09/12/2021 | Sunday Morning Worship

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[Music] are [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is my testimony from dead life cause christian wrote my story i'll testify by jesus christ the righteous i'm justified this is my testimony this is my testimony father our god is jesus christ [Music] you're not done [Music] is [Music] me [Music] i'll testify by jesus [Music] right [Applause] my team [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] he [Music] please [Applause] [Music] [Applause] away oh jesus [Music] [Music] have [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah oh [Music] oh [Music] you have oh [Music] oh oh [Applause] foreign oh thank you jesus lord you have done great things we bless you lord you are the mighty god hallelujah you have done great and marvelous things [Applause] lord you're our healer you're our comforter lord you're our strength in our song lord you are a mighty god and you can do anything hallelujah we've come to this place today to lift our voice our hearts and our hands unto your lord to glorify the name of jesus hallelujah how many of you can raise your hand and say the lord has done great things for you we'd ask that you would join us in prayer today for my brother-in-law brother john johnson who was cutting some oak trees yesterday and fell and had to go into the emergency room last night we'd ask that you would pray would you pray right now for brother john johnson lord we thank you god that we can go before you in prayer what a great god you are lord you are a healer lord we pray right now that you would touch brother johnson that you would heal his body touch him lord right now in the name of jesus we pray god that you would strengthen him o lord heal him release your healing virtue lord right now for your word says where two or three agree together they could ask anything in thy name and it shall be done hallelujah we pray for those that may be sick this morning those that are hurting in their bodies we pray oh god that you would touch and heal this body of believers in the name of jesus those that may be watching by internet lord i pray that you would just dispatch ministering spirits right now into every home lord and touch and heal by your stripes we are healed in the name of jesus hallelujah how many of you believe the lord heard your prayer what a great healer what a great god he is amen greet you brother and sister in the lord god bless you you may be seated we want to say how thankful we are for our first uh maybe even second or third time guests that have come to be with us at east wind today we have a special reception for you after service in our east wind cafe if you go out back out to the main for you and turn to your left the cafe is right there behind that wall or if you go on the second floor and turn to your right then we'd love to have you stop by we've got some gifts for you some finger foods and some things that i know you'll enjoy so stop by after service right now we have some announcements for you if you'll turn your attention to the videos god bless you jesus [Music] [Applause] better together life groups are back so be sure to join us this wednesday at 7 pm for prayer and the sanctuary followed by numerous life groups bishop myers will continue to teach his class in the sanctuary but we will also offer classes on prayer discovering your purpose personal evangelism recovering from losses personal growth as well as our next step membership class there is something for everyone so be sure to join us this midweek this friday we invite all boost students to join us for a game night at 7 pm this is open to students ages 12 to 18 years old and will be held in the cafe there will be food games and fun so come out and join us this friday evening this saturday afternoon we invite all widowed ladies to join us for a great time of food and fellowship at our daughters of naomi ministry we'll be meeting at 1pm at the home of sister billy bily we are less than two months away from winds conference 2021 coming up on october 20th through the 23rd here at east wind and we are excited about what god is going to do through the great lineup of speakers and musicians that are coming to help make this conference life-changing reservations for seating has opened for all six wins conference services so be sure to reserve the seats you want today at www.wins for just five dollars a seat now it is time to worship through giving and we have a number of ways that you can give today you can give digitally at give.eastwind.church or you can use the app called tithely or you can give by texting 321-339-1333 or you can use the traditional offering baskets in just a few moments everybody say praise the lord i just want to say a few words here on behalf of my wife and myself thank you so much for the wonderful weekend that you gave us last week 50 years of ministry here in palm bay melbourne area we appreciate you folks so very much your many cards and gifts and your letters and all of your wonderful statements and just being here has been such a blessing to us all those who came from out of town to be with us as well i just want to say here from the bottom of our heart from both of us thank you thank you thank you so much you're a great church a great group of people we love you with all of our heart god bless you amen one thing i wanted to mention about the wins conference they were announcing and that is some of you may not have been aware about the registration process because last year we had so many people that just reserved great blocks of seats and then may or may not have showed up this year we had a design brother tyler put together a program where you could actually choose the actual seat of course our new seats have actual numbers on them and there was an online program where you could actually pick that and so we've had uh i think over 1500 uh reserved seats but those were five dollars a piece that will continue that advanced seating will continue through the end of this month and then starting october 1st will just be open free registration so you can go starting october 1st to just winsconference.com and you can you can just book open seats there as well for for no charge so that was a little bit of how the registration adjusted uh this year uh as opposed to last year it looks like it's going to be even bigger even greater than it was last year and we're believing the lord's going to show up like he did last year a lot of excitement a lot of enthusiasm and i know it's going to be a great blessing to our local church as well amen let's stand together and get ready for our offering declaration let's read this together in jesus name soon as it there it is upon the authority and by the orders of your word i have given and it shall be given to me pressed down shaken together and running over i bring my tithe and offering to you therefore the enemy is rebuked and the curse is broken i receive your blessings and the abundance that comes with them i receive jobs and promotions raises and bonuses sales and commissions benefits and settlements bills paid off and debts dismissed i decree that my whole family will be saved and walk with god in health abundance and in divine favor and blessings i shall be blessed going in and i shall be blessed going out and all that i do will prosper in jesus name amen and it is so do you believe it in jesus name amen god bless you you may be seated let's worship the lord with our giving [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] glory [Music] just [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so let's go me is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] again [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] i just wanna be with oh [Music] [Applause] oh dancing [Applause] me yes [Applause] say is glory [Applause] with you [Applause] [Music] feel this way [Music] [Music] just [Music] lord we want to be with you king of glory fill this place [Applause] hallelujah jesus we bless your name lord hallelujah jesus [Applause] fill this place with your glory lord this place so long hallelujah jesus [Applause] [Music] hallelujah fill this place lord with your glory [Applause] oh we've come into this house to worship you [Applause] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah so thankful for the presence of god aren't you it's a special uh weekend 20-year anniversary of 9 11 a day that changed not just our country but the world and we give honor to all of our first responders people that put their life on the line on a daily basis we have a police officer with the palm bay police department would you come up here and stand next to me also brother scott mason would you come up brother greg golden a retired lieutenant in the fire department would you come up and stand thank you buddy thanks for all you do we honor our first responders if there's anyone else here that's a police officer or a fireman i'd invite you to come up if i miss someone whose name or face i didn't call we still have some room on this side i want them to be here as we read this text i call your attention to the book of jude uh which is um maybe the shortest book in the bible it's um it's really only like a page maybe a page and a half depending on how small your print is but [Music] its claim to fame is it's the the little book right next to the book of revelation so you go the last book in your bible and hang a left right before revelation is jude one chapter and we read from verse 20 through verse 25. but ye beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost keep yourselves in the love of god looking for the mercy of our lord jesus christ unto eternal life and of some have compassion making a difference and others saved with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh now unto him that is able to keep you from falling aren't you glad the lord can not only save you but he can keep you now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power both now and ever amen i'd like to speak this morning on this subject the restoration of the gospel the restoration of the gospel would you give these first responders another big hand thank you so much dylan thank you for coming up and you may be seated thank you so much for standing there is a verse in the book of acts chapter 15 that speaks of the tabernacle of david being rebuilt the tabernacle of david was a structure that david built he wanted to build the temple and the temple was more permanent structure tabernacle was more of a temporary structure similar to what they had in the wilderness but the lord told david your hands are too bloodied from all the wars and battles and your son will build the temple and he did solomon built solomon's temple that's one of the wonders of the world they came from all over the then known world to see it it was an amazing building the ornateness the the majesty of it but david because that was not his assignment he built more of a temporary structure and he wanted a place he could put the ark he wanted a place that would represent where people could go and worship the lord and that building because it was temporary in nature it sort of fell apart over the years it kind of went into decline the big beautiful temple was there the focus was on it and this tabernacle of david sort of it fell down but in the book of acts the speaker is quoting from an old testament verse in amos where it was prophesied that the tabernacle of david would be built again like in its original form it said that i will build again the tabernacle of david which has fallen down and i will build again the ruins thereof and i will set it up and this reference of the tabernacle of david being rebuilt in these last days has often been linked to how god is looking and coming back for a church that are worshipers that are worshiping the lord in spirit and in truth this this tabernacle of david being rebuilt and is linked to praise because praise is really what personified the life of david and no doubt that's true because praise is what god inhabits and he will build again the tabernacle of praise he will have a place of praise and he will have a people of praise and you and i may choose to praise a sports team or a relationship or a sports car or a possession but ladies and gentlemen god is looking for people that are worshipers of the only one true living god and his name is jesus and i say to you today that's the group i want to be a part of because anything else you worship will fail you anything else you worship will decline over time but oh if you give your life to the worship of jesus christ you've never wasted one vocal cord the formation of that name you've never wasted one amount of energy not one color you've never wasted one effort you came to the house of the lord and said i will bless the lord anyhow i've had a bad week i've had a bad day i've had a bad month but my god is good and i'm going to worship him in the good and the bad the bible said he seeketh for such that we'll worship him in spirit and in truth we've got the truth we know the truth of the name of jesus christ and all when we put that together with spirit not just holy spirit but human spirit passion and love and determination and joy and say i'm going to bless the lord anyhow [Applause] something is restored and something is rebuilt and renewed even if you've had trials and troubles so no doubt that rebuilding of this tabernacle is is linked to praise but is it possible that it's more than just praise is it possible that it's also indicative of returning and re rebuilding reestablishing as it were the purpose and the plan of the gospel of jesus christ and that's what i want to focus on in the few minutes i have with you today the rebuilding of something that causes us to refocus on what the mission and the purpose of the church is you see when you go back to the book of acts and we go to the book of acts a lot because the book of acts is where the first church was established and and we at east went are trying to link ourselves to the very first church that was the template that was the design and and so the first church is in the book of acts and when you take the book of acts apart the acts of the apostles it was basically a history book it was it was recorded by luke who was a physician and it's all just you know the facts just the facts ma'am it was the facts of what took place it's the acts of the apostles and so the book of acts is a history book and it's the establishing of this first church and then whenever you you bifurcate dissect it you'll see that the first part of acts deals with the the issues of the identity of christ oh that's so important it was part of the foundation of that new testament church it's important that you know who the the hero is where the lord our god is one it's important that you know that jesus christ hallelujah is your lord and savior and there's no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved the first part of acts deals with the issue of the identity of christ and the multiple layers of evidence and the opposition to that evidence by the sanhedrin and then the second part of the book of acts beginning in chapter 6 deals with the nature of the gospel the worship and the witness of the new testament church one exciting part of this section is how the gospel gets to africa it gets to africa through this man from ethiopia that has come to jerusalem to worship and and he's able to get his hands on the transcript of isaiah and learns about the promised messiah and how that jesus is that messiah and so then we see that the gospel goes to ethiopia ethiopia the oldest country in africa even older than egypt and this man had come to jerusalem to worship he had come no doubt as a part of the court of candace the queen of ethiopia at that time he had come to see this magnificent solomon's temple but oh my friend a lot of people have come to check it out but oh when they get in the presence of god you remember when you first came to church somebody invited you you may have just come to check it out maybe you came to an easter drama or a christmas drama or a special service but you couldn't deny what you felt when you came into the house of god oh hallelujah and so he he feels this this precious presence of god and he begins to read isaiah and the lord takes phillip who's on coming out of a red-hot revival in sumerian drops him down there in the desert in the road the gaza strip down there and he takes him there and here comes the chariot and he asks him you understand what you read and he said how can i accept some man should show me and he begins to explain to him who was who isaiah is talking about he's talking about the messiah this lays the groundwork for the gospel to begin to spread around the world the gospel goes to samaria the undermost part of the earth in the same chapter of acts acts chapter eight and then you get into the third section the third section of the book of acts talks about the gospel going to the gentiles in chapter nine we see that paul is converted to christianity and takes the gospel to europe and then peter takes the gospel to the household of cornelius in acts chapter 10 who was a roman centurion the gospel is in antioch in chapter 12 where the followers of christ were first called christians and the gospel spreads like wildfire and the world has never been the same but it is interesting to see how this revival began and how it was sustained as jesus prepared to ascend into heaven in acts chapter 1 the disciples of christ wanted to know if this was now the time that jesus would restore again the kingdom of israel israel had once been the greatest nation on the face of the earth a nation that world leaders would travel for weeks to across a desert just to come to see jerusalem and to see solomon's temple now jerusalem was just a dusty outpost that the roman soldiers hated the thought of even being stationed there it was in their minds the very worst possible assignment they patrolled the streets and total disdain of this place they they viewed the people as wild and wooly and and uncouth and uncultured and nobody wanted to go to palestine not if you were a roman soldier so the disciples sensing that the departure of jesus was at hand uh though about what it it would look like sort of in their minds maybe they imagined what it would be without jesus by their side every day and the thought of his absence made them literally tremble so they gathered their courage and they asked him is this the time that we have been waiting for that you're going to restore the nation of israel and what they got in return was a very terse answer from their master not only is this not the time this is not the mission this is not about the nation of israel this is about the kingdom of god it's amazing to me that people are trying to go back to judaism whenever he told his disciples this is not about the kingdom of israel it's about the kingdom of god to quote the king james version verse 7 and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father hath put in his own power but oh hallelujah aren't you glad the lord never shuts one door without opening another now you guys are off track about this restoring the kingdom of israel but ye shall receive power [Applause] after that the holy ghost has come upon you what kind of power and you shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in all judea and in samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth samaria they didn't they wouldn't even walk through samaria samaria where half jew have gentile they thought they was a fool of a bunch of people that were unclean they would go walk way around some area they wouldn't even go to samaria he said i'm giving you power to be a witness unto me in jerusalem all judea and in samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth ladies and gentlemen that's why the lord gave us the power of the holy ghost it wasn't for it to be our own personal goosebump machine and us all sit around look at each other and speak in tongues to each other that's not why he gave us power he didn't just give us power so that you would be healed of your headache when you didn't feel good in the night time it wasn't just for you to have your own personal comfort he gave us power to be a witness jesus tried to realign their focus before he departed you're going to be given power to be witnesses not witnesses of the greatness of israel but witnesses of the power of god to save your soul ladies and gentlemen the church is never so strong as when it's witnessing that's why we got to keep on witnessing i feel like we've lost our way in the last 18 months of this pandemic because we have gotten into a defensive posture and we're more concerned about our own health than anything else ladies and gentlemen what good does it do for you to go through life without covet only to lose your soul i've come to tell somebody today the church has still got to be the church the church is still going to be a city that is set on a hill the church has still got to be made up of men and women that say it's all about the gospel of jesus christ yes the lord can heal your body yes the lord can save your soul but we've got to tell everybody the bible said go into the highways and the byways and compel them to come it is the essence of being born again this power is couched in the ability of god to restore and to renew not just rebuild but to to rebuild in the very place where the disaster occurred god takes the very ruin the very chaos i'm glad they didn't go to another location i'm glad they rebuilt right in the same spot where those planes crashed into the world trade center at some point they were thinking about moving across town somewhere but i'm glad even now if you go there it's very historical and it's very sobering and the memorial and everything is amazing but they got this one big tall building called freedom one i can't help but have a spiritual experience when i go there because there's a lot of people that's had a lot of disaster and ruin in their lives but the lord said i'm going to take the very problem i'm going to take the very place and i'm going to build a freedom one tower right in the middle of it and you don't have to live in bondage to sin any longer you can be a new creature in christ jesus he will take the same ruin the same the same chaos the very sight of sorrow and rebuild he doesn't need new ground he doesn't need a new location or even new hearts he can take the old heart and clean it up he can take the broken life and repair it he'll take all of the rubble all of the hurt all of the pain and say that's where i'll build again the tabernacle of david [Applause] paul quoting from hosea in romans 9 26 says and it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them ye are not my people there everybody say there they're in the same location shall they be called the children of the living god some of you that are in the house of the lord today and you're lifting up your hands and you're worshiping god it used to be you couldn't get through the day without having to hit the bottle you couldn't get through the day without shooting up something in your vein you couldn't get through the day without hitting some pornography side on the internet you couldn't get through a conversation or a sentence without three or four words that curse and damn the name of jesus but here you are you're in the house of god you're the same individual but you're a new creature in christ jesus because god said that's the place that's the very man that's the very woman that will be a vessel of the holy ghost or you want to thank the lord that god did it right there in the same location same life god makes it all brand-new [Applause] he can rebuild it all since we're talking about the tabernacle of david let's look at the life of david we're very aware that david had a moral failure he committed adultery and then had bathsheba's husband killed in battle perhaps the lowest point of david's life he'd lost all moral authority he's a wreck he's in shambles but when you read about his prayer of repentance in psalms 51 there's something revealing about it it says and i quote a portion of it have mercy upon me o god according to thy loving kindness according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin for i acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me or against thee the only have i sinned and done this evil in thy sight that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest and be clear without judges behold i was shaping an iniquity and ascended my mother conceived me behold thou desires truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom purge me with hyssop and i shall be clean wash me that i shall be whiter than snow make me to hear joy and gladness that the bones which thou has broken may rejoice i'm not asking for new bones but i want these broken bones to find joy again my god i feel the holy ghost i'm preaching to somebody today i'm telling you he'll take the broken bones and rebuild something beautiful he can bring joy where there was nothing but sadness he can bring joy when there was nothing but hurt he can't bring joy where there was nothing but pain [Applause] david said hide thy faith for my sins blot out my iniquities created me a clean heart oh god and renew a right spirit within me cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirit from me restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit do you see the commonality of those last few verses that the bones may rejoice renew a right spirit within me restore unto me and the joy of thy salvation do you see what david is saying rejoice renew restore rejoice renew restore they all speak to the same subject give it another shot don't quit trying don't quit reaching don't quit dreaming just one more time get back up and say i'm gonna worship god again i'm gonna be what god called me to be jesus jesus this is what david had to do in ziglag first samuel 30. a little outpost of the philistines had given him he wasn't wanted in israel saul was after his life philistines didn't trust him he'd killed their giant so they put him in ziglag and even in ziglag malachites figured they were they were easy pickings no real superpower to back them up just a band of outlaws and after the amalekites invaded took their families and took their possessions and set everything on fire and took off burned their city to the ground david and his men come back grown men warriors they stand there cry like babies lost everything the men loyal men that had been with david for years hiding in caves and wandering through the wilderness they take up stones to kill him enough is enough david now we've lost our families but david rebounded and rebuilt the bible said he encouraged himself in the lord sometimes when everything else has turned against you and friends walk away you got to find a way to encourage yourself in the lord [Applause] god you're going to bring me through this he went after the bad guys got his family back got his stuff back got his life back rebuilt the city sometimes you got to run into the fire sometimes you got to run into the building to save yourself and to save others because we were given power to be a witness and when you're not a witness you're not doing what god called you to do so you got to pull them out of the fire you got to keep on believing for that unsaved loved one you got to keep on reaching for that wayward child you got to keep on believing for that unsaved husband you got to keep on teaching you got to keep on preaching you got to keep on singing you got to keep on worshiping you got to keep on believing and you got to run into the fire [Applause] sometimes you got to run into the fire to save yourself we weren't designed to be out here in all of this comfort and prosperity we were designed to reach into the fire and to pull them out hating even the very garment that is stained by the floor [Music] we were designed to be soul winners the reason there's so many christians that are miserable in america is because we quit being soul winners it's time to get a chart it's time to get back into the prayer room the war room it's time to get back into god's purpose and restore what the gospel was meant to be we've got to be that city on the hill we've got to be a salvation station people can come and find god david got his life back rebuilt the city and it's in ziggler the very place where all the pain it was in zig lag that he heard shortly thereafter that king saul was slain and now he would be the next king ladies and gentlemen sometimes it's the darkest right before the daybreak when the enemy of your soul takes your family your house your possessions and your friends turn on you what are you going to do what are you going to do david and his men could have given up in zig lag it was at the 11th hour though they didn't know it at the time i mentioned this in the first service i always thought it was so sad you you see these nascar races and you see these unbelievable cars and people driving 200 miles an hour within inches of the bumper of other cars drafting and tires rotated and pit crews and the precision and fast and quick and adjustments of here and there and the science and and everything that's involved in all of this and i don't know if you've seen them but i've seen them work at it for hours on a 500 mile race maybe even up here in daytona and they got it all planned and everything is going just right and they run out of gas on the last lap for two and a half hours and then there's the guy with the flag put put put put [Music] dies ladies and gentlemen we're on the last lap is getting ready to come don't run out of gas on the last lap [Applause] come on david you're getting ready to go to the throne come on east wind you're getting ready to get your crown don't give up now don't give up in zig lag don't quit now pick yourself up restore renew rebuild pull them out of the fire god is able to keep us god is able to bring us safely to the other side the question then for all of us is how do we do that how do we rebound recover rebuild through worship yes but not just worship worship benefits us but also through witnessing the original mission of the church was to have power to be witnesses the church is never so healthy as when we are fulfilling what we were designed to do witness win souls the world trade center stood as twin giants in new york as a monument to the financial power of this nation that's one reason why they targeted it they stood there as silent centuries on the wall a testament to capitalism the dow jones average which is another index or marker of financial strength of a nation was at 9605 on september the 10th 2001 one day before the attack the day before they flew those planes into the world trade center in the pentagon and killed almost 3 000 people the day before the dow jones average was 9 605. 20 years later on friday of this week the dow jones was more than 34 000. from 9605 to 34 000. because america over the years have shown us that they can rebound that they can rebuild how many times have we seen america rebound rebuild when they wrote us off on may 14th 1940 hundreds of german tanks pushed deep into french territory with drill like precision marching toward paris hitler's brits keegan mechanized tidal wave of planes and tanks and armored cars was sweeping aside everything in its path winston churchill had been prime minister of england less than five days when he was awakened at 7 am by his french counterpart who unequivocally declared and i quote we have been defeated we are beaten we have lost the battle churchill rubbed his eyes but said nothing that day he flew to paris to see what could be salvaged but not before sending a telegram across the atlantic to the white house president franklin d roosevelt it read in part and i quote you are no doubt aware the scene has darkened swiftly if necessary we shall continue the war alone and we are not afraid of that but i trust you realize mr president that the voice and force of the united states may count for nothing if they are withheld too long i say to this great church is it possible that our voice the force of our witness may count for nothing if we withhold it too long telegram seemed to burn a hole in the desk at the oval office roosevelt drummed his fingers on his desk and thought the stakes were high france fell and then possibly britain the entire balance of power in the world would change difficulty that roosevelt faced at home was that america was still trying to recover from the depression and the first world war and had no stomach for getting involved in what many considered to be a european conflict when roosevelt had taken office in 1933 america had been decimated economically unemployment had been at 25 industrial production had fallen by a third and one half of the nation's wealth had been wiped out roosevelt's job had been tackling bread lines and closed factories in a budget out of balance by 2.5 billion dabbling in foreign affairs had seemed to be nothing more than a distraction so our military had gone from being the fourth biggest military force in the world to 18th just behind the country of romania and just ahead of little tiny holland by 1939 the army air corps which was the forerunner of the air force had only about 1700 planes including fighters and trainers and they were badly in need of repair meanwhile germany had 8 500 planes and the first jets at one point brigadier general george patton who had been put in charge of the army's second armored brigade at fort benning georgia needed bolts and nuts to hold together the 325 tanks that we had compared to the germans more than two thousand he asked the quartermaster for the necessary parts and they never reached him so in desperation general patton ordered them with his own money from a sears and roebuck catalog thank god the young people aren't in here they don't even know what sears and roebuck is fdr had a decision to make and so he set the wheels in motion behind the scenes we started preparing we started building then the attack on pearl harbor changed everything my father told me the other day this week as we were eating lunch at panera bread he remembers as a kid that you could not go out on the beach in jacksonville with binoculars they saw you on the beach with binoculars they would take them from you why could you not use binoculars on the beach that's how close the german u-boats were to our coast they were so close to our shores that there was a danger of spies signaling morse code from the shore with glass and and mirrors and not knowing who was who nobody was allowed binoculars on the beach ladies and gentlemen if we don't take the battle to the enemy they will attack us on our own shore they bomb our buildings on 9 11 in our navy sitting in our own harbors of pearl harbor and ladies and gentlemen this is what jesus was telling his followers i'm giving you power to be a witness a worshiper a warrior not just in jerusalem but in judea and samaria and the uttermost part of the earth if we don't attack the enemy in the drug rehab centers if we don't attack the enemy in the prisons in the orphanages and in the poverty poverty-stricken aids-infested third-world countries then the enemy will attack us in our homes in suburban america in our churches with our children the gospel is not the perfect people it's for the hurting it's for the tired it's for those that have had unexpected explosions in life and it's for those that believe that they can rebuild in the rubble of despair because we're not just americans we are apostolics we are the kids of the king so instead of quitting or dying we choose to get back up again we choose to believe again we choose to fight we choose to live we choose to say this is the day that the lord hath made and no weapon formed against us shall prosper the gospel will not be extinguished with prosperity or pandemics [Music] i want to say that again i want to make sure you get it the gospel of jesus christ will not be extinguished with prosperity or pandemics help is on the way [Applause] help is on the way i say to this great church we ought not to wait for a spiritual pearl harbor we ought to set our spine like a steel rod our face like a flint and we ought to lean into this season that we are facing and say this is the day that the lord hath made he has called us to the kingdom for such a time as this we're going to be spiritual first responders and we're not afraid to run into the fire we're not afraid to go after somebody oh yeah sure there may be the humiliation of rejection but we were called to be first responders we were called to run back into the building and give somebody one more chance with the gospel of jesus christ pulling them out of the fire pulling them out of the rubble [Applause] would you stand to your feet [Music] this is the day of salvation this is the day that i will reach down and have a harvest that will be great this is not the day to look back this is the day to look forward i am coming there are many souls in this place don't be discouraged because i'm with you [Music] i will fight for you i will fight with you i will go before you nothing shall deter you but this is my church oh jesus [Applause] i invite you to step out of where you're standing and come down to this altar from all over this building god is wanting to do something very special in this service don't miss this opportunity [Music] the lord has spoken a very prophetic word to this church he's trying to rebuild something and restore something [Music] that's it gather from all over from all four corners of the building come on gather gather in the aisles gather in the front this is your altar this is your altar [Music] i don't know what you may be going through but god said i'll do the work right where you are [Music] come on god said i'll save you i'll deliver you i'll set you free i'll give you power to live above sin [Music] [Applause] power to be a witness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] come on i feel joy coming back to these broken bones i choose to rejoice [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] we declared with our mouths oh we're the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] in the name of jesus is [Music] this is your church [Applause] in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] george w bush as president of the united states on september the 14th 2001 stood in the rubble of twisted steel and tried to encourage first responders they shouted out we can't hear you somebody handed him a megaphone and he said i can hear you and soon the people that knock down these buildings will hear all of us i say to this great church today [Music] soon the world will hear and every knee will bow when every tongue will confess that jesus is lord [Applause] but i wonder right now if we could set our voice like a trumpet [Applause] and if we could declare so that all of hell could hear jesus is the answer jesus is the solution jesus is the hope [Applause] you want to shout it out [Applause] hahaha [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is everyone will see [Music] [Applause] is is is [Music] is fall down at your feet [Applause] changes [Music] [Music] [Music] changes [Music] me [Music] you
Channel: Eastwind Pentecostal Church of Palm Bay, Florida
Views: 462
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: first, pentecostal, apostolic, sermon, pastor, david, myers, palm bay, melbourne, brevard, county, florida, upci, upc, bishop, j., e., jackson, ellis, Eastwind, Eastwind church
Id: lBCHX8cRbzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 57sec (4977 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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