# 7 - Torah Parashah Vayetze (The Symbols and Secrets of Jacob's Ladder!)

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[Music] you [Music] you this morning's Torah portion is called the eight say everybody save a Yeats say the valve or the V sound is and and you'd say means to go out so this is the message of Yaakov going out from his parents house and he's going towards something he's going from the people who birthed him and he's going to find the wife of which the children of Israel will come through and so we're gonna talk about Yaakov journey leaving his parents going towards his wife and in between what happens he studies with Shem and he learns the ways of the Torah and to carry on the priesthood and he is prepared in mind to receive this vision that Hashem gives him of all of his future seed but in the form of this ladder this this ladder which has much symbolism which we're going to take a little bit of time out from the Torah portion and really focus on the symbolism of this ladder and how it applies to us today before we begin we will go over some of the chapters as an outline so you know what we're looking at today the first part is the end of chapter 28 where we left off last week and we go right into Yaakov dream and of the ladder going to heaven and the angels ascending and descending upon it and in chapter 29 we read the story of Yaakov meeting raquel and then how he gets tricked he gets to see very similar to the way he deceives his father and we'll look at some of the symbolism there there's so many parallels to whatever you do in life it comes back we have to learn the lesson and we'll keep it'll keep coming back into our life until we learn that lesson so the years that he spent away learning his lessons he later gets robbed of those years from Joseph because of his deception with his father he loses 22 years and it's the same 22 years that he loses from his son so we're gonna see a lot of different parallels and the way he deceives his father being the youngest and taking the blessing of the eldest he gets tricked by being given the eldest when he really has the heart for the youngest so there's a lot of unique parallels in this story of his wife and four mothers of the children of Israel in the end of chapter 29 and through most of chapter 30 we read about the birth of the 12 tribes of Israel and then we go into how Yaakov is prospered by the Lord by using wisdom based on eternal principles and we'll find out what those eternal principles are and how to apply them to our life and then we see the the story of Yaakov fleeing from Laban with family and flocks and how Laban overtakes him then how Yaakov and Laban make a covenant so we've got only four chapters but a lot of depths and a lot of principles and a lot of things that we can apply to our life today so as we go into the parties a little understanding as to where we're going to go with our focus most of the message today is going to be focused on jacob's ladder we see that Yaakov goes out from his parents and he's going from his parents seat he's the seat of his parents and he's going to the place where he's gonna find a wife and the progeny of his own seed and in between God gives him a vision of what the true seed looks like and what the real issue is with God's seed God's seed is his word right we know that the parable of the sower and the seed the Word of God is likened to seed planted in a field and so man was created in the image of God and we're gonna see that this ladder from heaven has to do with this image in that it has the same gamete riah 130 as image and that God's Word is literally the DNA ladder that Yaakov is seen and we know that the angels the Watchers have ascended and descended upon it some holy but some have fallen and tried to mix their seed with God's seed to have a creation in their image to receive worship for themselves so this is a very deep principle and we're gonna go into the knowledge of the counterfeit image in our day what is happening currently and what is going to be happening continuing on a larger scale in the very near future we have some enlarged anomalies that we'll look at and we'll also see the symbolism of the stone that Yaakov lays his head on the stone in Hebrew is Evan and it's all a fait and noon and the symbolism of the olive bait this is the word off the Hebrew word for father but this last part of the word baton noon is Ben which is the word for son so in this stone you literally see an image of the father and the son and this stone he sets up after having this dream as a pillar and the word pillar actually has the same gamut Rhea as latter in Hebrew and image and this pillar becomes the cornerstone of the temple which we know Yeshua who's the Word of God is the corner stone which the builders rejected so there's so much amazing hidden symbolism that we're going to get into and then in Jubilees we're going to find out that in chapter 27 this actually occurred on the first day of the first month of the year so this is the Aviv barley this is the two weeks before Passover and we see some other significant things like Yoda Bob hay is on the ladder this isn't something that we see in the Torah but comes out in the book of Jubilees and we also see in verse 22 that Yoko's future seed is inside of him so this is all about seed and how God wants to plant his seed His Word in us to make us in His image and to recreate a since sin back into his image but how the enemy and the fallen angels have tried to sow their seed and defaced the image of God in man and receive worship because they now have a creation after their own image so there's a lot in this Torah portion if you have your Bibles turn with me to chapter 28 and we'll start off in verse 10 and it says Yaakov went out from bare shaiva this is vietze say Yaakov may bear Sheva and he traveled toward Quran so why does it say that he departed from one place and he's traveling to another place normally I would just say and Jacob went to Iran right but there's a significance separating the two he's leaving one thing and he's going towards another and in between what's amazing is there's fourteen years when Yaakov was probably from the age of seven to the age of 63 he studied Torah from his father yet sac now it's said that Abraham had many students he had a yeshiva where he taught Torah and he would teach anyone who was willing to receive it plus he had 300 other men and their families living with him as his own family and so he had many pupils but it is said of Yitzhak that he focused all his energy on studying our teaching Torah to his son Yaakov he only had one pupil Esau was out hunting and doing other things but Yaakov for 63 years in essence was learning from his father you imagine that kind of dedication then he leaves his father's house and he goes and he studies Torah from shim Melchizedek king of righteousness from Salem which is the future Jerusalem and so he's learning more about the principles of seed and so it says he departs from bear Sheva this is where his parents live so he's departing from his parents and he's learning the father's seed and he's going to her on where he'll meet his wife and have his own seed so there's a whole deep meaning right here in this first verse verse 11 says he came to a certain place my home is the word in Hebrew and whenever it says my home it's kind of like nudging you it's like you know the place a certain place what is that certain place where's the place where God has placed his name Jerusalem and in Jerusalem more specifically where is the temple built but up on Mount Moriah so he's actually going to certain place is a clue telling you that he's actually up on the Temple Mount he's up on Mount Moriah and he stayed there the whole night it's because the Sun had set and he took an Evan a stone it is said of this stone that this is the very place where God took the the beginning of creation the very first matter and that it's also the place where God took the dust to form Dom so this stone it has a foundation in creation and it has an amazing history and for some reason Yaakov takes this stone and it's interesting that says these stone because when in the ancient times you would be in an unknown place and you would want protection and we do this when we climb mountains as well we will put a windbreaker or a buffer around our head you can see what's coming but you don't know what's coming from your head there might be a wild animal there might be a Marauder so you actually build a little wall and it buffers you from wind and it also buffers you from anybody coming up on you so he placed twelve stones around his head but it is said that these twelve stones one can't be better than the other so these twelve stones merged together into the one stone he takes this stone from this place and he puts it under his head and he lays down to sleep and there he dreamed before him was a ladder this ladder in Hebrew is Salam and we read in John both the first chapter in chapter 14 that mashiac is the true ladder which is to say that the very word of God is the true ladder you can see here in this map the areas where the patriarchs have traveled Abraham came from ur and he is the red line he went up to her on basically dropped off his father and his brother Nahor and then came down to to Damascus area and then into Israel and then when he came and fought the kings he came back up so all of us are and then he went down into Egypt during the famine so the red you can think of as Abraham's journeys the purple as you can see just as little back-and-forth this is you sack yet sex the only patriarch who never left the Land of Israel you can see he went from bear shave up to Hebron up to Mount Moriah and back down and that was pretty much the extent of his life was right here in the heart of Israel now Yaakov he's born down here in bare Shiva but he travels up here to her on in this week's Torah portion to get a wife from nay horse family this is the same place where Rivka came from Laban is Rivka's brother Raquel is Rivka's nice and so he's coming up in this tour portion and it's here he's left bare Shiva it's here in mom Mariah that he has this dream to put it into context and he dreamed and behold a ladder was set up on the earth and the top of it reached to heaven and behold it says angels of God were ascending and descending upon it yes Lidia yes so twelve stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel but merged together in the cornerstone which will become the future cornerstone of the temple and it's also said this is the stone that's referred to about mashiac that he is the cornerstone that the builders rejected who came through the jaco's lineage so here we have a picture of a ladder but if you understand how much this passage is focusing on the seed he's going from his parents he's going to his future wife and God gives him a revelation of his word as a DNA ladder ladder salaam has a gamete Rhea of 130 we're gonna look at other words that have a correlation to 130 because in Hebraic thinking one word that has a value a certain value and another word that has a certain that same value even though it's seemingly unrelated there is a deeper correlation between the two this is God's Way of telling us that we're supposed to learn something deeper by bringing these words together so if you twist this ladder you can literally see a DNA chain and the correlation between the DNA and Yakko Schlatter zahra is the word for seed in Hebrew the word for priest remember the priestly lineage is going to come through Yaakov that's why he's learning from Shem and learning from his father the word for the priest is a hundred and thirty as well so the image of God has to remain pure in order for the priestly line to pass down through it once it's defaced that person like Esau taking Hittite wives and the wife of Ishmael was unfit for the priesthood this is why the priesthood had to pass through Yaakov it says he saw a ladder reaching with its top to heaven and angels were going up and down on it then suddenly out and I was standing there next to him and in the book of Jubilees it actually says that yo de-evolve hay was standing on the ladder next to him yes absolutely yes if you are from this lineage this pure lineage if the true DNA is defaced then you won't be fit for the priestly lineage now there's people that came out from other cultures this is why Abraham took lot under his wing because he actually saw that the future mashiac would come from lot not even thinking about himself of course Messiah came through both lot and from Abraham and Ruth of course is the Moabite who was the descendant from the one of the sons of lots ancestral relationship with his daughter and so we see this this that lineage was still uncontaminated as far as we're talking about the hybridization of what was happening before the flood angels were fusing their DNA or their seed with the seed of the daughters of men and then they're no longer in the image of God the way he created them as a bride for himself so in Torah a husband always has to take not only a pure bride a virgin bride but somebody from his own species of course or from his own tribe even to bring it home even more now there's those of Canaanite tribes who had this hybrid mixture from the watchers before the flood through hams wife and they were not fit for the priestly lineage to go through them so in verse 12 let's read up to verse 12 the Lord is standing there on the ladder and he says I am yo-dee-hey Vevey Elohim of Abraham your grandfather the god of yet sack in the land on which you are lying I am going to give to you and to your descendants this word descendants is Zehra its seed so once again it's bringing our mind back to this DNA transfer through the seed and God's seed is his word your Zehra your seed will be as numerous as the grains of dust on the earth you will expand to the west and to the east to the north and to the south but you and your seed your Zahra and all the families of the earth will be blessed look I am with you I will guard you wherever you go and I will bring you back into this land because I won't leave you until I have done what I have promised you Yaakov awoke from his sleep and he said truly yo Dave Ave is in this place and I didn't know it this is like a portal this is a certain area that is so significant where God has placed his name that he's getting this amazing download of information through this vision and he says this has to be the house of God this is why everyone after this knew that this would be the place where the temple was to dwell throughout perpetuity in the future throughout eternity God's temple is gonna be at this place so he names it house of God or temple of God beit el is the name of that place now we know that our bodies are the temple of God so in essence the very place where he gets this vision of the DNA of God the image of God in man is likened even to us as temples this is the house of God and yes that's right and we're gonna see you sure even refer to himself as the latter in a little bit when he remember when he brings in Daniel as the one of the apostles and he says I saw you under the fig tree he says you will see me in the future with angels ascending and descending upon me he's referring to himself as the ladder because he is the Word made flesh this is the word that we should have you know that's right we're gonna go even deeper than we did one year ago but you have good notes that's awesome Carlos and to have them today that's beautiful so this ladder is Selam in the Hebrew and if you look at the some ik which has a gamma tree of 60 and the low-mid which has a value of 30 and the mem so feet which has a gamma tree of 40 it totals 130 the same Kamaria as god's other portal now remember the Temple Mount is one portal right this is where he's having this vision but did you know Sinai has the same gamma tria 130 this is where he brought his word down so it's in essence there's two places where he has transferred his DNA one is where he took Adam the dust from Matt for Adam and he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and transferred that DNA that was the word on Sinai many years later God brings down his word and they have an exact same gamut riah same correlation you see the Tomic which we know is 60 Yoda is 10 noon is Yoda Coughlin mamnoon is 50 and Yoda is 10 so you have basically have 70 plus 16 hundred and thirty Exodus 1911 says and be ready against the third day for the third day the Lord will come down in the sight of all the people interesting correlation with the third day because since the first time Yeshua came we refer to the Millennial Kingdom as the third day and once again we have the living Torah recreating us in the image of God through the transference of his word teaching Torah so it's beautiful you see this three times there in Adam and on Sinai and then in the third day future being alluded to and Mount Sinai was altogether in smoke because the Lord descended upon it interesting this word ascended because remember how he's transferring himself and even angels are ascending and descending on this ladder and it's referring to it by the same word that he descended upon it and the smoke ascended so you have this word ascended and descended in reference to his word being transferred on Mount Sinai and the whole mountain quaked greatly now there's another reference one of the fun things that I love to do in the Hebrew is look throughout the Torah and find other words that have the same gamut RIA Exodus 3511 talking about the building of the temple which we know our body is like the temple of God and look at the different references to the different aspects of the temple like our own body the tabernacle his tent it's referring to it as a hitch and sometimes in the Hebrew his and its are interchangeable so we have a tent right we have a covering basically who's our covering the word yeshua and who's the woman's covering her husband so we all have a tent we all have a covering and our skin our clothing since we've sinned we went from beans of light to being clothed with garments of skin in from Genesis so it refers to the Tabernacles covering and it's boards and it's bars and it's pillars this is like our bones and muscles and sinews and the word pillar has a Kamat riah of a hundred and thirty which is interesting because Jacob stone remember he's having this dream of the ladder which hasn't got matching 130 he takes the very stone which becomes a cornerstone of the temple and he sets it up as the ultimate pillar which represents Yeshua Messiah he is our pillar he is our cornerstone he is the rock of our salvation Deuteronomy 31 21 says it shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their seed so here you have this DNA transference from the mouth there's two ways that DNA is transferred it's either from the mouth the way that God created the first Adam or it is from the word which is likened them to the seed of the loins which went into the womb of Mary and created the second Adam so God has two sons how many he has more than two sons but these are all sons of God created in different ways through the transference of his DNA word and so here what's interesting is men pay yo'd which means from the mouth as a gamete Rhea of a hundred and thirty showing that this DNA linked to the latter and to the Word of God and to the pillar Messiah has that same this is Mapei yeah out of the mouth yep just like if you coughed on somebody you transfer you you know the the DNA or you can take a swab nowadays people send in their DNA and they do a cotton swab it's from the mouth there's two places where we get this seed DNA now it even gets deeper this year God has revealed something this week as I was meditating on this 12 portion which I never saw in its full extent before but in Deuteronomy 4:6 it likens this ladder to an image you know how God created us by speaking things into existence but then he breathed into Adam his breath his DNA was transferred and Adam was created in His image he said let us make man in our image right well this word image is amazing because it has the same numerical value what is the odds of ladder and Sinai and out of the mouth it is 130 and it's used in the context of that there's a true DNA and there's a false DNA there's a true image and there's a false image says lest ye corrupt yourselves and make a graven image the simul tune of any figure the likeness of male or female when this hit me this year I realize there's something much deeper because this word image immediately took me to Revelation where in the end there's an image made to the Beast and everyone who doesn't take the mark of this beast that this image has been made to will not be able to buy or sell and how did angels deface the image of God in man but by the transference of one their own hybrid mixture right and knowledge that man shouldn't have had this knowledge of good and evil and so here what are we seeing today we're gonna look at this remember these two concepts the likeness of male or female because there's a false likeness that's happening today and a false image revelation 14:9 3:10 says and the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the Beast and His image and receive his mark in his forehead or his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God so for the first time we've always wondered what is this image gonna look like now we have deeper understanding through the vision of Yaakov that there is a false [Music] mixture being put into man this is what is going to be a false image to the beast in the past remember throughout Daniel's dream Nebuchadnezzar's dream Daniels interpretation of it there was different beasts there was Babylon represented by the lion meat of Persia represented by the bear Greece was represented by a leopard with wings all of these past world powers that controlled men they were men controlling men they were beasts powers they represent a world control over man there's going to be a future world control over man but instead of it being man controlling man it's a false image and we have to find out what this is and it says whoever takes this mark the same she'll drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the lamb in Revelation 16 - goes on and says and the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon all the men who had this mark of the beast upon them and worshipped the image in some way this image has become a form of idol worship to us our focus is so much on this image we're spending more time with this image than we are with God this is the essence of idol worship so in the Greek what's interesting is the word for image is a ho name and it's like where we say AI or AI cone icon is an image likeness a representation a resemblance or a replacement so what is now replacing the past world's power of men controlling men but this global brain this artificial intelligence this knowledge this technology which has been fused with man's so much to the point where man is addicted to it and they're starting to incorporate it into the genes of man it's very interesting very significant and just to go back into a little history where did this technology come from of course we know it came from the Fallen Watchers those who decided to procreate with the daughters of men Genesis 6 one through four says when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful they were fair and they took them wives from whoever they chose they basically took him by force Jubilees v one through two says and it came to pass when the children of men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them that the angels of God saw them on a certain year of this Jubilee that they were beautiful to look upon now it gives you the date exactly of when these Watchers begin to come down on to Mount Hermon it was about 460 years after creation and it tells exactly how long and what they did they took wise for themselves of anyone who they choose and they born to them sons and they were giants so that first generation of offspring were called the great Giants the second generation were called the Nephilim and there was a third generation before the flood called the Eloi and lawlessness increased upon the earth and all flesh corrupted its way now the word for flesh is the same word for like mankind's genome it was corrupted and even cattle and beasts and birds and everything that walks on the earth all of them corrupted their ways so through the first image the first DNA change was through the seeding of angelic beings with man and this is what created not only Giants but then it goes on to say that they also taught the knowledge of how to mix animals with man this is why you see in ancient pictures and I'll show you a couple of them the early gods whether you're talking about the Greek gods you know who were men of renown minute break strength or the Egyptians gods who had you know wolf faces and Hawk faces this isn't just folklore this is talking about the early angelic offspring who were hybrid beings and who men worship because they were in their image now if like the Sphinx yeah a good example of that lion with a human face they taught humans about all sorts of technology it says in Chu beliefs and hybridization of species in the book of Jasher chapter 4 verse 18 and 19 it says that they said these giants and these hybrid beings up as their judges and as their rulers basically the men realized that they were greater they were advanced and they not only worshipped them but they made them rule over them this is the what it's referring to here when it says and their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands according to their choice and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth and the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other in order thereof to provoke the Lord and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt you know when it says that only Noah was found righteous in all his generation in the Hebrew it has a connotation that he's the only one pure in all his lineage in his DNA all of the earth had been corrupted now remember as in the days of Noah so shall it be before the coming of the Son of Man this means that there's a hybridization going on but it might not be the exact way that they did it in the past and it's going to reach the point where if time was not shortened remember it says no flesh would survive there's something insidious happening and we've been unaware of it it's crept right up on of us and all of us are involved with it even though we haven't been all contaminated we're all just getting like the frog in the water used to having this hybridization all around us the Watchers here you can see some ancient reliefs in some of the tombs this is a Sumerian tablet that was found up in the north of like Syria this was found in Egypt you can see all of the normal-sized men bowing down bringing offerings to this huge giant right that rules over them and then he's got this little deceiver up here they're worshiping the Sun now in prophecy angels are represented by stars which are Suns so it's no wonder that the source and focus of all pagan worship is Sun worship and why the worship of God has been transferred to the day of the Sun these solis in Latin and people don't even realize its origins how it's pointing to these false Watchers yes Archie yeah they procreated but yeah there was male and female but they so the Giants of course we're the offspring of the Angels who could have relations with man but these giants had to also integrate with one another to have a second generation who are slightly shorter than them and the third generation slightly shorter did you have something Carlos we're gonna talk about that yes and they have a few that's right now you don't know little black seed in the middle of mine I think yeah that's right there's so much food that's called genetically modified food this is a way that they're introducing the genes of animals back into the human population so we're maybe back then there was a different type of mixing the genome today we're gonna look at a few different ways that there intermixing this advanced technology and food is one of them absolutely because that is the true restoration of the DNA of Hashem this is his word that's being given back to man now man lost the image of God through listening to the serpent in the Garden of Eden and took upon him this knowledge what is technology but advanced knowledge right he took knowledge he shouldn't have had the knowledge of good and evil this was the beginning of it God's been ever since trying to restore it and the ultimate restoration will happen in the Millennial Kingdom very soon to come so Matthew 24 says for as we're in the days of Noah so will become so will it be before the coming of the Son of Man so we know whatever was happening then it's got to be happening now but it's right under our noses we're blind to it Ephesians 6:12 says for we do not wrestle against flesh or blood but against rulers against the authorities against cosmic powers over this present age this is a spiritual war and that's why it's not obvious against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places so what's happening today these watcher Angels have been giving knowledge to man ever since you know in World War two Hitler when he disappeared he didn't really die in the fire in Germany he was seeking advanced knowledge from the offspring of these angels with men and they gave him advanced knowledge of this is what you see today as UFOs craft that can hover advanced technology circuitry computers all of these things and he went underground to basically develop this technology and it has crept into society make people say they didn't really lose the war that it just went underground so that it could be more insidiously distributed amongst the population yes these dollars in the final seven they actually the CIA had Athena yes maybe because I actually have total so one of the forms of advanced technology it's also focused of course it's to LinkedIn your life right like I'm gonna be immortal but without worshipping God without serving Hashem I'm gonna seek my own immortality so these Watchers they know how to promote and lengthen life and they when they found out where these men first thing went to Antarctica then they went to Argentina and Hitler and many of his generals when they found them many decades later they still looked like they did back in the mid 40s they heard had hardly aged at all which shows that that's part of that advanced technology and I didn't even list that on this board but I thought I'd give you a few examples of just areas where we see it creeping in yes of all the nations people or make money amen that she every kind of you know my ears that's called artificial intelligence that's exactly where we're going yep yeah you'll still have the resources to work for you without the humans who eat up the resources so the elite call the human beings useless feeders because while they're necessary for us to stay on the top in the future they won't be and right now they look at us is use eating up the resources of the earth that they want for their future children the future elite and for themselves and so if human beings will be phased out and we're gonna see that coming up as well so we have these different areas where we see mixing genetics with the human DNA through advanced technology we mentioned genetically modified food what about atmospheric geoengineering their spring DNA mix DNA from the clouds now they're calling it atmospheric geoengineering like oh there's global warming we need to send out aluminum particulates right to reflect the heat of the earth back out into space but with this brain they have found that there is human blood mixed with other kinds of blood this is the DNA in nano particles and microcosmic parts that you breathe in basically as it gets dispersed over the earth now this isn't to instill fear in anybody this is just to be aware I didn't even want to go into I had no idea that the Lord was gonna take us into this area and I felt kind of like Jonah you know really wrestling and going in different directions no I want to bring out something else in this Torah portion but this is I guess is something that we need to be aware of because what it's going to do is help us prevent taking you know one worshipping the image of the beast and taking the mark of the beast so this is where all this is leading but look at all the areas where it's we're eating it we're breathing it we have scientists genetically fusing like in your food you have spider genes food fish genes like in the corn you know we know that Monsanto corn to overcome certain diseases there interjecting and growing human embryos with pig embryos and different things like this so there's still animal human gene splicing and hybridization but the big one and the focus of where the Lord really took me this week is how much technology is getting infused and integrated into the human life and they call this artificial intelligence also known as transhumanism because it's reached a point where now they can couple it with your human genome do you know silicon is the closest chemical to carbon and we are of all the meta things that we are you know we're oxygen and nitrogen and all that but those are gases if you really look at the matter of our cellular makeup carbon is the majority of what we are and what can be fused most easily with carbon but silicon and what do they make computer chips with silicon and you were going to say something David that's right yes and it very great point I thought to myself this is possible yes look at our young people absolutely they're grooming the next generation already the Millennials have grown up with cell phones so the first generation to grow up with cell phones I didn't grow up with cell phones I first himself when I got was for business purposes and it was a tool for a purpose but now the whole computer you're banking you hold your cell phone up you pay for things your medical histories on it every single thing look how people are attached you're putting your own life into it all your pictures telling the global brain and this artificial intelligence is computing all of the information that we're feeding into it and even we're gonna look at even banking system the crypto currencies that have been created have you building bigger server farms and coding algorithms so that you can make money right like Bitcoin people have to do something to get a Bitcoin what is it doing it's actually building the global brain the artificial intelligence have humans expanding the memory capacity and the algorithms and the formulas and we're basically working but wolf will look at this in a little bit so here's a a quote from one of the scientists he says humans have carbon intelligence cognitive should take us from artificial intelligence to just silicon intelligence so first you're carbon-based organic life-form silicon is inorganic and they're moving you to integrate technology into your life next you put on glasses right and then you see everybody's name and it seems like it's helpful and you can get your advertisements and you can buy and sell and all of these things pretty soon it's like David said incorporated into your actual genome and then chips onto your brain and so it's a slippery slope where people that are addicted to technology don't even realize what they're doing to their children and what they're doing to themselves because are you gonna be able to withstand letting go of technology when that day comes where the only way for us to not slide down that slippery slope is to start living more naturally and start detaching us from the faults yes having and the Spanish and having us mix adult American things better than average had always wanted in Israel designers will not mix the for instance right now this week can endow two black divisional have to leave Israel because they don't want them in the country they have to leave but that happen yeah revelation 13 17th says no man in the future will be able to buy or sell unless he takes this mark this is economic a form of economic control through this advanced technology now we know that already our most of our purchases are done through debit cards credit cards they all have this chip in them pretty soon the chips not going to be in the card it's going to be in your hand so this global world power has this economic control it says save he that has the mark or the name now a name is always an identifier each of you have a number right this is your identifier instead of having a name which represents a characteristic of God you're given an identifier and that the Beast can recognize or the number of his name yes Keith you got yeah they're already testing this technology implanted in man there's a live testimony yep oh that's interesting they're even playing in public with the symbolism and the name like mark to be so obvious before like we're gonna look at the number of the name 666 there's an interesting thing about us being carbon-based life forms and this 666 and they're gonna promote it they're gonna throw it out there because people are so blind to it so we have finances economic control we have governmental control imagine you won't be able to cross borders without the government control we have individual identifiers through technology we have robots who are now getting citizenship to other countries so that they can be taxed the first robot named Sophia which is Greek for wisdom or knowledge this wrong knowledge has been granted citizenship by Saudi Arabia because they see the future of the money now here's what we're made up of human carbon life-forms and 99% of the bodies made up of just six elements oxygen carbon hydrogen and nitrogen out of these six well these are four mentioned here then we have phosphorus and potassium but carbon is the only matter it's that's not a gas okay and you can see that 18% is actually carbon so this is what's left when you see people cremated or if like in a nuclear explosion you see a little pile of dust it's mostly the carbon carbon and silicon are side by side on the periodic table they have some differences such as silicon silicon being inorganic compound and carbon is a organic compound but they're almost twins which is amazing carbon is the element of life long now remember back before the flood the Fallen Angels were giving knowledge of what was called alchemy how to manipulate metals and chemicals and molecular structures of things to men this was one of the knowledge that they were giving them so who would know better that these things are compatible and do we think it's just chance that all of our technology all of our computers are based upon a silicon platform carbons the element of life-forms playing a major role in the metabolic processes while silicon is an element of the machines serving that's a major component for parts such as semiconductors when you look at the carbon molecule what's interesting is it has six electrons six protons and six neutrons we are basically six six six six is the number of man it is going to be falsely counterfeited if you will so the 666 is the number of not a man but the number of man in Revelation and this is what the enemy is counterfeiting he's taking our true molecular makeup the way God created us in His image and splicing in a hybrid technology I'll wait till you take that picture yeah look at this this was a chart done by a evolutionist okay now if you don't believe in God you're not going to have the same take on it as I'm gonna have seen that there's a rebellion against God there's a concerted effort to deface the image of God you're just gonna look at it as a process of evolution this is the next phase of evolution so we started out as single-cell amoebas and we went through replication and polymeric tation and then metabolism started and as the cells started multiplying and the RNA and the cell membranes increased and then you have DNA being seen on the evolutionary chain and then cellular life forms neural networks you know which is the brain being created so now they're actually thinking instead of being in adamant single-cell organisms they're actually able to have cognitive awareness and then you come down into starting to recognize yourself recognize others having social behavior and interaction and then you start creating something like yourself but it's an image to yourself it's a replica this is what artificial intelligence is this is what robots are and so you think that they're gonna help you hey I can have somebody that I can't I can have work for me and I can have do things that might harm them without the moral complications of sending the human being into maybe a gaseous mind let's say right or to banking is using artificial intelligence right now there's so much things that men is thought I will create this technology for my self for to stay on the top and and yet what happens is it slowly takes over the human aspect and that's all that's left so right now we're at the bio from digital fusion place where it's intermixed together but eventually what the scientists and the Astro engineers are saying is that the way of the future is not carbon silicon mixed but only silicon basically artificial intelligence taking over there already computing them on their own and have a certain awareness of themselves so here we see this mixture it's got the image of man and yet it is not man here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of man and his number is 666 revelation 13:18 carbon six electrons six protons six neutrons and we see that this word for the number of man is actually anthropos which means man faced or like human being mankind so it's the number of mankind that's being counterfeited not just the number of everybody's looking for a single man this is Macready and he's an astro engineer that helped develop a lot of different kinds of flying ships and technology for flying ships he says the surviving intelligent life-form on earth is not going to be carbon-based it's going to be silicon based of course we know the Lord has another plan right has in the days of Noah if time was not shortened no flesh would survive but this is the scientific atheistic secular mindset that's this is how you can compute more snoring driving your mind so the first time you are exposed to their teaching in the teacher goes and goes into the blackboard doesn't first time you are exposed to information that's right and then the second times through the books then you've all read the books first you appear that teacher yeah saying at the platform second you are exposed to reading for yourself and believe in hazard time is when you welcome to this so mine came oh okay the teacher said I'm ready no here is my needle leave it the same way really nothing that's the thing we want to make God's people aware of what's happening in seriously and separate themselves to be able to like Carlos is saying here the Word of God faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God and focusing on reading God's Word in so way by beholding his character through his word we become changed back into his likeness but if we are on the phone all the time and going to Facebook all the time and so self-focused integrating technology to the point where we can't put it down at dinnertime where we can't talk to anybody without having a checking our cell phone then when the next phase of technology comes it's just gonna be another gadget to go get it Best Buy you know it's and then pretty soon it's go down to the doctor and get it infused in you this is the way that it's moving and I think God wants his people to know that now's the time to start weaning yourself off of it don't go down that slippery slope where then you think oh well I'll reject it when it reaches the point of taking the mark of the beast we have to separate ourselves from this hybridization we see it in government in economics in religion in technology in nanotechnology in you giving all of your life information and be dependent on all of your life information we see from the beginning nimrod was seeking advanced knowledge he became a mighty man he was ruling over the whole world the first one-world government was him focused on building a portal to get more advanced technology this Tower of Babel which back in the Beijing Olympics they built an image basically showing that this is what the elite are moving back towards a portal where they can have this advanced technology this advanced knowledge and they're selling their soul to do it the beasts power has tried to create in its own interdimensional portals to gain access to more knowledge we see it with the Watchers before the flood then at the Tower of Babel and then more recently the EU building has patterned itself after the unfinished ziggurat which we call the Tower of Babel this is in Europe they had this old picture painted in the 1700s that they asked their architects to design the EU building after because this is the plan of you to go back to being God's being hybrid gods this is what the first gods of Greek mythology were their motto you know God changed everyone from being one people in one language at that time there was many different peoples in one tongue and he confused the tons there at Babel their motto is an in-your-face assault on God kind of like with the Harbinger where he says we're gonna build and we're gonna build better you know it's like no matter what you've done god we're gonna reverse it in our own power same way Europe's motto was many tongues now so you confused our language but we're gonna be one voice against you one voice ruling ourselves one voice in a one-world government so it's going back even the language to the Tower of Babel and this was the flag that was flown as they were building this you Parliament building this was their kind of marketing if you can believe it we see even more recently the 666 that's this fusion of technology with human DNA in wanting to open another portal a more modern day portal is in Geneva Switzerland the CERN they call it the hydron Collider and it's a 17 mile loop where they're blasting atoms into each other hoping to open a rift or create a tear in the space-time continuum and allow these ancient spirits these demonic spirits that have been held in judgment up into this day to give them more knowledge and this is what revelation talks about remember it says something opened up like a pit and something like unclean spirits like frogs came up out of it this is happening in our day Google which is the kind of facilitator of all the AI brains knowledge everything that you're searching everything that people are putting in and their web sites this is the new Google Chrome logo now look at CERN you got six six six in the CERN logo blatant to the world chrome six six six right there very obvious almost identical to the CERN it's all about a portal to knowledge the knowledge of good and evil here's another interesting correlation the W's in Hebrew would be liking them to Valls involve is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and I remember evolved always represents man it's the one letter that looks like it's a standing and up great man six what time yeah yes he's standing up so you can see the technology these different symbols are right in our face every day they're saying the advanced technology comes from this source and it's leading to this in image to the Beast and to its mark Apple its original logo was about that forbidden fruit the knowledge of good and evil from the tree barcoding you're not gonna be able to buy or sell you know every barcode has a different number but they are spaced apart by a six and A six and A six and you can see different wins right represent different numbers here's a six what it looks like it's two lines of equal width right here here's a shorter six so you can even see it within the code here but every barcode has this six six six basically saying that everything is going digital and you're not going to be able to buy or sell everything is tracked through this artificial intelligence banking is now reached a stage where the AI is having us create server farms and and what they call how does it call block chain computing and this is the way in the very near future everybody is going to even if you're in Africa or in India or in a village everybody now has a cell phone first thing make sure that everybody around the world had a cell phone and I remember the years that I used to go in the African Serengeti and I would walk with the Maasai warriors and all we'd have is a shield and a machete and maybe a little stick you know and then I came back following years and all of a sudden they still dressed the same still have their spear and their shield and but they got a cell phone on their hip they're making sure that everybody has access even if they have to give them away for free get you connected and they're getting money when you send them donations or when they'll ask you for your information it's all their whole life is now on the phone surveillance another way you know the global brain watching everything that you're doing learning imitating from you it sounds like something of a sci-fi movie but this all was being revealed to Yakov about the pure DNA that God's holy angels are supposed to ascend and descend on what were they purpose of angels as messengers of his knowledge when angels go rogue and they're in rebellion they still ascend and descend on the DNA but in mutating and creating it after their image and giving the wrong kind of information which they know is going to create an eternal separation in essence if we're lost you're gonna be lost with us we're gonna take the children of God if you want to hurt somebody you don't just kill them you hurt their children and you know that that hurts them the greatest so we see this amazing time that we're living in where people are literally breaking apart the DNA the image of God in man for their own selfish purposes and to follow after that which was promoted in since ancient times by these fallen beings so a little symbolism and then we'll go back into the Torah portion as we do a little Midrash we'll take a little break from looking at that ai there's an interesting symbolism of Jacob as the ladder and Messiah as being in the ladder now remember Messiah was in the loins of Jacob and we have a prophecy back in genesis 3:15 remember it says the serpent shall bruise his heel but he shall crush his head right so Yaakov represents Messiah in the reminder of the heel prophecy basically we always talk about Messiah being pointed out is bruising the the Satan's head but Yaakov and his pure lineage his pure DNA will be the overcomers of sin of which Messiah Yeshua was just an example for us and as overcomers is that which truly crushes Satan's head remember if Saints head was crushed at the cross we wouldn't be tempted right now right we wouldn't be going through what we're going through but Romans 16:20 says the God of peace shall shouldn't crush Satan under your feet as the descendants of Jacob so we see a dual prophecy here and of course Yaakov means the heel and when it's referring to the serpent bruising messiahs heel you can see Yaakov hinted at Yaakov zin Messiah messiahs in Yaakov now there's a principal of the Yaquis son as the second son as Messiah is the second Adam who comes in the pureness of the word and who teaches us how to overcome we're the first Adam failed Jacob was the second son he was the Yaquis son yes he'd kind of means beloved or chosen son regardless of who's the firstborn you're the one worthy to carry on the priestly lineage we see Jacob resembles Messiah and being the second as the first Adam was fleshly so was it Esau so the second Jacob wars against the first enmity between man centered and God centered are we going to allow a God to create us back into his image of selfless love or are we gonna constantly feed the self through self gratification and that's something that technology does it's immediate gratification in every area boom I don't have to grow the food I can just go and buy it I don't have to go and visit the person I can just text them hi you know everything is about self and this is what we want to get away from isaw symbolizes God's enemies who are self-focused if Jacob resembles Messiah then Esau resembles God's enemies Jacob resembles Messiah in his conflict with the flesh we know god's enemies and the last days are using this advanced technology to work against god's people you won't be able to buy or sell unless you're part of our global system now let's turn to John 1 and we will read an interesting analogy of this ladder that Yeshua speaks of himself John 1:49 says Nathanael answered and said to him rabbi thou art the Son of God did you know the Fanueil called me Shu a rabbi so if you got anything against their advice or the term rabbi is a common phrase for last 2000 years he calls him son of God he's recognizing he's the second Adam and future king of Israel so you have current and you have past and you have future yeshua answered and said to him because i say unto thee i saw you under the fig tree you believe me thou shalt see even greater things than these he's basically saying you wondered because I told you that I saw you in the spirit realm even before I physically saw you and you are calling me the son of God because of that in the future you're going to see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man so he's basically referred taking his mind back to because Nathaniel studied Torah he knew this story of Yaakov this vision of the ladder and he's saying I am the word the word is the seed the image of God is in me this is what you're to be recreated in I'm the ladder future king of Israel will restore the image of God in man and be the foundation see even the significance of being the heel that gets bruised he's the foundation he's the cornerstone the support heel of Israel the Greek word is Basilius which means a basis the foot and this is what he's calling him through the nation the foundation of power whether abstractly relatively or figuratively God gave this prophecy of Messiah through Yaakov as being the heel the support of Israel our he'll support us I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed and he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his Israel's the foundations heal so the enemy is only going to do a temporary wound to Israel but it's through Israel that the Serpent's head is ultimately crushed by overcoming the need for self and the self focus by being the selfless love that God's DNA creates we fulfill this prophecy so Messiah is just a type of what we are to be Romans 16:20 says and the God of peace remember he's not the God of violence he's not the God of killing the god of crushing he does this through us it's through our obedience God of peace shall soon crush Satan under your feet because we are the descendants of Yaakov the heel the support the grace of our Anointed Messiah our master Yeshua be with you amen but how the next first reveals he's speaking of obedience without any mixture look at this he says for they are such that serve not our master Yeshua but their own belly he's bringing out the self this has been hidden in the Brit hadashah in all of his years and by good works and fair speeches they deceive the hearts of the innocent for your obedience spreads forth abroad to all men as an example just like Yeshua was an example for us us being the selfless love and the change we want to see in the world and the resistance to getting sucked into this mixture of technology with humanists we have to be an example to the world I am glad therefore on your behalf but yet I would have you wise this is the right kind of knowledge in that which is only good see the difference from the beginning the enemy's intent has been to give you a knowledge of good mixed with evil just like there's been a hybridization of their seed with God's seed and now technology advanced technology with us there's always this mixture good with evil light with darkness it's always been promoted but God would have us only eat from the tree of life which is only the knowledge of good of light of love of that which leads to life and life more abundantly and he says and simple this word means unmixed basically unmixed concerning evil this is exactly what Paul is bringing out let's stop being like the world we have to be in the world but let's stop being mixed by the influence of the world yes they're working today he had a mouth rolling why because what you were showing they are making filling that's true too in addition to the animal genes they're silicon use and cream and butter what I was saying for my second point I was praying to my father father we are eating even even vegetables and fruit that's right that's why God would have us leave the cities and the places that are highly controlled by this agenda and go back to his ways in nature and be growing our own food and living without the control of Technology and the addiction to it very good point and they're putting it in in such a way that like the Frog in the water by the time you realize the waters gotten hot it's too late and you can't jump out yeah so going back to the Torah portion Yaakov awoke from his sleep and he called the place the temple or the house of God and he took this stone his eben and he sets it up as a standing stone a pillar and He pours olive oil on its head he's basically anointing it just like a future mashiac will be anointed and he named the place house of God but that area had originally been called las Casas a nama tree in the Hebrew it's interesting in espanol loose means light right he had a little Tiffany of light but this is what the origin of the word loose it comes from the almond which is the first to bloom so the true knowledge is like us blooming and the true knowledge of God and his but not the mixture of good and evil that's the true light Lucifer has in yeah and seriously mixed good with evil and caused men to that's what the occult is all about power for self alone through the strong knowledge so Yaakov took this vow if God will be with me and guard me on this road that I am traveling giving me bread to eat and clothes to wear so that I returned to my father's house in peace then out and I will be my god and this stone which I have set up as a standing stone will be God's house and of everything you give me I will faithfully return one tenth to you this will be the cornerstone of the future temple as well as the cornerstone of Solomon's Temple and it will be used by mashiac as well continuing his journey Yaakov came to the land of the people of the east and as he looked he saw well in the field now what's happened between this dream and him coming to this well where he meets rachel is he saw since Elif as to kill him Elif as his firstborn son it's 13 years old and he takes with him a bunch of of his dad's troops basically to come kill his dad and Jacob says do not do this thing that's gonna bring a curse upon you you can take the wealth because he knows Esau's focus is physically focused it's materially focused so jacob was going with the inheritance from his father great wealth to take a wife it wasn't intended that he should be up there 22 years he was supposed to go get a wife until Esau's anger was a peace and then come right back to his family so you go for a wife just like remember Abraham sent a laser with great riches and you give a dowry for this child who's worthy to be the wife of your master's son well Jacobs up there with the dowry with all of this money from his father and yet to save his own life offers it to Ellie fast take this wealth Ellie fast and it's most likely at this point that Ellie has had the garment that priestly garment that had been passed down from Adam that Ellie that Esau had taken from Nimrod and most likely there was an exchange there that happened he took the wealth but all Jacob was left with was with this garment and so he shows up and sees Rachel by the well and falls in love with her but he has nothing to offer Laban as a dowry so this is why he offered to work for seven years for Rachel's hand in marriage any Caesar there and he gets this supernatural strength you know there's a stone over the well to keep anybody from using the water except the people that who's well it is and only when all the flocks had gathered around men would together roll away this stone from the opening of the well and then they would put it back in its place when all the sheep had been watered and Rachel was there watering her father's sheep and she was the only one not everybody had gathered around so the other men weren't there ready but Jacob by himself moves the stone off of the well to water Rachel sheep Rocco said to them my brothers where are you from they answered we are from Iran he asked them do you know laven the grandson of nahor they said we do he asked them are things going well with him yes they answered and here comes his daughter Rachel with the Sheep he said look there's plenty there's still plenty of daylight left and it isn't time to bring the animals home so water the Sheep then go and put them out to pasture they answered we can't not until all the flock has been gathered together and they roll the stone away from the opening of the well that's when we water the Sheep while he was still speaking with them Rachel came with her father's sheep because she took care of them when Yaakov saw Rachel the daughter of Laban his mother's brother and the Sheep of Laban his mother's brother Yaakov went up and rolled the stone away from the opening of the well himself and watered the flock of Laban his mother's brother Yaakov kissed Rachel and wept aloud imagine how much he had gone through from leaving his father's house to almost losing his life to losing all of his possessions and then seeing this girl who he knows God has for his future progeny to carry on the seed the priestly lineage and he wept and Yaakov told Raquel that he was her father's relative that he was Rivka's son and she ran and told her father when Laban heard the news of Yaakov his sister's son he ran out to meet him now remember last time that he saw somebody from Abraham's household was Eliezer with great wealth and camels and riches right and he profited off of that so no wonder he's going to run out [Music] see you know who has come now to to bless his household again he can keep selling these daughters off so Laban heard the news and he runs out to meet him he hugs him and kisses him and brings him into his house Yaakov told Laban all that had happened what do you think he talked about all that had happened interesting sentence isn't it short sweet and Yaakov told him all that had happened he must have started back you know how the story began back with deceiving his father and getting the blessing but then losing the blessing to Elif as son of esau who was the eldest and so he comes there and he has nothing to offer for his daughter and this is leading up to why I need to work for you for seven years to get her hand because now I have nothing Laban whose inner ami the Aram means trickster and we know Laban was a trickster he's internalizing all of this and thinking ok you work for me for seven years and when he tricks Yaakov and gives Yaakov the first barn which is Leia instead of Rachel he says it's just not done that way here we don't give things to the younger he's basically mocking him you deceived your father you're the younger you took the inheritance by deceit now I'm deceiving you and I'm giving you the older yes what you sow you reap it's so true and we're gonna see that again in this Torah portion over and over it happens in the DNA it happens with the words we speak from the actions and with the sheep in the future when we see Levens sheep multiplying because they look at this striped pole it's also what we look at what we behold so constantly through this tour portion the common theme is what you so you read it's all about the seed exactly yeah so Yaakov stayed with him for a whole month and laven said to him why should you work for me for nothing just because you're my relative tell me how much I should pay you now Laban had two daughters the name of the older was Leia and the name of the younger was Rocco lay his eyes were weak but Rachel's were good-looking with beautiful features Yaakov had fallen in love with Raquel and said I will work for you seven years in exchange for Rachel your younger daughter Laban answered better I give her to you than to someone else stay with me so Yaakov worked seven years for Rachel and it seemed only a few days to him because he was so much in love with her Yaakov said to Laban now the time has come give me my wife since my time is finished so that I can start living with her Laban gathered all the men of the place and gave a banquet he got Jacob drunk this is a little bit of the rest of the story and as many feasts and banquets go you know the bride is veiled and he gets Jacob drunk so he won't realize who he's sleeping with when they go into the Hupa into the marriage chamber Laban gathered all the men of the place and gave a big feast and in the evening he took Leia his daughter and brought her to Yaakov the people as they were singing songs it's very traditional to sit around the fire and to dance and to sing and the people of the area knew Levens trickery and knew that he had covered up Leia and they were putting in the lyrics of the songs they lay lay kind of trying to hint you know let him know this is Leia that you're about to go into the Hoople with but he didn't get it and he went into the Hupa and slept with Leia and laban also gave his slave girl Zilpah to his daughter has a maidservant so in essence he gets two wives neither of them are the one that he's in love with in the morning Yaakov saw that he was with Leia and he said to Laban what kind of thing is this you've done to me he's indignant right didn't I work for you for Rachel oh why have you deceived me uses the same word that gets act used before when Esau came to him and said father I have the stew for you and he goes I've been deceived your brother came and deceived me so this is Meereen Isaac's words in Genesis 27 verse 35 Laban answered in our place this isn't how it's done to give the younger before the older he's mocking him and he's telling him you're going to be deceived and you're gonna reap what you sow and in essence he works another seven years for Rachel even though he gives Rachel right then to him but he they make an agreement that he'll work so now he's got three wives after the week that's allotted to be with your wife that next week he took Rachel into his tent and and slept with her so now he's got three wives and Rachel's handmaiden was given to Jacob as well so he's got four right the 12 tribes of Israel come from four different women and he ends up working another seven years that's fourteen years but he still has no wealth he only has these women he works in nother seven years for the wealth right and they make this agreement so in essence it's 22 years before he actually leaves and it's the same amount of time that he's away from his father that Joseph when Joseph is taken away by the Ishmaelites sold into slavery by his brothers doesn't see his beloved son 22 years just like he deprived from his trickery his father and mother from being in close proximity with them then exact parallel their that which you sow you shall also reap yes he had a question correct at that time they're only given to serve the daughters of Laban so kind of like servants they stay with the person they serve him all the days their life oftentimes it was a custom where these women when they couldn't bear children would give their handmaiden and to be impregnated by their husband to keep bearing children because that was a sign of status when they would have the child they would sit in a special chair and that handmaiden would sit on their lap and birth through their legs symbolizing that it's not their children it's you know their masters children and so you're right it's the daughters who later give so he's not sleeping with the hand maidens at this point he they are given to them later when the Leia and Rachel are not bearing children so Laban has deceived yet sac and there's an exact parallel to this deception of the past Yaakov agreed to work another seven years and Laban gave his daughter Raquel as his wife Laban also gave to his daughter Raquel his maidservant Villa and as her maidservant not only did Yaakov go in and sleep with Rachel but he also loved Rachel more than Leia then he served Laban another seven years out and I saw that leah was unloved so he made her fertile first while Raquel remained childless Leia conceived and gave birth to a son in this way she would get attention and love from from Jacob and she named the firstborn rule ray vein Rose is where we get Ruben from means see a son ray in Hebrew is see and main his son so you basically have see the Sun so this is what she named her firstborn and she said it is because out and I has seen how humiliated I've been but now my husband will see me and love me she conceived again and gave birth to a son and she said it's because Adonai has heard that I'm unloved therefore he's given me this son also so she named him Shimon which means hearing because God heard her prayers about wanting her husband's love once more she conceived and she had a son and she named him little Evie because love is hard so it's like my heart now this time my husband will be joined to my heart because I have borne him three sons so I'm gonna name this third born my heart leve so with four wives in essence how many would each one if there was going to be equality the what would be a fair amount of children for each one to have you got 12 sons of Israel that are gonna come through for wives so 3 sons for each woman so watch what happens when Leia gets more than even her share from Hashem very interesting so let's see we left off with Levi verse 35 she conceived yet again and had a fourth son and she named him thankfulness this is what Judah represents Judah has always been so thankful to God's Torah they've lived up to their name the name is like a self-fulfilling prophecy she named him thankfulness because she got more than she even deserved she got a fourth son so she conceived yet again and had a son and she said this time I will thank the Lord and praise him therefore she named him Yehuda which means thankful poor praise then she stopped having children when Raquel saw that she was not burying children for Yaakov she envied her sister and said to Yaakov give me children or I will die now talk about sowing seeds we've looked at different aspects of sowing seed right now she's verbalizing something she's putting it out into the ether and when our thoughts are connected with our hearts and we speak things into existence because we're created in the image of God as co-creators this why our words are so powerful don't even joke like that oh I feel I'm so hungry I could you know what people say she's saying give me children or I might as well be dead this is the first witness against herself against death she's gonna have a second witness she's speaking useless words in the second time that she says this it actually comes to pass these are hidden principles within the Torah the second time was when she said she had hidden her father's idols remember and she was sitting on them and she was saying I think it was Jacob who said whoever is found with the idols let them die and so he acted as a double witness she was already a first witness against herself and she died a little bit later in childbirth on the way past Jerusalem with Benjamin so this made Yaakov angry at Rachel sometimes when you know people are speaking words that are gonna harm themselves you become impassioned you know don't speak like that can I control what's happening am I in God's place he's the one who's denying you children she said here's my handmaid illa go sleep with her and let her give birth to a child that will be laid on my knees so that through her I too can build a family so she gave him Villa her slave girl as his wife and Yaakov went in and slept with her and Villa conceived and bore Yaakov a son Rachel said God has judged in my favor now so which son do you think this is dan means judgment and indeed he has heard me and given me a son therefore she called him Don which means he judged Villa Rachel slave girl conceived again and bore youth Yaakov a second son and Rachel said I have wrestled mightily with my sister and now I'm winning so she called him Naftali which meant my wrestling when leia saw again she had stopped having children and she saw that Rachel's handmaiden was giving Yaakov children she gave her handmaiden also whose name was Billa and Zilpah Leah's slave girl bore yo Cova son and Leia said good fortune has come back to me so she called him good fortune which is God in Hebrew so it's kinda like when we say we don't like to say good luck we don't believe in good luck because we're blessed right by Hashem through the Diaspora the tribes of God became known for one of the tribes of Israel and the worshipers of the one true elohim and over time the elohim of god became known as god this is how why we call elohim god to this day it's kind of like saying the source of our luck or our good fortune God so this is the etymology of words through the years nations became to come come to know gods God you know gods Elohim and of course pagans look at gods as the source of luck right it's more luck it's not about living right so that you will enter into blessings and they don't realize the loss of blessings is due to them not living right they all think okay oh if I do this more if I you know sacrifice my children to this angry God then I'll have better luck or if I do this I'll have better crops and so it's funny how good fortune and luck has become associated with pagan god Zilpah Leah's slave girl borock OVA second son and leia said how happy I am women will say that I'm happy and so she named him Ashur which means happy or blessed now during the wheat harvest which we know is Shavuot time Reuven went and found Mandrake's in the field and brought them to his mother leia this was known as a fertility helper Rachel said to lay-up please give me some of your son's Mandrake's so that I can be fertile she answered isn't it enough that you've taken away my husband do you have to take away my son's Mandrake's too Rachel said very well in exchange for your son's Mandrake's you can sleep with him tonight so when Yaakov came in from the field in the evening Leia went out to meet him and said you have come you have come you have to come and sleep with me because I have hired you with my son's Mandrake's so Yaakov slept with her that night and God listened to Leia and she conceived and bore Yaakov a fifth son laya said God has given me my higher because I gave my slave girl to my husband so she called him yes a car which means higher door reward now leia conceived again in boris six son to Yaakov and Leia said God has given me a wonderful gift now at last my husband will live with me since I have borne him six sons and she called him Zebulon which means living together after this she gave birth to a daughter and named her Dina because Dina like Dan kind of means judgment it's from that same root word but it's because there was a controversy at that time and there needed to be judgment between his controversies so it's kind of like Dina means controversy over one's rights then God took note of Raquel heated her prayer and made her fertile again she conceived and had a son and said God has taken away my disgrace so she called him Yosef which means may he add or added saying may God add to me another son after Raquel had given birth to Yosef Yaakov said to Laban send me on my way so that I can return back to my own people to my own country let me take my why's for whom I have served you and my children and let me go you know very well how faithfully I've served you Laban answered him if you regard me favorably then please listen I have observed the signs that Adonai has blessed me on account of you name your wages now so he's done working for wives he's basically saying now let me pay you but stay with me because I recognize the source of my blessing is you I will pay whatever you ask Yaakov replied you know how faithfully I have served you and how your livestock has prospered under my care the few you had before I came have increased substantially out and I has blessed you wherever I went but now when will I provide for my own household Laban said what should I give you nothing answered Yaakov just do this one thing for me once more I will pasture your flock and take care of it I will also go through the flock and pick out every speckles bottled or brown sheep in every speckled or spotted goat these and their offspring will be my wages and I will let my integrity stand as a witness against me in the future when you come to look over the animals constituting my wages every goat that isn't speckled or spotted and every sheep that isn't brown will count as stolen by me so basically if we're gonna cohabitate like a lot and Abraham did and we have these massive flocks you'll be able to tell which ones are mine very obviously and which ones are yours Laban replied as it is said so be it so that day Laban removed the male goats that were streaked or spotted he's trying to sabotage Jacobs prospering and all the female goats that were speckled or spotted everyone with white on it and all the brown sheep turned them over to his sons and put three days distance between himself and Yaakov and Yaakov fed the rest of Laban x' flocks so he only gives them the solid colored ones because he knows they're only going to procreate solid ones he's purposely sabotage him so that his wealth will grow and Jacobs will not Yaakov had amazing knowledge in the spiritual realm he had learned from Melchizedek he learned the principle of that which we behold we become like so he took fresh cut branches from the popular almond and plain trees and made white streaks in them by peeling off the bark then he set the rods he had peeled up right in the watering trough so that whenever the animals would come to drink they would be looking at these striped and speckled rods and as they are coming together to procreate whatever they're looking at affects what is in their womb and they actually have spotted and speckled and striped babies when the animals made it in the sight of the rods they gave birth to the spotted speckled and streaked Young Yaakov divided the lamps and had the animals mate with the street and the brown in the flock of Laban he also kept his own livestock separate and did not have them mix with Levens flock whenever the hardy animals came into heat Yaakov would set up the rods in the watering trust so that way not only was it just any animal but it would be the stronger of the flock but he didn't set the rods up in front of the weaker animals in this word weak it's interesting there's an enlarged Pei so feet and let's see I didn't write it on the whiteboard but I think I put it up here throughout the year I've shown you different enlarged letters that are anomalies that bring out deeper significance and here's the pay so feet in the word for weaker it's the final pay and you can see that this word is a primitive root to clothe or to shroud to cover the feebler and the enlarged pay which a pay is like a face basically you know like when God speaking to Moshe it's Ponemah opening face to face well this enlarged pay is showing us that there is great power in understanding that by beholding we become change into that same likeness so God is telling us be careful what you're spending your time focused on are we spending more time to go back to that analogy of the ladder and the hybridization of advanced technology in our lives today are we spending more time with this counterfeit with this advanced technology or are we spending more time in God's Word and being recreated in His image there's a lesson even in this if we focus on the wrong we're going to become feeble if we be focused on the original in the source in our Creator will become strong so there's a hidden lesson even right here the more feeble were Layton's and the stronger swear yo Coast in this way the man became very rich and had large flocks along with male and female slaves camels and donkeys now in this last chapter we see the story of Yaakov pulling away from Laban and the power of Rachel's words being made manifest what happens so then he heard what label ins sons were saying about his wealth and their jealousy and yaakov they would say has taken away everything that her father once had it's from what used to belong to our Father that he's gotten so rich so this jealousy he knew would be a problem he also saw that Laban regarded him differently now than before because of this jealousy so out and I said to Yaakov return to the land of your ancestors to your kinsmen and I will be with you so Yaakov sent for raquel and leia and had them come to the field where his flocks were and he said to them I see by the way your father looks at me he feels differently toward me than before but the god of my father has been with me you know that I've served your father with all my strength and that your father has belittled me and changed my wages ten times just like Abraham was tested ten times Jacob was tested ten times and yet he was faithful to his word but God did not allow him to do me any damage if he said the speckled will be your wages then all the animals gave birth to speckled young and if he said the streaked will be your wages then all the animals gave birth to Street young this is how God has taken away your father's animals and given them to me once when the animals were mating I had a dream I looked up and there in front of me and male goes which made it with the females were streaked speckled and mottled then in the dream the angel of God said to me Yaakov and I replied he named me Here I am he continued raise your eyebrows now and look behold all the male Gold's goats mating with the females our streets speckled and spotted for I have seen everything Laban has been doing to you so God's watching Laban and he's telling Yakov to focus on the sheep's attention on the he spotted and the speckled so that they would become like that which they look at we no longer have any inheritance here from our father's possessions Rachel and Leia answered him he considers us foreigners since he gave us to you moreover he has consumed everything he received in exchange for us so he was living lavishly and he had already spent all this wealth that jacob had made for him and nevertheless the wealth with God has taken away from our father has become ours and our children's anyway so whatever God has told you to do do then Yakov got up and put his sons and his wives on the camels and carried off all his livestock along with all the riches he had accumulated the livestock in his possessions which he had acquired in paddan-aram this is the plain of trickery in essence padam maram means the plain of trickery to go to get sack his father in the land of Canaan now Laban had gone to share his sheaves so Rachel stole the household idols that belonged to her father so what Laban would do he was known as a great sorcerer in the land he was a pagan sorcerer he would consult his idols and the demonic forces this is the other thing about AI is it's a conduit for demonic forces to channel through and to use so idols were used the same way divination would be you would do certain ceremony and ask your idols what is tomorrow hold for me or in this case the reason why Rachel stole the idols is because she knew her father would ask them where did they go and he would be able to hunt them down that much faster so she steals the idols so that he won't be able to do his divination and this is the reason why she's taken them and Yaakov outwitted Laban the urami the trickster by not telling him of his intended flight so he tricked the trickster so he fled with everything he had he departed and crossed the Euphrates River and set out for the hill country of Gilad not until the third day was Laban told what Yaakov the Yaakov had fled now Laban took his kinsmen with him and spent the next seven days pursuing Yaakov overtaking him in the hill country of Gilad but God came to Laban the urami in a dream that night and said to him be careful that you do not say anything to Yaakov either good or bad no mixture again only good when Laban caught up with Yaakov Yaakov had set up camp in the hill country so Laban and his kinsmen set up camp in the hill country of Gilad as well Laban said to Yaakov what do you mean by deceiving me now the same word that he used against Yaakov the Yaakov had asked him why do you use this evening he's asking him you've carried off my daughters as if they were captives in war why did you flee in secret and deceive me and not tell me I would have sent you off with joy and singing to the music of tambourines and Lear's you didn't even let me kiss my sons and daughters goodbye what a stupid thing to do I have it in my power to kill you to do you harm but the God of your father spoke to me last night and said be careful that you don't say anything to Yaakov either good or bad granted that you have to leave because you longed so deeply for your father's house but why did you steal my gods Yaakov answered Laban because I was afraid I said suppose you take your daughters away from me by force but I did not take your gods if you find your gods with somebody that person will not remain alive so now this word comes out as a double witness against Rachel remember she said it would be better that I was and now he's saying whoever is caught with the idols will not stay alive so our kinsmen are here to witness if you spot anything that I have which belongs to you you take it back Yaakov did not know that Rachel had stolen them Laban went into Yoko's tent then into Leia's tent then into the tent of the two slave girls but he did not find them he left last tent and entered rock health tent now raquel had taken the household gods and put them in the saddle of the camel and she was sitting on the camel so that they wouldn't be searched Laban felt all around the tent but did not find them she said to her father please don't be angry that I'm not getting up in your presence but it's that time of the month for me so I shouldn't move so this way he didn't search underneath her on the saddle of the camel so he searched but he didn't find the household gods then Yaakov became angry and started arguing with Laban what have I done wrong he demanded what is my offense that you have come after me in hot pursuit you have felt around in all my stuff but you but what have you found of all your household goods put it here in front of my kinsmen and yours so that they can render judgment between the two of us I have been here with you these twenty years your female sheep and your goats haven't aborted their young and I haven't eaten the males in your flock if one of your flock was destroyed by a wild animal I didn't bring the carcass to you but bore the loss myself so he'd take one of his own sheep and give it to him you demanded that I compensate you for any animal stolen whether by day or by night here's how it was for me during the day thirst consumed me and at night the cold remember he was 70 years old when he started this work for Laban so from 70 to 90 he's been out in the hot weather and thirst by day and the cold by night serving him faithfully even without sleep he says these twenty years I have been in your house I served two 14 years for your two daughters in six years for your flocks and you've changed my wages ten times if the god of my father the God of Abraham the one whom you get sacked fears had not been on my side by now you would have certainly already sent me away with nothing God has seen how distressed I have been and how hard I have worked and last night he passed judgment in my favour Laban answered Yaakov the daughters are mine the children are mine the flocks are mine mine mine mine everything you see his mind that's not like the epitome of self but what can I do today about these daughters or the children you have bore so now come let's make a covenant I and you and let it stand as a testimony between me and you so Yaakov took a stone and set it upright as a pillar as a standing stone of this covenant then Yaakov said to his kinsman gather some stones and they took stones made a pile of them and they ate their together it was always a way to ratify the Covenant to eat after covenant had been made and to drink the wine which represents the blood that ratifies the Covenant Laban called in llegar sahaja means a pile of witness in Aramaic while Yaakov called it gall IDI which means a pile of witness in Hebrew Laban said you know it's interesting this word witness it's the iron and the Dalek these are the two letters that are enlarged in the Shema that God the Lord our God is one so in essence this testimony that we say in the greatest commandment that God is one there's only one God is the greatest witness that we have this is a little hint at that even in him calling it gul ed Navin said the pile of witnesses between me and you today this is why it is called Gul ed and also Hamid spa the watchtower because he has said may ad and I watch between me and you and we are apart from each other and as God's faithful we are called Watchmen of yah Watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem and we're to warn the people of what's to come just like the call to come out of Babylon God says come out of her my people that you participate not in her sins and you receive not of her plagues so we're to be Watchmen if you cause pain to my daughters he said if you take wives in addition to my daughters then even then no one is there with us still God will be a witness between me and you Laban also said to Yaakov here's this pile and here's the standing stone which I have set up between me and you may this pile be a nod a witness and may the standing stone be a nod a witness that I will not pass beyond this pile to you and you will not pass beyond this pile to me to cause harm may the God of Abraham and also the god of nahor the god of their fathers judge between us but Yaakov swore by the one his father Yitzhak feared Yaakov offered a sacrifice on the mountain and invited his kinsmen to the meal and they ate food there and ratified the Covenant and spent the whole night on the mountain so here this twelve portion that begins with yakko's focus on this latter and the need to preserve this pure image of God in man ends with us being a witness of the covenant God has made with us to make us in His image is not a light thing everything throughout the history of the world it has been to deface the image of God in man and this morning as we meditate on this word I'd just like to encourage you to contemplate every aspect of your life that would you look at that which you listened to that which you eat it's affecting us by beholding we become changed into that likeness so be careful what you spend the majority of your time with and in our day we know how subtly technology has crept in our lives and how much we're focused on it may we go back to God's Word and spend more time in God's Word being recreated in His image than in the image of this counterfeit that let's stand and we will take a break Abba Father we love you and we thank you for revealing to us the deep deep things of your Torah it is amazing how your word transcends the ages father and how these stories of what occurred with our forefathers thousands of years ago applies to us today and so we thank you Father only you could plant in your Torah the depth of wisdom that transcends space and time and that helps protect us that is a witness even for every age and may we be found as a faithful witness and Watchmen on the walls father warning your people to come out of Babylon in these days this false system that has been set up to counterfeit you and your true image in us we love you we thank you and we ask for the blood covering of mushiya to be upon us and the anointing of your Ruach so that we can be overcomers and be called pillars in your temple father this is our prayer and this is our desire and your holy name we pray amen amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 49,599
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Parsha, Parashah, Parashah Vayetze, Vayetzei, Vayetze, Jacob, Ya'akov, Jacob's Ladder, Secrets of Jacob's Ladder, DNA, The Image of the Beast, The Mark of the Beast, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Advanced Tecnology, Hybrid DNA, Laban, Rachel, Called Out Believers, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Torah Study, Pastor Isaac, Rabbi Yitzchak, Learn Truth, Torah Truth, End time Prophecy, End-time Prophecy
Id: IAoL_ijlELY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 35sec (6755 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2017
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