Secret hiding place in the wild forest, I got sick and am being treated with herbs, A bird on fire
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Channel: Simple Life
Views: 80,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival, fire food, dugout, hut, forest, animals, hermit, construction site, shelter, guerrilla, river., überleben, Essen auf dem Scheiterhaufen, Erdhütte, Hütte, Wald, Tiere, Einsiedler, Baustelle, Schutz, Partisanen, Fluss., survie, nourriture sur le bûcher, pirogue, Hutte, forêt, animaux, ermite, construction, abri, guérilla, rivière., kelangsungan hidup, makanan api, ruang istirahat, pondok, hutan, hewan, pertapa, lokasi konstruksi, tempat tinggal, gerilya, sungai., sobrevivência, comida na fogueira, abrigo, cabana
Id: j-tqdHKDYM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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