Expedition Overland's X Hangar Tour - DREAM Garage / Shop / Office / HQ

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hey guys how's it going hope you've been well we are here at a building you might recognize today this is expedition overland's hangar the xo hanger and we also have clay's 3rd gen 4runner and clay's fj 62 which we'll get into in a little bit but i'm going to go inside here and here we have it clay promised me it would be nice and messy in here the fleet the shop dog the prospector and there's the man himself clay you ready to give me a little tour i'm ready to give you a tour sweet so we are here in the x hanger there's rochelle hey here's the puppers and then there's clay so clay yes just kind of show us around point out some interesting stuff talk about the shop clay and i have talked about the shop a little bit lots well a little bit since you've been here yeah a little bit since i've been here so clay and i have been friends for a while actually this is probably the first time we've been seen in a video together but clay's kind of been in some ways like a mentor of mine he's doing bigger better cooler stuff than i am he's more well connected he has more more cars a cooler shop so dad's in i lean on clay for some like advice and i just bounce ideas off of him once in a while and so he's talked to me a lot about the x-hanger the reason for its existence how it's helped expedition overland as a whole so i kind of know a lot of insider stuff already but it's very fascinating to me the building the structure the business the model everything and i hope you guys are interested in it because i'm gonna kind of have clay talk about that sure enough a little bit in like the cliff notes version of it and then we'll get into some cool stuff the rigs and that i think sounds good so that's gonna be this video so i hope you enjoy it so the x hanger you guys built this how long ago 2016. that's when we built it um it was a it was a plunge you know every now and then you gotta you gotta push your chips in and go all in so i was actually uh built this hangar in the attempt to let's say save the business because we were working out of the house building all the sponsorship decks building trucks in the garage we had multiple people working at our kitchen table for several years and it was just getting to the point where we were like we got to do something different we need a space we need we're busting at the seams and if we're going to survive we need to be able to have this you know headquarters to do our jobs well so that's when the x hanger was born looking for a dedicated space that could just do everything exactly and so we i had put a lot of thought into it for years i i had drawn things and built stuff and then we went full on into designing this one and it came to fruition pretty quick i had a very good friend travis swanson who was the builder uh that came in and said what do you want he's a good friend of mine through search and rescue and we napkined it out over at the on the porch and uh i'm dreaming it up for years though years yeah yeah so i already had a general idea and i had you know pinterest boards and all kinds of stuff of everything of what i wanted a shop to look like and how it needed to surf plus we'd been working in garages we had rented a shop space for a little while my dad's had a shop and then a bunch of us other guys have had shops or worked in shops so we kind of had a collective idea of how we would what it needs to have and then we went to it we designed it built it and uh we probably finished it in six months seven months total build time it was really well done really well executed which was nice that it you know got kicked off that way and we've been we wanted to have a a party to like initiate the the building and all that but we didn't do it till the film fest this year four years later like we just hit the ground running just cranking so yeah and it's i mean it's a great space we'll walk you through a little bit and touch on some features here and there and clay warned me that it is packed full of goods this pack you can see we got motorcycles we have motors we got some tracks for the general over there shelly's new bike here she just got this she's getting into that nice a couple of the rigs a few other rigs outside a few other there's two rigs in transit yeah one's in the shop one's coming from canada right now so yeah and you guys probably know expedition overland's a major operation but it it's a major operation it is a lot of a lot of pieces going on and it's it's awesome that you have a space yep so i don't know why don't you walk us through real quick a couple of vehicles well this one i'm extremely jealous this this one's a pride and joy this one was this is samson it's our 2016 land cruiser 200 series and this was built for the south america series season season three of the pan american and uh yeah they said that land cruiser would never you'd never get a land cruiser toyota would never put anything behind it and then they gave us this one and then here it is and here it is so if someone says you can't do something don't believe them it is possible you just got a dream to 200 level dreams so this this one samson is was my truck in south america and is still one of my favorite trucks a lot of people ask me if i was to have to hop in one and go around the world which one would it be it'd be the 200 series land cruiser yeah rochelle actually seconds that yeah shelley loves her two hundreds as well awesome so sam we're not going to go too deep but if you want more of this truck obviously expedition overland has plenty of it yep and you work the way down the street and you got the next is uh theater yeah this is our 2020 gladiator odin this was built uh the first one with a one of two that had the peak war system out of south australia well gold coast with the patriot campers so the pecor on the back we've built this to be our search and rescue slash production truck i'm going to turn the radio off right now as you speak so clay uh is a member of his local search and rescues so he's actually in addition to using these rigs for personal enjoyment and production and making beautiful videos you're actually using it for rescue this this truck's been on four or five calls in the last month or so and it was just on a film shoot on friday up in the mountains do you think you'll ever work the general into search and rescue stuff absolutely for sure yeah the general hat serves a big purpose there i think a four-door serves the best purpose but the two-door works pretty great too move out and join your crew sounds good well so this is yeah we could talk all day about most of these rigs and the details in them but that is not for this video yeah there's a lot going on in each one of these clay has videos that are walking through a lot of these so you can check them out and then we'll probably do a couple walk-throughs but we'll talk about i think the forerunner and the land crews are outside because cool those are interesting well you want to talk about quick the the big boy work our way over here this is our 2018 aev prospector and it also has a patriot camper pcor flatbed on the back there's a ram 3500 chassis and then the four wheel camper hawk flatbed model on top of it it has quick stats roughly 60 gallons of diesel on board 50 gallons of water i can go at least a solid month or longer on without being restocked if i wanted to in this vehicle with two people between this and the trailer i could easily go for longer and we can do three weeks with a family of five without a restock out of this comfortably like you could do more but it's very comfortable three weeks is that's a journey yeah and then that's our general two-door the general 1000 xp codename curiosity after the mars lander or rover and it's the whole idea you get to a place and drop your explore little explore vehicle and go see a bunch of stuff and then be able to come right back to base camp and that's how we've used it nice it's awesome yeah he put a he put a little video of this on the channel as well you may have changed a couple things but it looks too much how it was yeah yeah upgraded the tire and wheel just a little bit of radios and communications we've got a heater in it now it's got chainsaw holder on the top spare fuel water a now you box in the back for all the survival gear camping gear rifle mount above that a few lights and then it will just go this we're having so much fun with this and then it we use it here at the at the hanger now as our plow vehicle we got a plow over here and it's got all the setups too maintain the property as well mentioned earlier we have the tracks looking forward to i'm i'm trying to snag a set of tracks as well so yeah i'm excited to get this get your opinions on them yeah i can't wait to get these going it just what a wild year it started off like it was going to snow a bunch and then it just hasn't yeah there's no snow in montana where colorado's been lacking in the snow department as well so maybe next month we'll get to get these out so in addition to all the all the cool rigs and stuff we got all kinds of camera gear and cranes and cool stuff floating around we got some paramotors over here yep then why you just kind of continue walking us around the shop sure what we've got going on elsewhere this is typically this area when we pull the table and this is our like main logistics planning area we can get the whole team around it and plan our expeditions pull stuff up on the big screen get some maps going whilst all this stuff is passed this was all of our schedule our post-production schedule from last year yeah so then camera stuff over there drone stuff all in here got our wings for the paramotors etc here and then uh yeah glass door so when summer we can come in and out 62 series out front and downstairs was built with uh 5600 degree kelvin led lighting non-strobing so while you're filming in here you don't get flickering it works and dimming and then it matches the best we could in the led lights the daylight that comes in so you don't have a real bad color shift from outside light coming in to the building and then all of the light is completely controllable we can dim it to make it look the way we want and then yeah so it's very more blue down here techy and then as we go upstairs we made that a lot warmer and more creative because that's where the offices are that's where all the editing happens and the creative space so as you physically walk upstairs we designed it to help mentally shift your head towards the creative side versus all the shop stuff and the filming and the tech and all that so very cool show you upstairs yeah so this is if you're ever wondering how crazy and hectic things get around here this is uh this is all old so don't get too excited like i'm giving you any spoilers but yeah all right we've got some stairs over here yeah so come on up i was asking clay if you ever installed that bathroom he was talking about not yet you'll have to take that up with gallatin county yeah permitting bathrooms in in garages is that yeah big hassle such a pain in the butt so this is the main edit bay and here this is where all the sound mastering all the voiceovers is done everything is connected to a server under the floor here in a in a closet and so we can cut all our 4k stuff and handle all the heavy data loads it's the best monitor all the lights in here are designed not to be sharp so you can sit in here and not get eye fatigue and uh yeah dimmable and you can set the the lighting in here so you can stay in here forever and this is not good magic happens with the narration that's where it is that's where the magic happens yeah big views of the bridgers the bridger range this year we're celebrating 10 years this is a cool poster this is our prototype signage poster that we did for 10 years of expedition overland just all the accomplishments along the way that was awesome it's one of the one of our few attempts to you know recognize the milestones because you go go go go it's good to stop and celebrate so we're stopping celebrating 10 years from up here you have a nice view of everything going on down below yep i built this so i could run down this way and yell at guys over here like hey what's going on and talk to tanners and jeffs and whoever when they're building trucks talk to them and then i can talk to anybody down at the table like shelley and then if we have parties we have a place to to be up here when we did our film fest people sat here and watched movie yeah it just aesthetically cool on the catwalk on the catwalk and then gives us an opportunity to film things from this angle with as well so yeah good little perch here guys this is the main office what'd you say i was just saying there's a caffeine studio oh yeah just two more edit bays when we're in full swing we're usually running three or four editors to cut our series and then we this room is 5.1 surround sound as well and it is our best home theater room to check everything so we'll all come in here and we'll sit and we watch everything that we cut before it goes on the internet here with subwoofers and all the different speakers so that we can catch anything bad because not only does it go to to youtube where a lot of people watch it on a phone it also goes to like amazon prime where people are watching it on home theater so we make sure everything is leveled and good at this stage before it ever goes online what clay's trying to tell you is his content is created best consumed through an appropriate device yeah 4k everything's leveled yeah it's it's really built for big stuff but half of it's consumed on phones so that's true we got there's the third gen 4 runner out there 62 down below yep then we have one more little office over here this is supposed to be my office but i got kicked out of it i don't really get to do much in here yeah yep just workstations yeah being able to look at the mountains get good light yes crank in here this is cool it's the uh the work side behind the scenes of what it takes to run xo put content out yeah it's impressive stuff you're doing here thank you both the building and the whole all the processes involved and and making this stuff happen i appreciate it it is a joy to see yeah it takes a lot it's fun it takes the village it takes the village takes an army sometimes when we're up and running full swing we will be sometimes working with around 20 to 25 people in a season and then between sponsors and people that we're coordinating with sometimes probably as many as 100 people in a year that we're working with actively well dedicated space makes sense yeah it makes sense we couldn't do it at the table anymore we were done so yeah yeah so play and i were talking a lot about how the operation has grown through the years where a lot of it was just at the kitchen table dining room old personal garage grown into this so they took a big plunge and it has been well worth it yeah i've never looked back it was risky but we never never looked back i wouldn't look back either if i got to enjoy all this space i think well clay yes thank you you're welcome for the little shop tour heck yeah anything else you'd like to say uh thanks for watching if you've watched our stuff appreciate it so much and if you haven't checked out expedition overland run over to our youtube channel or on amazon prime look it up and it's about adventure and trucks and traveling and uh if you like that stuff you'll probably like our show so yeah come check it out awesome yeah well guys hope you enjoyed this video thanks for your time clay and i think we're going to film a couple of walk-arounds let's do it so those will probably be on the channel shortly and until next time guys take care ciao you
Channel: Last Line Of Defense
Views: 362,996
Rating: 4.9195604 out of 5
Keywords: dream garage, dream shop, shop goals, garage goals, x hanger, overland, expedition overland, rigs, shop tour, garage tour
Id: xatzOeB8bH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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