Meta / Oculus Quest 2 - Install and Setup for Dummies! Full Tutorial!

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welcome back everybody so if you find yourself with a oculus quest 2 but no idea what's going on and how to set this thing up well this is the video for you we're going to step through the whole setup so you know what you need to do when you get one of these in your hands now a few things to get started this doesn't require a computer so you don't need a pc at all for the quest too that's what's really nice just the headset and a couple of other things that are important so one you'll need some kind of device iphone android tablet something that you can use and you'll also need a facebook account i know everybody doesn't like the whole facebook thing but facebook bought oculus as part of their family so to really set this thing up correctly you have to have a facebook account moving forward so once you have the oculus quest 2 you have some type of mobile device and you have a facebook account set up it's game on so first thing let's take a look real quick at what you get inside the box so that you know what each of the pieces is what all you should expect to have in there and then i'll also show you how to plug it up to charge it as well it's kind of strange because it comes with this little protective material on the sides of the paper stuff that you have to take off and it hides the port and sometimes people don't take that paper off and they're like how do you charge it well once you get all the packing off of it you'll see the little slot on the side it's a usbc connection but let's go ahead and jump in and look at these things and then we'll move on to the setup the packaging is rather nice if not a little simple but once you get the box open it's all right there so you've got your two controllers you've got the headset itself you have a little spacer for glasses then inside of the box you've got the charging cable and the brick and that's what you plug into the wall and cable goes there and then cable goes into the headset itself now when you get the headset ready you'll want to pull those little plastic tabs off the lenses you'll take the paper off the outside of the unit itself and then when it comes time to adjust it you just stick your hands in like this and you can slide those left and right and they're connected so you can do one side and it'll make both move at the same time to charge the unit you'll grab the brick plug in one end of the usb c cable to that and then as you can see on the side of the unit there's another usbc port now that you know what all the bits and pieces are let's get into the meat of stuff right so i've got the headset and i have adjusted the lenses and you can just stick your hand in there don't touch the glass but you can slide them back and forth to the width of your eyes and then the headset the headband you know velcro here on top and then these just pull side to side so fit this onto your head and make sure it fits and then it's time to do the setup the problem with this is there's no way for me to export the video of what's going on in here to you so what i'm going to do is talk through the setup as i do it and i'll try and overlay some graphics to help you understand what's going on but i want you to hear exactly what's happening as i do this so that when you do it it won't be a surprise to you even though you can't see what i'm doing you'll be able to understand the steps so that you're ready for them so i'm going to take these off and we're going to get after it the power button is right here on the side so there's a volume button way down here power button here and then on the far side you've got headphone jack and then your usb c power and this can also connect you to a computer i believe but that's for a different day so here we go this is going to look really good all right so uh when i turn this on it tells me to grab the controller so it shows has two hands in front of me with the controllers and i can't see them so i have to pull them out here okay one and two all right now uh and then they'll fit in your hands like this so that the these inside buttons are pointed inside okay and then there's a blue arrow button that you will aim at that points to the right that you'll click on all right then it asks for your language and you can use uh this up and down button to move up and down or you can point and i'm going to select english which was already selected click the blue arrow that goes to the right it shows a animated character come up and it says check the clarity adjust the headset on your face until you can see the screen clearly and i'm half blind so i can't see any of this stuff clearly but it's good enough i can actually read it fine this for me is better than the the old riffs click continue and i'm using the trigger button it now shows you how you can adjust the lens spacing and you just basically stick your hands in grab one of the lenses they're connected with a gear mechanism on the inside and then slide it in or out and it'll click click click or click click click for me i have a huge head so i had to move it the furthest ones outside click the continue button when you have that done if you needed to take it off and do that okay now it's putting me in like a little bubble world and it says please stay seated for setup find a seat with space to move your arms before continuing and hey great you guys can see me doing this continue wi-fi let's add a wi-fi network so it will find the available ones that are out there click on yours then it's going to ask you for the password it puts up a menu in front of you of of of a keyboard so you can click on um the the the password and you just need to kind of peck out your your password and select items with the uh the trigger again and then once you have the password in connect says saved connecting obtaining ip address searching for wi-fi networks and should be done now okay so music plays and it says review your safety guide and it shows a little animated character doing such it says it's designed for ages 13 and up there's always an uproar when folks see children using this they say find a nice area and clear it out so that you have a smooth floor space only use this indoors you never want to really get direct light on the lenses and then it asks you to create a guardian boundary right then it says you need to then choose appropriate content and it's just showing a animated tennis match now and the characters are all happy and it shows people playing the game this is all animated all right now safety you have to acknowledge the safety information and now it says your headset is updating to the latest software i assume that if you buy this it won't be updated to the most current one and i am downloading update one of two you can then it also gives you a disclaimer you can remove your headset keep your headset charging it will play a sound when the update is complete so um this uh this looks like it might take a while so i'm gonna set this down and pick it up when it beeps at me the updates have finished so let's see what this thing says to me it beeped pretty loud it says pair your headset to the oculus mobile app to continue setup and it has a five digit number and this must mean that i need to have the app installed on my phone that i can then pair with so this is a great time to install the app so let's uh let's see how we do that so i'm doing this on a apple iphone and to get started i open up the app store and then i'm going to go to the search function and look for oculus app and for me it's the very top thing that popped up so i then just hit on the download now i've downloaded this in the past if you've never downloaded it you'll want to you know purchase it so to speak it's free once you have it downloaded then open it up and it's going to ask you to connect with facebook say yes and give your life away to facebook and then it'll log you in to oculus now once you get logged in it's going to want to pair your headset with your phone right and if you remember it gave you a code in the past well for me i didn't actually have to do that i just said pair and it went ahead and did it alright so now we are at the create guardian boundary section and i need my hands and i can't see them when i have this handset on so that's why i have to take this off and then put it back on okay so i will continue all right now it's asking me to confirm floor level in a real setup which is what you'll be doing you should be standing up in a cleared area at this point and it's asking you to confirm the floor level so look around and you'll see these little purple squares that should be at the same level as your floor if they're not hit reset but if they are hit confirm now i'm just going to stay in my seat for the purposes of this video and i'm going to hit confirm now it says define your play area point your controller at the floor press and hold the trigger which is this one right here and then draw the boundary um it recommends a play area of six and a half foot by six and a half foot or greater um now i'm just going to spin around in my chair and make this uh for the video all right so i made a circle um i guess it has identified that i did correctly make a circle so let's say you have the option to continue i've done sore done so um confirm stationary boundary now you can look around and you'll see the purple um pluses have moved to the wall and if you move your hand with a controller into where that area is you can see how you can kind of touch the virtual wall it's really cool so i'm going to say yeah this is good and your your menu will follow your head around so i'm looking this way and it comes in front of me and now it's back still in front of me so i'm going to confirm my boundary and now it says reset your view to try it turn your head in a different direction then press and hold the oculus button to recenter uh the screen and the oculus button is the one with o on it and what that's saying is if you need to point this way but you want your menu to be in front of you you can look at that push the button and it'll pop the menu over there and i'm going to click the continue button now it says device setup complete click the oculus button all right oculus button clicked all right now it says install your apps choose apps from your library now i already have a library set up so that i can actually choose some apps that i purchased before to install on this and that's all linked through my oculus account which is linked to facebook it's all kind of one thing now so i'm going to skip installing these apps as that you probably won't have any apps to install and then now you are at a main menu and this is pretty pretty straightforward that's i think for folks that have not had any setup before this is where you're carried through a tutorial um where it introduces you on how to use all of the the the handset and that kind of stuff how to move things around how to interact with the world how to touch things um and it's pretty cool you can do that for quite a while and enjoy it but at this point things are set up and you're ready to go i'm going to go ahead and take this off so that i can talk to you a little bit more and so let's let's recap what we've covered in this setup video so the things that you need are the oculus quest 2 itself you need a mobile device some kind of phone i use a iphone you need wi-fi in your home and uh facebook yeah so those are the things that you need to be successful at setting this up and you'll have some amount of content that you can use out of the box although i would be prepared to buy a game or two when you first get this so if you're doing this on christmas expect to set up the app in your phone get the the oculus all set up and then go in and purchase a couple of apps to play you know something like beat saber is really great to get started with this fun little app and it's kind of uh something that any age can enjoy and it is you know there's no mature content or anything out there it's just their blocks and you're chopping them up with some virtual lightsabers with with uh with music and it's pretty cool um so that's all it takes to really jump in and get started with the quest uh the oculus quest 2 number two the one that's available and you know my guess is that a lot of people are going to be opening the opening these up for christmas because this is a stellar stellar device it's really enjoyable it's super fun and this is a step above anything that they've had before from the rift line you don't need a pc it's not tethered you don't have all these cables and it's really really nice now in the future we'll do some advanced videos that will allow you to use your home network to connect to your pc from the headset and play some advanced games that require more horsepower than what you have available in the headset so you know they've really thought this through there are a lot of cool options that you have to play games that are only inside of the headset itself or things that require more horsepower that you can use ethernet or your wi-fi to tether to your pc and use some of that horsepower there but like i said to get started all you need are those things that we listed out before and you could be very successful and get this thing going in about 15 minutes so thanks for watching you know let me know your experience and if there's anything that i've left out when you watch this so if i've omitted something by mistake let us know down in the comments below so that everybody can have a really good experience when they set this up for themselves so like subscribe please subscribe super important and enjoy your oculus quest too and welcome to the oculus family [Music] you
Channel: Jiles McCoy
Views: 412,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oculus quest 2 setup, oculus quest 2, virtual reality, quest 2, oculus quest 2 unboxing, how to setup oculus quest 2, oculus quest 2 setup guide, oculus quest 2 games, oculus quest 2 tips, oculus quest, virtual reality games, oculus quest 2 review, beat saber, best vr headset, oculus quest 2 gameplay, oculus quest 2 tips & tricks, oculus rift, vr headset, meta, meta quest 2, meta quest pro, quest 2 setup, oculus quest 2 setup tutorial, setting up oculus quest 2
Id: H_4qvBJDolQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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