04.28.19 11AM - Corey Russell - Worship

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[Music] well you guys stand up and give Corrie Russell who's part of this house a huge round of applause we love this brother by the way we're gonna have buckets in the back if you want to bless Corrie and Jake and the work that they do the ministry that they have that we want to bless them they are part of this family so anyway all right yeah if it's in the very back oh it's over there Trey Scott I was looking for my Bible up here saying I don't see it anymore praise God hello warfare but we got through it praise God yeah we had a blast we got it any man that were at the men's retreat oh we're yeah raise your hands all right praise God handful of you and we had a blast hey thank you thank you thank you I appreciate that there's a little inside joke there my sister-in-law and my wife we're cleaning out our closet yesterday and my sister-in-law ended up telling me on the phone she goes you're never allowed to buy another blue shirt you got like 40 in your closet and I just rotate them so anyway that's I guess every one of my blue shirts so anyway that was the inside joke it's deep we had a blast and you know I've been coming here I've been coming I don't know eight nine years it feels like and it's been amazing lord meets us every year and he did the same last night and it was just absolutely beautiful and like I said to the first service ladies we're sending hopefully we're sending men back to you that are going to serve you like never before that are going to pray like never before they're gonna be laying hands on the kids and everybody's gonna be falling out and all they gonna do is sing in the Holy Ghost and pray in the Holy Ghost and anoint you with oil ten times a day and dance around you he's gonna be nice the greatest mirror he's gonna get nice it tinder and cry a lot more and if they don't we have a little policy a little money-back guarantee if they don't we want you to afford all emails to Pastor Mike if he's acting funky you just come after and then Mike will get a hold of me and Jake and me and Jake will show up at your doors and we will confront you and so we just want to come and serve and we know why we can't so all right good ha ha ha all right good that was my joke moving along hey I want to uh I didn't I was looking at the bottom of my suitcase when I was packing this morning to leave and I was thinking man I brought books it didn't even bring them all weekend so I got a handful of books I've written five books and the one that I released in 2018 is called inheritance and it's our family story through a really hard time and how God used the Bible to stabilize our hearts through a really difficult season and I want to give a handful of these away is there anybody in here you're going through a storm you're going through something in your life and you're like god I need an anchor for the Soul to make sense of a hard time is anybody in here all right we got somebody offering that for somebody else over here so uh go ahead and give that to hurt you going through a hard time hon all right go give it to him yeah give that to him good and anybody else praise God all right come on good good good here you go that's you you got it [Applause] thank you Jesus we love you well good it's an honor to be with you guys I you know Pastor Mike let me know that you guys are in the middle of a series on worship and I just absolutely love it I care deeply about it and I feel like I've been swimming in worship for the last 20 years I care deeply about it and I believe that we're in the middle of a shift in the body of Christ and he's beginning to awaken worshipers he's awakening worship I was thinking about it you know Marcus and Rachel I met them you know I don't know 20 years ago 19 years ago in December of 2000 we moved to Kansas City to be a part of the House of Prayer and you know they still look like they're 18 years old but they were 18 years old then that they're they don't change but I have but um I was but we we've traveled the earth we've done day and night prayer and Kansas City they've gone 20 years of day and night worship and prayer and we've traveled the earth we did six AMS for the first six years together and we've traveled the earth been in Korea been in Europe South America all over the States and I just want to come as someone who has traveled extensively over the last 15 to 20 years around 30 weekends a year to say that worship is exploding in the nations I want to say that to you worship not just converts it's one thing for have more numbers for evangelistic Crusades but we're beginning to see God is beginning to awaken leaders that are bringing the ark just like King David the first thing that King David did when he became King in Jerusalem he goes we've got to go find the Ark and get the art back in the middle because God's Psalm 22 says that God is enthroned in the praises of his people and that David understood the secret art of attracting the kingdom of heaven is putting the ark in putting the presidents at the center and I want to say to you guys it's erupting it's erupting it's erupting like a virus you know they say in 1980s there were like 25 houses of prayer day and night houses of Prayer they've done in a recent count to where there are tens of thousands of houses of prayer praying churches ministries that are beginning to prioritize worship and prayer above every other ministry I believe a men I believe that we're in the midst of altars being established back in our hearts back in our homes back in our schools and back in our businesses and we are going to see an explosion of evangelism that is going to break out it's just the beginning but it's only going to increase I want to tell you that glory you guys good so I just want to say I've seen it man I've been in Singapore and watched hours of endless singing and worship and sacrifice I've been in Brazil I've been in Germany and Switzerland Jake who led worship their whole family does hope tours through Europe as God's erupting it and I just want to say to you that I believe that God is calling the rock to join the global song and to join the global worship movement because it's not just you an isolated Colorado but that you're taking your place in this geographic location to join the global song to Jesus we're in the middle of a shift in the body of Christ the way that I believe that way that we understand church today is going to be dramatically different in a decade and the Lord is beginning to release a great revelation and he's awakening us to worship I want to look at a couple of verses on worship and I just want to share some thoughts that I got about it is that okay did you put Psalm 22 27 up here this is what Psalm 22 27 yeah with all the ends of the world shall remember and turn to the Lord all the families of the nations shall worship before you this is after the crucifixion of Jesus this is the reward of his suffering look at Malachi 1:11 it says that from the rising of the Sun now that guy 111 that from the rising of the Sun - it's going down my name shall be great among the Gentiles in every place incense everybody say incense say it like you made it say incense and since shall be offered to my name and a pure offering he says for my name shall be great among the nations says the Lord of hosts this is what Malachi's prophecy because the days of Malachi were really intense Malachi shows up to a priesthood that was completely in shambles the it had it had been brought down so low that the people were bringing blind offerings lame offerings half-hearted offerings and they were bringing them before the priests saying let's just give our leftovers to God that was the spirit of the day were the leftovers Malachi showed up to church and said you know what it would be better for you to shut the doors to this place than to keep kindling a fire on my altar in vain he says Israel you've lost your priestly identity and your priestly calling but I have an ace card up my sleeve and I'm going to provoke you to jealousy by a global a worship and prayer movement in every tribe tongue people and nation and he says I want you to know that from the rising of the Sun which is around Fiji - it's going down which is around New Zealand he says in every tribe tongue people and nation you will know that there are remnants in those nations because incense will begin to go forth in those nations and my name will be great among the whole nations of the earth and I believe that there's an incense that he is wanting to release from the range the the the frontier range over here the Colorado Springs Castle Rock Denver there's a trifecta these three cities God's doing something in this region it's a global song can you put Isaiah 42 verse 10 up here I love Isaiah 42 because Isaiah 42 talks about Jesus the servant and it's kind of laid out in three different ways the first part of Isaiah 42 is that Jesus comes in his first coming he comes meek he comes lowly he comes quiet he dies on the cross he resurrects the grave he ascends to the right hand of the Father and he begins to enter into intercession for verse 10 to erupt in the earth what I love is that Jesus comes in quiet till the church gets loud and when the church gets loud he's going to get loud I want you to know that verse 10 is a whisper right now but before Jesus returns it's going to get loud singing to the Lord a new song everybody a new song it's not new and that is new information it's the old revelation that's become new again his praise from the ends of the earth you who go down to the sea and all that's in it you coastlands and you inhabitants of them next verse he says this he said let the wilderness and its cities lift up their voice the villages that kadar inhabits let the inhabitants of Salam sing that's historical and modern day Jordan and Saudi Arabia Isaiah prophesies a day that in the heart of the Muslim world there is going to be songs that erupt from the Muslim world to Jesus I'm here to tell you right now we're in the middle of the greatest revival in the Middle East right now and it's only the beginning and we are going to see in Mecca that there's going to be global singing there's gonna be singing from Mecca there's gonna be singing from Jordan singing from the nations of the earth hallelujah let them shout from the top of the mountains next verse what's this gonna do let them give glory to the Lord and declare his praise in the coastlands next verse what's this gonna do to Jesus it's gonna awaken him the Lord shall go forth like a mighty man he shall stir up his zeal like a man of war he shall cry out yes shout aloud he shall prevail against his enemies next verse I have held my peace a long time I have been still and restrained myself and now Jesus is about to compare what he's going to do to some of you ladies in here who have given birth to children who and ears had kids come on ladies we're yet we've had four children and those were intense moments it wasn't no it was terrifying I tried to get bathroom breaks in between contractions and she goes you're not going anywhere the things I heard in that delivery room I needed inner healing from the things she said to me I wasn't sensitive enough and the things I was doing was making it worse in my energy to make it better it got worse no it's gut-wrenching it's loud it's ugly its screeching and Jesus compares a woman in labor to how he's going to be as global worship and as singing begins to erupt in the earth it's gonna stir the travail of Jesus it says because I've been stealing restrain myself now I will cry like a woman in labor I will pant and gas at once I want you to know that Jesus has been silent relatively silent compared to the roar that is beginning to emerge right now and we are about to see the release of Justice the release of the breakthrough of God in the nations of the earth like we've never seen as he begins to openly confront and openly release his justice and his righteousness in the earth give me something to throw I had to ask him what are these I didn't know if these were paddles for the river up here or something man look at what it says next verse I will lay waste the mountains in the hills I'll hold you high up there vegetation I will make the rivers coast lands and I will dry up their pools which means I'm going to open up a can of whoop and I'm coming and I want you to know that there's something that happens in the heart this is what at the connection I want you to see in Isaiah 42 something happens in Jesus when worship is awakened it stirs his zeal for justice guys I want you to know something right now that I believe we're in a shift God is awakening worship and you know it says we're gonna get to this later in John 4 it says that the father is seeking worshipers in spirit and truth do you know that worship is a response do you know that do you know that you worship because you've seen something you've seen someone and worship is the response to who you see and we call you to worship more give more evangelize more serve more without calling you to see more the core issue is a restoration of the revelation of God we need an enlarged view a right view of who he is of his glory of his majesty of his power of His goodness and of his love we need a magnifying of God in our souls we need a revelation of his beautiful son and the worth of Jesus and when that hits you I promise you it worship will erupt on the inside of you worship is a response we go after trying to produce responses without getting you to see Michael just said Pastor Mike just said that that it's about when those angels see they declare and then elders worship worship is agreement with who God is prayer is agreement with what God said he wants to do I want to tell you something right now that I believe that the revelation of the knowledge of God is coming to the church the very first verse of your Bible is going to blow your mind because it says in the beginning was God and you're gonna have to jump off the pages of Genesis 1 to go on the search of the beginning of God's days and what's going to happen is you're going to jump off the page and you're going to go on a search of winning began and you're going to keep going and going and going until you hit a wall and the wall is called out of numbers and then a revelation is going to hit you that the God we worship the God we talk about the God we sing about and we do all of our stuff in the name of is uncreated he's always been there's never been a time that he's not been he's always been and he is limitless in his power he's an everlasting treasure house of all goodness love power and righteousness he's an inexhaustible treasure house do you know why our worship small it's because your view of God is small I believe that God is ripping thee do I have to out of the church and he's we're putting back in its place they're great I get to [Applause] do I have to give to one more person do I got to pray one more prayer do I got one more service he's ripping them I have to and he's putting forth I get to put a revelation that you get to the god of glory that the god of eternity the god of indescribable beauty and glory and majesty and power and wisdom insurmountable glory has come so close to us in the person of Jesus Christ it releases I get to oh we need the spirit of Revelation the God who has Genesis 1 on his resume the God who hung the earth on nothing the god I love the book of Job you ever read the book of Job two of you good we ain't receiving job that's Old Testament stuff praise God I've been delivered how does God what happens to that suffering man it's 36 chapters of good brothers and sisters giving their best advice just to find in a nothing y'all don't know nothing and then God shows up in a tornado and he asked a suffering man a hundred questions with the same answer and here's the pop quiz here's the cheat sheet the answer's no job were you there when I did Genesis 1 did you hang the earth on nothing did you tell proud ways that can come this far and no more okay let's not talk about Genesis 1 let's talk about constellations do you know about Big Bear little bear Orion and all her little cups do you know about galaxies out there no do you know about little animals in the bottom of the ocean and do you know all their names and did you play with them no do you send lightning in the middle of the desert just because no do you know everything in the whole wide world and you're upholding it why is God asking a suffering man a hundred question with the same answer because he's saying job if I'm doing this I'm upholding that and taking care of the smallest most my new test details of creation that surely I know how to take you the crowning jewel of my creation and bring you forth into the fullness of your destiny with perfect wisdom and perfect power someone 13 says that God humbles himself to behold the things that are in the universe we need a revelation of the majesty of God the greatness of God the awesomeness of God that's our issue that's the issue with the church that's our issue in our lives he's become way too small in our eyes hallelujah but he's not intimidated the father has a great ace card up his sleeve and it's called global spirit of wisdom and revelation he's gonna break blindness off the church and we're gonna begin to see Jesus like we've never seen Jesus we're gonna begin to behold him and all of his glory and his majesty and his power and we're gonna fall madly in love with Jesus Christ and the worth of that man is going to drive out every other lover it's going to drive out every other thing and we're gonna fall in love with him and we're gonna get delivered from the great idol and the idol being Church and Christianity is about me I'm on the throne and Jesus is my professional butler who's called to make me happy I'm here to tell you right now he is delivering you from you it ain't about you it has nothing to do with you some of you sitting here on the wing I don't like that song well good it ain't for you I don't like that I ain't getting anything but I'm a good it ain't for you I don't like the print way they do that it ain't for you it's not about you it never was about you it's about this beautiful God this beautiful that we get to worship and a door and do you know worship is not mostly about music worship isn't mostly about music we worship Him in our time and our money and our sacrifice do you know the first time that worship is spoken of in the Word of God can you put Genesis 22 up here Genesis 22 I love it here's the first time you see the word worship in Scripture it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham and said to him Abraham and he said Here I am then he said take now your son your only son Isaac whom you love and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains on which I shall tell you that time out keep that there what would happen if you earned your quiet time tomorrow morning and you heard this you gotta buek that devil hey you thank God God showed up to Abraham's quiet time and said you know that son y'all been waiting for for a long time you know that promise that I said and you'll try the Ishmael thing it screwed up and I told you that through you and through your seat all the nations of the earth would be blessed and how you would have more descendants than the stars in the sky and yet and that through Isaac all of this will be fulfilled you remember that I want you to take the most valuable thing to you in the whole wide world and I want you to sacrifice it to me go ahead and go to the next verse Abraham rose early he took two young men he took the wood he took Isaac he went to the place that God told him and then on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place afar off that's so interesting I've never seen the third day like that before do you know in Hebrews 11 it says that Abraham concluded that God was able to raise Isaac from the dead do you know that I've never seen the third day before we just celebrated Easter while it's on your mind could be something what was Abraham seeing I'll just throw that out there for you go the next verse Abraham they'll hear this Abraham said to his young men stay here with the donkey the lad and I will go yonder and worship and we will come back to you you want to know what worship looks like I doubt Jake Hamilton was in the background playing his guitar when Abraham was walking up that mountain I doubt there was a piano a nice instrumental in the background it was a gut wrenching tears streaming think about walking up there with your son the tears streaming I take your son your only son whom you loved which means this God was requiring the most vulnerable and valuable thing to Abraham his son saying I want it I want to tell you what worship looks like when the most painful valuable and vulnerable areas of your life God says I want that and that's where we worship Him make no mistake about it worship is sacrifice worship is sacrifice it's ugly it's messy it's bloody it ain't no nice little worship service in a room it's when you're bleeding and you're sweating and you know what God is requiring and you're doing it right for a second then you lose it then you get it then you lose it then you get it and then you give it that's what worship looks like so I want you to understand there's a difference between worship and Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is thank you God for my shoes thank you for my clothes thank you for my house my car my family my health worship different worship is God I'm going to worship you no matter what I have whether I have a lot or I have nothing whether I have my spouse yet or I don't whether I have this situation maybe I don't have this worship is transcends how good things are or how bad things are I need you to hear this the devil will blinds your mind from this this the core because we worship when it feels right or when God is doing things the way we see him do it should do it you're not hearing this nothing strikes at the heart of a humanistic gospel like this worship is when ain't nothing going good worship is when it's hardest and it's the most difficult and it's the hardest and God's saying can't you worship me now can you worship me now can you give to me now in the most valuable and vulnerable and precious and painful places of your life can you give me can you adore me can you worship me and there may or may not be music in the background some of you are worshiping when you don't have hardly any money to your name and you're putting that tithe back in your putting that offering into somebody else and you know God I don't know where the rest is gonna come from but God I give it I give it its sacrifice it's ugly I want to call you to worship Him in the hard places hallelujah worship him in the hard places Matthew 15 we have a woman with a demonized daughter she's ran after Jesus Jesus ain't responded to her and then in Matthew 15 she falls at his feet and she worships him I love that phrase and she said lord help I think of Mary of Bethany we're talking about the box breaker earlier worship is when you break boxes and when you give extravagantly and all the brothers and sisters at church call it stupid foolish and wasteful see but worship is a response hallelujah hallelujah are you good I guess some other good notes on this we read a couple of other things to you do you know that God has a weak spot I like to call it God's love language you know I love languages touch it words of affirmation from my wife but by coming up hugging me and touching me like that but but from the right person at the right time and in the right place it will open my heart and it will release things from me that I otherwise wouldn't give you know what God's love language is worship worship moves God it moves him it makes it vulnerable and he simply does thing for worshipers that he doesn't do for everybody else if I had time I'd walk you through second Samuel seven I love David you know why we love David because it got all of his promises and he was saying why am I in this fat house out here in God's out there in a tent I want God to have a house keep Nathan the prophets that do what's in your heart King you're the king Lord shows up to Nathan that night in the dream said can you tell David I've never asked anybody to ever give me a house I've always moved around in a tent where have I ever asked anybody to give me something like this he said I want you to tell David he's not gonna build me a house but I'm going to build him a house and his throne will live forever how his throne will live forever I believe it's almost like would you get this why are you even thinking this way of something more you can give me after all your promises are fulfilled can you go ahead and throw me to John for I just want to look at the woman at the well when I say worship usually the first verse that will come to your mind is worship in spirit and in truth amen usually you're like I don't know oh [Laughter] he's so beautiful isn't he is he lovely to you is he lovely to you is he valuable to you it's about his worth being restored because I want to tell you we can scream at you every week telling you to give more serve more love more worse more and it won't ever touch it you can you can do some you know dog and pony shows for people you can do it for a second but you want to do it for a long time it needs you need a revelation of the worth of who you're worshiping you need a revelation of him a whole generation has settled it that if they don't get one of these their lives are significantly lessened therefore because they've already settled that it's valuable they will wait in line for days spend four to five hundred dollars for it and we'll do everything they can to have this because they've got to have it when you settle the value the other stuff are byproducts and I love John four because we see snapshots of worship let's look right here at John 4 verse 1 hallelujah gee I could preach off of this Jesus knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus baptized more that made and baptized more disciples than John though Jesus himself did not baptize but his disciples you know it means Jesus heard report that everybody was saying hey Jesus is baptizing more people than John and because it wasn't John's time to go away you know what Jesus did in his kindness he left the region he said alright I'll get out of your hair I'll build a church down the road that's what he's saying now here it is he left Judea and departed again to Galilee here's the phrase right here that I want you to get he needed everybody say needed here's the part about the father seeking those who will worship Him in spirit truth he needed to go through Samaria now to the just the reading of the scripture it wouldn't mean much but do you know that ancient Jews they had no dealings with Samaritans and Samaria was literally right in between the south and the north and so Jews would always go around Samaria because the Samaritans were inbreds they were just kind of jacked up weird people Gentiles you kind of stay away from that side of the railroad tracks and Jews would always go around Samaritans but Jesus is making a point saying I need I am compelled I'm an alignment with the father and the father is leaking the father is looking for and I have a divine appointment in the middle of Samaria he needed to go through Samaria so he came to a city of Samaria which is called Sychar near the plot of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph Jacob's Well was there Jesus therefore being wearied from his journey sent thus by the well it was about the sixth hour the very mention of the hour is speaking that it was a specific time of the day when Jesus knew that he would meet the specific girl that he was about to meet the women that were married and that had good repute they would come out in the mornings but in the sixth hour it was in the heat of the day it was in the intensity of the day and the women of ill-repute and other kind of women would come to get their water at that hour and so Jesus is waiting there he gets there early he's weary he's tired and he's waiting because the father is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth the very fact of this woman coming at the sixth hour is speaking of a place of humiliation and vulnerability as she's having to walk through the city everyone knows who she is and she's gonna have to get her water again and go through the same thing every day a woman of Samaria came to draw water and Jesus said to her give me a drink for his disciples that got away into the city to buy food keep going keep going the woman of Samaria said to him how is it that you being a Jew ask a drink from me a Samaritan woman Jews have no dealings with Samaritans jesus answered and said to her if you knew the gift of God and who it is who says to you give me a drink you would have asked him come on if you knew the gift of God who it is who says to you give me a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water here's the point I'm just gonna break this down for you he shows up to the woman's place of greatest humiliation vulnerability and he looks her square in the eyes and says I want something from you and I'm not gonna let you off the hook I want you to give me a drink and what Jesus is asking for is not natural water he is asking her I want your worship I want something that only you can give me I want your worship how do I know that because she said why are you asking me that and Jesus said if you knew who I am and if you knew what I have when I said give me a drink you would have responded give me a drink give me living water so that I can give you the drink you're wanting worship is a response to what you've received worship is a response I just want to say to you right now listen everybody wake up I don't want don't want you to check out with me look at me the days of us doing church for you are over I just want to say to you the days of us different I know we clap the days of us building this whole thing around making you happy it's over there's a new seeker friendly movement going on and it's called we're gonna start being friendly to the greatest seeker that has ever been his name is ABBA his name is Jesus and he is seeking worshipers and spirit of truth it's not about you and we are getting delivered from this humanistic selfishness the self idolatry about how God makes our life better you find your true purpose and your true fulfillment as you get delivered from yourself and you get lost in him and that is the place of true purpose true fulfillment true source and true life is when you say when God comes to you and says I want your worship but this is a humiliating place this is a vulnerable place give me a drink well Jesus give me a drink so I can give you the drink you're looking for he begin what he does he's going to do something with this girl is he's going to awaken spirit and truth worship in spirit and truth and he first has to deliver her from thinking he says honey you keep coming every day to this well and you keep coming back and you got to come back every day to get water because you're thirsty every day there are some of you in this room who keep running to broken cisterns broken Wells it might be a relationship it might be Netflix it might be pornography it might be alcohol it might be pain pills it might be this it might be that but we keep running to satisfy something deep in our hearts to answer a deep ache on the inside of us and we keep going every day and it's not answering the whole in our hearts will worship everything will worship our kids will worship our jobs will worship our money will worship worship will worship everything else than God's Saint give me a drink give me a drink he says if you knew who I am what I have you to ask me give me living water he goes honey I have living water keep going to the next one sir you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep everybody say the wells deep that well on the inside of you is deep where then do you get that living water are you greater than our Father next verse next verse jesus answered whoever drinks of this water will thirst again he said but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst but the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life next verse here is the phrase sir give me this water that I may not thirst nor come here to draw I'm sick of coming to the same old places I'm sick of coming to the same old people I'm sick of coming to the same old things looking for them to fill a hole in my heart that no human no thing no substance can touch on the inside of me give me this water I want the Holy Ghost I want the Holy Spirit this is more than salvation this is an ongoing filling of the Holy Ghost where he becomes in you a limitless supply that you draw from and receive from and receive from because you can't give him what you haven't received here's the phrase and the Lord's got to bring you to this place and until you can enjoy running to your well every day until you get here Jesus says good now that I've awakened spiritual worship let's deal with truth look at the next phrase go call your husband and come here jesus said to her you have well said you have well said you have well said that I have no husband for you've had five husbands and the one whom you now have is not your husband and that you truly spoke Jesus is now addressing her gaping well you're running four men to fill a hole in your heart you think men is going to answer it you've had five husbands honey and you're right you're not married you're in-between guys and you're living with a guy do you understand what happens when the eyes of Jesus looks her in the face saying I love you but we're going to deal with this man issue and I'm the seventh man in your story and I am the FULFILLER of all your dreams this is what's worship and truth looks like when God puts his finger on the deep well that you keep running to and he says I need you to see it in the face for what it is and she keeps deflecting she says I don't have a husband he goes you're right he just keeps coming after you've had five husbands and the one you have now is not your husband and that you truly spoke next verse the woman I love this one of my favorite verses in the Bible sir I perceive you're a prophet she goes oh you got lost up on your life and then she's gonna shift it now to worship in this interesting that she defines worship and Jesus is going to use her deflecting because she just keeps back in a way you ever had a man get this much into your business never had anybody with such compassion tenderness and yet truth locked in on the core epidemic of your soul she's deflecting she don't have to do with such vulnerability and honesty and interrogation yet such compassion and tenderness next verse our fathers worshiped on this mountain and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship she's going to define this is about worship jesus said woman believe me the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem worship the father saying y'all made it all about places will you worship what you don't know we know what we worship salvations of the Jews next verse but the hour is coming and now is when true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth for the father is seeking such to worship Him who wants to catch his gaze no I'm serious he's scanning the earth right now and I'm happy I'm happy that people are in church than in other places but he's looking in thousands hundreds of thousands of buildings across this nation today as people are in services and how many women at the well are catching his gaze I want to be a life and a heart that catches the gaze of Jesus I want to touch things in his heart it says true worshipers worship Him in spirit and in truth you know what true worship looks like when there's not a gap between what we see and what God sees on the inside of you when you don't have two lives but that when you're inside and you're outside become congroo that's what moves heaven and you know what it takes it takes a painful probing and a painful dealing when the ugly inside comes out of the ugly outside and the two become one and I'll tell you that moves God a lot more than a bunch of religious fakery I got it all together praise God addicted your pornography addicted to your abuse all your stuff on the inside bored them on the inside fantasies on the inside and we just live like it's all nice deal what I love about Jesus he's going to give us the picture of worshiper not from a Pharisee down the road right here and you're about to see something crazy about the power of worship the father is seeking whoever talks about the seeking God the seeking God is seeking something he's seeking for a heart second Chronicles 69 says the eyes of the Lord searches to and fro looking for a heart who's loyal and these are the father he's seeking look in the next verse this is amazing God is spirit those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth the must must be restored which means this you worship on his terms not yours you worship on his terms you're not giving him anything with o4t my man I'll be back here next week check it off my list if I need it don't please God I want to please him I want to please I want to give my heart I want to give my soul I want to connect with the community of saints and go somewhere to God where the ceiling gets lifted and I touch him and apprehend him that overflows into worship for the rest of my week I'm not paying him off he's not insecure he's not some egomaniac you need to so I need this pay your dues I don't want to but I'll do it here's a half-hearted offering God spirit those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit truth I love the next verse next verse woman said to him I know that Messiah is coming it's almost like she's driving the conversation and Jesus has just blowing her mind with discoveries as she leads to the conversation he's so kind she comes up with worship he goes okay I'll tell you about worship and then she starts talking about Messiah I know that Messiah is coming who is called Christ and when he comes he will tell us all things get your sleep out on for the next verse please jesus said to her I who speak to you a.m. he no no go back do you know in the previous chapter a religious man by the name of Nicodemus came to Jesus by night it would be like the Pope showing up to Jesus high religious acumen intelligent has all the pedigree has all of it and do you know Jesus wouldn't give him anything Jesus wouldn't give him anything didn't talk about nothing and yet this little girl through the door of worship got Jesus to identify with this mouth he doesn't do this a lot a lot of people don't get this from Jesus Jesus with his own mouth said I who speak to you I am the Messiah do you know what that shares with us worship opens the door for revelation worship opens the door for revelation the worshiping heart gets stuff from Jesus nobody else does you get secrets from Jesus I love it John 13 one of my favorite phrases John the Beloved what's he doing leaning back on Jesus chest and Jesus says one of you going to betrayed me tonight Peter looks at him and says ask him John puts his head up near Jesus that said Jesus who is it he goes it's the one who I dip the bread and give it to that's the one who will betray me the leaning heart the worshiping heart is the heart that gets revelation like nobody else I who speak to you a.m. he look at the next verse at this point the disciples came back there he's coming back and they go why are you talking to the woman he goes you know nothing go the next verse I love him he keeps saying the woman and this is where it gets really good because worship always spills over worship spills over into evangelism the woman then left her waterpot she went her way into the city and I love this she said to the men come see a man who told me all things that I ever did could this be the Christ you know what I love about this he's going to take a woman who had been with a bunch of man use her and fill her heart with the revelation of himself and then Commission's her as an evangelist to men about another man she's met who leads like this man come see a man I can't think of Christianity and evangelism in a better phrase than that here's my question have you seen the man because you can't tell others to see a man if you haven't seen the man I believe we're and actually if I had time John John four is actually it's malachi 1:11 it's a global Gentile worship movement that's going to release the revelation of Jesus in the nations because Jesus is going to go to this Gentile I want to say in closing here I know it's already getting late and I gotta get to the airport I want to call you into looking at him like you've never looked at him I want to call you tomorrow morning with music or without whatever helps you I want you to open up your Bible and go on the search and the discovery of who God is I want you to read verses about who God is and what God says about himself and that you take those very verses where God talks about himself and you speak them back to him I want you to behold the cross and stare at the man bleeding on the cross I want you to see the Revelation 4 and Revelation 5 God until you get delivered from your boredom I want to ask that God would fill us and I feel the resistance in here because a lot of us are just checking it off today and bless you you have that you you can dictate it what I love about John 4 is she dictated the conversation he met her based on her steering it which means this what do you want hallelujah I believe he wants to raise up Miriam Bethenny's who break boxes some of you have so many religious boxes you engage with God through and I believe he's wanting to break your boxes and I promise you when boxes start breaking worship starts ascending and most of us have our box of how this thing's gonna work and you that will be your experience with God based on your box but I believe he's releasing a revelation of God that's breaking our boxes and hear me men and women he's not intimidated of all those broken sisters you keep running to and he will show up right in the middle of the most painful vulnerable places and he'll want your worship there Thank You Holy Spirit let's stand let's just Stan thank you Jesus I believe with all my heart that God is calling the rock to be an apostolic thinner for this region I believe that it's going to be a place to where I spoke this in the first service I'm going to speak it again when I think of Pastor Mike and I think of Pastor Christi one word comes to my mind it's the word purity guys that I travel the earth I see a lot of people I want you to know that when I see these two your pastors I believe that God's called them here too for the region and for the nation and for the church and the earth I believe that there is a restoration of purity he's wanting to restore pure worship a pure offering and you know what releases purity when the inside and the outside become one hallelujah [Music] let's just ask it right now I want you to open up your hand I'm gonna pray and then I'm gonna I'm gonna go I bless you I bless you I bless you I bless you come on come on come on just play just play father I ask you right now for the superior is there anybody in here who doesn't know Jesus you don't know him as a real person as someone who's really saved you from your sins is there anybody in here wave your hand at me I don't want to just talk about this stuff anybody you don't know him and you'll know you don't know because you're uncomfortable right now you grab a leader if you don't father I just pray right now for people all across this room for the revelation of the beauty of God I pray for the revelation of the knowledge of God father I pray right now that you would shine the light of who you are upon our heart some of you the Lord is calling you to sacrifice in your painful places and you're waiting until things get better before you worship Him but the Lord will many times call you to worship when it hasn't broken through yet I'm thinking about even Isaiah 54 there might even be some barren women in here Isaiah 54 says seeing the old barren woman some of you are in pain say God when will you and the Lord says I want you to worship me before and I will open up your womb I want you to worship me I want you to worship me and your pain worship me and give me that sacrifice father I pray right now that you would release an eruption of worship in this house that we would tie our lives to the altar and that we would worship you in the most painful areas of our life [Music] father I pray right now fill the rock with your glory [Music] we just thank you is there anybody in here you'd like to pray today and you feel like God's calling you whether one of these points touched you and you want prayer today I want to invite you up here right now I want to pray for you come on up here yeah just come make a line across here [Music] all of us [Music] hallelujah special special solution who wants to catch his gaze anybody if you're good that he's good [Music] what I love about Jesus is he termed that woman running after all those men has thirst farther right now in the name of Jesus we're gonna worship it we're gonna worship we're gonna worship You Jesus we're gonna worship You Jesus oh we're gonna worship You Jesus how oh oh oh [Music] come on play a song play a song come on lift your hands to him all over the room [Music] you're my god you were all together all [Music] all to do - Here I am to worship here [Music] you're my you're all together all together [Music] - [Music] come on look at how much she comes to see you Oh [Music] Oh [Music] how I Oh cause the to see [Music] ha how to see [Music] - liar [Music] this was a charge for moments right now Oh [Music] ooh [Music] - here [Music] you're altogether lovely altogether [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Rock Church - Castle Rock
Views: 303
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: The Rock Church, Castle Rock, Corey Russell
Id: lD5E6hLJE-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 33sec (3933 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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