Meta Quest 3 VS Quest 2 - Save Or Go All in ? ┃ visual Quality Review for PC VR

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welcome back channel members subscribers and cheeky like button clickers to the te Appreciation Society of gamer muscle videos and this video where I'm going to be comparing the meta Quest 2 with the meta Quest 3 and this video is specifically for people that are looking to buy one of these headsets either new or who have a Quest 2 and are thinking oh should I upgrade to a quest 3 I just don't know so uh in order to help you guys and to go through this one of the things I have done is I've got a DJI pocket 3 here which is absolutely bloody incredible as a vlogging camera um I put the wideangle lens on it and I pop that in front of the lenses so that should help give an idea of what the different quality images like uh through the various headsets although it's not going to be like what it looks like with your eye uh if you're interested in this DJI pocket by the way check out our review on it I absolutely love this camera so um yes the two headsets um before I get into the into the differences as well it's worth saying that it's the 1 of the 2 2024 and at this point in time uh there's only the quest three later this year it looks like a quest three light is going to come out and that will likely use for nail lenses instead of pancake lenses and maybe have some other features removed from it but largely be very similar to what the quest 3 is and that will be a lot harder for people to choose for PC VR for example um than this this choice between the Quest 2 and the quest 3 but at the moment we've only got these two headsets and uh with the quest 3 coming out you're already starting to see a lot of the quest 2os appearing secondhand and the price of this has obviously just got cheaper and cheaper over time so um keeping the pricing in mind uh I would say if you can obviously buy the more expensive headset but no if you're buying a headset brand new the quest 3 is substantially better than the Quest 2 and the main ways that it's substantially better are that um the the lenses is probably the biggest thing in that the image is very clear edgo Edge The Sweet Spot is absolutely huge um and it makes it makes the image super super comfortable to look at uh way more comfortable than pretty much any other headset that I've used I actually find the quest 3 more comfortable than the vario arrow in terms of just how you can look around the the image and everything's in everything sharp and it just it just makes sense um the resolution of the quest 3 is also a little bit higher than the The Quest 2 and the field of view of the quest 3 is also a little bit higher than the quest two but it feels uh a lot higher than the quest two uh even though I don't think it's a huge amount but it's it's enough that makes quite a difference now also and this is weird that this applies to pcvr the quest three uh runs a lot faster than the Quest 2 and and it means that you can have a higher bit rate using a Link cable and presumably also High bit rates when using a virtual desktop and other tools for like linking air link and what have you I've not tested all of them out but based off uh the Link cable I'd imagine this this this this applies as well and it just it just seems to work much more seamlessly with everything it connects faster it interacts faster I have fewer issues when I've used this with the PC it's just a lot more seamless and a much more pleasant device to use on its own but also when you plug it into a PC now I would say so uh if you if you're on an absolute budget and you wanted to get a VR headset for like let's say this is 200 or £150 The Quest 2 will let you get into VR obviously you can play games on the headset itself um it's got the hand track tracking everything you can really enjoy VR you can really experience VR and it's a great way for a new person to try VR for the first time and when using a Link cable and with simulators it feels like you're sat in a car or it feels like you're sat in a plane you you can see what's going on with it um you you can play the games perfectly fine it passes a resolution uh on the headset where you don't feel crippled like you don't feel like your eyes don't work at all uh but it is definitely a a lot lot blurrier than the quest three and um I do find this a lot more fatiguing to use than the quest 3 like immediately as soon as you put this on you feel like you can't fully focus on things maybe stuff that's right next to you but if you're looking into the distance flight Sims driving Sims you really do notice fatigue and then a big thing with the quest to is that when you uh look around you stuff at the edge is like quite blurry additionally blurry a lot more sort of uh fringing and that you know that just kind of uncomfortable so you have to look your head more to actually see stuff at the side and uh actually resolve things and even then even when you're resolving stuff as I say it's never as sharp as the uh Quest 3 is also the contrast for some reason seems worse uh with the uh Quest two than the quest three uh but the biggest the biggest issue with the with the quest two and this for me is is the the uh deal breaker or the game not Game Changer game breaker is with the Fel lenses or these lenses and lenses that are on a lot of VR headsets older VR headsets um The Sweet Spot is small and what I mean by The Sweet Spot is where you've got your headset on in like the ideal position so it's as sharp as it can be if you move the headset just a small amount or it wobbles or the ipd is slightly wrong then the image gets substantially more blurry and that is just really not a problem with the quest 3 like you can have this headset be really wrong or your ipd be really quite wrong and is still really sharpening Focus there is a limit to this what you notice more with the quest three is that when you move it uh the actual brightness and contrast of the image gets worse rather than it getting blur there is a limit still but like the actual box that your eye can resolve in or rest in for it to all be sharp is huge on this and uh so when you're driving I never really have to adjust the headset after I've got going or if I'm playing room scale games I'm not having to constantly get the headset into a sweet spot so I can see clearly or you know I'm not having to like lock the headset to my head to make sure that it doesn't move so that it's in The Sweet Spot like I can have this on my head a lot lighter and be confident that if it moves a little bit it really doesn't matter so that that component of the smaller sweet spot is a really huge negative for the Quest 2 um also as well when you look around just rotating your head with the quest too uh and I think it might be also your eyes moving I believe it might be called pupil swim um you do notice a lot more sort of distortion and warping of the image which you might like ignore over time when you do get used to it um that's one of the things actually the valve index does really well it doesn't really tend to do that but the Oculus headsets historically have had quite a big problem with that um you might not notice that you might ignore it it might not bother you but for me again that is something that just makes me feel a bit motion sick a bit queasy and is a a subtle thing that over time just really annoys me and it's something that's not a problem on the quest 3 like the image as you turn your head or move your eyes around and everything it looks like it looks right looks a little bit like you know when you wear glasses it's not completely perfect but it it it really feels it feels so it just feels natural feels like a much more natural image whereas this feels like a VR headset image if that makes sense um worth also saying as well with the Quest 2 you do definitely notice that sort of screen door effect and it's kind of like a old TV or VHS kind of scan lining type effect a bit uh you notice that on the quest too even the headset screen is reasonably high resolution you really do notice it and it's hard to sort of completely look past unless you were playing room scale games but in driving Sims and flight Sims when you look in the distances you can't really look past it but with the quest three um it's it's fine like it again it looks it looks almost eye quality image like the stuff might be a little bit blurred in the distance and might not be perfect but I feel that that's often to do with me not being able to run the game due to as high resolution or with as much AA or as much sharpening or what have you so that's the issue is my computer not being fast enough not a fundamental issue with the with the screen and the lens technology on the headset like even with a 3080 you are not maxing out the quality of the image that this can display at 90 HZ uh so yeah the uh the the the the quest 3 is actually bloody Magic iCal um really really magical the the quality of the image but for me is somethingone that's really sensitive to that um absolutely absolutely mindblowing um General Comfort I've not really mentioned because I think both headsets if you put a strap on them I've not got a strap on this at the moment but uh if you put a strap on either headset I think they're both quite comfortable to wear Quest three more comfortable again as I say because of those aspects of the uh lenses uh meaning that you don't have to be as sensitive with it with its mov movement um I do find that the quest three again I think maybe the facial interface I've got on it or they just it seems to be it just seems a bit more comfortable generally speaking when using even this in the default configuration with the strap to me feels a bit more comfortable than the quest two though still without strappy both headsets are pretty bad in that regard um so yeah the the only people I would recommend buying outright a quest two over a quest three would be someone that's absolutely on a budget maybe you're in a in a country or territory where you just don't have that kind of money and you're just going to have to wait for this to get cheaper then secondhand one of these or cheap one of these that's fine you know uh but otherwise just get Quest three the upgrade component of this if you already had a quest two and you're like um should I get a quest three well it's it's it's hard to say in in a in in some ways because for me 100% uh the difference would be so this is like having a a 1080p TV that's at 60 htz and this is like having 120 HZ 4K TV that that that would be how I would summarize it in with other technology you know so for me yeah um the comfort and everything just yeah totally but then I know there's some people that are happy playing uh console games at 30 HZ 30 FPS and I know there's some people like uh some people don't have never used a game monitor so you know they'll be like Oh I'm happy with my 1080p 60 HZ monitor whereas I'm the type of person I I don't know I'm a bit weird but I've you after using an OLED screen I'm like oh dear God I find it impossible to use a a non-oled screen or it's just really really noticeable or once once you use a gaming monitor go go to like 120 HZ or even 90 HZ over 60 HZ it's like okay I just can't use 60 HZ anymore I I just that that the sort of thing it's like 1080p 60 versus 4K 120 uh plus everything else with this device just works better if you're going to play games that are on it and you're going to do like you want to play some augmented reality games which I think are going to start picking up more because they're actually really quite interesting and uh I think they have a much wider appeal um and yeah just just the general Clarity and quality I mean if you're going to be playing stuff like Pavlov you play onwards either if you're playing it on the headset or if you're playing it through your PC again I I mean I was playing onward uh through Steam link and uh oh my God like just the way that you can just look down and see like you don't have to turn your head as much to just see stuff it's so much more comfortable that I would I would totally personally I would totally upgrade I'd sell this Quest two as soon as possible to get as much for it as possible before the uh Quest three light comes out and I would I would get a a a a quest three as soon as possible but I could again to be clear I know there's some people that could be happy with this and could continue using it and maybe maybe they want to wait to see like a year or two two years time what the next thing is but there's that hope that a steam VR headset will come out the Apple headset don't know what Apple are thinking so uh the issue more with the quest three would be if you want to get the most out of it you're going to want to upgrade PC so there's a real risk that you get this and you're like oh god oh no I'm going to now I've got to get a faster computer to push it to the Max and really have your your face blown off um so yeah that that I think pretty much covers all the main the main aspects of it to be honest uh this if you can get it cheap bloody good introduction to VR it works it's not broken data rates small that you can put through it it just doesn't work as seamless uh but uh the the quest three is uh it's it's it's dreamy uh so what we're going to need to do next is a comparison between the quest three and the valve index and uh really see which wins out on that because for me the uh valve index uh has been my favorite VR headset that might have changed oh dear so look out for that but uh let me know in the comments if you got any questions in the comments um I'll I'll try and answer them there because you might have really specific stuff that that you want to uh ask and then I can just directly answer that stuff to be as helpful as possible really but uh hopefully this is useful for channel members I'm making these VR videos mostly for channel members and VR fans uh you know that's that's it hopefully it's useful for you guys so uh yeah thanks for watching this uh take care thanks for supporting us and uh I'll see you in the next video we do check out the end screen music that we've got now though guys [Music] goodbye you are cooking itow slow slow you are cooking as low you are ping [Music] as
Channel: GamerMuscleVideos
Views: 10,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation, sim, gamermuscle, Gamer, vr, quest 2, quest 3, meta, virtual reality, review, comparison, technolgy, tech, link, lense, games, info, pancake, critical, apple vision pro, apple visoin, ar
Id: oENTCtxcA18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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