Making Tileable Textures in ZBrush - Top ZBrush Trick

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hey guys hitting it morning from flip normals and in today's see we're cowboy video we are gonna be making Tyler poles in ZBrush so that's uh I don't even know if it's a requested thing it's just something we've been wanting to do for a long time so you know as you might know one of us me has sculpted a lot of rocks before but that doesn't mean that I'm necessarily good at sculpting rocks but that that has meant that I've been wanting to create ty levels and stuff so I don't have to do that as much anymore and in ZBrush there's a way to sculpt in a tileable way which sounds kind of weird if you're not familiar with the concept and there are some pitfalls with the sort of standard Seavers way of doing it so we're gonna show you a method of creating ty levels that always work with in C where you not just for Brock's I mean you could sculpt anything whether it's like veins that are a tileable texture like skin texture can be really anything yeah these maps you're making here as well they can also be used for whatever purpose if you want to ask them in painter or it's a tileable in my whatever it might be I've done I've done something similar to this before where I've taken taking Maps and use them in Mari doesn't really sculpt them up and yes terms bump maps in Mari we have a separate tutorial on that as well which is which is kind of related to this that's how to take an image from like it might be something for elephant elephant skin processing in Photoshop and sculpting it up yeah so that's that's something you can check out as well so first off I've seen a few tutorials around that use external planes and stuff and imports you don't need to do any of that so we're gonna keep everything within ZBrush just to keep it simple so first we have a plane 3d make it a poly mesh there we go now we have poly mesh so now we can start sculpting on it so the feature that we're looking for is underbrush and if you go down to curve there you go it's the wrap mode so set it to one and now you're gonna start to sculpt sort of across the plane which is super cool you can set it to two and then you have more tiling within the plane so so you're already I mean you're already creating a tileable so I don't know if you wouldn't need this maybe maybe there's a specific use case where you you do need that though the issue with the standard way of doing this in ZBrush is that so if you're just using the standard brush like this everything's going to be fine as long as you don't take your pen off of the tablet and everything will be fine but as soon as you start the next stroke this is going to happen so you're gonna get all this weird stuff here so all of a sudden our our texture isn't gonna be title anymore so a hacky way around this is to I guess it's hard to explain but is to use two planes to offset wear see we're kind of looks but we need to prep a little before that so the first thing we're gonna do is set the canvas to the dimensions of well guess what we want to grab our duck with it I mean it doesn't need to be exactly the same but as long as it's a square format yeah so this is going to be the resolution of the final texture yeah so I'm creating a 1024 texture by 1024 and resize there you go so just clear your canvas over back in there so here in the default UI I've just have this zoom thing out here just so we can actually see let's just change the range a little bit Oh getting that greeting in there just so you can see where the canvas actually actually ends so again you could start sculpting with the wrap mode here but we're still going to be facing the same issue even though we've got like the canvas cropped and everything so this is where our second plane is going to come in and reduce the F key to do frame it so it fits perfectly so shift ctrl D to duplicate your plane so now we have two planes so the top plane here we're going to rename that to camera plane this is gonna be the focus of our camera when we press F again and the second plane here is gonna be our stopped a plane this is what we'll be sculpting on so what we need to do is just activate gizmo and move out the second plane just just a little bit doesn't need to be much and then you need to scale this up now I'm just I'm not gonna use the gizmo just because like maybe I don't get it perfectly where I want it so I'll just go to deformation and then find size and scale this up a bit so we've got something like this we just need it to be offset basically and then we just need it to be big enough so that we never touch the borders once we actually start sculpting so if we go back to our sub tools vector camera plane now we can frame on this camera plane and be sculpting on the top plane it's very important that perspective mode isn't turned on for this just because it can mess up your tiling so frame in on this just do once and then you can see now we're sculpting on the on the top plane everywhere to frame on this now we're gonna be seeing the borders of the top plane you see there well we want to see the borders of the camera plane so now when we start to sculpt this is gonna wrap perfectly without distorting any of the edges so just to give you a more real-world example let's go to geometry and list they're subdividing it you can turn off smooth subdivide if you want to but with this bigger plane it doesn't doesn't really matter usually the issue is if you have smooth on the borders are going to be like smooth as well that's that's totally up to you so just subdivide that a few times go back to our camera plane make sure that you always remember to go back to your camel thing if you do any sort of camera changes so there we go now everything is going to be tiling perfectly and we're not going to be getting any of the border distortion because we're framed in on the camera plane so it's a it's a interesting little ZBrush workaround or you can just I don't know like there's so many things in severs that you think should just work what they never do so there's always like clever ways to get around it if you're a texture artists I highly recommend that you spend some time doing these kind of textures whenever you're texturing particularly my background is from texturing creatures and whenever you're texturing something like like any creature you end up using around three Maps at the end in the beginning you start off with like 200 Maps you go through it you go through like dinosaurs and all all sorts of animals get as much reference to but then you find yourself that maybe opportunit for images is what you're using for practically everything yeah this is what I do we did for when we texture Pacific Rim as well we we've got a few images like this sculpt them up in ZBrush made em title and then textured that in Mar in using these maps and you really aren't using a lot of different maps one thing to note here is that no not all brushes are going to be working with the wrap mode and you need to turn this on on a per brush basis so right now I'm using the standard brush so if I wanted to go in and like stylize this texture a little bit with the H polish or something right now it's not going to be wrapping just go back to brush set the sub one and now we can sort of create these clean looking stylized World of Warcraft Darksiders type of rocks I'll make sure the wrap notice that they're the same for all yeah that's pretty important like I said before you know maybe there's a case where wrap you want to set the read mode to two if you want more tiling but I mean you're creating a tileable anyway so you might as well kiss get as much resolution as you can out of like this one piece if there's no reason I don't see a reason to tile it more with the red no but I mean you know feel free to to experiment its various you just have duplicate data your math yeah also when it comes to the find resolution for maps like this you really don't have to have that much look you don't have to use for k8k maps because if you if you actually look at the maps you're creating here like when you export these out of c brush then you're gonna look at the see that are very soft because what you're doing now is essentially hand painting something this doesn't come from photographic reference and it's perfectly translated these lines are incredibly smooth so you know if you have a 2k map before key map you mean really it really doesn't matter a whole lot and just means that your project project gets heavier okay so let's just pretend that this was the greatest rock texture alive very nice raw protection tiles creak so what you can do now is export this out from ZBrush and we've already defined our document size this is going to be the size of the Alpha so just go up to alpha under transfer grab duck this is just going to show up under whatever brush you had and then you can just export it looks I already have one and then just to illustrate to you that it actually works let's open that exact one again so this is the new one and we'll just do the stupid way of tiling stuff in Photoshop I was lucky hmm it's always that God does it work no we're okay there we go very good tile texture perfectly technical texture and you can you know then if you're already within ZBrush now you could just you know you could use this immediately if you like it displacement brush or something and drag rect and then you can start dragging this out and now you already have some pretty cool surface variation with with rocks yeah very nice stuff you can use this in ZBrush painter whatever you want to do very cool stuff yeah so it's very quick to create medicine and like we said it's not just restricted to rocks this was just like rocks is always just a great example yeah it's one of these things you really love to optimize yeah cuz you're gonna be doing it no matter what at some point so there you go if you want to see more content like this in the future make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe and make sure to hit 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Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 57,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, sculpting, zbrush, concept, maya, tutorial, autodesk, film, vfx, animation, flippednormals, henning sanden, morten jaeger, creature, character, texturing, substance painter, substance designer, education, foundry, pixologic, nuke, art, fundamentals, art fundamentals, art school, art tutorials, blender, flipped normals, 3d tutorial, learning 3d, learning ZBrush, 3ds max, cubebrush, cube brush, gumroad, marvelous designer, photoshop, mari, blender guru
Id: Pdh0peG4oys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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