01/06/2021 | Apostolic Opportunity Pt.2 | Evg. Chris Green

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i'm so thankful to be in the house of the lord again tonight amen i did see a little bit of the news today forgive me and i got to be honest with you my heart has been troubled and i said the other night i said our competition is not each other we're not competing against each other just don't tell that to the bible quizzers but we're not competing against each other [Music] and we're sure not competing against the devil we're not competing against sin sin is not our enemy time is the only thing that we're racing against right now that's our only competition is time the devil can't stop an apostolic church the devil can't stop a praying church and i just began to cry and began to pray this afternoon as i did see a little bit of the news and and just began to pray and say jesus i want you to come quickly i hope i'm wrong but it almost seems like our world has gone beyond the point of no return and in that moment we need jesus to return [Music] because a world that is on fire needs a church with a stronger fire the fire of the holy ghost if you saw any of the news today you can tell our world is on fire right now and they need a church that is on fire for god [Music] i've had this just sickness to my stomach over the last few hours and especially over the last moments when i saw a news clip a video um there have there's been crazy things happening and i'm not going to go into all the detail but i don't know all the details i don't know any of the details in fact but but people that have stormed into our nation's capital and i saw a news clip of a woman being shot in the throat in our nation's capital and they just reported that that lady has died do you know how unprecedented that is that there are guns being fired in our nation's capital and people dying in our nation's capital we are in unprecedented times matthew chapter 9 and verses 35-38 jesus scripture says went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people because remember last night if you were here the equation for the miraculous jesus said is to go and to preach to go and spread the gospel and when you do those two things he said the miraculous will follow and he is the great example for that but when he saw the multitudes he was moved with compassion for them because they were weary and scattered like sheep having no shepherd and he said to his disciples the harvest truly is plentiful [Music] but the laborers are few therefore pray the lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest what i love about jesus is when he he sees a multitude of people a bunch of misfits if you will like us before we were saved by his wonderful grace it says he saw the multitude scattered and weary like sheep with no shepherd but he saw the opportunity he said the harvest is great there's a harvest here and watch what he said don't pray for the harvest the harvest is great pray for the laborers the laborers are few who pray for the lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest tonight i just give you part two of where we preached last night about apostolic opportunity i want to pray lord i love you and i thank you for this marvelous week spiritual emphasis a week where we have come together for such a time as this gathered from every walk of life unified in your spirit bringing our differences together joining together the body of christ we are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets but you are the chief cornerstone and i pray one last time for this week that you would deliver your word not just my word but your word through my voice that we would hear with us sayeth the lord that we would know the truth and the truth would make us free and i pray that you would send forth laborers into the harvest for such a time as this in the name of jesus and everybody city man you may be seated i just feel really burdened right now and uh forgive me for making you feel uncomfortable for a moment that's sort of my job but i just can't go forward we need to just pray one more time and you can stay sitting if you feel like it but i just want to pray right now for the harvest for just a moment this world is on fire as i've already prefaced and this world is looking for an answer they don't know what answer they're looking for but we are the answer through jesus christ i want to pray right now for just a moment as i spoke a lost soul has died today in the nation's capital and my heart is broken i don't know who that person was i don't know the agenda the politics i don't care if that person was full of the devil a lost soul has been lost today in our nation's capital capital and my heart goes out to this world who is lost and dying without salvation can we take just a few seconds and pray for this harvest right now and pray that there would be laborers to rise up for this harvest in this end times in the name of jesus christ lord i feel just a burden tonight for lost souls i feel a burden for for the harvest but god you didn't say pray for the harvest you said pray for the laborers pray that laborers would be sent into the harvest lord i pray right now that a spiritual burden would rest upon every heart and soul tonight that you would lead us lord that we would follow you that we would respond to your word that we wouldn't just be church attendees but we would be the identity of the church the apostolic church lead us tonight o lord in the name of the lord jesus christ in jesus name somebody say in jesus name jesus said in matthew chapter 24 he taught them about the end times which you are living in tonight he taught them about what would happen in 2021 the year that you are living in right now before he teaches them about eschatology the the study here of the last things and last times in end times before he got into all of that he prefaced a foundation that is very essential for you to have today in your spirit in verses four five and six he told them two simple things number one he said don't let anybody deceive you before i prophesy and teach you about the end times you must know that people will try to deceive you you must know that the atmosphere of the last days will be an environment of deception where it seems like you can't find the truth don't be deceived he says that's never been more relevant than right now i said it the other day you can give me an article on this and i can give you 10 other articles that refute your article you can find whatever you want to say whatever you want it to say there will be a spirit of deception in the last days and then in verse 6 he says and don't let anybody trouble you or in other words don't be afraid in other words the atmosphere of the last days will be an environment of fear there will be two things in the atmosphere of the last days and that is deception and fear he goes on and he says that all of these things now he's about to tell him what the things are he hasn't told them yet he said all of these things must come to pass but the end is not yet i want you to keep that in mind the end is not yet he goes on and says nation will rise against nation kingdom against kingdom there will be famines pestilences which i i think i talked about that word briefly the other night the literal definition of that word is a fatal epidemic or disease pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places all of these things are the beginning of sorrows here's where it gets really shaky for the church verse 9 then everybody say then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted they're going to come against the church so he's already listed two entities he's listed the planet the earth he's talked about the the uh the ecology uh of affliction if you will he's talked about how there's gonna be um famines pestilences he's talked about how there's going to be a different earthquakes and different storms of that sort and that's in the planet and then he talks about the world the people that can consist of this planet and he talks about wars and rumors of wars nation against nation but the third entity he brings up is the church he goes from the planet to the world to the church and points his finger at the church and says they're going to come against you and they're going to kill you they're going to hate you of all nations for my name's sake and then shall many be offended and betray one another and shall hate one another he's talking about the church and many false prophets shall rise and deceive many and because iniquity shall abound the love of many will wax cold but he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved it doesn't say he that performs miracles will be saved or he that can sing the best will be saved or he that can point no no it says he that endures that's why i started the the the first service of well monday night service i started talking about uh walking in the spirit because the heroes are those who have endured unto the end not who flashed like a firework in the dark and withered away moments later he says he that endures unto the end the same shall be saved remember back in verse 6 he says but the end is not yet this is not the end and then you go to verse 13 and he says but he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved and i can see the disciples sitting there kind of like i would be sitting there thinking okay but what is the end and many of you know this verse and he says and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then the end shall come now i'm not as smart as the rabbinic scholars of myers and myers so i'm not going to try to teach you pre-trip mid-trib post-trib the point that jesus is making is that he is post-revival preacher post-trib that's fine i'm into it i'd like to know but what is most important is jesus said i'm post-revival he said the end is not the bad news that's not going to be the final punctuation mark on my church the end is not when u.s citizens bust into the nation's capital and somebody loses their life that's not the end the end is not riots around the nation and the world the end is not a global pandemic killing thousands of people the end is not wildfires ravaging nations and continents no the end is not earthquakes and famines and wars and rumors of wars the end is not when your political figure didn't get elected or the end is not when your agenda didn't get exalted and the end is not when this happened and that happened he said don't let that define the end for you yes it might be mixed in and yes it might be the tear with the wheat and and yes it might be a sign of the times and it might be the beginning of sorrows he said but this is not going to define the end of my bride he said the end of my church the end of this dispensation is only going to take place when my gospel of the kingdom has been preached in all the world as a witness unto all nations then and only then will i allow the end to come john the revelator was used mightily on the island of patmos and gave us 22 chapters of revelatory vision from god and seven times god speaks to seven churches and seven times it's recorded let he that have an ear let them hear what the spirit is saying to the church to the church everybody say to the church the spirit is speaking to the church i'm going to stop right there for a moment and make sure you really believe that the holy ghost is speaking to the church i've approached this pulpit several times already this week thinking man ah this is a crazy word god i'm gonna be walking out on thin ice i mean my god look at that subtitle i got that's crazy enough i'm tired of going to church and i'm thinking what in god's name lord what are you doing why are you giving me this and and then i meet up with the meyers and they say man this is so much confirmation we've been talking about this and i'm just like i was ready to meet him for dinner last night and say okay man we're going to cut this revival short we're calling somebody else calling an audible they say man this is confirmation i had several people come to me last night and then tonight before i even came to the pool and and said man brother green god has been dealing with me about these same things that that that he he's been using you to preach and here i am thinking man god is this what you really want me to say this to the church because it's not me the spirit is speaking to the church the holy ghost is speaking to somebody you didn't just come for a little spiritual emphasis week to try to get a little holy ghost steroids to get you through the year no you didn't come on the first week of 2021 to make some sort of apostolic spiritual new year's resolution no you came here to get a word from the lord and god has been speaking to you the spirit is speaking to the church so now i ask this question if the spirit of god is speaking to the church who is speaking to the world the world can't hear the spirit of the lord only his bride can hear the spirit only those that have been born again of the water and of the spirit can hear what thus saith the lord we are the vessels of his truth his direction his plan his purpose we are his chosen vessels for such a time as this the spirit is speaking to the church so we must go forth and speak to the world ah just lift your hands up in the name of jesus and just take a moment and pray and say god disturb me until i speak to the world lord use me to speak to the world bring me to a hungry soul bring me to a hungry heart god let me be anointed of your spirit to speak unto the world the good news that although i'm broken in my spirit about what's taking place in our world jesus said the end will come when even those that seem so far from me they're going to hear doesn't say they'll all receive but they're going to hear this truth one way or another they're going to hear whether he uses this church or somebody else going to hear this truth whether he finds an apostolic amongst the pentecostals or he's got to raise one up in a catholic church he's going to find somebody that says i will go if we don't worship him the scripture says the rocks are going to cry out and i think the same truth can be spoken of those who witness for him if we don't witness for him he'll raise up rocks he'll form somebody else but i don't know about you i've made up my mind you're not gonna pick another vessel you're gonna pick me you're gonna use me i wanna go god if you deny me don't let it be from my delay if you deny me and choose somebody else please don't let it be because i delayed to go i hope you find my hand to the plow my knees to the floor and my face to the altar praying and interceding and travailing the greatest program that we'll ever have in 2021 is a prayer room full of apostolic believers we've got other programs we're going to talk about i may introduce one tonight but the greatest program is a prayer room full of apostolic hungry apostolic believers who are ready to go and march and fight and do whatever god has called them to do jesus speaks it's written in the gospel of matthew 10 i referenced it last night and let us go deeper tonight for just a moment i got to hurry jesus said as you go he didn't say if you go as you go this is a given i'm not hoping you go he said when you go preach say it again everybody preach that means just share the gospel with somebody share it with him verse 8 heal the sick everybody say it with me heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils freely you have received so freely give verse 14 whosoever shall not receive you there's the prophecy you need to digest right now you will be rejected can you handle it there's times and my wife knows there's times that i just need affirmation i think it was a couple months ago for some reason we were having a conversation about being on a stranded island you know and one of those topics about what would you miss the most you know on a stranded island or what would be your biggest struggle and she was talking about man finding food how would i find food you know i told her i said yeah my biggest struggle was be you know i wouldn't have anybody there to pat me on the back and say good job you're still alive you're still going you made it but jesus prophesies you're not always going to have the affirmation of the world but you will have the validation of heaven while they reject me just remember he's up there saying well done my good and faithful servant he said when they do not receive you not if when they do not receive you or hear your words and when you depart out of the house or city shake off the dust of your feet verily i say to you it will be more tolerable for the land of sodom and gomorrah and the day of judgment then for that city verse 16 behold i sinned everybody shall sin i reiterate that word in the greek is apostelos where we would get the term apostolic which means the sent ones your pentecostal when you come to church and receive the holy ghost like they received on the day of pentecost and are baptized in jesus name like they were on the day of pentecost but you're not apostolic until you are a sent one and jesus said pray the lord of the harvest that he would send laborers into the field i send you as sheep in the midst of wolves be therefore as wise as serpents harmless as doves but beware beware of men which is not just men it's people beware of people the hardest part about this job is you're dealing with people but they will watch this now deliver you up to the councils remember jesus prophesies about the end times and he says and then they will deliver you up to be afflicted now he's prophesying here to his disciples and saying they're going to arrest you they're going to bring you to the councils and they will scourge you in their synagogues and you shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake watch this for a testimony we're gonna have testimony service tonight who'd like to testify oh i want to testify pastor i got the promotion and i got the job and i got the raise and i got the car and i got the house and i got the dog and i got the husband and i got this and he said you're going to have a testimony about being beaten and arrested we're going to have a testimony service tonight man i can't even stand up pastor i got beat today for sharing the gospel someone got to stand up for me for a testimony against them and the gentiles can i read that verse in the new living translation i'm preaching about apostolic opportunity and the new living translation verse 18 reads it like this you will stand trial before governors and kings because you are my followers but this will be your opportunity to tell the rulers and other unbelievers about me i hope your mind's about to be blown enough to the point somebody at least gives me a head nod up in here it feels like a midweek bible study right now he said when you are arrested scourged beaten that's your opportunity to tell them about me you want the revelation there are some people you'll never get an audience with unless you're in their territory and some people's territory just happens to be your persecution and if we're all oh jesus if we're always running from the persecution we're not going to be in their territory which means we won't have an opportunity to tell them don't you speak in the name of jesus again what are you doing witness into my family what are you doing talking like that in school beating you down and when you get a breath hey can i tell you about jesus you think i'm crazy there was this one man he was a pretty good man in fact he was so good he didn't have any sin in his life but yet they persecuted him and crucified him anyways this man was so good that while nails are in his hands and nails are in his feet a crown of thorns on his brow blood coming out they stab him in the side with the spear and yet he says i've got an opportunity hey thief today you're going to be with me in paradise hey i didn't see you at any of my bible studies this is the first time i've seen you on a cross he looks down at a roman soldier father forgive this man doesn't know what he's doing never had a chance to pray for you son you weren't at any of my gatherings i didn't see you when i fed the thousands i didn't see you on mount olive but here we are on this mountain this is the first time i've had a chance to pray for you let me pray for you father forgive him he doesn't know what he's doing scripture says that man received the revelation that roman soldier received the revelation of who jesus was while jesus prayed for him in his apostolic opportunity he potentially saved two souls on his way to the tomb this might be the greatest opposition i've ever faced but this looks like the greatest opportunity me and you have ever had jesus said this will be your opportunity verse 19 and when they deliver you up take no thought of how or what you shall speak this is our problem right now our insecurity of we don't know how especially and i know it's different in florida but especially during a time like we're in right now with covid with everything's got to be politically correct everybody has such a thin shell everybody gets offended so easily how during social distancing and this and this and this and this how can we go to the world and then if we go what would we do and what would we say he says as long as you sit right there and your confusion you're going to be eaten up and held hostage by fear but the moment you go like this i'm going to tell you what to do i'm going to tell you what to say and i'm going to show you how it's all going to be laid out i was praying right here with with brother richie we were praying together and i was praying god anoint us anoint us and the lord just gave me this vision and the holy ghost says i'm praying right here and the lord said as long as you're sitting you're being held back by fear fear will not leave you as long as you stay still you can pray against it all you want fear get off of me fear get out of here no no no as long as you sit still in that place of comfort it won't leave he said the way fear leaves is when you get up and start walking in faith i told him last night about my wife and i being i mean divinely intervene of the lord to go back to oregon when we didn't have the money didn't have the finance didn't have anything the logistics didn't have anything we had gone through what seemed like a hell on earth a storm and and god turned us around and said go back to oregon just a few months back with all the covet stuff and all the riots and all the wildfires and everything going on and god said there's a revival yet there's a revival there in oregon you've got to go back to oregon and i'm thinking god what do you do and all the ministers including myself we're hunkered down and we're hiding out because of covet social distancing and riots and chaos and everything else and we're high now i'm having family calling me while they're there's uh riots and bombing going off downtown portland and we're staying right outside of portland i've got family calling me friends calling me saying man i hope you're safe please don't go outside and i'm thinking yeah you're right i need to play it safe and then the lord spoke to me and said the revival you're looking for is not here in the church it's out there in the world and i'm thinking yeah i guess i gotta wait until all this passes by huh god says no you've got to go right now this is your opportunity and then the lord gave me this verse of scripture he says you don't need to worry about how to do it or what to say if you'll start walking by faith i'll show you what to do i told pastor last night i said we were driving down the road and we see this huge park in the middle of i mean the most strict lockdown in north america and oregon and there's hundreds of teenagers and young adults at this skate park and this baseball field and this soccer field and these parks all together and they're not wearing masks they're not social distancing their parents are out there they had some uh patrol officers walking around they didn't care that they weren't social distancing and and god was just kind of gave me that direction and said there you go right there i thought okay but what do i do and i was so embarrassed you know why because at that point i had been a full-time preacher for eight years and a part-time soul winner or really a no time soul winner really i i had never and maybe if i helped win a soul so to speak i know that's not really a biblical term but maybe if i helped bring somebody to salvation the only time it was was in the comfort of a church like this and we need to see that but the lord is speaking to me saying no the greatest miracles are out there in the face of opposition and i couldn't think back to where one time in eight years i've personally impacted a soul outside of church like this and so i don't know how to do it and so god i said god i'm stepping out by faith and the moment i said that the lord told me what to do and it was the most simplistic idea that ever came to my mind god said ice chest go get a nice chest all right walmart ice chest done get a neon sign okay got a neon sign i'm thinking what am i going to write on this sign i mean i'm praying the lord's given me all this i'm not smart enough to think ice chest i'm not smart enough to think poster board and then the word i wrote on the poster board i'm really not smart enough god said write free one word huge bold free then i went and got rice crispy treats a bunch of drug dealers out here i'll be the rice krispie treat dealer i'm sorry i'm just being real we're in portland they're all high they got the munchies they're hungry they want some rice krispie treats can i get a head nod i heard one person say i once was high but now i'm found come on i bring out this box of rice krispies treats and my wife can tell you i was nervous i don't get nervous when i come into the pulpit you know why i've done this enough to get comfortable with it and that's about the time that god says time to move on well i just figured this out right go do something you haven't figured out yet so i can show you how to do it because now when you're operating in what you know you're doing it with your own ability and i can't operate in the supernatural in your flesh in your ability get out we get to that skate park i'm shaking my son he's he's a scooter-holic man he's scootering down them half pipes and ramps and and and i start i open up the ice chest and put the sign up tape it up to the ice test free they swarmed me like a i mean like a host of bees just free free free free free we're high free we need something to eat we're free munchies we're free we're thirsty they're all smoking marijuana out there i promise you doing my best not to get second hand high we need some more testimonies like that pastor we're gonna say man god help me he put a force field around me i didn't get second hand high a force field of faith and i'm telling you we sold out like that gone in minutes so i just stood out there i didn't pray for anybody the first time i just had build relationships made friends the next week god said okay time to take the next step i said what's that god teach a bible study out there at the skate park oop i said what teach a bible study i had no idea god said if you'll step out there i'll show you what to do i went out there with no ideas how to teach a bible study at a skate park kids smoking marijuana and all sorts of stuff we got the ice chest we got more drinks more rice i was the rice krispie treat dealer i'm telling you free they all swarmed me i look and it's like five o'clock and i said hey um that's the first idea god gave me i said 5 30 at 5 30. we're going to have a little word from the bible and then we're gonna have a little word of prayer and that's it it's gonna take just a couple minutes i said meet me back here at 5 30. i went around that skate park telling all the kids meet me over there at rice krispie treat land over there at 5 30. they swarmed us at 5 30 25 or 30 kids i gave 25 to 30 teenagers who had never heard the name or the gospel of jesus christ i was able to teach them a bible study but then i'm thinking here i've preached all over the world and i don't know how to preach to these people i know how to preach to y'all save people and get you all hyped hear o israel the lord i can hoop and holler i know how to persuade the already persuaded and that's what i'm sick and tired of i'm ready to be a laborer in the field of the harvest and so i'm watching these kids and i'm shaking on the inside and i'm thinking what do i teach these kids what bible study can i give them and i'm seeing them all falling down doing tricks falling over doing this and that and the scripture came to me rejoicing out against me all my enemy for when i fall i shall arise and when i sit in darkness the lord shall be a light unto me i said okay that's it that's my bible study hey gather up i had a megaphone my wife hates that thing had a megaphone i don't really need a megaphone but i loved it i had a megaphone i gathered them up i teach them a bible study about three or four or five minutes i know y'all don't believe i can do that in about a few minutes and i teach them a bible study on rejoice not i know you're going through it i know that you're going through a mess i know your families may be broken apart but when you're sitting in darkness the lord is your light you may not even realize it but someday you need to just open your bible and read that light and pray to that light and at the end i prayed for them and i said okay listen i said i want to stay connected with you and if you would like someone to talk to and pray with i want to give you my phone number kids lined up and those kids came up to me and said chris i'm depressed one kid said i've been thinking about taking my own life my parents are divorced and my family's broken i had kid after kid after kid come to me and say hey will you pray with me can you be someone i can talk to i've been looking for somebody to talk to and for eight years i've been wondering why are you coming to my church and for eight years they've been wondering why isn't your church coming to my world i got frustrated after a few weeks i gotta hurry because i i was laboring in a field where i wasn't even from laboring in a field i didn't live in i would call different people and they would say okay we're coming we're coming we're coming yeah tuesday tuesday evening we'll be there we'll be there tuesday afternoon would come and i'd start getting text messages about why they couldn't come and for the first time in my life i said this is what pastors go through that was a joke but i kid you not i had somebody text me and say man he had said i want to be there so bad i can't wait till tuesday tuesday comes around and he says i have to vacuum the sanctuary i can't be there another person says i have to paint my house these aren't jokes i'm telling you the truth my wife gives my win i was so mad i could say a christian cuss word whoa i was so mad i was talking to my buddy y'all know brother victor jackson and i said man i'm so mad here we are we're laboring in a field i'm not from i mean and these people are telling me they can't go they're having a vacuum and they're having a pain and they're having to do laundry i'm trying to win souls and he said the reason why they're not going is because they don't feel your burden it's not their burden it's your burden he said you need to post it on social media i said no no no i've already made my mind i'm not i'm not big on posting on social media i don't want this to be about me he said no you need a post i talked to my pastor he said the same thing you need to post it but victor said he said chris when they see your burden they'll feel your burden wow how's d man you should preach youth congress or something they took my advice he's going to preach this year youth congress and so i go out there and i do like a facebook live instagram live i don't i'm so bad at that stuff and i'm like connecting with teenagers you know literally i'm going over to them and they're putting their their little weed thing i don't know you call it weed whatever down and i'm like hey man this is my friend josh yeah man you know whatever and i'm just making fun of them whatever just picking on them you know having a good time and then we do a little video of of the bible studying the prayer and my phone starts blowing up and what's so amazing to me is every time we leave i kept telling my wife this is so easy man this is so why haven't we been doing this and and uh and then people were blowing my phone up saying wow i've never seen anything like this before and it just was like a dagger in my heart why haven't we seen things like this before this should be our identity going to church should be the rarity almost you know where oh yeah that's just once a week or that's just three times a week we do this every day and so the next week comes around i didn't invite one person to come with us i was mad they won't come i'm done inviting them 15 saints and ministers showed up to help us the next week because they saw the burden when i posted it on social media when they saw it they felt it might say how many got the holy ghost how many were baptized see we need to come to a place where the barometer of our success is no longer the revival of the church but the reach of the church the revival the revival of the church is a given a revival of the church is the result of the reach of the church okay i got bible for you and our time is up luke 10. are you ready watch this after these things the lord appointed 70 others also and he sent this is the same passage of scripture as matthew 10 but it's got a little twist to it from a different author he sent them watch this i'm gonna bring this back in a couple weeks so y'all just well we're already on this theme tonight so you just put this in your pipe and smoke it all right watch this he sent them before his face into every city and place where he himself was about to go watch he sent them where he was about to go i'm not gonna send you or i'm not gonna go myself so when i send you and you don't see the instant results here i come i'm on my way when you've been teaching for six weeks and they hadn't spoken in tongues yet just take a peek over your shoulder your help is on the way [Applause] i'm sending you where i'm gonna go myself and he said to them the harvest is great the labors are few okay we got there verse four carry neither okay we're good verse nine heal the sick there and say to them the kingdom of god has come near you verse 10 okay we already got that it's it's it's the same thing as matthew 10. shake the dust off your feet when you're rejected six verse 16. hear who he who hears you hears me they who reject you reject me okay go to the next verse and the seventy returned with joy with all the testimonies remember he said you're going to heal the sick you're going to raise the dead you're going to cleanse the lepers you're going to cast out devils and here they come with the testimonies lord even the demons are subject to us in your name they went to the world and they came back to church and it was a testimony service and they testified wow we saw it all god just like you said it would happen and he just takes a pen and says right in their little balloon he says to them oh yeah i know i saw satan fall like lightning from heaven behold i give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over the all the power of the enemy nothing nothing shall by any means hurt you watch this here it is nevertheless don't rejoice in this remember i said we got to get to a place where the barometer of our success is not just the revival of the church but the reach of the church they're testifying about the revival he said don't rejoice in this don't rejoice in this that the spirits are subject to you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven what's the context here the context is their obedience to be an apostle to be apostolic to be sent to go into the world and once they return he says your names are written in the book of life tributes their salvation to them reaching for someone else's salvation here it is verse 21 in that hour jesus rejoiced and we had a good service sunday night you see that sister over there she rejoiced whoa you talk about a revival service when jesus starts running the aisles you talk man it was so powerful pastor didn't even have to preach it was just a runaway service you talk about a powerful service when you see the king of kings throwing a party and jesus rejoiced in the spirit saying i thank you father lord of heaven and earth that you have hidden these things from the wise and prudent the word prudent in the greek means the cautious and the careful he said you didn't tell this direction word of revival to those who are always cautious and those who are always casual and careful and comfortable but you revealed them to babes they're not mature enough yet they haven't been discipled all the way yet they haven't learned it all the way yet they're not done growing they're not done developing but you and your wisdom you gave this word of a worldwide revival to babes because it seemed right in your sight to hand it a shot to hand it to those that aren't good enough yet to hand it to those that aren't ready yet to hand it to those that have never preached behind a pulpit to hand it to the babes to hand it to those that aren't fully grown yet you don't deserve it you're not good enough you're not worthy but god said i see an apostolic man i see an apostolic woman of god in you yet i see revival in you there's revival in this place there's revival in this place there's revival in this babe of christ there's revival [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i've preached around the world i made my mom rejoice i made my dad rejoice i got to preach this and preach that i've made my wife proud and i've been proud of myself but i'm ready to make you rejoice i'm ready to make you rejoice i'm ready to make you pleased and the only way i can please you is when i do what you've called me to do to go and preach to this lost and dying world [Applause] i want everybody just to take a moment you're dismissed if you need to leave but if you're here i want you to close your eyes every eye closed nobody looking around for just a moment for just a moment i just want you to sort of rest in his presence just meditate in his presence for a moment hallelujah i feel the lord ministering and speaking even now to somebody in this place i want you to listen as we're praying right now i see two fields i see two harvest fields in front of this church i see two different harvest fields the field to my left that i can see is a field of those that have backslidden those that have received the baptism of the holy ghost in jesus name born again of the water and the spirit and they have fallen away and fallen asleep and you have some of you have nearly killed yourself going crazy trying to labor in that harvest field i see empty vessels who have poured themselves out for that harvest field you come and you sit and you wait and you wait and you wait while the voice of the lord is crying go ye into all the world preach this gospel to every creature on my right i see another harvest field that is white and ready ready ready to be harvested this harvest field consists of souls that have never heard this gospel they've never been born again of the water in the spirit they've never been filled with the holy ghost speaking in tongues baptized in jesus name i see in my spirit right now a church on fire going into this harvest field as an apostolic man and woman of god and as you reach into this harvest field the spirit of the lord begins to reach in the other harvest field i see as you begin to reach into this harvest field of souls that have never been quickened awakened in the spirit the angel of the lord begins to march into the homes of backsliders standing beside the bedside of a child a son a husband a wife that's fallen away a family that has fallen by the wayside i see the angel of the lord marching into that harvest field where you cannot reap and in your effort to reach those who have never received this word the lord says i will bring those back who has already received this word while you seek to awaken those who have never been awakened i will reawaken those who have once fallen asleep saith the lord and as you stand in this sanctuary you're going to see a reaping of that harvest field walking into this sanctuary of backsliders and you're going to wonder how did they come back i've prayed for them for years i've talked to them for years and the lord said it's when you turned your eye to the lost soul that's never received this truth when you when you stuck your sickle into that harvest field that has never received my truth i sent my angel into that harvest field the altar call tonight is given to those that are ready to go into the field and when i say go what i want to happen in this place tonight is i want you to envision yourself marching to that harvest field as you march to this altar when i say go it's going to be a spiritual representation of you marching into the harvest field by the authority of the word of god and by the power of the name of jesus i release every apostolic in this place go go go go ye into all the world and i'm marching i'm claiming victory i will not give up i will not turn around [Music] i speak right now in the name of jesus you don't know how to do it you don't know what to say but by the power of the name of jesus every chain of hesitation is broken every chain of doubt is broken every chain of insecurity be broken there is power in the name of jesus right now the lord has given you spiritual vision god has given you spiritual vision creative vision in the holy ghost come on reach for the lord reach unto the lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rises [Music] [Applause] every state of addiction is broken every chain of unbelief is broken every chain of fear is broken by the power of the name of jesus [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] believers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] every day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] break every chain [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] break every chain [Music] [Applause] make every day break everything [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] is i am me [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] me
Channel: Eastwind Pentecostal Church of Palm Bay, Florida
Views: 2,001
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: first, pentecostal, apostolic, sermon, pastor, david, myers, palm bay, melbourne, brevard, county, florida, upci, upc, bishop, j., e., jackson, ellis, Eastwind, Eastwind church
Id: bqyCB4Xowwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 26sec (3986 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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