Quest 3 PCVR Setup Guide - Meta Link (Wired Cable)

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel it's been a while since I've done one of these kind of videos so today I'm going to do a quick start guide and settings guide for the quest free for PC VR via wir Link cable so in this video I'm not going to be covering a link or virtual desktop for wireless connection it's just going to be for the wi link which in my opinion is still the best way to go for seated VR gameplay and for playing Sims so first up before we get going I'd advise you to check out the link requirements on The Meta site so I'll give a link to this page in the description below so you just want to make sure that the PC you're running or your thinking of building is up to requirements for running metal link now in terms of recommendations if you haven't already picked one yet I'd go for an Nvidia card they tend to be a little bit better for things like ASW asynchronous space warp uh over the AMD equivalent and uh and there's also more advantages with the openex our toolkit support for the Nvidia cards so if you haven't picked one yet I'd look at Nvidia first and also the minimum entry point I'd recommend for say sim racing and flight simming in VR would be something like a 3070 or better um ideally go for a newer card if budget permits with the top tier card currently being a490 um if you're thinking of getting a laptop then you want to look at at least a 3080 as the laptop gpus tend to be about a tier less performant than the desktop equivalent if you are considering getting a laptop for VR just do your research beforehand and make sure that other people have been able to use it successfully in VR with a Quest 2 or Quest 3 so if you haven't chosen it already you'll need to pick one of the quest frees now for pcvr the available space on the headset doesn't make any difference to the experience so if you're mostly going to be using this for pcvr save yourself some money and go for the 128 GB version it's only really if you plan to use it a lot in Standalone mode and install quite a lot of games or say you're on the go you're not at home that much and you want to use it out of the house then go for the bigger storage version so the other bit of Hardware you'll need to get which doesn't come included in the box is a Link cable so the official one is actually quite expensive so in the UK it's currently £89 and the reason for that is a fiber optic cable where most of the other cheaper cables are not fiber optic they're just uh copper wire throughout um having said that I have had the official Cable in the past and after about 12 months of use it stopped running its USB free speed uh it dropped down to USB 2 not sure why it possible it could have got damaged uh so since then I have tried a few different cables and after trying a few different cables the one I've settled on using is the kuek one which I use quite a lot with the Quest 2 and has been uh really good uh what seems to be the problem I look at the different reviews all the cables seem to be hit and miss so it does appear to be bit of a cable Lottery when it comes to link cables uh however this one I've used no problems and quite a few of my friends have used it as well good thing with this particular cable is that it allows you to plug in the charge cable in line with the USB cable so something else to bear in mind when you're picking a cable and plugging into your PC you want to make sure that you've got enough power being output by the USB free socket on your PC to maintain charge now with the quest to this wasn't too much of an issue the power adapter was only rated for 10 watts I'll leave a link to this Cable in the description below if you're looking which will be my affiliate link so if you do choose to get one it'll help out the channel if you buy it via that link so once you got your Hardware all picked out and you're all ready to go the next step is to download the Oculus app so again I'll leave a link to this in the description below currently on the web page there's only a section for Quest two to download software maybe by the time you see this video this will be updated and there'll be a quest free one but it's essentially the same software for each of these so if you just go to this page download the Oculus setup.exe wait for that to download and run it so one USB setting we want to check before we plug the cable into the PC is the power plan setting now if you just go into your start menu and type edit power plan and then go into change Advanced power settings there'll be one active one based on the power plan you've got active on your PC I'd go through them all and change this particular setting at the minute we've got this bit some highest performance setting uh that's because I'm using process lassu so you're probably on one of the these two per high performance settings so if we go into here and then just go to USB settings USB selective suspend setting just make sure that's set to disabled this was causing me a lot of grief on my AMD 7800 x3d motherboard setup however it wasn't an issue on my Intel 12900 K so AMD users in particular check this out however generally speaking I'd make sure this is set up on both PCS and if you do any Windows updates double check the setting because power plan settings can also be affected by various OS updates so once we've got the Oculus software installed we'll just want to run the Oculus app just by typing Oculus this will launch up and then it'll go select your headset so we're going to add a quest free and then we're going to do it via Link cable and here it'll say to plug in the Link cable into a USB free port on your PC and the other end into the Quest for itself we've heard the noise we've got a green tick there to say it's detected your USB free connection hit continue and this is where we'll run a speed test by hitting the test connection button here and there we go the test is complete with a bandwidth of 2.3 gbits per second so ideally you want at least over one and a half to get the most out of this otherwise if it is lower than that and say for instance if you're running on USB 2 you'll find that you won't be able to run the link connection at a high enough bit rate to make it look the best um so ideally you want USB fre and with a bandwidth over 1 and a half gbits so 2.3 is pretty good with the qjet cable so we'll hit continue so once we've got the quest free connected the first thing you want to do is just click on it on the ocus app then go down to Graphics preferences and you'll probably find by default this is already set to automatic recommended on the render resolution So based on your system's GPU and performance as rated by the octus app it'll um adjust resolution for you but I suggest you um move the slider to the left and then manually set this based on the performance of the games that you're running um so in my case I'm running a Nvidia RTX 490 so I'm able to max out the resolution on the headset and if I ever run into problems with games then I'll lower the refresh rate but normally for Sim racing I'll leave it on 90 um if I can't quite reach 90 at the desired graphic settings in the game I'll come back and perhaps drop this to 80 HZ or 72 but most of the time I'm fine if you're struggling with performance you could either try lowering the refresh rate or lowering the render resolution but most of the time people prefer to have a higher resolution over refresh rate um but you basically want something that's stable so there's two option you can go for either the high or the low the the third option I guess is um for flight Sim games like macrosoft flight Sim or DCS there is the option to enable a synchronous space warp which will uh lead us onto the next setting which is to do with oculus debug tool so bundled with the installer there's this Oculus debug tool app and that's located in C program files Oculus supports Oculus Diagnostics So within there there's this Oculus debug tool so I've just made a shortcut for this on my desktop so if you double click that that'll bring up this little goey here so this is where some of the important settings that you'll want to alter the key one being the encode bit rate so this is the the video bandwidth available for the link connection so I believe this maxes out to 940 which you can't actually enter directly on the guy if you try and enter a number it limits it to 500 so if I try 510 for example it stops it won't go any higher than that so 500 is the Lim you can type in but in order to get around this all you need to do is just open up notepad type in 940 then you can copy and paste that in so it's a cheeky little hack for uh enabling a higher bit rate perhaps in future Updates this will go up higher but that's that's as far as it can go at the moment but it does make a difference so if your system and your link connection gives you a high enough speed then try turning that up if when you turn that up you tend to get disconnects then maybe lower that down but that that should give you the best video link con action the other key setting to look at which I mentioned briefly was this asynchronous space warp so this is basically fake frame generation so if you can't reach 90 htz um but you can get close to 45 or over then what you want to do is go into the asynchronous space warp setting here and I'd set this to force 45 FPS sdw enabled so this is quite a popular setting for slower flight Sim type games um the other option is you could just leave it on auto but the problem with auto is if you're going above the refresh rate like 90 HZ then back below it again you'll you'll find there'll be a slight bit of stutter as it switches between on and off so your best bet is even just having it off when you don't need the extra fake frame boost or just force it enabled I'll just quickly go over some of the other settings are in here the fov tangent multiplier this is sometimes handy if you're running on like a system that's really struggling to to run even on the lowest settings this essentially lets you alter the fov that's rendered onto the headset so you can reduce this to say 80% by adding 0.8 so so that'll reduce both the vertical and horizontal fov by 20% down to 80 uh but like I say you can either leave that default on zero or one and that'll give you the full fov so that's really there if if you if you're stuck for a bit more performance and there's no other option you can't lower the graphics or anything like that video code deck leave that on h264 h265 doesn't seem to play nicely with wide link I think it's mainly for air link Distortion curvature if you got high performance pc leave that on low if you're struggling for performance move this to high so counterintuitively low is better quality and higher is lower lower quality slash dcoding this is on by default but if you ever seee any white banding or artifacts you can sometimes get rid of that by turning that off this just affects the way in which the video image is sent to the headset and the final setting that I'll go over is the visible Hood so if you're trying to see what kind of performance you're getting in the headset then just drop this down to Performance and you'll be able to see what FPS is being attained and this is a good way to check whether um asynchronous space warp is on or off um so if your headset is set set to 90 HZ but asdw is set to 45 you'll see on the performance counter uh the FPS will be set at 45 so depending on which settings you change you may need to restart the app alternatively you can just unplug the headset VI the USB cable and plug it back in and over on the Oculus debug tool there is a restart Oculus service so for some of these you may need to so if you change the the encode bit rate for example you might need to start that but asynchronous space warp tends to work without a restart so what you want to do next is once we're all connected and we've got the settings that we want we just want to pop the headset on and then go to Oculus link and connect so if you want to launch a game in VR once you've got Oculus connected you'll want to either launch it via the headset or via the steam Library itself so this is what I tend to I tend to just launch it from Steam and then you get some options here whether you want a playing 2D via steam VR or via Oculus VR so when you've got the Oculus option uh I tend to run that it does perform slightly better in in Oculus mode uh in this particular game some games won't have this in which case you'll have to launch it in Steam VR mode only so we'll launch this in Oculus VR mode so now we've got it open you'll see the game has rendered a side by side left eye right eye view uh you can actually see what's being shown directly in the headset by by firing up another app called Oculus mirror which is in the same location as the Oculus debug tool so we'll just open this up here so we can see exactly what is being seen by the headset so if I just move this around now you can see it's moving I'll just quickly cover some of the steam settings so this is the new steam VR UI it's actually the first time I've looked at it since the update um but the key thing you want to check out is if down on the left side you want to go to VR settings and I'd make sure that you don't have an auto because again steam VR will try and get guess what resolution to pick based on the specification of your PC so just move that over to custom and then I leave that 100% so this resolution should then reflect the resolution you've set in the Oculus app by the render resolution so this is the global setting applied to the headset across all games you can just go into the per application video setting which applies to steam VR games and you can tweak the resolution and fov and a bunch of other settings here on a per game basis so this would be the way I would tweak dirt rally 2 for example um and I'd leave this on 100% on custom so that covers it for most of the basic settings on meta link on the quest free for some games you may find that they support open XR natively such as Microsoft flight simulator and iRacing and now DCs so in those cases it's worth checking out the open XR toolkit which allows you to enable additional features that may not be available in the game natively such as fiated rendering you can also apply the open XL toolkit to even some games that don't support open XR via open composite but I've done a video covering this separately so if you want to do some further research and understand what the open actar toolkit is I'll leave a link in the description below on how you can gain a bit more performance using these third party tools all right that's it for the quest free quick start guide hope you found this useful till next time bye for now [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Ham VR
Views: 62,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Virtual Reality, VR Gaming, Sim Racing, VR Sim Racing, Quest 3 PCVR Settings, Quest 3 best settings PC, Quest 3 Link Cable, Quest 3 PCVR Setup, Quest 3 PCVR Tutorial, Quest 3 PCVR Guide, Quest 3 Sim Racing, Quest 3 Setup, Quest 3 PC Setup, Quest 3 PC Hardware
Id: 0BEvYByl8Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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