Revival Weekend: Sunday PM | Corey Russell | April 8, 2018

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[Music] hand over the road Jesus come on come on come on [Music] we bless your name Jesus straightening our sound sharpen our south straight that our sound sharp in our south God release the mighty two-edged sword of the Spirit from this house release your word in power in the heart of all your people here and those that are viewing I pray for the in breaking of the word of God we bless you we honor you and we thank you come and have your way tonight Holy Spirit we need to come put your seal on tonight father I ask you for these people [Music] Oh God I thank you Lord right now this would be a place of breakthrough for many many people I even think about second chronicles six and seven when the Lord was dedicating the temple to Solomon the Lord told Solomon when people come and pray in this house I will answer them I will break in on their behalf and I just see many people coming the desperate coming the God breaking in the most impossible of situations because of the atmosphere that has been cultivated here father we bless you and we thank you and we honor you in Jesus name Amen amen amen just give the Lord a hand [Applause] we'll about though you're ready amen Novato your grappa calle la moto arabic arabic o to you hallelujah we bless you and we honor you amen amen you guys go grab a seat thank you Jesus thank you let's give the worship team a hand thank you guys these guys have labored all weekend long grace strength blow their minds in the name of Jesus hallelujah you want me to we got next month's revival weekend who's already ready for next month's revival we didn't have good well you'll find out about all that all right good turn to John 17 John 17 father we love you we thank you I just want to say I am blown away we love you guys we love you fresh start I love you we love you my family loves you and I found family here and I'm just so blessed by you guys so blessed by you I love this such oil to my heart strength to my heart and I want to say thank you go after him radically just go after him radically burn whatever bridge needs to be burned turn over everything that you can and go after him just go after him go after him in the secret place go after him at home go after him at work go after him in the car ride to work go after him at the grocery store go after him with your kids go after him every area go after him no good thing is with Hope held from the person that seeks the Lord well I want to talk to you tonight I want to start with the verse that changed my life I want to talk to you about the verse that changed my life John 17 it's really it's it's what's called the high priestly prayer it's absolutely amazing this morning I spoke out of John 14:15 sixteen and it was Jesus's last night with his disciples he is giving them instructions for his departure and he's leaving and after talking for 13 14 15 and 16 he says I'm preached to you I've prepared you but now I'm about to go to the higher place and I'm about to pray for you and you're about to overhear me talking to the Father it doesn't get any better than God the Son talking to God the Father for God the Spirit and we get 26 verses of watching how God talks to himself and of watching the important things that burns in the heart of the Godhead I love verse 1 of John 17 the Bible says he lifted his eyes everybody say he lifted his eyes I love you now do it like you mean it say he lifted his eyes he goes I love this I always do this look at the very last verse of John 16 he goes in this he goes in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer I've overcome the world and then he does this but be of good cheer I've overcome the world father the hour has come glorify your son that he may also glorify you as you've given him authority over all flesh to give eternal life to as many as you've given him and this is eternal life they would know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you've sent and Jesus launches you ever watch somebody look up at the sky and they're completely gone you ever watch someone play like that that's awkward we just read it but they watched it in the world you're gonna have tribulation father and he's gone Elvis has left the building he wanted us to hear these words he spends the first 20 verses praying for his present disciples he doesn't say father take them out he says father keep them through keep them in your name guard them deliver them protect them and then in verse 21 he prays not only for the present disciples but he's going to pray for all who will believe in him through their word he's praying for you and me he sees you and me in April of 2018 and fresh start Church in Phoenix he sees you in your seasons and in your life and he begins to pray for an endtime Church to come forth he says father I want a church to be one in us as I'm in you and your and me bring him up into us that a world would believe this will be the message of the endtime church that the same way you love me you love them and then look at John 17 24 John 17 2014 my life he says the phrase father I desire that they also whom you gave me may be with me where I am and that they may behold my glory let's look at that again father I desire if I say desire and he's Jesus is going to pray for two realities from your life number one that you would be with him where he is and number two that you would behold his glory I don't know what happened to me but in 2001 that word desire jumped off the page and laid hold of my life as I began to get delivered from just duty discipline and diligence and I got baptized into desire I had never known God as needing anything he's the God who is at a distance but what happened right here is that right before and in a couple of verses later Judas will walk into that garden kiss him and that night will begin and right before he comes Jesus is saying father I'm going to Calvary but this is my list of demands there's something I want I want more than a religion I want more than a social club I want more than just a little bit of people at a distance father I want a bride I want a people I want them to be with me where I am and I want to be their number one source of entertainment desire I want to tell you something right now do you want to sustain hunger for God I love it I love burning in my 20s I got saved at 20 and I haven't let up for 21 years I'm grateful for that I want you to know that the fire never has to go out I want you to know that the fire can intensify it can go deeper and higher but I want to tell you this there will come seasons where you come to the end of yourself and it's in those seasons where you begin to get a fresh revelation that there is a desire that's stronger than just your desire for him but that he has holy desire for you I didn't communicate that right in this is love not that we first love God but that he first loved us do you know that heaven Jesus is saying father I'm going to Calvary and this is what we dreamed about before the foundation of the world this is what we dreamed about this is a prayer I want you to start praying Jesus baptized me into your desire baptized me into your desire I want to know your desire for me I want to know the heat of your gaze for me I want to know the intensity of your love for me I dare you to put that bull's eye on your chest because once you put your pinky toe in that burning River he will sweep you up and you will get caught up into a holy flame called longing and desiring God because there's one thing I want I want them to be with me where I am and number two I want to be their number one source of entertainment I want them to behold my glory Jesus is the multi-faceted diamond of the Father in him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge oh that you would help us right now let's ask him right now to enlarge our capacity because we're tired and it's because we're humans we need a divine enlarging because we're not doing this for three days we're doing this until until he comes I want you to stand right where you're at what do you do when you hit the wall you say God baptize me into your desire and take me through open up your hands so let's ask him right now say Father in the name of Jesus baptize me into your desire I want to know your desire that's stronger than my desire that's greater than my desire baptize me into your desire enlarge my capacity to receive enlarge my capacity to receive touch me now touch my spirit touch my body awaken me in the name of Jesus amen you can be seated satire Oh your Ibaka desire laid hold of mate and everything got changed and I began to understand that my purpose in this life is the search and the discovery of Jesus Christ my purpose in this life your purpose in this life is the search and discovery of who Jesus Christ really is he says I want them to behold my glory I want to be their number one source of entertainment I want to be their daydream I want to be their getaway I want to be their break I want facets of my glory what is his glory it is who he is his nature his personality his character all that he is is his glory and I want you to know that he is the multi faceted diamond of the Father and you will spend eternity searching out the glory of this man it says in Ephesians 3:8 that in him that we preach the unsearchable riches of Christ Jesus turn with me to Revelation chapter 1 Revelation chapter 1 we could walk through it tonight the power of Christ the wisdom of Christ the humility of Christ the meekness of Christ I've been looking at Matthew 11:27 come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest he says take my yoke upon you and learn from me everybody say learn from him there's just three things Jesus told us to learn from him in the scripture the first thing he told us to learn which means it doesn't come natural it's mercy the second one is learning his meekness his humility and the third one is learning the parable of the fig tree becoming watchful revelation 1 John the Apostle has been exiled to Patmos he's 90 years old he knew Jesus 60 years earlier seventy years earlier walked with him talked with him done amazing things but now here he is on the island of Patmos and he's about to get a revelation of Jesus and I want you to know that the last book of your Bible is not called the revelation of the Antichrist the last book of the Bible is not called the revelation of Satan it's not called the revelation of seals trumpets and bowls the last book of your Bible is called the revelation of Jesus Christ so if you love Jesus you need to love the last book of the Bible everything is built on the unveiling and the unfolding of this man to the human spirit while ago we were singing the gates of Hell shall not prevail against what against the church founded on the revelation of who Christ Jesus is who do you say that I am you are the Christ the Son of the Living God I say to you your name is Peter and on this rock I will build my ekklesia and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it and I will give you keys that whatever you buy will be bound whatever you lose will be loosed the revelation of Christ who do you say that he is who is this man five foot five frame born into the world he created five foot five Jewish man nothing extraordinary about him to the natural life yet he is Yahweh in the flesh the creator of the cosmos the image of the invisible God the Express image of his person the brightness of the father's glory in him all things consist and any of all things hold together the fullness of the Godhead dwells in him bodily and you can't even tell it with the natural eye we're about to see him and his resurrected glory look with me at verse 10 this is absolutely amazing absolutely amazing the Apostle John in verse 10 he says look at this revelation 1 verse 10 he says this what does he say Cory he says I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and I heard behind me a voice as of a trumpet saying I am the Alpha Omega first/last what you see write it in a book send it to the seven churches verse 12 then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me and having turned I saw John is standing right here looking this direction and he hears behind him a voice as of a trumpet disrupt alarm and shock him as he hears the boy say I am the Alpha Omega first last what you see write it in a book and then it says in verse 12 and then having heard the voice I turned to see the voice and having turned I saw I want you to know something right now that many times whenever God wants to break you through into a new season of Revelation he will release the trumpet blast that charge you and alarms you and that hits you from behind but to move it to a deeper place of Revelation you're gonna have to turn you're gonna have to turn guys like I said this I do about 40 conferences a year 40 conferences a year the conference's God uses them to be the voice behind you that hits you that releases an awakening that releases a charge but unless you turn reorient your life and move in a different direction what you've heard will become a memory you're not hearing what I'm saying play off of the burning bush experience with Moses do you know what Moses said in the desert why is this bush on fire and it's not being consumed and it says that when the Lord saw that Moses turned aside to look at the bush that's when the Lord called out to him from the bush it was in the turning that he got the encounter it's really true and this is what's happening I believe God is raising up a new breed of prophets in the earth I believe that God is you could call them revivalist you can call them evangelists you can call them prophets you call them whatever but they will declare I love the secrets of men's hearts but there's coming a generation that's going to proclaim the secrets of God's hearts it's gonna break off the blindness of the church bring up blindness off the world someone tell me about God 10,000 no no listen to me I'm coming down I've been sitting up here all weekend it's a new season I got breakthrough I got a look at you I got rocked in 1998 Isaiah 40 a voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord and I'm like God I don't want to be an echo I want to be a voice I don't want to just be a parent that has spit back the most nearest message that I heard I don't want to live on the fringes of someone else's anointing I live on the fringes of someone else's impartation I don't want to just continually drink and be satisfied with dancing around fires god I want to go somewhere and get something so real in heaven that when I speak about you devils move angel smooth and the hearts of men and women move you don't get that out of McDonald's drive-through you don't get that on a snapchat you don't get that on an Instagram quote you get that to a life of consistent prayer fasting eating the word till it breaks through and becomes flesh on the inside of you we did a generation to go to the wilderness like John the Baptist go to a place where all the props are kicked out and you learn to live by his word Deuteronomy 8 I brought you here to Humble you and to cause you to know man don't live by every by bright bread alone but by every word that comes out of my mouth oh I get a hold of this revelation 1 what am I talking to in here I'm talking to a new generation prophetic people it's time to begin to open your mouth and talk about him talk about him tell me about Jesus tell me about Abba tell me about him his personality who knows the emotional chemistry the personality of God the character of God the kindness of God the gentleness of God the delight of God the righteousness of God the Justice of God not your favorite parts of Jesus most of us only want to know 40% of Jesus and say I don't know about that other side you keep that over there I don't want to talk about Jesus the judge I don't want to talk about that Jesus that judges sin that Jesus that tramples and that fiercely fights for love from the heart of his people he is fierce he's tender but he's fierce and he cannot be tamed he's a lion revelation should one I turn everybody say I turned and then I saw I want to say it clearly to you whatever that issue is in your life the first thing that we've got to turn from you need to turn from anything any substance any person that is standing in the way of you moving into a new season of Revelation with Jesus if there is in the thing that is in between your life with Jesus you must declare war on it and you must sever it Jesus didn't say rub anointing oil under right hand if it causes you to sin he didn't say wave it four times he said cut it off violence and do it quick is there a person that wants to keep you on there 2.0 of a Christianity treadmill and just wants you to walk with them and to be comfortable with them in their complacency and you've done it for the name of kindness too long you need to say I love you let's get a couple of coffees but I'm going somewhere else I've got lots of high five brothers and sisters I got lots of once every few months coffees but I love you and I refuse to navigate my life around a 2.0 on the treadmill of Christianity I'm going somewhere what is that thing turn away from them turn away that's the first turning the second turning is what I talked about this morning you've got to learn to turn within it's not enough to say no to bad stuff unless you are filling your house with glory you do not have power to walk in victory over what you said no to everybody say turn within put your hand on your belly say good evening Holy Spirit say I want you to be my best friend no meeting that I want you to become my best friend I get a hold of this 2nd Corinthians 3 write it down it's powerful Paul says you remember when Moses came down from Mount Sinai what was going on with Moses his face when he came down he was shining so much so we had to put a veil over his face Paul goes that's Old Glory that's Old Covenant that's a Ministry of condemnation he goes newsflash now the Lord is the spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there's freedom and we all beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the very same image from glory to glory put your hand on your belly and say there's glory in there say this say I'm I I don't know what you're gonna say take your hand off your belly now I'm trying to come up with a catchy phrase I can here's the phrase you become what you behold when you this is what you do you take Bible verses about Jesus you pace you pray it and you whisper it back to Jesus and as you behold these facets of who he is every time you do that bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit you are changed every time you sweet god's word and behold that glory every time you do it you won't maybe feel it immediately but days turn into weeks weeks into months months and years and you wake up five years later and all of a sudden you're walking in a place of freedom and communion and encounter how this happened how this happen changed into glory glory ah that's how it happens young people listen to me that's what it looks like you find out who we are many of us will go hard after God I'm going I'm going and then we hit an area of weakness or sin in our life what do we do we run from God and then we become backgro Christians and I'm not talking about bro I'm talking about in the spirit I personally like back bro sometimes you need to be on the front row if you're on the back bro whatever sometimes some of the people on the front row to go back row they just want to be seen he gets all of us people on the back row in shame free will the front row in China competition and get seen I start on the front row and then I go back there and I pace I like it all this is how we get changed turn within this is what happens you hit those walls but when you begin to meditate on the father who comes after you the Luke 15 father that runs after you and your most weakest and vulnerable of places and he meets you there when you get a revelation of the father who comes after you and that when we see Jesus we see the father when you begin to meditate on these realities what begins to happen in you is that when you hit walls instead of running from God you run to God and you begin to say God I'm going to get a breakthrough through this and I'm gonna get confident and love and I'm gonna begin to stand in a new place turn away turn within and turn to others listen to me I need you to do and you need me we need brothers and sisters that won't talk us out of a vision for fullness but that will provoke us into a vision of fullness we need each other and I need you to sing my soul back to me when I forget it John turned to see the voice and having turned he didn't see the person speaking but he saw seven golden lampstands in that interesting we would think we would see the man speaking but we're actually going to see the church I want you to know that Jesus is building a glorious church and that before he returns Ephesians 5 says he will present to himself a glorious church without spot or without wrinkle that's going to take intense heat to get wrinkles out and intense glory to get all the spots out it's going to be pressure and presence pressure and presence is going to get righteous robes on the church but you know what I'm locked in on he's going to do it and I love it John turns to see the voice and he sees the church I want you to know you're always going to find Jesus in the middle of his church and then John sees him come on walk in with me and he sees one like the Son of Man clothed with the garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with the golden band what you see right in the middle and guys I would encourage you to read revelation two and three because these are some jacked up church make no mistake about it there are some messed up churches and you know what we see Jesus our high priest our intercessor who is right in the middle of it with us all he is our high priest representing us before the father and he is standing in the Ministry of intercession and he is declaring the word to John saying yes he's got a lot of issues but I'm right here in the middle of it and I ain't going anywhere and I'm gonna pray her through to her destiny you know what I love about Jesus he stands right there in the middle of my life said I ain't going anywhere Simon Satan wants to take you out and sift you as wheat and I told him to take his best shot on one condition I get to pray for him he says that Simon after you've returned strengthen your brothers I prayed for you that your faith would not fail how many are in here because Jesus's prayers held you through it do you understand why you're in this room right now cuz there is a man at the right hand of the Father that breaks you through he prayed you through he prayed you through he pray he didn't run from you he stayed right there in the middle of us and we're gonna get through this we're gonna get through this I ain't going anywhere and I want you to agree with me and us together we're gonna break this thing through he's standing in the middle of the church and he's standing in the middle of the messed-up church we had an awakening years ago a 10-month revival season in Kansas City 7,000 testimonies healing deliverance salvation and one of the nights one of our leaders had a vision open vision and she was driving a car and in the backseat she sold the bride the church and she was in Mangal dress ugly dirty looking rough and she saw her laid out in Jesus and she was sitting in Jesus's lap with her head in his lap and Jesus looked at her while she's driving and all he was doing is he had his hand on her heart and he was slowly massaging her heart and in the vision she looked back going Mike she thought this to herself my goodness she looks rough and Jesus spoke to her thought by saying you should have seen her when I found her he goes I'm gonna keep massaging that heart until she starts peeling again and believing again I'm gonna speak my words over her do you know what I love about Jesus he does not get discouraged we say he's an intercessor do you know anything about intercessors they're Bulldogs he doesn't get discouraged that's Isaiah 42 he will not be discouraged until he establishes justice in the earth and John sees him in the middle of the church and he's with the white garment he's our intercessor our high priest and then John sees his head everybody says his head and it says it's white like wool why does snow what John is seeing is that our high priest intercessor he is a brilliant leader I want you to know whenever you see white and whenever it speaks of the head in the Bible it speaks about leadership and wisdom I want you to know Jesus is leading his church the next thing we see is his eyes everybody say his eyes fire torches of fire are in his eyes come on come on run with me here do you know what is the answer for revival in the church the fire in his eyes I want you to open your Bible every day and look at those fiery eyes say come and melt my heart come and tenderize my heart I want you the fire that's in your eyes declare war on all toleration of Jezebel because if you don't his eyes will his feet are like burnished bronze his voice is like the sound of many waters in his right hand are seven stars out of his mouth goes a sharp two-edged sword and his countenance is like the sun shining in its strength and when I saw him I fell at his feet as though I were dead but he laid his right hand on me says do not be afraid I was dead but behold I'm alive forevermore and then Jesus is his own Amen Corner he goes amen Jesus preaches so good Jesus amens himself and I have the keys of hell and of death that's how the last book of your Bible begins a revelation of Jesus Christ the one who says I came I saw and I conquered it and I'm gonna deliver an endtime Church from the fear of death I'm gonna deliver the church the endtime Church from a fear of the Antichrist and a fear of Satan and a fear of seals trumpets and bowls and I'm gonna root and ground the church and the revelation of who I am and they will feed the earth on me my voice is going so I want to speak straight to you Matthew 24 says the last days are filled with great Oh Fitz and do you know what among the greatest offenses there will be the Jesus that I fantasized about is not the Jesus of reality we desperately agent Lee priority we need men women children young people to break through the pages to break through kiddie pool Christianity even charismatic Christianity we need you to break through the pages to where you begin to encounter this man at a deeper level and he begins to confront the offense on the inside of you until it becomes a living on the inside of you where you find them in the middle of your greatest tragedies you find them in the middle of your greatest failures you find them in the middle of your greatest weaknesses that you break through a plastic knowledge of God and you break through into a Living knowledge of God where it's not some Bible verse or bumper sticker he is a living man he is my shepherd and whom I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters cuz everything inside of me is raging and he taught me how to come into the steel place he took me through Psalm 22 where I went my God where are you and he brought me to the Lord is my shepherd in you is the fulfillment of every one of my desires listen we got a breakthrough it's not just breakthrough up here [Applause] we need a breakthrough from Sunday only Christianity we got a breakthrough I got a breakthrough into my Bible I got a breakthrough into prayer I got a breakthrough the awkwardness I got a breakthrough the weirdness I got a breakthrough that to slice of my pie got a breakthrough God I don't want memories I want reality I want to tell you that if these are logs on your fire if this weekend is logs on an existing fire it will be living in 10 years if this is the only source of your fire it'll be gone in two weeks will you turn or will we just be happy we heard the voice I heard the voice I heard the voice I heard the voice I heard the voice I can't wait for next month voice this has been good I wonder what next month how good that's gonna be turn turn turn swim up against your flesh swim against all the voices swim against while I'm too busy swim against swim against swim against I work too much why don't you sell more things so you can work class so you don't have to pay for all your stock because at the end of the day we do what we want to we do what we want to and whatever you really want it'll happen I can't find time to pray but I can do three rounds of golf I can do 4 games a week I can do 5 hang out with the pros I can do 6 of these seven of that eight of that I wasted 10 hours on Facebook we do what we want [Applause] turn turn away beloved turn within grab brothers and sisters call me every morning at 6 a.m. or don't call me or whatever you've got to come up with the tascam in don't ask him something you don't intend for to happen oh you know what I do I try to call a bunch of young people to 6 a.m. prayer because that's the thing that gets my lazy behind out of bed every morning as I got a group of 20 year olds that are saying I want to break through into something in God and I'm like God if they can do it I can do it we need a group of people that says if they can do it I can do it I think we get fantasizing that we've got to feel it in the moment to do it I want to tell you the bank the river of the Holy Spirit flows in the midst of the banks of a consistent life of prayer the Lord told me it this way the spirit of prayer falls on the life of prayer show up Here I am and I'm all reached for you God join me to Philippians 3 and then will the will end hallelujah you guys are making me preach man you're pulling that preach out of me man the Apostle Paul was a pretty awesome dude he had the equivalent of 20 years of pharisaical studies he was a Pharisee of Pharisees he was the cream of the crop he had a master's in everything a doctorate in everything but he got knocked off his horse in Acts chapter 9 and in one encounter with Jesus Christ his twenty years of study became what he called dumb cow manure it's actually more aggressive in its language and I want you to see this man look at this Philippians 3 verse 7 but what things were gain to me these I have counted loss for Christ yet indeed I count all things lost look at this for the excellence there I say excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord he says for whom I've suffered the loss of all things I count them as rubbish that I may gain Christ and be found in him not having my own righteousness which is from the law but that which is through faith in Christ the righteousness which is from God by faith here it is that I may know him time out Paul quit being religious you know Jesus you know Jesus you've written the New Testament Paul you've suffered for Jesus you blown up emphasis and 25,000 new converts you've done more for Jesus than anybody stop being religious you know Jesus and he would look back at us and say oh little pipsqueaks I love you but if you think you've arrived you are sadly mistaken now I want to know him and I want to know him in two realms because this life has two realms of knowing Jesus the resurrection power realm I want to know him in the power of his resurrection and I want to know him and the Fellowship of his sufferings I want to know him and the good and the bad and the hard and the easy I want to know him in the glory and the glory he said I want to be conformed oh gosh look at this look at this look at this I want to be conformed into his if I may attain to the resurrection of the Dead oh my God look at verse 12 not that I've already attained or I'm already perfected what do you do Paul I press on that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus laid hold of me do these adjectives and verbs characterize your Christian life pressing wrestling laying hold of he says I lay hold of that for which he laid hold of me brethren I do not count myself to have apprehended well one thing I do here it is here it is there's three one things in the Bible Psalm 27 for Luke 10:30 forty two and then Philippians three he does one thing I do here it is I wake up every morning and I forgive the things that are behind me get ahold of this I want to tell you every day you need to wake up and you need to forgive two realities you need to come up underneath the blood of the Lamb and say god I confess my sins my failures my faults and I'm gonna let your blood wash me over what happened yesterday and I am going to receive it and I'm going to press on into today because today is a new day you've got to learn to come under the blood and forget your failures but most of us aren't only guilty of that you've got to learn to forget your successes some of you are living in the memory of where you were five years ago and you're not on fire anymore you have it cried in the Bible in a long time you haven't prayed through in a long time you haven't felt that spirit of burning on you that seal for holiness that love for God compassion for people your heart had moved in a long time but yet you keep remembering revival you from five years ago forget about it because I forget the things that are behind me and I reached forward to those things which are ahead get a hold of this I reached forward to those things which are ahead I press towards the goal of the cries of the upward call of God in Christ I love this phrase he says let us as many as are mature have this mind and if anything you think otherwise God will show you what you know what that means Paul say I know there'll be a bunch of weird grace people that come by and say you don't have to press in anymore you're liberated to rest in God you're resting brother don't get into that striving legalism don't get into that stuff of pressing and laying hold of it stretching yourself out after God don't be religious like them you know what Paul says don't even argue with them God will show up gotta show God will make it clear I want to tell you there's a lot of language today I do rest in my sonship I rest in the free gift of righteousness I rest in my position in Christ I haven't open heaven but there's a striving and a laboring to fully lay hold of everything he's laid hold of my life about and I'm like God I'm grateful for my open heaven but my neighbourhood needs an open heaven my city needs open heaven my church needs an open heaven I need a breakthrough God and I'm laboring for that breakthrough we need a generation jeremiah 3:15 Sheppard's he says I will give you Shepherds according to my heart and they will feed you with knowledge and understanding of me I believe that God wants to raise up out of this place students of the knowledge of God don't you want to feed people on him our self-help motivation is it going to be able to answer the problems of today there is great offense there is latent offense within the church right now we get any tremors people said I just can't following in him anymore that happened beloved what do you think is gonna happen as God begins to shake the earth and prepare it for the coming of his son he's going to turn over everything and if we can't handle tremors how are we gonna handle earthquakes he's gonna uproot everything and I'm like God shot me now instead of shocking me later and make me a Shepherd that can feed people and they're looking for answers I've got something living on the inside of me because I got a breakthrough in my darkest night and you don't get that at McDonald's drive-through you get it by Kurt by clinging to him when you can't see anything around you I believe he wants to mark messengers tonight does anybody know what happened to Isaiah six I say I had a prophetic ministry a good prophetic ministry and then he got exposed he saw Jesus on the throne and he saw Seraphim singing to one another holy holy holy Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and what did Isaiah say when he heard them sing he goes woe is me from a man of unclean lips what was I say yeah talking about was he talking about a cussing problem he had now he says after hearing the pure undefiled witness of heaven concerning that man I'm defiled in the way I talk about him I don't know him and I need a breakthrough into the knowledge of God so that I can rightly speak about Jesus some of you will share about Jesus over coffee and it will release an open heaven in Starbucks it will release a breakthrough in that coffee shop others will do it with home groups others will do it with online others of you will do it in online some with moms others with dads others with and all kinds of settings others will write blogs and write little a Facebook entrance there's going to be all kinds away in which we talk about it and it will feed people on God how has God raised you up to talk about him and to prepare the earth for his coming he goes woe is me I'm a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips then one of the angels came to me took a coal from live tongs from the altar and touched my lips God wants to touch your lips he wants to touch your mind your heart your spirit and he wants to touch your lips he wants to take complaining and bitterness and cursing and defilement out of your mouth and he wants to replace it with holy words gracious words a Mentalist and Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus let's just give Jesus a hand come on Jesus [Music] who is like this man nobody who's like this man nobody this man this man no-one's ever spoken like this man young ladies he's the man of your dreams he is the man of your dreams young man he is the definition of true masculinity tenderness compassion zeal righteousness power give yourself to the pursuit of him take all the verses on him and fill your mind with it and talk back to him about it and watch your interior life get changed I believe he wants to raise up Shepherds messengers of the knowledge of him some of you will speak it others will write it some will draw it others will write songs about it others will play it some of you will touch ones and twos we got anointed moms in this house that I can a pour into your children it's time to it's time we get a breakthrough in to the revelation of Jesus on this rock everybody say a rock I'm going to build my ekklesia gates of Hell will not prevail that was the word tonight [Music] you build his house on the rock with the winds waves rains came and stood free was founded on the rock it's time for the church to come out of the sand and begin to get rooted and grounded in the revelation of Jesus who do you say that he is who is he who is he well I know who he is he's Jesus he died on the cross for my sins yes and so much more he is your bridegroom he is your husband he is your father he is my shepherd hallelujah I'm just feeling such jealousy about Jesus in this hour [Music] because if we come away for this weekend you go Cory's awesome I'm grieving I want to come away and I want to know Jesus like I've never known him if you feel like God's called you to be one of these messengers shepherds who are called to feed people on him I want you to come up here right now we're gonna pray for you right now [Music] Oh it's not just knowing more facts about him demons know facts about it we need the spirit of revelation on the church he says till we come into the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect man that's it lift your hands all over this place you got to see what the Seraphim seen you got to hear what the Seraphim sing he says I'm a man of unclean lips because my eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts [Music] further I pray in the name of Jesus open up the heavens over this house and release the revelation of Jesus Christ release the revelation release release release [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fire liar fire [Music] [Music] hold on hold on you guys have been a part of Mia's company [Music] on emmaus that blind man he cried out son of David have mercy on me everybody the religious told him to shut up he goes haha fresh start has been a part of me his company saying haha [Music] and guess what you got his attention Jesus says what do you want me to do for you and we tell him tonight Lord we want to see more we want to see yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] really Lauro cried [Music] really sit down [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah sorry oh man not see a man [Applause] [Music] [Music] really [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I see AB Artemis's I'm seeing the woman at the well [Music] I don't know about you but I'm a woman at the well who else you ran after everything this world has and it didn't satisfy [Music] and then you met him [Music] he's gonna release prophetic evangelism from this house there's an anointing of evangelism Nordman anointing annoying annointing yeah yeah yeah anointing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I declare it it's coming a revelation at a revolutionary vandalism and it's gonna be just like the woman at the well they're here it's not about formulas or techniques it's gonna be come see a man it's gonna be obsession with the man god I pray undo all of us the revelation of Jesus Christ undo is witness mercy undo it with his goodness I'm doing with his righteousness release your power right now [Music] sighs my in your fire baptize my heart [Music] in a fire [Music] my [Music] [Music] turn up offense in the name of Jesus [Music] he is good [Music] [Music] [Music] don't wanna be offended I don't want to be abandoned [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see a vasodilator the Bessie before pone la pasiĆ³n en la basura baba Keshava her and I vache a lot of Awesome butter [Music] la la la vache Arab Allah Allah Allah masu Babaji la la la la vez or [Music] I'm a shaking [Music] [Applause] come on just keep lifting up your cry Church just keep lifting up your cry Church [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] beautiful heaven said it's beautiful ha [Music] [Music] I shine [Music] [Music] utterly holiday [Music] [Music] [Music] you don't know there's you know there's just no way this is no way to get something like this just know you can't put an a man on this [Music] because it's not just about the moment it's not that provide revival weekend just ended you can't put a name in on this just like in the wisdom of God it didn't put an a man at the end of the book of Acts cuz it wasn't over [Music] point being the deposit and the challenge to us to be fascinated with Jesus and Jesus alone has just begun [Music] it doesn't end with this service it isn't in because Koree is going to get on the plane and go back to Kansas City God has set us on the path a deeper path of knowing him [Music] so take this with you if you have to get online and watch these messages over and over and over again until this gets it's kind of like since there overload it's so much and I don't want to lose any of I don't want to get it all I'm telling you I'm mad monitoring you I'm telling you get online to watch these messages over and over again until this gets deep because the world needs us to be totally in love with Jesus and the world needs us to be totally saturated with the Spirit of God filled with the spirit overwhelmed with the spirit living in the spirit not just in terminologies but in realities [Music] so I'm thankful I'm very thankful for it Corrie Russell has deposited in this house I'm thankful that God has confirmed the word with his presence and what he's doing in our lives tonight now I just want you to I just I just I just want you to take this and let it build on the inside of you let it grow on the inside of you I'm one two I'm going to press you that if you're not normally here on Wednesday nights I want to press you to make a quality decision that this is where you're going to be Wednesday night from 7:00 to 8:00 as we pursue and worship and prophetic intercession this is why we're here we're not gonna do any of that this rapture us up out of here and just get it over with this is why we're here to make a difference yes and so we got to start somewhere all this that we've been learning you got to start somewhere that's a good place to start if that's not already a part of your your spiritual pursuit Wednesday night and remember the challenge this morning thirty minutes praying in the Holy Spirit praying in your heavenly language every day see where that takes you is gonna take you somewhere you never dreamed you could be or never would go yes yes so look it's been an amazing week and there's no doubt about it Amen can we give the Lord some praise hallelujah [Applause] thank you lord we thank you Father hallelujah amen amen you
Channel: Fresh Start Church
Views: 1,887
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: nHQ_84RYPlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 9sec (5409 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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