Winds Conference | Friday Night | Dillon Morgan & Joel Urshan

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] let's stand all across the house and clap our hands under the king of kings and to the lord of lords come on if you know he's been good to you would you mix your voice with that hand clap and just shout unto god come on let's lift our voices and let's magnify jesus let's shout unto god why don't you shout like you're on the winning team here [Music] tonight praise god if you have been here throughout the week you know that the stage has been set for the supernatural to be manifest in this room here tonight i feel expectancy in this room i feel faith in this room and so what we're about to do is we're about to have a time of prayer and the bible says that when they had prayed the place was shaken we are apostolic we are pentecostal we have dominion and we have authority so for the next few moments let's create an atmosphere where the king can establish his throne in this room and release miracle signs and wonders into our midst would you lift your voice from the front to the back from the left to the right and let it be said of when's conference that when they had prayed the place was shaken can we lift our voices all over this house god we love you and we are so thankful for this divine moment in time and we are asking you right now to move every obstacle we are asking you for every mountain and heal to be brought low let every valley be exalted let every rough place be made plain let every crooked path be made straight and god we are asking you to shake this house with a move of the holy ghost we ask you right now to loose angels in this room let michael and his host unsheath their swords and tear down every wall let them move every barrier let them tear down every adversary every principality every power every ruler of the darkness of this world we come against doubt we come against unbelief we come against depression we come against thoughts of suicide we bind it in the name of jesus and in this house we lose the miracles we lose the signs we lose the wonders we lose dominion god we did not come to leave the same way we came but we pray that you would deposit something into our spirits that will cause us to go home and shake our cities and shake our schools and shake our communities and shake our families and shake our youth groups with the power of the holy ghost god we pray right now that as we wore in the spirit that there would be angels that wore in the spirit as well loose angels from this meeting and let them go home and stir the prodigal let them go back to our region of the world and do war in the spirit against every adversary god we need you in this house would you lift your hands up and lift your voice and let it be said here tonight that when they had prayed the place you want to step into authority right now and just pray like your life depends on it we didn't come to leave the same way we came we came to go home and have revival we came to go home and see miracles we came to go home and shake the gates of hell lift your voice come on before the drums start before the piano ever really gets played before the singers come i wish there'd be an army that would lift their voice and send a statement to hell we came to see god we came to see god hmm here's what we're going to do this is what i fill in the holy ghost we're about to pray something very specific here in the next few moments but this is what i feel in the holy ghost when peter was bound in prison and the work of god in his life was being delayed because of his captivity the bible said that prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto god for him and god released an angel on divine assignment and unlocked the prison doors and brought peter out of his captivity and here's what the bible says he was delivered from the expectation of the people [Applause] and i felt impressed in my spirit that there are young people in this room here tonight you live in bondage and captivity in your mind you are afraid to step out in faith and accept the call of god on your life because of the expectation of the people in your world but i feel the angel of the lord descending in this house right now and he has got the keys of heaven in his hand and he is ready ready to liberate a generation from worrying about what mom and dad think from worrying about what all your peers at school think and you're gonna leave wins conference and you're going to go back to your school you're going to go back to your youth group and you're going to do what god has called you to do lift your hands all over this house by the authority of the name of jesus and the power of the word of god i loose this generation to operate in boldness i lose you to go home and have revival i loose you from the bondage of what everybody thinks and i loose you to operate in the revelation of who you are in jesus christ if you've got expectancy would you put your hands together and just shout come on just shout in this house let out that war cry oh come on somebody if you're not on your feet already why don't you stand up lift up your hands lift up your voice as we begin to sing give god praise magnify the name of jesus christ hallelujah come on [Applause] [Music] is everybody clap your hands like this hallelujah jesus bless your body name god love your lord say how great it is hey [Music] i lift my head i praise you lord [Music] lord again oh lord [Music] oh oh can you magnify jesus can you worship the king of kings and the lord of lords that's quite literally in this place tonight my god [Music] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah jesus come on somebody open the mouth magnify god worship the lord jesus praise the lord jesus magnify the lord jesus bless the lord jesus hallelujah thank you jesus oh i praise you lord [Music] hallelujah can we do that right now can we worship jesus can we magnify the name of jesus oh hallelujah he's worthy of all praise all glory and all honor come on somebody let's worship him with a dance tonight somebody get a dance in your spirit [Music] [Music] his body was broken for our transgressions but i'm told that that's not where the story ends come on [Applause] [Applause] me he's alive hallelujah his righteousness that's not where the story [Applause] is is hallelujah cause when the sun sets free it's free indeed morning's here and i'm grateful for the savior [Applause] indeed is is so i'm gonna give it my highest place [Applause] hallelujah is hey [Applause] i [Applause] gonna take me out of my great clothes [Applause] oh so now hallelujah oh [Applause] anybody glad that jesus come up out of that grave tonight he who the son sets free is free indeed i was blood bought born again and now i'm heaven bound and i'm glad about it somebody shouted to the lord with a voice of triumph come on you can do better than that it's the last night of wind shout out to the lord with the voice of triumph shout like you're free sound like you don't have anything holding you somebody let hell know i'm free in this house tonight hey welcome to wins conference if this is your first night you better be here for the whole thing next year because let me tell you we have been changed by the word of the lord amen can make your way back to your seats here tonight i want to give honor to whom honor is due and that is to pastor david myers and sister amy myers the leadership of east twin pentecostal church thank you for this vision for this conference i give honor to you tonight and of course to all the speakers who have preceded me i am forever changed by the word of the lord and then i get to hear one of the men that i have grown up listening to brother joe lotion tonight and i cannot wait to hear what he has to preach to me so for some reason they put me before him so bear with me until we can get to the main event if you have your bibles turn with me to the book of joshua chapter five the book of joshua chapter five verse number five if you would stand for the reading of the word of the lord the bible says now all the people that came out were circumcised but all the people that were born in the wilderness by the way as they came forth out of egypt them they had not circumcised for the children of israel walked 40 years in the wilderness to all the people that were men of war which came out of egypt were consumed because they obeyed not the voice of the lord unto whom the lord swear that he would not show them the land which the lord swear unto their fathers that he would give us a lens that floweth with milk and honey and their children whom he raised up in their stead them joshua circumcised for they were uncircumcised because they had not circumcised them by the way i want to preach to you on this subject for the next few moments born along the way would you lift your hands and would you ask that god would be with us lord i love you anoint me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet god let every word that comes out of my mouth god be anointed and ordained by you speak to my generation tonight speak to my peers tonight speak through me to my peers tonight use me for the purpose of the kingdom let the kingdom come and let thy will be done in this earth as it is in heaven i take dominion by the authority of the name of jesus over anything that would be a hindrance and let the signs confirm the word following let everybody shout in jesus name you may be seated those that were born along the way we understand that there was a group that had the opportunity to possess but chose fear over faith through that decision it caused forty years of wondering this wondering produced children that were born along the way they were born in a season of process these were the sons and daughters that did not see the waters of the red sea roll back but they heard about it these were the sons and daughters that did not witness the ten plagues that ravaged egypt but they heard about it nevertheless on the journey of wondering this generation was born along the way they did not see the mighty acts that god performed by the hand of his majesty in the delivering power of egypt but instead they buried their fathers and mothers because they were born along the way yet they knew one day as my uncle preached last night that finally promise and time were going to intersect with provision these that were born along the way maybe a whisper begin to arise among the children of israel what is my purpose to always be a wanderer i was born in wondering am i called to live in the wilderness that i have been born in but i believe that something began to grow within those that were born along the way i meant for more i've got a destiny i've got a purpose on my life i stand before a very great and powerful generation i preach to my generation i preach to my peers i preach to those of whom i share the responsibility of the end time harvest that is upon our shoulders we did not see charles parham carve this out we did not see william seymour carve this house i did not see gta would carve this out i was born along the way i was born in the process my uncle asked me have you seen jt pew work did you watch how he operated no uncle mark because i was born along the way i never got to see merle ewing preached because of the times i never got to witness any ursin or james kilgore and i'd may have failed to mention many elders that were great yes but i stand before you to preach to you because i am you we were born along the way being born in a wilderness brings a sense of who am i what is my purpose what am i supposed to do the mantra of my generation the phrase of my generation is i'm finding myself i'm figuring it out you know why you were born along the way you were born along the way but if i may rise to the occasion on friday night of youthquake slash wins conference to tell my peers as esther said you have been brought to the kingdom for such a time as this you are not meant to be a vagabond you are not meant to be and wondering you are not meant to live in the wilderness but a day has risen time is here we are in our season we are in our day we have walked into our promise time and promise have intersected and i'm preaching to you tonight because i am you we have a call to a harvest we have a call to a world we have a call to a generation there's a world that's dying sit there if you want to you were born in the process you were born in the wilderness but you were meant to possess the land of your fathers you were meant to walk in the canaan i go to the vine that's my revival that's my family these are my friends that's my school this is my p7 club this is my cmi group you may have been born along the way but you're meant for the promise i wish i had some young people that would get a sense of destiny you were born along the way but you're meant for a promise you were born along the way but you're meant for a destiny oh if you believe what i'm saying i you want to let hell know if you believe what i'm saying you want to let hell no you want to let every devil in hell know i've got a promise on my life i was born in the wilderness but i'm not living there i was born and wondering but time and promise have intersected on destiny and guess what that's your name destiny your call somebody shout born along the way paul said and the last of all he was seen of me also as one born out of due time the man of god prophesied us last night it's our season you were born in the process you were born in the wondering you were born not seeing the mighty acts but hearing about them you were born not witnessing the waters roll back but you heard about it you were born not seeing the ten plagues but you heard about it and i've come tonight to just be a quick reminder to my peers you may have been born along the way but you're not meant for the wilderness you can live there if you want to i heard a prophetic word come across this pulpit it's the season of harvest i'm grabbing my sickle i'm getting out in my land i'm gonna be a revivalist i'm gonna call fire down everywhere i go i'm going to do it in walmart i'm going to do it on my school i'm going to do it on my prop i don't care where i'm at i don't care who i'm with i don't care where i'm going i may have been born on the journey but i meant for a promise i may have been born on the journey but i meant for a promise [Applause] health i'm almost done you hear me tonight i wept in my carpet tonight before this service because i knew i was preaching to my peers i'm one of you i may stand behind this pulpit tonight i don't deserve it but i'm one of you millennial i'm one of you generation z i'm one of you and you hear me you were born along the way but when the time came and everything that needed to die died out maybe that's why god allowed something like the coronavirus to hit so that we could have a gill gal where joshua sharpen the stones and begin to cut your flesh away you know why you're uncomfortable because your pastor is trying to cut your flesh so he can prepare you for your promise you know why you're not satisfied in your five minutes of prayer because god's calling you to be a harvester of the end time you know why you're not satisfied with just fasting a meal because you're meant for a promised land not for the process you're not meant to live in wondering you're not meant to live in the wilderness let him cut on you you're going to canaan you're going to see jericho fall you're going to watch things that our elders said what happened they told us it would happen they prophesy it in time and season my uncle preached about it last night they said and i'm done he said time has been doing this and seasons of prophetic fulfillment are doing this you were born in this you don't know what the waters rolling back look like i've just heard the stories and i'm thankful i get to live in the stories but i'm not meant for the stories brother green i meant for a promised land and you hear me in the holy ghost they said when they got to gilgal that's when the reproach of egypt rolled off of them when they were willing to be cut on when they were willing to let themselves lose a little bit of their flesh i'm in a generation that doesn't want to pay for a promise you think you deserve it you think it's old to you you think you owe god don't owe you jack squat god don't owe me jack squat you know what you get a sharpened stone so that you can go into a land and get on the vine and say that's my promise that's my end time harvest that's my revival you were born in the process but you're meant for a promise you were born in public but you're meant for get cut on a little bit you're going to canaan get cut on a little bit you don't need another program you don't need another program you need the promise to come to pass you need the glory of the lord in your prayer closet i'm talking to me as i'm talking to you because i am you when i say you i say me hear me time has now intersected with the fulfillment of what our fathers were promised [Applause] i've asked god why was it not born when g.t haywood was around why wasn't that porn okla mark when merle ewing was imparting into these men why didn't i get to watch jt pew why didn't i get to watch those men because i was meant to be born in the process because i'm meant for a promise and what god intends to do i have not seen ear have not heard you've got prophetic fulfillment on you you've got destiny on you you get out of yourself and get a hold of a passion for souls get a hold of a passion for revival get a hold of a passion for your pastor figure out how to start a p7 figure out how to start a cmi figure out how to start a neighborhood bible so you hear me you were born along the way but you're meant for cain and somebody shout i meant for canaan that's where the promise of the father is at get up off yourself get out of your pride get out of your ego get out of your image get out of you and get into the glory let's have revival let's have revival let's have revival let's have revival let's have him oh somebody shout like you've never shouted rejoice like you've never rejoiced your promise your provision your canaan your land yours millennial yours millennial yours foreign if you realize you're a child of promise and you're a millennial or generation x one of me one of you you're meant for the promise not for the wilderness so god called a few things and allowed a few things to happen so that we could get cut on lose our image and our flesh and lose our ideology on how things are supposed to be the bible said they dwelt in the land of canaan that year before they ever took jericho they dwelled in their promise and they learn how to go to the vine and partake of the fruit this year god's about to send some of you home and he's about to show you how to go into your school and say that's my revival he's going to show some of you how to go into your lost loved one's home or your lost family's home and say that's my fruit this is my land this is what god called me to do so i challenge you as they get ready to sing to throw your hands up and make a holy ghost commitment to god right now i meant for the promise although i was born along the way cut on me jesus do what you need to do i gotta get into my promise and we gotta have revival it's over it's wrapping up jesus is coming let's get in our promised land and have revival throw your hands up and let's magnify the king of [Applause] to the kings thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus if you think it's your time tonight if you think this is the season then i need you to shout his name jesus jesus we need to be breaking some barriers tonight there's some authority in our voices we know the power of life and death is in the tongue so we need to shout the name of jesus say jesus worship with us as we sing david face a giant that mocks a living god by faith he stood [Music] shouted that all it had to fall cause there is a sound come on don't you know it [Applause] then [Applause] that sounds good [Applause] now what about paul and silas behind the prison walls but when they started singing there was no walls they had to fall cause there is a sound the baseballs fall down there [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] the crucified jesus wasn't buried in the tomb they [Music] every cause there is [Music] i'm telling you [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] i need us to understand i need all y'all to understand that god's in the place i don't know about you but i want to entertain him i want to put a smile on his face i want to shout his name and he says that's beautiful that's powerful that's where the authority of the spirit is because i filled them so when we release the name i wanted to release the name [Applause] [Applause] oh what do you know who he is do you know who he is what's his name what's his name what's his name where did the power come the authority from from his name [Applause] [Music] know is tell me if you know him you can make me down on time you can't make him i know him his name is jesus release it [Applause] [Music] hallelujah why don't you shout the name of jesus one more time why don't you praise him one more time without music why don't we just glorify his name jesus we worship you we've come into this house because of you god we come only to lift you up we release the powerful name of jesus in this place hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god what a powerful presence of the lord is in this place amen and we are so thankful that you have decided to join us tonight you can make your way back to your seats at this time i just want to go over a few quick announcements and then when we get back into the worship and some more word from brother joel ersham but we wanted to remind everyone about youthquake aftershock that will be happening tonight for all of our students for all those that have registered we invite you to join us for our aftershock it is in our life center so as everyone exits you'll see the live center you just go straight through under the portico there and you'll have access to our aftershock until 1am if you have not registered and you still want to go you can do so it'll be 15 at that table there and uh there's pizza sodas food games all kinds of stuff that they're going to be doing for all of our hyphens we always do a special hyphen hangout upstairs and they got great food for you and everything and it's just going to be a great time so we invite you to join us after service until 1am in our life center and then coming up tomorrow we're excited about closing out wins conference and closing out youthquake morning service at 10 a.m and we're going to have sister scarlett elms is going to be teaching the student session now we're all going to start in the sanctuary for worship but then we're going to split out sister scarlet elms will be here in the sanctuary and brother landon gore we'll be doing the adult session and that will be in our life center and we're looking forward to that and then we'll close it all out with the main service with reverend chris green right here combined in the sanctuary that's going to be a great time all the messages from wins conference have been so powerful and if you want to take those home with you we are selling usb drives where you can buy either the audio files or the video files of the services from every service and every session and uh we invite you to do that it'll be as you exit you'll see a booth right on the other side of this wall and you can purchase those there as well along in the second floor is also the church loan fund where you can go and find out information about how you can invest in churches that are needing loans or you can find out even information if you're a pastor about your church receiving a loan and there is a booth there in the second four year to do so and we wanted to let you know about wins conference next year and youthquake dates next year we invite you to join us it's been so powerful and we're excited already about next year but october 20th through the 23rd mark your calendars we invite you to come along and be with us again right here at eastwind amen we're going to ask you to turn your attention to the screens at this time for a special video that we have i'm jonathan nazarian and this is my wife aaron and my daughters lauren and madison and we're going to plant a church thank you for partnering with us and with impact community your investment has limitless redemptive potential for the kingdom of god hi i'm jaren carney founder and visionary of impact community impact community was started as a grassroots effort to walk alongside the united pentecostal church to help thriving couples plant apostolic churches and we are excited this year to partner with taylor and megan fairbanks as they go to baton rouge and jonathan and erin nazarian as they go to nashville tennessee both of these couples are going to do outstanding jobs as they plant thriving churches in their cities they're excited and we are pumped to partner with them just recently we partnered with paul and ali records in san marcos texas they are absolutely doing an amazing job they just renovated a building that they were able to lease and just a few sundays ago we experienced their grand opening a great church is being planted in san marcos texas because of impact community and people like you and so we asked tonight that you would prayerfully partner with us as we help the fairbanks and nazarians go to their cities that god has placed on their heart they have a burden for they are going to see revival and i want you to be a part of it impact community exists to train fund and support and we thank you once again for being a part of the vision that god has placed in our hearts god bless you amen amen tremendous i'm excited about the remainder of the service i told this at conference a couple years ago i was preaching a meeting somewhat like this and um after his over i was trying to leave the building and a young man walked up and said brother morgan i want you to lay your hands on me and impart a gift to me and uh i said oh okay so i reached over put my hand on his head and i said lord i ask you to give this boy the gift of giving and you could you i mean you could literally feel him stiffen like and so i pulled my hand back and well actually he pushed my hand off the side he said no no that's that's that's not what i'm talking about i want you to lay your hands on me and part to me a gift i said okay so i said it again lord i am in part to this young man the gift of giving and he said that no no that's not what i'm talking about i'll say i know what you're talking about you want one of the nine gifts of the spirit but you didn't specify that you just said impart a gift to you and so why is it everybody wants one of the nine gifts but they don't want the gift of giving it's mentioned in romans and so we come to meetings like this and we hear a lot about impartation and rightfully so we hear a lot about apostolic revival but i found out that usually one of the first tests of our obedience to see if god can use us is in our obedience to whatever he tells us to give now i i didn't say this i think my nephew did but you know the what is it the moment i'm so confused about it millennials x r g t l i better be careful i'll spell something i don't want to spell amen and you know he said that you know kind of expect something to be given to you if you're going to be a part of talking to this generation if you're going to be a part of what god's going to do in the end time you're going to have to learn how to give there is no such thing as a real apostolic revival outside the confines of sacrificial giving it doesn't exist because it's it's us proving as jesus said of him for gospel of the world that he that he gave so if we really love god if we really love this cause then we're willing to give to it and so i'm asking the holy ghost tonight that every young man young lady every millennial and everything else that's here tonight baby boomers and all of us amen that god would impart to us what would happen if this generation caught on fire with sacrificial giving i lost a bunch of my i need a gift here i'm trying to give you one error i'm trying to help you with one amen but what would really happen what kind of revival could we see so i want to challenge you you just seen on the screen there they're wanting to support they're wanting to support church planners and we preach this stuff but there comes a point you've heard the referral statement you have to put your money where your mouth is and so i'm going to ask you tonight to give sacrificially i pray right now that the gift of giving would come upon you and be imparted to you tonight in the name of jesus christ amen the landing gore was talking about when god spoke to him give that offering and all in it amazing the first test everybody wants god to speak to them to go down to the hospital and pray for a cancer patient and then be healed or go to the funeral home and raise the dead or pull somebody out of a wheelchair but again it usually starts in an apostolic service when the holy ghost says that 20 bucks you got tucked away for chick-fil-a next week i'm going to talk about food every time i get up here yeah i want it so you're waiting on all this [Music] and this is usually where it starts if you want to obey him here you probably want to bail him somewhere else so so this is where it starts i've been in so many services like that i said one here a while back and the lord this is what i want you to give and i was like oh that one hurts but yet it's better to obey and so i'm asking you to respond tonight here's what i want you to do all right i want you to pray i want you to pray and ask god right now lord what is it that you want me to give tonight and i want you to pray sincerely i want you to pray honestly about it and then let god speak to you let god speak to you boy y'all got really quiet on me here you ever notice when we get ready to take the offering and this disattachment to the service comes in the building you know it's like okay we're gonna pause just long enough to take an offering this is just as much as being apostolic as preaching acts 2 38. so i'm going to ask you to pray and i'm asking god to let the gift of giving come in here and if we'll just do what god tells us to do i asked brother myers i said brother meyers what kind of offering is there any specific need or an amount he said no just what they give he said it'd be great if we've got a ten thousand dollar offering here tonight i think we could do that don't you i know we can if we'll just do what the holy ghost tells us to do so i want to ask you to pray with me right now in jesus name father speak to all of us here tonight god if somehow we'd learn to be spirit-led in our giving there'd never be another need presented from a pulpit you would have already spoken and people would have already responded and obeyed so god i'm asking for every young man every young lady here all of us that the spirit of giving would come upon us and we would obey whatever it is that you're asking us to do tonight in the name of jesus christ in jesus name and everybody said amen now if you're going to do what the holy ghost tells you to do i'm going to ask you to stand if you're not listen if you're not just keep your seat better we will know who no who needs the altar call tonight but if you're going to give and you're going to respond and you're going to respond to what the holy ghost tells you to respond to man you know it's covering the economy i understand but this god's economy is not in trouble so all right if you're going to give and you're going to obey the holy ghost and if you're not i appreciate your honesty amen so are we ready did we kill the spirit here tonight or man i like that song y'all just saying you all need to come to california and sing that a few times out there we need it amen and but let's give tonight in the name of the lord what do you say usher's comments on the screen how you can give god bless you in jesus name amen [Music] [Music] be lifted high in this place [Music] [Music] chains are broken eyes are open miracles are in this place [Music] in this place lord we want you no one else will do in this place [Music] is [Music] oh is [Music] are is this place [Music] a miracle can happen a miracle can happen a miracle can happen [Music] do you believe that a miracle can happen in this place [Applause] a miracle can happen a miracle can happen [Applause] with in this way foreign this is is but jesus is [Applause] [Music] jesus is [Music] [Applause] [Music] every day jesus is uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] magnify the name of jesus worship in the name of jesus i don't care what you walked into this house with i don't care what you want walk into this place with tonight jesus is here the ambassador changer is here the change right here is here jesus is here tonight is is [Music] okay today [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] his grace [Applause] oh hallelujah hallelujah come on if you believe there's a miracle in this place would you lift your voice would you lift your hands one more time we claiming in the name of jesus let it be now lord let it be here let it be with this people oh god [Applause] in the name of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh bless the name of jesus bless the name of jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah this afternoon we had a panel discussion with pastor jaron carney evangelist landon gore evangelist chris green and brother lee stone king joined us by video and we were talking along the lines of two subjects that is restoration and impartation two of the four wins that we have focused on this week the other two being unity and demonstration we have seen all of those winds blow throughout this conference as god is raising up a mighty army of apostolics from a valley of dry bones prophetic winds are blowing in these last days brother stone king told us that he could only go until 2 30 because he had to go to a surgical center his eye had been torn they were going to put a needle in his eye and have to do surgery to repair the tear in his eye as we got to the end of that panel discussion we felt the lord prompt us to pray for by the stone king and those that were here today rose up and we all prayed together spoke the word of faith and as we were finishing up lunch this afternoon brother stone king called me all excited he said brother david i had to call you right away i have just come from the doctor's office as they were preparing me for surgery miracle can happen in this he said they're gonna take another look at it when they looked at it they came out he said their mouths were open their face is white [Applause] they said we have no other way to describe it there is no tear there's no scar tissue you are completely healed it's a miracle you can go home in the name of jesus i got to do anything [Applause] i was relaying that to brother chris greene who after brother irish and stu preaching is going to come up and he's going to lead us in our altar call and he said and i believe i felt a word of faith a confirmation in my spirit when he said it he said at the end of the service there's going to be a mass healing tonight in this place everything in this conference compassion and love and restoration everything has led to this divine moment that god is going to send a mass healing to his people emotional spiritual physical the shekinah glory of the lord is going to fill this house how appropriate it is that we bring to this podium pastor joel erschen the voice of revival for this generation the pastor of tree of life church in cincinnati ohio a man who has a special calling on his life it was impacted millions with the prophetic word of god and how interesting it is that his great grandfather andrew erschen a persian brought the revelation of the name of jesus to russia millions of people were baptized in jesus name and tonight before service this young lady right here who's received the gift of the holy ghost who is from iran who has been witnessing to her muslim family and to many family members in the nation of iran and bringing students from iran from florida tech college she said after service i want to be baptized in the name the legacy he mentioned that louisiana right now is experiencing great hardship in direct line of this storm hurricane delta our churches the saints of god the people of louisiana need our prayers could we lift our voices lift our hands and pray that god send a mighty wind to drive back that hurricane in the name of jesus christ lord you are the maker of the wind you are the peace in the midst of the storm god in jesus name we lift our voices in a declaration of intercessory prayer for the people of louisiana and all who are in the line of this storm in jesus name hallelujah breathe oh god against this wind we ask in the name of jesus drive it back drive it off of its path weaken it in the name of jesus protect your people protect all who are in harm's way in the name of jesus healer mahashiya lord we call upon you to do the mighty work that none can do only you and you alone are able to do this mighty work we pray in the name of jesus christ the name that is above every name above every principality every power in the name of jesus we cry unto you o god and we give you the praise we give you the honor and the glory can we clap our hands right now in the name of jesus hallelujah thank you jesus can we clap our hands for what the lord has done in this meeting thank you jesus i just don't know when i've been more moved by the preaching of the word of god that we have heard by the worship that we have experienced can we can we just talk about this worship team for just a moment wow god bless them amen and i i want to say how grateful i am to be here i want to give honor to the pastor and first lady of this great east wind pentecostal church can we give pastor and sister myers a great big hand amen bishop and dr meyers god bless you amen we love this family we love and honor and appreciate this great family and the vision that has been spelled out for this meeting wins and it has it has come to us in such a powerful way the blessing of the lord this week we thank you so much pastor meyer sister myers for all you've done to make everybody feel so welcomed we needed a good holy ghost meeting in 2020 praise the lord amen and god bless the east wind pentecostal church family and all of the leadership teams thank you for making this such a safe environment and enjoyable experience we're so grateful to be able to be here and and to all of the ministry the preaching of the word of god has fed my soul so deeply and and i told somebody i said you know what i'm just going to get up there and do a bible sword drill and send everybody home we've we've had so much good preaching and uh it's it's such an honor and and i'm so thankful for the young ministry that we have seen declare the word of the lord there is a prophetic anointing that rests upon this generation hallelujah and i am particularly humbled and honored to be able to to be teamed up with these wonderful men of god bishop morgan that word last night my my my lord have mercy fed my soul amen brother gorb or the green god bless you in the name of the lord brother baptiste god bless you what an amazing word from the lord brother herring brother graham pastor myers we have been blessed we have been blessed we have been blessed and brother dylan morgan you absolutely brought the fire tonight my my mind i felt that in the holy ghost we are bound for a land of promise and i concur with brother greene that god's going to perform mass healings tonight in jesus name if you agree with it could you give god another praise hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus so glad to have my daughter sophia with me today love her i'm so glad she was able we were both able to be here god bless you brother sister elms love you and your family what an amazing worship experience this has been all week long brother olsen god bless you love you brother and sister kyle amen and on and on brother barrack god bless you brother barry brother trevor amen and i i better stop because i'm i'm missing some already but i'm going to turn your attention uh this evening in the word of the lord to the book of numbers and we're going to read from chapter 12 and and i'm going to read also from matthew chapter 25 numbers chapter 12. i want to read one verse of scripture from numbers chapter 12. and i want to read verse number three the word of the lord says this and i want you to really hear this this verse it says now the man moses was very meek above all the men which were upon the face of the earth now the man moses was very meek above all the men which were upon the face of the earth now to the book of matthew chapter 25 and i want to begin reading at the 14th verse just a few verses here for the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country who called his own servants and delivered unto them his goods and unto one he gave five talents to another two and to another one to every man according to his several ability and straightway took his journey then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same and made them other five talents and likewise he that had received two he also gained other two but he that had received one went and digged in the earth and hid his lord's money i want to speak to you tonight on this subject the only talent you need the only talent you need could we one more time lift up our voice and ask the grace of god to cover the remainder of this service and the preaching of his word lord i thank you for every precious blessing that you have bestowed upon us so generously of your great grace i pray in jesus name that you would bless the word and the preaching of the word as it goes forth i ask in the name of jesus christ that you will speak to us lord i pray for a holy boldness and a holy anointing to rest upon us tonight as we look into the sacred word of life help us in jesus name glory help us in jesus name to receive lord to receive of your great spirit we give you praise today in the name of jesus christ and everybody said in jesus name and everybody said amen let's clap our hands one more time unto the lord hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated in jesus name now when i use the word talent tonight in its modern context you understand that i am speaking of gifts and abilities skills talents and when we read this passage of scripture from the book of matthew that deals with this great parable of the kingdom that records a man who went into a far country and called servants delivered unto them his goods and gave five talents to one two talents to another and and then one talent to another we know that those talents are a reference to to currency if you please to money but these are are actually related concepts it's the same word it's not different it's the same word and in fact the word talent has broadened over the years to encompass a greater definition as as the economic exchange of society develops and fluctuates for instance a talent really in its origin simply refers to a weight yet by the time jesus spoke this parable it had already come to represent currency that a weight and the effect the weight would have on an exchange of currency and it has developed even further to now today when we speak of a talent we are referring to as i said gifts and abilities and skills and talents but it is still the same word it deals with currency it deals with marketable abilities something that you can take to market and get something in return so the talent that you have the abilities that you have the gifts that god has given you the the the knowledge that you have honed and and the expertise that you have developed we refer to those things as talents and it is consistent with this passage of scripture these are things you take to market you work on them you develop them you go to school you go to vocational schools you go to places of higher education and you develop your talents and this is a good thing and and the the bible describes this exchange where that the man who was a figure in this uh parabolic uh ex illustration that jesus provided in matthew 25 where that he said this man traveled into a far country and he delivered his servants his goods called them to him and delivered unto them his goods to one he gave five talents to another he gave two talents and to the third man he gave one measly little old good for nothing talent the man who had five talents received them and went and traded with the same and made them other five talents and and the man that had received two talents he gained also other two by going and trading with the same applying them investing them using them taking them to market making sure they got the most out of them and using them to the best of their ability maximizing the potential of these five talents in the case of the first servant two talents in the case of the second servant and then there was this third man who had one talent and the scripture describes how that he had received one talent and he went and digged in the earth and hid he hid his lord's money that is how little he thought of this one talent that his lord had given him he said i don't even know i don't even know what this is good for i i i really have no clue what positive development could come from this one talent that the lord has given to me so he went and he digged in the earth and he hid not his money he hid his lord's money and then of course the scripture goes on that's where we stopped but the scripture goes on to describe that the after a long time the lord of those servants came and there was a time of reckoning there was a day of reckoning where that there was a call to account what did you do with what i gave you the man that had five talents he said you know i received the five talents and and he said i i went and traded with them and he brought other five talents with him saying you delivered unto me five and i've gained beside them five talents more and the lord said well done thou good and faithful servant hallelujah you have been faithful over a few things i will make you ruler over many things into thou into the joy of thy lord he that received two talents came to the lord of the parable and said you gave me two talents i've gained two other talents beside them and the lord said unto him well done don't you want to hear him say well done oh hallelujah thou good and faithful servant you have been faithful over a few things i will make you ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy lord then he which had received one talent came and said lord i knew you were a hard man reaping where you had not sown gathering where you had not strawed i was afraid and i went and hid your talent in the earth lo there thou hast that is thine his lord said unto him thou wicked and slothful servant you knew that i reap where i so not gather where i have not strawed you ought therefore to have put my money to the exchangers and then at my coming i should have received mine own with usury take therefore the talent from him give it unto him which hath ten talents for unto every one that shall be given hath shall be given and he shall have abundance but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath and this one talented servant becomes a caricature if you please of an individual who just simply fails miserably he's wicked he's slothful he misses the point he misses the opportunity he had been entrusted with one talent and he takes it and hides it in the earth and and and it's clear he's the he's he's the the loser of this story there's no question but i can kind of relate with this guy a little bit and i feel kind of bad for him a little bit because in our flesh we understand where he's coming from we understand what it's like to feel like we don't have much to offer i wonder how many times this one talented servant looked across at the five talented servant and said this is not fair i could i could get 10 talents too if i had all the advantages that he had i mean i could i could i could do so much more if i had more opportunity but that's not how it rolls in my life it seems like i try and i get slapped back down it seems like nobody's willing to give me a fair shake seems like nobody's willing to invest in me seems like nobody sees my star sees my potential and then the lord himself decides to give me one measly talent and he's given folks five talents and he's given folks two talents and i look over and see people that have so many advantages and so much opportunity and so many abilities and gifts and skills and then i look at my set of circumstances and i think it is not fair and there's no question that this weighed on his mind and he decided to cave to those feelings feeling like there was simply nothing he could do with the one talent the lord had given him but when the lord arrived he had a different expectation because he knew the weight of the talent he had given him he knew the value of the gift he had delivered into his hands he understood the potency it may not be five it might not be two but that one talent i gave you has so much power it has so much potential it has so much capacity i i'm excited to know what you do with the one talent i gave you what did you do with the one little advantage i offered you that one glimmer of light that one sliver of the hope what you do with the talent i gave you because i know what you could have done i know where you could have gone i know who you could have touched i know whose life you could have impacted i know you could have taken it to the exchanges uh there's a market for that talent there's a stop looking at the five talented servant stop looking at the two talented servants you're not too talented you're not five talented or maybe you are whatever your lot say the lord has given me a work the lord has given me a gift and i will do what the lord has called me to do i'm so thankful for the spirit of god that's in this meeting there's no competition here it's been said already there's no envy here i thank god for these young men and women of god who labor together in the kingdom of the lord i thank god there's no envy among you and i give god the praise for that never let it creep in and never get let get a stranglehold or a foothold be content in whatever state you are hallelujah understand this might be their season of rejoicing rejoice with them that rejoice even if you think you deserved an opportunity that didn't come your way rejoice with them that rejoice god will see your rejoicing and he will honor your integrity come on somebody this is the kingdom we're talking about and if i've got five talents or two or one or none i'm going to do whatever the lord called me to do yes there's a selfless spirit of god that rests upon this generation a selfless spirit that says it doesn't matter if i'm in the limelight it doesn't matter if i'm in the spotlight it doesn't matter if my name is ever written down where people can read it or see it what matters is doing a work for the lord i'm going to take whatever god has given me and i'm going to do it with all my heart and all my soul and all my mind and all my strength and god will bless you and he will bless your children and he will bless your children's children and he will bless your home and he will give you favor and he will cover you and comfort you and shadow you with loving kindness don't be petty don't be petty don't be jealous don't be envious don't be snide don't jockey for position no i rebuke it in the name of jesus be excited to do a work for the lord glory it's it's really it's really not fair i got this one talent and i look around and i see i see brother so-and-so has five talents and yeah he took those five towns he made five others what am i supposed to do with this one and his sister so-and-so got two and she created other two others of course you can do that when somebody gives you a little help a little advantage and i've got one how am i supposed to multiply with one but the lord said i i know the value of that one nothing wrong with one the lord our god is one nothing wrong with one don't despise the day of small things one hallelujah glory to god martha you are careful and troubled about many things but mary had chosen that good part one thing is needful and she had chosen that good part one thing have i desired of the lord and that will i seek after i count not myself as to have apprehended but this one thing i do i press toward the mark nothing wrong with one my god hallelujah one times god is god you hear what i'm telling you it matters what you're multiplying it up against if you multiply the one talent you've got if you're multiplied by god you'll get gone you don't need five talents there's only one talent you really need if god gives you five that's great but all you need is one hallelujah i look in the word of the lord and i see man i see all kind of different servants with multiple talents i one that stands out to me is david man this one fair this is a five talented servant or more he was a a mighty warrior the man the man like slew a lion as like a teenager he slew a bear and and then he went to the king and while the entire army of israel was hiding from goliath the uncircumcised philistine david said let me at him and and it wasn't like he was some big brute guy that could just wrestle goliath to the ground he was an expert marksman he did it with one smooth stone from a slingshot and and he like wound it up and he wasn't even afraid i mean all of israel is hiding in the background and david like struts out onto the battlefield and he hears goliath screaming and hollering and insulting him and he said i don't come against you with a sword or a spear i come against you in the name of the lord of the host of israel i'm not afraid of you i will take you down he had five talents and he was about to use one of them and he wasn't just a warrior he was like an amazing singer and i was watching these amazing singers up here tonight singing for the glory of god and thank god for those who are blessed with the ability to sing and shout it out god bless you don't ever stop singing sing unto the lord a new song we need you we need musicians god bless you brother howard we need continued people learn the keyboard learn the organ continue to develop your talents and your skills we need you in the kingdom there's a lot of evil spirits troubling a lot of people and we need skilled musicians who can come and play play before the lord play before the lord and drive the evil spirits off of people we've got prophets that need to prophesy and they need a minstrel to play yeah thank god for your talent david was talented he would sing unto the lord and he didn't just sing any old song he wrote his own songs you know not everybody did that not every great singer writes their own songs elvis didn't write any of his songs you may have thought he did but he won he won nothing but a hound dog lying all the time he did not write his songs but he sang and some of the songwriters you didn't want them right singing the song you just god bless you you write them and we'll let somebody else sing them but david wrote them david sang them and we're still singing them today and we're still declaring them hallelujah he was the sweet psalmist of israel and if he played every instrument that he told us to play he played stringed instruments he played organs he played loud symbols he played high sounding symbols he played cornet cornets and flutes and trumpets and harps this man was a skilled musician and singer and and he actually played before the lord and drove away the evil spirits from king saul he's got so many talents and he could dance that's not even fair he could sing he could play he could dance he could kill lions he could kill bears he could kill giants he was the light of israel they called him he was the king of israel he was an administrator extraordinaire he was a mentor of mentors they brought to him the indebted and the destitute and the depraved he took them in under his wing and he mentored them until they turned into mighty men this guy had so many talents we could go on we could talk about how joshua was such a great leader but he was also such a great follower we could talk about nehemiah was the the cut bearer of the king and then like flipped the switch and became this magnificent architect and he was discreet when he did it he went at night and he had this ability he must have been this larger-than-life personality too because he had like one bad day where he didn't have a smile on his face and the king was like what's wrong something's wrong i'm talking about talents just flowing from people talents that god showered them with blessed them with and then we and then we look at my man moses here and i mean moses was an amazing man of god and i'm not going to take anything from him because i wasn't transfigured on the mountain with jesus but moses was yeah he was an amazing man of god and he played such an integral role but moses had a lot of issues and i'm not sure how many talents he had i'm just not sure because he had a lot of issues now he was schooled in the wisdom of the egyptians but i don't know how well it translated into practical living or leadership because he struggled a lot the bible describes that that moses had this really bad temper he had a bad temper problem anger issues saw a man egyptian man beating a hebrew slave and he ran to help and and before the little exchange was done the man the egyptian was dead and moses had blood on his hands he had anger issues he had a bad temper problem and any and he was actually he was actually negligent in his in his duties and and he overlooked things he wasn't very diligent he did not pay attention to detail he had been talking to god up before the burning bush and he was receiving all this instruction from god and he had this he had this call of god to go into egypt and tell pharaoh to let god's firstborn son go let my people go the i am hath sent me and he was ready to do it and as he's making his way back home god was ready to kill him because he had forgotten to circumcise his own son didn't pay attention to detail he had anger issues he could hardly speak he was not eloquent he was not an orator his whole ministry was going to be based on what he was going to be saying to pharaoh and he literally could hardly get the words out of his mouth and he said lord i am of a slow speech i don't know how to talk like other people he had a problem with speaking he had a problem with his temper he wasn't very diligent he was not an administrator at all jethro his father-in-law shows up and sees how he's orchestrating the people of israel he's like whoa whoa what are you doing he said you don't have a clue what you're doing he said you're going to kill yourself and you're going to wear yourself out and you're depriving these people of good proper leadership here give me give me the reins of your administration and let me help you figure out how to lead these people the way they need to be led he was even disobedient at times when he got frustrated he tended to be impulsive and disobey god follow his own impulse instead of the direction of the lord infamously famously or or infamously he he was told by god to speak to the rock but he had already smote the rock once and so he decided to smite it once and smite it twice and water came out but it deprived him of being able to enter into the land of promise himself he had a lot of issues he wasn't diligent he had anger problems he was impulsive he couldn't talk hardly at all and yet he parted the red sea and he called bread from heaven and water out of a rock and he healed waters that were poisonous hallelujah i'm trying to tell you something ladies and gentlemen this man's ministry it it ranks among the greatest of the scriptures he delivered the children of israel out of 400 years of bondage took them to the red sea and literally parted the red sea by saying stand still and see the salvation of the lord and i don't know how he did it because he had anger issues and he disobeyed sometimes and he and he couldn't speak well and and he wasn't a good administrator i don't know how he did it he didn't have five talents that i can really see but but he did have one talent and it was the only talent he needed to do a work for god he may not have been an administrator and he may not have been a good preacher and he may not have been able to really control his temper all the time and he might have gotten too frustrated at moments but moses was the meekest man that ever walked the face of the earth there was nobody as meek as moses moses was meek which means he was lowly it means he was humble and i'm going to tell you something ladies and gentlemen if you're humble you don't have to be a good preacher if you're humble you don't have to be a good singer if you're humble i've come to tell this generation that the only talent you absolutely 100 percent must have in your quiver is the talent of humility the talent of meekness understanding that it's not you it's god it's god it's always god hallelujah and i'm going to tell you something your good preaching doesn't mean anything if you're not humble and you're good musician playing instrument playing doesn't mean anything if you're not humble in your good personality and your good administration and your great education none of it matters if you're not humble before god that's one of the things that has moved me about this generation seeing you in action this week i love you and i'm thankful for what god is doing among your ranks it takes humility not to be envious it takes humility not to compete provoke one another to good works yes but don't compete with one another collaborate with one another collaborate don't compete collaborate don't compete join arms and go forward moses moses is like look they're all they're all yelling at moses saying what did you do what you bring us out of egypt what do we do now egypt is behind us and there's water in front of us and moses said i don't know i don't know what to do i don't have a clue honestly i don't know what to do i don't have very many talents but i've learned this if i stand still if i just hold still and let the lord fight my battles i'm oh my god i'm going to tell you something ah hallelujah there's something about that meekness if you let meekness and humility get ahold of you the lord will fight your battles hold your peace and let the lord fight your baby the lord told moses he said i will go before you and moses said are you sure are you really going to go before us because if your presence does not go i'm not going anywhere without you i can do nothing without him i would but fail the greatest talent you can ever have and could ever hope to have is to know that everything that you have has come from the lord and none of it has come from your ability none of it yeah but i worked hard he gave you the ability to work hard hallelujah you better get used to it if you want to be used of god in ministry you better get used to saying god did it god did it god did it that's why i'm happy when you're promoted the scripture says for by grace are you saved through faith for by grace are you saved through faith now we love that we love that grace that grace is god that's calvary that's the blood that's wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities grace that's what god did by grace oh but you got to believe and you've got to act on your belief by grace are you saved through faith this is where it gets tricky for us this is right about the time we start thinking we played a role yeah but i'm the one that had to believe i'm the one that had to get in the water i'm the one that had to speak in tongues i'm the one paul said by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourself it is the gift of god you believing is the gift of god you getting in the water is the gift of god you talking in tongues that's the gift of god promotion is the gift of god that acceleration it's the gift of god that bonus it's the gift of god not of yourselves not of works lest any man should bow can i remind a believer that every good and every perfect gift coming down coming down coming down coming down from the father of life man that was a good message god did it that was a great song god did it i appreciate your attitude god damn it [Applause] somebody lift your hands to him right now [Applause] [Applause] ah [Applause] we've talked a lot about miracles this week and i'm so thankful for that this world needs the miraculous we should always talk about it it is his will that miracles be done but the greatest prophet born of woman performed no miracle john the baptist never performed a miracle and jesus said there was not a greater prophet than he what did you go out to see did you expect to see somebody clothed and soft raiment somebody that was stylish somebody else fashionable somebody that knew how to put on a good presentation wrong what'd you go out to see a reed shaken in the wind somebody who understands the political climate knows what's popular what's in what's out how to play a crowd what did you go out to see did you go out to see somebody who spoke with with soft words or did you go out to even see a prophet in any case you were sorely disappointed he is much more than a prophet it was of him that the prophet isaiah said the voice of one crying in the wilderness oh my god [Music] pride will deceive you into believing that if you're not preaching on a friday night at winds conference there's no sense in lifting your voice but the greatest prophet that ever prophesied cried in the wilderness [Music] and his message was simple his message was i've got one talent i will baptize you with water unto repentance but there cometh one after me that's mightier than i whose shoes i'm not worthy to bear and whose shoelaces i'm not worthy you want to be a great prophet here's your life principle he must increase and i must decrease [Laughter] [Applause] i need some servants of the lord to come right now i don't know how many talents you've got maybe you don't think you have anything all you need is humility well where do i get that brother joel i was a teenager it was a prayer meeting monday night zion tabernacle kokomo indiana monday night prayer i was laid out between the drums and the organ and i was crying out to god and i cried out saying lord make me humble and then i thought wait wait hold on delete delete delete delete delete swipe swipe i had heard a precious saint say don't ask god to make you humble cause he will and i really truly got a little fearful in that moment because i was sincere lord make me humble and and i and i really got a little concerned because i thought oh god i hope you hear my heart but don't answer my prayer but do answer my prayer something i don't know what the right combination here is and the lord spoke to me as a young man and this is what he said he said don't you ever be afraid to ask me for anything i can give you humility and not humiliate you we've got to get away from this idea that god is trying to catch us in our words that god is trying to look for a way to got you now i'm really going to teach you no no that's not the god you serve he is for you he is not against you he is for you he will bear you upon the eagle's wings he will cause you to have feet like hinds feet and make you stand upon high places he is the lord your god he loves you with an everlasting love and it is he who will give you humility [Applause] i'm standing in the pulpit of a man of god who is a five talented servant and more pastor david myers so many talents a man after god's own heart he'll preach this gospel and he'll argue the law before high courts he's a man of god with many talents he can he can administrate he can preach he can teach he can discuss law he can discuss politics he's a man who god is endowed with many gifts but the greatest gift he has is the humility and the meekness that goes along with the talents god has given him god wants to cause you to overflow with talent he wants you to abound with ability but lord what do you require of me o son of man here it is that the lord doth require of you love mercy do justly and walk humbly before thy god [Applause] we've quoted it a lot in covid 2020. i'm going to quote it again and then we're going to do it and i'm going to bring brother green to this pulpit if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves do it right now in the name of jesus do that do that shall humble themselves do that do that come on child of god humble your motives humble your agenda humble yourself under the mighty hand of god [Applause] i foreign i want to speak a word of confirmation right now i want to speak a word of confirmation this afternoon the lord spoke and said there will be a mass healing take place in this service tonight five minutes before service began i just felt the lord speak to me it's easy to say that now because i know it was the lord when the lord speaks to you sometimes you think is that god and when it happened i was wondering was that god and after what he just spoke i know for a fact that was god because five minutes before service the lord spoke to me and i'm thinking god mass healing what do you want me to do for the altar call and the lord spoke one word humility and i'm thinking no healing and god said no humility the lord prompted me to quote or to read second chronicles 7 13 and 14 i sent the media team a text that just read altar call scripture second chronicles 7 13 and 14. he just quoted that verse but verse 13 shows who's in charge god takes responsibility for the season and he says this when i shut up the heavens and send forth no rain when i command the locust to devour the land and when i send pestilence the word in the hebrew for pestilence means a fatal epidemic or disease he says i'm in charge of the season not the devil but watch after he reveals who's responsible and who is in charge then he gives it to us if my people which are called by my name will humble them humble themselves and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways i want everybody to shout then then then i will hear from heaven i will for give their sin and i will you humble i'll heal the land i don't want anybody seeking healing right now i want you to seek humility radical humility apostolic humility prophetic humility sacrificial humility seek it while the lord may be found call ye upon him while he is near i humble myself before your throne sunday [Applause] foreign oh [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on keep pushing right now keep seeking her come on keep pursuing humility right now sadness come on come on come on push beyond the limitations of your fatigue push beyond the limitations of your flesh push beyond the exhaustion push beyond the weariness and humble humble humble humble now now now decrease he's about to increase decrease healing is on its way healing is on its way just humble right now another moment another moment the time is coming the time is on its way humble [Music] no no no no no don't stop don't stop don't stop the gifts of healing are about to break forth upon us the wind of healing is about to blow as of a rushing mighty wind cancer is about to be healed diabetes is about to be healed addictions are about to be delivered there's about to be physical healing of emotional healing marital healing the healing is coming i hear the sound of an abundance of rain i hear the sound of an abundance of rain i hear the sound of an abundance of rain it's coming right now assad [Applause] i feel just another moment come on we got to push beyond the flesh just one more moment for such a time as this for such a time as this for such a time as this a [Applause] [Applause] this and when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all in one accord they were all in one mind they were all in one place and suddenly and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting [Applause] if you need healing i want you to lift up your hands if you need physical healing i want you to open your hands right now i want you to open them to the lord if you need family healing marital healing healing of your marriage healing of your children he said i'll heal your land some of you need emotional healing some of you need a spiritual healing but there is a massive outpouring of healing that's about to sweep through this house it's about to feel listen it's about to fill all the house i said all the house i set all the house and there's going to appear a divine evidence that's going to sit upon each of you a fire from heaven a fire from heaven it's coming it's coming it's coming now come on open your hands sato rosotto yes here it comes i want everybody to lift up your head it's a sign of humility to look up it is a posture of humility to look up when i say when i say in the name of jesus i want you to shout one name and that name is jesus when i say in the name of jesus the only word that will come out of your mouth is jesus and when you shout the utterance of the almighty power of the name of jesus the wind of healing is going to sweep through this service [Applause] there's going to be restoration there's going to be healing there's going to be a demonstration of his power open your hands lift up your head unto the hills for your redemption is drawing nigh right now by the authority that's in the word of god by the power that's in your holy name we humble ourselves at your feet we look up to your power send forth a wind of healing right now in the name of jesus now now speak with other tongues you are healed now now now now now now it's [Applause] the wind is blowing i said the wind is blowing reach reach [Applause] reach [Applause] ask for hands there's angels marching by you right now there's angels marching through this place right now they've been standing at attention they've been standing at attention but they're marching through this place as ministering spirits under the heirs of salvation somebody just reach unto the lord pray in the holy ghost rejoice in the lord rejoice [Applause] [Applause] foreign i want everybody to stop praying everybody stop praying stop worshiping hallelujah brother myers the vision of this conference that we're a part of right now began overseas we do things a little bit differently overseas on the mission field when we have a healing service we don't dismiss and say god bless you hope you were healed overseas we say let's stop and let's show what god has done let's testify of what god has done we don't do that a lot of times in america but we've been in villages brother meyers and some of you pentecostals from this church you know in villages where their life expectancy was 37 years old i remember the missionary telling us that so when they leave that service they don't have another option they don't have a tylenol they don't have an excedrin they don't have an ibuprofen they have a witch doctor they can go to and that's it or they can go home and die they don't have any other option and so it is imperative let's see who has been healed but what i love is when we have team members come on the crusades and they've never really seen a healing like this and they are exposed to it with their own eyes and once you're exposed to it you can't unsee it and it's inevitable crusade members will tell you we'll usually have a healing service the first night because that exposure breeds a testimony for even greater works to be done right now if you first of all we're going to talk about physical healing if you had a physical need in your body back pain leg pain all the pain whatever it was a physical need a physical ailment sickness infirmity i want you to check it right now i want you to investigate right now you got to move you got to bend you got to turn around i want you to check it right now and i want you to see right now and as you're checking your body out and you know there's relief in my body i want you to just lift a hand up right now if you know there's been healing that's taken place in my body right now i want you to lift a hand [Applause] oh somebody just say thank you jesus what a mighty god we serve what a mighty god we serve [Applause] there's others that came with an emotional spiritual family need of healing that was so urgent you needed god to do it now you may not have the evidence tangibly right now but you know in your spirit when i get home it's all going to be all right the syrophoenician woman left her devil-possessed daughter at home came to jesus when she got desperate jesus said it's done right now she didn't see the physical evidence but she felt and heard the word of god when she walked back through the door where she had walked many times before to witness a devil-possessed child that day she walked back to a home full of peace her daughter in her right mind and said hey mommy where you been i prophesy right now i prophesy in the holy ghost right now i prophesy in the holy ghost it's done when you leave this service and you walk back through the doorstep of your home you're gonna see my god it was done that very hour as we prayed for healing if you felt the fire of the holy ghost as a confirmation that god has healed your situation now i want you to lift a hand unto the lord somebody just lift up a voice for just a second what a mighty god we serve angels bow before him heaven and earth adore him [Applause] we're going to have one more prayer of faith i feel it's so strong i just felt the lord speak to me landon gore come here buddy brother landon is just going to pray for the gore is going to pray over this congregation whatever he feels this man has been mightily used around the world to see healings for many years as a young man i just felt the lord speak your name right now landon core he's going to release an impartation whatever he feels to do we're going to receive it and then we're going to have a holy ghost party in this place like this world has never seen before somebody just lift your hands and say i'm ready right now [Applause] there's an authority and there's a boldness that every young man and every young lady every millennial and every adult is getting ready to take back to their home getting ready to take back to their church getting ready to take back to their community and getting ready to take back to their city the tragedy of this conference would be that everything that god has spoken and imparted would stay within these four walls but in just a moment we are going to pray and we are going to give a signal to the adversary that what has transpired within these four walls will not stay within these four walls we're getting ready to pray in just a moment the lord's getting ready to speak to some of you again before this service is over the lord's getting ready to use multiple people tonight before midnight god's going to use you to call somebody home and give them a prophetic word god's going to use you to encounter somebody at the hotel and you're going to pray for them god's going to allow you to operate in giftings that have been stirring in your spirit and in your heart i want you to hear me for just a moment how many of how many in this room has ever missed the opportunity to be used in one of the gifts of the spirit how many of you have missed an opportunity to be used in the gift of the spirit i say this when i feel it i'm going to say it tonight you did not miss the gift you missed the moment you did not miss the gift you missed the moment but there is an opening in their spirits and it is time to stir up the gift that is within you and it's time to walk in authority and boldness would you lift your hands would you lift your head would you lift your voice all across this house right now come on i feel gifts stirring right now i feel the best gifts stirring right now by the power of the word and the authority in the name of jesus i release the holy boldness i release a holy authority to walk in to move into to dwell in the god-ordained gifting that is within you when you leave this house tonight [Applause] hakasha come on i feel the lord speaking right now you need to turn to somebody you need to be led by the holy ghost right now come on won't you turn to somebody would you turn to somebody right now begin to speak over them begin to pray over them begin to release something over them come on this is the turn this is the turn god has moved to you now let him move through you right now [Applause] come on lift up your voice all across this house come on there's something still stirring there's something still moving there's something being activated in the spirit right now it's come on pray over somebody right now pray over somebody right now let the gift of faith be in operation right now let a word of knowledge be in operation right now let the prophetic be in operation right [Applause] now [Applause] some of you need to speak over your church right now some of you need to speak over your family right now you're walking back to it you're walking back to it you're walking back to it [Applause] oh my [Applause] come on something's moving right now church something's moving right now church i need every saint of god to lock in right now every eye closed every hand lifted every voice raised across this [Music] [Applause] house [Applause] [Music] would you turn to somebody else now would you turn to somebody else now be respectful but would you turn to somebody else one more time come on just would you turn to somebody else right now be spirit-led for just a moment be spirit-led for just another moment right now things are still happening in the spirit things are still taking place in the spirit things are being activated in the spirit come on last time you missed the spirit of intercession but you're not going to miss it this time last time you missed the gift of fight but you're not going to miss it this time last time you second-guessed that word of knowledge you're not going to do it now you're going to walk in it you're going to operate in it you're gonna step into it you're gonna speak it you're gonna see [Applause] it come on let that go just yell in this house not a mighty roar raise in this house [Applause] come on our god is a good god he's a great god he has all authority and all power [Music] come on who came to worship the lord tonight [Music] if you've been delivered if you've been set free i need you to get your dancing shoes on healer of the brokenhearted you are the mentor when we're torn apart you are the light that brightens up the darkness we see clearly who you are good god you are good you're not afraid of all the fears come on if you know he's a good guy we're gonna worship him tonight i [Music] lift up your voices we're gonna declare he's a good guy [Applause] say goodbye creator say goodbye goodbye good god you've always been you're always [Music] is oh you you've never been always uh all right good guys [Applause] for me for me [Applause] good job [Applause] good foreign good guy jesus [Applause] jesus good good god foreign me he did it for you you the [Applause] [Applause] help me is for me [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow say good god say good god good god good job [Applause] come on i need somebody to just lift your voice right here and just begin to proclaim that you believe that god really is a good god that god that god really is for you not against you not trying to harm you but trying to do something great through you come on can we believe that right now can we release a sound in this house can we release a mighty roar in this house can we release the great name of jesus over this house over this generation over this nation that we believe that god is going to do something miraculous incredible mighty through each and every one of us come on can we believe it can we believe it can we believe it can we believe it [Applause] come on stretch both hands up right here come on stretch up both hands right here we believe you gone we believe you're gone we believe there's a sound [Music] there's the sound of god's people crying huh there's a sound when god's people believe that he's gonna do something great [Applause] there's a sound when we say god you can use me lord there's a sound there's a mighty sound when you say god i give myself to you here's the sound there's a great sound we say god i believe you're gonna kill my family god i believe you're gonna heal my hope god i believe you're gonna touch my schools my neighbors my friends [Applause] who knows right here come on [Applause] [Applause] oh is is [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen listen listen listen i'm trading my sorrows i'm trading my shame come on i'll be laying it down for the joy of the lord hey you know come on let's see it i'm training my sickness [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm yes [Music] crushed persecuted not abandoned press down but not destroyed i'm blessed beyond the curse for his promise will endure that is his joy is gonna be my strength foreign she [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign oh [Music] [Music] see [Applause] come on let's break it down right here say see senor we used to do a thing you guys have to tell me yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes yes yes [Applause] [Applause] we're not done yet right we're not done yet right we've got more in us because it's the spirit it's the spirit it's the spirit it's the spirit we're gonna release this sound y'all ready thank you cheese let's sing this song come on [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is there is a sound that means [Music] so i want you to release the sounds [Music] [Applause] now what about paul and silas behind the prison walls but when they started singing release the sound [Music] release the sounds my favorite the crucified jesus was buried in the tomb that god is over [Music] [Applause] will be [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] crucified jesus was [Music] [Applause] he's [Applause] yes [Applause] today is is [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] peace hey is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] come on you guys can terry but aftershock is waiting for you as well it's going to be a great night of fellowship a lot of fun amen see everybody tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock [Music] you
Channel: Eastwind Pentecostal Church of Palm Bay, Florida
Views: 5,166
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: first, pentecostal, apostolic, sermon, pastor, david, myers, palm bay, melbourne, brevard, county, florida, upci, upc, bishop, j., e., jackson, ellis, Eastwind, Eastwind church
Id: ZgZuhrpvEZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 27sec (11787 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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