Kim Walker-Smith -- A Lifestyle Of Worship || Young Saints Conference 2017

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yeah hi it was really fun to to be back here I mean have been like flooded with so many memories being here and standing right down here during worship and you know I have something that I want to share but I just felt like there was something I wanted to say first you know I was just thinking about all the tears that I poured into the carpet that used to be here it was like a pinkish purplish kind of scary carpet yeah everyone just praise the Lord they got rid of that carpet had a lot of tears in it though the the prayers that were prayed and shouted and sometimes whispered sometimes in the prayer house and sometimes in this little room upstairs where we would have prayer meetings for the youth group and I worked with the unnie and being you know was the the youth pastor before Tom and I worked with Danny and as the social events director I planned all of our parties and all of our fun trips and you know fundraisers and things like that and I also was helping with worship and we we had this Friday night prayer meeting and it was starting at about 9 o'clock and we'd go till midnight or so and sometimes there'd be like 15 kids there and sometimes it'd be like - and I would be begging and pleading anyone who could play an instrument to come and help me with this but it was a Friday night night not everyone wanted to be there and sometimes I was trying to lead worship with someone playing a djembe just me singing and someone playing a djembe but so many prayers and so many promises and so many moments with the Lord here I remember one of the first times we took a group of teenagers out onto the streets to pray and when they came back there was a really young guy about 13 or 14 standing up here and he was crying he could barely get the testimony out and he had had a word of knowledge for someone who couldn't hear and they found this person prayed for this person and this person was completely healed and this kid was crying and sobbing as he said this not as much how amazing the miracle was because that was amazing but at the idea that he said I can't believe God used me I can't believe that God actually spoke to me and that it was right and that God healed somebody threw my praying for this person and I just think like man that guy would be in his like mid to late 20s today and what how did that change his life how did that affect his life and all the different faces I have seen in this room over a span of about 15 years people coming from all over so many young people coming and praying and crying out to God and I guess what I really want to say to you and if you hear anything today I want to say that what happens in this room what happens what God does in you it's significant and it matters and every choice that you make matters and don't think that because you're not on a stage and the whole world doesn't see you or they don't know your name don't think that your life won't be significant don't think that the things that you're doing right now won't affect so much of your life later on you serve a God who loves you and knows you knows you so intimately he knows you he sees the moments that you have prayed and cried the moments where you refused to go and do the thing you know you shouldn't do and you decided to instead go and to spend time with the Lord he sees every hard decision he sees every time you've prayed those those dreams that are inside of you and you're saying but when God when is it my turn when are those dreams gonna happen and I just want to say to you that his timing is perfect it's totally perfect and you are seen and you are known by him the one that really matters more than anything or anybody else and everything that God does in your life every moment of breakthrough don't count it as small and don't count it as insignificant and don't think because you're young because you're junior high high school college don't think that everything happening in your life right now is not incredibly significant I when I look at my my life and the most impactful moments the the greatest moments of breakthrough in celebration and yes I I finally got to this moment or you know whatever it is all of those great moments are all connected back to the moments that nobody saw that nobody knew my name these moments that were spent just pouring out my heart to God with faithfulness just giving him all that I am and all that I can possibly bring to him just me and him in a room somewhere these are significant most you hear what I'm saying it's important so what God does in your life during this weekend between last night and today tomorrow hold on to that and then don't leave this place and let that fire fizzle feed that fire feed that fire worship pray spend time with the Lord get in community feed that fire that's not really what I want to talk about today but I just felt like I needed to say that because it was just burning on my heart and I'm just like going down memory lane being here I was I just got home Sunday night from a month long tore out on the road living in a bus with my three children and my husband who is so patient and kind and wonderful thank you God for Skyler and we we did a whole bunch of different cities and it was a really great tour and my kids my kids Wyatt bear and Maisie Maisie is here with me asleep somewhere she's four months old and somewhere I say that like I'm a mom who doesn't know where her kid is but she is with someone safe taking a nap I should i clarify that and Wyatt and bear are at home there for and just about three and there were we had a stop in Tucson and there was a woman who came backstage for a meet-and-greet and she came back with her husband and he was just kind of like tough looking guy and he comes out I met her and then he comes up to shake my hand and he says I'm just here with her she's the spiritual one and I'm like okay cool I don't know just say cool and I'm talking to her she's really excited really excited for worship really excited for the night and she wants a picture you know we take a picture where you know talking and then they're gonna leave and he stops and he says well I got a question for you I was like okay and he proceeds to tell me that he's this military person he was kind of vague in his details some sort of high-ranking military person and he kept talking about his guys and he had seen a lot of death and a lot of his guys had died and he was really struggling to reconcile that and God a loving God a kind God a God that loves him he was in a lot of pain he had just recently been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and he was just really struggling you could see the pain in his eyes and you could see the questioning and you could feel his heart kind of clenching like this and as I was talking to him I said something and I was thinking about this a lot but I I said I really wish that at the point of our salvation that there was some because it's not always this way maybe sometimes it is but not always but at the point of our salvation that there was some really seasoned Christian who is right there to say hey you're gonna want to remember this this moment right now the point of your salvation you're gonna want to remember this this moment of freedom that you're feeling this moment of joy raise your hand do you remember the first moment you gave your heart to Jesus do you remember the the feeling of like a weight being lifted off that feeling of like thank you God there is a way out my sins have been forgiven like that was a pretty powerful moment right and I told him I wish that there was someone there to say there are going to be hard times and there are gonna be hard seasons but remember this moment because you've actually been given an opportunity to have something that will carry you through those moments and carry you through the hard seasons and carry you through the difficult things it can actually alter the way you respond to your circumstances it can alter the way you respond to those challenges and those difficulties that come up and it's worship does this surprise you that I want to talk about worship worship if I was just to simply define worship I would say that worship is God pouring his love out on us and us in turn responding to that love and pouring our love back out on him that's a really simple definition and when we think about it that way we know and we understand that we are all created to worship every single one of us it is not about a talent it is not about whether you can sing or not it's not about whether you complain instrument because the truth is that that relationship and that connection to Jesus that we have that's what gives piss and meaning to the other things that we do that's what gives purpose this is why we sing the songs this is why we dance this is why we lift our hands this is why we whatever however is that we express worship that this relationship that we have to him is why we do those things so we all are capable and called and created to live a lifestyle of worship that this is what sustains us this is what carries us through the difficult moment so that carries us through every season that carries us through every challenge now when I hear the phrase lifestyle of worship I don't know about you but just in my head I imagine somebody you you may have thought this about me like I imagine someone who like they're just always singing worship songs all the time like walking around their house just singing worship songs and always like yes Lord and just like this all the time just some moment honey I'm gonna make your your grilled cheese sandwich while I'm worshipping I'm worshiping That's not me I I seem really amazing renditions of itsy bitsy spider and twinkle twinkle little star and a little bit of Justin Bieber I mean I got a little baby baby baby baby oh I mean yeah when I'm rocking her it's like it's a perfect song you know yeah makes sense a lifestyle worship I I want to kind of give a different idea to that guys you see how old-school I am paper paper paper and pen I am so old-school there's like five years yes yes you be old-school you do you rock that okay I think that a lifestyle of worship is just living with an awareness of God's love living with an awareness that he's there with you no matter where you are no matter what you're doing whether you're washing dishes whether you're at school whether you're at work no matter what it is that you're doing but training yourself to just live in this place of awareness that he's there with you but he's there with you in every moment and you're carrying his love inside of you and that love that that he gives you that you carry inside is what helps you to love those around you and to respond differently to your circumstances to the different things that come up we love because He first loved us right yeah you guys did anyone did you get your red bowl in your coffee at lunchtime I hope so we're in the afternoon Lowell here stay with me let's go to John for and your Bibles or Kindles or phone Bibles whatever is we're gonna start at verse five this is the story of the woman at the well Jesus arrived at the Samaritan village of Sychar near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph long ago wearied by his long journey he sat on the edge of Jacob's Well he sent his disciples into the village to buy food for it was already afternoon soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water jesus said to her give me a drink of water surprised she said why would a Jewish man ask a Samaritan woman for a drink of water Jews won't even drink from a cup that a Samaritan has used jesus replied if you only knew who I am and the gift that God is wanting to give you you'd be asking me for a drink and I would give you living water the woman replied but Sir you don't even have a bucket and this well is very deep so where do you find this living water do you really think that you are greater than our ancestor Jacob who dug this well and drank from it himself along with his children and livestock jesus answered if you drink from Jacobs well you'll be thirsty again and again but if anyone drinks the living water I give them they will never thirst again and will be forever satisfied for when you drink the water I give you it becomes a gushing fountain of the holy spirit springing up and flooding you with endless life the woman replied let me drink that water so I'll never be thirsty again and won't have to come back here to draw water okay let's stop right there for a minute Jesus when he was speaking and he was teaching he was very intentional about everything that he was doing and a lot of times while Jesus was speaking he was also demonstrating he was actually living out the moment for his disciples and those around to see what was happening Jesus chooses the lowest of the low in this moment to speak to about something really big he chooses a Samaritan woman first of all got to understand the Jews they're not having anything to do with the Samaritans Samaritans are considered low of the low but also it's not just the Samaritan it's a woman now the feminists in me just pains me to say this but it was a woman it was considered a really crazy thing that Jesus would actually come and speak in that moment to the woman the Samaritan woman but what Jesus is demonstrating right in this moment is that worship is for everyone it is for every single one of us it is not about like I said it is not about a talent it is not about whether you can play an instrument it is not any of those things that worship is for every single person no matter if you're loud quiet male/female it doesn't matter where you come from it doesn't none of that matters it is for every single person every single person is called and created to live a life of worship jesus said if you knew the gift you would ask and it would be given again he's saying something significant here that it's free ask and it will be given to you you can't work for it you can't earn it but it's just freely given the life the love that Jesus gives it is just completely and freely given and you can get as much of that living water as you can handle as much as you're willing to go after as much as you could contend for I remember bill so many years ago talking to our worship team one time about worship and he was talking about you know like you have this well inside of you and you got to keep it filled up but filled up doesn't mean it's just filled up one time it's just sitting there filled up means that there is a constant pouring in there is a constant point in so there's a constant flowing out this overflow of worship there's something that is just constantly being poured out this is that relationship with God this is that life style of worship that we're walking out every day and it's not always easy it takes some time it takes some practice it takes some practice to figure out how do I train my mind to live with an awareness of God with me all the time here at school amongst my crazy friends how do I live with an awareness that God is with me alive inside of me that I can have this connection to him this pouring in and this flowing out in my life at every moment let's move on verse 15 16 Jesus said go get your husband and bring him back here jesus knows something and the woman says but I'm not married that's true jesus said for you've been married five times and now you're living with a man who is not your husband you have told the truth Jesus just called her out who the woman said you must be a prophet so tell me this why do our fathers worship God here on this nearby mountain but your people teach that Jerusalem is a place where we must worship which is right Jesus responded believe me dear woman the time has come when you won't worship the father on a mountain nor in Jerusalem but in your heart your people don't really know the one they worship we Jews worship out of our experience for it's from the Jews that salvation is made available from here on to worship the father is not a matter of the right place but with the right heart for God is a spirit and he longs to have sincere worshipers who worship Him and adore him in the realm of the spirit and in truth this woman has just been called out God Jesus says to her you know go get your husband of course he knows he knows the story he knows this woman's sin he knows the life she's lived in fact probably most the people in her village know this and the moment he calls her out on it she deflects you know what that means my son is starting to figure this out my little 4 year old son when I say Wyatt why did you go in and steal the cookie and he'll suddenly say mama bear went and dumped all his toys all over the floor deflecting when I came in past curfew and my mom was waiting there like this and I instead of answering the question of why are you late I told her about my brother skipping school today before deflecting anyone know what I'm talking about yeah but Jesus in this moment he is about to break the religious mindset cuz this woman the moment her sin is called out she goes into this religious thing like I I know the religious motions I know I know how you do it I know what you do and she starts spouting off these religious words trying to sound like she's okay like I got this I'm okay right I know I know the motions I know the words I know the right language to say in this moment and Jesus just breaks that religious mindset by saying listen it's the time is right now because it's not about where it's it's about you can worship anytime anywhere it's not about the the motions it's not about showing up on a Sunday to church just because you come to church on a Sunday and go through the motions and lift your hand during worship does not actually mean that you have a relationship with Jesus anyone can go through the motions the religious motions but to actually live a life that is connected to the one who loves you and knows you to live a lifestyle of worship to be walking through our day living a life of worship outside of these walls at home and in our schools and with our families the people who push all our buttons right this is the kind of relationship that God wants with us he wants a relationship that is alive that is thriving where there is a constant pouring out into us and there's a constant flow of worship coming out of us back to him a relationship that we are walking in an awareness of him being with us in every moment a relationship that causes us to stop and think about our response when something happens when someone hurts you when someone offends you when you're faced with a decision when you're faced with a difficulty a hard circumstance Jesus said I want worshipers who worship in spirit and in truth I may tell you the Greek right here the Greek is spirit is Numa I won't say Numa it means that which is breathed or blown and the truth is ala Thea say ala Thea the state of not being hidden unconcealed nice let's talk about spirit it is referencing the nature of God that God doesn't need a church building that we can worship Him anywhere and it's like breathing I breathe you in God for you are there all around me do you know that song Brian and Katie tore Walt loved that song that this is how it supposed to be is supposed to be like breathing like we just breathe God in that this is natural for us this is what we are created for that he created us for relationship this is the whole story of the this is the whole reason that Jesus went to the cross so that we would be reconciled to him because God did not want to be separated from his creation he made man and woman he made us and he did not want anything separating us because he created you to be walking in relationship with him he created you to be walking in his love experiencing his love being filled up with his love pouring out his love that's what he created you for and that's why Jesus went to the cross that reconciliation so that all your sins would be forgiven and covered and now you have access to him you have access to his presence and it is not just in a church and it is not just when you get together in your groups to to pray or Bible studies or home groups it is in every moment of every day no matter where you are that this is what it it is and it should be natural it really should be but this is just part of who we are and our life and the way that we were created and designed I'm a little bit of a science nerd just a little bit and I read science books for fun sometimes because I'm just a little bit quirky that way and when you guys know Dan McCollum I'm Dan McCall him years ago him and I were having this conversation and he he was telling me about photons you guys know what photons are anyone learning about that in school and about you know they realize it's like the tiniest thing when you break everything down it's the tiniest thing and it it was a sound way that also emitted light and I just saw it doesn't that make sense that the Bible says that God spoke everything into existence and that everything would be created and of sound waves isn't that kind of wild to think about and you know what it makes me think it makes me think that it's not just a metaphor to say that I was created and designed to worship it means that literally in the fibers of my being in my DNA in my physical makeup I am designed and created to worship I am designed and created in my physical makeup respond to the love of God and to carry that love inside me so it's possible it's possible to walk this out every day to get to that place where it's just like breathing truth ala Thea the state of not being hidden unconcealed ness to worship God requires vulnerability Jesus exposes the woman's sin but he then reveals himself to her and sets her free there is nothing that is hidden from him my my son Wyatt my 4 year old I feel like he's like trying to transform into a teenager way before I'm ready for that to happen he came up to me the other day and he said hey mom and I went what what what did you call me he said mom I said no no I am mama or mommy not mom I was not ready for that he's four four and he goes this like broke my heart in a really sweet way he was but mama all the other boys call her mom no it's like okay no right if you must son whatever but why is he just figured out sneaky and what sneaky means he was going up to um he'd found some skittles I don't even know where he found them he found skittles and he put them inside of a drawer and he would sneak up to the drawer and he'd look around and he'd open it up and he'd like reach behind and grab some skittles and stick him in his mouth and like walk over and then he'd like nice was something and act like he's you know like nothing's going on it's just like right out and like I see everything I see everything and I just start laughing it's like what are you doing son and he'll even sometimes he'll close his eyes and it's like you know that if I can't see you you don't know it's happening it's hilarious I think sometimes we behave like that we're doing things or making choices or we're carrying things inside of us we're carrying around this this shame or this weight of something and we're thinking that that God can't see it that makes me laugh out loud when you say it out loud it's really funny that there's this there's nothing hidden from him I just recently went through like one of the craziest few years of my life it was a crazy season it was a period of about four years where you know I had I became a mom for the first time and I had my boys only 14 months apart which was insane and we moved we were trying to sell our house it took a long time per house to sell while we're in a foreign country it completely flooded there was just like a million things that happen in the midst of that my dad passed away and I just felt like my whole life was a mess just a crazy mess and I'm a little bit of a perfectionist and I my boys would tell you mama runs a tight ship and I want things a certain way and I want things clean and I felt like God was just standing at the door of my heart and knocking insane Kim let me in and I had this crazy thought like I I can't let Jesus into all this mess the king of kings like I I cannot let him into all this I gotta clean this up and it felt like I was a crazy woman running around my life trying to clean everything up trying to you know I'm gonna hide this under here and if I throw a blanket over this it suddenly looks like something else right and if I you know maybe hide this or do this or shuffle this around and you know like when you're a kid and you don't want to eat your food you shuffle around on your plate to make it look like you ate some of it you know yeah like that I'm just doing everything I can and I suddenly have this thought and this realization like Kim you're acting like God doesn't know you're acting like he can't see it and I literally could not hold myself together anymore and I just completely surrendered to him in that moment and the most wonderful thing about God is that he meets you right where you are that he's not afraid of the mess he's not afraid of the chaos that shame that you're carrying around that sin that was back here that you don't want to talk about or that thing this has been weighing on you and you're saying I I'm trying to pretend like it's not there I'm trying to act like it's not there and Jesus is like I already know about that and guess what I want to come in and set you free I don't want you feeling that shame anymore I don't want you carrying that weight anymore I want to actually come into your mess and your chaos and I want to meet you right where you are and you know what else this was a crazy one I'm gonna be real honest right now I had some anger I was kind of angry my dad had died he wasn't healed like we all prayed for for 11 years we prayed for that and I was a little bit angry about it and you know what else I found out about Jesus she's not afraid of my anger he can handle it in meeting me in that moment Jesus actually gave me permission to feel that pain to feel that anger to say I'm angry at you I'm mad I don't understand this I don't understand and he didn't shame me he didn't punish me he didn't run away from me he didn't say this is not a holy sacred place for me I can't be here it wasn't like that Jesus just met me right where I was and you know sometimes the enemy will try to hold you in that place of shame to keep you from freedom this is a this is what it looks like like for me it was walking up on a stage as a worship leader and I'm singing songs about who God is as a healer and how good he is and on the inside I'm like I'm wrestling with my thoughts right now I'm wrestling with this because it's not actually what I saw I believe that about you I trust that but it's not actually what happened he wasn't actually healed and I'm wrestling I know there's some people probably get a little uncomfortable this is a hard conversation but this is real and to stand up there and I'm leading worship and the enemy comes and he tries to say you shouldn't be doing this you shouldn't be a worship leader you shouldn't be singing about God's love you shouldn't be singing about God the healer you shouldn't be singing about God's goodness you shouldn't be doing this or doing that like look at you you're angry you're sad or you're upset or you're whatever is guy is just a tactic of the enemy to keep you locked up and in a place of carrying that shame or that weight or that pain or whatever it is that God wants to set you free from and this is why we have to live a lifestyle of worship a lifestyle that we are completely surrendered to him where we are moving towards him in every single moment where we let him in to every single moment the windows hard circumstances and those things hit I knew to not run away I knew to not run away because I knew that God had shown up for me before and I knew that he would do it again don't let the enemy stop you from really worshiping Jesus from really exposing your heart and letting him come in and bring freedom and setting you completely free bring all that you are to worship in spirit and in truth it means to worship Him just right where you are from whatever season it is that you're walking in whatever is going on around you to just say I'm laying all this down and I am acknowledging that you are worthy and deserving of my worship regardless of anything else that you are worthy and deserving of my heart and all that I could give to you despite anything else happening in my life because ultimately it is not about me it's about him right my dad he was an incredible demonstration of this for me this is what I held on to just thinking about after he'd passed you know he he loved to worship and he would get up every single morning to turn on worship music and to pray and to worship and he would just sit there with tears streaming down his face every morning and I would hear him thanking God thanking him for his girls thanking God for his family for everything just thanking God all the time and just worshiping him and even when he got towards the end of his life and it was Parkinson's disease that he had and it had just robbed him of his humanity he he couldn't open his mouth to speak and he he had no control over his limbs and he would motion for us to turn on the worship music and I remember seeing him still wanting his worship music on and just doing his best to lift a hand to worship and he's just mumbling he can't even barely open his mouth and he's still just mumbling and trying to get worship out and tears just streaming down his face he never got angry he never got upset he just still worship and still had this relationship with God his relationship with God with real and evident in our home and in his life in everything that he was doing it wasn't just at church it wasn't just on a Sunday morning that I saw him worshiping God but I saw him living a lifestyle of worship and what it meant to truly walk with Jesus and to love him and to be aware of him in our day every moment of our day why is it so important to live a life of worship it's because you are created for this because this is what will sustain you this is what will pull you through every season through every circumstance every difficulty this is what will help define your response when different things happen there's three things three keys that I want to put out there just to help in walking out a lifestyle worship you guys doing good the first one what do you fix your eyes on fix your eyes on Jesus fix your eyes on Jesus nothing else matters when you fix your eyes on him have you ever ridden in the car with someone who tends to drive wherever they're looking I won't say who but I know someone in my family who does that I freaked out every time whoa stop looking at that over there we're driving that direction the road is this direction I can remember one time when I was about 13 I had a friend in Las Vegas I went to visit her every summer and one summer night we got this wild idea that we could drive I don't know why we thought that we're 13 we had zero experience we snuck down to the garage and we got in her mom's giant suburban two little thirteen-year-old girls and my friend was like 4 foot nothing and she was the one who insisted on driving so I was in the passenger seat trying to be her eyes while she's like this we get it out of it out of the garage and out into the road and we take off cruising around the neighborhood in Las Vegas night time two little thirteen-year-old girls in a giant suburban we were out for probably 30 minutes just cruising around just having fun I still can't believe this happened and then I go you know we should probably go back so we don't get caught and my friends like yeah so we may our way back to her house and she's gonna go up the driveway but it's like a steep hill and we got to get the car back in the garage because that's where it was and she the moment were on the hill she can no longer see anything but the house this is what's in front of her and I'm trying to tell her and I'm I'm looking and I'm going okay just a little more gas a little more gas too much gas too much gas look look I'm trying to tell her like look you need to get up and look she can't she can't see anything and we run straight through the wall into the house her mom suddenly came tearing through the door and there was the two little girls sitting there going hi we spent the rest of the summer grounded I didn't drive for a while after that you guys it matters what you're looking at I've learned there's multiple times in my life fix your eyes on Jesus fix your eyes on him don't look to the left don't look to the right don't look at the circumstances don't look at the crazy storm happening around you fix your eyes on Jesus number two what are you listening to let his voice be the loudest voice lay his words be what defines you hold on to his promises hold on to the things that he says about you write it down write it down go back and look at it when you start to doubt when you start to question when you start to fear go back and read the words write it down this is what God says about me this is what he says Who I am remind yourself of that listen that childlike faith this is where you've got to hold on to it when the Bible says you got to be like a child my son we had this crazy morning one time I was home by myself with my boys and I had left them outside we're eating breakfast out there and I stepped inside to get coffee and all of a sudden I just this crazy screaming and crying and I think me Anna I just stepped inside for like ten seconds like what happened and I go back out there and I hear my son Wyatt just screaming and crying just such a panic I've never heard him sound like this ever and I'm looking around everywhere and I'm running I'm running and I can't see him I can't find him I hear him panicking yelling for me help help help me mama and I cannot find him anywhere and I'm starting to panic I say Wyatt where are you where are you and I suddenly see Bear and just a diaper squatting down over underneath looking underneath the house like this and I'm like no and we have this this deck that comes out from our house and when I say deck it's not tall it's like just it's a low deck that's like as high as a foundation of our house so it's only like a couple feet off the ground maybe and I go over there and look in and my son had found on the other side of the house some little where I think a dog had dug under and he climbed under the grating and made his way across to the other side underneath this debt and had got stuck and he's wearing nothing but a diaper and there's all these we call him the lava rocks they're like the really sharp rocks and he's going help me and there's all this grating everywhere and I'm thinking I can't get to him I run over to the that hole and it's way too small I mean there's no way I'm God's green earth I'm going to fit through that thing and I'm I'm panicking going how can I get him out of there and like the mama bear and me comes out and I grab the Grady and I'm like gonna rip it off nicely like it's not moving and I'm thinking what do I do and my husband's not here and and I see that in every cross-section of the grading is a screw and I'm like okay if I go to the garage and I get them the book thing and I find the right you know thing and I and I stick it on there and I go and maybe I can get it off and I don't think this is gonna take you long I don't even know what these things are called and I I'm just in a moment of crisis and panic and I can't do anything for my son I can't get you I'm trying to tell him to go back over there I'll meet him there like nothing and suddenly like breathing this idea comes into my head Thank You Holy Spirit and I run inside and I had just bought my son a spider-man costume and I grab the gloves and I grab his old boots cuz his feet were hurting I run back out and I shove his boots and I tell him to put him on he gets em on and I said Wyatt look at mama and I get real serious he looks at me and I said you see these gloves these are spider-man gloves he's like yeah and I said listen when you put on these gloves you will become spider-man and spider-man is not scared to crawl back under this house and out the hole that he came in on and why it looks to me he's like okay mama and he puts on the gloves and it's like are you ready he's like yeah and he starts crawling through there and I said you're doing so good Wyatt and he's like mama I spider-man I was like oh okay sorry you're doing so good spider-man doing so good he crawls out to the other side and I'm there and I grabbed him and I just burst into tears sobbing and then I go inside and I call my husband don't never leave me alone again where were you I tell him the whole story that day when he came home he goes to Wyatt and he picks him up and he says hey buddy I heard you got stuck under the house today and why it looks him goes no spider-man did when he tells that story he tells you spider-man were under the house and got stuck it wasn't why it this is the most awesome childlike faith representation you just tell them and they just believe you I mean it's a good thing I'm not telling my kids some crazy things they just believe it but this is where we need to be this childlike faith like what God says to you what he says about you who he says you are listen to that let his voice be the loudest voice number three the last one remember the joy of your salvation remember the moments when God came through for you remember the moments that he set you free remember the moments when he broke through into your life and remembered that he is so faithful to every word and he will do it again he will never fail you he will never forsake you and the breakthrough you experienced before is the breakthrough that you'll have again and don't beat yourself up when you mess up again because he's gonna have grace for you again he's gonna forgive you again he's gonna walk with you again always remember this you know going back to the story the woman at the well you know it's really special about this is the next portion of Scripture Jesus is going to his disciples and he starts talking to them about the harvest and about evangelism why he just defined worship he just spoke about worship he said worship me in spirit and in truth he said worship is for everyone he said worship is anywhere it's all the time it's not living inside of a church he said all of these things about worship and then he talks about evangelism and the harvest he does that because this is the overflow of a life of worship that true worshipers will exude him and it will be natural and it will be evident in your everyday life and Jesus will draw people himself through his presence displayed in your life when you live a lifestyle of worship you are walking in his presence you will exude his presence and you will it will draw people in God will draw people to himself through that through his presence in your life when you stand up I might pray there will be hard times and there will be hard seasons there will be difficult moments but you have access to something that carries you through every time you have access to his presence you have the opportunity the freedom the choice to worship it's a powerful decision and you will never ever regret choosing him you will never regret choosing to worship you will never regret choosing to pour out your heart to run to him you will never regret surrendering your life opening your heart exposing every area of your heart and saying Jesus come in to every area of my heart come and set me free I want to worship you in spirit and in truth but there is nothing hidden from you God would you just come and teach us God what it looks like to walk this out in our own lives God to live a lifestyle of worship God I ask that right now in this room that there would be so much courage poured out God that we would have the courage to choose you to press in to run towards you to not hide ourselves to not try and hide our hearts from you God but that we would completely yield our hearts to you to open up our hearts to surrender to you completely God God I ask that that you would give us little reminders through our day to stop to to be aware of you to be aware of your presence there with us God Lord that in our lives that we would contend for that relationship that relationship that's alive and breathing outside of the walls of our church outside of our Sunday mornings and our youth group meetings that God we are walking in a lifestyle of worship a relationship with you where you are pouring out your presence God and we are overflowing with your love and your presence Jesus and God I thank you I'm so incredibly thankful for the opportunity to worship you and to choose you and that this is what gives me the strength to walk through every season that fixing my eyes on you surrendering my life to you that this is what draws me through every storm through every hard situation that you are the one that carries me through that I'm never alone I am never facing it alone I am walking with you every step of the way God God I ask that you would just solidify that in our hearts for those who have been feeling that that loneliness that that isolation God would you just break through those lies right now and just bring so much life and hope and love God let us hear your voice let us see you let us feel you let us hear you above every other voice Jesus your voice it cuts through darkness it cuts through the lies of the enemy your voice is truth we receive it we grab hold of it Jesus and we thank you we thank you that you you made a way for us to walk this out we thank you that you made a way for us to live a life of worship and we love you Jesus amen [Applause] come on so amazing so so good well before we break for dinner actually we want to do something really fast so everyone take a seat I could have Lindsay Coyle come on up here guys this is Lindsay Coyle she is one of our revoke your pastors in first year she how many guys have ever heard of Sean Bowles okay and you know what Sean Bowles walks in some absolutely incredible words of knowledge very specific and Lindsay does as well and she has been just absolutely going after it and been seeing amazing things and she texts Tom during this session didn't know she was just had the prowess in text Tom with a word of knowledge and then she just hopped over here and is gonna give it and so it's gonna be awesome yeah she's in her cash clothes so but give it up for Lindsay Wow the room is so full it's amazing I think there's a great room to hello wherever you are great room people so I was I was praying at the prayer house processing a lot with the Lord and I began to get some words that's like okay since Tom had asked me previously I said like okay I want to submit this to Tom and it's like okay come on over so the way it works is that I'm gonna give out some details and so if it applies to you I want you to raise your hand or stand up make it known to me so I can identify you because I believe God's wanting to speak to maybe a couple of you like highlighted and so and even if if you're like oh I'm not that person but I resonate with the word so please feel free to receive it for yourself as well okay we're gonna have fun okay so the first thing I got was a date so this could be a birthday but July 13th so somebody's birthday you okay can you stand please yes at least one person okay um there's another one okay okay okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna I have a few more things so cuz I wanna hone in on who exactly this is for but go ahead and just stand as well so the year 2000 let's not apply to any of you that way it's your birthday so July 13 mm yes okay um I also got the name mayor Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer Meyer okay amazing okay I'm quite nervous guys I'm really nervous so I just wanted to be open to you I so I got a couple names as well they're mica and Miller is that you Oh Micah your Micah what your older brother is Miller oh okay this is awesome I I'm thinking you have six there's six siblings five okay four or five altogether okay I don't have everybody's names but do they nor do they all start with M's okay awesome but they're not here okay just the two of you and you are Meyer and you are Micah okay awesome so just keep standing for those of you who are around them can you please extend your hands whoo Jesus so 2,000 the today's 2017 that makes you 17 years old if I'm correct whoo and you just had a birthday in July so that's good the scripture I got when I was praying for you is in Psalms 27 verse 4 it says one thing I have desired of the Lord that I will seek that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to and to inquire of his temple I felt like Meyer Meyer when I was praying for you I think there's very significant that you're that Micah was also highlighted I think there's something about your family did your brother did any of your siblings go to be SSM at all okay who your older older brother the Miller okay there's something that opened up for your family I felt like there was an open heaven that's available for you guys there's been some things that your family has contended for a while and your parents believing for an answer to something very significant and I feel like this is the time where God's gonna begin to show up in your family not just for you the fact that you were called out and you're here I know that I know in my heart I sense it really strongly that God this is the season where God's yes and amen is gonna show up for you and there is something significant about your relationship with the Lord like he wants to apprehend you and arrest you like he wants to have an intimate relationship with you when I texted Tom I said the prophetic word related to the scripture is like gods inviting you to a more intimate relationship with him there are things that he is wanting to show you there is a deeper revelation of his love that he wants to reveal to you and so right now like if you guys can extend your hand to Mayer and Micah yeah god I just pray that you would arrest them as a family apprehend I pretend their family got to wear that they would have this massive encounter with you that it would be so evident that you are at work in their lives you admire and for you I feel like the Lord is gonna make it evident that your relationship with him will have so much fruit like it will like people would be it would be so obvious to people that you have a relationship with the Lord like he's gonna begin to use you as a mouthpiece to people that you're gonna begin to live a life where people can look at you and say God's at work in him God's at work in you and your life that you're gonna live in is gonna speak volumes to people and they're gonna begin to look at that and say I want what you have yeah so I just want to bless you and continue that journey that God has started in your family and through you and your brothers in Jesus name Amen whoa okay I think I've one more yeah okay I have one more let's see okay this person is also born in July I don't have a specific date but give me a second here July and then you I think you have four siblings all boys like four brothers so anybody here yes you you have four you're born in July yes July 18th okay whoo you're here okay let's see if this also applies I think there's another person as well you were born and not you but one of your brothers it's born in July there's four of you and his name might be Lincoln no thinking you might be on the other side okay okay and with that one I am hearing also what oh you you what your little brother is Lincoln yes are you do you happen to be from Texas okay okay keep standing yeah it's your name either Charles or Christian wait what there oh so you your was Christian Charles you're Charles haha okay awesome they're twins oh you're twins that's amazing okay does the name Samantha mean anything both of you it's your mom's name okay okay I was quite nervous that's fine okay whew it's almost Lincoln born in July okay ah okay that's that's it that's it okay huh and there's four of you okay where are the others I mean obviously Lincoln's not here but two years old Phoenix's okay Phoenix is two years old so he's not here Lincoln is five amazing and you guys are twins Charles and Christian yeah oh my gosh I mean I don't even I don't know what to say I do know what to say but this is just I don't know what to say but this is very freaky so anyway the fact that you're twins huh okay can you guys lay hands on them and you are from Texas right you just you just said yes okay oh Jesus so the the scripture I got for both of you it's in Joshua 1 verse 9 and if this might apply to you as well like whoever stood up earlier with the four siblings and born in July I'm so pleased receive it as well so you guys you guys can around him can lay hands on him too so the scripture I got is in Joshua wine verse 9 and it says have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go whooo so I felt like um some man said your mom is very significant in your walk with the Lord like she has contended a lot for your family you know I I can I can almost see her on her knees and praying for your for your family and for you guys and I felt like like whatever she carries this has been passed on to you like there's a hunger that she has for the Lord and she's praying for you guys and she wants you to experience the same hunger that she's experiencing so I feel like that this season of your life that the fact that you're here in young Saints shows me that there's a hunger inside of you that you want to embrace and so right now I just want to release that hunger that the purity of your spirit and pursuing the presence of God that he will he will speak to you guys in the night and even he will even speak to you in your dreams because I see the Lord right now like I see a cloud over your house and it's not a cloud that's bad but it's a cloud of almost like a covering that he's about to pour out his reign over your family and he's about to pour out his spirit into you guys yeah so just lay hands on them and and I'm gonna declare this that this is the season where God's gonna speak to you more clearly than he ever has yeah so I just bless you guys and you too in Jesus name Amen so if I can have everybody stand since I just want to pray for you guys I do have a heart for young people because I was once young as well and I have a daughter who's about to be two and I'm looking at everybody in this room and I was like my daughter is gonna step into this like what you guys what you guys are living in right now your ceiling could meet my daughter's floor like one day she will be in this room one day she will be in this room and fall on her knees and say God I want more of you and I see that for everybody and so if you could just begin to lift up your hands I'm gonna pray for you said God like each and every single one of us in this room that you would apprehend us in the night you would apprehend us even when we're in our schools that right now father that we would cry out to you as Abba Father but we would also cry out to you God as we want more we want more of you that we will not settle for anything less than your best that we from here on out we have been marked by your presence but we have been marked by your spirit that from here on out we're gonna we're gonna go out in boldness so that's what I'm gonna pray for that every single person in this room raised hands will receive boldness and great courage to step in to step over the chicken line but even if you don't know what's going on all you know is that God's with you and God speaking in and through you and that you would receive the power to preach the gospel not just with your words but by your actions that each person in this room would live a life of purity that it would be so evident that God's with us that people around you would just say I want what you have yeah so God right now we say more more more we want more in Jesus name Amen thank you guys a second I just felt a quickening of my spirit when that happened I feel like there's no shame no condemnation I feel like somebody in this room maybe several of you you just saw that demonstration of power and you're like oh my gosh God is real love you God is real and you've been sitting back listening to Todd and you're just kind of like I don't know and something in your heart just left and you're like God is real I walk that if that's you get down here right now just run down to the altar it's not everybody it's not everybody but it's something's breaking off you right now just come down here as an act of faith to say God I want your voice my life is yours thank you for your love come on come on come on I got some youth leader just come up here pray for these guys just get around them pray for him awesome awesome awesome just let Holy Spirit just rest on you yeah yeah you're getting marked God's marking everybody this weekend he's marking everybody this weekend he's marking everybody this weekend come on Holy Spirit God's gonna use you guys he's gonna flow through you but more than anything he's drawing you into intimate friendship with him right now he is a friend you've been seeking you know he's real he's real I break every lie I break everything in the atmosphere over your life though over your home I just really healing from trauma healing from pain healing from abuse healing from abuse you've said before how can I ever be healed from this and I just declare be right now but God is the Redeemer he's good he's good he's good he's good he's good he's good hey bless you guys go get some dinner we're gonna let these guys hang out here for just a bit yeah so good the doors are gonna open again [Music]
Channel: Sean JohnBull
Views: 47,857
Rating: 4.9555202 out of 5
Id: 1cnnOMWe_Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 13sec (4153 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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