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hi guys and welcome back to VR centrals where we talk about the practical uses of virtual reality today this is a emergency video because this is very time sensitive you must watch the details of the content from the beginning until the end of today's video as we're here to talk about the Oculus Quest 3 sorry The Meta Quest 3 Link cable there are some things that you must know especially if you're somebody who just bought your meta Quest 3 for the very first time or you're someone who's not in VR who's not used to different things and you bought this because you wanted to get into pcvr for whatever reason because of course you wanted the best of the best in terms of Graphics in terms of experience inside of virtual reality and you bought yourself a Link cable so that you can basically hook it up from your headset directly inside of your computer to have the most Optimum settings as of course with the Quest three as it's all with the cable there the airlink of course is not that great the graphics aren't good do go and check out my video yesterday about my full review using five different games with airlink by the way at 200 MVPs with everything Switched Off in my house and only the computer hooked up with a cat 8 cable to my router which is literally a meter away I mean honestly I was really shocked it's possible that the graphics got a lot of defect due to update recently to Nvidia or also to the update of the quest 3 and do go and check out all the latest updates that just occurred to the quest 3 in the link description below the like button as well but yeah guys we need to talk about this we need to talk about the Link cable and what you need to know before you go and make your purchase so let's go to the screen here just want to show you guys now the Link cable that I actually have is this one which was sent to me by zyber VR and one of you very very rightfully pointed it out that it is only 2,500 GB per second of transmission data now this is not actually the best on the market so I do not advise I repeat I do not advise that you get this cable if you want Optimum Graphics okay but you can still get 15% discount on any other item inside of the zav vr.com so do use the promotional code VR Essentials as most of the other stuff that they have over there honestly it's fantastic including this strap here which is really really awesome really good stuff I love it and also the power bank which lasts for hours and is really good however this cable here I would not advise that you get it because it's 2,500 gab U gigabytes per second okay 2,000 MVPs that's not too bad that's fine but the fact is that is not going to give you the optimum Graphics that is for sure so if we go to the link cable the official Link cable which cost by the way an arm and a leg or almost a kidney to buy it is very very expensive it only provides by the way uh if I go so it's 16 feet long o let me click on this again 4.6 mm okay black um USB 3.2 and it's only in terms of bandwidth again 5 gbt per second so it's already better already better is double the amount from the cable that I was sent by zyber VR of course and do go and check out all the other F1 2023 VR Mode live streams that I've done on the channel using the Oculus Link cable you'll get to see the kind of Graphics that I'm getting honestly they're pretty good I'm very happy with them but they're not Optimum they're not the best so I need to be able to try with the Link cable with a faster gigabyte per second before I can give you my full review of this which is why this is an emergency time sensitive video and do hit the notification Bell after you subscribe to make make sure you don't miss time sensitive future videos on the channel as well and do us a favor hit the likes so more people can discover today's video of course and together we can grow the VR Essentials YouTube Community but let's go back to this so it's 5 gbt per second which again is not the best guys so if we go to Amazon there is a cable by the way which is by Joo and I have written to them I am part of their uh affiliate plan however I'm not going to put any links below yet because I'm asking them to send me the cable first for testing before I will promote or tell you that you should go and buy it because I need to make sure the quality is good first okay very very important here I don't just put things for the sake of putting things you are extremely important to me and what you use what you purchase from me my recommendation is extremely extremely important for me okay so anyway there is this cable available that I found on Amazon where not only it can also TR charge while you're playing which basically means you do not need a power bank whatsoever as it will keep your headset powered on for as long as you're basically playing is what it's saying although is this dangerous for the overheating I'm not quite sure I'll have to do some testing I prly like cables that drain a little bit to be honest with you because it just gives me some safety that you know it's not going to put too much draining on the actual fan of the headset itself even though it is fantastic to have something that can keep things running forever never and you know the battery never never goes down sure it's the perfect dream right I'm just saying I don't know I I I would like to be careful on these kind of things but most importantly the other thing is the actual gigabytes per second 10 gigabytes per second everybody this is double than the Oculus Quest official cable this is a 2X everybody and it's a 3X or 4X from the 2.5 gbt per second so normally by ride the graphics should be much better I have asked them to send me the cable and if they don't I'll just buy it I'll just try and then I'll do a review so do hit the notification Bell after you subscribe everybody to be notified of that video as to when I will basically provide you the details of you know that review because they also have other cables on the on you know in their store um that also don't charge the headset as you basically use it but they also still provide 10 G per second of transmitted data so if I just go to the website very quickly which is this one here you'll see these guys basically specialize in gaming accessories that's what they do they're all about gaming everybody so normally by write you know and here's the cable again it says sold out on the website just FYI um but yeah I mean they specialize in gaming stuff stuff and it just looks really good so I decided to give them a call send them an email and they have responded and I'm now waiting for the right person in charge to reply to me to send me the cable so hopefully they'll send me this cable plus the other cable which doesn't which still drains the the power of the battery because I just want to test I want to make sure that the actual headset can withstand a cable that keeps the headset charg whilst it's playing and not do like it did last time kill my o smth Quest 3 and do go and check out that video in the link description below the like button as well I'll put it down there it's phenomenal because it overheat it I just die completely using airlink Okay using airlink so you know hopefully not the same will happen if I use with the Link cable and I plug something in to keep it basically charged but there you go guys this is the video I wanted to do today emergency time sensitive video you must know about this it's very important for me that I communicate that I educate you about the very different things out there if you're going to buy a Link cable be careful make sure you buy a good cable which has a lot of the maximum or the most modern technology that's available today 2.5 gigabytes per second I mean gbbs per second is not the best on the market it's not the official Oculus metalquest cable is five is double and now there's another cable which is double the one of the Oculus official cable so go figure so guys there you go hope you like this video hope you got something out of it smash like so more people can discover today's video and we could grow the community of your Essentials on YouTube together all right guys see you another video very soon bye
Channel: VR Essentials
Views: 15,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meta quest 3, meta quest 3 updates, meta quest 3 news, meta quest 3 link cable update, meta quest 3 best cable for pcvr, bext meta quest 3 pcvr tips and tricks, ultimate meta quest 3 link cable accessory, meta quest 3 what to know before buying the link cable, meta quest 3 link cable bug fix, meta quest 3 link cable comparison, meta quest 3 link cable GBPS optimization, meta quest 3 link cable secrets, meta quest 3 how to best pcvr graphics, quest 3 link cable latency, quest 3 vr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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