Spirit, Soul & Body Illustration

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well I think what Rhys i'ma let you be the spirit yes she's the spirit and you actually we're gonna let you be the soul okay you're the one in charge okay and you were Sonia we gonna let you be the flesh you just dirt she just dirt she's just dust she's just no house this is this is a soul this is the one that makes all the decisions and you need to keep this in mind because there really aren't three of you and we could talk more about that you know we're we're as we are this is who we are we are a spirit we have a soul and we live in a body and it's awfully important for you to understand how these three work in connection to each other so that you can win your Bible of your battles and you fight when you're working with Satan first of all we have to know that not only does the soul make decisions but she's also the filter now she can as she can block the things that the Holy Spirit see when you get borned again the Holy Spirit comes to live in you everything that God wants you to have the moment that you become born again gets placed in you that that very moment he does not do it in bits and pieces as some might teach he gives you everything he makes you the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus you're a holy you're sanctified and you can that doesn't mean that you can't improve but I'm saying all the power of God is released in us in our spirits all the healing power all of his power air everything is released in us but we don't always benefit from it because it gets blocked because we get the spirit got born again to sold it and change the way this changes is by renewing the mind this is the one that God communicates with the spirit here the soul this is your reasoning this is your thinking this is your emotions are you hearing me your emotions your feelings and your ended the decision maker and so if I'm sorry I'm sorry Ashley now if Ashley when she got born again if she if she began to renew her mind with the Word of God she began to meditate on the word she began to feed on the word she listened to spiritual music she listened sermons she reads a Bible she's beginning to think like God things and if this is true then she's going to be closer to the Spirit and so the spirit see all the power of God flows through the spirit the only way that healing power or any other thing can get to this body over here is through this through the soul it's going to flow from her all the way into here you hear what I'm saying and so if if she's not renewing her mind if she just assumed when she accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior that she's everything's okay and people wonder why they're still like I said have those old thoughts and desires and everything is because it didn't change nothing changed here this is her responsibility to renew the mine so but it so she renews to mine she becomes more like the spirit but see the flesh here has to do everything that the soul tells it to do so whatever the soul the the flesh the body has to obey the body is nothing but a house and when we die and we all will our spirit will never die we're going to step right out of this house into another one we're gonna have a new body I mean the Bible says we don't know what quite what it's going to look like but we're gonna get a new one and I'm glad we're good that we gonna get a new but the point is the soul here Ashley she can block what the body gets no the body you can be sick you were sun-young you be sick you know just kind of slump a little bit you said she she's real she's real sick but she's praying and she's believing God right you're believing God's going to heal you but soul here has done nothing so the healing powers right here everything she everything that Sonia needs is right here but the soul is blocking it she filters everything that comes and she can't she can't get her healing because he the soul hasn't renewed its mind yet she took the soul she watches a lot of TV once on TV eyes I'm picking on her I don't know what Ashley does but let's say let's say that she doesn't read the Bible she hasn't renewed her mind she just believes everything she sees on TV she believes she doctor tells she's sick she goes and Google's it to see what they say you know and see what the symptoms are and what she can do to treat it paroled Bonnie oh he was dying but it can't be healed because it can't receive it you know because she's blocking him but now say for instance she has she's not doing all of that maybe she is studying the word she is renewing her mind she knows that by the stripes of Jesus that that her body is healed she knows that God sent His Word removed all sickness and destruction from her body she knows it to himself for her pain and sickness so she wouldn't have to so this body don't have to be in pain and so she begins to speak and she begins to command that body to line up with the word of God she begins to speak to that pain and tell that pain to come out in the name of Jesus and she begins to take authority over it and this body gonna be well and healthy and then cuz because the Spirit the Holy Spirit but she hands on her shoulder centers see these two the other days three and you know as well as I do if you know math that two is more than one so two is going to win so if we got these two two working together the bond you will never have a problem in receiving as healing the body will always receive its healing if we can keep the soul from blocking it and that's the same thing with prosperity that's the same thing with everything do you hear what I'm saying this is how you're going to get it you've got to get to soul lined up you got to get it speaking the way God speaks you got to get it seeing the way God sees you and then the body it's going to be fine you know it's going to receive everything you do like I said you can doctor this house up you can put some paint on and I put paint on miles you know you put paint on your house but it won't change the inside because this is the inside over here this is just a show this is just a house and that's all it is just dirt the Bible says you know dust the dust we came from dust we'll go back to dust so the body once once once we die it's gone anyway the spirit it's still living it's still kicking yeah it's gonna be living somewhere or tournament you know for eternity for eternity okay do you understand what I'm saying and we're gonna talk a little bit more about that thank you girls you did a great job thank you spirit thank you so thank you body
Channel: Speak The Word Ministry
Views: 61,098
Rating: 4.8455744 out of 5
Keywords: Bible Teaching, Preaching, Christianity, Faith
Id: orhIvPH5Cug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2016
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