PavWork16: Fishnets with NanoMesh and MicroMesh

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okay so we've got this here and we're gonna do this pattern on the side real quick so if we want to replace something with a pattern what I usually do is I'll take this one here and we'll do it two different ways so we'll take this one we'll duplicate it all the whole done shift into this up arrow so I know it's at the top I'll hold down shift and isolate that just a second another way you can do it is there's nothing really to grab on her let's grab her face here so I take her face I'm gonna do look at her face hold on she have the bend out barrel and I hold down shift turn off these eyeballs and then turn these on so we're gonna be playing with these two things here so if you don't have something specific you want to apply if you just want to put like a headband on her what we can do is you can go ahead go to geometry let's say this is the dynamesh here so we go ahead and delete lower it's just a solid mesh right so we'll go ahead and go in here we've got a slice curve a old a slice or you can mask and make a poly group however you want to make a poly group on here just go ahead and do that I'm gonna go ahead now and go to select rectangle isolate this poly group and go ahead and do geometry modify topology delete hidden now we're gonna use as nanomesh you can use micro mesh for this as well but nanomesh is usually a little bit more robust and in this particular case if we're just doing fishnet type things micro mesh is just fine because you're just we're basically in anima is going to replace every single face with a fishnet mesh and in this case what we're gonna you know these are a little bit small so I'd be really tiny fishnets and you don't really wrap around the object that well so I'm gonna go down here to zremesher here and we'll do a devta size down to zero because we want nice even quads and I'll just do 0 measure 1/2 so it's at 10,000 now let's go down to 5,000 and we have X symmetry turned on so it'll be somewhat symmetrical and just keep hitting half or dialing in that target polygon count until it's the size you want and it looks like we have double turned on so go to I'm going to go to display properties double turn that off and you know this is the size of the fishnet you want that's fine and then if we back out here you're gonna see we have this object here so when I was doing those patterns what I did was just take this top poly group here and then just go ahead well go down here delete lower and delete hidden and then just do the exact same thing where it's like these are too small and I probably this one looks like a zremesh tit I get better results when has every much things and when I just manually go in and plot points unless it's really simple so just again go down to the episodes down to zero target polygon count half it serie measure and well let's say okay here we go I don't know what that initial thing was there we go now if you wanted to clean this up it looks like it's having a little hard time transitioning between this one and this front one here so you can go in there and you know put in a line there or that you know this is fine too so we'll do we'll do that fish down on both of these things so they've got both of these things here so we'll start with this one and we're gonna use nanomesh so what I'm gonna do is go out of edit mode hit ctrl n grab our simple brush here grab a plane 3d go into edit mode here and let's go ahead and make it a polymesh3d to go to geometry I'm just gonna hit reconstruct about that many times because what I'm gonna do is hold down ctrl shift alt get rid of these Center ones here and go to geometry modify topology delete hidden and I'm gonna get rid of these extraneous although this one might work I'm gonna go to insert single edge loop hold down alt and it was go ahead and delete higher hold down all that's go ahead and X to go across X symmetry as well let's go ahead and get rid of these here there we go now when I do these fishnets these points have to line up and match so what I'm gonna do is hover over this point and do delete point and we'll just delete these points here so now what I do if I hold down ctrl and drag out a copy basically these fish nets are going to just repeat in this pattern here and then this pattern here so every face is gonna be filled up now I already know because I've done this before that I'm going to need to go down here we can use the widget you can also since this is in the center of the world go to deformation and you can just rotate this along the Z 45 degrees or you can hold down shift and just wait until you hit 45 degrees on that little number down there another thing we're gonna want to do to make this a little bit more even topology around here and allow it to bend around our service surface what I'm going to do is go to insert multiple edge loops and we'll just drop that in there and we'll just tap that one w now I've got our fishnet mesh here so now that that's sitting out here I can make an insert mesh brush and you know create brush from you know what we do we go create insert mesh and then you can or you can create an animus brush from this or you can just leave it sitting out here and just grab it later that's what I'm gonna do so I'll go back to our character here we've got our headband aerial and now I can hover over this face hit a space bar with Ozzie does the modeler brush bzm go insert nanomesh polygroup all hit em and then just grab that mesh there and then when you drag this out you're gonna be dragging that mesh on to that that nanomesh onto this object here so I'm gonna go to the geometry modify topology and we'll do a line edge just to make sure these are all aligned of course you could probably do most of that and the nanomesh properties here underneath alignment just say align to normal we'll just go ahead and do that first now I want to make sure these things fit in here at a size of 1 with no offset and no rotation there we go so now all of these things should match up here if I do show placement turn that off you can see that these this is basically our fishnet mesh that we're gonna use you can offset these things if you want to but this is what I'm gonna use I'll turn show placement back on we'll go inventory 1 2 mesh and now I can do hold down ctrl shift isolate your band ctrl shift drag to get rid of that band go ahead into geometry modified topology delete hidden and then go ahead and geometry modify topology weld weld points to weld all these points because if you didn't do that and you went in here and you're like subdivided you'd see they'd start splitting a splitting apart there on the seams just go through here just weld and now that you have that now you can go in here through zmodeler brush be zmq mash polygroup all go ahead and give this thing some thickness here like so and now if we go out of solo mode here so got a sub tool here well done shift bring everything back we'll get an alt tap this one get rid of that there we go so now we've got our fish nuts here you can go through here and you can move surround and you could also do this on the nanomesh if you wanted to have an enema still there so that we have that you can also go in here to deformation menu geometry deformations and do like an inflate 0.25 or something and you can also I'm gonna go over here and on crease all sets under your crease menu are we at increase all area now when you hit D for our dynamic preview now go ahead and give us our that looks like those those packages of oranges you get at the grocery store that's what that is so let's go ahead and delete that and same thing for this one here if I go into solo mode hit F to frame it it's just gonna replace all of these squares here now this one here let's try and do micro mesh instead so we've got a geometry see from every micro mesh even as it's been a loss as I've used it there it is so modified topology micro mesh will just grab that mesh here and now it says best preview render turn on draw micro mesh in the render palette so go up here to the render pallet render properties doo-doo-doo to draw micro mesh in you see every single one of those faces now is drawing that mesh if I hit BPR rendering s picks down to 0 so it goes faster I'll see this is the micro mesh that we're getting it looks like it's overshooting that size a little bit let's go ahead and align these edges hmmm nice points around it is for some reason it's overshooting that so what I might have to do let's try this real quick I'm going to take this one here and for the micro mesh what I'm gonna do is I'll just hit W to go into our gizmo mode and let's just put this back to a square here let's see if that helps it any so that's on there it's go back in the draw mode let's go back to our original object here F to frame there we go and micro mesh we'll turn it off and I'll turn it back on using this and then we'll hit BPR yeah those are gonna have to be hmm I'll have to figure it out from micromesh there's a something oh you know what it is let's try unify let's go back let's just keep trying I'm gonna hit up here we'll go ahead and rotate this 45 and then we'll go ahead and do defamation unify and then we'll go back here we will turn off micro mesh grab our new one here hit F the frame hit B PR there we go now they line up so if you like this geometry you can go ahead and go to geometry micro mesh in order to get this as actual geometry go here to geometry where is it at be PR oh it's up here underneath your boo-boo there it is convert be PR to geo there we go and now again you're still gonna want to go in here and weld these things that that's under your geometry modify topology weld points and we'll go ahead and do on crease all and you can also go in here to geometry our sub tool and instead of doing as the modeler you can try doing and it extract I'm trying to smooth this down we'll hit extract that's a little bit thick let's change that the point 0:05 you can extract that out oh that's just a little bit thick there we go that'll work I'll go ahead and hit accept and on ZBrush for our eighth when you hit accept on an extraction it'll go ahead and select it for you so now you've got that all extracted out and you've got fishnets like that so micro mesh nana mesh
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 69,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pav, Pavwork, ZBrush, ZBrush Twitch, ZBrush Livestream, nanomesh, nano mesh, micromesh, micro mesh, zbrush nano mesh, zbrush micro mesh, zbrush nanomesh, zbrush micromesh, zbrush fishnets, modeling fishnets
Id: wv3uNqr1Rf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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