Special Guest: Lou Engle | Bethel Cleveland

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[Applause] thank you he preceded you know I I said to of friends this morning I said I'm coming to the most important church in America she's probably thinking yeah [Applause] well if a prophet may be the foremost prophet of our generation declared that the revival man head would rise in Cleveland if it's a true word I would not be here apart from this church Jerry Missy's Steve his wife I wouldn't be here because they were the ones that enter that that invited us into Cleveland and so I want to reiterate I believe I could be one of the most important meetings of my life see sometimes we never know the significance of who we are before God and in fact our little stream of life our individual stream actually is connected to a great and mighty stream and we pay a pal we play a part in history and I believe we're in historic moments in America of course I believe that for 30 years I live my life with this sense that every moment is a divine moment that must be ceased stunning tonight I have a I have a friend that we've just written a book called the Jesus fast steams Dean Briggs I had a dream years ago that a man named forget his name wisten Oh what was his name he was throwing me his book and this book was flying toward me McManus let's first name I ruin McManus have written about he throwing to his book it's flying toward me I grab it and the title is seizing your divine moment I didn't even know he wrote a book called seizing your divine moment this guy that wrote the book with me Ashley wrote the story of the cover on that book God brought us together I believe what God was saying is that there are that part of life is not just being faithful day after day year after year you can be in your Chronos obedience it's the word for time of ordinary time but if it comes to a Kairos moment and you don't seize the divine moment you can actually miss your destiny you can be faithful all along but when the moment comes when everything is shifting you must seize that divine moment I try to live my life that way I don't do too well in the Chronos moments I do pretty good under Karis Moses get pretty bored during the Chronos moments that's just that's worse than the Kairos moment Cara's moments you're fast and pray to shift history but in the and in in the Chronos moments you just have to stay alive and not be bored that's the real challenge to stay alive in your spirit when everything is boring I got a quote in this book I thought it just read it to you I can find it pretty pretty I didn't do it but oh darn it millions don't defy God consciously they default to cake and television except for a periodic rush of sex and sport and semanas cinema life yawns there's no passion for significance for many no passion at all I'd say a lot of the church in America is defaulting to cake and television except for a periodic rush of sex and sport and cinema life yawns I was mobilizing for the call an Azusa now right here for Cleveland on July 22nd 23rd and I made this statement maybe Cleveland wants King James more than they want King Jesus not you bro not no seriously listen to this I said this maybe Cleveland wants King James more than King Jesus the guy filming me goes into shock he said I dreamed those same exact words four days ago I'm telling you it's the word of the Lord we're going to the Q where the world is caught up with an entertainer they what I can tell you the churches of Cleveland are not thinking right now about July 22nd and 23rd they're thinking about tonight I understand it I love basketball that's who I am about I was one now I'm 64 years old had bad knees I would but I was good I drove him off the floor I would get whole stands chanting against me I felt like I was in the arena of history come on no now what are the chances that I would say that word spontaneously and the guy would have a dream of it who's filming me four nights ago I think what the Lord is saying the church really doesn't want Jesus they want a candidate so they mobilized like crazy for a candidate the swing state of politics is Ohio but it should be the swing state of revival we still want a king we're just like the older we want a king we want King James but I've come to the most important place in America today because I believe that you can be the Bethel the place of the open heaven you can be the place where that you're the hinge of history and I'm not just saying hype the reason I've moved here and my team is moving here too fast for 40 days and I don't say that to boast or I'm simply saying there comes a time when you understand that if it's a true word you cannot play games with the prophetic we we treat the prophetic like it's some kind of time when it should be honored and ceased and if the wakening man is to awaken in Cleveland the whole awakening man depends on Cleveland's head being awakened if it's a true word and if it's a true word and you don't get it in Cleveland that means this a nation could lose its great awaken this is how I look at life we treat the prophetic word in her life casual and because of a casual approach to the prophetic we get casualties brothers and sisters I've come to the most important place in America and I'm not kidding cuz I don't know who else is gonna seize this day who else has this kind of DNA why would we invite it here amen [Applause] you see really literally this is like my Bethel forty years ago I came to Ashland Ohio to go to seminary but I really came was for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit I came to to ask the seminary I became a youth pastor to Methodist Church I remember nineteen probably nineteen seventy seven forty years ago right now as a young young youth pastor that didn't have a clue what he was doing I went in the middle of the night into that Methodist building and I built an altar I feel like in some ways like Jacob Oh Jacob you know fleeing from his brothers I'm all alone what am I doing here I go into a Methodist building in that church middle of the night and I said God if you can't make me as radical as some drug addict that has a radical testimony of being converted I grew up as a religious boy if you can't make me as Ragland radical as this as that I I don't want anything to do with Christianity I said and the song kingdom and I said teach me to love the as thine angels love one holy passion filling all my frame the baptism of the heaven descended of my heart and altar and thy love aflame one holy passion when the scripture says you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart all your mind all your soul and all your strength it doesn't leave a whole lot of room for a passions he's not just looking for good religious religionists he's looking for people who burn and if anything needs to happen in America now we need a Burning Man to arise that's unbalanced John the Baptist was anything but balanced maybe balance is a dirty word the due date locusts and honey and then it said he fasted often means he broke his main meal of locusts and honey to not eat anything at all weirdo but when Jesus came he didn't identify with the priestly mega churches of his day he identified with the locusts either in the desert who is preparing the way I feel we're in this moment of the divine surgence of God and much of the church is slumbering much of Cleveland is slumbering but that's the good news you don't wake in the head of the revival man unless he's slumbering but somebody has to waken him I've come I feel were at a tipping point you say Lou how do we know this prophetic word is is God well the thing about the prophetic is you don't you never will have a hundred percent certainty on a prophetic fervor but you could have a witness in your spirit that says it's yes years ago I was leading a team of 70 young people to North Carolina to walk the Trail of Tears we knew that the issue of abortion was connected with the issue of the Native Americans and we had to walk 750 miles and before we did this one of our young men had a in the dream Bob Jones the Prophet had met us at the headwaters of the Trail of Tears because of this dream we decided to do the dream most people get dreams and think it's pizza but we are committed because the last day is language of the Holy Spirit his dreams and visions you would think we would be hiring to hear the voice of God in the night where was I oh yeah so I called Bob Jones the guy that gives the prophecy of the revival man I call him up never called him before I didn't know if he knew even who I was they said you'll never get a hold of him he won't answer the phone I called him he answered the phone I tell him we had this dream that you were meeting his bed Black Mountain North Carolina launches it's the Trail of Tears he said well sorry I live real close there I'll be there and Bob Jones spent three days with us and we were with the Prophet and Bob Jones gave us a word and said there are the Eagles that fly in the heavens and get the prophetic revelation but unless you have the wild geese the hunkers flying in v-formation breaking through the principalities and powers the word of the prophet will not be manifested and he said your tribe is the honkers the call is the honkers we determined that we would be Bob Jones Eagles I mean honkers that we were going to pray Bob Jones words he sent us on that thing sent us on this journey with a prophetic word concerning abortion we walked at 750 miles then we came to when we came back home Bob Jones calls a man named Shaun Bulls says tell that man Lou Ingle and those kids that walk the Trail of Tears tell them because of their sacrifice of their March they've gained authority over the spirit of death tell them to rebuke the flu in America that is threatening 35,000 children and so on December 21st we gathered together to fast one day didn't feel anything but we did what the Prophet said and we rebuked the National flu in January we're reading the front page of the USA Today and it says flu appears to be on decline in America I turned the page and they show a graph it begins to decline on December 21st I say that because we honked for that prophetic word we saw a demonstration of the kingdom in response to our obedience to that word and if that word was true what about this one come on what about the what about the revival man's head rising [Applause] and if it is a true word God is looking for honker seriously are you are you are you with me on this this is how I'm treating this I am treating this possible the hinge of my life journey starting 40 years ago in Akron Ohio where I begin to read revival books and I begin to cry out for revival 40 years ago and I made a vow to God I made a vow with three guys and I said and our vow is this no matter what it takes or where it leads us we will seek Acts chapter two no matter what the cost forty years ago I've been on this journey wild journey this made no sense cuz I've been seeking Acts chapter two I've seen measures of it no doubt of that outpouring of the Holy Spirit brothers and sisters America has a demand on the church to be the womb of a new revival without a third grade awaking there is no future for America with this word we are coming here sensing that this could be the time of Acts chapter 2 if the awakening takes place that means there's a movement of the Holy Spirit by the way it's called Quicken Loans that the King James Version of awaken is quicken you weirdo and I'm here and we're here praying God we must have the fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit at a new Jesus Movement in America where thousands are being saved born again yeah I got saved in 1975 I came to Cleveland to take my brother's car to drive to Pennsylvania to meet to visit my girlfriend probably wasn't a good idea I was saved though messed up but saved I took his little Datsun down highway 71 my brother said I'd feel better about you wearing your seatbelt so I did we didn't wear seatbelts those days or a seat I wore my seatbelt you got hit by an 18-wheeler 65 miles an hour witness said I'd airborne three flips no way I could live I came out of with a scratch in my hand on my hand and I had this sense you know sometimes you've got a wonder about your life that those moments were much more than an accident who knows what cosmic battles we're going on on highway 71 do you know what I'm saying if we never see ourselves in this light we'll never will never step into her the dump dimensions of sonship we are the sons of God moving through the earth with authority and promptness and vision the 1977 I moved here and I made that vow and I'm coming back 20 40 years later I feel like I'm coming back to where I made a vow to a place called Jacobs field where there is a ladder from heaven to earth where there is a gateway literally and I've come to Bethel and I'm not kidding I literally feel why wouldn't my Val be as significant as Jacobs we see the people in the Bible is some kind of superheroes that's all Testament folks john the baptists elisha the kingdom police but those released in the kingdom are greater than john who are we behold what manner of love the father is given to us that we might be called the sons of God and such we really are you see if you don't see yourself like that you'll never move into your divine moment because you don't think you could really happen I don't know what's gonna happen I talked to Jerry this morning and Jerry says it's gonna happen that made me real happy literally I I sense we've come here I want to I want to invite you into my life and my story I hate fasting and you're thinking oh no I hate that I have a love-hate relationship with fasting I hate it because I love to eat I love it because when I fast I eat bread from heaven that's the Jesus says on his fast man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of it there's something about fasting where you begin feasting at the table of wholeheartedness that's a good word I did I'm actually quoting Deen that it at the feast of fasting what did I say that was good that's quitter ABBA you find yourself eating at the table of wholeheartedness listen it takes grace to fast because I want we want grace I kill you grace lovers need grace to fast one time I was fasting I cheated on the fast I look both ways yogurt chips see my wife is looking I ate yogurt and chips I didn't feel guilty till the next day I was sitting in our prayer room and this woman walks up to me prophetic intercessor ladies scary lady she said I had a dream last night and you were sitting right where you're sitting right now I think whoa this is so awesome but if the dream was very disappointed with you because you see you supposed to be fasting but you were eating yogurt and [Applause] sometimes I wonder if God was just playing with me haha watching you son sometimes I wonder if he was saying son take your calling of fasting seriously because the future of a nation could depend upon I love this little quote by dan Allender if I can find it if I can find it he says fasting is not a tool for gaining discipline or piety instead fasting is the act of ridding ourselves of fullness we're so full of stuff full of media can hardly hear the voice of God cuz we hear it on our cell phones day by day hour by hour how we do I wrote the old I wrote a an answer to the old song walk with Him in the garden when the dew is still on the roses and the voice I hear as we tarry there the son of God discloses and he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me I'm his own and the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known I wrote a new one for this generation he walks with me in the garden when the dew is still on the roses and the noise I hear is my cell phone near my busy schedule it discloses and it walks with me and it talks to me and it tells me by it I am owned and the noise we share as we run here and there through Facebook everyone knows I believe this generation is called to be the greatest prophetic generation and in some ways the greatest war against that is that we've gotten used to noises so we can't hear the voices we want King James more than King Jesus were filled with stuff but fasting is not a tool for gaining discipline it's the act of ridding ourselves a fullness to attune our senses to the mysteries that swirl in and around us sometimes God shows up sometimes he feeds us and every now and then he throws his wild glory before it's like bursting constellations is that awesome I've done fast that seem like quiet there was feeding of the Lord to my soul I've done so many long miserable fasts it's a terrible vocation it's actually a wonderful location but I've known moments in my fast when it was bursting glory of constellations like when we fasted 30 days praying every night that God would give us an explosion a prophetic worship that God would invade the congregation with his presence 30 days of fasting praying every night with about 20 guys pounding away God we're not content to had a nice worship service give us your glory on the 29th night I went into groanings it was a travail and I knew something was gonna happen the next day we're doing worship we were in a weird old church kind of crazy church with just worshippers and the guy starts playing a prophetic chord and I begin to sing a song we gaze upon your purity we gaze upon your beauty we gaze upon your loveliness holy incense do we bring and we gaze into an open heaven and when I sing that pan pandemonium breaks out all over the god invades the place and his invasion of glory people start getting saved right there in worship people are crying we see angels and God was shown me there are times and fasting when he burst forth with glory Oh could I believe for such a thing as that at the cute could there be an awakening what was that look what I don't know what it looks like I'd be willing to do nothing on that day and simply be on our faces if we could get the glory I'm not sure but I believe the prophetic word Bob Jones word I believe the revival man is rising right here in Cleveland but you see if you have that prophetic word you could understand how you become the shifter of history the last few moments I tell about Daniel Daniels one of my favorite guys in the Bible when he knows it is time he reads the word of the Prophet he doesn't just say call Bob Jones gave a great prophecy no he understood that there are obstacles to the releasing of that prophetic word he knows it's time he sets his face to fast and pray and archangels are warring over the prophetic word heaven comes down in Archangel comes down and says Oh Daniel highly esteem what a statement that heaven would have to war for demonic principalities to tell a man who knows the time knows the prophetic word had sets himself to cooperate with heaven because revelation demands participation God is just not acting haphazardly in history he's looking for an intercessor on earth and in heaven to bring forth that which he's trying to give birth to right now heaven is looking for a woman earth and all history shifts at one place with one man who moves the heavenly realm that's why heaven says Oh Daniel highly esteemed I wonder if he would say that about Bethel Church you've heard the prophetic word in a measure you believe it but what about Daniel what about the calling of fasting and prayer to move angels and demons so I don't know what's gonna happen with the playoffs but it it amazing to me that we're gonna be in the same building a few weeks after this the whole world is looking but I'm looking for a quickening of the Holy Spirit went on a long 40 day fast 2009 right before I went I had a dream that my belly was being operated on I woke up and I said God are you wanting me to be a Daniel that my appetites are operated on by the Holy Spirit so that I could live life like Daniel and shift history the supreme vocation I went into that fast in the middle of the fast I'm on four of us fasting these 40 days in water y'all named Julie Meyer prophet from Kansas he's now in Santeria she'd sent me dreams she had a dream that you were sleeping in this place and you were fasting and five angels came into your bedroom and operated on your belly and they took the book of daniel lit it on fire and sealed it into your belly and then all these young people began coming to you from all over with their shirts saying the sons of thunder in a few days on the seven seven seven seven seventeen there's a movement going on it's called the sound in Kansas in in San Francisco on the fortieth year basically anniversary of the summer of love and they're crying out that the sons of thunder musicians a prophetic word will rise musicians that would have an anointing stronger than the Beatles to reap the great harvest they're called the sons of thunder I'm praying this the sons of thunder write America must have a Jesus Movement oh I want a little revival I want to run a revival I bough it what about the revival I want to see is in the streets all across America in the inner cities african-americans are having encounters with God kids in our urban areas in our white schools would have dreams of Jesus I am literally praying that all of Cleveland have dreams why shouldn't I believe that one guy I was with my Sueno guy and I gotta end here that's what this one man I should why we always believe in for Muslims cap dreams to get saved why don't we believe for these white kids in your elementary school and junior high schools have dreams of Jesus I said this man was a teacher in the school that's a let's pray father I pray tomorrow some kid will come up to him say I had a dream that I was giving my life to Jesus he comes to me that night he said Luke kid walked up to me today said mr. Harris how did dream last night that I was giving my life to Jesus he said did you do it no would you like to yes gives his life to Jesus well this is this is the dream stream this is the Gateway maybe God begins to break out with a heavenly breakthrough all across America what have people all over America suddenly they just kind of dead and they begin getting this hunger in their heart I gotta read my Bible I don't know I haven't read it for 10 20 years come on that's what it awakening it's like suddenly the giant begins to rise I could tell you story after story a fasting and prayer as you probably know we're calling all of Ohio 217 days starting after the fireworks July 4th to the 21st the evening of the 21st the day night before the zuzo now in the queue we're calling people to Matthew 17 fast Matthew 17 young man walked up to me I was minister I was mobilizing and I'll end with this young man Hispanic guy came he says I've never heard of the call until today but the name of my ministry is the call I'm Natan saw I named it the call as the cult of fasting because you see I had a dream and in this dream I saw all these young people falling into the waters of death suicide drugs sexual immorality he said it was so dark I could hardly get out of it they kept falling into the waters and they keep falling in and nothing could help them and in the dream he hears the voice of the Lord say the answer to this darkness will only be found in Matthew 17 he goes back to sleep dreams the same dream three times the same night he gets up he looks at Matthew 17 and it's about the man the father whose boy keeps falling into the fires and the waters and Jesus said this kind cannot come out but by prayer and fasting this region in America is the the top drug deaths heroin death what if all Ohio we're going to 17 days loose a deliverance movement they begin to set B what if on July 4th on the day of freedom we would pray for true freedom 17 days of a Jesus Movement where healings and Jesus comes and maybe he'll just step into the queue and take over the whole meeting oh I would love that to happen I've come to Bethel where I made a vow 40 years ago and I'm asking God make this the open heaven for America and I've come to the most important church in America I'm calling you would you not just look on and be a spectator but it'd be a participator in God's great dream to see a nation turn back to God this is our dream this is why we're here we love you we love the worship we love your people would you stand with me [Music] I'm gonna pray for dreams Danny leave sure told me that Jesus culture he said Lou we'd never had dreams but when you came I meant 20 years ago and you released dreams that night our whole company had dreams and it's never stopped it's part of the grace of God on her on our whole movie I don't understand this if you hang around the dream King you get into a dream stream you join yourself to a dream team and you do the Martin Luther King thing you get the mind of God you get the wisdom of God [Music] this is none of the gate of heaven and the house of God how awesome is this place not forgotten [Music] dreams [Music] good night to be alive Oh Susan Oh Jesus Oh [Music] do [Music] snow [Music]
Channel: Bethel Cleveland
Views: 3,450
Rating: 4.6296296 out of 5
Keywords: Bethel, Cleveland, Akron, Brunswick, Middleburg Heights, Berea, Parma, North Royalton, Strongsville, Broadview Heights, Cuyahoga, Church, Faith, Jesus, God, Father, Son, Holy, Spirit, Miracle, Healing, Prophecy, Bible, Christ, Hope, Love, Joy, Worship, Praise, Steve Witt, Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Eric Johnson, Brian Johnson, Shawn Bolz, Michael Miller, Michael Koulianos, Lance Wallnau, Graham Cooke, Robby Dawkins, Bishop Joseph Garlington, Hillsong, United, Freedom, lou, engle, the call, azusa now
Id: kxi2DO9uLqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2017
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