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hey guys how's it going welcome back to V Essentials today we're talking about something very important but very simple also which is how to set up your Oculus airlink so that you can stream your Oculus Quest 3 where is it it's uh there it is let me just grab it your Oculus Quest 3 to your PC now we did a video yesterday or a couple days ago testing out super hot versus half life Alex so if you haven't seen that video do go and see it as I tested it with this computer here the gForce RTX 480 with the i7 14th gen and right now I'm running the other PC the RTX 2070 with the i7 9th gen so do hit the notification Bell after you subscribe as I will be doing plenty of videos benchmarking those two computers and all that kind of stuff so that'll be very very cool and yeah smash the like some more people will get to discover today's video so without further Ado let's jump into VR and let me show you how to do the installation it's pretty easy pretty comprehensive all right so the first thing we need to do is basically download the Oculus software onto our actual desktop computer and do make sure that you have the minimum requirement of the computer which if I was just to click on this link very quickly and just show you what those minimum requirements are this includes a processor Intel i5 - 4590 or an MD ryzen 5 1500x or greater for graphics card C GPU table so we look at that in a minute memory at least 8 gigb of ram operating system Windows 10 Windows 11 and USB ports one at least um for the Nvidia GPU you need uh not currently supported for NVIDIA Titan Zed Nvidia Titan X it is supported Andia G GeForce excuse me GTX 970 uh 970 is is also supported uh NVIDIA GTX 1060 desktop 3gb is not however the 6gb is and then uh the Nvidia 1070 or R 1080r uh 1650 isn't 1650 super is 1660 is also 1660 TI is also rtx2070s all of them are okay the RTX 20 series excuse me RTX 30 series or can also and RTX 40 series also every single one can for AMD series 200 you cannot 300 you cannot also 400 it is supported 500 5,000 6,000 uh series and also the AMD Vega series are also all supported everybody so that's for that so all you have to do uh to set up airlink is basically I mean you can go to the link I will put description below as well uh just download the okus app software so just click on this and then basically it will automatically uh download as you can see here on the screen uh inside of the actual computer so once it's downloaded you just go to wherever it's it is run as administrator and then normally the install should start so let me just uh close all these windows there we go so we can see the actual uh get started so of course for me it's not started yet uh you can read of course the terms and conditions so do read them and then you can install now so install it in my C drive although it could also be good to install it in your nvme drive if you have nvme uh perhaps for faster uh processing it will depend on your machine though so do leave a comment below if you try doing this before if you're someone who you know did this using Quest 2 and then you found you had issues do leave some comments below so you know we can make the community aware of this so install now so there you go so it's going to take about 2.12 gigabyt worth of space inside of your machine okay so everything is installed now we just need to click next and then the window closes and then comes back up and then you have to set up your meta uh account if you don't have one you can also log in with Facebook or with Instagram so I'm going to continue with my Facebook so it's going to automatically patch through to my Facebook there we go so log in so continue as laus yes that's right open there we go all right and there we go we're in so now what I need to do is choose the appropriate headset but as you can tell there is no Quest three here at the moment which is very very unusual okay so by quitting actually now then I went back in I can see my quest three now so there we go we press on continue There we go go to airlink once more click on continue There we go so once you see this popup here on the screen all you have to do is go to your settings go to system and then look for Quest link here and then you'll see so you have to switch on this here access pcvr apps with air link or a Link cable here and then launch Quest link so you just click on this and then you will see it will try to uh find your PC that's available in the facility of your actual install so you just click on the PC there and then you click on pair so make sure that this again is on unable airlink will disable Link cable okay so you click on yes because you want airlink not Link cable and then you click on pair so now it gives you a number here inside of your VR headset so if you just bring this if I was just to bring it here for example there we go and then you see the number is there so you just double check that's the number here for me is this number and then you have that number there and then you can take your mouse and then click on confirm on the screen and then it says airlink pairing pairing code confirm put on your headset to continue so the great thing is that because we are in mixed reality I can keep my headset on so then you click on continue here there we go so again it says connecting but it says missing requirements which is a bit strange again before we click launch make sure that this is uh unbled again so there we go let's click on launch and now it says confirm boundar so we can confirm the boundary or you can create a boundary now everything's gone dark which is completely normal and what will happen is that your airlink menu is now up and running so we're inside the middle here is still trying to parse itself of course we're a bit far from the router at the moment and we're going to change rooms because I want to show you the quality of what things are like when you're right next to the router versus what when you're away about 10 MERS with a door and a wall in between as well so you have all the various different menu here so I will go through the menu one by one uh in a future video so do hit the notification Bell after you subscribe but basically what we need to do um is we need to uh activate this is to I believe to go back so if I click on this there we go sorry it's not to go back is to change the actual settings so you can change the settings uh of your your bit rate of what's actually going to be streaming so for us we're going to bump it up all the way to 180 uh so bitrate applied if everything looks okay select keep Chang it so we'll keep changes and of course I'm going to go back next towards the actual router itself as I mentioned so you can quit and go back to your home here so I was right uh so now what we need to do basically is go to our steam we can also click on the plus to see exactly uh we can actually choose a specific software that is already open so we're going to close the Logitech so I can save some space inside of the actual computer in just a moment so setup touch we don't want to do this if you see this on the screen because this will set up the ocus rift stuff and you just don't want to be doing this this is not something that you want to set up to be honest with you so this no need to do it unless you have a rift so we just click that off and then we're going to go down here or we can yeah I can access from here so maybe just close this because we don't need it let me make sure it's closed okay so we're going to use the mouse and luckily you can see your thing so let me just close this there we go let me just close this as well there we go and also let me close this so we make sure that we have as much things less things running as possible and now we're going to run our steam so we're going to steam is already on so what we need to do is we need to actually run our steam VR so let me just go to Library of course you can create a uh steam VR link on your on your taskbar or something to make it easier so let me just type steam VR there we go and then we're going to launch that first because it's better to launch the actual games from Steam VR itself and I'm going to show you something a little trick U because you're going to see that we're going to try and run an app but unfortunately the app is not going to load from here so what we're going to do is we're going to go back into make see just a moment there we go desktop sorry not screen so we're going to open the Oculus app first so let me open it so we want to go to the settings here and the first thing you want to do is go to General and for unknown sources make sure that this is switched on because if if it's not switched on what's going to happen is you're not going to be able to see the games they're going to be considered to be unknown source inside of the actual uh Oculus app um so or met airlink here where we are um so make sure that this is enabled and not disabled this is very very very important automatic updates I would suggest you switch this off so that you don't get any bottlenecks or anything happening like that Rift and touch safety we don't need this uh so you can okay never mind I have to watch the video um so yeah so that's about it really uh the beta you can switch it on if you want but do bear in mind that it might create some issues but there are some things you will require it so do hit the notification Bell after you subscribe for future videos about that stuff um and then here again you can go to Quest three and then you can change some of the settings so for example uh the input of the volume the quest fre uh headphon phones the VR audio from computer if you want to hear the audio both from the headset and also from the computer so you can enable this so if you do streaming for example is quite useful if you're playing with friends is quite useful as well so they can hear what you're doing uh and here computer audio in VR of course we definitely want that uh and then this tells you how much battery there is so for me there's about 40% left at the moment so I do have to hurry so that I can actually start the games it says that my computer doesn't meet the minimum specifications which can lead to poor performance and VR I think it's because I'm away from the router I think that's why it thinks that or maybe it doesn't know that the 48 is something that's new not quite sure but you know it's more than enough for great experience in VR so uh anyway we'll we'll we'll see we'll see what's what uh and then also you can change your payment system and all these things uh and then yeah so open XA run time you can also set your Oculus as active uh if you need to activate open XR for any specific spefic uh apps as well just FYI all right so let's uh let's get out of here and you can also fix the bit rate but it's generally not recommended so um so yeah so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to exit and I'm going to go inside of uh we're going to go into steam again so let me just go to desktop and then let me minimize this there we go we going to go back into steam and we're going to launch steam VR once more so it's loading steam VR and now we're inside of steam VR itself so you can see I have three apps we're going to test out super hot first so uh let me just uh finish recording and uh I'll see you in just a minute so guys thank you so much for watching today's video hope you got something out of it do smash the likes if you did of course so more people can get to discover the VR Essentials YouTube channel and together together together we can grow the YouTube The V Essentials YouTube Community excuse me so yeah so plenty videos coming very soon smash the notification Bell after you subscribe for being notified about all these juicy videos coming very soon and of course yeah plenty plenty more coming thank you to all the devs for passing us tons of keys as we're going to be reviewing all the various different games mixed reality VR PC VR and of course I'll be doing a video about the Oculus Link cable which will be coming to me very very soon this video by the way is sponsored by zyber VR Link in description below 15% discount using the promo code VR Essentials they do a whole bunch of different things in fact they have a Link cable which they're sending me they have the elite strap for the quest three they also have uh a l strap coming with the actual battery pack at the back at the end of the month I believe so they'll be sending that to me as well and they have a uh a charger that you put around your neck which seems pretty cool seems pretty interesting I'm going to be receiving it so I'm not quite sure how the products fair at this moment in time but if you're a DJ and you want to just take a chance and go and look at their products well go ahead make the order 15% discount 15 15% discount using the promo code VR Essentials Link in the description below so you can go there and uh enjoy that discount all right guys until next time see you later bye for now bye bye
Channel: VR Essentials
Views: 10,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meta quest 3, meta quest 3 news, meta quest 3 how to do guide, how to connect my meta quest 3 to pcvr?, meta quest 3 airlink how to set up in 5 minutes, mta quest 3 airlink best practices, meta quest 3 pro tips and tricks, meta quest 3 airlink vs oculus link cable, meta quest 3 airlink bug fixes, meta quest 3 airlink latency test, meta quest 3 software requirements, meta quest 3 pc specifications, meta quest 3 airlink update, meta quest 3 airlink vr games to try, airlink graphics
Id: pmmUaZSNV8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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