonna go through here I'm gonna say you know what I'm gonna slice you through here that's cold own isolate this one or you can we can zremesh it together we can just say go down into zremesh let's say half keep groups move groups on its finest organic def size down to zero because he very much these shapes here and now you have these two shapes so I can isolate this one we'll go ahead and split hidden and I'll say qmesh polygroup ball and we'll just pop this up and then we'll say you know what I want to run a bevel along here so we'll bevel edge loop complete like so and then I'll go through here and I'll say oh tap alt tap qmesh polygroup I'll pull down a little tabs here I'll run a crease turn on dynamics Musso division level of three creeks level three smooth subdivision to four and then we got some organic hard surface going and then we can go back and we can turn our other thing on and then this one we can you know zmodeler and smooth and add panels or do panel loops if we want to you know go through here and then say geometry edge loop let's do some panel loops crank up that thickness oh there's also panel loop presets so you can go into Z plugins just download those and install them we've gone over that before earlier in the live stream yesterday believe and then we can go down here - do I not have panel look presets so for example we can take a cube - 30 hit control D a control D just to give it just to give us a little bit more resolution to work with and I'm just gonna go here will delete lower so on this one we can go through and we can slice panels through here and we go hey I want a preset I like this one so you can select it say accept and now you have this kind of cut control shift a and now you've got a little box here tada and then on top of this this is where you going to your live boolean so if you've got a sub tool here we go let's actually go brush insert insert mesh boolean hit em it's like I want to put this at all Griebel detail on it in X symmetry so we'll go through here with our X symmetry turned on and then I'm gonna go to again split unmask point shoots at below turn on subtract to turn on light boolean and now it's cutting all the way through cuz it's a thin mesh that's okay you can go through here and if we want to thicken this mesh up it's pretty easy with panel loops so we can go through here I'm gonna say control shift control shift a split hidden turn on poly frame here it's gonna solo mode and you can just inflate along the surface an almost qmesh polygroup all and you can just hold down shift as you're so our cue meshing seems to be it might be too many polygons for this thing did I do Paul your Paul are all polygons here all the goofball let's do this I'm gonna isolate this mask it in Burdett and we're gonna do an inflate so we can inflate along there so we can thicken that up and then in here I'm gonna isolate this and will deflate it actually or my normals flip no I'm fine so now if I turn off solo we turn on transparency mode we turn on light boolean so now we can boolean out these shapes here is that a little bit of thickness to that shell here and even these we can swap on-the-fly so I'm gonna brush insert let's hit Q first VI brush insert boolean's like I don't really like those so again hit W and just cycle through all these shapes and figure out which one you like maybe we want to go back and punch this little shape in so we now you punch this in here and again on this one you can hit D for dynamics of make it a little smoother so very quickly you can go through and bullying that up where to get the penalty presets from chrome redlynx oh yeah yeah yeah yeah let me show you that so go to ZBrush plugins download Center and then down here way down here so up here is the new stuff so this was a Z color we talked about metal quotes intersection mascar is all brand new but way down here under the employee created there is panel loops presets so you can download that and install it which we talked about
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 5,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush hard surface, zbrush hard surface tutorial, zbrush hard surface techniques, zbrush zmodeler, zmodeler tutorial, zbrush zmodeler tutorial, zbrush mesh fusion, mesh fusion tutorial
Id: 1G2RicAXQoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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