"There Is A Fire For Your Faith" - Chris Green

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[Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] not just [Music] [Music] oh jesus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we love you [Music] every knee will bow shall confess that you are the kingdom so we live [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] with everything we've gotten [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] shall confess that you are the king of [Music] man oh jesus we love you [Music] you [Music] [Music] my shame who could carry that kind away it was by two till i met you [Music] i was breathing all my failures i try [Music] to [Music] this is [Music] [Music] is [Music] glorious day come on somebody i know [Applause] [Music] [Music] and i ran out of that grain [Music] we [Music] my sin was heavy is [Music] now you call me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] this morning [Music] [Applause] is oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] somebody needs to put your hands together if you've stepped out of the darkness into the marvelous light of jesus christ you need to put your hands together and let a shout erupt out of your voice right now hallelujah somebody say that praise above every other praise hallelujah [Applause] if you feel like you've stepped out of the darkness of this world into the light of the throne of heaven you need to look around at somebody with a big smile on your face and say i'm living in the light now find somebody to make welcome this morning if you see an unfamiliar face make sure you that they know that we are happy that they are here with us today [Music] [Music] if the ushers would come to help us this morning take the offering it's going to be a very abbreviated announcement set up and somebody should be happy about that today we have evangelist chris green he is back with us in bozier city he is going to take the pulpit after this next song we are very excited about him being back phenomenal phenomenal preacher the word of god and uh our young people we will be familiar with him he's absolutely it's a pleasure for to have him and his wife and son here with us we did ask look we always tell our visiting ministers don't bring the family to both services because that's a little bit cruel and unusual punishment to a three-year-old so we wanted them to come to one service they're going to be here with us in the next service i'm sorry y'all don't get to meet them but the rest of us we're going to have a good time we want to remind everybody that our um i forgot is it the fall fest or is the auto market it's fall fest fall fest november the 1st beginning at 4 30. we've changed up our time a little bit we want to have a little bit of daylight because it's going to be goofing up the schedule just a little bit remember november the 1st is our fall fest beginning at 4 30. everybody say 4 30. the november the first part should be easy to remember it's the 4 30 that we got to get programmed into our minds why don't we go to the lord in prayer and thank him for this day thank him for the stamp of approval his anointing here that we've already seen thus far our father we expect great things today we want to be a part of whatever you have in store and father we've been praying already this morning that somebody in this building would be filled with the holy ghost today for the very first time we're declaring it already god there's somebody out here today they've needed answers they needed hope well father they've stepped into the right place we pray that the holy ghost will be poured out at the pentecostals of bossier city today we pray this all with expectation we declare it in the name of jesus what everybody say in jesus name [Music] there is no fear cause i believe there is no doubt cause i have seen your faithfulness my fortress over and over i have a hope it's found in your name i have a strength found in your grace your faithfulness my fortress over and over foreign [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] all things are possible [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we worship you in your parents foreign [Music] what you are famous for [Applause] is [Applause] are is for there is no fear cause i believe there is no doubt cause i have seen your faithfulness you've been my fortress over and over you've been faithful [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's worship him together for just a moment hallelujah jesus come on somebody give him a high praise the praise that he deserves he is great and greatly to be praised somebody give him a great praise this morning hallelujah jesus for who you are and for what you've done i praise you i worship you i lift you up you are my father you are my savior you are my healer you are my redeemer i lift up my voice unto you in the name of jesus somebody shout hallelujah amen amen amen i want to read two passages of scripture very quickly matthew chapter 3 and verse 11 and acts chapter 2 1-4 matthew chapter 3 and 11 thank you so much for the kindness of let me be with the pentecostals of boozer city amen somebody said as earlier they said thank you for coming to our church i said that's like saying thank you for eating a chicken fried steak you don't have to tell me thank you for eating chicken fried steak that's my privilege that's my joy and it's a joy to be with all of you today amen how many of you are thankful to be in the house of the lord this morning amen sometimes there's just a uh there's just a sense in our mind that says if i can just get to church on sunday if i can just get to church and i woke up this morning i said man i made it to another sunday amen we need to have a walk with god every day we don't need to live for god week to week sunday to sunday but there's just something about waking up on a sunday morning and saying i'm going to the house of the lord in the name of jesus thank you brother dean and and brother ryan dean thank you so much for letting me be here my wife will be here in the next service amen our son who's three and and uh pray for me we've got another on the way and i really need someone to fast for me and intercede and travail the show of hands we just found out it's a baby girl so we really need your prayers i hadn't told brother dean this but i'm demanding double offerings now and uh double and i'm starting to go fund me and uh i think i'm gonna get two or three guns for christmas this year so to keep off all the interested boys in the next 50 years so matthew chapter 3 11 john the baptist said i indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he which is jesus that cometh after me is mightier than i whose shoes i am not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire everybody say fire amen so in acts chapter 2 a very familiar passage of scripture it says that when the day of pentecost was fully come they were in one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all everybody say all it filled filled filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire there's that fire that john the baptist prophesied and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance amen i feel like the lord has put this on my heart for this service and i just want to preach to you this morning that there is a fire for your faith there is a fire for your faith the fire of the holy ghost is about to fill this church and every heart every mind every soul that has a hunger for him would you just lift up a hand and say lord feel me as if you're in a classroom raising your hand for the teacher to put their attention on you i'm raising my hand for god to put your attention on me and say god feel me today i need the power of the holy ghost i need the fire of your spirit in my home on my family in the name of the lord jesus christ one more time everybody say in jesus name you may be seated if you have any more monitor help me out this morning amen i just was in a conference last week and i haven't been in many to been in many conferences this year with the covid situations that we've been living in and we had we had church you know just like you would at a normal conference camp meeting because the times whatever and man i was just completely worn out by day two i forgot i had lost my conference endurance and i preached a couple times and my voice was just shot so i need to get that endurance back amen on january the 2nd of this year which feels like it was 10 years ago now january the 2nd of this year 2020 i was coming in to the nation of australia for their general conference the national conference of australia my wife and i have been so privileged to be able to go to australia in fact we began our marriage in australia with the kangaroos over there and uh and we we got married and the next day we flew to australia where we had revival like two days after we said i do it was a little bit embarrassing you know when someone from the church said i heard y'all newlyweds how long have you been married and i'm like looking at my watch i'm thinking well 42 hours now we've been married and they're thinking what are you doing here and uh so we've been so blessed to be able to travel throughout australia but it was a unique experience to be invited to their general conference where i knew that there would be many people that we've met around the nation would be congregating in one place for worship and i was excited and as i came down in the airplane we began to descend into the airport runway there i looked out the window and i couldn't see anything there was zero visibility it was as if the windows had been painted white and i thought it must be a foggy day and i landed there and the superintendent texted me and he said welcome to smokey australia well me being an american you know i don't i don't usually read the australian times when i wake up in the morning and i was unaware that they were under a wild fire that literally a brush fire that was out of control that was covering nearly the entire nation in fact many have said that it's been the greatest tragedy the greatest devastation to that nation of australia and its existence and and here i was coming in for a general conference i was coming in for for a great momentous occasion with the lord and god's people and here the nation was under fire literally under fire and and i remember getting into the nation's capital of canberra and that first night on january the second i'll never forget it because brother alan shaw i'm a missionary in asia he preached that night on spiritual warfare and i was on my face in the altar and i remember the lord speaking to me as such a tangible word that i had to write it down it was one of those moments you know when god moves that you'll never forget it's nothing you can contrive or make up and and i remember writing down exactly what the lord said to me on january the second and god just said this he just said prepare yourself because everything is about to change the way you do ministry is about to change and so i wrote it down and i texted my wife who was back in texas and i told her what the lord had spoken to me and she said i'm feeling that same burden on me and and so we didn't know what to expect they got it god didn't tell us details and and uh but he did say prepare yourself everything is about to change and that change seemed to happen pretty quick because the next morning at about 3 a.m in the hotel the fire alarm started going off now you've got to put yourself in my shoes for a moment because here i am i'm in a nation that is literally on fire there are so many fires that billions of animals have been killed thousands of lives have been killed homes have been destroyed in fact there were ministers there who came to me and they said yes we know that um in our absence from our home due to our time here at general conference we know that when we get back home nothing will will be there anymore we know that we'll return home to find our home burned down and one minister showed me a video he said he said look my neighbor just sent me a video he and he told me if you want to save your belongings you better come home now and the video was of the fires that had breached their neighborhood it was in their city and had gotten into their neighborhood he said it wasn't even a point of discussion for my wife and i he said because we came to general conference with the faith that our two children were going to receive the gift of the holy ghost and we're not leaving until they receive the gift of the holy ghost he said if our if our temporal belongings are burned up but our children are filled with the holy ghost it'll all be worth it i said it'll all be worth it come on somebody i hope you believe that today amen and at about three in the morning i was startled from my sleep to the sound of a smoke detector in the the hotel going off and the lady on the pa system she comes on the pa system and says don't be alarmed which is you know an oxymoron because the alarm is going off and we're in the middle of a wildfire and she says don't be alarmed i'm thinking well what's the alarm going off for she says the fight there there are no fires in the building she says but the building is full of smoke uh we're trying to get the fire alarm turned off and about an hour later i'm starting to lose my holy ghost a little bit and because i want to go back to sleep you know and so i called the front desk i said what's the issue she said well she said the issue is that is we have to wait for the fire department to get here to turn off the smoke detector this whole system and she said we're we're just one on the list of many buildings whose fire alarms are going off she said all over the city buildings are being filled with smoke and and i mean the whole nation i mean the whole city uh full of buildings and skyscrapers their fire alarms are going off so the fire departments are having to run around turning off all the fire detectors and and she said it might be a while eventually they came and turned off the the fire alarm and then the general superintendent called me he said i regret to inform you that as of today we have to cancel general conference i said what for he said go look out your window he said the city is full of smoke he said you can't see anything they in fact said don't go outside but i don't have all my marbles in my head so i had to go outside and see it for myself and i went outside and literally standing in the downtown area of canberra with skyscrapers across the street i could not see the trees or the the buildings across the street there was so much smoke that had filled that that city the fires had not reached the city yet but the smoke had and the general superintendent literally he told me he said chris he said i just went over to the convention center which was a short walk from the hotel he said and when we opened the door it was like just smoke started to pour out you would have assumed that there was fire in the building but it was just a bunch of smoke he said we could not even go into that building because it was so full of smoke he said so we have to cancel general conference as of right now he said we'll let you know what happens and he said just go stay in your room and i remember going to my room and i'm thinking what am i going to do and i just began to pray and i said god why would you bring me here for this to be canceled why would you why would you tell me last night everything was about to change and prepare yourself and all this stuff and god what are you really up to and i remember just opening my bible i didn't really have any sense of direction to read and i just opened my bible and i just began to read and for whatever reason i happened to open it open my bible to the book of second chronicles and i began to read the story in chapter seven which tells us this that when solomon had finished praying fire came down from heaven fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices and the glory of the lord filled the temple and the priests could not enter the house of the lord because the glory of the lord had filled the lord's house when all here's watch this now when all the children of israel saw how the fire came down and the glory of the lord on the temple they bowed their faces to the ground on the pavement and worshiped and praised the lord saying for he is good for his mercy endures forever i began to think god this can't be just a coincidence that here i am i can't go into the church because the church is full of smoke and you bring me to this text of scripture that says one day solomon had been praying and the fire of god and the glory of the lord came down from heaven and filled the church to such a capacity that they could not go in can you imagine this with me that someday i don't know what day of the week it was but just imagine it maybe it was a sunday and the israelites were getting ready to go to the temple to worship and they were getting their kids ready and they were starting to walk to the temple and i don't know how far they were but at some point in their walk in their journey to church they started looking and they saw a fire not going up but a fire that was coming down that's significant physical fire goes up holy ghost fire comes down and at some point some husband tapped his wife and said baby this is going to be a good church service today the fire is coming down from heaven they get they didn't know what to expect but they got to the church and they found the pastors and the priests standing on the outside of the building they couldn't go in the building they had to stay out of the building and the priest standing out in the parking lot said sorry church we can't go into the church house today we can't go sit on the padded pew today we can't have church as usual today and the scripture tells us that the church folk they didn't go back home but they put their faces on the parking lot pavement and began to worship and praise the lord saying for he is good for his mercy endures forever i think you're feeling it like i felt it that day because when i read this something came over me brother dean and i began to tremble i began to cry i began to intercede and the spirit of travail came over me and i began to pray with such a burden and desperation i began to say things like this god i wish i had been there to see that you ever you ever read the bible and say man i wish you could have seen that i began to say god oh what would it have been like lord can you give me a glimpse of it lord show me what they saw as they were on the pavement of the ground and the fire was coming down show me lord what it looked like let me feel what they were feeling give me those goosebumps they were feeling give me that fear of the lord that they were feeling that day god i wish i could have been there and then i took it a step further i won't forget this i began to pray and i began to say god at some point in this year 2020 i want that to happen in a church service or in a revival that i'm headed to church and all of a sudden as i pull into the parking lot the glory of god is just moving already before the song is saying before the sermon is priest but your spirit is just moving and maybe it messes us up and it messes up our schedule and messes up our agenda and i was praying i said god let the fire fill up our churches let the fire fill up our buildings and it was like just a little just a little small slap in the face of conviction that came over me and it was like the lord just kind of corrected my prayer and said why would you want to be there in the old testament and why would you want to see my fire fill a building when your body is now the temple of my spirit oh it was paul in first corinthians 6 19 that said know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which you have of god and you are not your own you were bought with a price i said you were bought with a price jesus christ purchased you therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are god's so i began to pray i began to say god at some point i don't know i didn't know what was going to happen in 2020 nobody did but on january the 3rd i began to pray and say god i want you to do something that we've never seen before so that every soul every heart every husband every wife every child will be filled with the fire of the holy ghost we gotta pause right here lift up our hands i want somebody to lift up your hands right now hallelujah jesus i want you to go beyond just church attendance for a second and say god i refuse just to attend church i refuse to just be at church i want to see the fire come down i want the fire on my soul i want the fire inside of me i want the fire in my marriage i want the fire in my children i want the fire in my life i've got to have the fire of your spirit oh somebody say in jesus name come on lift up your voice and shout in jesus name hallelujah let me just remind you we are apostolic we are pentecostal and we are a christian which means at any moment you want to just shout out in jesus name you just shout it out with boldness somebody say it again in jesus name amen it was just a few months ago several months ago we were driving to church it was about three hour drive we were driving early that morning sunday morning to that church and just the same way i felt as i was driving here last night was the way i felt there driving to that church sunday morning and it just came to me this burden preacher about the fire of my spirit preaching about the fire of my love the fire of my salvation john the baptist said oh i know i've been baptizing you in waters of repentance he said but there's somebody coming behind me he's so much better than me i can't i can't even untie his shoes [Laughter] he said and not only will he baptize you with water but he's going to baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire now this isn't biblically sound so please don't okay but i've realized that there's been points in my life and i've seen it in others that sometimes i think man they probably have the holy ghost but they don't have the fire of the holy ghost just say amen for somebody else amen don't do it for you say it for somebody else if you have to but there's been times even in the last eight months i've coveted shut down haven't had the routine of going to church and conferences and and i felt like i know i've got the holy ghost but where's that fire inside of me fire shut up in my bones see you can have the holy ghost and go a few weeks without praying but when you've got the fire stirred up inside of you that's why i'm moving off of my well i don't have no i'm moving off of whatever i've got on my ipad and i'm going to tell you in paul's very last letter before he was killed before he was crucified he wrote a letter to his son in the gospel timothy and he said timothy i know you've got unfeigned faith which is genuine faith he said it was in your grandmother and it was in your mother and you've got it too he's and i'm paraphrasing i'm adding this in here he he could have told him about the past revivals they saw in antioch and jerusalem and other places around the world with the gentile people receiving the holy ghost he could have said man you remember that revival in asia we had remember that time in athens you remember that time over there in corinth you remember that time in philippi oh my goodness he didn't take the time of his last letter to remind him of the past and he could have prophesied the future and said oh buddy there's coming a day that you're going to see this and you're going to have that and man revival is coming you're going to do this he didn't take time to forecast the future he told him one thing he said timothy i want to remind you to do one thing stir up the gift that's already in you he said you don't need another gift you don't need a new anointing you don't need a fresh revelation you don't need another conference you need to stir up the fire that's already on the inside he goes on and says because god hasn't given you the spirit of fear but he's given you power he's given you love and he's given you a sound mind but you gotta stir it up you gotta stir it up you gotta stir up the fire of the holy ghost [Music] i feel like i'm talking to somebody in the holy ghost right now how many of you have said i just need pastor to pray another prayer for me i just need another sermon if i could just get back to church if i could just have this and the lord's saying you've already got what you need just stir up the fire there is a fire for your faith there is a fire for your [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] let me tell you what i'm feeling right now and why i'm feeling because i'm driving to that church that that's three hours away several months ago with my wife and son and the lord just starts speaking to me and preaching about the fire tell them about the fire of my spirit i said all right i get to that pulpit and i start preaching about the fire of the holy ghost similar to what i'm preaching now and this this family from india they came and they stood in the altar and this teenage girl received the gift of the holy ghost speaking with other tongues as the spirit gave the utterance and as i prayed with them and god was moving in a mighty way in their family i'm leaving and as i'm leaving this indian family here they are i gave them the picture right before i came up the guy right next to me in the sort of trench coat deal he he's the brother of the sister who's in the middle who got the holy ghost and he yells out and says brother green i gotta tell you something i said what's up buddy he said we are from india we just moved here three or so months ago he said my father is greek orthodox my mother which is next to him is roman catholic he said but i've been having these dreams every night and uh he said i wanted to share with my dad these dreams but i was afraid he might not understand or he might get upset until one day i finally said dad i gotta tell you something i'm having this same dream every night he said when i told my dad the dream his eyes lit up and said son i'm having the same exact dream i said what's the dream he said i don't know exactly how to explain it see he didn't have acts chapter 2 vocabulary but i could hear it through what he was saying he said well it's like we're at this church and we're in the sanctuary and all of a sudden this fire shows up he said but the fire isn't just standing still he said the fire is moving like this wind out of control rushing mighty wind wind of control he said and people aren't afraid of it people are literally running to it and reaching for it he said and then the fire will reach for them and feel them while they're reaching for it he said my dad and i have had the same exact dream for a couple of weeks so we we said well we got to go find the fire we got to go find the fire he said we've probably been to seven or eight churches and we can't find the fire he said but when we came into this church he said and they started singing those songs he said i started getting these goosebumps and i started feeling something like i've never felt before and he said i started thinking man this might be the place he said but when you got in the pulpit and you said today i want to preach about the fire of the holy ghost he said i started thinking this really might be the place he said and when we came down to the altar and you laid your hands on my sister and all of a sudden she started speaking in other tongues he said i elbowed my dad and i said we found the fire we found the fire we have found i want to let you know you found the fire too you found the fire and the fire found you i think it's time to stand to your feet and lift up your voice and let the fire fill you up all over again [Applause] is [Applause] i don't have time to tell it all but i'll tell you this several weeks later i'm at brother gaddy's church in arkansas you can stay stay standing if you can that'll help me finish quicker they have a 9 a.m and 11 a.m because of social distancing like this church is doing right now 9 a.m i share that same story and then the prophet spirit of prophecy comes over me and says that's not the only family i've been giving dreams to he said there's people right here in this neighborhood or who are having the same dream i prophesied that at the 9 a.m service with that story 11 a.m service place blows up i go up and preach for just a few minutes i don't share any of those stories and i said if you want the holy ghost i want you to come down there was a lady literally sitting on the back row but on the aisle right in the middle sat through the whole surface with their arms folded but all of a sudden i could see her start to break and i said if you want this spirit of the lord i want you to come down and remember i hadn't shared the prophecy or the story in the 11 a.m service this lady they said she had been here two or three times but wouldn't move out of her pew she came first one she was the first one to the altar just trembling in front of standing in front of sister gaddy the pastor's wife the mom i'm standing right here watching it the moment sister gotti laid hands on her boom she started speaking in other tongues as the lord filtered with his spirit she must have spoken tongues for 15 or 20 minutes and when it was all done she laid across sister gaddy hugging her she said you know what's so so funny about this she said just last night i had a dream that god filled me with his spirits as i was standing here as you were praying for me oh and last week in palm bay florida at a minister's conference an iranian muslim lady comes up to the altar and she asks me to pray for her as we're all praying and the lord fills it with the holy ghost and she said but i refuse to be baptized in jesus name she refused to be baptized in jesus name her exact words were i won't be baptized in jesus name but i'll help others get baptized in jesus name but that night god gave her a dream that she was being baptized in the name of jesus she came back the next morning to the morning service and she came up to sister amy myers the pastor's wife and said i've got to be baptized right now i've got the video of it on my phone of this iranian muslim lady going down in the water in the name of jesus christ [Music] i'm telling you the fire is here this morning [Music] the fire is here this morning [Music] i'm gonna give you some instruction in just a second but i don't know i i don't know who this is for but i i just watched a couple of months ago as two first-time visitors teenage girls were filled with the holy ghost and the altar after the altar call was done god filled them with the holy ghost i asked them what their story was and they began to tell me they said well the first girl said i committed suicide three weeks ago she said but the ambulance got there in time to resuscitate my body she said when they called my mom to come pick me up my mom said i don't want anything to do with her she's not my daughter anymore. she said i've been a foster girl now for the last three weeks and she said the sheriff came and picked me up and put me in this foster home the other girl said in the last 18 months i've been in seven different foster homes she said 18 months ago my father was committed to prison for life and my mom left my brother and i without telling us goodbye she said a week later i found my brother committed suicide in his bedroom 16 years old she says i've been in seven different foster homes in the last 18 months she said but just last week they put me in this foster home they said the funny thing is is that our foster mom doesn't go to church but she woke us up this morning i have the picture of i don't know if they have it she said my foster our foster mom woke us up this morning and said get up girls we're gonna go find jesus they thought fine jesus what do you know about jesus she said just get dressed we're gonna go find jesus she said so we got in the car and we said well where are we gonna go find jesus what church are we going to go to she said i don't know but god's going to lead us to the right place it was that morning that these two ladies walked into brother timothy keller's church in lancaster ohio and that morning not ever having read the bible not knowing any scripture not knowing any songs to sing they came to that altar and the fire of the lord filled them with his spirit and they were baptized in the name of jesus christ you may have experienced death and disease and sickness you may have lost your job you may have lost your marriage you may have lost your sanity but there's a fire for your faith there's a fire for your hunger would you lift up your hands and just cry unto the lord fill me with your fire very quickly very quickly if you have already received the gift of the holy ghost speaking with other tongues at some point in your life i want you to raise a hand and just keep it up you've already received this fire at some point just keep your hand up for everyone else that you're not able to lift up your hand and say i've been filled with this if your hand is down this service is for you and the lord is going to fill you with the fire of his spirit if your hand is down saying i've never received this gift god has this gift for you today and if your hand is down i want to invite you first to come stand at this altar to all you hand raisers all you who are filled with the fire if you see anybody around you whose hand is down i want you to go to them right now and say would you come to the altar with me the lord has a fire for you god has a gift for you the lord wants to fill you with his spirit come on we're going to give you just a moment to all you apostolic hand raisers just look around if you see anybody whose hand is down i want you to say hey would you come to the altar the ice just broke right here the ice is broken no one else will be the first the ice is already broken hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus as they're still moving i want to give a more broad word of faith and instruction if you want that fresh fire to ignite and stir up inside of you today i want you to raise a hand doesn't mean you're lost or backslidden you might be but you just say i need a fresh fire a fresh touch of his spirit today i need it stirred up inside of me would you raise a hand if you say i need that fresh fire to fall on me i need that fresh fire to fall on me now i want you to step forward if your hand is raised i want you to come to this altar and feel this this front altar right here this place of prayer as in a step of faith i want you to come right now come right now no hesitation no fear no doubt but faith and expectation that the lord is going to pour out his fire upon you today in the name of jesus when you come i want you to get ready when you come i want you to get ready to receive this fire of his spirit there is a fire for your faith today there's a fire for your faith today there is a fire for your desire for your hunger for your desperation for your need for your healing there is a fire in this house today feel me i want somebody to speak in to say lord fill me fill me with your fire just begin to say that lord fill me with your fire fill me with your fire [Music] before before we lift up our hands what i want us to do i want everybody to close your eyes you don't have to lift your hands for this i want you to close your eyes and with your words of honesty sincerity with your voice of faith i want you to say god i repent of my sins and i want you to pray a prayer repentance from your own heart right now and say lord cleanse me out clean me out would you pray that prayer right now lord i i repent of my sins today i turn from my ways and i turn back to you i'm letting go of my addictions of my temptations of my pride my bitterness my anger my loneliness my depression i'm letting go of those things and i'm grabbing a hold of the fire today lord i'm letting go of all my fears and i'm grabbing hold today of your spirit in the name of jesus clean me out that i may be filled up cleanse me that i may be filled in the name of the lord jesus christ cleanse me out that i may be filled with your spirit oh come on somebody pray that prayer hallelujah jesus hallelujah jesus the fire always falls on an altar of repentance the fire always falls on an altar of repentance somebody just pray that prayer for one more moment lord i repent of everything that may stop or hinder your the flow of your spirit all debris and all distraction cleanse me out in the name of the lord jesus christ somebody just begin to say thank you jesus come on somebody just let that praise roll off of your mouth right now thank you lord jesus thank you lord [Music] jesus now in one mind in one accord in one place as jesus said where two or three are gathered together in my name there i am in the midst of them i want everybody in one accord to lift up your hands in unity right now as a sign of faith and expectation that says god i have surrendered my life to you now you're gonna fill me with your fire today for those of you that may not know what's about to happen let me tell you i'm going to pray the prayer of faith over this church and when i say hallelujah when i shout hallelujah this congregation is going to respond and pray shouting hallelujah and the moment we lift up that praise unto the lord the fire of god's spirit is going to fill this room and everyone in this place is going to receive the fire of the holy ghost your tongue is going to begin to tremble and shake as you begin to speak in other tongues as the spirit of god gives the utterance get ready to shout get ready to praise lift up your hands why don't you lift up your head unto heaven why don't you close your eyes and focus on the lord right now here it comes by the authority of the word of god and by the power that's in the name of the lord jesus christ pour out your spirit and fill us with your fire right now hallelujah shout out to the lord shout unto the lord receive the fire of the holy ghost be baptized with the holy ghost and with fire come on don't stop until the fire falls don't stop until the fire meets your face me [Applause] so play is [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign oh is foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you i believe [Music] oh is is [Music] [Music] i yeah [Music] [Applause] i'm so [Applause] highway i am you're come on church let's have some intercessory prayer right now that's it the holy ghost is falling the fire's falling come on church let's pray everybody everybody everybody let the fire fall apart right now in jesus name the holy ghost is being poured out the holy ghost is getting poured out [Music] is is uh [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh
Channel: The Pentecostals of Bossier City
Views: 1,697
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: pentecostals of bossier city, pobc, pobc live, pentecostal, pentecostal preaching, pentecostal church, pentecostal worship, evangelist chris green, chris green preaching, chris green preaching 2020, there is a fire for your faith, king of majesty bj putnam lyrics, glorious day cortt chavis, glorious day cortt chavis lyrics, glorious day nayc 2019 cortt chavis, famous for tauren wells, famous for tauren wells lyrics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 25sec (4825 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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